Time Nick Message 00:00 mauvebic well right now my FPS is averaging 30, but i got alot of things open and 8 days uptime lol 00:00 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:00 mauvebic and uptime does matter when different apps have memory leaks (just about all of them lol) 00:01 mauvebic oups, noticed i have firefox + chrome + deluge open lol 00:01 mauvebic i would never do that on the p4 00:02 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:04 Exio mauvebic: the uptime doesn't matter 00:05 Exio the difference here between 1 day of uptime and 24 days => nothing 00:05 mauvebic im not gonna debate this, conky clearly shows a difference in the ram/cpu bars after a reboot 00:05 Exio well, maybe my computers are weird 00:05 mauvebic it all depends on what you do with them while its on 00:06 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:06 Jordach I propose two new items: Minetest Artistic License and Minetest Mod License 00:06 mauvebic usually after 14 days i reboot lol 00:06 Exio firefox, webbrowsing, playing games (redeclipse, mine{test,craft}), run a local webserver / local squid+bind9 cache, jackd / skype 00:06 Exio and mosh, not more 00:07 Exio all of the stuff i have here 00:07 mauvebic i need to disable vboxclient, for the few times i use its not worth constantly booting up with it 00:08 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:08 mauvebic ^ well i usually believe what the titlebar says 00:09 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:09 mauvebic if its slow its likely something else 00:09 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:09 mauvebic abms, meshes, nodeboxes, etc. 00:09 paxcoder thanks for the chat all. Exio hope you know i was kidding. bye 00:10 Exio with what 00:10 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:12 VanessaE zzz 00:12 mauvebic anyways ill be back later, plumbers finally done and im itching for a shower lol 00:13 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:15 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:16 Hwkiller Can your monitor display more than 60hz? 00:17 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:17 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:17 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:18 VanessaE most modern monitors can do at least 75 Hz anyway 00:18 * Hwkiller wouldn't know 00:18 Hwkiller I only use laptops... 60hz it is 00:18 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:18 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:18 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:19 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:19 VanessaE is it a recent LCD panel? 00:19 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:19 VanessaE how recent 00:20 Hwkiller you can check it 00:20 Jordach if anyone wants to see my draft minetest licenses, see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YwVG1UHbMwlBamPZW2KhP96BBLbnvhBsjssV4C-Ol00/edit?usp=sharing 00:20 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:20 Hwkiller if you're on windows, it'll show it in display properties (or w/e it's called now) 00:20 VanessaE crackerenherbe: how many years old 00:20 Hwkiller in linux, you can run "xrandr" 00:20 Hwkiller and you'll see it next to the resolution 00:21 Jordach feel free to submit any fixes or ideas 00:21 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:22 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:22 jojoa1997|Tablet minitest is ready for 1.1 00:22 VanessaE crackerenherbe: it almost certainly does 75Hz then, if not 120 00:24 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:25 Jordach anyways: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83186#p83186 00:25 Jordach enjoy. 00:26 Jordach oh and,by the way, 2,900th post 00:26 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:26 Hwkiller isn't that basically GPL2? 00:27 Jordach Hwkiller, theyre close, but they dont follow it 00:27 jojoa1997|Tablet jordach i will beat you in most posts 00:28 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, not before a ban 00:28 Jordach :P 00:28 jojoa1997|Tablet also if your interested here is the newest version of minitest https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6vncba985v3u7qa/MiniTest_dev_1_1.zip?token_hash=AAFutk3A5VV9tbht15o7NzR9L42sSMbuTft1MDRXLWF0Kw&dl=1 00:28 Hwkiller also, how does the last clause function? An author can make everyone stop using it? Can't users just fork it and voila, the author has no say? 00:28 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, try editing your damn posts, no one likes a dual poster. 00:28 jojoa1997|Tablet jordach that was months ago 00:28 jojoa1997|Tablet i dont do that anymore 00:29 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:30 Jordach MOONTEST ALARM: forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83175#p83175 00:32 * jojoa1997|Tablet runs and hides HE SAID MY NAME!!! 00:32 jojoa1997|Tablet jordach your slimes mod says i have to give you credit(which i do with everyone since it is easier) is that right? 00:33 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, yes# 00:33 jojoa1997|Tablet also i found a bug in your slimes mod 00:33 jojoa1997|Tablet place a spawner and dig it 00:33 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:33 Jordach these are designed to help mods make decisions on mods without a license 00:33 Menche crackerenherbe: max_fps in minetest.conf 00:33 VanessaE crackerenherbe: turn off shaders, 3d clouds, fancy trees, fog 00:34 jojoa1997|Tablet lol mods make mods 00:34 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:34 jojoa1997|Tablet what next developers make developers 00:34 jojoa1997|Tablet jordach please fix the bug 00:34 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, where 00:34 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:34 jojoa1997|Tablet you made the slimes mod right? 00:34 Jordach crackerenherbe, not everyone gets 60fps 00:34 Doyousketch2 use lower res textures. speeds it up greatly 00:34 VanessaE crackerenherbe: then you're probably already at the limit of what minetest can do on your hardware 00:35 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, youre thinking of jordan4ibanez 00:35 Jordach not me 00:35 jojoa1997|Tablet oh nvm 00:35 * Jordach claps 00:35 Menche thought jeija made slimes mod 00:35 jojoa1997|Tablet jordan4ibanez PING YOUR MOM IS CALLING 00:35 VanessaE he made one, as did jordan4ibanez 00:35 jojoa1997|Tablet vanessae jordan made auto spawners awesome 00:36 Kacey jordan4ibanez, figured out the piston door yet? 00:36 jojoa1997|Tablet they have the entity spinning inside 00:36 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:36 jojoa1997|Tablet forum.minetest.net 00:36 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:36 VanessaE crackerenherbe: I don't know. 00:36 Menche also play around with wanted_fps 00:36 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:36 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:36 Menche that affects when the game adjusts the viewing range 00:37 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:38 Menche max_fps: minetest never exceeds this value, wanted_fps: minetest lowers the viewing range when FPS is lower than this. 00:38 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:38 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:38 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:39 jojoa1997|Tablet jordach you play minitest? 00:39 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, nope, and i aint at home 00:39 jojoa1997|Tablet ok 00:39 jojoa1997|Tablet i wish traxie was here 00:40 Jordach i did find the best bit of spam ever 00:40 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/NLRR274.png 00:40 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:41 jojoa1997|Tablet hi traxie 00:41 VanessaE hey traxie 00:41 Traxie21 hi 00:41 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, you asked for her, now you get her 00:41 N-GaR_is_away Good timing, Traxie. 00:41 jojoa1997|Tablet so can you update your server 00:42 jojoa1997|Tablet well... 00:44 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:45 jojoa1997|Tablet traxie you there? 00:45 N-GaR You need to shut down Minetest BEFORE adding the line. 00:45 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:46 Menche you can also do "/set wanted_fps 60" 00:46 Menche i think it applies immediately 00:47 N-GaR Minetest save your setting on shutdown, so it will always overwrite any changes you make directly to minetest.conf while it is running. 00:47 N-GaR Yeah, I think that works right away. 00:49 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:49 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:50 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:50 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:51 VanessaE crackerenherbe: are you limiting 3d to your video refresh rate maybe? 00:51 VanessaE this would be a video driver setting 00:51 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:52 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:53 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:53 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:53 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:54 Menche my fps is acting like it's capped at 30 00:54 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:54 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:54 VanessaE if I want a decent draw distance (say around 100) I'm lucky to break 30 fps 00:55 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:55 Jordach crackerenherbe, irrlicht uses a lot of cpu, not gpu 00:56 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:56 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:56 Jordach irrlicht is the thing that draws the game 00:56 RealBadAngel engine 00:57 Jordach anyways, its 2am here 00:57 RealBadAngel 3am 00:57 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:59 crackerenherbe [deleted] 00:59 Doyousketch2 what kind of monitor is it, flatscreen? 00:59 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:00 Doyousketch2 many flatscreens have a max refresh of 60 hz, so you won't get higher fps than that 01:00 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:00 Doyousketch2 most likely that's the max you can do with that screen then 01:00 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:01 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:03 * Menche thinks it's time to revive his texture pack *again* 01:04 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:05 Doyousketch2 you probably need to run it in native resolution to get highest refresh rate 01:06 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:06 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:06 Doyousketch2 no. flatscreens have a resolution that the monitor actually uses. every other resolution is converted to that 01:07 Doyousketch2 I just looked it up, so it happens to be 1920x1080 for yours 01:07 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:07 jojoa1997|Tablet who is canadian 01:07 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:08 Doyousketch2 so add these lines to minetest.conf 01:08 Doyousketch2 screenW = 1920 01:09 Doyousketch2 screenH = 1080 01:09 Doyousketch2 fullscreen = true 01:09 Doyousketch2 and try that 01:09 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:11 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:11 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:11 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:14 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:14 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:14 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:16 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:16 Doyousketch2 do you have farmesh enabled? I think that sometimes causes flicker 01:16 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:16 VanessaE triangular-shaped landscapes in the distance 01:17 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:17 VanessaE if you don't see such things, it isn't enabled :) 01:17 VanessaE and it is disabled by default anyway 01:17 VanessaE for some people, enabling that can save CPU and give you better FPS, but for some, it's the opposite. 01:18 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:18 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:18 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:19 Doyousketch2 okay. pastebin.com is good for that 01:19 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:19 jojoa1997|Tablet who is canadian here? 01:20 Doyousketch2 in northern Ohio. been to Canada 01:21 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:21 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:21 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:21 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:23 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:23 Menche filters? i think it looks best with mipmaps and anisotropic 01:23 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:24 Menche bi/trilinear filtering only looks good above like 128x 01:24 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:24 Doyousketch2 well if you set your wanted_fps too high it'll reduce your view. you 'prolly want to set that to 50 01:25 Kacey uuh? 01:25 Doyousketch2 you can start the game and uncheck everything on the options tab and see if that helps. 01:25 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:26 Doyousketch2 check them one at a time 'till you find out what causes the flicker 01:26 Doyousketch2 then be sure to leave that one off in the future 01:26 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:26 jordan4ibanez Soon... 01:26 jordan4ibanez http://i.imgur.com/ffKOEHG.png 01:27 Doyousketch2 the wheels on the bus look like they won't go round 'n round 01:27 alex256 !up 01:27 MinetestBot is up (0.247ms) 01:27 Kacey so you can do that but not a piston door? 01:28 jojoa1997|Tablet CHOOOO CHOOOO 01:28 jordan4ibanez I made a piston door damnit 01:28 Doyousketch2 what's a piston door? 01:28 Kacey lol mesecons were all over the place 01:28 Kacey WHY YOU NO USE LUACONTROLLERS!?!?!??!?!? 01:28 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:29 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:29 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:29 Doyousketch2 sounds someone too drunk at a bar didn't make it to the stall quick enough 01:29 jordan4ibanez I do it classic style 8) 01:29 Kacey see that is the type of thing you need a "sidekick" for 01:30 Kacey to do the hard work while you entertain 01:30 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:30 Doyousketch2 oh, if you're getting 60 fps you're doing better than me 01:31 moala if you are doing 0.5fps you are doing better than me 01:31 moala i can't run it. 01:31 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:31 moala (crashes à startup :() 01:31 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:31 Doyousketch2 what OS? 01:31 moala win 01:31 moala vista 01:31 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:31 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:32 moala any old minetest config file to be trashed somewhere? 01:34 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:34 Doyousketch2 moala, can try deleting your minetest directory, then download a new copy if it's that bad 01:34 moala it's just all new all fresh 01:34 Doyousketch2 did it ever run at all? 01:34 moala when it was version… 0.2 ? 01:36 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:36 crackerenherbe [deleted] 01:37 jordan4ibanez Maybe I should make a video for minetest.net's home page 01:37 * Kacey wants to be j4i's servant on his videos 01:37 Kacey did you ever get that feeling that hope for humanity is restored... 01:38 Kacey and then go on the web for 10 minutes and it's obliterated 01:39 Menche did you ever get the feeling that irc died right after your message 01:39 LostInConfusion Yeah, I hate that feeling. 01:39 jordan4ibanez Did you ever get that feeling of getting that feeling? 01:40 LostInConfusion I have no idea what that even means. 01:40 jordan4ibanez I know that feeling. 01:40 * Menche thinks that LostInConfusion looks an awful lot like us_0gb 01:41 jordan4ibanez No poop 01:41 * Menche wonders if he's chosen a username YET 01:41 jordan4ibanez 0gb-us would be a good start 01:41 jojoa1997|Tablet jordan 01:41 jordan4ibanez or ZeroGoober_UnitedStateo_Merica 01:41 jojoa1997|Tablet did you see my bug post about slimes mod 01:42 NakedFury 0gbdotus 01:42 LostInConfusion User names can't start with a number. 01:42 NakedFury lame 01:42 NakedFury ogbdotus 01:42 jojoa1997|Tablet NakedFury will you ever update doku texture pack 01:42 LostInConfusion Yeah, lame. 01:42 jordan4ibanez ZuroxGoobsBlooper_UranusSingletons 01:42 NakedFury yes I am cutting the textures 01:42 LostInConfusion An "o" is NOT the same as a zero, and I hate being called ogb. 01:42 NakedFury found a huge slip of animated textures that have to edit for side torch use 01:43 NakedFury zerogbdotus 01:43 LostInConfusion jordan4ibanez: There is a character limit. 01:43 jordan4ibanez jojoa: Don't use spawners, they are poop for now 01:43 LostInConfusion zerogb.us is not the same domain as 0gb.us. I don't own zerogb.us. 01:43 VanessaE LostInConfusion: yeah but on most screens, a O and 0 look about the same 01:43 jordan4ibanez ZedGloob_Uranus 01:44 hmmmmm http://i.minus.com/ibpZhnowCDv8Ht.gif 01:44 Menche in my client's font, the only difference between 0 and O is a dot in the middle 01:44 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: missed. you suck. :) 01:44 jordan4ibanez What? 01:44 VanessaE [04-10 21:43] * jojoa1997|Tablet has quit (Client Quit) 01:44 VanessaE [04-10 21:43] <jordan4ibanez> jojoa: Don't use spawners, they are poop for now 01:44 NakedFury hmmm that is so cool 01:44 VanessaE hmmmmm: neat 01:44 jordan4ibanez Oh 01:45 LostInConfusion They look the same, and that is the curse I bear for choosing 0gb.us without realizing the consequences. But there is a difference when you enter it into an IP enabled application. Minetest, for example. 01:45 jordan4ibanez Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 01:45 jojoa1997|Tablet 0gb what is your server channel name? 01:45 VanessaE LostInConfusion: sure, but this is just IRC, it's not like someone's gonna go browsing the web based on your nick :) 01:45 jojoa1997|Tablet i actually did that not 30 minutes ago 01:46 LostInConfusion True. But as I said, I hate the name. To use it wouldn't feel right. 01:46 jojoa1997|Tablet LostInConfusion what is your server channel name 01:46 LostInConfusion ##minetest-0gb.us 01:46 VanessaE LostInConfusion: just do it anyway, no one's gonna mind. we all understand. :-) 01:46 Menche you don't want your name pronounced "ogbus"? 01:47 Menche that's how i originally thought it was 01:47 LostInConfusion *I* will mind. I know others won't notice,bt I'm not trying to impress peopel with my name. I'm trying to find a name *I* enjoy. 01:48 LostInConfusion My name is a mouthful, pronounced as ZeroGeeBeeDotYouEss. 01:48 jordan4ibanez MrTheMiner49er 01:48 jojoa1997|Tablet LostInConfusion: there is a potions mod 01:48 jordan4ibanez WHERE 01:48 jojoa1997|Tablet we should add it to common 01:48 jojoa1997|Tablet muwhahahaha 01:49 * Menche is pronounced mench-ee, but everyone seems to pronounce it mench 01:49 Menche there's an E at the end darnit! 01:49 LostInConfusion Potions? Um .. I'm not sure that sounds good, but I guess a lot of people would like it, and those that don't could mostly ignore it. 01:49 jojoa1997|Tablet i say as 01:49 NakedFury I pronounce is Menche because I pronounce names with spanish pronunciation 01:49 jojoa1997|Tablet mench-a 01:49 jojoa1997|Tablet and a as in saying the letter a not the sound 01:50 LostInConfusion If you want to misspell or mispronounce my name, that whatever. I just won't do that myself. 01:50 NakedFury menche with the e sounding as the e from egg 01:50 LostInConfusion *than whatever 01:51 Kacey I pronounce it just Mench 01:51 Kacey but my name is easy to say 01:51 VanessaE Menche, (mench) /n/ From the Yiddish, "person" 01:51 VanessaE see also, mensch 01:51 jordan4ibanez does the latest version have playerphysics? 01:51 jordan4ibanez for windows* 01:52 jojoa1997|Tablet yes 01:52 jojoa1997|Tablet yes 01:52 jojoa1997|Tablet check out the potions mod 01:52 jojoa1997|Tablet it adds stuff i plan on adding more to it 01:52 Kacey my name is like "Ka(long a)sey(ey being the long e sound)" 01:52 VanessaE at least that's how I underpret your name, Menche 01:52 VanessaE Kacey: as in Casey Jones 01:52 * jordan4ibanez says goodbye to 0.4.5 01:52 jordan4ibanez it was fun the 2 weeks it lasted lol 01:52 Kacey yes 01:52 jojoa1997|Tablet same VanessaE 01:53 * Kacey already has 0.4.6 01:53 * Menche uses the latest git 01:54 * LostInConfusion uses both latest git and latest stable for different things 01:54 jojoa1997|Tablet i use pilzadams luajit version 01:54 jojoa1997|Tablet slimes are finally fasr 01:54 jojoa1997|Tablet jordan did you see my bug report on them? 01:54 * Menche wonders how to pronounce "fasr" 01:54 Menche like "phaser"? 01:55 jojoa1997|Tablet faster without the st 01:55 jordan4ibanez This version's main menu has some slight checkbox changes, which makes it, easier on the eyes 01:55 jordan4ibanez 0.4.6 changelog anyone? 01:55 LostInConfusion It's linked to in the 0.4.6 release topic. 01:55 * Menche is king of the server list 01:56 * LostInConfusion is on the server list 01:56 jojoa1997|Tablet i have been trying to update wiki change for days 01:56 jordan4ibanez set_physics_override a nil value 01:56 jordan4ibanez I thought 0.4.6 had player physics? 01:57 Kacey night all 01:59 jordan4ibanez Or am I mistaking somewhere 02:01 jojoa1997|Tablet it does 02:01 jordan4ibanez It's giving me an error 02:01 jojoa1997|Tablet set_physics_override(1, 1, 1) 02:01 jojoa1997|Tablet that is how you do it 02:03 jordan4ibanez Let meh just fire up deh debawg 02:04 jojoa1997|Tablet can someone make a debug buld for windows 02:04 jordan4ibanez http://pastie.org/pastes/7443752/text?key=daybc9zs0pqoc27krflda 02:05 jojoa1997|Tablet first 02:05 jojoa1997|Tablet you have defaul_stone not defaulT_stone 02:06 jojoa1997|Tablet second do you have the most current version of potions 02:07 jordan4ibanez Yes 02:07 jordan4ibanez it's the github version 02:08 jojoa1997|Tablet idk what is wrong if anything the error hould be in the begining 02:08 jojoa1997|Tablet paste the entire code 02:08 jojoa1997|Tablet also jordan4ipbanez have you seen the bug report for slimes mod? you still havent answered. 02:09 jordan4ibanez I answered, don't use the spawner it isn't ready 02:09 jojoa1997|Tablet ok 02:10 jojoa1997|Tablet though when it is i will be adding it to my mod if that is ok with you 02:12 jordan4ibanez vanessae, does 0.4.6 have player physics lua side or am I just wasting my time? 02:13 Exio wasting time 02:14 jordan4ibanez Thank you exio 02:14 jojoa1997|Tablet jordan4ibanez 02:15 jordan4ibanez wat now? 02:15 jojoa1997|Tablet try using minitest i just updated and it has working potions 02:15 jojoa1997|Tablet the player physics works but is weird 02:15 jordan4ibanez It's the client not the mod jojoa 02:16 jordan4ibanez thexyz, could you please make a windows build for today so I can use it in my let's play tomorrow? 02:17 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: there is some new stuff in git but not in 0.4.6 02:18 jordan4ibanez I realize that, thank you 02:19 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam has a build 02:19 jojoa1997|Tablet and it also uses lujit which makes mods way faster 02:22 jordan4ibanez pilzadam's latest build crashes when I try to join a world 02:22 jojoa1997|Tablet oh 02:22 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah it ois annoying 02:24 Hwkiller is luajit going to be server-side or client-side? 02:24 Hwkiller i imagine serverside 02:24 khonkhortisan If someone comes up with client-side lua, luajit will be client-side 02:25 hylian how do you install texture packs? the wiki says put it in all/textures. but there is no such folders, and when I amke them, nothing happens (textures dont work) 02:25 Hwkiller but for now, it's serverside, since basically everything is serverside? 02:26 khonkhortisan minetest/textures/all/textures_here.txt 02:27 hylian so do I have to make that folder, because there is no "textures" folder... 02:27 jordan4ibanez Found a build that works 02:27 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah 02:27 jordan4ibanez This is going to be amazing for the room I made that is lead to by that piston hallway 02:27 jojoa1997|Tablet the textures folder can be any folder 02:28 jojoa1997|Tablet you just have to give the path 02:28 jojoa1997|Tablet jordan what will be amazing 02:28 khonkhortisan The latest official build has a textures folder 02:28 khonkhortisan So does git 02:29 hylian ok, i am confused, do i have to make a special file that tells mintest where the new textures are? 02:29 jojoa1997|Tablet that has been there for a while 02:29 khonkhortisan minetest/textures/all should be right next to minetest/bin/minetest.exe 02:30 khonkhortisan If it's not there, then yes create it 02:30 hylian ok, let me clarify, not running a exe. Im a strictly linux man. 02:30 khonkhortisan RUN_IN_PLACE? 02:31 jojoa1997|Tablet oh then nvm 02:31 VanessaE http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=82602#p82602 02:31 VanessaE \o/ 02:31 VanessaE nice timing, as I just figured out how to provide run-in-place builds :-) 02:34 * Hwkiller has a script to build a package from git and restart my server 02:34 hylian ok, i fidured it out, thanks! 02:35 MinetestBot GIT: RealBadAngel commited to minetest/minetest: Bugfixes to get_craft_recipe and get_all_craft_recipes. e7f5cdf9d4 2013-04-10T19:33:59-07:00 http://git.io/cZWx9g 02:43 VanessaE there, now my build topic looks good. 02:46 LostInConfusion Nice, are the Slackware builds new? 02:48 VanessaE yep, they're all sync'ed; another build coming in a minutr to catch RBA's commit above 02:48 VanessaE minute* 02:49 LostInConfusion No, what I mean is are the Slackware builds a new thing you're doing? Because I don't remember seeing them in the topic before. 02:49 VanessaE oh, yes 02:49 VanessaE they're actually in response to someone who wanted a generic system-wide tarball, which slackware packages just happen to be :-) 02:50 VanessaE there, done. 02:52 jojoa1997|Tablet VanessaE MAKE WINFDOWS BUIILDS 02:52 VanessaE jojoa1997|Tablet: I don't have Windows. I can't make such builds. use the ones PilzAdam provides. 02:53 jojoa1997|Tablet cross compiel 02:53 VanessaE don't know how. 02:53 jojoa1997|Tablet ASK 02:53 jojoa1997|Tablet /everyone hides 02:53 VanessaE no. :) 02:53 Exio cross compile 02:53 VanessaE I have no interest in making windows builds, there are already three other folks who do that. 02:53 Exio good idea jojoa1997|Tablet 02:53 Exio doit 02:54 Exio crosscompile .exes from your tablet 02:54 jordan4ibanez You know I haven't heard of a crafting box mod yet 02:54 VanessaE crafting box? 02:54 jojoa1997|Tablet you mean crafting table 02:55 jordan4ibanez yeah the bin in your inventory except like a furnace 02:55 jojoa1997|Tablet or workbecnh 02:55 NakedFury bas80 is doing some for his game mode 02:56 VanessaE yeah, there's darkrose's workbench mod, but I guess it isn't what you want. 02:56 VanessaE er, cornernote made it rather. 02:56 jordan4ibanez Well yeah that's what I want, except for it to actually work >.< 02:57 jordan4ibanez A crafting bench 02:58 VanessaE last time I used it, it worked okay 02:58 VanessaE but it's been a couple months at least 02:58 jordan4ibanez Yeah exactly 02:58 jordan4ibanez let's see how hard this will be to make 03:00 jojoa1997|Tablet no i think he means 03:00 jojoa1997|Tablet to work like normal crafting 03:01 jojoa1997|Tablet currently it only lets you take items one at a time 03:01 Doyousketch2 man, I broke my mod again 03:01 jojoa1997|Tablet so 03:01 jojoa1997|Tablet i say this MUST be added https://github.com/minetest/common/pull/28/files 03:02 VanessaE I can agree with that except the correct group name is "flower", not "flora". 03:02 jojoa1997|Tablet no flora is plants 03:02 LostInConfusion Flower is used for crafting. 03:03 LostInConfusion Flora includes grass and jungle grass. 03:03 jojoa1997|Tablet so it works since grass_* is used 03:03 VanessaE oh wait, I misread that, those were grasses 03:03 LostInConfusion Yeah. 03:03 jojoa1997|Tablet so someone should add it 03:04 VanessaE yeah 03:04 LostInConfusion Flowers are in the flower group (for crafting and whatever else), and the flora group for repopulation. 03:05 VanessaE looks okay to me 03:05 LostInConfusion It will bring the number of non-growing plants down to one: the dry shrub. I'm working on that though. 03:05 jojoa1997|Tablet well duh you made it 03:05 mauvebic how can i tell that jit is working? - installed it before compiling, but FPS = same 03:05 jojoa1997|Tablet uh the shrub is kinda dead 03:06 VanessaE LostInConfusion: there is code in plantlife that turns junglegrass into dry shrubs when they spawn on the desert, though I think maybe it creates too many 03:06 jojoa1997|Tablet problem fixed https://github.com/minetest/common/pull/21 03:06 VanessaE mauvebic: why would jit affect fps? it's server-side, not client-side. 03:06 mauvebic ok, so how can you tell its working? :p 03:07 mauvebic looked at profiler info and f5 03:07 Exio smoother mods 03:07 VanessaE mauvebic: by noting how much time larger mods take to execute 03:07 mauvebic aiight lemme try a spawn 03:07 jordan4ibanez OH RIGHT the big issue with the workbench mod is that you had to click items twice to move them around 03:07 LostInConfusion I tried placing jungle grass on desert sand, and the jungle grass disappeared after some time, but no dry shrubs were left behind. 03:09 VanessaE LostInConfusion: might be a bug in the program then; it's not meant for junglegrass to have more than 1 growth step before it dies and turns dru 03:09 VanessaE dry* 03:10 VanessaE so it probably goes through the normal growth code, which would normally make it die off when it gets too big 03:10 LostInConfusion Ah. I see. 03:11 LostInConfusion In any case, I'm trying to top cacti with dry shrubs when they mature, sort of like a cactus flower. If it makes it in, we'll be able to farm dry shrubs a lot faster than flowers. 03:12 VanessaE I'd suggest an actual cactus flower for that purpose 03:12 VanessaE dry shrubs are easily obtained with my junglegrass mod 03:12 VanessaE (but they can only be 'farmed' if grown on desert sand) 03:12 LostInConfusion Okay. I'll try to find another way to grow them in common then. 03:13 jojoa1997|Tablet i say keep 0gb's way 03:13 jojoa1997|Tablet vanessae not everyone uses your junglegrass mod(unless it is in common) 03:14 VanessaE I know. 03:14 jojoa1997|Tablet well going to bed good night everyone 03:14 LostInConfusion Good night. 03:15 VanessaE night 03:17 LostInConfusion So the plan is to eventually move plant life to common, after being rewritten in C++? 03:17 VanessaE dunno 03:17 VanessaE if it gets moves, that's what has to happen 03:17 Exio not the plant lib in "its form" 03:17 VanessaE however, maybe it won't be necessary 03:17 Menche hopefully sans the junglegrass, as that is provided by jungles now 03:18 Exio the DecorationDef will be able to handle the dirty work 03:18 Exio in C++/Engine/Non-Lua 03:18 VanessaE pretty much yeah 03:18 Exio plant_lib will exist after DecorationDef, with the very heavy stuff in the engine 03:19 LostInConfusion I like the poison ivy. That stuff's fun to decorate "old" walls with. 03:19 Menche once i added damage to poison ivy 03:22 Doyousketch2 how do you set your mod to use a texture that already exists? 03:22 VanessaE just simply name the texture. 03:23 LostInConfusion Use the same name the other plugin uses. 03:23 VanessaE if it's anywhere in minetest's texture paths, it'll find it. 03:23 Doyousketch2 I need to use a white tile. could be white wool. but it keeps giving me the blue question 03:23 LostInConfusion That's wey we prefix the image names. 03:23 LostInConfusion *why 03:23 Menche wool_white.png? 03:23 Doyousketch2 tiles = "wool_white.png", 03:23 mauvebic i couldn't tell a difference with bincox (already lean) though paysage is working faster than before 03:23 Doyousketch2 that's what I tried. tried clouds too 03:24 LostInConfusion {"wool_white.png"} 03:24 LostInConfusion You need curly braces. 03:24 Doyousketch2 seriously? 03:24 LostInConfusion Yeah. It'a an array. 03:25 Doyousketch2 oh, that makes sence 03:25 LostInConfusion You are putting one thing in the array,but sometime you nned more than one thing. 03:25 * LostInConfusion can't hit the right keys, as usual 03:30 * Menche can't seem to get his touchpad working in FreeBSD 03:30 Menche rather, any input in X11 03:33 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:34 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:35 Menche if a client has textures in texture/all, those will override the server's textures 03:35 mauvebic found a packet of powdered sauce from 1997 - who's feeling adventurous? 03:35 Menche otherwise, the server's textures will be used 03:36 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:36 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:36 Menche yes, they can override the server textures with anything they want 03:36 Exio if a user want to cheat he can edit the source code and fly around :P 03:36 Menche textures in textures/all/ are used 03:36 Exio an * 03:36 LostInConfusion Is it possible to set a server texture pack from minetest.conf, of just the client? It seems like you should be able to set it in the conf, as to not also force the same pack on your own client. 03:37 Menche the server's textures are used if the textures aren't in textures/all/ 03:37 LostInConfusion How do I set a server texture pack? 03:37 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:37 Exio code a proper anticheat :) 03:37 Menche there was a texture_path setting, back when textures used the data/ folder, not sure if it works now 03:38 LostInConfusion Thr texture_path setting only works on the client. I tried that. 03:38 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:38 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:38 LostInConfusion Aw. We'll miss you. 03:38 Menche what about the setting for downloading textures via cURL? 03:38 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:39 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:39 Exio minetest is opensource and alpha 03:39 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:39 Exio you can always code that and send a pull request 03:39 Exio and, does your MC even does that? 03:40 Exio you need to use external plugins for a proper anticheat. 03:40 LostInConfusion I don't have an external server to download from, so cURL won't work, I think. Plus, even if that worked, it wouldn't work on clients not compiled with cURL. 03:40 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:40 LostInConfusion OH! Okay, awesome! 03:40 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:41 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:41 Exio seems legit 03:41 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:42 * Menche has actually seen more annoying bugs in minecraft than minetest 03:42 Menche like the directional keys sticking at bad times 03:42 * Menche charges into a ravine 03:42 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:42 LostInConfusion Menche: Who is king of the server list? You, was it? ☺ 03:43 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:43 Menche grr 03:43 * LostInConfusion giggles 03:44 LostInConfusion The list order seems to fluctuate a lot. getting and keeping the top position probably isn't possible. 03:44 Menche it seems based on # of players 03:44 LostInConfusion Yeah. 03:44 Menche didn't it used to be uptime? at least uptime used to seem to affect it 03:44 LostInConfusion I know WHY it fluctuates. 03:45 LostInConfusion No, it was never uptime. I checked that at first. 03:45 Menche i think it should be based on the last week's % uptime 03:45 LostInConfusion It took me a while to see the pattern, but uptime was one of the first things I checked. 03:46 LostInConfusion I think the number of players might be good, as it tells which servers are keeping their players. 03:46 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:46 Menche not the current players online, though. max players might be a little bit better 03:46 Menche ? 03:47 LostInConfusion I would like max players better, yes. 03:47 Menche maybe the servers could keep track of the players and maintain a list of players who are on consistently at least every other day 03:47 LostInConfusion Though it bothers me a little when I see minetest.ru on top. 03:47 LostInConfusion That would be cool. 03:48 Menche so, max players ever online, minus the ones who haven't been on for more than 2 days 03:48 Menche err, all players minus the inactive ones 03:48 VanessaE LostInConfusion: why is there a separate copy of the on_generated call in your patch, btw? 03:48 VanessaE shouldn't you be patching into the default one? 03:49 LostInConfusion I think minetest.ru is the only server I haven't been able to log into on the list. Why is it on the list if it's closed to users without using the minetest.ru forum? It seems to go against the purpose of the list. 03:49 LostInConfusion If patched into the default one, and flowers isn't used, it drops ignores. 03:49 jojoa1997|Tablet Jordan it is nice you are doing lets plays again. I was kinda da 03:49 jojoa1997|Tablet Sad you didn't continue at one point way back 03:49 LostInConfusion Or, if FULLY patched into default, we should rename them with the default: prefix. 03:50 LostInConfusion But you wanted the old node names. 03:50 VanessaE LostInConfusion: I see what you're getting at. In which case, you should see if you can generalize the default version so that the flowers version can hook into it without duplicated code 03:51 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:51 LostInConfusion It's a separate thing, I'm not sure why it needs to hook in. Unless we are trying to get all things to hook in, including all arbitrary plugins. 03:52 LostInConfusion Oh, I see. No worries. 03:52 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:52 VanessaE LostInConfusion: I just figured it would help to avoid speed regressions if one avoids duplicate code 03:52 VanessaE but if this works well enough, that's fine 03:53 jordan4ibanez http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83210#p83210 03:54 VanessaE LostInConfusion: I'm particularly concerned with that short loop at lines 18-28 03:55 VanessaE it looks like a surface finder, which should be moved to default as a function you can call once regardless of how many plants are being placed. 03:56 LostInConfusion Oh, nice. I'll update when that is ready. 03:56 Menche any reason why flowers can be left floating, and aren't attached like torches and rails? 03:56 VanessaE Menche: no particular reason. 03:56 VanessaE I could fix that if you want 03:56 Menche think that would make sense 03:56 crackerenherbe [deleted] 03:57 VanessaE Menche: try adding "attached_node=1" to the groups at line 31 of plantlife/flowers/init.lua 04:00 VanessaE fixed in git. 04:00 jordan4ibanez Honestly, I didn't understand a single point you were trying to convey in that sentence crackerenherb 04:01 Doyousketch2 skeletons in Minetest... how cool is that? - http://oi48.tinypic.com/2q8ulq1.jpg 04:01 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:01 VanessaE crackerenherbe: better you should try to get by without google translate. 04:01 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:01 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:02 LostInConfusion Hmm. The skeleton is interesting. Hostile? 04:02 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:02 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:02 LostInConfusion What's the blue tree? 04:03 VanessaE crackerenherbe: there are anti-cheat features, but they're considered annoying and somewhat ineffective. 04:03 jordan4ibanez In other words: They suck ass 04:03 Doyousketch2 undefined. it was from a mod that I didn't have enabled at the moment 04:03 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:04 Doyousketch2 I can enable it, but I was trying to speed up load time so I turned off all mods but the one I was working on 04:04 jojoa1997|Tablet Doyousketch2 skeletons? 04:04 LostInConfusion Ah. I had an overloaded world once, and had to disable most things when testing. I understand. 04:04 Doyousketch2 yeah, want to be able to dig in the ground and find bones every once in a while 04:05 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:06 LostInConfusion Yeah, anticheat needs to be improved. But other things need improvement that are more important. 04:06 jojoa1997|Tablet Sfan5 here? 04:06 LostInConfusion SO I guess anticheat is going to have to wait. 04:06 jojoa1997|Tablet Like in game texture changes and the zoom pull tequest 04:06 LostInConfusion *So 04:06 jordan4ibanez You see, the problem with anticheat, is that it doesn't get the ping delay it's sending to the client 04:06 LostInConfusion The textures are fine as they are. 04:06 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:07 jordan4ibanez if it did that, and ignored it's rule if the ping delay was too high, then it wouldn't be so bad 04:07 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:07 LostInConfusion I don't know that expression. 04:07 jojoa1997|Tablet No I mean you can switch packs midgame 04:07 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:07 jordan4ibanez Users should probably be kicked if their ping delay is too high anyways 04:07 jojoa1997|Tablet Why? 04:07 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:07 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:08 LostInConfusion Ah, mid-game texture switching. I think anti-cheat is more important than that or zooming. 04:08 jojoa1997|Tablet Nope it isnt 04:09 LostInConfusion Okay. You would rather get jerked around by buggy anticheat than do without in-game texture switching and zooming? 04:09 jordan4ibanez FOV control is still pretty importatn 04:09 LostInConfusion Because that's the alternative. 04:09 jordan4ibanez important* 04:09 * jojoa1997|Tablet requests making 0gb's nick us_0gb 04:09 jordan4ibanez Very useful for potions 04:10 jojoa1997|Tablet And sprinting is needed 04:10 Menche we have sprinting 04:10 Menche it's called fast_move 04:10 LostInConfusion I mean things like fixing memory leaks and compressing data for faster network connection. 04:10 jojoa1997|Tablet No I mean real sprinting not super fast move 04:10 LostInConfusion Yeah, we have it. It's called the fast privilege. 04:10 jojoa1997|Tablet Yeah NO 04:10 LostInConfusion You want something slower? 04:11 jojoa1997|Tablet sprinting is for everyone and it wears down 04:11 LostInConfusion Sprinting, if added, should need a privilege. 04:11 jojoa1997|Tablet Sprinting is double normal speed or 1.5 04:11 Menche grant fast by default = for everyone 04:11 jojoa1997|Tablet No 04:11 Doyousketch2 when you speed it up too fast you overshoot your target 04:11 Doyousketch2 because it takes a while to slow down 04:12 jojoa1997|Tablet Yeah sprinting is in between WITHOUT PRIVS 04:12 LostInConfusion I don't want sprinting on my server, so I don't grant sprint or fast. 04:12 jojoa1997|Tablet it is like tunning 04:12 jojoa1997|Tablet WD have walking and crawling 04:12 LostInConfusion Sprinting SHOULD require a privilege. 04:12 jojoa1997|Tablet Running 04:12 jojoa1997|Tablet No it should not 04:12 Menche it does. it's called "fast". 04:12 jojoa1997|Tablet No 04:12 Menche Yes 04:13 LostInConfusion Even if sprinting is slower than fast, is needs a privilege. 04:13 jojoa1997|Tablet Fast is fast sprint is in between and WEARS OUT 04:13 jojoa1997|Tablet no 04:13 Menche wears out? why? 04:13 jojoa1997|Tablet Then walk and crouch need a priv 04:13 jojoa1997|Tablet Because when you sprint you get tired 04:14 LostInConfusion I understand you want sprint to be a lot slower than fast, and you want it to wear out. That DOES NOT MEAN it shouldn't need a privilege. 04:14 Menche well, the minetest player can carry hundreds of thousands of square yards of solid gold without wearing out 04:14 LostInConfusion There should be a way for the administrator to disallow sprinting. 04:14 Menche *cubic yards 04:15 jojoa1997|Tablet Why have a priv 04:15 jojoa1997|Tablet It just complicated things 04:15 LostInConfusion To allow administrators to disallow sprinting. 04:15 jojoa1997|Tablet Unless it is enabled by default 04:15 Menche fast_move = sprinting 04:15 crackerenherbe [deleted] 04:16 jojoa1997|Tablet Also what we need most is HUD api 04:16 LostInConfusion Yes, sprint by default. 04:16 LostInConfusion The HUD API is in a pull request, I think. 04:16 jojoa1997|Tablet Fast_move>sprinting>walking>sneaking 04:16 Menche ...we don't need multiple modes that do pretty much the same thing 04:17 Menche sprinting = going faster = fast_move 04:17 jojoa1997|Tablet No those are what we would have 04:17 jojoa1997|Tablet Sprinting is meant for short bursts 04:17 LostInConfusion But each server sets their own default priveleges. So for exmample, VanessaE can still not grant interact by default, and I can still not grant sprint by default. 04:17 * Menche doesn't think that's really necessary, and is more annoying and complex 04:17 jojoa1997|Tablet Fast is way to fast I can play slolem with it which o say is boom why am I moving like this 04:18 jojoa1997|Tablet Not really a printing is for the short trips you don't want to press j over and over for 04:18 Menche before the physics got all weird it was easier to control 04:18 Menche and, have some grammar 04:19 Menche and some spelling 04:19 LostInConfusion Yeah, I'm not sure what the point of the new physics was. 04:19 jojoa1997|Tablet I am fast typing on a small keyboard here 04:19 jojoa1997|Tablet I liked it. Before I could barely move in water 04:20 jojoa1997|Tablet And fast didn't work there now it does 04:20 Menche lol, now you can fly several floors out of water 04:20 Menche it was fine the way it was 04:20 Menche water no longer cushions your fall 04:20 jojoa1997|Tablet Before you could fly half a block out of water it is better now 04:21 jojoa1997|Tablet Actually it does 04:21 jojoa1997|Tablet But not as fast 04:21 Menche if you have a ton of it, yes 04:21 jojoa1997|Tablet Not really 04:21 jojoa1997|Tablet 10 deep will protect from 200 high 04:21 Menche water impeded your movement. you were'nt supposed to be able to jump that far out of it. 04:22 jojoa1997|Tablet Have a set up like me and you are slow enough not to get hurt 04:22 LostInConfusion Also, water no longer breaks your fall, which messed a lot of my things up. 04:22 jojoa1997|Tablet It does 04:22 Menche most of my sneak elevators used water padding 04:22 Menche and jojoa1997|Tablet, we mean one node of water 04:22 jojoa1997|Tablet And really flowing water to stop a1000 block fall 04:23 Menche don't want to need to have an ocean to break my fall 04:23 LostInConfusion No, try falling 100 nodes into one water. You die. 04:23 Menche and with ladders, you can jump double the height of the ladder, wth? 04:23 jojoa1997|Tablet Ha the point is to be semi realistic 04:23 LostInConfusion Yeah. So water doesn't PRACTICALLY break your fall any more, if you want to be technical, jojoa. 04:23 Menche so high that the ladder just barely breaks your fall on the way back down 04:23 LostInConfusion We don't NEED realism. 04:24 jojoa1997|Tablet Its called play out safe before like me 04:24 Menche about realism: it's a world made of cubes. minetest is inherently unrealistic. 04:24 VanessaE Menche: that ladder issue was already fixed, at least if you have aux1=descend set. 04:24 jojoa1997|Tablet I never had more than 25 blocks of non stopped fall 04:24 LostInConfusion Menche: Exactly. 04:25 jojoa1997|Tablet Blocks of water 04:25 * Menche thinks you mean *nodes*, a *block* is 15 or so cubic *nodes* 04:25 jordan4ibanez What would be a couple words to describe minetest; fun, creative...? 04:25 jojoa1997|Tablet What ever 04:26 jojoa1997|Tablet Semi-REALISTIC 04:26 LostInConfusion 16^3 nodes. 04:26 VanessaE Menche: 16. 04:26 LostInConfusion We don't need semi realism. 04:26 VanessaE you want realism, use my texture pack ;) 04:27 jojoa1997|Tablet Fine no grass blocks or iron or anything real just have all made up stuff 04:27 Menche i would say "very simplified realism" 04:27 Menche you can't walk through water irl as fast as on land, so water slows you. simple. 04:27 Menche no need for fancy physics calculations 04:27 LostInConfusion Very. Very simplified, no need for "realistic" physics. 04:27 Menche right. 04:28 LostInConfusion "Mario physics" 04:28 LostInConfusion Yes, there's gravity, but .... 04:29 Menche you're held to the ground. gravity. 04:29 Menche don't think there's a need for lots of inertia calculations 04:29 Menche makes the player difficult to control 04:29 * LostInConfusion decides to alter physics to make Minetest into Super Mario 04:30 Menche irl, your brain very accurately controls all of your muscles. in minetest, you control the player with like 7 keys. 04:30 Menche lots of super-realistic physics makes the player more difficult to control. 04:31 * jojoa1997|Tablet 'burns coal and accidentally throws the steel onto the lava 04:31 LostInConfusion I hadn't thought about that. 04:31 Menche want realism? let's make the player able to fall over, so you have to keep your balance in-game somehow. 04:32 Menche before the physics update i could run, jump, and land on a pillar most of the time. now that's practically impossible. 04:36 Menche hmm, there's a lot of settings for the physics. I wonder if i can make it emulate the old physics. 04:38 LostInConfusion That would be cool. 04:38 jordan4ibanez http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/ is down 04:38 Menche is that finally dead? 04:39 Menche hasn't been updated in forever 04:39 Menche there any better documentation for the physics settings? not sure what some of the values mean 04:39 VanessaE the whole site is down. good. 04:39 jordan4ibanez Damn I need to get some old pictures for the video I'm making 04:40 jordan4ibanez Where does c55 keep his old pics? 04:40 jordan4ibanez of minetest that is 04:40 Menche some folder deep within c55.me 04:40 VanessaE in that random section of his site, whatever it was 04:41 VanessaE http://c55.me/random/ 04:41 VanessaE you have to dig around 04:41 jordan4ibanez Okay, when was the first month minetest was started to be worked on? 04:42 jordan4ibanez celeron55 04:42 VanessaE late 2010 I guess 04:43 VanessaE around 10/2010 wasn't it? 04:43 Menche grr, killing the inertia also kills moving in the air, so you insta-stop when jumping 04:43 VanessaE yes, that's exactly it. says so on the main site :) 04:43 jordan4ibanez Yes here it is http://c55.me/random/2010-10/ 04:43 Menche somebody has to make the physics stuff toggle-able 04:46 Menche is there any way to revert commits? 04:48 Menche hellooooooooo 04:48 VanessaE sure, just git revert ra32b89d5c7e2gf4d75s2ds7fd4fd9572894543534 04:48 VanessaE whatever the commit id is. 04:49 jordan4ibanez What was the base idea of minetest; a voxel based world which players could infinitely modify? 04:50 jordan4ibanez I think that that, would sound better than "it started off as a bet" lol 04:50 VanessaE jordan4ibanez: "It started as a bet." [Challenge Accepted.] 04:50 VanessaE :) 04:51 VanessaE actually I don't know what the original reason was - I assume just to create a free alternative. 04:51 Menche oooh, new minetest.net 04:51 VanessaE nice huh 04:55 * Menche has been reported for not being in the sudoers file 04:55 VanessaE oh G*d in heaven 04:55 VanessaE :) 04:56 VanessaE http://xkcd.com/838/ 04:56 VanessaE apropos ;) 04:56 LostInConfusion NO! Not HIM! 04:56 LostInConfusion You don't want the man id red to know! 04:57 VanessaE LostInConfusion: better him ^^ than Him --> http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100907135755/powerpuff/images/5/55/HIM.jpg 04:57 VanessaE ;) 04:57 Menche "gpasswd: command not found"... how am i supposed to add to groups in freebsd? 04:57 Menche argh 04:57 VanessaE Menche: groupadd ? 04:57 LostInConfusion Who even is that, VanessaE? 04:57 VanessaE I seem to recall having used that back in my fbsd days. 04:57 Menche that's not there either 04:57 VanessaE LostInConfusion: a character from PowerPuff Girls simply named "Him". :) 04:58 * Menche rtfm 04:59 * Menche figured it out 04:59 Menche more complicated than in linux 05:00 VanessaE heh 05:00 VanessaE vigr? 05:00 Menche pw groupmod [group] -M [user] 05:01 Menche as opposed to "gpasswd -a [user] [group] 05:01 Menche " 05:01 VanessaE eek 05:01 Menche (might have mixed up the user and group in that second cmd) 05:01 VanessaE wait, pw? 05:01 VanessaE some equiv to sudo? 05:01 Menche no 05:01 Menche that's the command 05:02 VanessaE weird 05:02 Menche has to be run as root 05:02 Menche well, now su works, as well as sudo :D 05:02 Menche this is the first time I got X11 working in freebsd 05:02 VanessaE show that OS who's boss :) 05:03 VanessaE jeez, it's that complicated now? 05:03 VanessaE back when I used it it was pretty simple (xf86 3.3 under...fbsd 4.2? I think) 05:03 Menche groupadd is for adding groups, it is apparently an argument to "pw" 05:03 Menche so, "pw groupadd [group]" 05:04 Menche i needed to add a user to an existing group 05:04 VanessaE dinky little 300MB hard disk I think, running on a 486/33 if I remember right. had to delete the sources for xf86 so I had space for a kernel compile, and vice versa :) 05:04 LostInConfusion useradd? 05:04 Menche isn't there by default, it has the non-interactive "adduser" though 05:05 Menche i think the installer used useradd; it was interactive 05:06 Menche i think checking available RAM is more involved on *bsd; it doesn't have "free" 05:07 Menche anyways, back to #minetest, there has got to be a way to disable the new physics 05:08 Menche i don't like them :( 05:08 Menche i don't think there are enough config options to emulate the old method 05:09 Menche git revert didn't work 05:10 Menche why is "Add Freetype support" a child of "Improved Player Physics"? 05:11 * Menche doen't understand git that well 05:14 jordan4ibanez maybe 2 commits made love 05:27 Menche grr, making mistakes and having to revert reversions of reversions 05:27 Menche i'll just start over 05:27 VanessaE which is what I usually do 05:28 Menche whenever i've been tweaking something for a while, by far the best improvement i can make is to revert it to the way it was :P 05:29 * Menche is now using the gui to be sure of getting the right hash 05:31 * Menche is going to have to work on this for a while 05:33 jordan4ibanez How does it look so far? http://youtu.be/z_sX59ssCa4 05:34 VanessaE not bad. 05:34 * Menche gets nostalgia from the old screenshots 05:35 * Menche gets the sudden urge to play 0.2.x again 05:35 Menche simpler physics, mobs, real mese 05:35 Menche epic mapgen 05:35 jordan4ibanez I was thinking of adding narration to it 05:36 * Menche adds the idiotic mese crystals to his kill list 05:36 Menche alongside obsidian and physics 05:37 VanessaE :P 05:39 jordan4ibanez Goodnight peoples 05:41 LostInConfusion Yeah, kill obsidian and finite lava. And copper. 05:41 Menche copper might have a place 05:42 Menche lets see, mese crystals, obsidian, physics, finite lava, diamonds, gold 05:42 LostInConfusion So might crystals. But not fragments. 05:42 Menche replacing the mese crystal ore with original mese might be acceptable 05:42 Menche the mese block would be a denser kind of mese 05:43 LostInConfusion Not what I mean, but works for me. 05:43 * Menche ponders making a fork 05:43 * LostInConfusion already (sort of) has a fork of minetest_game 05:44 LostInConfusion Although, I use the official common, so I end up with the obsidian and finite lava. 05:50 loveminecraft hi 05:50 Menche hi 05:50 LostInConfusion Hello. 05:50 loveminecraft i have a question about minetest :P 05:51 Doyousketch2 skeleton mod as they look now - http://oi45.tinypic.com/dzcp77.jpg 05:51 loveminecraft are there mobs yet? 05:51 LostInConfusion We may have answers. Possibly even ones relevent to the question. 05:51 Menche loveminecraft: there's a few mob mods 05:51 Menche but none in by default 05:51 LostInConfusion No mobs without added plugins. 05:52 loveminecraft oh ok thats fine 05:52 loveminecraft i shall get some 05:52 Menche my personal preferences is PilzAdam's Simple Mobs 05:52 Menche *preference 05:52 loveminecraft thanks for that! ill check it out 05:53 loveminecraft its a really great game, thanks to the developers for making it, i can just tell it will be great! 05:54 loveminecraft its not as featurefull (obviously) but i think its on par with minecraft already the way its going. c ya round guys! 05:55 Doyousketch2 trying to think how they rotate logs. where would I look for that? 05:55 Menche there's a command called logrotate ? 05:56 Doyousketch2 for mods? 05:56 Menche oh, no 05:56 Doyousketch2 oh you're asking me... think there's a way to rotate objects onto their side 05:57 VanessaE 6d facedir code 05:57 Menche you mean rotating nodes like default:tree? 05:58 VanessaE you probably just need to give it a facedir of 0 or 5 and that'll be enough 05:58 Doyousketch2 yea. where would I see an example of that? do they do it in default? 05:58 VanessaE I don't know if any default nodes use it yet 05:59 Doyousketch2 oh. it has param facedir. do I just say facedir = 5 or whatever? 05:59 LostInConfusion You need to give the log a paramtyp2 of facedir. 05:59 VanessaE paramtype2="facedir" in your node def, then minetest.env:add_node(pos, {name=foo, param2=5}) 05:59 VanessaE when you add the node to your world 06:00 celeron55 or just place it and use the "screwdriver" tool or equivalent 06:00 VanessaE that works too, assuming you don't need a specific position when the node is placed. 06:02 Doyousketch2 just want the skeletons to lay down. then make a random spawner that places 'em 2 nodes under ground. maybe a tombstone sprouts above. 06:03 celeron55 oh, well, rotating objects and nodes is a wholly different thing 06:03 VanessaE ohh, we're not even talking nodes then, but entities? 06:03 celeron55 the former isn't implemented for other than yaw, so no luck there :P 06:03 celeron55 you need to add it as an animation to the mesh 06:04 celeron55 or a second mesh 06:04 Doyousketch2 if you can do it with a log why not a skeleton? 06:04 VanessaE because a skeleton isn't a node? 06:04 VanessaE L( 06:04 VanessaE :) 06:04 celeron55 is your sceleton a node? 06:05 celeron55 hmm, actually, looking at the screenshot, it seems like so 06:05 Doyousketch2 yea, - minetest.register_node("fossils:skull", { 06:05 celeron55 well then just place those nodes side-by-side and rotate them 06:05 VanessaE oh fossils! 06:05 Doyousketch2 yeah. starting with people, then make some dinos too 06:05 VanessaE I thought you were talking about that skeletons mob that...j4i? made 06:05 Doyousketch2 no, never heard of it 06:06 VanessaE Doyousketch2: in that case yeah, just use the param2 field in the add_node() call 06:06 Doyousketch2 was thinking about how they re-released Jurassic Park 3D, and thought we need Dino bones underground 06:08 VanessaE wish I could understand how the facedir param works (in the current form) but I think it's repeating ranges of 0-5 for each axis you can rotate around 06:09 LostInConfusion Well, you and RealBadAngel are tight, right? Maybe you could get him to teach you. 06:10 VanessaE so I would guess a value of 9, 15, or 21 06:10 VanessaE sure we talk all the time, but there's something of a language barrier that makes it hard to understand what he's talking about sometimes :-) 06:10 * VanessaE pokes RealBadAngel with a translator ;) 06:10 Doyousketch2 lols, I'll figure it out. just needed a pointer in the right direction. you guys were definitely helpful 06:11 LostInConfusion Ah, I see. 06:11 VanessaE no wait, I think I'm wrong 06:11 VanessaE Doyousketch2: try a value of 8. minetest.env:add_node(pos, {name=foo, param=8}) 06:12 Doyousketch2 k, I'll do it tomorrow eve. gotta crash, 'cuz we're doing stuff in the morn. 06:12 VanessaE ok 06:14 LostInConfusion Drats. I made a chest, when I wanted a locked chest. 06:14 VanessaE got moreblocks? 06:15 LostInConfusion Nope. 06:15 VanessaE damn. 06:15 LostInConfusion Also, it would be helpfull if the chest recipes from moreores were added .... 06:15 VanessaE moreores has chest recipes? 06:16 VanessaE moreblocks does ;) 06:16 VanessaE AH 06:16 VanessaE I see it here. 06:16 LostInConfusion Yeah. All ingots exept mythril could make locked chests. 06:16 VanessaE I never knew about that feature. 06:16 LostInConfusion I used that feature all the time. 06:19 Doyousketch2 wow, wikisend is shot at the moment. what's another good upload file hosting site for a 1.1k file? 06:19 VanessaE ompldr? 06:20 VanessaE or hell, use a pastebin if it's just text :) 06:20 Doyousketch2 has a pic in it for face - http://www.filedropper.com/fossils 06:20 VanessaE or if you really wanted to be crafty, MIME-encode it and pastebin ;) 06:20 Doyousketch2 can try it out if you so choose. it's not done yet, but it's a damn good beginning 06:21 Doyousketch2 lols, did that with a greasemonkey userscript 06:21 LostInConfusion I like the MIME-encoding idea. 06:21 Doyousketch2 do too, but I'm doing the sleep thing. night peeps 06:21 VanessaE night 06:22 LostInConfusion Good night. 06:23 LostInConfusion Oh, hey. minetest.net is different. 06:34 Menche http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5556 06:34 Menche A licence that allows mod authors to demand everyone stop using their mod? 06:34 Menche It is always the right of the mod author to withdraw usage of the mod, in any case, all public download mirrors should be destroyed within 72 hours of the original notice. 06:34 * Menche won't be using that one... 06:35 VanessaE yeah, no. 06:35 VanessaE I fixed up the first clause, but expressed my disagreement with that ^^^ one. 06:35 Menche lol, why would you have a clause like that 06:35 VanessaE (in the original doc when jordach was editing it) 06:36 ruskie once it's out there you can't withdraw the older ones othen than removing them 06:36 VanessaE to prevent another cornernote, nekogloop, etc. 06:36 Menche with the several modders who just walked out and removed everything 06:36 VanessaE or rather, to give a graceful way out in such a case. 06:36 Menche to prevent that? that clause would make that worse 06:36 Menche if a disgruntled modder can choose to make their work evaporate 06:37 VanessaE yeah, I don't like it either 06:38 Menche "to stop non free forks of Minetest closing the source" uh, the GPL? 06:38 Menche well, LGPL would do that probably 06:38 Menche and could be included with main Minetest 06:38 VanessaE I'll just continue to use WTFPL unless some other license is required. 06:39 bas080 Could be fixed if minetest hosted the mods on a server. Every update it can ask under what license the code should be 06:40 bas080 VanessaE, in what case could you not use WTFPL? 06:40 Menche does WTFPL have any advantages over CC0 besides sounding more vulgar? 06:40 VanessaE bas080: if I'm using, say, some GPL'd code in my mod. 06:40 VanessaE Menche: not really 06:40 VanessaE both are functionally equivalent 06:41 Menche eh, I'll use the CC0 if i want something like that... 06:41 VanessaE whether WTFPL would stand up in a court of law...well.... 06:41 Menche sounds kinda unproffesional and vulgar 06:41 bas080 They will do whatever the f^*(k they want with you 06:42 bas080 Judge gonna f00*k you up! 06:43 bas080 Can we not check content of mod to check for copyrighted content. That would really protect minetest modders from the outside 06:44 VanessaE bas080: theoretically one could do that, if one had access to a large enough database of suspected-copied code to start with 06:44 bas080 Is there software for this? 06:44 VanessaE but expect lots of false positives 06:44 bas080 :P 06:44 bas080 omg 06:44 VanessaE ask SCO, they thought they had a good bead on that ;) 06:46 VanessaE http://tech.slashdot.org/story/13/04/10/1523237/iranians-russians-and-chinese-hackers-are-after-you-says-lawmaker 06:46 VanessaE NO! SAY IT AIN'T SO! 06:46 VanessaE :) 06:47 LostInConfusion One of my users is getting an odd error. "01:42:10: ERROR[main]: draw_hotbar(): mainlist==NULL". Any ideas? 06:48 VanessaE no clue 06:48 mauvebic yeah i didn't think that license was gonna fly either lol surprised me coming from jordach though ( i didn't ask for it, tho he showed it to me) 06:48 mauvebic i totally expect the exact opposite of that actually lol 06:48 mauvebic *expected 06:49 mauvebic like something anal-retentively open, RMS style 06:49 LostInConfusion Last time I got that error, my inventory size was zero. But his inventory size is 32 .... 06:50 mauvebic though one wonders how that or any other license could be enforced 06:51 mauvebic there's no one here with serious money to waste and the EFF only takes publicity cases 06:53 mauvebic anyone seen the show Revolution? kinda reminds me of jericho 07:00 LostInConfusion What's the longest-lasting pick these days? Diamond? 07:02 mauvebic likely yeah 07:02 * LostInConfusion tests, instead of waiting for an answer 07:02 mauvebic unless you define your own 07:02 mauvebic or tweak one of the others 07:04 LostInConfusion Yeah, looks like diamond wins the stamina contest. 07:04 mauvebic is it to mine or destroy nodes you need it? 07:05 LostInConfusion To mine nodes that stone is too weak to break. 07:05 LostInConfusion I use stone, until something too strong comes along, and break only strong nodes with strong picks. 07:07 bas080 git pull /home/user/minetest/games/simple <<< why this no work? 07:08 LostInConfusion That's a path on your computer. You need a path on the web, I think. 07:08 mauvebic youll have to ask one of the gits 07:08 mauvebic gits/githubbers :p 07:08 bas080 true, guess i have to cd my way to it 07:08 LostInConfusion Yeah. 07:08 bas080 mauvebic, wait till it gets easy 07:08 mauvebic till what gets easy? 07:08 bas080 git 07:09 mauvebic thats my plan lol 07:09 * LostInConfusion doubts git will be easy 07:09 mauvebic though someone mentionned a few alternatives the other day which they said had a much simpler UI 07:10 bas080 git on terminal is the least tedious way still 07:10 mauvebic though i have this half-suspicion that they intentionally made it as hard as an 80's VCR for the leetness of it lol 07:12 LostInConfusion Difficulty is not elite. If they were truly elite, thay'd make the effor to make it easy. 07:12 mauvebic youd be surprised :P its the reason half of archers' use archbang 07:12 markveidemanis rubenwardy? 07:12 mauvebic because we dont all have all weekend 07:13 markveidemanis Someone give me a small mod that adds only a few items but makes a real difference 07:13 markveidemanis Like benches 07:13 mauvebic :p 07:13 mauvebic like the vague mod? 07:13 LostInConfusion Hold on. I have one. Fetching link. 07:14 bas080 mauvebic, for weekend you need an idea of time. Some people don't have that 07:14 LostInConfusion The one in this pull request. 07:14 LostInConfusion https://github.com/minetest/common/pull/28 07:14 mauvebic i mean building arch from scratch sounds like an intereting pet project, but i like shit to work out of the box lol 07:14 VanessaE mauvebic: homedecor ;) 07:15 mauvebic true 07:15 mauvebic though he mentionned benches and stuff i thought he meant park benches 07:15 markveidemanis I need a mod to use on my server 07:15 LostInConfusion Home decor certainly makes a big difference. 07:15 markveidemanis I dont reallyl like it, i prefer 3dforniture 07:15 VanessaE LostInConfusion: especially with the signs and 3dforniture extensions it got recently. 07:16 markveidemanis I need signs that have NO entities shit 07:16 LostInConfusion I really don't like the signs. The default signs are way better. 07:16 VanessaE markveidemanis: not possible. 07:16 markveidemanis Entities soo F***ing lagg 07:16 mauvebic we'd need dynamic textures with text support to get non-entity signs 07:16 LostInConfusion It IS possible. It's called the default signs. 07:16 VanessaE either you use entities or you have the default signs that require a mouseover to read. 07:16 markveidemanis possible but with all the possible combinations 07:16 markveidemanis so yeh, impossible 07:16 mauvebic and it would prolly work alot better than punching half the signs you come across 07:16 LostInConfusion Mouseover is good. 07:17 bas080 punching signs :P 07:17 markveidemanis How about protection things 07:17 markveidemanis locks 07:17 markveidemanis i have locks, locked_sign 07:17 bas080 protector, i think you have that one already 07:17 LostInConfusion locked_furnace 07:17 VanessaE signs in homedecor are reasonable on mouseover btw. 07:17 VanessaE reasonable? readable. 07:17 markveidemanis ah, k 07:17 LostInConfusion So they have mouseover AND entities? 07:17 VanessaE yep 07:18 mauvebic i dont know why locked signs and furnaces need to be seperate, you'd think only the owner should be able to screw with those (default) 07:18 markveidemanis How about some auto stuff? 07:18 LostInConfusion That sounds like a good compromise. 07:18 markveidemanis I dont wanna stand there waiting for it to cook 07:18 markveidemanis And im not adding pipeworks 07:18 VanessaE markveidemanis: then you have no other option. 07:18 bas080 I preffer the default sign also.But when homedecor is installed somehow i cannot craft them. 07:18 LostInConfusion Yeah, I want locked furnaces. They'd be ever so handy. 07:18 VanessaE either you babysit your furnaces, or you hook up an autofeeder setup. 07:19 VanessaE bas080: homedecor overrides the default signs - technically you *are* crafting them :-) 07:19 mauvebic i saw an MC video with the autoquarry and autocrafter - my main question is y not creative lol 07:19 markveidemanis THats the kind of mod i want 07:19 LostInConfusion There's a plugin for locked furnaces. Build a wall of them, and put all your stuff in. No need for babysitting or feeds. 07:20 markveidemanis locked things that enchance the gameplay without taking away rights of other players 07:20 VanessaE LostInConfusion: I think he means he wants a continuous fuel/item/result feed 07:20 LostInConfusion At the point you're using feeds, you're already using added nodes, so .... 07:20 markveidemanis Thats over the top 07:20 LostInConfusion Ah. My bad. 07:20 markveidemanis item feed 07:20 bas080 VanessaE, Why not make 3d signs different craft? add wood on the bottom corners 07:20 VanessaE there is only wane way to do that. Pipeworks. 07:20 markveidemanis not infinite 07:20 LostInConfusion I just want to not have to guard my furnaces from raiders. 07:20 markveidemanis like feeding from a chest into a __ 07:21 VanessaE bas080: I didn't see any reason to do so. 07:21 mauvebic why not hide it? 07:21 bas080 Pipeworks is awesome, but it needs a way to run smoother on cheap pc's 07:21 markveidemanis I have another mod idea 07:21 mauvebic mine runs on a 1/3 of the nodes (just the pipes tho) 07:21 markveidemanis Node ownership of all formspec in an area :-) 07:21 markveidemanis brb ~10 min 07:21 markveidemanis lmk if you find any mods 07:21 LostInConfusion land claim plugin protects all sign text. 07:22 VanessaE markveidemanis: never heard of such a thing 07:22 bas080 VanessaE, I don't mind it that much. But for users that have a hard time editing the lua it is handy not having to choose between homedecor or default signs 07:22 VanessaE bas080: well maybe I'll add something later, but for now I think it's fine as-is 07:22 bas080 markveidemanis that exists in the trade/barter mod. 07:22 mauvebic i think what people might need is personal little hideouts where people cant pass physically or by transport 07:22 VanessaE I think it's more a matter of people having gotten accustomed to the old signs, less a matter of the new ones being any worse or not 07:23 LostInConfusion I think the new ones are harder to read (at least before you combined the new and old way to form the newer way). 07:23 bas080 VanessaE, think of about the netbook users. A friend of mine is one and he likes minetest more when it runs fast 07:23 LostInConfusion It's not a "growing accustomed" thing for me. 07:24 bas080 LostInConfusion, i agree. Smart mover 07:24 bas080 move* 07:24 VanessaE yeah but how does this affect a user PC's performance> 07:24 bas080 combining the two 07:24 VanessaE ? 07:24 mauvebic yeah i tried the newest version on my netbook too, practically had to disable all the settings boxes 07:24 bas080 more entities 07:24 VanessaE entities only cause lag if they're moving around. 07:24 VanessaE these don't move. 07:24 LostInConfusion I don't know, but mouseover hase to be easier on performance than the entities. 07:24 LostInConfusion *has 07:24 mauvebic 'course 07:24 bas080 VanessaE, i didn't know. 07:25 mauvebic entities are, well, entities 07:25 VanessaE what makes the signs hard to read anyway? 07:25 mauvebic though your friend should try install jit first then compile see if that helps at all 07:26 LostInConfusion The text is so small, and you have to get close to read them. 07:26 VanessaE ah 07:26 VanessaE I thought that might be the case 07:26 VanessaE I'll see what I can do to improve that 07:26 LostInConfusion Also, the infotext allows a LOT more text on signs than the entities do. 07:27 LostInConfusion The entity way has no advantage I can see, besides being Minecrafty. 07:28 mauvebic cant find any screens of your signs 07:28 VanessaE mauvebic: look for thexyz's signs mod, it's what my code is based on 07:28 mauvebic same look as that? 07:29 VanessaE http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3289 07:29 VanessaE here's pilzadam's fork 07:29 VanessaE basically, like that. 07:29 VanessaE except the text in mine is larger - 4 lines instead of 7. 07:29 mauvebic im kinda curious why he didn't submit those changes to the original, is it still supported? 07:29 VanessaE (which is something pilzadam did before I borrowed his code) 07:30 VanessaE dunno, probably not 07:30 mauvebic makes sense then 07:30 mauvebic i took a copy and made a green/white variant like the street signs we have around here, looks nice on corners 07:30 VanessaE I detect a Calinou about to arrive. 07:30 mauvebic just need to reduce the height abit 07:35 mauvebic i gotta finish that pollock/tuna salad before it turns :/ 07:35 mauvebic cant be as bad as the sauce i almost made - knorr, 1997, lol 07:38 VanessaE oh my 07:38 mauvebic seriously, most wines in my budget aren't that old lol 07:38 VanessaE you ain't got a taste for THAT knorr. :) 07:39 mauvebic though were making my mother birthday dinner, and were gonna pull that out to kid her :P 07:40 mauvebic you know that face, mothers do, havent seen it in awhile :p 07:47 VanessaE heh 08:06 VanessaE bbl, bedtime. 08:06 LostInConfusion Good night. 08:10 LostInConfusion Who thought up the in-game server list? Was it jeija? 08:55 markveidemanis JeiJaAA 09:50 Martin2789 hey guys anybody here? 09:50 markveidemanis NO 09:50 Martin2789 XD 09:51 Martin2789 Is this project still alive? 09:52 meldrian NO? 09:52 meldrian minetest is so dead u know? 09:52 meldrian ^^ of course it is, 0.4.6 got released a few days ago 09:53 Martin2789 cool =) 09:54 Martin2789 is there a link to a changelog ? i want to see how far they got 09:54 Martin2789 sorry for my bad englich... 09:54 Martin2789 english* 09:54 TESTERER !up minetest.org:30010 09:57 meldrian there u go Martin2789 - http://dev.minetest.net/Changelog - 09:57 meldrian *sigh* ... 09:59 swilde Hi *, after giving up on mobf (ate up to many resources) I wonder what mod would enable us to get a way to harvest wool back to the game... 09:59 swilde any suggestions? 10:00 LostInConfusion Yeah. I'll get the link. 10:01 LostInConfusion The flowers plugin in this pull request will add wool back in, in the form of cotton: https://github.com/minetest/common/pull/28 10:02 Calinou swilde: "farming" mod by pilzadam 10:02 Calinou the simple mobs mod (by pilzadam too) also has sheep 10:02 Calinou right click to shear 10:04 swilde Calinou: Thanks! I'll considere Farming, as farming is nice by it self... 10:06 markveidemanis someone do !up minetest.org:30010 10:06 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 10:07 meldrian !up minetest.org:30010 10:08 meldrian like that? 10:08 PilzAdam hallo meldrian 10:09 meldrian hi PilzAdam 10:09 PilzAdam MinetestBot is not here 10:11 MasterBot Hello! 11:04 jojoa1997|Tablet PilzAdam ping 11:07 PilzAdam PONG 11:08 jojoa1997|Tablet please update first post http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83188#p83188 11:08 PilzAdam already did 11:08 jojoa1997|Tablet oh sorry i didnt see the 1.1 11:09 jojoa1997|Tablet have you tried it. is it possible to change the definition of the hand midgame? 11:09 Calinou no 11:09 Calinou (not sure) 11:10 jojoa1997|Tablet is it possible to define 2 hands ingame with if %$# then @$% else @$# end 11:10 jojoa1997|Tablet then when your mode changes the hand changes 11:10 PilzAdam no 11:11 jojoa1997|Tablet well i figured out the problem 11:11 jojoa1997|Tablet the hand is set to remove the node when you pnch it. it needs to set the digging times 11:13 swilde hi *, i'm confused, are more ores (gold, copper etc) available and generated by the map generator in 0.4.6 without additional mods? 11:14 jojoa1997|Tablet only gold, copper are in default 11:14 jojoa1997|Tablet and only bronze tools 11:15 swilde jojoa1997|Tablet: But I'll be able to find copper in newly generated areas of my world, right? Cool! 11:16 jojoa1997|Tablet yes 11:16 jojoa1997|Tablet AND DIAOds are added 11:17 swilde sweet! But the main reason I asked was Home Decor mod, where one can use copper to craft brass... 11:17 jojoa1997|Tablet i need to update peacful_npc to use the new items 11:49 jordan4ibanez Can someone record some scrolling clouds without any nodes and time set to 0 in 1280x1024? I did it, but I had to cover the bandicam logo with minetest's 11:50 PilzAdam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmF3BqeEY7Y&t=23 11:50 PilzAdam :D 11:50 celeron55 why don't you just buy a screen recording software 11:50 celeron55 or pirate one if you don't have any money 11:50 ruskie there are free ones 11:50 ruskie atlast for linux 11:50 celeron55 free ones tend to suck on windows 11:50 LostInConfusion Or grab a free one. I used to have a free one. 11:51 LostInConfusion Ah. Well Windows tends to suck, so .... 11:51 celeron55 otoh, commercial ones tend to suck on linux 11:53 jordan4ibanez That reminds me of that TERRIBLE one, it has a blue logo, can't remember the name though 11:56 ruskie http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/glc.html 11:56 celeron55 i've preferred plain ffmpeg on linux 11:58 ruskie does that capture GL stuff? 11:59 jordan4ibanez what is this? http://c55.me/random/2011-07/blockyrts.png 12:03 * LostInConfusion suggests adding VanessaE's builds to the list of unofficial Minetest builds on the site 12:05 LostInConfusion Who decides what the "recomended" texture packs and plugins are? 12:06 jordan4ibanez The gods of minetest 12:06 LostInConfusion Ah. As a godless heathen, I think it's someone else. 12:07 jordan4ibanez celeron55 you started working on minetest around january correct? 12:08 jordan4ibanez oh october 12:16 * LostInConfusion just realized that mapgen aliases are in default, but the cobble stairs used in dungeons are in stairs .... 12:18 LostInConfusion Okay, I was wrong. Cobble stairs don't seem to have a mapgen alias in common or stairs .... 12:19 jordan4ibanez I wouldn't worry about v6 mapgen too much, v7 is already on it's way 12:19 jordan4ibanez it's going to blow everyone away, it looks gorgeous 12:19 * LostInConfusion starts a new world with dungeons but no stairs 12:20 LostInConfusion I'm not worried, as I wouldn't remove stairs, but it is a curiosity. 12:20 jordan4ibanez 0gb-us was being a pisspot over lua mapgen with flowers, I think he might have a coniption if he found that out :P 12:22 LostInConfusion You do realize that I AM 0gb.us, right? Also, the issue was easily fixable, as this is in C++ so there's nothing I can do about it for now. 12:22 jordan4ibanez http://c55.me/random/2011-10/tscrot-2011-10-13_11-49-24.png minecraft stole the gravel texture from you celron55? 12:22 jordan4ibanez Yes I know, I just like for you to admit it :3 12:23 LostInConfusion All you'd have to do is ask. I'm not hiding, I just can't find a name I like that IRC will allow. 12:23 jordan4ibanez _0gb-us? 12:23 jordan4ibanez DOI! 12:25 LostInConfusion The dash is a valid DNS charater, so must be treated as such. 0gb_us would be better than 0gb-us. As for the preceding underscore, ".0gb.us" isn't valid in DNS. It's a nonsense string. 12:25 LostInConfusion I could end with a dot, but not begin with one. 12:26 jordan4ibanez This iron texture http://c55.me/random/2011-10/tscrot-2011-10-18_00-50-26.png hit me in the nostalgia 12:26 LostInConfusion Nice. 12:28 * LostInConfusion needs a mossy cobble detector 12:32 LostInConfusion Okay ... I found a weird mapgen issue. It looks like the seed was changed, so mapgen made some flat walls and floors. But the thing is, I just started this world, and haven't shut it down even once .... 12:33 LostInConfusion Oh, wow. This natural underground room is HUGE. 12:36 LostInConfusion I deleted map.sqlite, and the glitch room is still here. Now I'll try deleting it and readding stairs. 12:38 LostInConfusion Okay, my theory was wrong. The lack of stairs had nothing to do with the glitch room. So why is it here ....? 12:40 LostInConfusion This is so bizarre .... 12:44 markveidemanis Can i have a minetest.conf for a world? 12:44 LostInConfusion Sort of. 12:44 Deivan The lua version is another in the last update? 12:45 LostInConfusion If you start the game on the command line, you can specify a custom minetest.conf. 12:45 PilzAdam markveidemanis, you can create minetest2.conf and set the world param there, then start minetest --config minetest2.conf 12:45 LostInConfusion I don't know what version of Lua is used, sorry. 12:45 Deivan I have new bugs in old functions... Maybe is changed... 12:45 LostInConfusion True. My server startup script does that. 12:46 PilzAdam we use Lua 5.1 12:47 Deivan Is changed in the last update? 12:47 PilzAdam we use Lua 5.1 since forever 12:47 PilzAdam but it can happen that LuaJIT has some minor differences to Lua 12:47 Deivan Now this A[1] is different from this A["1"] in my code... 12:48 Deivan And this string.find(a,":") with a variable "a" nil make a crash. 12:48 Deivan Before no. 12:48 celeron55 sounds like stuff that lua->luajit transition might cause 12:48 Deivan I solved my problem, but I will find more trouble... 12:49 PilzAdam Deivan, in what mod(s) does it occur? 12:49 Deivan My craft guide. 12:49 Deivan Now is repaired. 12:49 PilzAdam never heard of issues with other mods 12:49 Deivan ..and recipes now start from 1 not from 0 in the sequence. 12:49 Deivan Start today 12:49 Deivan After the upate 12:50 Deivan One hour ago I update my game. 12:50 jordan4ibanez pilzadam your latest luajit build crashes on world join 12:50 Deivan From git. 12:50 PilzAdam jordan4ibanez, only when Lua errors occur 12:50 Deivan Another thing. My game crash when I try come back to main menu 12:50 Deivan All times. 12:50 jordan4ibanez O 12:50 PilzAdam Deivan, yes, known 12:50 Deivan Roger, roger. 12:50 jordan4ibanez clarence clarence 12:51 Deivan Updating my mod and coming back to real life. AFK. 12:52 Kacey morning 12:55 LostInConfusion Morning. 12:56 LostInConfusion When playing in a world with zero added plugins, I get this error when a certain region tries to generate. It's the oddest thing ....: "Floating point exception (core dumped)" 12:57 LostInConfusion It happens consistently, too. 12:57 PilzAdam what version do you run? 12:57 LostInConfusion 0.4.6 stable. 13:00 celeron55 in practice that means division by zero 13:01 LostInConfusion Could the map seed be the issue, if the map seed is zero? 13:01 celeron55 what is the region 13:02 LostInConfusion Somewhere near -328, -1763, 120. 13:02 celeron55 sounds odd, but i'd guess it's probably due to new ore generation 13:02 jordan4ibanez How does the game divide by zero? Couldn't there be a way to stop the function being called if it attempts to divide by zero? IE: Don't load a mod if it causes errors 13:03 celeron55 mods won't cause that; only native code 13:03 jordan4ibanez Oh okay 13:03 LostInConfusion If I disable caves, the error doesn't happen .... 13:04 LostInConfusion Huh. 13:04 celeron55 LostInConfusion: write down the seed and run it in a debugger 13:04 LostInConfusion Where do I get a debugger? 13:05 celeron55 well... are you on linux? 13:05 LostInConfusion Yeah, I am. 13:06 LostInConfusion I've never done this sort of thing though. 13:06 LostInConfusion I don't even know what to look for. 13:06 jordan4ibanez get netbeans 13:06 jordan4ibanez compile minetest in netbeans 13:07 jordan4ibanez it has a debugger built in 13:07 LostInConfusion Google says Netbeans is a Java IDE. 13:07 jordan4ibanez Well it's a damn good java IDE 13:07 LostInConfusion But this is C++, not Java. 13:08 celeron55 then it's called "gdb" and you use it like so: run it on command line like "gdb bin/minetest" or "gdb minetest" (wherever your minetest is), then type "run", make it crash and then type "bt" and pastebin the full resulting text 13:08 jordan4ibanez You download the c++ version 13:08 celeron55 (you can get much fancier than that with it, but i think just doing that will give enough clues to developers to fix the problem) 13:11 LostInConfusion Looks like the caves were indeed the issue. 13:11 LostInConfusion http://pastebin.com/9w9QTpK4 13:11 LostInConfusion Were? I should say are. 13:19 Kacey bbl 13:24 jordan4ibanez pilzadam do you have screenshots of simplemobs? 13:24 jordan4ibanez I need a screenshot of it 13:24 PilzAdam nope 13:24 PilzAdam Jordach had 13:25 Jordach ugh 13:25 Jordach fuck that. 13:25 markveidemanis Who will help with the lulzpack 13:26 jordan4ibanez All I need is a simple picture to show it in the promo 13:26 markveidemanis join plx 13:26 markveidemanis *plz 13:26 jordan4ibanez I'm going to have to show an old screen shot of sapier's mobf since most of the screenshots are down 13:28 Jordach jordan4ibanez, install the mods yourself 13:28 Jordach and then do it lazy 13:28 jordan4ibanez Jordach I'm dealing with 3 gb of files in camtasia, I REALLY don't want to open anything else 13:28 Jordach ooh 13:29 markveidemanis HELP WITH LULZPACK PLZ 13:29 * jordan4ibanez snaps mark's neck 13:29 jordan4ibanez shhh shh shhhhhhh 13:30 jordan4ibanez Why don't you ask for help in general section? 13:34 Jordach okay, just re-did my license draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YwVG1UHbMwlBamPZW2KhP96BBLbnvhBsjssV4C-Ol00 13:43 jin_xi just joined to say this: 13:44 jin_xi fuck this license 13:44 jin_xi kthx 13:44 Jordach jin_xi, lol 13:45 jin_xi im srs. did you really just put 3.0 on that? its beyond stupid 13:46 jordan4ibanez You may not modify this code under any circumstance, if you even think about modifying the code, we will cut your nose off and glue it to your bellybutton. Any further modification of the source will resolve in death. 13:46 Jordach jin_xi, i've revised it 13:46 Jordach the original was wrote at 2am 13:48 Jordach http://pastebin.com/AYYeL6Rk 13:49 Jordach i continue revising it for simplicity 13:50 jordan4ibanez You should call it the drunkard lisence 13:52 jordan4ibanez There are no creative commons youtube let's plays of minetest except for mine 13:52 jordan4ibanez OH THE IRONY 13:52 Jordach jordan4ibanez, i cant simplify it no further 13:53 PilzAdam Jordach, your license is shit. 13:53 Jordach PilzAdam, and? you must try before people succeed 13:55 jordan4ibanez If you showed that license to a lawyer, he'd probably giggle and throw money at me. I'm not kidding. 13:57 Jordach PilzAdam, http://www.searchquotes.com/quotation/If_at_first_you_dont_suceed._Dust_yourself_and_try_again./314257/ 13:59 Jordach also: that's the sort of negativity that pushes away people who are more creative than YOU. 14:00 jordan4ibanez Is the one reason we play minetest freedom? 14:00 Jordach yes 14:00 Jordach but when PilzAdam literaly pisses on your idea saying, its not original or has been done before, thats just wrong 14:01 Jordach Give everyone a FAIR CHANCE. 14:02 PilzAdam Jordach, I just said its shit 14:02 PilzAdam nothing else 14:04 markveidemanis Someone please help me with lulzpack on 14:04 Jordach PilzAdam, having practical work makes you more rounded 14:08 williark hola alguien me dise un sever bueno con mucha gente 14:09 williark alguien me dise un server bueno con mucha gente 14:19 BackupCoder Hi. I am preoccupied but stopping by to note that clearobjects will crash my worlds. Please never do it. I will patch the command out when I can. 14:20 PilzAdam BackupCoder, known, /clearobjects loads the whole world into RAM 14:20 markveidemanis DOes it? 14:21 BackupCoder ty and yes it is the death of servers 14:22 BackupCoder If people do it I will need to stop the worlds until the feature can be disabled 14:22 PilzAdam BackupCoder, builtin/chatcommands.lua:661 add "return" 14:22 PilzAdam that disables the command 14:28 swilde Another "good mods to get $FOO" question: what mods give dyes (do craft colored wool)? 14:29 PilzAdam flowers 14:29 PilzAdam its in plants_lib IIRC 14:29 PilzAdam (by VanessaE) 14:29 swilde PilzAdam: Thanks, I'll have a look... 14:30 rubenwardy "Minetest is for bitches" <-- my brother 14:33 celeron55 ALL HAIL TO THE CAPITALIST HETERO MALE MINECRAFT 14:37 swilde PilzAdam: hmm, looking at https://github.com/VanessaE/plantlife/blob/master/flowers/init.lua I dont see how to get dye from flowers... (And glancing over the docs I wasn't able to find any hints on that either) What am I missing? 14:37 rubenwardy Are you saying minetest is a hippy homo female? 14:37 PilzAdam swilde, dunno, I dont use this mod 14:38 swilde PilzAdam: :) hmm 14:38 swilde Any other suggestions on how to get dyes? Especially black? 14:38 jordan4ibanez celeron55 has gone bezerk! SOMEONE GET THIS MAN A VECTREX 14:38 * swilde want an black arm chair... 14:39 sokomine install 3dforniture or homedecor 14:39 swilde Ahh, it seems one needs Unified Dyes in addition... 14:40 PilzAdam every mod that contains "unified" is bad 14:40 PilzAdam because it just does stuff that already exists in a stupid way 14:41 jordan4ibanez pilzadam you deserve a high five o/ 14:41 swilde PilzAdam: I have to admit that it is kinda suspicious ... 14:41 Deivan forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83277 14:41 PilzAdam o/ 14:41 Deivan AFK 14:41 jordan4ibanez o/\o 14:42 swilde PilzAdam: But it seems to be the mod by VanessaE needed to to make use of the flowers... (still, maybe I'm getting it all wrong) 14:42 PilzAdam I generally dont use mods by VanessaE or RealBadAngel 14:42 PilzAdam they have no feeling for gameplay 14:42 PilzAdam but thats just what I think 14:42 sokomine you miss a lot. but maybe you just like another style 14:44 sokomine oh, vanessaes homedecor is fantastic for building! you can build very detailled and nicely furnished houses with it. and many otherwise extremly bad (=windowless box) "houses" can be improved at least a bit by adding one of those nice doors 14:44 swilde PilzAdam: Hmm, I like Home Decore and dyes would be really nice for a complete experience ... 14:44 sokomine plantlife and moretrees are things i won't miss in my singleplayer world. they just look very fine 14:44 * swilde tries to lure some female employees on our company mt-server... :) 14:44 sokomine and technic is nice to play with - setting up a chain of machines, gathering energy for them, building larger complexes... 14:44 rubenwardy Homedecor is bloated 14:45 sokomine they may like it, swilde :-) 14:46 swilde sokomine: thats the idea... ;-) 14:46 rubenwardy Technic is bloated 14:46 sokomine rubenwardy: you don't have to use all of it 14:46 rubenwardy who wants multicolored chests? 14:46 sokomine however, i don't use unified dyes either. it does increase load time of the game and makes it less likely that i'll be able to see inventory images 14:46 Deivan rubenwardy, I need to make better organization. 14:47 rubenwardy huh? 14:47 Deivan But I think this type of thing will be a resource of the game engine. 14:47 Deivan Chests multicolored. 14:47 rubenwardy oh 14:47 swilde sokomine: Any other idea to get black wool for arm chairs? ;-) 14:47 sokomine the chests are just one part of technic. some players seem to like them a lot. i prefer the machines as something to play with. of a large mod, you're likely to like only part. perfectly natural :-) 14:48 Deivan I have many machines working in my singleplayer game. :D 14:48 Deivan Is nice. 14:48 Deivan :D 14:48 sokomine swilde: depends on mods installed. on redcrabs server, it's coal + white wool = grey wool; grey + coal = black wool. some other receipes are even more strange (e.g.that for wool as such) 14:49 sokomine maybe there ought to be a simplified version of unified dyes with less colors? only the basic ones? say, about 16? 14:50 swilde sokomine: which mod provides that receipt? I'm using PilzAdam'a Farming to get wool... 14:50 sokomine that's a good question. there is an old mod out there...let me see if i can find it.... 14:50 swilde (maybee I should hack dying up my self...) 14:50 PilzAdam /giveme dye:black 99 14:51 swilde PilzAdam: No /giveme cheating here. :) 14:51 sokomine ah. woolcraft by jordach. http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3072 14:51 PilzAdam bbl 14:52 jordan4ibanez http://youtu.be/v5tuA9pwKbc 14:53 swilde sokomine: woolcraft allows for _crafting_ wool from sand and coal?! No Sir! ;-) 14:54 * swilde will consider hacking up a simple dying mod him self... 14:55 PilzAdam jordan4ibanez, I wanna join that religion! whom do I give my money? 14:57 jordan4ibanez LOL 14:58 jordan4ibanez minetestology 14:58 rubenwardy jordan4ibanez: i replied to that vid 14:59 rubenwardy VanessaE: where is that music you had? 15:00 rubenwardy found it 15:02 jordan4ibanez Hmmm it's going to be hard to speed it up in the style it's in, I might have to redo it 15:03 jordan4ibanez I think this should be a history of minetest video 15:06 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/technicambience.zip 15:06 rubenwardy yeah 15:07 rubenwardy I am doing a trailer/advert/promo 15:07 rubenwardy I just need a good voice 15:07 RealBadAngel use mercuty rain 15:07 RealBadAngel *mercury 15:07 markveidemanis Who knows the technic frame motors and frames 15:07 markveidemanis what dont they attach to 15:08 RealBadAngel Nore does 15:08 RealBadAngel i just made puncheable nodebox for it 15:09 sokomine swilde: you can try to "craft" an explanation for that crazy receipe :) (or just eliminiate that part of the mod and use sheep or cotton for wool aquisition) 15:09 markveidemanis I removed the nodebox and just the item now 15:10 RealBadAngel nodebox has important role 15:10 rubenwardy markveidemanis: https://github.com/rubenwardy/privilegeareas/commit/332f342eecde40b253171f86bde5aa8c4e00b64f 15:10 RealBadAngel closed wall doesnt stick 15:11 rubenwardy it only has an area addition gui atm 15:11 rubenwardy editing and deletion will come later 15:11 RealBadAngel open wall sticks and move adjacent nodes 15:11 rubenwardy /privareas 15:33 jojoa1997|Tablet can anyone make models for minitest/mobs mod 15:33 jojoa1997|Tablet i need a model for each mob in minecraft 15:38 Deivan I updated the crafting guide, now have 2 fields in the search, I thinking if is necessary a slot to put a item and the craft guide read data from him. 15:39 jojoa1997|Tablet Deivan also could you chang the item and file names to english > 15:39 jojoa1997|Tablet ? 15:39 Deivan What name you request? 15:40 Deivan I have cgmr, cgmr:pc and cgmr:sign, is english no? 15:40 rubenwardy any comments? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CxeUQROl3NkSGsLpZ2_U-paaBGLzK-mbr6aZzekwPJ8/edit 15:40 rubenwardy https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CxeUQROl3NkSGsLpZ2_U-paaBGLzK-mbr6aZzekwPJ8/edit?usp=sharing 15:40 jojoa1997|Tablet what does cgmr mean? 15:41 Deivan craft guide mode renewed... 15:41 jojoa1997|Tablet and i meant the files 15:41 jojoa1997|Tablet like 15:41 jojoa1997|Tablet the files names and the folder names 15:41 Deivan The player don't read files... 15:41 Deivan But I see what is possible. 15:41 Deivan Moment. 15:42 jojoa1997|Tablet no i read the files. it is easier to read it in english becuase you translated but not fully. also the dofile() the files are in spanish 15:45 Deivan I don't know spanish... I am from Brasil (Brazil) 15:45 Deivan I come from the same place from the LUA language. :D 15:45 jojoa1997|Tablet oh sorry then brazillian 15:46 jojoa1997|Tablet it all seems spanish to me 15:46 Deivan Portuguese 15:46 Deivan But have similar roots 15:47 Deivan Ok, I renamed itens.lua to i.lua and rotinas.lua to r.lua. Better? 15:48 jojoa1997|Tablet ok 15:48 jojoa1997|Tablet that is easier actually 15:48 Deivan Is a very, very, very invasive request... But ok. 15:50 jojoa1997|Tablet wait if you want to change it back you can 15:50 Deivan -.- 15:50 Deivan AFK 15:50 jojoa1997|Tablet i just thought that when you translated you forgot the file names 15:51 jojoa1997|Tablet Deivan^ 15:56 rubenwardy My trailer/advert/promo for minetest says "with the ability to be played on old machines." 15:57 rubenwardy should it say "with the ability to be played natively on old machines." 16:09 Calinou lol, nope 16:09 Calinou and "old machines" is not a definition of anything 16:10 Calinou just say "low hardware requirements" 16:10 Calinou minetest can be played fine on a modern celeron and its IGP 16:10 Calinou (today's official shit hardware) 16:11 rubenwardy need some good textures? have a look at mauvebic's posts 16:11 ssieb I have the lastest minetest and minetest_game, but I can't seem to figure out how to make obsidian. 16:12 ssieb I tried dumping a bucket of lava into a hole then running water into it, but that still only gives stone. 16:12 ssieb how do you make a lava source? 16:13 Calinou you can't, lava is not renewable in the default game 16:13 ssieb so I need to find an untouched lava lake and dump water on it? 16:15 * ssieb would love a debugging mode so that he could point at something on the screen and gets its node type... 16:19 Calinou misa's pack now has 1752 textures 16:19 Calinou pack size is 10MB when zipped 16:20 markveidemanis I have made something in minetest that can actually physically move blocks 16:20 markveidemanis you press a button and you move 1 block 16:49 rubenwardy|off bbl 16:50 sokomine it would be intresting to know how much difference there would be between a celeron g555, an i3-3225 (that one with the hd4000) and an i5-3750k regarding running minetest under linux 16:52 VanessaE hi all 16:52 markveidemanis I have made something in minetest that can actually physically move blocks 16:52 markveidemanis You push a button and progress 1 block 16:53 markveidemanis only 4 blocks are required to complete this movement 17:05 ssieb Calinou: actually you can make a lava "source". You just have to fill in the hole enough and then it works. 17:12 jordan4ibanez webdesigner97 did you really design the entire web? 17:16 hmmmm http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2013-04/msg00122.html 17:17 hmmmm ids habbening 17:17 hmmmm ids do lade 17:17 hmmmm y dozen u stobbit 17:17 hmmmm gcc is getting BUGFIXES 17:17 Calinou ssieb: normally, lava isn't renewable 17:18 * sokomine looks around for a translator for hmm 17:19 alex256 what are some good mods to add...? 17:19 VanessaE alex256: depends on what you want to do. 17:19 ssieb Calinou: it's not actually renewable, you just need to collect enough lava to make a complete block. Then you can convert it to obsidian. 17:19 alex256 good server mods... 17:21 alex256 whats the newest coolest mod you have seen that works well in the 0.4.6 version 17:21 VanessaE homedecor ;-) 17:22 VanessaE really, I don't know 17:22 alex256 ok i will check that one out 17:22 VanessaE it's up to whatever you want to do on your server 17:22 VanessaE figure out your theme, your direction first. then look for mods that fit that ideal 17:22 alex256 a lil of everything..really 17:25 ssieb VanessaE: any idea when your pipes mod will handle lava? 17:25 alex256 i want to set up a mini games type server that has the classic type games like pvp and spleaf but also have enough other things to keep the creative people happy 17:26 VanessaE ssieb: sorry, no. someone will need to help me with that 17:26 alex256 that sound like a rough one there 17:27 alex256 and dangerous... 17:27 ssieb VanessaE: the other fun thing about the pipes pumping water is that you're actually generating water, not moving it :-) 17:27 VanessaE yeah, that's purely cosmetic for now 17:28 ssieb would you mind if I changed that? 17:28 VanessaE not at all, pull requests are welcome as long as you don't go rewriting the whole damn mod ;-) 17:30 ssieb is the pump controllable by mesecons? 17:30 VanessaE not yet. 17:31 jordan4ibanez http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83324#p83324 17:31 jordan4ibanez God help us all 17:32 rubenwardy hi all 17:33 jordan4ibanez Rubenwardy: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83324#p83324 17:33 jordan4ibanez Go along with it! 17:33 VanessaE photoshopped. 17:33 rubenwardy lol 17:33 jordan4ibanez Paint.netteded 17:34 VanessaE close enough :) 17:34 jordan4ibanez I think I might make a fake account just to agree with myself 17:34 jordan4ibanez WHENJOKESGOTOOFAR 17:35 rubenwardy http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83325#p83325 17:35 jordan4ibanez NOO 17:35 jordan4ibanez it's supposed to be 0.3 :D 17:36 Exio lol 17:37 rubenwardy bah 17:38 jordan4ibanez Can someone spot the misdameaner? http://c55.me/random/2011-10/tscrot-2011-10-13_11-49-24.png 17:39 jordan4ibanez I'll give you a hint! http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Gravel 17:41 jordan4ibanez The things I find out about minecraft are crazy, it's like this game was put together by freedom, then locked off by greed 17:42 Calinou ssieb: so why did 0gb.us troll about it for a whole month? 17:43 ssieb maybe he didn't realize it? I think he still wants it to regenerate (actually create more lava) 17:44 Exio do you have finite liquids enabled? 17:45 ssieb yes 17:45 Exio without finite liquids you just place liquid in a way like this: (renewable liquids) 17:45 Exio X - 17:45 Exio - X 17:46 Exio and the - gets converted in liquid sources 17:46 ssieb right, but I do like the finite liquids :-) 17:47 Exio well, i enabled it too :P 17:53 rubenwardy *sniff* http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4401 17:55 Calinou Exio: you can make a line of 2 sources, with one block of air between 17:55 Calinou you need to pick the liquid from the middle though 17:56 Exio well, yes 17:57 khonkhortisan See anything wrong? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/content_sao.cpp#L1059-L1082 17:58 jordan4ibanez Yes, I can't read c++ 17:58 khonkhortisan it's checking m_attachment_parent_id twice in the same if statement 17:59 Jordach huh, this laptop's hinge angle goes upto 200 degrees 17:59 rubenwardy duplicate m_attachment_parent_id 17:59 khonkhortisan yeah 18:00 sokomine hmm. a way to change textures of a node withhin lua in a loaded world would be really good...... 18:00 rubenwardy +1 18:00 jordan4ibanez You would have to create a way for the server to send clients textures on the fly 18:01 ssieb doesn't the lcd screen do that? or is that local to the client? 18:01 sokomine it does not have to be an entirely new texture. it can be one that has been loaded already. just a way to switch to another (known) texture. of course...entirely new textures could allow maps 18:02 sokomine lcd screen? which mod? 18:02 * ssieb never actually tried having another client look at an lcd screen I was using... 18:02 ssieb digilines 18:03 Exio maybe an entity 18:03 rubenwardy and signs plus does it 18:03 jordan4ibanez I wish we had a way to model nodes with meshes 18:04 rubenwardy there is a convertor 18:04 sokomine true. signsplus does something intresting. i don't know how it does that though 18:04 Exio entity iirc 18:04 rubenwardy http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5174 18:05 rubenwardy ^jordan4ibanez 18:05 jordan4ibanez Nonono, i mean instead of a nodebox, a mesh 18:06 jordan4ibanez would be nice for 3d torches, and switches 18:06 rubenwardy hmmm 18:06 sokomine for the barrel it would be nice 18:22 bytrist Hey guys 18:22 jordan4ibanez http://i.imgur.com/mgKRcyh.png 18:23 VanessaE what is it? 18:23 VanessaE surely not cobble 18:23 Jordach2 needs more noise 18:23 VanessaE MOAR LENS FLARE! 18:23 VanessaE :) 18:27 jordan4ibanez http://i.imgur.com/jvEJWxA.png 18:27 jordan4ibanez taken from http://www.8dromeda.net/ternadim.html 18:27 Calinou would be nice for a road block :P 18:28 Calinou too bad that game doesn't have multiplayer :p 18:29 rubenwardy jordan4ibanez: have you played that? 18:30 jordan4ibanez I just unzipped it 18:33 jordan4ibanez I tried to play 18:33 jordan4ibanez but I broke the camera within 10 seconds of joining 18:34 Calinou keyboard layouts, quand tu nous tiens 18:36 rubenwardy no idea how to play 18:36 rubenwardy how do you build? 18:36 rubenwardy tab is empty 18:36 jordan4ibanez I can't mine OR craft 18:37 Calinou this isn't minecraft 18:37 Calinou it's ternadim 18:37 RealBadAngel askin for permission? 18:37 Calinou you can tern, and dim 18:38 jordan4ibanez I can't tern OR dim 18:39 jordan4ibanez Use an SSD as 80gb of ram 18:39 jordan4ibanez profit? 18:41 rubenwardy celeron55, how do you build on Ternadim? tab is empty] 18:44 jordan4ibanez entities in that game have pathfinding :o 18:45 rubenwardy HOW DO YOU BUID? 18:45 rubenwardy BUILD 18:47 jordan4ibanez Minetest is built off of this game isn't it? xD 18:48 rubenwardy is celeron55 8Dromeda? 18:49 jordan4ibanez Wouldn't doubt it 18:49 rubenwardy so he is 18:49 STHGOM is it possible to make a mod that changes the way maps are made? 18:51 jordan4ibanez http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5565 18:51 jordan4ibanez I don't even have a snarky comment for this 18:52 rubenwardy what is he saying? i dont understand him 18:52 rubenwardy jordan4ibanez: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83345#p83345 18:52 jordan4ibanez He wants to add mobf to default minetest 18:53 jordan4ibanez What is this, this, I can't even 19:10 hmmmm 8Dromedia 19:10 hmmmm 8D 19:10 hmmmm 8) 19:10 hmmmm his favorite emoticons 19:10 hmmmm yeah, 8dromedia is probably celeron. 19:23 jordan4ibanez http://i.imgur.com/f6dyQHc.png momentary switch 19:23 jordan4ibanez useful for: anything that needs power on with a delay 19:23 jordan4ibanez not a delay, i mean for a certain amount of time 19:25 jordan4ibanez http://i.imgur.com/lA6IVht.png top down view the verticle mesecons on the right is the output 19:26 jordan4ibanez add on more delay switches to increase the activation time 19:27 jordan4ibanez the north-south or east-west rule for mesecons torches was a pain in the arseassbuttockscrack when creating this 19:29 rubenwardy nice 19:30 hmmmm why does nobody seem to care about disabling deserts and beaches when doing a flat map? 19:30 hmmmm doesn't anybody find it annoying? 19:31 PilzAdam hmmmm, prolly because there is no deserts = true in minetest.conf 19:31 hmmmm ugh 19:31 RealBadAngel for me personally world without l-system trees is not worth takin a look at ;) 19:31 hmmmm so if a setting is not completely, 100% explicit, they just can't figure out how to use it? 19:32 RealBadAngel so flat i skip ;) 19:32 PilzAdam hmmmm, yes 19:32 PilzAdam and sometimes even that isnt enough 19:32 PilzAdam they want a big checkbox in the GUI 19:32 hmmmm ugh 19:33 hmmmm i don't want to work on cutesy checkboxes, i want to actually get stuff done 19:33 jordan4ibanez Well there are SO MANY SETTINGS a GIGANTIC checkbox would be helpful 19:33 RealBadAngel btw, i replaced for testin default trees with beeches and changed apple trees. right in the engine 19:33 PilzAdam and some people even want us to drive to their home and point at their computer because they cant find it 19:33 celeron55 we need some crazy GUI programmer that is willing to fight against irrlicht with everything the core devs think is needed 19:33 RealBadAngel it works cool 19:33 PilzAdam celeron55, gimme swing and I do it 19:34 PilzAdam *javax.swing.*; 19:34 hmmmm pilzadam swings that way 19:34 celeron55 well you're free to replace irrlicht's GUI stuff with something else, as long as it's small, portable and works 19:34 hmmmm kidding 19:34 jordan4ibanez We could replace it with html 19:34 jordan4ibanez XD 19:34 hmmmm i don't think irrlicht's GUI API is too bad, we can do what we need with it 19:35 RealBadAngel what we really need is a way to add elements in some better way than static strings 19:35 PilzAdam wow! best text for the website: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83364#p83364 19:36 PilzAdam "Its a game blah-blah..." 19:36 jordan4ibanez I think I accidentally said something smart, minetest's main menu could be a little web browser, and it could use html, and when you go online, or go onto a server, it launches the actual client/server 19:36 jordan4ibanez Either that or my idea is fucking stupid :D 19:36 PilzAdam there is it again: the builtin browser into minetest 19:37 RealBadAngel please stop 19:37 RealBadAngel before we can have browser, OS is needed ;) 19:37 hmmmm minetest is the best OS 19:37 rubenwardy jordan4ibanez: I know how to build now on that game 19:37 hmmmm better than emacs i argue 19:37 RealBadAngel lol 19:37 jordan4ibanez We can build a minetest os from java lol 19:37 rubenwardy move the truck unit on to a 3x3 piece of land and then click it 19:37 rubenwardy (the arrow will be green) 19:38 jordan4ibanez But in all cerealness, weren't some people working on a way to make the main menu coded in lua? 19:38 RealBadAngel client side lua? 19:38 jordan4ibanez Yeah 19:38 hmmmm nobody is stupid enough to waste their time on a menu that you look at for 30 seconds 19:38 RealBadAngel ask jeija 19:39 RealBadAngel im so stupid :P 19:39 jordan4ibanez That would be REALLY cool if we could have a lua-based main menu that we could easily modify 19:39 sfan5 oh yes 19:39 RealBadAngel i keep changin clouds view angle each build to get my background working :) 19:40 RealBadAngel well, cisoun's one in fact 19:42 jordan4ibanez Someone's going to slap me for even bringing this up: but what if the main menu had the ability to be a local server, and you could do stuff in the background of the menu with lua? 19:50 jordan4ibanez mesecons is very unpredictible in certain scenarios which should export the same result 19:55 * RealBadAngel slaps jordan4ibanez for not implementing it yet 19:55 jordan4ibanez noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 19:56 RealBadAngel typical usage: some example chunks with camera flying around 19:58 RealBadAngel so the main menu background could look like this: 19:59 RealBadAngel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFhpgBp4JcM 20:01 * RealBadAngel slaps jordan4ibanez again 20:01 jordan4ibanez One day, one day 20:05 RealBadAngel meanwhile, since im done with crafting recipes, i think i will add main menu score today 20:05 sokomine hmm. time to start a new singleplayer world for tests. only...how do i solve the problem of mods not beeing loaded unless i place/symlink them to games/*/mods/ ? 20:06 VanessaE sokomine: pm 20:07 sokomine pm...that always lets me think of forum-pn or mails... 20:08 Deivan Last git... the game don't is working anymore... 20:08 Deivan :-o 20:09 ShadowNinja Deivan: the game isn't working on latest git? what issue are you having? 20:11 sfan5 jordan4ibanez: 20:11 sfan5 fail 20:11 jordan4ibanez wat 20:12 sfan5 jordan4ibanez: you want minetest os? make minetest os for this: http://i.imgur.com/8Q99KRc.png 20:12 jordan4ibanez I can't make minetest for lines! 20:12 sfan5 ... 20:12 Deivan I already solved my problem. Is some in the common, I purged and downloaded again. 20:12 Deivan All working now, but the mod with 3d armor is crashing... 20:13 Deivan More code to re-write... 20:13 Deivan In "/minetest-3d_armor/unified_skins/init.lua:60: attempt to concatenate a nil value" 20:14 Deivan This line? Oo 20:15 Deivan Have a fault witht the function player:get_player_name() 20:15 Deivan oO 20:23 Deivan Someone know a mod named "player_textures"? 20:48 * sfan5 finally completed his brainfuck cpu in logisim: http://i.imgur.com/UrWLvYq.png 20:49 jordan4ibanez My double sided 2x2 piston hallway with a cooldown timer 20:49 jordan4ibanez http://i.imgur.com/bfgFNQW.jpg 20:49 jordan4ibanez sfan5 what is a brainfuck cpi? 20:50 sfan5 its a cpu that interprets brainfuck code 20:50 Exio sfan5: do you have any "test shaders" what can do something useful in MT (even if they don't work or anything, i want to try some stuff) 20:51 sfan5 Exio: just add any statement like "gl_FragColor.a *= 0.5;" to any shader and you should see a transparent world 20:52 Exio hehe 20:52 sfan5 i'm not exactly sure, but that should do it 20:52 jordan4ibanez sfan5 do you have any shaders? 20:52 sfan5 for minetest? no 20:52 sfan5 i tried adding water shaders and blur... but no luck 20:53 sfan5 well... i got a water wave shader to work 20:53 Exio do you have your work somewhere? 20:53 Exio even if it doesn't work 20:53 sfan5 yes, i put it in /dev/null 20:53 jordan4ibanez Can I try your water wave shader? 20:53 Exio k 20:54 sfan5 jordan4ibanez: i just googled "water shader" and added a part into the default shader for transparent materials 20:55 Exio (_2) 20:55 jordan4ibanez Can I have a download of it? I am shader-retarded 20:55 Exio !google water shader 20:58 sfan5 !g water shader 20:58 PilzAdam oh god, mesecons is soooooo buggy 20:58 khonkhortisan which part of it? 20:58 sfan5 good night 20:58 Exio good night sfan5 20:59 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, delayer, diode and insulated wire 20:59 PilzAdam to power a piston 20:59 sfan5 !g water shader 20:59 MinetestBot sfan5: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/542215-125-water-shader-alpha-v5b/ 20:59 khonkhortisan what do you need a diode for? 20:59 sfan5 !g water shader glsl 20:59 MinetestBot sfan5: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1539123-glsl-shaders-of/ 20:59 sfan5 Ffffffuu 21:00 Exio xD 21:00 * khonkhortisan has a habit of clicking links, even if they're not for him 21:00 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, diode + delayer next to eacher other = let on signal directly pass, but delay off signal 21:00 sfan5 !g "water shader glsl" 21:00 MinetestBot sfan5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THDbXACIAfI 21:00 Exio hahaha 21:00 sfan5 *sigh* 21:00 khonkhortisan ok, so what isn't working how it's supposed to? 21:00 jordan4ibanez just post the link to your shader damnit! 21:01 sfan5 jordan4ibanez: i put it into /dev/null.... 21:01 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, all single parts are tested, even the whole circuit in a slightly different arrangement works 21:01 sfan5 ...letxme check 21:01 NakedFury are you working on adding shaders? 21:01 sfan5 *let me check 21:01 jordan4ibanez where is /dev/null? 21:01 sfan5 note to self: I Hate the iOS keyboard!!!1!!1!11!!!!one!!1 21:01 Exio XD 21:02 khonkhortisan If you turn it on and off quickly before the delayer updates, it'll turn on twice 21:03 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, that has nothing to do with it 21:04 jordan4ibanez sfan5 where is /dev/null plz thnkz 21:06 khonkhortisan jordan4ibanez, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dev-null 21:07 jordan4ibanez Okay so just retreave it dummy 21:07 STHGOM byebye 21:08 sfan5 jordan4ibanez: i'll check if i still have the file 21:11 MinetestBot GIT: commited to minetest/common: Abs height of ores for float lands, springs in indev mapgen d0d61ad799 2013-04-11T14:09:21-07:00 http://git.io/bEHJGw 21:11 sfan5 jordan4ibanez: i still have the file, but it also needs a slightly modded minetest 21:12 jordan4ibanez Could you make a build of it? 21:13 sfan5 can't right now 21:13 sfan5 ... 21:14 sfan5 well i can, but ... 21:14 sfan5 i'll see 21:15 jordan4ibanez sfan5 is a conundrum 21:19 Exio jordan4ibanez: install linux 21:20 Exio you'll have easy builds, always 21:20 jordan4ibanez But linux causes viruses 21:21 khonkhortisan huh? 21:21 Exio yes, because 1+1=(log(15)^2*sqrt(-1))/0) 21:21 Exio :D 21:21 Exio s/log/ln/ 21:21 khonkhortisan also because :(){ :|:& };: 21:21 jordan4ibanez I'm going to go into ##linux and say that, MAYBE 21:21 TheLastProject Oh hey it's my favourite virus 21:22 TheLastProject Which doesn't work since... forever 21:22 TheLastProject On any sanely-configured system :P 21:22 khonkhortisan forkbomb instantly freezes my insanely-configured system 21:23 khonkhortisan Exio, is that something I can run? 21:23 Exio khonkhortisan: what can you run 21:23 khonkhortisan the 1+1 thing 21:23 Exio /0 21:34 Doyousketch2 you know, I'm having a hard time understanding function parameters 21:35 Doyousketch2 they are essentially variables that only work within that function? 21:37 Doyousketch2 the prob is I keep looking at these programs as if it's Commodore 64 BASIC and it all seems backwards to me 21:38 Doyousketch2 the way I figure, functions are essentially a GOSUB statement, but you use a name instead of a number 21:39 Exio please, throw your BASIC books 21:40 Exio and learn a language 21:40 jordan4ibanez how does this add particle spawner work? 21:41 Doyousketch2 well, I earned those when I was growing up, so it stayed with me 21:41 jordan4ibanez do I do local object = luaentity 21:41 jordan4ibanez object = minetest.add_particlespawner(amount, time, 21:41 Doyousketch2 I don't have the books anymore, it's just written in my memory. hard-coded now. tough to shake that line of thought. 21:45 Exio remove your memory 21:45 Exio :D 21:45 Doyousketch2 right. time for an upgrade 21:48 jordan4ibanez Can I make an object a particlespawner? 21:49 Doyousketch2 I'm sure it's possible 21:50 Doyousketch2 dunno how much control the lua script has in way of referencing the irrlicht engine tho 21:51 Doyousketch2 trying to think of any examples where something similar has been done through a mod 21:53 jordan4ibanez YES 21:53 jordan4ibanez Fireworks are back in business 22:01 jordan4ibanez And now that I can do meshes, I can add mesh support for fireworks! 22:08 jordan4ibanez When mauvebic comes back in, I can ask him how to get the positional nodes of a mesh, so we can have mesh support for explosions! 22:09 khonkhortisan meshes? in minetest? 22:09 Doyousketch2 ooh, that'd be pretty. was looking up how you'd reference the Irrlicht in Lua. 22:10 Doyousketch2 think you may need to write a reference into the minetest souce to begin with. then you can pull up the particle spawner in Lua - http://gamedevgeek.com/tutorials/calling-c-functions-from-lua/ 22:11 Doyousketch2 it may be easier than that because it's already programmed so it may be as simple as just calling it like you do with nodes and whatnot, but I've never tried. 22:11 jordan4ibanez You don't need to reference irrlicht, you'll need to get the node points, do for i = 1,number of node pounds in table, and run through the table, and add the particle in at the position based from the explosion point, and then calculate the outer velocity based on the distance of the particle point from the base of the explosion 22:12 jordan4ibanez Oh I think I just answered my own question I had for mauv 22:12 Doyousketch2 irrlicht has particle emitters built in. you don't need to re-build that 22:13 jordan4ibanez I don't think you understand what I'm talking about lol 22:13 Doyousketch2 this may help - http://irrlua.sourceforge.net/ 22:15 Doyousketch2 in fact, we could 'prolly do a lot of cool things with that. maybe tweak out the menu like they were saying earlier. 22:17 Doyousketch2 dunno, you were asking about particle emitters - http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/docu/classirr_1_1scene_1_1_i_particle_emitter.html 22:17 Doyousketch2 it sounds like you want to re-build the code to do what's already there. 22:19 Doyousketch2 all you need tis a way to call the function from within Lua and you're good to go 22:20 Doyousketch2 from what I can tell, IrrLua lets you do precisely that. 22:21 jordan4ibanez I am adding particles at points of a mesh, nothing more lol 22:21 BlockMen does someone know how can i check weather inventory gets closed? 22:21 khonkhortisan *whether 22:22 ShadowNinja There is a issue filed for a on_formspec_close(), so probably you can't, unless this is C++ 22:22 * khonkhortisan just found out "wether" is a word 22:23 Doyousketch2 so is wetter, and I'm willing to bet it's wetter here than there ;) 22:24 Doyousketch2 lol, j/k 22:26 BlockMen ShadowNinja, hmm...so no change to check in lua? 22:26 VanessaE there. two fewer noisy CPU coolers in operation. 22:26 * VanessaE just replaced the ones in her and husband's computers. now they're quiet as mice. 22:27 khonkhortisan I'm sure you can find someone that would appreciate the noise 22:29 Doyousketch2 ahh, sweet. bro did that not to long ago. upgraded to practically silent water cooler. ought to do that here. 22:30 * khonkhortisan considers being a grammar nazi 22:31 Doyousketch2 BlockMen, 'prolly could if we impliment IrrLua. might see about forking the code and pop it in there 22:31 jordan4ibanez YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW A WORD UNTIL TODAY KHON 22:31 khonkhortisan there are many words I don't know 22:32 Doyousketch2 reminds me of a Seinfeld episode about a soup nazi 22:32 khonkhortisan like "sinopia" 22:32 khonkhortisan no soup for you! 22:32 BlockMen Doyousketch2, sounds interesting 22:33 ShadowNinja BlockMen, Doyousketch2: we don't need irrLua for that 22:33 Kacey j4i, so you can make a 2x2 piston door with a cooldown circut but not a 2x1 piston door? WTF? 22:34 jordan4ibanez When I made the 2x1 door, I had not made one of those before 22:37 BlockMen ShadowNinja, 22:37 BlockMen *sry...had not delete the msg... 22:38 BlockMen im off....bye 22:40 khonkhortisan I made a 2x2 combination piston trapdoor/ceiling activated by four player detectors in the middle which also open up - But I can't figure out how to make a 3x3 hole that opens completely and closes to be completely flat. 22:40 khonkhortisan *opens up - 22:41 VanessaE use ghoststones. 22:41 khonkhortisan but that's too easy 22:41 VanessaE they're conductive, so you can feed a signal to one and it covers all of them 22:43 Kacey j4i, 2 pressure plates plus 2 ghoststones makes for an awesome door 22:49 jordan4ibanez how would I create a circle with lua 22:50 jordan4ibanez hmmm 22:52 jordan4ibanez I'm getting pretty square explosion clouds 22:53 khonkhortisan use polar coordinates 22:54 ssieb jordan4ibanez: that sounds appropriate :-) 22:55 Doyousketch2 multiple emitters that range in distance? 22:56 Doyousketch2 central emitter that shoots further, and smaller range emitter that fills in wide 22:58 Doyousketch2 it might look stair-stepped tho 23:06 PilzAdam pretty good: http://youtu.be/3XOB2h2ULXg 23:08 MinetestBot GIT: RealBadAngel commited to minetest/minetest_game: Fix a typo 7acad11a50 2013-04-11T15:51:29-07:00 http://git.io/qtMr4w 23:09 PilzAdam bye 23:12 jojoa1997|Tablet so 23:13 jojoa1997|Tablet what do you guys think of me doing a couple episodes basically outlineing what is in all the games in the forums 23:13 jojoa1997|Tablet eg: minitest, dwarves, realtest, prtaltest, ... 23:14 jordan4ibanez spawning lua particles seems to slow down when used in large quantities and acts very strange 23:15 jordan4ibanez it doesn't spawn them all instantly, instead it spawns them smoothly, and slowly, it's weird, and inefficient O.o 23:15 VanessaE yeah but are they light on CPU/GPU usage? 23:16 jordan4ibanez Yes, but not when used in large quantities, unlike entities they don't spawn instantly, and slow down the entire server 23:16 VanessaE um 23:16 jojoa1997|Tablet Jordan the link on the minetest pe that goes to YouTube could you send me a link to the download for the thing I need forat 23:16 VanessaE particle spawners are client-side 23:22 Exio :D 23:23 VanessaE ooops... 23:23 Exio VanessaE: ! 23:23 VanessaE note to self: the magic "0 / 1" switch turns off the computer if pressed wrong ;-) 23:24 Exio i just "used" some code of terasology's [blur] shaders and tweaked "a bit" (more like just using it as base) 23:24 VanessaE oh? 23:24 Exio => "distance" blur (when not using the full render stuff) 23:24 VanessaE screenshots? 23:24 Exio lemme make a nice place to "see" that 23:24 jordan4ibanez Yeah I know it's clientside, that's why this is so strange 23:27 jordan4ibanez http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5459 Cool concept, terrible game to impliment it in 23:29 VanessaE Exio: render it with HDX while you're at it ;-) 23:29 Exio BDCraft, tried with HDX-256 23:30 Exio weird bugs for the jpeg stuff 23:30 Exio 1.5Mtotal 23:31 Exio k, uploading 23:32 VanessaE you may need to compile your irrlicht with jpeg support 23:32 VanessaE someone else had that same issue until they did that 23:33 Exio like grass being some random texture? 23:33 Exio ffffffffffff, the debian package 23:33 VanessaE define "random", as in just noise? 23:34 Kacey FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU stupid youtube 23:34 Exio VanessaE: no idea what it is, just something what is not a texture and looks ugly 23:35 Exio http://cadoth.net/~exio4/mt/screenshots/pblur/screenshot_4218327943.png http://cadoth.net/~exio4/mt/screenshots/pblur/screenshot_4218375128.png 23:38 jojoa1997|Tablet i like it 23:39 VanessaE not bad, not bad at all 23:40 Exio it is the work of an hour learning GLSL offline with shaders of MC and terasology 23:40 Exio next time i'll download a GLSL book 23:40 VanessaE is this shader something you can share? 23:40 VanessaE can the distance blur be made stronger? 23:40 Exio yes, but it looks ugly when it is "very stronger" 23:40 Exio in any case, what is the license of the shader? 23:41 Exio in the "normal" game 23:41 VanessaE LGPL probably 23:41 VanessaE (since the shader technically code) 23:41 rarkenin Will it be possible to have per-node shader settings? It'll take a lot of work toget them to work with merged meshes, thouyh. 23:42 Exio will be, i think, for what i have checked the "shader" is "used" on a material 23:42 Exio (and is how you can have different shaders for water/liquid and for solid blocks) 23:43 Exio well, i'll check if the LGPL is compatible the Apache license :P 23:45 MinetestBot GIT: MirceaKitsune commited to minetest/minetest: Swing the camera down when the player lands on the ground, based on the velocity the surface is hit with. 7cd5eb4c77 2013-04-11T16:42:47-07:00 http://git.io/K2P-kw 23:46 Exio :D :D :D 23:47 jojoa1997|Tablet sweet 23:47 jojoa1997|Tablet what program does pilzadam use to compile minetest 23:47 Exio cmake and make 23:47 Exio using mingw as compiler ;) 23:47 jojoa1997|Tablet thanks 23:49 jordan4ibanez http://youtu.be/kLCD2apYhUg 23:49 lordcirth technic depends on mesecons, but does anyone know why they each have a solar panel? diff recipe too 23:49 jordan4ibanez You can see the left to right particle spawning in that video 23:51 Kacey lordcirth, mesecon solar panel does not make technic power and vice versa 23:51 VanessaE mesecons solar panel is more like a CdS cell, as all it does is sense light, technic solar panel is more like a real one that produces a current 23:51 lordcirth VanessaE, ok, makes sense, thanks 23:52 Exio VanessaE: http://dpaste.com/hold/1055386/ 23:52 VanessaE Exio: THAT is a shader? looks like C. 23:53 Exio client/shaders/test_shader_1/ 23:53 Exio has a "C-like" syntax what is why i was able to do the stuff offline :P 23:54 Exio VanessaE: can you try it and tell me how "resource-expensive" is? 23:56 jordan4ibanez exio what does that shader do? 23:57 VanessaE Exio: can that be dropped in under ~/.minetest somewhere also? 23:57 Exio adds blur to "blocks" (replaces the fog) 23:57 Exio no idea about ~/.minetest 23:58 Exio i edit it directly from "~"/client/shaders/test_shader_[12]/opengl_{fragment,vertex}.glsl 23:58 Exio 1 = solid blocks, 2 = liquid