Time Nick Message 00:00 jojoa1997 where is it defined that bubbles work 00:00 Smelly Everything is named good it seems 00:00 PilzAdam jojoa1997, several files 00:01 Smelly Could it be something else? I know this is annoying of me to ask ask ask 00:01 Smelly But please dont leave me hanging lol 00:01 PilzAdam Smelly, rename the folder to "worldedit" 00:01 [0gb_us] "MineTest-WorldEdit-1.0" is not a valid name. 00:02 jojoa1997 PilzAdam where can i enable breathing(in minetest_game) 00:02 PilzAdam what? 00:03 Smelly I have done that 00:03 Smelly Same thing 00:03 Smelly Their must be a funky name in here and I am blind 00:03 PilzAdam Smelly, no, look at debug.txt again 00:03 Smelly Any ideas on what 00:03 Smelly ok 00:03 PilzAdam worldedit is the correct name 00:03 jojoa1997 PilzAdam i want to add breathing to my game but idk where i am supposed to do it 00:04 Smelly 20:02:34: ERROR[main]: ModError: Failed to load and run C:\Users\J\Desktop\Minetest\minetest-0.4.7\bin\..\mods\worldedit\init.lua 00:04 PilzAdam jojoa1997, you mean you want to add drowning? 00:04 PilzAdam Smelly, anything else? 00:05 Smelly Nope, I can do it again and get a fresh debug 00:05 jojoa1997 yes 00:05 jojoa1997 i want to enable drowning 00:06 jojoa1997 but the game file is of a while ago 00:06 Smelly 20:05:03: ERROR[main]: Server: Failed to load and run C:\Users\J\Desktop\Minetest\minetest-0.4.7\bin\..\mods\worldedit\init.lua 20:05:03: ERROR[main]: ModError: Failed to load and run C:\Users\J\Desktop\Minetest\minetest-0.4.7\bin\..\mods\worldedit\init.lua 00:06 PilzAdam jojoa1997, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L2019 00:06 jojoa1997 thanks 00:06 PilzAdam Smelly, pastebin the last ~20 lines of debug.txt 00:07 Smelly 20:05:03: ERROR[main]: ========== ERROR FROM LUA =========== 20:05:03: ERROR[main]: Failed to load and run script from 20:05:03: ERROR[main]: C:\Users\M\Desktop\Minetest\minetest-0.4.7\bin\..\mods\worldedit\init.lua: 20:05:03: ERROR[main]: cannot open C:\Users\M\Desktop\Minetest\minetest-0.4.7\bin\..\mods\worldedit\init.lua: No such file or directory 20:05:03: ERROR[main]: =======END OF ERROR FROM LUA ======== 20:05:03: ERROR[main] 00:08 PilzAdam Smelly, for some reason there is no init.lua in the mod 00:08 PilzAdam make sure that you dont use sub-folders there 00:08 Smelly Well its a folder, and inside it a folder 00:08 Smelly with all the stuff 00:08 Smelly Should I make it one folder 00:09 PilzAdam yes 00:09 Smelly ok let me try that 00:10 Smelly Okay 00:10 Smelly It says in the config file 00:11 Smelly you,yea you this requires 0.4.8 00:11 Smelly that my thing is to old 00:11 PilzAdam yes, you need a dev version of Minetest 00:11 PilzAdam it doesnt work with 0.4.7 stable 00:11 Smelly Ugh, is this for all mods 00:12 PilzAdam no, go to the worldedit topic again and download the 0.4.7 version 00:12 Smelly hang on I dont think their is one 00:12 Smelly https://github.com/Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit/releases/tag/1.0 00:12 Smelly thats the link 00:13 Smelly Do you see one for 0.4.7? 00:13 Smelly I am so sorry I am bothering you so much 00:13 Smelly I tought I be in and out by now 00:13 PilzAdam "0.6: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/302 … dit0.6.zip Requires Minetest 0.4.7" 00:13 PilzAdam that seems to be 0.4.7 version 00:14 PilzAdam (see forum topic) 00:15 Smelly What forum? 00:16 Smelly I am trying a different one 00:16 Smelly by sfan5 00:16 PilzAdam https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=572 00:18 PilzAdam sfan5, lol, https://github.com/Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit/blob/272541c9dadc57b0f1dfa54c74f8b0173c4dc07d/worldedit/manipulations.lua#L547 00:18 PilzAdam why dont you use mani 00:18 PilzAdam *p:update_map() ? 00:19 Smelly on sfans which one do I download 00:19 Smelly so many downloadable links 00:20 PilzAdam Smelly, see above 00:20 PilzAdam "0.6: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/302 … dit0.6.zip Requires Minetest 0.4.7" 00:20 PilzAdam that seems to be 0.4.7 version 00:20 Smelly I get an error 00:20 Smelly when I click it 00:20 Smelly Error (400) Something went wrong. Don't worry, your files are still safe and the Dropboxers have been notified. Check out our Help Center and forums for help, or head back to home. 00:21 PilzAdam oh well, tell sfan5 that the download link is broken then 00:21 Smelly :( 00:22 Smelly I was hoping I could get this tonight and surpirse my sis 00:22 Smelly It's not your fault 00:22 Smelly just sucks 00:22 Miner_48er what are you trying to get? 00:22 Smelly World edit 00:23 Smelly hang on 00:23 Smelly I am going try something 00:23 ShadowNinja Smelly: git clone https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit.git 00:23 Miner_48er https://github.com/Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit/archive/master.zip 00:23 ShadowNinja Or that ^. 00:24 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, have you read the logs? 00:24 PilzAdam he has 0.4.7 stable 00:24 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Then he can get an archive for a previous commit. 00:25 PilzAdam the 0.4.7 version download link from the topic is broken 00:26 Miner_48er https://github.com/minetest/minetest/archive/0.4.7.zip 00:26 PilzAdam Miner_48er, ... the 0.4.7 version of Worldedit 00:26 Smelly ok I will try that one 00:27 yyamiyyugi hey, I was wondering how i could get my entity to spawn right where i am, when i use /spawnentity (entityname) it floats one node above where i'm standing 00:27 yyamiyyugi I really wasn't wanting to have to mess with phisics or whatever for this paricular entity 00:28 yyamiyyugi *physics 00:28 ShadowNinja yyamiyyugi: Add a command, modify the default command, or move down one node. 00:29 yyamiyyugi ok then 00:29 Smelly Okay none of these downloads work 00:29 Smelly I mean, mod wise 00:29 Smelly they downloaed fine 00:29 Smelly just wont run 00:30 Smelly or when I go in world with one it says it cant find it 00:30 Smelly Now my compuer is being a douche let me relog 00:32 yyamiyyugi does minetest support locational mumble chat or whatever the feature is called? 00:34 ShadowNinja yyamiyyugi: Chat only showing up for players in range? 00:34 yyamiyyugi ya 00:35 ShadowNinja Nope, at least not without a mod. 00:35 yyamiyyugi wait, no i mean like, mumble voice chat being dependent on location 00:36 ShadowNinja Minetest has no voice chat... 00:36 yyamiyyugi so like, if your on a server while in mumble and someone says somthing but your too far away you don't hear it 00:36 ShadowNinja Hmmm, I guess mumble has some sort of API. That might be doable with a mod. 00:38 yyamiyyugi that would be a sweet, might have to play with it at some point 00:39 ShadowNinja You will probably need a external library like luasocket or LuaCURL. 00:40 yyamiyyugi lol would be a while, still learning pretty basic stuff atm 00:41 [0gb_us] Just out of curiosity, why would you want it to be dependent on your vicinity in the game? I'd understand wanting to talk to everyone or wanting to talk to only your friends/teammates, but the vicinity thing seems arbitrary and unnecessarily difficult to set up.. 00:41 yyamiyyugi for RP reasons 00:42 yyamiyyugi I'm going to open up an RP server at some point 00:42 [0gb_us] What is "RP"? 00:42 yyamiyyugi Role-Play 00:42 [0gb_us] Ah, got it. 00:42 * jojoa1997 claims maige archer 00:43 yyamiyyugi lol, not WoW or Lord of the Rings style :p 00:45 AWTom OpenGL version string: 1.4 (2.1 (4.2.12217 Compatibility Profile Context 12.104)) What does this mean? 00:46 yyamiyyugi anyone happen to know where to find the spawnentity command? 00:47 PilzAdam builtin/chatcommands.lua 00:48 yyamiyyugi thanks, was looking in the games/minetest_game/mods 00:48 yyamiyyugi :/ 00:55 AWTom I ran a minetest .deb installer, but it doesn't look like it worked. I can run "minetest" but it runs 0.3.1 00:57 PilzAdam AWTom, uninstall the version from the ubntu repos and use the PPAs that are linked at minetest.net/downloads 00:57 AWTom "This topic does not exist yet" 00:57 PilzAdam http://minetest.net/download 00:58 ShadowNinja How do you make images like this? http://wiki.minetest.net/images/5/5e/Bones.png 00:58 AWTom I have Lubuntu, I used the Ubuntu installer 01:00 ShadowNinja AWTom: The Ubuntu packages are very, very, very, very, very... out of date. 01:01 AWTom I used /minetestc55_0.4.7-0ppa1~raring1_amd64.deb 01:01 [0gb_us] Yeah, that one's up to date. 01:01 AWTom it doesn't appear to have worked 01:02 [0gb_us] Uninstall the repo one, then try installing the 0.4.7 one again. 01:02 AWTom I have 01:02 AWTom bash: /usr/games/minetest: No such file or directory 01:03 [0gb_us] normally, you can't install the 0.4.7 one if you already have the 0.3.1 one. 01:03 [0gb_us] The package names are different, but there's a file name conflict. 01:03 ShadowNinja AWTom: You can compile of course if you like... 01:03 AWTom I feel like a noob 01:03 [0gb_us] Did you try installing the .deb AFTER removing the one from the repository? 01:04 AWTom yes 01:04 [0gb_us] Also, i think it's at /usr/bin/minetest, not /usr/games/minetest. 01:04 AWTom now I purged the repo one, and it didn't work 01:04 [0gb_us] Is there a menu icon to click? 01:04 AWTom how do I change that 01:04 AWTom no 01:05 [0gb_us] purged the repo one before or after installing the .deb one though? The order you do it matters. 01:05 AWTom how do I compile minetest from source? 01:05 AWTom I've tried installing the .deb repeatedly 01:06 AWTom before and after removing the repo, and before and after purging it 01:06 [0gb_us] Okay. If you want to compile it, instructions come with the source code. 01:06 PilzAdam AWTom, how have you installed the .deb? 01:06 AWTom https://code.launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/stable/+files/minetestc55_0.4.7-0ppa1~raring1_amd64.deb 01:06 [0gb_us] http://github.com/minetest/minetest/ 01:07 AWTom That's for Ubuntu, and it should work for Lubuntu, correct? 01:07 [0gb_us] Correct. 01:07 AWTom afaik the only difference is pre-packaged software 01:07 [0gb_us] I don't know why it isn't working for you. 01:07 PilzAdam yes, but what have you done with the .deb? 01:07 AWTom installed it 01:07 PilzAdam how? 01:07 AWTom by running it? 01:08 AWTom "GDebi" 01:08 PilzAdam with a command line? or just clicking on it? 01:08 AWTom double click 01:08 AWTom anyways, now it says "same version is already installed" where as it didn't before 01:09 AWTom and where it had one option before, "install package", now it says "reinstall package" or "remove package" 01:09 AWTom no menu option to run the game 01:10 ShadowNinja AWTom: mkdir -p ~/minetest/minetest && cd ~/minetest/minetest && git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git 01:10 PilzAdam just type "minetest" into a command line and see what happens 01:10 AWTom bash: /usr/games/minetest: No such file or directory 01:10 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: He gets 0.3.1. 01:10 AWTom I've tried that command over and over 01:10 AWTom after removing, it says this 01:10 AWTom bash: /usr/games/minetest: No such file or directory 01:10 ShadowNinja "I can run "minetest" but it runs 0.3." 01:11 [0gb_us] Try running "minetestc55". 01:11 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, he has removed 0.3.1 already 01:11 AWTom I've tried 01:11 AWTom minetestc55: command not found 01:11 [0gb_us] "minetest-c55". 01:12 AWTom minetest-c55: command not found 01:12 [0gb_us] I've had the game install itself as "minetest", "minetestc55", and "minetest-c55" in the past. 01:12 PilzAdam sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install minetestc55 && minetest 01:12 PilzAdam ^ try that 01:12 [0gb_us] Hmm. I don't know. 01:12 AWTom currently installing git 01:12 PilzAdam this is how you are supposed to use a PPA 01:12 AWTom do I do what ShadowNinja says, or what PilzAdam says? 01:13 ShadowNinja AWTom: Try PilzAdam's method first. 01:14 AWTom bash: /usr/games/minetest: No such file or directory 01:14 AWTom that occurred while running what Adam said to do 01:14 PilzAdam the PPA got installed correctly? 01:14 AWTom W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems 01:14 AWTom that's been happening to me consistently recently 01:14 AWTom persisting problem 01:15 PilzAdam well, that doesnt sound good 01:15 AWTom What does "W: Duplicate sources.list entry " mean 01:15 AWTom two of those warnings 01:16 PilzAdam dunno, maybe you can get help in #ubuntu 01:16 ShadowNinja Sounds like Lubuntu is to blame... 01:16 AWTom I've been meaning to move to something 01:16 AWTom probably Debian stable 01:16 * ShadowNinja points at Arch Linux. :-) 01:17 AWTom <- Novice user 01:17 [0gb_us] ShadowNinja, Arch is definitely not for novices. 01:17 ShadowNinja I haven't tried debian, but ^. 01:18 [0gb_us] Debian is okay if you can find the drivers. 01:18 [0gb_us] (I can't find them.) 01:18 AWTom I have Radeon HD 8670D 01:19 AWTom always having driver issues with that 01:19 AWTom oh look, Minetest 0.4.7 01:19 [0gb_us] *buntu seems to have drivers for (almost) everything. I'm using it until I get a machine Trisquel has drivers for. 01:20 [0gb_us] Minetest is working now? 01:21 AWTom yes 01:21 AWTom but my FPS hovers at 50 and I have some shader errors on my screen, which just dissapeared 01:22 AWTom Oh, and I just noticed: everything around me is red 01:22 VanessaE turn shaders off then 01:22 ShadowNinja AWTom: Minetest limits it to below 60 by default. 01:22 [0gb_us] Better than mine. I usually have around 30 FPS, but around 10 lately. 01:22 AWTom how do I turn shaders off? 01:22 VanessaE in the main menu, settings tab 01:23 PilzAdam morning V 01:23 VanessaE good morning 01:24 VanessaE well, evening :) 01:24 PilzAdam its almost morning already 01:24 VanessaE only here for a short while before I head off to bed 01:24 jojoa1997 a little late for evening isnt it 01:24 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Did you see my warning about moreores? 01:24 VanessaE yes 01:29 PilzAdam bye 01:30 [0gb_us] Bye. 01:31 VanessaE ShadowNinja: re: Unified Inventory...if it were up to me, that mod would be removed entirely from Technic and moved back into its own separate repository 01:32 VanessaE (looking at the last conversation between you and Nik on the technic repo) 01:32 ShadowNinja ^ That is how I would like it to be. But RealBadAngel disagrees. 01:32 VanessaE RealBadAngel: *poke* 01:32 VanessaE we could always overrule him ;-) 01:32 ShadowNinja However I will be going now. 01:33 ShadowNinja Yes, but he has control over who can push to his repos, I don't have access to the UI repo. 01:34 VanessaE I was only kidding 01:40 yyamiyyugi whats it mean when it says " '' expected near 'end' "? 01:40 VanessaE end of file, means you probably had too many "end"'s 01:41 jojoa1997 how would i send a player a message when he or she joins a world 01:41 yyamiyyugi ah 01:43 Vazon Miner 01:43 Miner_48er ? 01:44 Vazon for somereasons the switch at the lake is cuaseing the crashes 01:44 Miner_48er ok 01:44 Vazon k 02:06 ungali I'm building mt for an older machine: aside from killing sound, what else can I do to speed things up? 03:36 Peacock i think im screwing up somewhere in gimp - im trying to make a stained glass node with use_texture_alpha, but when i set the opacity to 50% in the layer tab, it still comes out completely opaque in game :/ 03:40 Smelly Miner_48er 03:40 Miner_48er !up 30000 03:40 MinetestBot is up (290ms) 03:40 Smelly What is Vazons server ip and port 03:40 Smelly as ty 03:42 Smelly You sure thats it Miner_48er 03:42 Smelly I can not get in it seems 03:42 Exio4 hi 03:42 Smelly I thought it was 78 03:42 Miner_48er it was lagging 03:43 Exio4 Peacock: in what format do you save the texture? 03:43 Peacock png like all the others 03:43 Smelly png 03:43 VanessaE Peacock: use shaders. 03:43 VanessaE alpha doesn't work properly on some machines without. 03:44 Peacock well colouredglass works fine and theyre pngs too, though the layer tab says 100% opacity :S 03:44 Exio4 lol, didn't know about http://readwrite.com/2012/12/26/yes-randi-zuckerberg-please-lecture-us-about-human-decency 03:44 VanessaE oh! 03:44 VanessaE you can't use layer alpha 03:44 VanessaE you have to use "real" alpha 03:44 Smelly i cant get in 03:44 Smelly I will try again latter 03:44 VanessaE e.g. partially erase the image with the eraser. 03:44 Peacock how do i do that on a full texture? this stained glass has several colours in it 03:45 VanessaE use a large brush and a low opacity on the eraser :P 03:45 Peacock thats all? 03:45 VanessaE yup 03:45 Exio4 there should be more posteffects 03:45 Peacock lol i looked at a bunch of tutorials, some had me applying masks 03:45 VanessaE that's what I do anyway 03:45 Exio4 but like what 03:46 Peacock so *note to self* layer alpha is no lol 03:46 Peacock (down is good) 03:46 Peacock 03:46 VanessaE heh 03:46 VanessaE well it's useful when you're compositing several layers into a final image 03:46 Vazon ok guys i restart idk what is up with the lag 03:46 VanessaE but useless with use_texture_alpha I guess 03:47 Exio4 i thought it worked 03:47 Exio4 iirc that is what it does for me 03:47 Exio4 and the final .png is a simple layer, doesn't matter how many you have in gimp 03:47 Exio4 did * 03:47 Vazon fixed guys 03:48 Peacock well my pngs are 1 layers too, but setting the layer opacity doesn't work with texture_alpha 03:48 VanessaE yeah I don't think that is even saved into the png at al 03:48 VanessaE all* 03:54 Peacock http://s10.postimg.org/f0s55psxl/screenshot_187120309.png :-D 03:55 Peacock that worked :-) 03:55 Peacock no trousers: http://s8.postimg.org/4vvoznx6d/screenshot_170679787.png 03:55 VanessaE heh 03:57 Peacock im gonna switch the player model to 2d sprite anyhow so i thought id have fun with the 3d one :P 03:58 Peacock for some reason whenever there's lag the 3d models blacken 04:03 VanessaE bbl 05:32 sfan5 hi everyone 05:32 sfan5 facepalm: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=96014#p96014 05:39 Smelly Miner_48er 05:39 Smelly What is the name of the mod on vazons server again 05:39 Smelly with home and craft guide in one 05:39 Smelly Miner_48er 05:40 Smelly Does anyone know? it starts with an I 05:40 Smelly I just heard the word 05:40 Smelly 2 secs ago and forgot 05:40 Miner_48er unified inventory 05:40 Smelly ty 05:40 Smelly ok goodnight 05:41 sfan5 shit 05:41 Miner_48er ? 05:41 sfan5 why did Smelly need to leave just now 05:41 Miner_48er he was tired 05:41 sfan5 :--/ 05:57 Test_ RealBadAngel 05:57 Test_ Are you available? 05:58 Test_ RealBadAngel I need one moment of your time 05:59 Test_ I will try again latter 07:21 e1z0 morning 07:26 Smelly is anyone around? 07:26 Smelly RealBadAnel maybe :) 07:27 Smelly RealbadAngel * 07:27 Smelly But anyone else around as well? 07:27 Smelly sfan5 ? 07:27 e1z0 :O 07:28 Smelly Oh hello 07:28 Smelly I need some help 07:29 Smelly xiong ? 07:29 Smelly Anyone at all lol 07:29 Smelly E1z0 ? 07:29 e1z0 what do you need ? 07:29 Smelly I am having trouble installing a mod 07:30 Smelly Do you think you can help in that dept 07:30 e1z0 maybe 07:30 Smelly <_< 07:31 Smelly >_> 07:31 Calinou Smelly: ask your question 07:31 Calinou no need to highlight people randomly 07:32 Smelly Ah yes, they have helped me in the past just seeing if they where on. Not just picking names randomly lol But I know what you mean 07:32 Smelly Anyway 07:32 Smelly I cant seem to get this mod to work 07:32 Smelly It wont let me in world 07:33 Smelly So, I deleted the file and redownladed the zip 07:33 Smelly was woundering if someone can walk me through 07:33 Calinou which mod? 07:34 Smelly unified_inventory 07:34 Smelly I believe RealBadAngel made it 07:34 Smelly But he does not appear to be around as of late 07:35 Calinou https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3933 07:36 Calinou if you made sure you put the mod files properly, you could ask on the topic, and provide a console log 07:36 Smelly Yes, all was done right. darn thing just wont work 07:36 Smelly Instead of writeing on forums was woundering if someone on here can get me to get it work first 07:36 Calinou http://paste.ubuntu.com 07:37 Calinou get a console log and paste it there ^ 07:37 Smelly Thats in the debug right 07:38 xiong Smelly? 07:39 Smelly Hey Xiong 07:39 xiong How may I serve you, Sir? 07:39 Calinou yes, the debug console 07:40 Smelly Just trying to get a mod installed. I remember how you are one the top people to ask these type things 07:40 Smelly Thank you calinou 07:40 Calinou no problem 07:40 xiong No, sorry, I disclaim that title. But please, let me help if I can. 07:41 xiong What's the mod? 07:41 Smelly unified_inventory 07:42 Smelly I keep geting ModError: failed to load and run. 07:42 xiong Well, the first thing to do is check dependencies. 07:42 xiong Be sure all deps are installed and enabled. 07:43 Smelly Yes, all systems are in check and ready to go 07:43 xiong Also be sure you don't have some old version of something, gumming up the works. 07:43 Smelly Indeed I have sir 07:44 xiong Then I don't have a next step immediately to hand. I'm a very good troubleshooter but I troubleshoot machines. I'm not that good at talking other people through troubleshooting; I need to see the broken thing myself to do much good. 07:45 Smelly I understand, I thank you for helping me as much as you did. 07:45 xiong At this point, I generally look at everything and rely on my autistic eye to sound an alarm if anything is visibly out of order; and I wiggle everything available to see if it's loose. 07:46 Smelly Sounds like you seak nothing but perfection 07:46 xiong If all else fails, I read the documentation. 07:46 Smelly Yes, I will have to do that as well. 07:46 xiong Well, perfection is unattainable. But in what other direction would you strive? 07:47 Smelly Very true 07:47 Smelly On another topic of discussion. how are you? 07:48 xiong You know why I'm an unhappy man. Everyone else spent the first 12 years of my life telling me to learn everything possible, be honest, work hard, and do good. Then they spent the rest of my life laughing at me for doing just that. 07:49 Smelly Most people in this world are just ignorant. 07:52 xiong Yep. 07:52 xiong What's up with Vazon-land? 07:53 Smelly I am not sure, I know the server had a reset due to him trying to back up the server. Shame we all lost everything and must start from the bottom again. So far I know he is making the spawn-town. I asked him to set up some admin shops. I am unsure if he has yet. 08:08 Smelly I believe I may have figured this whole mod thing out 08:16 Smelly Yes, I have done it 08:17 Smelly I feel proud of myself, this is a strange feeling lol 08:17 Smelly Thank you xiong for your guidence 08:23 Smelly :) I figured it out 08:24 Smelly Well I am going to head to bed now 08:24 Smelly Vazon 08:24 Smelly Are you on? 08:24 xiong Good for you, Smelly. 08:24 Smelly Thank you xiong 08:24 xiong Looks like Vazon fell off the edge of the Earth. 08:24 Smelly I have a few already I installed the next one I need is landrush then thats reall it 08:24 xiong ... taking server with him. 08:25 Smelly lol 08:25 Smelly I am working on createing my own server as well 08:25 xiong You're starting another server, Smelly? 08:25 Smelly My own yes 08:25 xiong Why? 08:25 Smelly I have so many ideas, I just need to let them out my head 08:25 Smelly It wont be a 24.7 08:25 Smelly Only on when I am 08:25 xiong Ah, just experiments. 08:25 Smelly yes 08:26 Smelly Shareing and createing together 08:26 Smelly I will still admin on Vazons and you can find me landrush server when I do not want to be a mod or admin 08:27 Smelly I like landrush server because I get to be a regular player and work 08:27 Smelly Vazon are you awake? 08:32 Smelly Well xiong 08:32 Smelly It was a plesure talking to you 08:32 Smelly I am going to bed 08:32 Smelly Take care my friend, I will see you latter on in the day 08:35 e1z0 :O~ 08:37 JamesTait Good morning all, happy Hot Cross Bun Day! :-D 08:41 e1z0 :O 08:41 RNL hey all 08:41 e1z0 what is hot cross day ? 08:42 RNL I contributed a lot of dutch translations. Is there a way to test them locally on my machine? 08:43 JamesTait e1z0, hot cross buns are sweet buns usually eaten at Easter. 08:44 e1z0 oh 08:50 rubenwardy Hi all 08:51 JamesTait e1z0, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_cross_bun 08:51 JamesTait They taste just as lovely in September though. 09:10 e1z0 looks nice 09:10 e1z0 :-p 09:28 Calinou hi 10:56 VanessaE good morning all 11:00 VanessaE hi 11:38 VanessaE bbl 11:49 LandMinerMT wasssup bitches and gents 11:50 LandMinerMT !up landmine.ownz 11:50 MinetestBot landmine.ownz:30000 seems to be down 11:54 LandMinerMT well im ou you fools arent fun anymre 11:56 Evergreen okay... 12:04 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 12:10 PilzAdam VanessaE, do you use leveldb in your server? 12:22 RNL Is there a way on my local installed mintest to test the dutch translations I have commited in weblate? 12:37 rubenwardy Hi all! 12:39 iqualfragile hi rubenwardy 12:40 PilzAdam RNL, have you compiled Minetest? 12:42 PilzAdam RNL, you can download the .po file, but then you have to compile Minetest with it again 13:07 RNL PilzAdam, sorry, got called away. Yes I have minetest compiled. I'll try downloading the .po and compile again. 13:07 PilzAdam just copy the .po file to po/nl/ and run make 13:07 RNL will do :) 13:08 PilzAdam this will not compile the whole Minetest again, but simply compile the .po file 13:08 PilzAdam which will take not longer than 2 seconds 13:10 RNL Where do I download the .po? 13:10 MinetestBot vanessae.mine.bz:30001 is up (414ms) 13:10 PilzAdam http://translate.minetest.ru/projects/minetest/core/nl/ -> click on "Files" and then on "download" 13:11 PilzAdam oh, it apparently also gives you the ability to download the compiled file 13:11 PilzAdam but I would suggest you to download the .po file and compile yourself 13:13 RNL Got it and recompiled. Looking good, I'll verify my translations 13:14 PilzAdam RNL, there are fuzzy strings and strings with failing checks, you should go through them and fix them / remove the fuzzy flag / remove the faling check 13:14 RNL Tricky thing is, dutch is a less compact language then english. Sometimes there's not enough room for a good dutch translation 13:14 PilzAdam yea, german has that problem too 13:14 RNL I went through most fuzzy and untranslated strings 13:15 RNL For things that could not fit a good dutch translation I left it fuzzy 13:15 PilzAdam if they are ok then remove the fuzzy flag or the failing check 13:15 PilzAdam note that fuzzy strings are not used 13:15 RNL And some strings I could not realy place. I think they are for other characters sets? 13:16 RNL Then I'll remove fuzzy from them so they will be included anyway 13:16 PilzAdam there are some exotic character names, in german I just have copied them and removed the warning that its not translated to get 100% ;-) 13:16 RNL Quick remark: in the credit screen, the screen automaticaly scrolls down to previous contributers. 13:17 RNL I think the core contributers should be visible when opening that tab :) 13:17 PilzAdam kahrl, ^ 13:18 PilzAdam oh, btw, thanks for translating Minetest :-) 13:18 RNL you're welcome. Thanks for the nice game :) 13:19 RNL I'm also a C++ coder, but do not have a lot of spare time. If there are small things I can contribute to coding I will consider it if you have any suggestions 13:22 kahrl PilzAdam: already fixed in formspec_table 13:22 kahrl I should try to finish that branch today 13:24 RNL In the menu, the menu title (in capitals on the side) is automatically strectched it seems... 13:24 RNL but the my (long) dutch translations is strectched a bit to much, so the last character falls of the screen 13:25 RNL SETTINGS => INSTELLINGEN 13:25 RNL there are however twho whitespaces inserted. WIthout them it would fit 13:35 Exio4 sfan5, update the irc stats :P 13:41 RNL I think I found a small error in the key codes. "Erase OEF" should be "Erase EOF" I think 13:42 Exio4 john_minetest: wolfgame? 13:59 thexyz wow 13:59 thexyz https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=110046#p110046 13:59 thexyz sfan5: ^ 13:59 sfan5 Exio4: done 13:59 sfan5 thexyz: how did you know I just returned from school? 13:59 sfan5 hi everyone BTW 14:00 thexyz I'm watching you 14:00 thexyz https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=110055#p110055 why'd you put runes on forum 14:01 sfan5 TL;DR: someone assumes minetest creates an actual user account on the system minetestserver runs on 14:01 thexyz the topic is of undeniable quality 14:02 sfan5 yeah 14:02 thexyz > asian 2d cartoon 14:09 Exio4 isn't ragnar like 12yo? 14:09 Exio4 or less? 14:09 RNL PilzAdam, weblate suggests using the unicode … character instead of three dots, but this seems not to work in minetest. Use three dots instead? 14:09 PilzAdam dunno 14:11 RNL I'll use three dots as that does seem to work 14:11 thexyz RNL: … works fine for me 14:12 thexyz http://translate.minetest.ru/ will soon be moved to http://l10n.minetest.net/ 14:12 thexyz I hope there aren't any objections 14:13 sfan5 *facepalm* "in 4.7's new snapshot" ~ https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=110042#p110042 14:13 thexyz wow, great stuff https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=109972#p109972 14:13 RNL thexyz, the unicode … does not show when loading a game in minetest 14:14 thexyz RNL: please provide more context 14:14 thexyz meh 14:15 thexyz meh 14:15 thexyz pa misbehaves 14:15 RNL thexyz, in strings like "Item textures..." when replacing the three dots by the unicode character, it does not show in minetest when loading a game 14:17 thexyz should we disallow quoting images? 14:19 PilzAdam thexyz, no 14:19 PilzAdam its very useful in a thread with a lot of images from the same person 14:19 PilzAdam otherwise nobody knows what image you are talking about 14:19 thexyz people can just click the link 14:20 PilzAdam no, because there is not [url] tag added by default 14:20 thexyz by quoting images you're wasting vertical space and bandwidth 14:20 PilzAdam bandwith? my browser just downloads the image once... 14:20 thexyz forums are smart enough to convert those to links without [url] tags 14:21 thexyz your quote may appear at the next page 14:21 thexyz I'll agree on that though, vertical space is more important 14:22 thexyz RNL: still cannot reproduce; anyway, feel free to use three dots if it works fine for you 14:23 PilzAdam RNL, do you have freetype? 14:27 RNL I have replaced the unicode characters back to three dots 14:28 RNL PilzAdam, I have freetype installed (Linux Mint) 14:28 PilzAdam and you have minetest compiled with it? 14:29 RNL PilzAdam, lets see... No I have not compiled it with freetype 14:30 PilzAdam the … character needs freetype, I guess 14:30 PilzAdam compile with: cmake . -DENABLE_FREETYPE=1 14:30 RNL PilzAdam, but since freetype is not mandatory we'd better stick with the three dots I think 14:30 PilzAdam yes 14:31 RNL PilzAdam, besides, the original strings also use three dots, not the unicode char 14:31 PilzAdam yes, then use ... 14:31 RNL With that, I declare the dutch translation 100% :-) 14:32 RNL The only "problem" left is the strectching of the text in the settings tab I mentioned before 14:33 PilzAdam RNL, there are 4 suggestions left, you may want to remove them 14:37 RNL PilzAdam, Done 14:37 PilzAdam nice 14:37 RNL I did not notice before you could remove the suggestions :) 14:41 Zeg9 Hi 14:42 RNL PilzAdam, will the new translations automatically be included in the next minetest release, or do I have to do anything else to make that happen? 14:42 PilzAdam RNL, thexyz merges it in before the next release 14:43 RNL And will the next minetest-stable for the Ubuntu release be compiled with gettext? 14:46 PilzAdam RNL, well, someoe needs to fiddle arround with launchpad to achieve that 14:47 RNL PilzAdam, I have seen some questions from ppl on forum about it, so it might be nice if it was 14:48 e1z0 client.cpp:2178: error: âHUD_PARAM_HOTBAR_IMAGEâ was not declared in this scope 14:48 e1z0 :O 14:48 RNL for ppl like us yes, but for common users stable is the way to go 14:50 pitriss Hi, please can anybody tell me if technic nuclear reactor will blow when it gets out of uranium? 14:54 RNL john_minetest, I did not know that. My kids usualy play a local server 14:54 RNL PilzAdam, I notice to all strings are available for translation, like when enabling fast_move it displays an english message on screen 14:54 RNL *not all strings* 14:55 PilzAdam indeed 15:06 kahrl dangit I typed sl and now I got a train moving across my screen 15:06 kahrl it's a long train too 15:06 PilzAdam heh 15:08 PilzAdam kahrl, echo "export sl='\sl -e'" >> ~/.bashrc 15:08 Jordach PilzAdam, did you mean: Fiola https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/201#issuecomment-24203723 15:08 PilzAdam this allows you to use Ctrl+X 15:08 PilzAdam *C 15:09 PilzAdam Jordach, yes 15:10 kahrl I don't like being able to Ctrl-C it 15:10 Jordach BrandonReese, you can add skins into player skins btw 15:11 Jordach you know that little 8x12 section that isn't used (to the right of the arms texture)? feel free to make a cape there 15:12 e1z0 i have problem http://pastebin.com/3PmCTyCC 15:12 e1z0 :| 15:13 PilzAdam e1z0, whats up with all these "â"? 15:13 * Jordach loves this https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=109972#p109972 15:13 e1z0 terminal output 15:13 e1z0 i did patch https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/7860097eda449f0bb99971a037967bd338441133 15:14 e1z0 after this, it does not compile 15:16 PilzAdam did the patch apply correctly? 15:17 e1z0 i applied it manually 15:17 PilzAdam check all the files 15:17 e1z0 i checked few times 15:25 Jordach https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=110074#p110074 15:26 thexyz > LuaJIT bundled for release builds 15:27 thexyz > releases come with more than just minetest_game 15:27 thexyz I don't understand 15:32 e1z0 heh, fixed 15:35 ShadowNinja pitriss: No, it doesn't blow up at all yet. 15:36 pitriss ShadowNinja: and when will be boomscript finished? 15:36 pitriss ShadowNinja: I want to know details about it to be able choose correct place for reactor..:) 15:37 Jordach thexyz, 0.4.8 needs LuaJIT 15:37 Jordach not to mention, dwarves, minitest, pilztest (mgv7) 15:37 ShadowNinja pitriss: IDK, maybe soon. But probably after I add some (limited) explosives to technic. 15:38 pitriss ShadowNinja: hmm hmm.. but.. can "out of fuel" event trigger boomscript?:) 15:39 ShadowNinja pitriss: No, only dig 15:39 ShadowNinja ging part of the reactor. 15:40 thexyz Jordach: bundling other games may be a good idea 15:40 pitriss ShadowNinja: okay.. so only physical damage on shielding can trigger boomscript.. Thank you..:) 15:41 Jordach thexyz, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3003 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6412 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2589 15:43 Jordach thexyz, OCD too https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6636 15:46 thexyz that's an interesting concept 15:47 Jordach we need *MORE* than just one game that i've played to death 15:48 ShadowNinja technic related forum posts need updating. technic_game uses sybmodules now. 15:48 Jordach the package maintainer can just *git pull* 15:49 ShadowNinja (read the github zip links don't work) 15:50 ShadowNinja git clone && git submodule update --init 15:54 thexyz > The difference is: minetest is trash, nodetest not. 16:07 Peacock wtf is nodetest lol 16:09 PilzAdam Peacock, its so good that nobody uses/knows it 16:09 yyamiyyugi https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6346 16:09 yyamiyyugi i just had to google it XD 16:09 yyamiyyugi (coulda used search but didn't) 16:11 Peacock "tweaking many things" very descriptive XD 16:13 Peacock new look pipes - steampunk http://s17.postimg.org/mn2tbi1zj/screenshot_231315594.png 16:13 Peacock just missing the steam power now lol 16:22 Jordach defeating Borgs 16:26 Peacock portal things? 16:26 Peacock those round colorful thingies? 16:26 Peacock oh yeah those lights :-) 16:27 Peacock colored lights (but in texture only) 16:29 * Jordach is nearing moreores support for MC4MT8 16:29 Peacock were working on an uru (myst) area right now (taking a break from the city/ships) lol 16:29 Jordach moreblocks was almost a year ago 16:29 Jordach john_minetest, major release 8 16:29 Jordach john_minetest, i plan on having VanessaE level completeness 16:30 Jordach we'll finally have a low requirement alternative to VanessaE's HDX 16:32 Peacock mc4mt is a TP? all this time i thought it was a map converter lol 16:33 ShadowNinja john_minetest: Google with site:forum.minetest.net 16:33 Jordach john_minetest, unreleased, if you want the prototype, ask me 16:33 Peacock yeah i thought that was it lol 16:33 Jordach technic is somewhat done 16:33 PilzAdam john_minetest, ixquick.com + site:forum.minetest.net 16:34 Jordach mesecons is my next street btw 16:34 ShadowNinja john_minetest: I know. 16:48 kahrl it sends the names 16:48 kahrl (in order to make nick completion in F10 possible) 16:48 Jordach but why doesnt normal chat have nick completion 16:49 kahrl can't override tab handling in irrlicht widgets 16:52 Jordach oh 16:52 Jordach -!- Moreores reaching 97% complete 16:59 PilzAdam someone should move this to "other languages": https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=109988#p109988 17:01 Jordach donesies 17:03 Jordach john_minetest, moreores done 17:07 * Jordach turns safety dance on 17:08 Peacock has the horizon/sky flickering thing been fixed in one of the latest gits? 17:11 Jordach I am SOLD. 17:11 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/V2tzDDM.png 17:12 [0gb_us] Is that a music store, Jordach? 17:12 sfan5 [0gb_us]: spotify 17:12 Jordach [0gb_us], sort of 17:12 * Calinou buys Jordach 17:13 Calinou how much? 17:13 [0gb_us] I'm not sure you have enough. 17:13 * sfan5 throws a kitten at Calinou 17:13 sfan5 !op 17:13 [0gb_us] He is pretty valuable ... 17:13 sfan5 !deop 17:14 * [0gb_us] worries both about the kittens and their target getting hurt 17:14 yyamiyyugi where can i find an example of adding an animation to a model? 17:15 [0gb_us] In default/player.lua, I think. 17:16 [0gb_us] That might not be the right file name, but it's close enough to find the file, and it does add animation to a model. 17:16 yyamiyyugi I found it, looking through it now 17:21 * john_minetest throws a kitten at Calinou. 17:23 DanDuncombe is Jordach there? 17:24 [0gb_us] He was a bit ago. Probably still is. 17:24 DanDuncombe Ok 17:25 DanDuncombe Can entities emit light yet? 17:27 DanDuncombe !title 17:27 MinetestBot DanDuncombe: Phonebloks - YouTube 17:30 DanDuncombe Can I commision to make and texture a 3d model of a buoy like this? http://2.s3.envato.com/files/32252337/sea_buoy_preview.jpg Preferably with a slight swaying animation. Also, can you export it as .obj? Thanks 17:31 Peacock and can someone buy me a mercedes? XD\ 17:31 DanDuncombe Sure 17:31 DanDuncombe You supply the money 17:43 xiong I'm planning on a server run on democratic and free market lines. Stability and reliability are goals. Want to talk? /join #athens 17:45 Jordach yus 17:46 Jordach can't a man eat food in peace 17:46 Jordach -<0x20> 17:46 xiong Probably not while on IRC, Jordach. 17:47 Peacock well the freemarket with economy mods seems easy enough 17:47 [0gb_us] No. No food while relaxing. You must choose one or the other. 17:47 Peacock how would the democratic bit work though? 17:47 * Jordach calls freedom day 17:47 Peacock usually in a democracy you have to be 18 to vote, and even then most 18 year olds are complete morons lol 17:47 xiong Peacock, I fear quickly a discussion in here will veer off-topic. So, a channel for the purpose. 17:48 Peacock anything minetest related is on topic 17:48 xiong I promise I have more than vague buzzwords. 17:48 xiong Nevertheless, #athens 17:48 Peacock well make a forum topic cuz i got enough pm tabs open lol 17:48 xiong No forum! 17:49 Peacock mt forums? 17:49 xiong I stand utterly opposed to the BB-style forum. It's egotistical with a low signal-to-noise ratio. 17:49 [0gb_us] Why not? The forum is more convenient than IRC. 17:49 [0gb_us] Ah, I see. 17:49 Peacock well to me, IRC is ancient technology and forums are more practical 17:49 xiong IRC has a relatively high SNR. 17:49 Jordach > practical 17:49 Peacock you dont have to think of a response on the fly 17:49 xiong Well, that's what a wiki is for. 17:50 xiong If you want to consider at length, wait until we have a wiki running. 17:50 [0gb_us] Exactly. You also don't have to be here to see responses when you get back to the forum. 17:50 xiong I'm never absent from IRC except due to failure. 17:51 Peacock not a huge fan of wikis, it pretty much doestroyed the fansite segment of the internet and now we have a bunch of generic websites all over the place lol 17:51 Peacock that and, there tends to be a ton of different wikis for the same subjects lol 17:51 [0gb_us] Yeah, well, some of us are. And even if you're online but not at your computer, you can't respond to something said hours ago on IRC, as it's fallen out of topic. 17:52 Peacock heck even lua_api.txt is more helpful then all the MT wikis lol 17:52 [0gb_us] It is, yes. 17:52 xiong That's the fault of those who contribute. A wiki is like a sheet of paper; you can write Shakespeare on it or babble. 17:53 Peacock well instead of having 1 central repository of info people are dividing their efforts between the txt file, and the various wikis, ensuring no 1 source is complete XD 17:54 xiong I'm not sure what the subject of your complaint is, Peacock. 17:54 Peacock still lua_api.txt is the most complete and up-to-date 17:54 [0gb_us] lua_api.txt is where we should focus our efforts, not fifty wikis. 17:54 xiong 'Our'? 17:54 Peacock i thought it was 51 lol 17:55 [0gb_us] My number may be out of date. I can't keep up! 17:55 xiong I'm only talking about discussing and managing the prospective Minetest world, 'Athens'. One wiki. No .txt file. 17:55 xiong Has topic drift set in already? 17:56 Peacock and no forum post, so good luck getting users :P 17:56 xiong No users. 17:56 Peacock how can a democracy work with no voters? 17:56 [0gb_us] If it has interact by default and is on the server list, there will be users. 17:56 xiong There will be an IRC server and bridge. 17:56 xiong Are you guys just arguing to argue? 17:57 Peacock ogb yeah but without a post stating some basic rules every griefer will claim they thought it was ok to grief lol 17:57 Peacock we're just having a discussion, if it's upsetting you... #athens 17:58 * [0gb_us] doesn't believe in "griefers", only vandals. And they will break even posted rules in the forum. 17:58 xiong Do some IRC users experience an excessive burden, joining a new channel? 17:58 xiong I have great difficulty navigating through topic drift. 17:58 Peacock ogb well im moving to a 3 strikes model for griefers lol 17:58 [0gb_us] Channel overload is an issue. 17:58 Peacock 1st a warning, 2nd teleport to freebuild, 3rd your out 17:59 yyamiyyugi can anyone enlighten to what i'm doing wrong when trying to play an animation? (http://pastebin.com/WcBuUTYb) 17:59 xiong 'Land Rush' autobans vandals. Works well, as far as I can see. 17:59 [0gb_us] I usually keep about seven cahanels open, and when they are active, it's too much to follow. ESPECIALLY if I left the client open and was away for a few hours. 17:59 Peacock who do you think gave them the idea? lol 17:59 Peacock i autoban after 15 warnings but that's way too high 18:00 xiong I agree with you, 0gb. 'Griefer' is an unnecessary term and insufficiently specific. 18:00 yyamiyyugi Ik i'm screwing up somewhere, and it's probably obvious i just can't figure it out 18:00 [0gb_us] Exactly. 18:00 Peacock well theres also PITA lol 18:00 Smelly Okay, Please I really need help somethings wrong with my game 18:00 [0gb_us] There are vandals and there are trolls. Why make up extra terms? 18:00 [0gb_us] "Something"? 18:00 Peacock and trolls don't grief? 18:01 Smelly I just was building in my own world, I am working on createing my own server in time 18:01 [0gb_us] There is no such thing as "greifing", so no, they don't do what doesn't exist. 18:01 Smelly I have some mods in, everythings running great 18:01 Smelly However 18:01 Smelly Everytime I log in and out the world resets 18:01 Peacock im pretty sure "griefing" is an established term, here and in MC 18:01 Smelly All my builds are gone 18:01 Peacock or shall we call it libre-playing now? XD 18:01 Jordach Smelly, out of disk space 18:02 [0gb_us] Trolls pester people, but they may also be vandals, and therefor vandalize. 18:02 Smelly How do I get more 18:02 Smelly Remove some mods? 18:02 [0gb_us] Buy a bigger hard drive. 18:02 Peacock well id rather use one term to describe them all, if griefer won't do then i vote for "assholes" lol 18:02 Smelly on my computer it says I have 76.5 gb free 18:02 [0gb_us] "Assholes" is fine with me. 18:03 Smelly I can not even place a block 18:03 [0gb_us] Though I still use the more specific term "vandals". 18:03 Smelly with out it removeing 18:03 [0gb_us] Do you have a map_meta.txt in the world directory? 18:03 Peacock where im from, vandals will spray paint a bus stop, assholes (or griefers) will break the glass 18:03 [0gb_us] Find it. Make sure it isn't blank. 18:03 Smelly FOund it, and it's blank 18:04 Smelly What do I do? 18:04 [0gb_us] Vandals vandalize. Breaking things is a form of vandalism. 18:04 [0gb_us] Your world is dead. Is there anything you want to save there, or are you okay starting over? 18:04 Peacock meh, why waste time giving them a particular distinction, either way theyre not people you want on your server 18:04 Smelly It has nothing but the mods I addedd 18:05 [0gb_us] You can either start over or copy the text in another map_meta.txt file to the blank one. 18:05 Smelly I would like to save mine and others builds like the other games 18:05 [0gb_us] (Start over as in start a new world.) 18:05 Smelly Oh 18:05 Smelly No, I would like to save this one 18:06 ShadowNinja git.io needs a better algo... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6093563/ 18:06 Smelly Where can I get map_meta file to copy/paste from 18:06 [0gb_us] Okay, start a new world, then copy the map_meta.txt file to the old world. That should save the old world. 18:06 Smelly Okay, let me try that. Can I name the new world anything? like "test" 18:06 yyamiyyugi Can anyone explain why this animation won't work? (http://pastebin.com/WcBuUTYb) 18:06 [0gb_us] Any name is fine, just use the same option as you used for the world you want to save. 18:07 [0gb_us] Sorry, I've never worked with Minetest animations. 18:07 Smelly Okay. I will try this. BRB. Thank you ogb_us for helping me so far 18:07 [0gb_us] *options 18:07 yyamiyyugi :( 18:08 Smelly Should I enlabed the mods on the new world too? 18:08 [0gb_us] I had the same issue with map_meta.txt blanking out on me the other day. I don't know why it does that yet. 18:08 [0gb_us] Yeah, enable them. 18:08 Smelly Okay 18:08 [0gb_us] I don't know if you need to, but it doesn't hurt. 18:09 ShadowNinja !rtfm 18:09 ShadowBot Read the friendly manual. See http://dev.minetest.net, http://git.io/olBD2w, and http://git.io/5COZ7A. 18:10 ShadowNinja John's idea. (I really need to move my bot to a better host...) 18:11 Smelly Back, okay I did what you said. and deleted the test world and tested my world 18:11 Smelly I placed cobble, loged off, relogged it was still their 18:11 Smelly So it worked 18:11 Smelly Thank you so much 18:12 Smelly How can I prevent this from happening again? 18:12 yyamiyyugi anyone here work with animations? 18:12 [0gb_us] I have no idea why it happens, so I have no idea how to prevent it. 18:13 Smelly Well, it seems to work now which is good 18:13 Smelly Thank you 0gb 18:13 [0gb_us] Yeah, no problem. 18:13 Smelly Sucks I lost all my work 18:13 Smelly But what can ya do 18:13 [0gb_us] Yeah, I know how you feel. 18:13 Smelly Oh hey 18:14 Smelly 1 more question 18:14 Smelly Once I make my world a public server all mods and builds will remain right 18:14 [0gb_us] Yes. 18:14 Smelly Just making sure 18:14 Smelly Thank you 18:14 [0gb_us] Yeah, let us know if you need anything else. 18:14 Smelly Alright, I am off for now. See you around. 18:14 Smelly I will 18:14 Smelly Thank you 18:15 Smelly :) 18:15 Smelly This is what IRC should always be like 18:15 Smelly I was helped so quick 18:15 Smelly I feel so happy 18:15 Smelly lol 18:15 Peacock people aren't always standing by :P 18:15 sfan5 Smelly: stay here 18:15 sfan5 so.. 18:15 Smelly True 18:15 Smelly Yes sfan? 18:15 sfan5 the worldedit download problem yesterday night was a dropbox problem 18:15 sfan5 the link works now 18:16 Smelly Yeap, I got it working 18:16 Smelly Thank you :) 18:16 Smelly Oh 18:16 Smelly Wel I had to edit the folder 18:16 sfan5 you can also get 0.6 using https://github.com/Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit/releases/tag/0.6 18:16 Smelly make it just say "worldedit" 18:16 Smelly For all my mods I have to do that it seems 18:16 sfan5 on that morning I wanted to tell you but you left 10 seconds before I noticed 18:16 Smelly lol 18:16 Smelly It's okay 18:17 sfan5 :D 18:17 Smelly Thank you for take the time now to tell me 18:17 Smelly Speaking of mods 18:17 Smelly Should I add mesecon? I don't know 18:17 Smelly For a server is it popular? I mean I use it but does anyone else? 18:19 PilzAdam mmmhhh... Pizza 18:19 ShadowNinja Smelly: Yes, it is popular. I run it on my server. 18:19 ShadowNinja (Or at least part of it) 18:19 Smelly Alrighty, I may get it then. Just wanted to make sure. 18:19 Smelly Well I am off to see the wizard 18:19 Smelly Peace <3 18:23 GNADev|zRokh aye doods 18:23 [0gb_us] Hello! 18:28 Jordach hello AspireMint 18:28 AspireMint Hello hello 18:29 Jordach e1z0, hai quassel user 18:33 Jordach ShadowNinja, how's the nuke i gave you :P 18:39 * Jordach is singing the Touch 18:39 * GNADev|zRokh is singing Luke Smith's remix of I Will Survive 18:40 GNADev|zRokh "Now I'm defusing the bomb..." 18:40 GNADev|zRokh "Protect the VIP" 18:41 * sfan5 puts a kitten on GNADev|zRokh's head 18:41 Jordach lol 18:42 Jordach dead fly on the wall 18:42 Jordach it's just sitting there 18:42 Jordach hello BlockMen 18:42 Jordach you wanted a zombie, come get it! 18:42 Jordach (in about an hour or so 18:43 BlockMen Hi Jordach, just read your msg 18:43 BlockMen thanks! and no need to hurry ;) 18:43 Jordach if you want my instant answer, IRC me 18:43 * GNADev|zRokh plays with the cat sfan5 put on his head 18:43 sfan5 s/cat/kitten/ 18:43 * BlockMen does not need instant answers :P 18:44 * GNADev|zRokh gives BlockMen an instant fist 18:44 * GNADev|zRokh uses Insta-Fist 18:45 Peacock instant Jordache, just put a teaspoon in a cup of boiling water and you're ready to go :P 18:45 BlockMen Jordach, awesome cape btw 18:46 BlockMen looks great 18:46 Jordach BlockMen, yeah, did that in an hour 18:46 BlockMen have you seen my video of it? 18:46 Jordach yes 18:46 GNADev|zRokh omg, i have such a jordache 18:46 GNADev|zRokh :D 18:46 Jordach while i was at college 18:46 Jordach i actually made a better cape btw 18:46 BlockMen better? how? 18:46 Jordach BlockMen, better texture 18:47 GNADev|zRokh from HD to 2xHD :O 18:47 BlockMen Jordach, sounds good :) 18:47 Jordach check my mediagoblin ;) 18:47 ShadowNinja Jordach: ? 18:48 Jordach ShadowNinja, i gave you a nuclear missle mesh a while back; made a use for it yet 18:48 BlockMen whats mediagoblin? 18:48 Jordach http://mg.viewskew.com/u/jordach 18:48 ShadowNinja Jordach: Yes, but limitations in the minetest engine prevent it from looking any good (I need pitch). 18:48 Jordach ShadowNinja, ah 18:49 GNADev|zRokh Esteban > Jordach 18:49 BlockMen Jordach, ic. nice 18:49 GNADev|zRokh am i right? 18:49 GNADev|zRokh <:D 18:49 Jordach GNADev|zRokh, i respect him as a normal artist 18:49 Jordach i do 3D art, he does it the classic way 18:49 GNADev|zRokh i know, he's awesome, isnt he :D 18:50 GNADev|zRokh you do Cyber art, he does Physical art :D 18:51 GNADev|zRokh Jordach, do you know ALL the mobs from the first release to 0.4.7? 18:51 GNADev|zRokh :) 18:51 Jordach oerrki, dungeon master, rat 18:51 Jordach oh, and the firefly 18:51 LinuxGuy2020 Im trying to figure out how to run minecraftserver from rc.local on my Debian home server. Im testing in a root terminal. I tried "nohup ./minetestserver" from within the bin folder. It starts but the problem is that it ties up the terminal until I ctrl+c. Im sure some of you have done this before. 18:51 * Jordach is talking normal non modded game 18:51 BlockMen Jordach, i like tanks -> http://mg.viewskew.com/u/jordach/m/war-machine-animation-test/ 18:52 GNADev|zRokh wrong channel, LinuxGuy2020 18:52 GNADev|zRokh :D 18:52 LinuxGuy2020 Sorry I meant minetest 18:52 LinuxGuy2020 my bad 18:52 GNADev|zRokh yeah, i figured :D 18:52 Jordach everyone does that 18:52 GNADev|zRokh i know... 18:52 GNADev|zRokh even me 18:52 [0gb_us] Not everyone, but many. 18:52 GNADev|zRokh Mr. Perfect 18:53 [0gb_us] I'm not under the illusion that I'm perfect, I just don't call Minetest Minecraft. They are distinct games to me, and I don't like Minecraft. 18:54 LinuxGuy2020 Is nohup the wrong way to do this? Or is the server incompatible with that kind of running or something? 18:55 [0gb_us] Sorry, I have no experience with nohup myself. 18:55 GNADev|zRokh The story of "How I Met Your Mother": 18:55 GNADev|zRokh The time was 30 years from then, Barnie was still single, he met a dancer at a bar and they went to her place. In the morning he wanted to get away from her without waking her up. in the living room he encountered her kids. They thought that how did a stranger get in and what is he doing here. Then Barnie started telling the story of "How I Met Your Mother". 19:24 Prestotron562 [deleted] 19:24 Yepoleb hi 19:24 Prestotron562 [deleted] 19:24 Calinou hi 19:25 Prestotron562 [deleted] 19:25 LinuxGuy2020 Can minetestserver be daemonized? 19:25 Calinou daemonized? 19:25 Calinou for what? 19:25 proller minetestserver & 19:26 LinuxGuy2020 run in the background instead of tying up a linux terminal? 19:26 Prestotron562 [deleted] 19:26 Prestotron562 [deleted] 19:26 Calinou no 19:26 Jordach http://mg.viewskew.com/u/jordach/m/buoy-render/ 19:26 LinuxGuy2020 I tried "./minetestserver &" doesnt work 19:26 proller daemon minetestserver 19:26 proller Prestotron562, go in school 19:27 Prestotron562 [deleted] 19:30 DanDuncombe You wanted me Jordach? 19:30 Jordach DanDuncombe, yes 19:30 DanDuncombe Yay 19:30 Jordach hold on, .obj doesn't support animation btw 19:30 DanDuncombe Ok 19:30 Jordach .x or gtfo then 19:30 DanDuncombe I thought .x didn't work though 19:31 Jordach i know the settings to make it work now 19:31 DanDuncombe Yay 19:32 Calinou http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/features/ 19:32 Calinou Ctrl+F for Supported Formats 19:32 DanDuncombe I will hopefully be able to use it as a replacement for the current harbour buoy nodebox 19:35 Jordach DanDuncombe, http://mg.viewskew.com/u/jordach/m/buoy-render/ 19:35 Jordach wrong link 19:35 Jordach http://www.mediafire.com/?0txh835er1188i7 <- there 19:35 Jordach sfan5, fix yer service 19:35 DanDuncombe Thanks! 19:35 Yepoleb A placed water source block has different lighting than a source block generated by 2 adjacent water blocks for me 19:35 sfan5 Jordach: I'm currently adding an account system 19:35 Yepoleb is that a known bug or intended? 19:35 Jordach i noticed 19:35 Peacock anyone know the proper name for valves that divert flow between two pipes? 19:36 DanDuncombe When I use a craftitem to generate an entity, can I make it set an animation at the same time? 19:36 Jordach DanDuncombe, the only animations is up and down 19:36 Jordach which is frames 0-40 19:36 DanDuncombe Yes, I know 19:36 DanDuncombe Thans 19:36 DanDuncombe But, how do I give it the animation on placing? 19:36 * Jordach hasn't used mesh entities 19:37 DanDuncombe Ok 19:37 kahrl Yepoleb: not intended, but known 19:37 DanDuncombe I will probably be able to figure it out. 19:37 Yepoleb kahrl: is it too difficult to fix or did nobody care? 19:38 kahrl it has to do with sunlight not being updated properly on liquid flow 19:38 Peacock we should have a whip round for new lighting lol 19:38 kahrl wouldn't be too difficult to fix probably, but I don't want to touch it as others are working on the code 19:45 * Jordach throws infinite kittens at Calinou 19:45 * Peacock throws coffee (beans) at jordach 19:46 * Jordach throws tea(bags) at Peacock 19:46 Peacock did you just teabag me? 19:46 Peacock :S 19:46 Jordach Peacock; i drink tea irl 19:46 Jordach there's a 270 teabag box in the cupboard 19:47 * Calinou doesn't drink tea 19:47 Peacock i used to, but doctor's orders had to stop 19:48 Peacock who knew that shit causes varicoses veins lol 19:48 Peacock never have that problem with coffee 19:48 Jordach oh 19:49 Peacock though white and green tea = opposite effect lol 19:59 DanDuncombe Can someone find the problem with this? Apparently the error is something syntax based, near the type= bit 19:59 DanDuncombe http://pastebin.com/CybwWDJB 20:01 * Prestotron562 is working on an RPG optional gameplay mode 20:03 kahrl DanDuncombe: finish the function with end 20:03 kahrl also a comma after the end 20:03 DanDuncombe Ok 20:04 DanDuncombe Now, I get an error with the function buoy:register_buoy 20:05 DanDuncombe I changed the code a bit 20:07 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:08 Evergreen Jordach: if I ever need a model for an entity, you will be the one to ask. 20:08 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:08 DanDuncombe http://pastebin.com/4rean9g8 20:08 DanDuncombe Help with the above? 20:08 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:09 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:09 DanDuncombe Mod 20:09 DanDuncombe attempt to index local 'def' (a nil value) 20:09 DanDuncombe in function 'register_buoy' 20:10 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:10 kahrl DanDuncombe: you're passing only one argument to a function that needs two? 20:11 DanDuncombe IDK, I was attempting to adapt Simplemobs 20:11 PilzAdam kahrl, line 42, add a name in front of the table 20:11 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:12 kahrl PilzAdam: I don't know what line 42 you're talking about but 42 is always right 20:12 kahrl oh that line 42 20:12 kahrl yeah 20:12 DanDuncombe What about my code? 20:13 kahrl what PA said 20:13 DanDuncombe What do I add before buoy:register_buoy then? 20:13 DanDuncombe Sorry if I am being stupid 20:14 kahrl you add a name after the ( 20:14 DanDuncombe Oh I see, doh 20:14 DanDuncombe Thanks guys 20:15 DanDuncombe How do I make it unkillable? 20:19 DanDuncombe Can entities emit light yet? 20:20 PilzAdam no 20:21 DanDuncombe Oh well 20:23 ShadowNinja DanDuncombe: Their textures can brighten however, see the nuke nod. 20:23 Megaf Hi folks 20:23 ShadowNinja mod* 20:23 Megaf how are you today? 20:23 DanDuncombe Ok ShadowNinja 20:23 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:23 Megaf Can you help me to identify what mod or what part of a mod that is causing this please? http://pastebin.com/t5cFXp02 20:23 ShadowNinja Megaf: 5 joins/parts. Please remove your cloak or use a real client. 20:24 Megaf ShadowNinja: my first time using a web client... 20:24 Megaf webchat.freenode.net 20:25 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:25 NekoGloop sup 20:25 Megaf Prestotron562: this year 20:25 ShadowNinja Last time? ;-) 20:26 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:26 Megaf Prestotron562: whith this http://pastebin.com/t5cFXp02 20:27 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:28 * NekoGloop noms ShadowNinja 20:28 Megaf Prestotron562: the only one bothering me is the one that make the server crash 20:28 ShadowNinja Megaf: Ire you sure you aren't cutting of the end of a line? 20:29 ShadowNinja I have to add support for leveldb to the C++ mapper now... And someone should be that for the python version (Or better yet depreciate it and use the C++ one). 20:30 jojoa1997 has anyone happened across a bug where you can see everything even stuff with the groupd not_in_creative_inventory 20:30 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:30 jojoa1997 it only is on windows? 20:31 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:31 jojoa1997 sec 20:32 Megaf ShadowNinja: not at all 20:33 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, can you open leveldb from pythong? 20:33 PilzAdam -g 20:33 PilzAdam the mapper should be merged into core 20:35 Megaf ShadowNinja: Prestotron562: is this any better? http://pastebin.com/bUFgkMuj 20:35 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:36 PilzAdam Megaf, what mods do you have installed? 20:36 Megaf hm 20:36 Megaf I think the one that is giving me troubles is the homedecor onw 20:36 Megaf one* 20:36 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:37 PilzAdam Megaf, no mob mods? 20:37 jojoa1997 Prestotron562 nope not just in windows 20:37 Megaf Prestotron562: PilzAdam: take a look, http://pastebin.com/ZqL7ww8c 20:38 PilzAdam ehm, thats not a full list of mods 20:38 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:38 PilzAdam not every mod prints something when its loaded 20:38 DanDuncombe Jordach, could you also quickly make a buoy like the generic buoy, ie an orange rubber sphere.No animations needed. 20:39 Megaf PilzAdam: the one that I have and its note listed is moreores 20:39 jojoa1997 nope 20:39 Megaf and there is no mobs 20:39 jojoa1997 it is the game 20:39 jojoa1997 it doesnt work with my game but with minetest_game it does 20:39 Megaf PilzAdam: I removed some default mods, loke lava 20:40 Megaf like fire* 20:40 Megaf and removed lava from the code 20:40 PilzAdam Megaf, its caused by objects, so remove all mods that use objects 20:40 PilzAdam then run /clearobjects 20:41 Megaf ok, I may do that later on 20:41 Megaf when Im home 20:42 Megaf thanks for you attention PilzAdam ShadowNinja Prestotron562 20:42 Niften Hello! 20:42 Niften Oooh, hellow Megaf! 20:42 Niften Hellow 20:42 Niften Hallow 20:42 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:42 Niften Differences change. 20:43 jojoa1997 what would do the same thing as minetest.env:set_node(pointed_thing.above, {name="fire:fire"}) 20:43 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:44 ShadowNinja YW. PilzAdam: IDK, quite possibly not. But I may never finish this attempt at adding leveldb support as my C(++) skills are sadly lacking. 20:44 DanDuncombe PilzAdam, how do I make an entity immortal, ie doesn't die when punched? 20:45 jojoa1997 add the group immortal=1 20:45 jojoa1997 or dont add any groups i think 20:45 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:45 Megaf How is this made? http://landrush.bremaweb.com/full-map.png 20:45 jojoa1997 using a mapping program 20:45 PilzAdam Prestotron562, "the Core Dev"? there are many core devs 20:45 jojoa1997 serach mapper in the forums 20:46 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:46 Niften I don't think the core developing team works on the lua part. 20:46 Niften They work on the engine I would assume. 20:46 jojoa1997 nope 20:46 PilzAdam Prestotron562, currently we lack a major plan for minetest_game, so deciding what to add is quite difficult 20:46 Niften Well, most of the time on the engine? 20:47 jojoa1997 Niften yes 20:47 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:47 jojoa1997 for the reason PilzAdam saud 20:47 jojoa1997 *said 20:47 Prestotron562 [deleted] 20:49 DanDuncombe Bah. I can't make buoys unkillable. 20:49 Exio4 ShadowNinja: you shouldn act that harsh when someone joins using the webchat 20:50 sfan5 ShadowNinja: leveldb support? what program? 20:50 * jojoa1997 started a forest fire 20:50 ShadowNinja Exio4: It isn't that bad normally, but a cloak almost doubles it. 20:50 * Prestotron562 is almost done with "Default" changes 20:50 ShadowNinja sfan5: The C++ mapper. (minetest_mapper.py) 20:51 sfan5 oh thats easy 20:51 DanDuncombe Never mind 20:51 sfan5 you just need to load the leveldb database and direct all calls that get a block with key to the leveldb database 20:51 Exio4 ShadowNinja: he didn't try to, he casually open(ed) the webchat 20:51 sfan5 s/block/MapBlock/ 20:54 DanDuncombe is VanessaE here? 20:54 ShadowNinja Exio4: Yes, I know. But he doesn't see all of the rejoins so he didn't know. 20:55 Exio4 you sound(ed) harsh when saying it, just saying that 20:56 DanDuncombe VanessaE........ 20:58 Niften Lawl Preston: "Minetest is a super popular game dude" 20:59 Niften Niften: "Not really, has a community of 200k all together" 20:59 Niften Preston: 20:59 Niften "It got 400k downloads last year!" 20:59 Niften "No?" 20:59 Exio4 nobody cares, thanks for your visit. 21:11 yyamiyyugi anyone able to help me, my animation won't work (i think i'm doing it wrong?) http://pastebin.com/WcBuUTYb 21:12 jojoa1997 how would i add a setting to a config file for a game 21:13 jojoa1997 for example i have a death mod wich spreads out what you have in your inventory 21:13 jojoa1997 and i want to add a seeting to make it false in the game config 21:13 jojoa1997 how would i do that? 21:13 yyamiyyugi wouldn't you be able to just do it by writing/reading a .txt file? 21:13 ShadowNinja yyamiyyugi: 1) You are missing a closing brace for anination. 2) This doesn't look right at all, check player.lua. 21:14 yyamiyyugi :/ I attempted this by looking at that 21:14 ShadowNinja jojoa1997: if minetest.setting_get("scatter_invertory_on_death") == true then... 21:14 ShadowNinja Er, setting_getbool 21:14 * VanessaE peeks in 21:15 ShadowNinja Hello V. 21:15 jojoa1997 and where would i put the setting. in the game.config? 21:15 jojoa1997 Hi V 21:15 VanessaE PilzAdam: no, I don't use it yet. Figured I'll migrate later after we're sure it works right 21:15 VanessaE plus I guess the mapping tool doesn't understand levendb 21:15 ShadowNinja jojoa1997: You put the setting in minetest.conf. 21:15 * NekoGloop noms VanessaE 21:15 yyamiyyugi are there any simpler animation examples? 21:16 * ShadowNinja will almost definitely not be able to add support to the C++ mapper. 21:16 ShadowNinja sfan5: What to give it a try? Use my repo as it has a few other fixes. 21:16 jojoa1997 ok 21:18 jojoa1997 how would i set a setting 21:19 jojoa1997 also i have a minetest.config in the game folder would the setting go there? 21:20 ShadowNinja Of course I can always -- migrate every once in a while and generate a map from that. But I think I will wait until my server really needs leveldb before I do that... 21:21 ShadowNinja jojoa1997: Users would place scatter_inventory_on_death = true in their minetest.conf file. 21:21 jojoa1997 ok 21:21 jojoa1997 Has anyone made a working map mod that acts like minecraft maps? 21:22 ShadowNinja jojoa1997: Yes, there are some. 21:24 jojoa1997 links? 21:24 VanessaE yyamiyyugi: animated textures you mean? 21:24 yyamiyyugi no, entity 21:24 jojoa1997 and i mean were it makes a map and then the map keeps that image 21:24 VanessaE oh 21:24 VanessaE note to self: read more of the scrollback log. 21:25 yyamiyyugi lol 21:25 ShadowNinja jojoa1997: /msg ShadowBot google map site:forum.minetest.net 21:26 jojoa1997 ? 21:26 * NekoGloop curls up in VanessaE's lap 21:27 ShadowNinja jojoa1997: Google it. 21:27 jojoa1997 shadow i did 21:27 jojoa1997 and non are working maps except one which doesnt relly work 21:28 ShadowNinja I remember seeing one, look at kaeza's repos, I think he added coroutine support to one. 21:29 VanessaE is it possible to migrate a leveldb map back to sqlite? I suppose mapper updates could be done that way... 21:29 Exio4 --mirate sqlite3 21:29 Exio4 migrate* 21:29 VanessaE thought so 21:30 Exio4 you can migrate between any backend :P 21:30 Exio4 as long as you compiled support for it 21:45 ShadowNinja .../minetest_game/mods/doors/init.lua:47: attempt to index a nil value 21:45 ShadowNinja Doors isn't prepared for unknown nodes. 21:50 Peacock finally got the valve working in 6d lol 22:04 yyamiyyugi Anyone able to give an example of adding an animation to an entity? I looked at the player.lua but can't pick out the parts i need 22:10 ShadowNinja yyamiyyugi: What kind of animation? Texture animation or mesh animation? If it is mesh animation you need a animated mesh. 22:11 yyamiyyugi mesh, by animated mesh you mean the model has an animation? 22:12 ShadowNinja yyamiyyugi: Yes, if you open up the player mesh file you will se that it has animations keyed in. 22:12 yyamiyyugi ya, it has animations 22:12 yyamiyyugi *an animation 22:12 ShadowNinja You need at add animations and supply the border frames of the animations in the code. 22:13 ShadowNinja Multiple animations in one. 22:13 yyamiyyugi somthing like this? 22:13 yyamiyyugi animation = { stand_START = 1, stand_END = 120, } 22:14 ShadowNinja Yes. 22:14 yyamiyyugi I have that 22:14 ShadowNinja See how player.lua sets aninations on the player model. 22:15 yyamiyyugi pl:set_animation({x=anim.stand_START, y=anim.stand_END}, animation_speed_mod, animation_blend) ? 22:15 ShadowNinja yyamiyyugi: Yes. 22:16 yyamiyyugi Do I just need to put that as a lone piece of code, or do I need to put it in somthing like minetest.register_abm 22:17 ShadowNinja You need to set it on the entity when it is created and whenever yu want to change it. 22:18 yyamiyyugi ok 22:20 yyamiyyugi now it says it expected ')' near = on the line i put that on :/ 22:21 ShadowNinja Lua syntax error. 22:21 yyamiyyugi I remove that line it works fine 22:22 yyamiyyugi (except the animation doesn't play) 22:36 Miner_48er !up 22:36 MinetestBot is up (273ms) 22:44 jojoa1997 how would i find the absolute valuse of a number in lua 22:52 ShadowNinja jojoa1997: math.abs(num) 22:53 Peacock steamgen http://s22.postimg.org/of7ban4v5/screenshot_255450269.png 23:03 jojoa1997 math.abs(user:get_look_yaw()) 23:03 jojoa1997 would that be correct? 23:08 Exio4 hmm 23:16 NekoGloop math.absurd 23:33 Peacock steamgen - working http://s24.postimg.org/x4yvv54ad/screenshot_257870251.png 23:48 BlockMen Gdn8t everyone