Time  Nick               Message
00:19 jojoa1997|Tablet   how would i check for a tool in the hand and then do a function only if the tool is in the hand
00:20 jojoa1997|Tablet   nvm
00:20 jojoa1997|Tablet   i found it
00:23 mauvebic           i love it when media finds the most retarded picture possible when reporting on someone they dont like lol
00:26 NakedFury          they got you?
00:48 * VanessaE         wanders back in, wielding a Black Forest Ham subway sub... with BACON!! :-)
01:00 NakedFury          damn you
01:00 NakedFury          im hungry now
01:01 VanessaE           lol
01:03 jojoa1997|Tablet   VanessaE
01:03 Kacey              BACON!?!?!?!?!?!?
01:03 * Kacey            wants some bacon
01:03 VanessaE           BACON!
01:03 VanessaE           :)
01:03 jojoa1997|Tablet   i am making a player physics mod
01:03 VanessaE           jojoa1997|Tablet: cool.
01:03 * Kacey            begs VanessaE for some bacon
01:03 VanessaE           http://www.mybadpad.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/bacon-heaven.jpg
01:04 jojoa1997|Tablet   would you be interested in hosting it after i finish it
01:04 * jojoa1997|Tablet jumps of a cliff
01:04 VanessaE           jojoa1997|Tablet: no
01:04 jojoa1997|Tablet   shoot i forgot to become a dog
01:04 jojoa1997|Tablet   how do i tell what a player is holding
01:04 VanessaE           my server's right about at its limit.
01:05 jojoa1997|Tablet   vanessae you cant take in at most 5 items
01:05 jojoa1997|Tablet   i will get rid of my npcs there if you need more room
01:05 jojoa1997|Tablet   also
01:05 jojoa1997|Tablet   how do i tell what a player is holding
01:05 VanessaE           nope, I'm maxed out for now, maybe later after some engine bugs are fixed.
01:06 VanessaE           I don't remember actually how to tell, but I do remember it was pretty easy
01:06 VanessaE           lemme check my old code
01:06 jojoa1997|Tablet   im loooking at walking light mod now but want to make sure cause it is old
01:06 jojoa1997|Tablet   say me name when you reply
01:09 VanessaE           jojoa1997|Tablet: I used the node's on_place handler.  on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
01:09 VanessaE           where itemstack is the item you're weilding at that moment.
01:09 jojoa1997|Tablet   shoot
01:09 VanessaE           (e.g. "default:sign 99" or "homedecor:shutter_yellow 34" or whatever)
01:09 jojoa1997|Tablet   i need it to do it continously but you did give me an idea
01:10 jojoa1997|Tablet   later on i will make items that give short bursts
01:11 VanessaE           also look at that 3d armod mod
01:11 VanessaE           it has some kind of realtime wield item detection
01:12 VanessaE           3d armor I mean
01:15 khonkhortisan      I want to lock particles from a particlespawner to rotations on the y axis. How do I do this?
01:15 VanessaE           no clue at all
01:17 khonkhortisan      k
01:18 jojoa1997|Tablet   vanessae could you look at my code and try to fix it
01:18 VanessaE           not right now
01:18 jojoa1997|Tablet   ok
01:29 Kacey              http://ifunny.mobi/#7IDooZOk
01:31 khonkhortisan      I can't tell in which order that happened
01:36 Kacey              http://ifunny.mobi/#4SJ7TspZ
01:43 Kacey              http://ifunny.mobi/#5Jva206w
01:47 Kacey              http://ifunny.mobi/#s5u9r4Fs haha VanessaE has this ever happened to you?
01:49 VanessaE           nope
01:49 Kacey              aaw
01:57 khonkhortisan      birds know when to throw the nut into the intersection and not get ran over, cat is probably the same
01:57 khonkhortisan      Cody's image pixellates differently at different sizes and I didn't catch the real joke for a while
02:01 Kacey              night
02:11 Doyousketch2       khonkhortisan, online it mentions particle emitters- getDirection is how you set 'em - http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/docu/classirr_1_1scene_1_1_i_particle_emitter.html
02:11 khonkhortisan      cool, that beeped.
02:12 khonkhortisan      Looks like I'll have to mess with C++ for that then.
02:12 Doyousketch2       I mean setDirection.
02:12 khonkhortisan      I read it as set
02:13 Doyousketch2       k, they have both but get is for one that exists. set puts it in place
02:29 Doyousketch2       you were trying to do rain, right?
02:31 khonkhortisan      Yes, I should barely be able to see it when I look up - I'm also changing the weather mod to make enough weather that you can run through it without it disappearing
02:31 Doyousketch2       you might get something outta this online Google book - Irrlicht 1.7.1 Realtime 3d Engine Beginner's Guide - http://bit.ly/10RO54t
02:32 VanessaE           ugh, google books sucks bat farts
02:32 Doyousketch2       that's cool.  I'll see if I can find any other examples
02:33 khonkhortisan      It's not usually the farts you think of, it's what's at the bottom of the bat cave
02:33 VanessaE           lol
02:34 NakedFury          chapter 9 we learn the basics of implementing dynamic lights
02:34 NakedFury          that would be nice
02:35 Doyousketch2       I guess, but hey, if you wanna go out and spent 20 bucks on the book go for it.
02:35 Doyousketch2       not like you gotta read the whole thing in detail, just skim some basics off it to get ya started
02:36 NakedFury          the book is 2 years old. I wonder if its secrets can work on latest irrlicht version and help minetest
02:36 VanessaE           my main issue with google books is you can't select text on the page (because it's an image).
02:36 Doyousketch2       they use bat guano in mascera
02:37 Doyousketch2       dunno what you're on, but I'm on irrlicht 1.7a so it should do fine
02:38 Exio               the bad for me is, i don't know C++
02:38 Exio               my C++ skills are the same as my C skills
02:39 khonkhortisan      You can get many diseases in a bat cave
02:39 NakedFury          the batman disease is the worst
02:39 Doyousketch2       try this YouTube channel AntiRTFM - he's got some decent C++ tutorials
02:39 NakedFury          specially if you are a rich guy and have your parents killed in your face
02:40 khonkhortisan      /away works too
02:40 VanessaE           damn it pick a nick already :)
02:40 VanessaE           put it back to us_0gb - it does mean something to the rest of us :)
02:41 khonkhortisan      With one boolean I can turn the whole world checkered
02:41 khonkhortisan      Only thing left is actually resizing the images
02:42 NotReallyNick      /away doesn't work. It must be a client thing.
02:42 khonkhortisan      I have /away and /back and it turns my username right next to the text box græy
02:42 NotReallyNick      "us_0gb" is as arbitrary a string as "0gb". It isn't my name, 0gb.us is.
02:42 khonkhortisan      btw, gray + grey = græy
02:43 NakedFury          khonkhortisan: http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=48046
02:43 NotReallyNick      gr[ae]y
02:43 NakedFury          title: rain in irrlicht + spark
02:43 khonkhortisan      NakedFury, you went beepbeepbeep!
02:43 khonkhortisan      I think I'll change it to the other beep
02:44 NotReallyNick      Does IRC say I'm away now?
02:45 khonkhortisan      NotReallyNick, I think it's because you said something
02:45 NotReallyNick      What is because I said something?
02:45 NakedFury          c++ reflective water for irrlich: http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=16984
02:45 NakedFury          they got great code snipets in the forums
02:45 khonkhortisan      oops I mean to say "no, I think..."
02:45 khonkhortisan      *meant
02:46 khonkhortisan      the grays in the userlist are away
02:47 NotReallyNick      Hmm. I changed my status to "away".I don't think this client has another way to simulate "/away".
02:47 khonkhortisan      that should be the right way
02:47 khonkhortisan      but I don't see it
02:48 khonkhortisan      Did you know you can send files over this?
02:48 NotReallyNick      Send files over IRC? Is that even possible?
02:49 Exio               NakedFury: are you going to implement stuff like that?
02:49 Exio               implement the multipass shader :D
02:49 NakedFury          if only I had the superior technical skills to touch c++
02:49 NakedFury          I would already be doing so
02:49 khonkhortisan      Can you see anything? I'm trying to send you something
02:50 NakedFury          you would see my glorious name right after celeron55 in the credits
02:50 khonkhortisan      /DCC SEND name file
02:50 bas080             mod crafting bench works. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/419967/Screenshot%20-%2004102013%20-%2004%3A49%3A18%20AM.png
02:50 bas080             https://dl.dropbox.com/u/419967/Screenshot%20-%2004102013%20-%2004%3A49%3A41%20AM.png
02:51 NakedFury          nice
02:51 khonkhortisan      I never thought of copying the crafting formspec
02:52 bas080             There is still a little bug. I won't tell you what it is maybe you can find it yourself on my server. I'm gonna fix that soon
02:52 bas080             It allows for any mod to make a crafting bench for their mod
02:53 khonkhortisan      What would I do if I'm a single-node mod?
02:53 khonkhortisan      is there a more generic crafting bench?
02:54 bas080             My mod allows to make crafting benches that only support certain nodes
02:55 bas080             So it would be easy to make a more forgiving crafting bench
02:56 bas080             topic can be found here http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81851
02:57 bas080             you can try them out on the server that is mentioned in that topic
03:10 bas080             khonkortisan, maybe a crafting bench that makes mod crafting benches?
03:11 bas080             btw, i was considering calling this mod minecraft :P then i remembered
03:11 VanessaE           haha
03:12 * Doyousketch2     has never played mc
03:12 VanessaE           nope.
03:13 Doyousketch2       nah, my roomie had it, and I saw him play
03:14 * NotReallyNick    played Minecraft twice, but didn't like it either time
03:14 Doyousketch2       he tried to talk me into it, but I never thought of it 'till my kid wanted me to download it
03:14 Exio               well, i played MC a lot, and i still play it
03:15 Exio               it is a good game even if it is slow as hell, closed, etc, it haz a gameplay :P
03:15 Doyousketch2       I don't do windows, so I checked for a Linux version
03:15 Exio               minetest is more funny for me because it is opensource, but well :P
03:16 Doyousketch2       I'm all about OpenSource
03:16 Doyousketch2       one day we'll rule the world
03:17 khonkhortisan      according to freedroidrpg the commercial people find a loophole in on open-source license and take over everything
03:20 Doyousketch2       heh.  laws don't apply to People
03:22 NakedFury          I did not know minetest had a reddit page
03:23 NakedFury          should be renamed to minetest and needs new moderators. celeron55 is still alive but saxonyx or darkhorn... who the hell are they?
03:27 NakedFury          man its not even half a year and likwid already has half the posts of sfan (from 2011) and pilz(2012)
03:27 NakedFury          this guy needs a daily limit
03:28 VanessaE           at this rate, I'll never reach #1 :)
03:28 ShadowNinja|Away   NakedFury: agreed
03:28 NakedFury          likwid will take it and stay with it
03:29 NakedFury          he most post 20 to 30 posts a day
03:29 VanessaE           and they're all gibberish!
03:29 NakedFury          yes
03:29 VanessaE           fuck, man, stick to your native language
03:29 NakedFury          use google translate or any other translator. they have better wording
03:30 NakedFury          he knows english but its like intentionally he is taking out words like crazy: it, is, they, the
03:31 VanessaE           many people trying to write in English as a non-native language tend to leave out pronouns, articles, etc.
03:33 khonkhortisan      My texture changing mod thing started only changing most of the nodes, and I kept changing stuff, until I realized that it was changing the modname that made it stop working.
03:34 khonkhortisan      Apparently numbers come after letters.
03:43 NotReallyNick      My brother used to use the Linux version of Minecraft on his Mac, because the Mac version wouldn't run.
03:44 NotReallyNick      Being Java, why are there different versions for different operating systems, anyway?
03:44 VanessaE           Write once, pray everywhere.
03:45 khonkhortisan      Cross-platform text-based image processor accessible from lua in a minetest mod. Hmm...
03:46 VanessaE           the promise was "write once, run anywhere" or something like that, but that turned out to be a pipe dream
03:46 NotReallyNick      One of the advanteges of Java is that you don't have to do that.
03:53 * khonkhortisan    , defeated by alias :q='exit'
04:04 NotReallyNick      VanessaE: You said to leave out water lilies (from common/flowers). Do you want seaweed in or out?
04:04 khonkhortisan      woohoo! ImageMagick to the rescue! http://postimg.org/image/my3b37zwt/
04:05 VanessaE           seaweed could be left out also; water plants seem like overkill for the purpose here.
04:05 NotReallyNick      Okay. Noted. Thanks!
04:05 khonkhortisan      1x1 textures generated on server startup through a mod, with smooth shading
04:06 Doyousketch2       it's be awesome if every once in a while you ran into dinosaur bones while digging
04:06 khonkhortisan      Scales to any resolution.
04:07 NotReallyNick      Someone wanted to replace cats with fossils.
04:07 Doyousketch2       cats?
04:07 khonkhortisan      nyancats, the super-rare noed
04:07 Doyousketch2       oh, nyan.  yea
04:07 bas080             fossils should be a whole new thing.
04:08 Doyousketch2       yeah, some sorta mod that actually builds out some sorta fossil structure
04:08 Doyousketch2       like VanessaE's tree mod, but underground
04:09 NotReallyNick      That might be interesting.
04:09 bas080             that could be cool. Ones assembled it changes in a living extinct species
04:09 bas080             huh?
04:09 bas080             Once*
04:09 Doyousketch2       lols
04:09 NotReallyNick      Nah. I think just leaving them as lifeless node would be best.
04:09 khonkhortisan      Can I reliably expect people to have imagemagick?
04:10 Doyousketch2       imagemagic?  is that an extra graphics library/
04:10 khonkhortisan      it a set of small image-processing programs, I use it with os.execute
04:10 bas080             khonkhortisan, i don't think so
04:11 khonkhortisan      ok, what else is there that I can resize images with without a gui?
04:12 bas080             is this the one pixel texture_pack?
04:12 Doyousketch2       oh.  I know they have small C++ libs at boost.org
04:12 khonkhortisan      NotReallyNick, it's the tell-me-what-resolution-to-resize-everything-to mod
04:12 khonkhortisan      ack
04:12 khonkhortisan      I said no, it's
04:12 khonkhortisan      NotReallyNick, it's
04:12 khonkhortisan      yuck
04:13 khonkhortisan      gotta turn off autocomplete
04:13 Doyousketch2       think there's one called png++ somewhere that might do what you want
04:13 khonkhortisan      no, its
04:13 NotReallyNick      Okay, what are you resizing and why?
04:13 khonkhortisan      there.
04:13 khonkhortisan      Every texture used by a node or an item.
04:14 khonkhortisan      Basically this, http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=82665#p82665 but in lua.
04:14 bas080             I have image_magick if you want me to test your script
04:15 bas080             you can always run it on your own computer and then offer it as a texture pack
04:15 * NotReallyNick    is removing the loop in flowers, as he knows a certain person here dislikes loops
04:16 khonkhortisan      ok, I'll put it on github
04:17 Doyousketch2       can you include the lib in the mod folder?
04:18 Doyousketch2       I thought mods let you include "media."  that basically applies in your case
04:19 khonkhortisan      if I packaged it, I could do something like os.execute(modpath/media/imagemagick/convert...)
04:20 Doyousketch2       perhaps.  tho can you use the irrlicht engine to resize?
04:20 khonkhortisan      My empty textures directory might be a problem.
04:21 Doyousketch2       http://www.irrlicht3d.org/wiki/index.php?n=Main.ScalingAnImage
04:21 Doyousketch2       will mods let you make calls like that to the graphics engine?
04:22 khonkhortisan      nooo we're stuck using an api
04:22 khonkhortisan      and those are pointers
04:23 khonkhortisan      here it is, but you'll have to make the textures/ folder by yourself. https://github.com/khonkhortisan/1x1textureresizer
04:23 khonkhortisan      If it doesn't work for you, please tell me what I can use other than imagemagick.
04:26 khonkhortisan      We just recently got the ability to rotate a node 90° on any axis.
04:26 khonkhortisan      whoops I put the wrong resolution in there
04:28 Doyousketch2       my net connection's acting up.  is imagemagic open source?
04:29 Doyousketch2       if so, you should copy it straight into your mod dir so everyone can get a copy
04:30 khonkhortisan      My mod missed a few things, like zinc, deployers, and node breakers.
04:31 bas080             khonkhortisan, https://gist.github.com/bas080/5351800
04:31 bas080             error
04:31 khonkhortisan      imagemagick is a binary release, I'd have to pack all of them
04:31 bas080             Games/minetest/bin/../games/minimal/mods/1x1textureresizer/textures/default_tnt_side_4x4.png:
04:31 bas080             btw, i never knew i could perform unix functions from lua!
04:32 bas080             Or am i mistaking?
04:32 khonkhortisan      git pull, I had the resolution wrong. But I don't know what that error is
04:33 Doyousketch2       gonna walk for a few.  take in the night air.
04:33 khonkhortisan      Looks like it wants the file to exist before writing to it. What lua version do you have?
04:33 bas080             is somehow is looking for the tnt texture in the wrong mod folder
04:33 khonkhortisan      no that's the right place, that's where I copy it to, then resize it at
04:33 khonkhortisan      io.input gets copied to io.output
04:33 bas080             lua version? The thing that comes with minetest
04:34 bas080             oo wait i do not have tnt installed
04:34 khonkhortisan      ?
04:34 khonkhortisan      neither do I
04:34 khonkhortisan      One of your mods makes reference to "default_tnt_side.png"
04:35 bas080             could be. I also have the texture in default.
04:35 khonkhortisan      I'm searching registered_nodes.tiles, registered_nodes.inventory_image, and registered_items.inventory_image.
04:36 bas080             then it must be part of the default mod. An alias maybe
04:36 bas080             it's not part of default
04:37 khonkhortisan      I'm confused by it saying 'output' instead of 'input'
04:38 bas080             computer doesn't lie
04:39 bas080             btw, none of the textures are converted.
04:39 khonkhortisan      Yeah, it converts after copy.
04:40 bas080             how can i check what version lua i'm running?
04:41 khonkhortisan      print(_VERSION) at the top of a mod
04:42 khonkhortisan      I'm using luajit, that might make a difference
04:42 khonkhortisan      Lua 5.1
04:48 khonkhortisan      What operating system are you on?
04:49 bas080             os.execute is freaking awesome!!! Why do i only know of this now? Has anyone made a media tool mod? gmusicbrowser/rhyrhmbox
04:49 khonkhortisan      If you're on windows, you should change sep = "/" to sep = "\"
04:49 bas080             kubuntu
04:49 bas080             ubuntu gone rogue
04:49 bas080             no wait xubuntu
04:49 khonkhortisan      haha
04:50 khonkhortisan      youbuntu mesuse
04:50 bas080             it's mine alright...
04:53 khonkhortisan      What does it say if you print(_VERSION) at the top of init.lua?
04:57 khonkhortisan      hi sfan5
04:57 khonkhortisan      bye sfan5
04:57 bas080             on it
05:01 bas080             I'm running 5.1
05:04 khonkhortisan      me too
05:05 khonkhortisan      5.1 in minetest's lua, 5.1.4 in system.
05:12 khonkhortisan      sure is a lot easier to fix an error when I get it myself
05:15 Doyousketch2       is there a noticeable speed diff when using 1x1 textures?
05:15 khonkhortisan      It does a lot of stuff when the server starts. I haven't checked whether smaller textures makes it faster.
05:16 Doyousketch2       oh.  I'd think you could 'prolly extend your view distance with such small textures, be cause it wouldn't have to compute as much memory
05:17 khonkhortisan      Speaking of which, I might have to delete some variables.
05:35 khonkhortisan      My mod is acting up, I'm getting unknown_item_4x4_1x1.png it's combining two different resolutions together.
05:49 NotReallyNick      minetest.env:find_node_near() always return the closest node to the center that matches?
05:49 Doyousketch2       just the name, or the resolutions are wrong too?
05:50 VanessaE           bbl, bedtime.
05:51 NotReallyNick      Good night.
05:51 khonkhortisan      I keep enabling and disabling my mod and it keeps going between 1px and 4px, but never getting back to 16px. I even deleted ~/.minetest/cache
05:51 khonkhortisan      I don't know where it's storing the 4px images
05:51 khonkhortisan      If my mod made them, they'd still be there
05:52 Doyousketch2       they aren't in minetest/cache, they're in minetest/textures/all
05:56 khonkhortisan      I have nothing there
05:57 Doyousketch2       oh.  that's where all mine are
05:57 khonkhortisan      Did you manually put them there?
05:58 Doyousketch2       'prolly so.  think I downloaded most of 'em from HDX texture pack
06:19 Doyousketch2       wow, you know, reduced texture size does speed it up
06:20 Doyousketch2       just batch resized 'em all to 4x4 and it easily flys through with 150 view distance
06:21 VanessaE           back for a sec
06:21 VanessaE           not going to bed *just* yet
06:21 VanessaE           Doyousketch2: I require screenshots.  Now. :-)
06:21 Doyousketch2       I'd bet 1x1 would be quicker, but I dunno if I could handle that for everything
06:22 Doyousketch2       lol, k.  1 sec
06:27 VanessaE           *Waits*
06:27 Doyousketch2       http://oi50.tinypic.com/2u5gn4o.jpg
06:28 VanessaE           "Sketch 0.4.6" heh
06:28 Doyousketch2       had to run around map to get it all in view, then convert from png
06:28 VanessaE           got something a bit closer? :-)
06:29 Doyousketch2       yeahttp://oi47.tinypic.com/29n75er.jpg
06:29 Doyousketch2       eh
06:29 Doyousketch2       http://oi47.tinypic.com/29n75er.jpg
06:29 ironzorg           what's to see in these ?
06:29 VanessaE           huh.  you know, that actually doesn't look half bad really.
06:30 VanessaE           at least the leaves are color-accurate anyway
06:32 Doyousketch2       http://wikisend.com/download/566228/4x4.7z
06:32 Doyousketch2       you can try it out if you like.  minetest/textures/all
06:33 VanessaE           maybe later :-)
06:33 Doyousketch2       that's fine.  no hurry.  was really just playing around
06:48 VanessaE           ok, off to bed for real now :)
06:48 VanessaE           night all
06:59 NotReallyNick      Good night.
07:37 NotReallyNick      Okay, I finished flowers.
07:52 paxcoder           !up mt1.gameboom.net
07:52 MinetestBot        mt1.gameboom.net:30000 seems to be down
07:52 paxcoder           !up boomtown.gameboom.net
07:52 MinetestBot        boomtown.gameboom.net:30000 seems to be down
08:04 markveidemanis     Hi
08:05 markveidemanis     PING
08:14 NotReallyNick      Ping what?
08:16 markveidemanis     Somoene is here!!!
08:16 markveidemanis     PING \n PING
08:17 markveidemanis     *PONG
08:24 NotReallyNick      You want to play ping pong now?
08:24 markveidemanis     Hello everyone
08:24 markveidemanis     PING
08:24 NotReallyNick      Hello.
08:31 markveidemanis everyone welcome
08:32 TheGhostOfCarl     Access denied.
08:33 TheGhostOfCarl     It says I have the wrong password.
08:33 TheGhostOfCarl     Please use "/password 0gb_us ApRi//13".
08:34 NotReallyNick      Never mind.
08:34 NotReallyNick      Somehow, my password got wiped.
09:09 NotReallyNick      markveidemanis: My client keeps crashing now.
09:09 markveidemanis     sure its not me messing with the 'tunnel of peace'?
09:10 markveidemanis     it says FUCK when you go through it
09:10 NotReallyNick      I don't know what it is, but it's crashing the client.
09:10 NotReallyNick      NO! The code was wiped.
09:16 NotReallyNick      Good night.
09:23 * Leoneof          *yaaaaaaaaaaaawn*
09:37 markveidemanis     Who can make me an addon for digiline?
10:03 Taoki              Found an interesting bug I believe. If you spawn a door with add_node, it is stuck. You can't right-click it to open it and can't even dig it (it spawns back if you do). Anyone know more about this?
10:06 markveidemanis     make me a mod
10:09 Calinou            .avi
10:12 Taoki              Oh... it only happens for steel doors not wood ones
10:41 markveidemanis MESECONS machine
10:47 PilzAdam           Hello everyone!
10:55 jojoa1997|Tablet   how would i set a players physics
10:56 PilzAdam           read lua-api.txt
10:57 jojoa1997|Tablet   i did
10:57 jojoa1997|Tablet   i tried and it wont work
10:58 jojoa1997|Tablet   onesec i might have the code on my tablet
10:59 markveidemanis     Jojoa come on my server and do the mesecons puzzle
10:59 markveidemanis
11:02 jojoa1997|Tablet   i cant
11:02 jojoa1997|Tablet   notice a little something by my name
11:02 jojoa1997|Tablet   http://pastebin.com/ZfgmUDec
11:02 jojoa1997|Tablet   pilzadam that is my code
11:03 PilzAdam           you cant access NAME in the function
11:03 markveidemanis     good idea jojoa
11:04 jojoa1997|Tablet   pilzadam what do you mean
11:04 jojoa1997|Tablet   pilzadam try running it
11:04 jojoa1997|Tablet   NAME is just for the function def later on.
11:04 PilzAdam           NAME, SPEED, JUMP, GRAV, speed, jump and gravity are all nil in this function
11:06 celeron55          no, it will create a closure that will keep the parameters of MG()
11:06 celeron55          but all the stuff after set_physics_override is plain utter nonsense
11:08 PilzAdam           spam: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=82970#p82970
11:08 jojoa1997|Tablet   what stuff
11:08 jojoa1997|Tablet   oh celeron do you know java
11:08 celeron55          jojoa1997|Tablet: read your code like a computer and you will see
11:08 celeron55          forget everything what you intended it to do, just interpret it as what it does
11:09 jojoa1997|Tablet   oh
11:09 jojoa1997|Tablet   do i just set the numbers in the set_physics function
11:09 celeron55          and forget your indentation too, it's screwed up
11:09 celeron55          the computer won't care about how you indented it so you're fooled
11:10 jojoa1997|Tablet   uh pastebin does not do a good job with spaceing
11:10 jojoa1997|Tablet   http://pastebin.com/35Z4fgsR
11:10 jojoa1997|Tablet   that right
11:11 Doyousketch2       pastebin tabs are set at 8 spaces.  you have to set your text editor to match
11:12 jojoa1997|Tablet   uh no
11:12 jojoa1997|Tablet   my editor is set to the one on my computor
11:13 Doyousketch2       try gEdit then.  set tab spacing to 8.
11:14 jojoa1997|Tablet   no i like my editor
11:14 Doyousketch2       fine.  don't blame pastebin for screwing up spacing then
11:14 jojoa1997|Tablet   http://pastebin.com/xXg5g539
11:14 jojoa1997|Tablet   is that right
11:14 jojoa1997|Tablet   wait no
11:15 jojoa1997|Tablet   http://pastebin.com/tsZyaLJT
11:15 jojoa1997|Tablet   that is right?
11:17 markveidemanis     NO
11:17 NotReallyNick      No?
11:17 jojoa1997|Tablet   why
11:17 markveidemanis     because it wont load the page :D
11:17 jojoa1997|Tablet   could someone test it i cant for another 6 hours
11:18 markveidemanis come see the mesecon
11:18 jojoa1997|Tablet   what page
11:18 markveidemanis     nevermind, il test your mod
11:18 jojoa1997|Tablet   thanks send me a forum pm
11:25 NotReallyNick      Yay! A flower grew! It took about an hour, but at least they're growing. And at this rate, people shouldn't complain that they're too common.
11:35 markveidemanis     haha
11:35 markveidemanis     Join
11:36 NotReallyNick      What's funny?
11:36 markveidemanis     JOIN< PLEASE!!!
11:37 NotReallyNick      I'm debugging. Do you need me, ore ore you just wanting to show me digilins again?
11:37 NotReallyNick      *digilines
11:37 markveidemanis     I have made somehting
11:38 NotReallyNick      Okay. I'm going to try to crash my server real quick, then I'll join you.
11:38 markveidemanis     /shutdown
11:39 NotReallyNick      Awesome. Crash fixed.
11:39 NotReallyNick      /shutdown won't help me.
11:39 NotReallyNick      That shuts down the server, I needed it up to test the crash issue in the IRC plugin.
11:40 NotReallyNick      And I have successfully fixed it. Now I just need kaeza to pull.
11:51 rubenwardy         hi all
11:54 markveidemanis     Who wants to make a mesecons map with me
11:54 markveidemanis     It will be not only mesecons, other mods too
12:10 rubenwardy         who runs minetest.com?
12:12 N-GaR              I don't know, but not the great and mighty N-GaR.
12:12 N-GaR              Do a whois search on minetest.com.
12:13 PilzAdam           rubenwardy, ask Calinou
12:13 PilzAdam           IIRC he said that the guy who runs it disappeard some time ago
12:17 rubenwardy         hmm
12:17 rubenwardy         bad SEO
12:20 rubenwardy         oooh, I have a thousand posts and I did not notice!
12:20 * PilzAdam         has 2000
12:20 rubenwardy         Bloody hell, jojoa1997 has 2150
12:20 rubenwardy         and look at Likwid H-Craft
12:21 rubenwardy         I registered in July 2012 and I have 1000 posts, she registered in Jane 2013 and has 1056
12:22 rubenwardy         why do newbies  post so much crap?
12:22 PilzAdam           because they are 8 years old and have too much time?
12:23 PilzAdam           they start a new "project" (*cough* Moontest *cough*) every few days because they are so awesome coders!
12:25 * N-GaR            chuckles
12:25 FreeFull           Moontest sounds like an interesting mod
12:25 N-GaR              He tried to rope me into working on Moontest with him, too.
12:25 FreeFull           You can vary the strength of gravity too, not just the direction, right?
12:26 N-GaR              It sounds interesting, but far too big a project to tackle.
12:26 N-GaR              I don't know about the physics stuff, sorry.
12:26 FreeFull           Oh, seems you can't change direction
12:26 PilzAdam           Likwid lists me as a contributor to every single project of him
12:26 PilzAdam           but I do exactly nothing
12:28 * N-GaR            is still waiting for a second flower to grow
12:32 rubenwardy         PilzAdam: me too
12:33 FreeFull           I guess he just wants the famous names, or uses some of your code
12:35 rubenwardy         lol Famous
12:36 FreeFull           =P
12:36 FreeFull           He might as well list celeron55 too
12:37 N-GaR              I think he does. Someone does, anyway.
12:39 rubenwardy         It would be cool if you could do this: https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/5354249
12:40 rubenwardy         but maybe a bit gimmicy
12:40 rubenwardy         although this is a game
12:40 Kacey              morning
12:41 N-GaR              Morning.
12:41 PilzAdam           rubenwardy, should the camera turn so the bottom is always the center of gravity?
12:41 rubenwardy         hmmm
12:41 rubenwardy         probably
12:41 PilzAdam           it would break our current gravity though
12:41 rubenwardy         yeah, I worked that out
12:41 rubenwardy         but it would add to the list of "what makes minetest good"
12:41 PilzAdam           maybe allow {x=nil,y=-31000,z=nil}
12:42 PilzAdam           also multiple gravit centers would be awesome
12:42 rubenwardy         the reset thing was to do that
12:43 rubenwardy         now that would be cool
12:43 PilzAdam           but we need to rewrite the complete player movement and would also break every mod that sets the gravity for mobs
12:43 * N-GaR            is going to bed. Good night.
12:43 PilzAdam           so, I guess nobody wants to do that
12:43 rubenwardy         breaking mods is fun
12:46 rubenwardy         It might be good to make the multiple gravity centers as a global thingy, rather than perplayer
12:48 rubenwardy         and each hotspot would have a radius
12:49 rubenwardy         the default one will have radius of infinite
12:50 markveidemanis     hmmm?
12:50 markveidemanis     Make me a mod
12:50 markveidemanis     When a player is in a range, they have certain privs
12:50 markveidemanis     or speak on  a channel
12:51 rubenwardy         hmmmm
12:51 rubenwardy         you mean
12:53 rubenwardy         markveidemanis:  I might try that
12:59 markveidemanis     so like 'zones'
12:59 markveidemanis     I have 1 more request
13:00 markveidemanis     The Luacontrollers in mesecons...
13:00 markveidemanis     they need to be more like computercraft in minecraft
13:00 markveidemanis     alternatively you can make an addon that allows for pure, text input
13:09 rubenwardy         PilzAdam: https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/5354479
13:09 rubenwardy         is that correct for seeing is needle is in hay?
13:10 PilzAdam           the indentation is wrong
13:11 rubenwardy         ...
13:11 rubenwardy         fixed
13:11 rubenwardy         it is right in my editor
13:11 rubenwardy         got corrupted on upload
13:13 Kacey              bbl
13:14 markveidemanis     clear
13:14 markveidemanis     soz
13:16 markveidemanis     I want flat mapgen, what do i add to minetest.conf?
13:22 markveidemanis FLAT WORLD
13:27 rubenwardy         markveidemanis: I have wrote it, time to test it
13:27 markveidemanis     give and i will test
13:27 markveidemanis     Wait...
13:27 markveidemanis     HOLY SHIT THAT WAS FAST :D
13:30 fgr                PilzAdama do you mind to have a minute?
13:30 rubenwardy         It only does radius areas at the moment
13:30 fgr                PilzAdam
13:30 PilzAdam           hm?
13:31 fgr                may i ask you something about timeout problematics?
13:31 PilzAdam           dont ask to ask, just ask
13:31 fgr                due we face those issue since we startet the mt server
13:31 markveidemanis     i wanta aska youa a problematica
13:32 rubenwardy         how do I make a function run every 10 seconds?
13:32 rubenwardy         global step
13:32 rubenwardy         sorry
13:32 fgr                is there any point we can start looking at to analyze the timeout problems?
13:32 PilzAdam           rubenwardy, on_globalstep() and a timer
13:33 fgr                some people do get timeouts some not ... and i have no idea if its network related or not
13:33 rubenwardy         is dtime in millisecs or secs?
13:33 PilzAdam           rubenwardy, seconds
13:33 rubenwardy         I will do if dtime > last_update + 10 then
13:34 PilzAdam           fgr, umm... maybe look at the congestion control params in minetest.conf
13:34 fgr                what would the best settings you suggest
13:35 PilzAdam           dunno
13:35 PilzAdam           rubenwardy, local timer = 0; on_globalstep(dtime) timer = timer + dtime; if timer >= 10 then timer=0; --code here--; end
13:37 fgr                looking into the logs ... it seems player got disconnected due the initial media content transfer ... might be a bit too much for
13:37 PilzAdam           do you have a server for curl?
13:38 fgr                what do you mean
13:38 fgr                if the server has curl installed? or if we could prestaged the media on a different server
13:38 PilzAdam           it is possible to set up a server wich has all the media, then you point minetest to it in minetest.conf and clients will download the media from the server instead of the minetest server
13:39 fgr                we could ... where can i read the howto for setting those curl server up?
13:39 PilzAdam           there is none AFAIK
13:39 fgr                i know
13:39 fgr                maybe you have a idea how to?
13:39 PilzAdam           you just have to set up a simple HTTP server wich has all the textures/media
13:40 fgr                well ... that could be dione esealy
13:40 fgr                what the config should look like?
13:40 fgr                pointiong to the server directly
13:41 PilzAdam           minetest.conf.example line 272 - 276
13:41 fgr                well are all clients compiled with curl?
13:41 PilzAdam           something like "yourserver.de/minetest-media/"
13:42 PilzAdam           fgr, the official builds for windows and most hand compiled Linux clients are
13:42 fgr                ok ... so we dont need to deploy a specific server compiled one
13:42 fgr                thats good to know
13:43 PilzAdam           minetest.ru uses cURL to fetch the media
13:44 fgr                so the config would look like this e.g. remote_media = http://mtmedia.minetest.ru/ as example
13:45 PilzAdam           leave the http:// away
13:45 fgr                ok mt figures itseld
13:45 fgr                itself
13:46 thexyz             PilzAdam: no we don't
13:47 PilzAdam           oh, I thought so
13:47 fgr                one more question ... do i need to copy the whole cache folder to that curl server?
13:47 PilzAdam           fgr, not the cache, the files like "default_dirt.png"
13:47 fgr                from one client maybe
13:47 fgr                oh ok ... wihtout the mods dir ... just the whole media ignoring folderstrcuture
13:48 rubenwardy         I am getting "attempt to call method 'get_player_name' (a nil value)" from minetest.register_onjoinplayer()
13:48 PilzAdam           yes, like in textures/all/
13:48 thexyz             you also should have http:// there
13:48 thexyz             or ftp://
13:48 fgr                ok thanks we give it a shot
13:48 thexyz             or anything cURL supports
13:48 fgr                at the config then
13:48 fgr                including http/ftp likewise
13:49 rubenwardy         works now
13:50 fgr                would be a good point the rewrite the wiki ... cuz a lot of changes are made since 0.4.3 to 0.4.6
13:50 rubenwardy         i was using auto_privs:function() not auto_privs.function()
13:51 fgr                one more thing ... why the pogress information are removed ??? any hint on that ... cuz lot of players close before 100% reached ... its a step behind the moon :-(
13:52 PilzAdam           its a bug in TTF
13:53 fgr                oh ok ... thought it was gone
13:54 thexyz             PilzAdam: do we know how to fix that?
13:54 fgr                you compiled the mt client with luajit ... i also compiled the server with luajit ... it says 4 times faster than lua  - is it true?
13:54 PilzAdam           fgr, something like 2 times faster is more realistic
13:54 PilzAdam           thexyz, maybe and issue with the newlines?
13:55 fgr                ok ... dont mind if it only 2 times ... at least it is
13:58 thexyz             PilzAdam: what's that?
13:58 PilzAdam           hm?
14:00 thexyz             are you talking about the issue with favorite servers?
14:00 PilzAdam           no, about the bug with "Waiting Content" not showing the status
14:01 thexyz             but you fixed a similar one with "tape and glue" a while ago, didn't you?
14:02 hmmmm              eh
14:02 hmmmm              who wants those vertical labels on the menu gone altogether
14:02 hmmmm              they're pretty ugly and they get cut off anyway with some resolutions
14:05 rubenwardy         for some reason in my mod the update loop does not work
14:05 rubenwardy         https://github.com/rubenwardy/privilegeareas
14:05 rubenwardy         it prints "update"
14:05 rubenwardy         but the for loop does not run
14:05 rubenwardy         https://github.com/rubenwardy/privilegeareas/blob/master/init.lua#L139
14:06 rubenwardy         for i=1,# privilegeareas.players do
14:06 PilzAdam           thexyz, the text shows up if I set wordWrap to true, but it looks really ugly
14:06 rubenwardy         wait, it is because it is hashed
14:06 thexyz             rubenwardy: of course it's not run
14:07 thexyz             privilegeareas.players[name].areas = {}
14:07 thexyz             and then you're trying to iterate it from 1 to #privilegeareas.players
14:07 rubenwardy         I know
14:07 thexyz             user pairs()
14:07 rubenwardy         yeah, I realised: (3:06:58 PM) rubenwardy: wait, it is because it is hashed
14:21 RealBadAngel       for i,player in ipairs privilegeareas.players do
14:21 RealBadAngel       somethin like that
14:22 RealBadAngel       rubenwardy, seen my proposal or not?
14:22 rubenwardy         huh
14:22 RealBadAngel       for i,player in ipairs privilegeareas.players do
14:23 RealBadAngel       try this
14:23 rubenwardy         I fixed it myself, sorry
14:23 RealBadAngel       no problemo
14:46 rubenwardy1        almost finished: https://github.com/rubenwardy/privilegeareas
14:47 rubenwardy1        just the problem that it does not modify the player's privs
14:47 rubenwardy1        ????
14:47 rubenwardy1        It works fine in every thing else
14:47 rubenwardy1        the privs setter and getter does not appear to work
14:49 rubenwardy1        ^^^ pilzadam
14:50 rubenwardy1        I added a dump and print, and it says that shout is modified
14:51 rubenwardy1        so the setter must not work
14:54 rubenwardy1        any ideas anyone?
14:59 rubenwardy1        markveidemanis: https://github.com/rubenwardy/privilegeareas
15:00 rubenwardy1        It works, except for some reason it does not set privs for me, maybe because I am on single player
15:00 markveidemanis     k,how does it owrk
15:00 markveidemanis     is there a chatcommand?
15:00 rubenwardy1        no, not yet
15:00 rubenwardy1        and radiuses only
15:01 rubenwardy1        https://github.com/rubenwardy/privilegeareas/blob/master/init.lua#L6
15:02 sfan5              how to kill my computer: listen to dubstep, compile minetest with "make -j16", open new tab in chrome -> kernel hangs up
15:02 PilzAdam           depends on the dubstep
15:04 rubenwardy1        markveidemanis: added usage comment: https://github.com/rubenwardy/privilegeareas/blob/master/init.lua#L7
15:05 markveidemanis     can yougive an example of another one so i know how to put them together
15:05 rubenwardy1        Adding a chat command would be difficult
15:05 jojoa1997|Tablet   markv does my mod work?
15:08 rubenwardy1        another example added: https://github.com/rubenwardy/privilegeareas/blob/master/init.lua#L31
15:09 Jordach            sorry about that join spam :p
15:11 jojoa1997|Tablet   markv does the mod work
15:11 Jordach            markveidemanis: ^
15:12 Jordach            rubenwardy1: what have you been working on?
15:12 khonkhortisan      bas080, I finally got the same error as you. It's because the directory 1x1textureresizer/textures doesn't exist.
15:12 * Jordach          hates working on laptops, but i enjoy the mobility
15:12 markveidemanis     ok, i see
15:12 rubenwardy1        a request by markveidemanis
15:12 bas080             lol
15:12 markveidemanis     khonkhortisan, bas080, come on my server for parkour(and anyoue else who wants to come)
15:13 * jojoa1997|Tablet likes tablets
15:13 jojoa1997|Tablet   7' ones
15:13 bas080             khonkhortisan, it's always something like that.
15:13 bas080             markveidemanis, a little later. Making a tower atm
15:13 khonkhortisan      Git didn't want to commit an empty directory, and lua is bad at file management
15:13 markveidemanis     k
15:13 rubenwardy         (1:50:17 PM) markveidemanis: Can someone make me a mod
15:13 rubenwardy         (1:50:34 PM) markveidemanis: When a player is in a range, they have certain privs
15:13 rubenwardy         (1:50:42 PM) markveidemanis: or speak on  a channel
15:14 rubenwardy         ^ Jordach
15:14 markveidemanis     :42
15:14 khonkhortisan      ooh distanced-based irc mod?
15:14 khonkhortisan      have to climb the mountain of knowledge to ask the almighty minetest users
15:15 khonkhortisan      [X][X][0%]
15:15 Jordach            khonkhortisan: protip: git add *
15:15 alex256            !up
15:15 MinetestBot is up (0.401ms)
15:15 Jordach            that adds empty folders
15:16 khonkhortisan      not for me
15:17 Jordach            hey MinetestBot
15:17 MinetestBot        Hi Jordach!
15:17 khonkhortisan      above, it does nothing. Below, it says fatal: pathspec 'textures/*' did not match any files
15:17 Jordach            khonkhortisan: just git add *
15:17 Jordach            no other line before or after
15:17 markveidemanis     !up google.com
15:18 khonkhortisan      git add *;git status;git commit "nothing to commit (working directory clean)"
15:18 Jordach            then git commit -m 'message for commit'
15:18 Jordach            followed by git push
15:18 PilzAdam           Jordach, git doesnt allow empty directories
15:18 khonkhortisan      git add * did not add my directory
15:18 PilzAdam           guess why we have "mods_here.txt" in the mods directory
15:19 Jordach            PilzAdam: it works for me in git on my pc
15:20 PilzAdam           then you do something wrong
15:20 alex256            lol
15:20 Jordach            this: http://pastebin.com/b0V6F6xZ
15:20 khonkhortisan      Made a textures/.itignore, now it decides it likes my directory
15:21 PilzAdam           Jordach, do you know what we are talking about?
15:21 Jordach            i could install git to this laptop, but im too lazy :)
15:21 Jordach            PilzAdam: git not liking empty dirs
15:22 khonkhortisan      git purposely refuses to add empty directories, even when you tell it to
15:22 rubenwardy         *sniff* I just deleted "finite water" from my signature mod list
15:22 Jordach            rubenwardy: why?
15:22 rubenwardy         because it is obsolete
15:22 * Jordach          wouldnt call it obsolete
15:22 rubenwardy         http://forum.minetest.net/profile.php?section=signature&id=2051
15:23 rubenwardy         lol, I dont even have to ask to move mods no
15:23 rubenwardy         w
15:23 rubenwardy         Priv areas released: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5545
15:23 khonkhortisan      For those who wish to try a mod, git@github.com:khonkhortisan/1x1textureresizer.git should work for those who have ImageMagick. For those who don't, tell me what else I can use to resize images
15:23 Jordach            rubenwardy: just ping sfan for vanessa and its done
15:23 Jordach            anyways; i cricked my neck so the laptop came out
15:24 alex256            Priv areas sounds enticing...think i will check that out
15:24 khonkhortisan      Jail, noclip room, snail races, all would be possible with that.
15:24 rubenwardy         I did not even ping them :D
15:26 * rubenwardy       has 5 mods now
15:26 khonkhortisan      markveidemanis, segfault after long connection attempt
15:26 rubenwardy         (VanessaE has 13)
15:26 markveidemanis     no i shut the server down
15:26 khonkhortisan      ah.
15:27 rubenwardy         (PilzAdam has 18)
15:27 PilzAdam           actually 19
15:27 PilzAdam           one is in the other languages forum
15:27 khonkhortisan      (I have 3)
15:27 khonkhortisan      (one obsolete)
15:28 rubenwardy         ok, I have 4 mods with 1 obsolete one
15:35 Calinou            :( http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?79672-Qt-5-0-2-Brings-600-Improvements&p=325058#post325058
15:37 markveidemanis     I need it to be a box
15:37 NakedFury          are you gonna ignore them until a cla troll appears?
15:38 markveidemanis     maybe a GUI for it
15:39 rubenwardy         markveidemanis: I will add the box now
15:39 khonkhortisan      markv already does too many server restarts
15:40 markveidemanis     Thats my testing server, im waiting for updates on my real server
15:40 markveidemanis     Anyway anyone who wants to try their hand at parkour go to
15:42 Calinou            NakedFury: what if I troll about CLA myself? I'll pay myself $10.
15:43 NakedFury          make a new account just to troll
15:43 Calinou            lol no
15:43 Calinou            a moderator would get me :P
15:46 khonkhortisan      If you used your own user, we would see the train of thought from expecting something to happen to making it happen. If you use a different user, we might think that the first user was just setting up the scene for the second.
15:46 Jordach            hey all
15:47 khonkhortisan      hi
15:48 Jordach            i really need to make an addictive mod on a laptop again...
15:48 Jordach            this is how panes (non nodebox) and wool came about
15:48 Calinou            put yourself in a roleplay, you are a graphic card manufacturer
15:48 Calinou            do like them, rename your mods
15:49 Jordach            Calinou, would be interesting, would play. 10/10
15:56 markveidemanis_    I hate being bipolar, its awesome :D
15:56 Calinou            lol
15:57 markveidemanis     Now who wants to do parkour
15:58 markveidemanis
15:59 rubenwardy         markveidemanis: https://github.com/rubenwardy/privilegeareas/blob/master/init.lua#L38
16:00 khonkhortisan      Flying is only for the skypeople
16:00 rubenwardy         yeah, lol
16:00 rubenwardy         It is a sort of an achievement
16:00 rubenwardy         get to 100 and you can fly up!
16:01 khonkhortisan      Also, the transportation system is between towers
16:01 khonkhortisan      instead of the bridges or roads
16:01 rubenwardy         That might be cool
16:01 rubenwardy         allow fly between tower
16:01 rubenwardy         ohh, i might add a gravity = option
16:02 khonkhortisan      Could make a maze of rooms where the gravity changes every room and call it "4d"
16:03 khonkhortisan      or a puzzle game with gravity nodes
16:04 khonkhortisan      Is radius a sphere?
16:05 markveidemanis     make a GUI for inventory plus to add areas
16:05 markveidemanis     yes
16:05 markveidemanis     khonk you dont seem alive on my server
16:05 khonkhortisan      I'm in a loop trying to open character.x
16:05 khonkhortisan      0% Media
16:06 rubenwardy         dont know how to do gui's yet...
16:06 bas080             https://dl.dropbox.com/u/419967/Screenshot%20-%2004102013%20-%2006%3A06%3A18%20PM.png, done building the tower
16:06 rubenwardy         always time to learn...
16:07 khonkhortisan      quoth the raven, 404.
16:08 rubenwardy         why inventory plus
16:08 rubenwardy         ?
16:08 markveidemanis     bas080
16:09 markveidemanis     thats the same tower you built on my server
16:09 bas080             markveidemanis, trying to connect
16:09 bas080             markveidemanis, not exactly
16:09 khonkhortisan      client disconnected, segfault
16:09 bas080             on your server is a better one
16:10 rubenwardy         markveidemanis: unified or plus?
16:10 markveidemanis     lol i got a good screenshot
16:10 markveidemanis     plus
16:10 khonkhortisan      I use unified
16:10 markveidemanis     http://ompldr.org/vaTF2NQ/2013-04-10-170939_1024x600_scrot.png
16:10 markveidemanis     LOL
16:11 markveidemanis     lava first
16:11 markveidemanis     bas080: no, he's dead :D
16:12 khonkhortisan      Is there a standard scaffolding to use when building?
16:15 markveidemanis     http://pastie.org/7429585 CRASH
16:16 markveidemanis     i gtg bye
16:17 khonkhortisan      So I _did_ join - and you were hitting me!
16:19 khonkhortisan      My image resizer doesn't work on formspecs
16:20 * ShadowNinja      is testing supybot, so far so good :-)
16:22 alex256            what doe supybot go ?
16:22 alex256            does?
16:22 alex256            nm
16:22 alex256            typos....what doe supybot do....
16:23 alex256            crappy keyboard....
16:23 ShadowNinja        supybot is an IRC bot, like MinetestBot, but MinetestBot uses phenny
16:24 alex256            ahh sound interesting...i couldn't figure out how to use the irc mod...
16:24 alex256            would love to know though...
16:24 ShadowNinja        are you using windows?
16:24 alex256            nope
16:24 alex256            puppy linux :)
16:25 ShadowNinja        then pull it, compile it, package it, configure it, and add it to the mods directory
16:25 alex256            ugh....lol
16:26 alex256            i have yet to learn how to compile....
16:27 alex256            o wo;; figure it out though... i think i will learn how today...
16:27 ShadowNinja        type cmake && make
16:27 alex256            thats it?
16:28 ShadowNinja        pretty much, just make sure you are in the correct directory
16:28 khonkhortisan      compilation errors are complicated; compilation not
16:28 ShadowNinja        you might need to do cmake . && make
16:28 alex256            thanks i am going to try right now...
16:29 khonkhortisan      cmake-gui if you like the colour red
16:29 ShadowNinja        unless you read the readme and compile in a Build directory
16:29 ShadowNinja        lol
16:30 alex256            i like red better than blue lol
16:31 alex256            i had to fix a windows xp comp....goodness at the mess...17 toolbars installed....multiple anti-virus programs attacking each other....and 1000 start-up programs....some people do not need to get behind a computer...
16:32 Jordach            alex256, or just give them debian 6
16:32 Jordach            or even arch linux
16:32 khonkhortisan      The windows here only has one toolbar, and even that is on shaky ground
16:32 alex256            they are too dumb to figure linux out...
16:33 Jordach            alex256, bullshit.
16:33 Jordach            im sorry, but my uneducated brother used xubuntu with no problems at all
16:33 alex256            no seriously this guy is an idiot...
16:33 khonkhortisan      How do I get rid of this window? aah! Come here, it did something!
16:34 alex256            lol
16:34 sfan5              lol
16:35 khonkhortisan      hi bye webd
16:35 alex256            i recommend linux to anyone that struggles with microsoft bs ...this guy....i would have a headache in seconds explaing how to use the package manager to him...
16:35 Jordach            anyways, im playing solitare on windows 7 HP
16:36 alex256            windows is ok...if you know your way around it...but most people are stupid..
16:38 alex256            i can fix  most windows xp comps with no problems...haven't messed with vista or anything after .
16:38 alex256            hiren boot cd has made me some money lol...
16:40 rubenwardy         how can I modify the text of a button in a open formspec?
16:40 alex256            i have removed a screwed up vista and installed ubuntu on them for people.
16:41 rubenwardy         also, how can I tell which button submitted the form
16:43 khonkhortisan      checking the submit button is the easier part
16:44 khonkhortisan      on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
16:44 rubenwardy         ah, there is an addition atribute
16:44 rubenwardy         what is "sender"?
16:44 khonkhortisan      the player
16:45 rubenwardy         the dev wiki says function(player, formname, fields)
16:45 khonkhortisan      then it's wrong
16:46 khonkhortisan      minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "text") works
16:46 rubenwardy         no it is not
16:46 rubenwardy         https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L878
16:47 khonkhortisan      that's not the right minetest
16:47 khonkhortisan      https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1658
16:47 rubenwardy         https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L918
16:48 rubenwardy         you are looking at something else
16:48 rubenwardy         the one you are looking at overwrites every thing else, does it not?
16:48 rubenwardy         oh, and it is for a node
16:48 khonkhortisan      The one I'm looking at is in the node definition, I've never tried the other one
16:49 rubenwardy         how do I find out which button was pressed?
16:49 khonkhortisan      fields
16:49 rubenwardy         fields.button_name.active ==true?
16:49 khonkhortisan      just if fields.button_name then
16:49 rubenwardy         oh
16:49 rubenwardy         so only the button that was clicked is sent
16:49 sokomine           we get "invalid escape" for string:find( "[^%a%d%s_\- \/\:]" )    any solutions?
16:50 sokomine           seems to be in combination with luajit
16:50 khonkhortisan      Each button runs the function, but you can click multiple buttons during the lifetime of the formspec
16:51 khonkhortisan      I see three escapes
16:51 rubenwardy         I assume minetest.show_formspec(name, "", "") closes the form?
16:52 rubenwardy         nevermind
16:52 sokomine           well, yes, for -, / and :
16:52 StarDancer         hey, can anyone tell me how to install the farming mod? I can't quite figure out what dependencies it requires.
16:55 sokomine           afaik it does not depend on anything. if you want farming_plus, you need farming as well
16:55 khonkhortisan      input:2: invalid escape sequence near '\-'
16:56 Traxie21           Mentalgen
16:56 Traxie21           Does anyone know how to make a furnace?
16:56 khonkhortisan      I can get it to not error, but I don't know if it working
17:00 Traxie21           Herrow
17:00 Traxie21           Anyhow, does anyone know how you are supposed to make a furnace?
17:00 NakedFury          yes
17:01 Traxie21           Can I have some help?
17:01 NakedFury          you need 8 pieces of cobble
17:01 Traxie21           I'm talking about LUA, a furnace like item
17:01 Traxie21           :P
17:01 NakedFury          ohh
17:01 NakedFury          check the lua code for the furnace
17:01 NakedFury          that is what I would do
17:02 sokomine           khonkhortisan: strange. it worked with the normal lua...but not with luajit or newer versions? what would be the right way?
17:02 khonkhortisan      cool, my irc beep works
17:03 khonkhortisan      Can you give an example of what it should turn what string into?
17:05 StarD              okay, but when
17:05 StarD              I try to run the mod, it shows me that I need "bucket", "default", and "wool"
17:05 StarD              and it says that they're all "missing"
17:06 StarD              and there's nothing in the mods sections that  I can find labelled as such
17:06 khonkhortisan      You're missing a complete game of mods
17:06 khonkhortisan      they should be in minetest_game or common
17:07 StarD              is that something I should have from downloading, or is that something I need to get?
17:07 Traxie211          test
17:07 khonkhortisan      both
17:07 Traxie21           Waitwat
17:08 Traxie21           I'm on two different IRC clients lol
17:08 StarD              both? what parts come with the default download of minetest?
17:08 khonkhortisan      Depends on the version. minetest_game comes with an older download of minetest, common I think should come with a newer one.
17:09 Traxie21           tt
17:12 khonkhortisan      The 0.4.6 download comes with 5 games
17:12 Jordach            0.4.6 comes with common installed by default
17:13 khonkhortisan      build, common, minetest_game, minimal, survival
17:14 Jordach            common being one all games can access
17:32 jordan4ibanez      pilzadam, do you think minetest will ever have item drop? :P
17:33 NakedFury          too many arguing if he adds it
17:34 jordan4ibanez      Wow 0gb_us ruined the commit and overcomplicated the crap out of it :< https://github.com/minetest/common/pull/28/files
17:34 jordan4ibanez      Have it toggleable!
17:35 jordan4ibanez      a check box in the options menu :D
17:35 Traxie21           test
17:35 jordan4ibanez      FUCK your test!
17:40 Traxie21           Sorry, just testing my IRC client
17:41 PilzAdam           go to #test
17:42 Traxie21           I'm done PilzAdam, but I will do that next time, thanks
17:43 PilzAdam           jordan4ibanez, please make a whole episode in the voice you have at the beginning
17:44 jordan4ibanez      oh god
17:44 Traxie21           jordan, what is your youtube name?
17:45 jordan4ibanez      313hummer
17:45 Traxie21           subscribed :3
17:46 jordan4ibanez      yay
17:47 Traxie21           jordan4ibanez, Protip: pronounce Jeija like the Chineese word for big sister (IMO)
17:47 jordan4ibanez      yeiya
17:47 Traxie21           Gei-Gei
17:47 sfan5              how would he know how to pronounce the Chinese word for big sister?
17:48 jordan4ibanez      jeija told me how to pronounce his name when we made blockplanet
17:48 Traxie21           As posted above :P
17:48 Traxie21           oh ok
17:48 Traxie21           I guess I have to pronounce it right now, I've been learning Chineese and therefore immediately think Gei-Gei when I see his name
17:48 Traxie21           *Chinese
17:49 jordan4ibanez      I still say "jeiy-juh" in my head when I read his name though lol
17:49 Traxie21           lol
17:49 Traxie21           Oh wow, suddenly loud censor
17:50 Traxie21           1 1/2 hour later, "Now we have a door"
17:51 sfan5              !b16d 216231366420323136323331333636343230333233313336333233333331333333363336333433323330333333323333333133333336333333323333333333333331333333333333333633333336333333343333333233333330333333333333333633333334333333333333333333333336333333343333333633333333333333363333333433333333
17:51 ShadowBot          !b16d 216231366420323136323331333636343230333233313336333233333331333333363336333433323330333333363334333333333336333433363333333633343333
17:51 MinetestBot        !b16d 216231366420323136323331333636343230333233313336333233333331333333363336333433323330333333363334333333333336333433363333333633343333
17:51 MinetestBot        !b16d 216231366420323136323331333636343230333634333336343633363433
17:51 sfan5              :(
17:51 PilzAdam           wtf?
17:52 sfan5              this is what I did: http://pastie.org/7434566
17:53 Traxie21           jordan4ibanez, that cannon acts epic! looks... meh
17:56 jordan4ibanez      It needs to be remodeled, I need to learn how to use mutiple textures on a single mesh, I got 2 to work, but I tried a shortcut and it messed it up >.<
18:01 fgr                hello ... i am trying to fix a regexp command ... can someone assist?
18:01 SD_                does anyone know why an init.lua would fail, or how to get a better error-code readout?
18:02 fgr                find("[^%a%d%s_\- \/\:]")
18:02 fgr                in 0.4.6 there seems someth, changed to this regex
18:03 jordan4ibanez      Speak english!
18:03 SD_                I keep getting an error on loading the farming mod's init.lua
18:03 SD_                any ideas why?
18:03 fgr                change the debug settings to info
18:03 Traxie21           Question: Can particle spawners use animated textures for particles?
18:04 SD_                how do I do that?
18:04 fgr                then youll get more infos
18:04 fgr                debug_log_level = 3
18:04 SD_                sigh
18:05 fgr                got the same question earlier, due the log post only actions with debug level 2
18:06 StarDancer         stupid webchat keeps kicking me. >.<
18:07 fgr                jordan if you can, do you mind to give me a helping hand finding the error with this regexpression ??? find("[^%a%d%s_\- \/\:]")
18:07 fgr                since 0.4.6 this line does not work anymore
18:09 rubenwardy         how do I make the button level with the field? https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/5356637#file-gistfile1-txt-L22
18:12 jordan4ibanez      I wish there were a mesecons block :<
18:25 Traxie21           http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWLfALHPD9Y&feature=youtu.be
18:26 Traxie21           ^First attempt at composing, for some reason, it sounds funny on YT
18:34 jordan4ibanez      That souds really good
18:34 jordan4ibanez      also: what combines with copper to make bronze?
18:34 PilzAdam           steel
18:35 jordan4ibanez      is bronze higher tier than steel?
18:35 PilzAdam           it lasts longer
18:36 jordan4ibanez      fancy! also: pilzadam, can you make it so when we smelt iron, we get iron ingots, and if we cook iron 1 or maybe 3 more times, we get steel?
18:36 PilzAdam           no
18:45 * sfan5            compiled Irrlicht 1.8 and the first Irrlicht example with emscripten, example 01 html file is 41,6 MB
18:56 mauvebic           this confusing, what causes all your drains to backup, but only at specfic hours? (5-7am)
18:56 Doyousketch2       that's why the Titanic sunk.  they used inferior steel.
18:57 Doyousketch2       not the right proportions of iron and whatnot.  too brittle.
18:57 mauvebic           ^re steee: you could titanium and tritanium
18:57 mauvebic           *could have
18:58 Traxie21           http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWLfALHPD9Y&feature=youtu.be
18:58 Traxie21           ^First attempt at composing, for some reason, it sounds funny on YT
18:59 Traxie21           oops
18:59 Traxie21           Up key
18:59 Traxie21           Releasing Potions mod soon
18:59 mauvebic           up what?
18:59 Doyousketch2       have other PC hooked up to stereo, playing IMAX documentary.  cant's check sound on it right now
19:02 jordan4ibanez      Idea: When trees grow the tree could be given their own metadata for the individual tree
19:02 Doyousketch2       what would that do?
19:03 jordan4ibanez      it would be good for things like treecapitator
19:03 Doyousketch2       huh, what's that?
19:03 jordan4ibanez      it like explodes the tree when you cut it down
19:04 VanessaE           hi
19:04 Doyousketch2       can't you just tell treetype by checking for nearpy leaves?
19:04 Doyousketch2       *nearby
19:05 Doyousketch2       just go up the y axis and see which leaf-type exists
19:06 jordan4ibanez      yeah, but you could get even cleaner individual tree "explosions" by having metadata, i thought of an idea, i didn't say it was a good one :P
19:06 Doyousketch2       oh, then it doesn't blast 2 trees or something?
19:07 jordan4ibanez      it explodes all trees in the radius
19:07 Doyousketch2       still not sure how the metadata comes into play.  if it's a diff treetype it's a bigger explosion?
19:08 jordan4ibanez      it could check for the metadata of the node cut, and cut down all the nodes in the radius with the same metadata
19:13 Doyousketch2       I'd think when you chop the trunk, it checks one node out from the trunk, then directly up
19:13 Doyousketch2       'till it discovers leaves.  then it can do a blast cylinder
19:13 Doyousketch2       that envelops all of that particular tree-type
19:14 Doyousketch2       'cuz the redwoods are obviously taller, so they'd need a rather tall cylinder
19:15 Doyousketch2       whereas those willow trees are wide
19:16 Doyousketch2       some already have their own trunks, so that would make it easier
19:16 Doyousketch2       just check for trunk-type while chopping, and if unknown, then check for leaves
19:19 jordan4ibanez      wow http://i.imgur.com/ZVUgmU2.png
19:23 sokomine           hi
19:24 jordan4ibanez      Hello
19:25 sokomine           khonkortisan: that regexp i mentioned earlier is there to find out if the string contains any unwanted characters. allowed are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, :
19:25 sokomine           the string is user input and thus not trustworthy
19:26 sokomine           and the regexp used previously (and working up until now) was string:find("[^%a%d%s_\- \/\:]")
19:26 sokomine           it starting throwing error about escape character when using luajit
19:28 Traxie21           Finishing up PotionsPack
19:34 Traxie21           huh
19:37 Doyousketch2       gonna shower.  maybe build a skull when I return
19:39 jordan4ibanez      potions?
19:40 jordan4ibanez      Is there a backpack mod which doesn't modify the gui?
19:41 proller            do we need fun fractal mapgen ? test on server "DEV fractal world"
19:41 jordan4ibanez      YES
19:46 jordan4ibanez      very nice
19:47 Jordach            jordan4ibanez, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mPtKgX370k
19:47 jordan4ibanez      lolwut
19:48 proller            i need to make good mandelbox
19:49 proller            with sponge-like structure
19:49 Jordach            proller, dont you mean mandelbrot?
19:49 Jordach            or even mandelbot?
19:49 proller            yes but 3d
19:50 Jordach            proller, ooh
19:51 Jordach            hey jojoa1997|Tablet
19:51 Jordach            anyways, forced to use a win7 laptop for the time being
19:51 jojoa1997|Tablet   hi
19:51 STHGOM             babyface1031: do you know SilverWolfLily22?
19:52 jojoa1997|Tablet   hiu
19:52 Jordach            STHGOM, i believe she does
19:52 Jordach            anyways, silverwolflily is one of those converted minecraft users
19:53 * Jordach          wonders why they dont use a name that's unique
19:53 * Jordach          pokes VanessaE
19:53 STHGOM             oke
19:53 Jordach            or at least, i think so
19:53 VanessaE           ow.
19:53 Jordach            o hai
19:54 Jordach            ctcp version me
19:54 VanessaE           oh.
19:54 VanessaE           meh
19:54 jojoa1997|Tablet   gahhhh
19:54 Jordach            VanessaE, im not at home, just on a shitty lappy
19:54 jojoa1997|Tablet   stuid mod gives error
19:55 jojoa1997|Tablet   hay lappys are good
19:55 Jordach            jojoa1997|Tablet, which mod?
19:55 jojoa1997|Tablet   mine
19:55 jojoa1997|Tablet   quick run for cover
19:55 * jojoa1997|Tablet hides
19:55 Jordach            i can see that benefit of mobility, but overall for gaming its pretty shit
19:55 Jordach            eg, intel speedstep FTL
19:56 mauvebic           lol looks like a ton of people just got zhou tonged'
19:56 mauvebic           (bitcoin crashed)
19:56 Jordach            mauvebic, huh, wait what
19:56 * Jordach          hopes mauvebic lost his bitcoins
19:56 mauvebic           http://t.co/tM8xRMzzEC
19:56 Jordach            joking man
19:57 mauvebic           are you kidding? i dont go for ponzi currencies
19:57 Jordach            mauvebic, lol
19:57 Jordach            pansy*
19:58 mauvebic           well what would you call a currency that needs a steady stream of new suckers to maintain value lol
19:58 jojoa1997|Tablet   here is the code
19:58 Jordach            mauvebic, any currency has suckers
19:58 jojoa1997|Tablet   http://pastebin.com/vuXxSmaP
19:58 jojoa1997|Tablet   and the error
19:58 Jordach            eg, the consumers; but the wankers always win
19:58 mauvebic           most currencies are backed by governments and collateralized with tax revenues lol
19:58 jojoa1997|Tablet   lua 15 attempt to call global 'set_physics_override' (a nil value)
19:59 jojoa1997|Tablet   could someone help
19:59 Jordach            ask PA
19:59 Traxie21           Potions API and PotionsPack released!
19:59 Traxie21           http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=83111#p83111
20:00 jojoa1997|Tablet   YES
20:00 jojoa1997|Tablet   this might help
20:00 jojoa1997|Tablet   it was ment to be
20:00 jojoa1997|Tablet   *meant
20:01 Exio               Github (Potions)
20:01 Exio               https://github.com/Traxie21/potionspack/
20:01 Exio               grr, she left
20:04 mauvebic           looks like i registered on a plumbing forum for nothing lol plumbers just showed up, says sewers are backed up lol
20:04 mauvebic           im sure i looked sexy in my bathrobe and unshaved lol
20:06 Jordach            mauvebic, im sure many men say the same sentence with pride
20:06 mauvebic           seems appropriate: http://youtu.be/DRRD4alHw4M
20:07 Jordach            and now i reconsider your sexuality mauvebic, well done
20:07 mauvebic           lol
20:07 Jordach            mauvebic, although youre married
20:07 Jordach            it still can be reconsidered :P
20:07 mauvebic           that usually doesn't mean jack
20:08 Jordach            VanessaE, im also pissed off
20:08 mauvebic           there are alot of unhappy wives out there :p
20:08 VanessaE           why
20:08 Jordach            this laptop has better fps than my gaming tower for minetest
20:08 jordan4ibanez      WHOA!
20:08 jordan4ibanez      http://minetest.net/
20:08 jordan4ibanez      :D
20:08 VanessaE           ohh
20:08 Jordach            jordan4ibanez, i worked on adding text
20:08 mauvebic           wtf
20:08 Jordach            and some of the new screenshots
20:09 mauvebic           its a carbon-copy of mc
20:09 VanessaE           jordan4ibanez: ah, I see the devs finally pushed the new site design
20:09 Jordach            mauvebic, http://minecraft.net
20:09 mauvebic           oups, mc forums i mean
20:09 jordan4ibanez      I noticed a SLIGHT issue though
20:09 jordan4ibanez      available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
20:09 VanessaE           (too bad none of my images made it in there)
20:09 jordan4ibanez      Runs natively on Windows, Linux, OS X and FreeBSD.
20:09 LAD                woe minetest.net got an upgrade
20:10 Jordach            VanessaE, your pack is first featured on the texture packs page
20:10 mauvebic           lol cool they used some of my screens
20:10 Jordach            (you can thank me later.)
20:10 mauvebic           tho not sure about the partial DS9
20:10 VanessaE           oh wow, so it is!
20:10 mauvebic           i have like, tons of finished ships :p
20:10 jordan4ibanez      Version 7 with the new mapgen looks soooo natural
20:10 Jordach            mauvebic, c55 ripped several screenshots from post your screenshots without giving a damn on what they are
20:11 bas080             i was thinking about a better way to define attached_nodes that are not wallmounted.
20:12 mauvebic           idc which one he uses :P i just though a partial view of DS9 was rather bleh as screen :P
20:13 jojoa1997|Tablet   wow the potions mod is really bugged
20:13 Jordach            jordan4ibanez, welcome back to noise based mapgen, we missed you from 0.3.x
20:13 jojoa1997|Tablet   did he test it?
20:13 mauvebic           cool, voyagers' mess hall is there
20:13 NakedFury          I would use screenshots that show some of the features mentioned. Really tall structures showing of maps bigger than 128 heights
20:13 Jordach            jojoa1997|Tablet, probably
20:13 jordan4ibanez      minetest.net has a login system!! Does this mean we will be able to log in to minetest with our minetest.net account? :D
20:13 Jordach            jordan4ibanez, NO
20:13 Jordach            it's for page modifications
20:13 mauvebic           and titanic
20:13 jordan4ibanez      jordach, that would be VERY helpful for servers
20:13 Jordach            which i have access to
20:14 mauvebic           and the mountain
20:14 NakedFury          was the dirt texture on the minetest.net site made by us?
20:14 mauvebic           dang, alot of my screens are showed, coolness
20:15 mauvebic           ive thought about setting up a gallery to upload *all* my screens to
20:15 Jordach            jordan4ibanez, http://i.imgur.com/6Icfi4u.jpg
20:16 jordan4ibanez      Jordach, you forgot to add in bsd to the top thing
20:16 LAD                what's this new dokuwiwki about?
20:16 proller            make serverlist tab on site !!
20:16 LAD                wiki*
20:17 * sokomine         boards a shuttle on mauvebics local server anf flies around
20:19 LAD                why was the "public" tab from minetest removed?
20:19 khonkhortisan      It's a button now?
20:19 mauvebic           i still have to establish my server on the netbook, though i was hoping to finish the ocean first
20:20 LAD                it was in 0.4.5 you could "public" and it would who you a bunch of servers that was public
20:20 VanessaE           LAD: it's still there on my build
20:20 STHGOM_            LAD: what time is it where you are?
20:20 khonkhortisan      "Show Public" <-> "Show Favourites"
20:20 VanessaE           maybe your build doesn't have cURL
20:20 Jordach            LAD, the server list now works unless you enable curl
20:20 STHGOM_            i forgot the command :P
20:21 LAD                it's 4:20 PM just got out of school why?
20:21 khonkhortisan      what size should I scale all my textures to?
20:21 LAD                ....hmmmm
20:22 VanessaE           khonkhortisan: depends on your target audience.
20:22 LAD                im sorry but im not good at the minetest core coding that actuly makes it up other than C++
20:22 khonkhortisan      My target is sending you people a screenshot
20:22 LAD                you can use imgur
20:23 VanessaE           khonkhortisan: in that case, leave them at their native rez :)
20:23 khonkhortisan      but that's no fun
20:23 LAD                oh :P
20:23 LAD                lol
20:23 STHGOM_            LAD: it is 3.22 for me, you should make sure when you tell someone that a server is going to be on at a certain time, tell them what time zone you are in too.
20:23 LAD                does any one els use hover zoom (a google chrome extentions that alows you to zoom in on images)?
20:24 khonkhortisan      sounds useful, but no
20:24 LAD                ....ok
20:24 LAD                i find it is
20:24 khonkhortisan      I have to click to zoom
20:24 LAD                with hover zoom you hover over it and it blows it up to it's pxl size
20:24 mauvebic           lol how you can tell my cat is female: she brought me to a bug and is asking me to kill it for her
20:25 LAD                hmmmm
20:25 LAD                LOL
20:25 LAD                hmm i keep geting a weird error with lava cooling :(
20:25 babyface1031       STHGOM: hi sorry i was cooking dinner and yes i use to play on a server with her. why
20:25 jordan4ibanez      with the fact that you can point to flowing liquids
20:26 jordan4ibanez      working with liquids is fucking horrendous
20:26 Jordach            LAD, what the hell are you doing?
20:26 Jordach            anyways, im out
20:27 Jordach            (ill still be about.)
20:27 STHGOM             i havent seen her for a while and she is a mod on a server i am a mod for
20:27 mauvebic           oh great: plumber says no sinks, toilets, nothing... coulda told me before making a pot of coffee
20:27 STHGOM             what server?
20:27 babyface1031       i havent played on a server with her in awhile this was back when we both played on glomies server
20:28 STHGOM             port 30000?
20:28 STHGOM             ohh
20:29 STHGOM             well if you see her again ask her to be on the zegaton since she is a mod plz?
20:29 LAD                STHGOM why did you want to know my time?
20:29 babyface1031       ok this was back in oct 2012 i havent seen her since
20:31 LAD                could some one help me out with this?
20:31 LAD                http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5442
20:33 STHGOM             LAD: your PvP walls server wasnt up afaik, and i wanted to know what time it should've been up, but i didn't know if you were in a different time zone or not.
20:33 STHGOM             afaik == as far as i knew
20:33 LAD                no i cancelded it due to crapy computer system i have
20:34 STHGOM             ok good
20:34 LAD                but i might be geting a new laptop for my schooling in high school
20:34 LAD                so i can host than :)
20:34 LAD                sorry about canciling
20:34 STHGOM             thats ok
20:35 Jordach            STHGOM, LAD: I can host that server for you
20:35 hmmmm              ,,,
20:35 hmmmm              [04:13 PM] <Jordach> jordan4ibanez, welcome back to noise based mapgen, we missed you from 0.3.x
20:35 * Jordach          pokes Ryan Kwolek
20:35 hmmmm              "welcome back" noise based mapgen?
20:36 STHGOM             how many servers can you host?
20:36 hmmmm              yes, you saw my name on the contributors page, woohoo
20:36 Jordach            STHGOM, one at a time
20:36 LAD                ...it was goin to special to me because it would be one my first big server :(
20:36 LAD                you can take it over if you want i guess
20:36 jojoa1997|Tablet   jordach do it
20:36 hmmmm              so what was the 0.4.x mapgen?  music based?
20:36 jojoa1997|Tablet   yes
20:37 Jordach            hmmmm, i think slightly fractal based
20:37 jojoa1997|Tablet   lol
20:37 LAD                Jordach would i still be able to run the server? like be the leader..Admin?
20:37 jojoa1997|Tablet   i read it music bread?
20:38 LAD                jojoa are you on vacation this week or are you back now?
20:38 Jordach            LAD, i can do that for you, but actually using the OS, that's my job im afraid
20:38 LAD                ...
20:39 Jordach            LAD, mine revives on crash, and you could just /shutdown to reset the map#
20:39 mauvebic           Iran Plans To Launch an 'Islamic Google Earth'  <--- thats where they photoshop in islamic head-dress for all the women on streetview
20:39 STHGOM             who all is open for hosting servers?
20:39 LAD                fine you can host the first one but i'll host the next ones im goin to have
20:39 LAD                only give interact to the people on the origanale list of mine ok?
20:39 Jordach            LAD, sure
20:40 LAD                i'll link the forums post
20:40 Jordach            but anyways, i can only do this friday
20:40 LAD                this friday?
20:41 Jordach            LAD, yeah
20:41 Jordach            im out of the house atm
20:41 LAD                here is the forums post
20:41 Jordach            and friday i have a tower upgrade to be doing
20:41 Jordach            so it'll be done while your sleeping
20:41 LAD                hmmm friday can work but are you open on a later time just so that people can see that the match is at that time?
20:42 VanessaE           anyone feel like making a mod for torches that'll exploit the client-side particle spawner so that all torches have smoke?
20:42 LAD                http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5101 <---forums post
20:42 LAD                ummm
20:42 VanessaE           (regular, kalite, 3dforniture, and perhaps others)
20:42 LAD                i kinda do now Ve that you metioned it to bad i dont know how to :(
20:42 Jordach            LAD, i can make a modified map so that people who want to spectate can from the glass ceiling
20:42 LAD                ok
20:43 LAD                i'll like you the map as well
20:43 mauvebic           can someone recommend a photo album site with no/high limits?
20:43 khonkhortisan      um, would a texture resizer go in texture packs or in mods?
20:43 jordan4ibanez      pilzadam, the rules for lavacooling are incorrect
20:43 Jordach            mauvebic, try imgur
20:43 Jordach            their albums are limitless for a free acc.
20:43 VanessaE           khonkhortisan:  in texture packs if it's an outside tool, mods if it is a regular MT mod.
20:43 jordan4ibanez      lavacooling now has the ability to check corners, this creates HORRIBLE bottlenecks
20:43 mauvebic           imgur? illl take a gander
20:43 khonkhortisan      it's both a mod and an outside tool
20:44 Jordach            jordan4ibanez, shouldnt lavacooling be implemented in the engine?
20:44 khonkhortisan      it's a mod that runs an outside tool
20:44 jordan4ibanez      No lol
20:45 Jordach            jordan4ibanez, it does make the function far faster
20:45 Jordach            removing the stated bottleneck
20:45 jordan4ibanez      it doesn't need to be moved to the engine? wtf are you talking about? I'm talking about the rules of how it checks
20:45 LAD                http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2906 <--- there's the map download
20:45 LAD                oh i need to finish my c;uster chunk map i totaly forgot about it
20:46 LAD                cluster*
20:47 jordan4ibanez      like so http://i.imgur.com/iVv7qAp.png
20:47 jordan4ibanez      it needs to check x+1, x-1, and z+1,z-1 and y+1,y-1 to see if there is a block directly touching
20:48 jordan4ibanez      if it doesn't, this breaks a lot of consistant stone generation machines and the one I was able to make is horribly inefficient and looks bad in general
20:50 LAD                Jordach this is in you hand now just tell the peoples when your hosting so they know
20:50 Jordach            LAD, okay
20:51 Jordach            my servers been in need of users for some time now
20:51 jordan4ibanez      this is the machine http://i.imgur.com/C8gQuz6.png I tried to do a compact multisorting machine, but with these corner rules, it would be far too big and ugly
20:53 LAD                does any one know if there is a cluster chunk map for minetest?
20:53 MinetestBot        GIT:  commited to minetest/minetest: fix bug in scriptapi line_of_sight dda2071cc0 2013-04-10T13:50:24-07:00 http://git.io/2ePXtQ
20:53 LAD                other than the i'm making
21:02 ArcadiunK          alguien me dise un sever de minetest
21:03 ArcadiunK          sigo alguien me dise un sever  de minetest bueno
21:03 sdzen              zenoheld.minetest.net:30000
21:04 VanessaE           ArcadiunK: english please
21:04 VanessaE           nevermind, figured out what you meant.
21:04 Leoneof            how to make a door?
21:04 sdzen              not hard to figure out vanessae :)
21:05 VanessaE           Leoneof: six wood in two adjacent columns in the craft grig
21:06 VanessaE           grid*
21:06 VanessaE           W W -
21:06 VanessaE           W W -
21:06 VanessaE           W W -
21:06 rarkenin|Away      !up minetest.org 30015
21:06 MinetestBot        minetest.org:30015 seems to be down
21:06 rarkenin|Away      !up 0gb.us
21:06 MinetestBot        0gb.us:30000 seems to be down
21:11 paxcoder           can the volume be adjusted in-game?
21:12 zeep               i'm trying to get a mod installed but it's not showing up in the addon list.
21:12 STHGOM             what zersion do you have?
21:12 STHGOM             version*
21:13 zeep               0.4.5
21:13 STHGOM             paxcoder
21:13 paxcoder           .6
21:13 STHGOM             o0.4.6?
21:13 paxcoder           yes
21:14 STHGOM             you should, isn't in the escape menu?
21:14 paxcoder           STHGOM, yes it is. my neighbor sends thanks
21:14 STHGOM             oke
21:15 STHGOM             cya
21:15 paxcoder           bb
21:15 paxcoder           STHGOM, for a moment i thought the BTC bubble burst
21:16 STHGOM             bitcoin bubble?
21:16 paxcoder           yeah
21:16 STHGOM             ok... i have no idea what THAT means
21:16 STHGOM             xau!
21:16 paxcoder           it means its virtual value loses its virtual value
21:19 khonkhortisan      like a housing bubble
21:20 sokomine           how do you increase log level of a minetest server?
21:20 khonkhortisan      -d -d -d -d
21:20 ShadowNinja        Is there a character that is not allowed in passwords?
21:20 zeep               anyone willing  to help out with the mods issue?
21:20 sokomine           thanks!
21:20 ShadowNinja        sokomine: debug_log_level = <0-4>
21:21 khonkhortisan      ^ that too
21:21 sokomine           and: do you have any idea about the complaint about the escape character in string:find ?
21:21 khonkhortisan      not without an example of what it's supposed to do to see if a fix changes its behavior
21:21 ShadowNinja        do you mean \[ and \]?
21:25 jordan4ibanez      I don't like how the viewing range tries to adjust itself
21:25 jordan4ibanez      it's clumsy :L
21:27 sokomine           i've noticed a strange behaviour (especially on menches server), maybe related to that: if i'm in an area with many nodeboxes, and switch to far for a moment, framerate continues to drop drasticly and will not recover unless moving to another area for a moment. after that it will be ok in the first area again...
21:28 jordan4ibanez      for me, it just completely ignores the viewing range I set
21:28 jordan4ibanez      I tried to set it to 15 and it kept going to around 100
21:29 ArcadiunK          alguien me da un sever bueno pero bueno bueno
21:30 sokomine           most of us don't speak your language. if you want to go to a large server, go to redcrab.suret.net 30401
21:32 VanessaE           ArcadiunK: please stick to English here
21:32 Exio               ArcadiunK: el canal es para hablar en ingles, en si si queres "Encontrar" (somos pocos) minetest-eros que hablemos espa~ol podes usar ##minetest-es
21:32 khonkhortisan      sprechken ze engelsk
21:33 VanessaE           sokomine:  I have seen that effect before - maybe that out of indicies/16 bit buffer bug?
21:33 RealBadAngel       sokomine, its vertices bug.
21:33 khonkhortisan      eew espa~ol? That should be español
21:33 VanessaE           RealBadAngel: ninja'd ;)
21:33 RealBadAngel       :P
21:33 Exio               (translated: this channel is for talking in english, if you want to "find" (we are 'less'?) minetesters hwat speak spanish you can use ##minetest-es)
21:33 Exio               khonkhortisan: i don't have dead keys or stuff here
21:34 Exio               spanish keymap for programming => fail
21:34 khonkhortisan      I have a compose key
21:34 VanessaE           Exio: X11 compose
21:34 Exio               i don't have it configured or enabled or anything
21:34 khonkhortisan      yep
21:34 khonkhortisan      you just have to set a button I think
21:34 Exio               < lazy :P
21:34 VanessaE           <compose> n ~  -->  ñ
21:34 khonkhortisan      I have it where altgr should be
21:34 VanessaE           setxkbmap -option compose:menu
21:34 khonkhortisan      ^
21:34 VanessaE           (since the menu key is about worthless to me)
21:35 khonkhortisan      until your mouse dies
21:35 VanessaE           then I put a new battery in it or I go spend 15 bucks and get a new one :)
21:35 VanessaE           (actually I use a rechargeable)
21:35 khonkhortisan      I'm on borrowed battery time, I got these out of the battery drawer
21:36 VanessaE           heh
21:36 VanessaE           handful of spare NiMH AA's + 15 minute charger here :-)
21:42 rarkenin|Away      !up 0gb.us
21:42 MinetestBot        0gb.us:30000 seems to be down
21:46 khonkhortisan      I spent too much time with 1px, now 16px looks big to me
21:49 Exio               switch to 512x
21:51 khonkhortisan      *looks through forum* *notices it started snowing in minetest*
21:52 Jordach            khonkhortisan, huh
21:53 Jordach            what do you mean, snow?
21:53 khonkhortisan      the weather mod
21:53 Jordach            OH, RUGHT
21:53 Jordach            oh right
21:55 VanessaE           the particle-spawner-based weather mod that is
21:55 Jordach            whc
21:55 Jordach            which needs particles to be enabled right>?
21:56 khonkhortisan      The rain that falls sideways
21:56 khonkhortisan      yes
21:57 rarkenin|Away      !up 0gb.us
21:57 MinetestBot        0gb.us:30000 seems to be down
21:57 Jordach            !up 0gb.us
21:57 MinetestBot        0gb.us:30000 seems to be down
22:03 jordan4ibanez      damn this mod WRECKS trees http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5541
22:04 Jordach            jordan4ibanez, i prefer the old style one that removes just the trunk
22:05 jordan4ibanez      it's a real pain in the ass with dealing with sugarcane farms though
22:07 VanessaE           jordan4ibanez: how does that mod behave on moretrees?
22:08 jordan4ibanez      It says it demolishes trees
22:08 VanessaE           yeah that's the general claim, but how does it actually behave? :-)
22:08 paxcoder           what mod is rubber tree?
22:08 VanessaE           paxcoder: moretrees.
22:09 paxcoder           VanessaE, i don't see it listed, and i don't see any of your fancy high trees
22:09 paxcoder           i only see bananna, coco, rubber
22:09 VanessaE           paxcoder: it just got changed over today.
22:09 VanessaE           the dependency info has not been updated yet.
22:10 paxcoder           huh? i don't understand, i've seen these trees a few days ago as well
22:10 VanessaE           I just added the needed aliases to moretrees git an hour ago
22:10 paxcoder           i'm telling you i saw these trees before
22:10 paxcoder           and there are no high trees
22:10 VanessaE           I know.
22:10 paxcoder           nor your mod listed
22:10 paxcoder           i still don't understand
22:10 VanessaE           moretrees dependency was *just* added
22:11 paxcoder           what does that tell me?
22:11 proller            menger_sponge on dev fractal server!
22:11 VanessaE           that means download latest moretrees and latest technic and you have your rubber trees again :-)
22:11 paxcoder           no, i do have them
22:11 paxcoder           but i'm confused by not seeing the mod listed (not my srv) and no big trees
22:12 VanessaE           oh, your version of technic is older then, it still provides its own version of those.
22:12 paxcoder           btw. what are RT used for?
22:12 paxcoder           (and, if anything, how?)
22:12 VanessaE           they're used for a bunch of stuff, I don't know what all - enough that without rubber, technic is mostly useless RBA has said
22:13 Doyousketch2       what's the trick to turn on debug info again?
22:13 paxcoder           i have no idea what technic is nor RBA :/
22:13 VanessaE           paxcoder: oh, maybe you have an old farming mod then
22:13 paxcoder           i can't collect tree trunks of rubber tree
22:13 VanessaE           it also provides rubber trees.
22:13 paxcoder           V: that could be it
22:13 VanessaE           or it used to
22:14 VanessaE           Doyousketch2: debug_log_level = 4
22:14 VanessaE           or hit f5 ;)
22:14 Doyousketch2       ty
22:14 VanessaE           depending on which debug info you need
22:14 paxcoder           so what's the new farming mod?
22:15 Kacey              hi all
22:15 Doyousketch2       huh, does it give debug info for singleplayer games?
22:15 VanessaE           you have to ask PilzAdam what all has changed in it, but afaik rubber trees have been dropped from it in favor of those in technic, which were also dropped in favor of the ones in moretrees.
22:16 VanessaE           beyond that, some stuff in farming was split off into farming_plus
22:16 paxcoder           yes, srv lists both
22:16 paxcoder           so maybe farming_plus has the trees
22:16 Doyousketch2       trying to make a bones mod and it's not loading the init.lua - trying to figure out what line has a typo
22:17 N-GaR              My server just went down, without ANY explanation in debug.txt .... It was the oddest thing ....
22:17 Doyousketch2       oh, here it goes, we're good now.
22:19 Doyousketch2       oh, apparently I can't use caps in the name.  din't know that :P
22:20 N-GaR              Yeah, I don't know why caps sren't allowed.
22:20 N-GaR              *aren't
22:21 Doyousketch2       'prolly 'cuz windows doesn't distinguish between caps and lowercase
22:21 Doyousketch2       so they had to dumb it down just for that poor excuse for an OS
22:22 N-GaR              AH! So it's compensating for Windows being lame. It all makes sense now. Thanks!
22:22 paxcoder           Doyousketch2, besides not being UNIX, why is Windows bad?
22:22 jordan4ibanez      I use windows because it is lame, it keeps me from getting distracted
22:23 Doyousketch2       um, billions of viruses.  terrible security
22:23 paxcoder           jordan4ibanez, that's actually quite a convincing excuse
22:23 VanessaE           I simply don't trust Windows.  that's enough for me.
22:23 paxcoder           except i don't know what you're doing there :-D
22:23 VanessaE           too many bad experiences and too many horror stories from others.
22:24 paxcoder           Meh, proprietary, Microsoft, not unix/exposed, bleh
22:24 Doyousketch2       yeah, it's not Open Source.  so the bastards in Redmond might have any number of ways into your machine
22:25 paxcoder           Doyousketch2, i was actually how some govt official programmer could join Linux kernel project and create a backdoor easily
22:25 paxcoder           *thinking
22:25 Doyousketch2       keeping logs of your web history hidden from you - the so-called spiders file
22:25 VanessaE           the fact that Microsoft attempts to dictate exactly what I can run and what I can do with my machine is why I will never use their products if i can avoid it.
22:26 paxcoder           VanessaE, how do they do taht?
22:26 Doyousketch2       perhaps, but someone would find it and patch it
22:26 VanessaE           oh you know, enforcing DRM and the like, trying that whole "secure" boot angle, etc.
22:26 paxcoder           Doyousketch2, that's actually what happened in OpenBSD
22:26 paxcoder           or one of the BSDs anyway
22:27 Doyousketch2       fine, but we moved on from there.  it's surely been fixed
22:27 paxcoder           VanessaE, how do they enforce DRM? BTW secure boot agrees with Linus' ideology.
22:27 Doyousketch2       open source is transparent enough that I trust it
22:27 paxcoder           ooo bannana tree
22:28 VanessaE           paxcoder: I don't know the details anymore, it's been too many years.
22:28 paxcoder           VanessaE, there's an article of RMS where he bashes on Linus
22:28 VanessaE           I just know that I can't legally share it, I can't legally download it, and I can't trust it not to share information about my usage.
22:28 paxcoder           Essentially, Linus sees nothing wrong with tivoisation
22:28 N-GaR              I hear the "secure boot" think drove one Linux distribution into the ground, though I forget which.
22:28 VanessaE           oh to hell with RMS, he's crazy :)
22:29 paxcoder           VanessaE, :/
22:29 VanessaE           paxcoder: this is the same guy who picks his toejam in public :)
22:29 N-GaR              Ubuntu found a way around it though. I'm sure others have managed to make "secure boot" work as well.
22:29 paxcoder           VanessaE, alright now
22:30 paxcoder           but that's ad-hominem, let's be honest
22:30 VanessaE           perhaps
22:30 paxcoder           his moral stances are questionable too
22:30 VanessaE           but if the messenger shows behavior that is unacceptable to a reasonable person, can you really put full trust in the message he carries?
22:31 paxcoder           heck his ethics regarding software is misguided as well (ie he claims 4 freedoms are human rights). But most of what he says about software is correct
22:31 VanessaE           I believe absolutely and steadfastly in open source and freedom of information, but RMS takes it too far.
22:31 paxcoder           "open source" = tivoisation
22:32 paxcoder           also NOSA
22:32 VanessaE           NOSA?
22:32 paxcoder           NASA Open Source Agreement is an OSI-approved license (ie an "open source license"), but not a free software license, according to the FSF's license list
22:33 VanessaE           (first page of google search shows as many definitions of it as there are search results on that page ;) )
22:33 paxcoder           it denies you right to incorporate 3rd party software in the derivative
22:33 paxcoder           so mods must be yours and yours only (a la NIH)
22:33 N-GaR              I'm not against closed source products. Developers have to eat too! But Windows isn't a working system. It has no security, it just LETS viruses have their way with the system.
22:33 VanessaE           can I download, modify, and distribute it legally?  that's all I need to call it free (as in freedom).
22:34 paxcoder           VanessaE, depends on how you define modify it
22:34 VanessaE           paxcoder: any modification whatsoever that does not, itself, break some law
22:34 N-GaR              If it depends on the definition of modify, I'd say that's not free.
22:34 VanessaE           (i.e. I don't expect to devise a missile control system by forking the linux kernel)
22:34 paxcoder           VanessaE, no, you can't. Only your own code
22:35 paxcoder           you can't take someone else's subroutine and incorporate it into your derivative
22:35 VanessaE           eh?  that "itself, breaks some law"
22:35 paxcoder           it breaks the license, yes
22:35 VanessaE           and breaking a license is also a breach of the law in most places, i.e. copyright law in this case.
22:36 paxcoder           https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement
22:36 VanessaE           therefore the condition applies and I shouldn't distribute it,.
22:36 VanessaE           on the other hand if I fork the linux kernel and add some CC0/PD/WTFPL piece of code that does something useful and legal, I can distribute the result all I want, with the boundaries of the license.
22:37 paxcoder           VanessaE, exactly. Which is why NOSA is non-free
22:37 paxcoder           I don't even know if I'm allowed to take your "original creation" derivative, and make my own on top of that
22:37 Jordach            licenses just protect the author's ego
22:38 paxcoder           Jordach, they protect the author legally too
22:38 paxcoder           Jordach, in fact, if you do not use a license, it is automatically "all rights reserved" for you, under the Berne convention
22:38 paxcoder           which means it's non-free. You must free it explicitly
22:38 VanessaE           the thing about NASA licenses is that they don't matter - being a branch of the US government, they are exempt from protection of US copyright law - all information they produce that isn't classified is by law, public domain
22:38 Jordach            paxcoder, i live in the UK
22:38 paxcoder           Heck, you can't even say "public domain", because it doesn't exist in germany.
22:39 paxcoder           Jordach, yes, Berne convention applies to most of the world
22:39 paxcoder           "convention" nota bene
22:39 paxcoder           VanessaE, apparently not *shrugs*
22:39 VanessaE           https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NASA_logo.svg
22:39 VanessaE           "This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA."
22:40 paxcoder           VanessaE, maybe WW wasn't "solely"
22:40 VanessaE           WW?
22:40 paxcoder           World Wind
22:40 paxcoder           (akin to Google Earth, but NASA's)
22:40 VanessaE           *nod* in that case it would be governed by whatever license NASA sees fit to agree to.
22:41 paxcoder           VanessaE, convenient, eh?
22:41 * paxcoder         drops the odd stick on the ground
22:41 VanessaE           *shrug*
22:42 VanessaE           it's more a matter of who else they worked with.
22:42 VanessaE           a private company?  sure, they have a right to copyright protection.
22:42 Jordach            I should write a license to specifically cover minetest content
22:42 VanessaE           another US government agency?  fuck off and die with your license.
22:42 mauvebic           the last thing we need is yet more licenses :p
22:42 VanessaE           Jordach: wasn't WTFPL sorta intended for that? :)
22:42 mauvebic           introducing the QWERTYLGP
22:42 Jordach            mauvebic, Minetest Textures License, Minetest Sounds License and Minetest Code License
22:43 paxcoder           Jordach, so to summarize first: You can't say "PD" for the sake of Germany, you want to use something to free yourself from liability, and I'd advise to use copyleft to prevent closing of your source, and GPL3 in particular to prevent introducing patents into it by third parties, and tivoization.
22:43 mauvebic           and for a limited time, buy now and we'll throw in a dozen A-QWERTYLGPL's
22:43 Jordach            mauvebic, zing
22:43 paxcoder           Additional step is to use AGPL3 if you want to make available source behind the services (SaaS) as well (GPL doesn't cover that)
22:44 mauvebic           i think all these licenses is a plot by prosti...lawyers
22:44 VanessaE           software as a service..  blasphemy.
22:44 VanessaE           total bullshit
22:44 mauvebic           some people expect to get paid for their work
22:44 paxcoder           mauvebic, world is governed by laws - news at 11.
22:44 mauvebic           if you were a plumber, would you do it freely as a public service?
22:45 paxcoder           VanessaE, AGPL3 covers SaaS
22:45 mauvebic           its more essential than hardware
22:45 mauvebic           *software
22:45 VanessaE           paid for their work?  sure, but once and ONLY once.
22:45 paxcoder           mauvebic, ESR's argument is that most software is developed in-house
22:45 VanessaE           anything else is rent-seeking behavior.
22:45 mauvebic           well thats not specifically a software problem, most of the US industry is based on licensing stuff
22:45 paxcoder           mauvebic, that's true.
22:45 mauvebic           you end that, you also end tax revenues, and entitlements
22:46 Exio               VanessaE: pay for the work, and "offer" advanced support for it
22:46 Exio               :D but M$ doesn't like that so fuck all the logic
22:46 mauvebic           its a free market: your free to give or sell your work, but its not up to anyone to decide that for everyone
22:47 VanessaE           fuck the free markey
22:47 mauvebic           and you're free *not* to buy the software, or any other license
22:47 VanessaE           market*
22:47 VanessaE           this is the same "free market" that gave us high fuel prices, high food prices, high rents, crappy low-economy cars, and low incomes.
22:47 paxcoder           non-regulated market is bad, but i do agree that author should be able to choose a license
22:47 mauvebic           well i hope either you or your husband works, because without industry/free market paying taxes and employing people, gov't would be much smaller than it is
22:48 paxcoder           i've been convinced of that on slashdot in a lengthy debate
22:48 VanessaE           and the same 'free market' that keeps us from having a proper distributed, socialized health care system in this country
22:48 paxcoder           can link if someone's interested - but it's repetitive perhaps. i tried the best i could
22:48 mauvebic           in my experience, its usually people who don't participate in the free market that knock it the most
22:49 mauvebic           god knows ive tried and failed, but at least i tried
22:49 VanessaE           mauvebic: no one can avoid participating - we all need food, shelter, clothing, and a dozen other things that are all free-market-driven
22:49 VanessaE           unless you live out in the sticks, in which care you're invisible anyway
22:49 paxcoder           haha "in the sticks"
22:49 mauvebic           free market isn't just buying, its offering goods and services for sale too
22:50 mauvebic           the whole reason it exists is so that we dont each have to build our own houses, grow our own foods, and educate our own kids
22:50 paxcoder           y u no load? oh, end of the world
22:50 mauvebic           as imperfect as the system is, i havent seen anything better yet
22:51 VanessaE           we had a better system when we had strict regulations
22:51 VanessaE           that was back in the 80's
22:51 paxcoder           mauvebic, I wonder how distributism regulates things
22:51 VanessaE           everyone had money, the economy was booming, life was good.
22:51 paxcoder           though it's somewhat compatible with free market
22:51 mauvebic           the economy was booming because most of europe and asia was in ruins
22:51 VanessaE           then Reagan and the Bushes came along, and our country went to hell.
22:52 mauvebic           things went downhill when the newer factories there got back in the game
22:52 mauvebic           if youre looking for something to blame, blame your politicians for free trade without fair trade
22:52 mauvebic           the free movement of goods but not labor
22:52 VanessaE           things went downhill when we failed to regulate the movement of jobs overseas.
22:52 paxcoder           Didn't Reagan conduct Thatcher's philosophy of meddling into economy and stifling labor unions and all that awfulness?
22:53 VanessaE           paxcoder: maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but he also tore down a lot of regulations.
22:53 mauvebic           the UK had to go to the IMF for a 4 billion loan in the late 60's or early 70's
22:53 mauvebic           thats what regulation and nationalization lead to
22:53 PilzAdam           RealBadAngel, good news! github has now step by step instructions on how to merge pull requests in the command line
22:53 paxcoder           speaking of UK this thing they're doing with teaching kids programming that sounds real clever <noirony>
22:53 mauvebic           and by the same token, i would have let the banks fail
22:53 VanessaE           mauvebic: regulations are why your house won't burn down if you get a short circuit in your house wiring.
22:54 VanessaE           and why your car won't explode in a fireball if you get into a bad accident
22:54 khonkhortisan      <nosarcasm?>
22:54 paxcoder           feeling bad for the Irish kinda. But then their IT industry was based on the old model we all detest
22:54 RealBadAngel       PilzAdam, good
22:54 mauvebic           the irish got all the techjobs because they had the lowest corporate taxes of all the EU
22:54 paxcoder           khonkhortisan, darnit
22:54 paxcoder           khonkhortisan, also, closed tag, not opened
22:54 PilzAdam           RealBadAngel, although you have to do "git rebase master" in the new branch before merging it in
22:56 mauvebic           its ironic that the hottest economies pre-bust are the ones the fell the hardest
22:56 mauvebic           iceland had a shitload of emigration when their banks went under
22:57 paxcoder           i threw something off the edge of the world, don't tell ghostshell
22:57 paxcoder           mauvebic, it also had mortgage speculation like everywhere else where that happened
22:57 mauvebic           thats one thing our liberals did right here
22:58 mauvebic           they didnt screw with banks
22:59 paxcoder           mauvebic, see "Inside job" (2010)
22:59 mauvebic           now the cons are in power because were fed up with immigration bringing criminals (and warcriminals) to our country
22:59 mauvebic           saw it
22:59 mauvebic           and the hundreds of other spinoffs
22:59 paxcoder           mauvebic, then why are you blaming immigrants like a racist?
22:59 mauvebic           lol
22:59 mauvebic           typical
22:59 paxcoder           typical of whom?
22:59 mauvebic           how diverse is your neighbourhood?
22:59 mauvebic           working poor or middle class?
23:00 paxcoder           you don't have sufficient privileges to access that information
23:00 mauvebic           any honour killings where youre from, or islamists recruiting locals?
23:00 mauvebic           because its a serious problem here
23:00 mauvebic           im all for immigration when people integrate, otherwise, go home
23:00 paxcoder           mauvebic, so it wasn't poor economic management it was the backward culture of islamist immigrants?
23:01 mauvebic           oh because islam is soo liberal
23:01 khonkhortisan      I don't know what we're talking about, but I'm staying out of it
23:01 mauvebic           gaybashings are up in arab neighbourhoods, youre gonna tell me racists are behind those too?
23:02 paxcoder           mauvebic, islamIST, as in race-IST.
23:02 paxcoder           the fact that it's not liberal doesn't mean they're to blame
23:02 mauvebic           of course, white people aren't allowed to comment on policy in their own countries for fear of coming off as racists -ianno that shtick is getting old
23:03 paxcoder           mauvebic, you haven't commented on policy, you've made an unsubstantiated connection with race
23:04 mauvebic           ive been pretty clear on policy: you come to canada, you follow our laws, you make an effort to integrate, youll get no problems from me
23:04 paxcoder           and this despite claiming to have examined the evidence to the contrary!
23:04 mauvebic           dont bring your honour killings and other forms of bigotry here
23:04 paxcoder           again, nothing to do with economy
23:05 mauvebic           right now it has everything to do with economy, just like the US has H1-Bs, we have the TFW
23:05 paxcoder           mmm cocoa tree
23:05 mauvebic           one of our major banks is asking its staff to train its foreign replacements before sending them back to india with all the jobs
23:05 paxcoder           mauvebic, not familiar with the bills
23:06 mauvebic           the govt doesnt really believe in immigration or diversity, its just a PC excuse to bring wages down
23:06 paxcoder           outsourcing is the problem of the global free market you supposedly advocate
23:06 mauvebic           i never said global
23:06 mauvebic           and i said fair trade
23:06 mauvebic           with countries that have roughly equal standards and pay
23:06 paxcoder           free = global
23:06 paxcoder           because it's cheaper
23:06 mauvebic           you can have a free market in your country without being a doormat to transnationals
23:06 paxcoder           if anything, i'm concerned for the modern slaves
23:07 mauvebic           and you no when wages rise enough in those countries, the transnat will find the next best deal
23:07 mauvebic           *know
23:07 paxcoder           indeed
23:07 paxcoder           and if
23:08 mauvebic           so throwing around terms like racism shows how distorted the debate has become
23:08 mauvebic           id rather support local businesses weather theyre run by chinese emigrants or crackers
23:09 mauvebic           but i wont do business with companies that ship all their jobs overseas
23:09 paxcoder           everyone does
23:09 mauvebic           naw most people go where its cheapest
23:09 paxcoder           and no, i wouldn't agree that i've unjustly called you out as a racist
23:09 mauvebic           when it comes to computers, i do too, but only because we dont make'em anymore
23:09 paxcoder           you just began to articulate
23:09 paxcoder           and note that outsourcing has nothing to do with your initial proposition
23:10 mauvebic           canada has had a reckless immigration policy since pierre trudeau, and his motives werent benevolent
23:10 mauvebic           it was to stifle the seperatist movement in my home province
23:10 mauvebic           by saying "canada isn't two cultures, its multicultural"
23:10 mauvebic           and were reaping the benefits of that today
23:11 paxcoder           it is multicultural
23:11 mauvebic           yeah well, we are seeing an increase in real racism in xenophobia from alot of people that dont know any better
23:11 paxcoder           you can't discard your neighbor once the job you consider to be above is done.
23:11 paxcoder           *too good for
23:12 mauvebic           neighbour? i moved out of my neighbourhood when a bunch of haitien thugs shot a dog to death in the neighbouring block
23:12 paxcoder           are you in a nice white neighborhood now?
23:12 mauvebic           for what possible reason? i cant comprehend
23:12 mauvebic           im in the sticks
23:13 mauvebic           where its quiet
23:13 mauvebic           and its not all white, but people know how to treat eachother here
23:13 mauvebic           we have immigrants theyre just not fresh-off-the-boat
23:14 paxcoder           so only the fresh ones are to blame for the world-wide economic crisis?
23:14 mauvebic           who said that?
23:15 mauvebic           the worldwide crisis started with banks lending to just about anybody and reselling those mortgages all around the world
23:15 paxcoder           you implied that (see iceland)
23:15 jordan4ibanez      WAT
23:15 mauvebic           i just dont buy the argument that we need more immigration because of labour shortages that do not exist
23:15 jordan4ibanez      how the hell did this guy get his texture pack on sphax's website
23:15 jordan4ibanez      http://bdcraft.net/download-bdcraft-texturepacks
23:15 paxcoder           <mauvebic> iceland had a shitload of emigration when their banks went under
23:15 mauvebic           icelanders left their country because finance jobs dried up
23:15 paxcoder           my bad, i thought jordan4ibanez asked about iceland
23:16 jordan4ibanez      That's going to get us a CRAZY amount of people in the minetest community
23:16 mauvebic           no, people left because things were bad there
23:16 mauvebic           but i wasn't talking about their immigrants, i was talking about their natives
23:16 paxcoder           mauvebic, you were talking about immigrants and the crisis
23:16 mauvebic           iceland has stricter immigration rules than we do
23:16 mauvebic           well i have alot of opinions on a lot of things
23:17 mauvebic           and i vote
23:17 paxcoder           some more racist than others
23:18 mauvebic           lol, now who's flip-flopping
23:18 paxcoder           mauvebic, look, i understand you don't necessarily automatically discriminate, and i'm not saying immigrants shouldn't integrate. But you can't blame them for the crisis.
23:18 jordan4ibanez      shouldn't you guys be in #offtopic
23:18 jordan4ibanez      or #defocus
23:18 jordan4ibanez      OR SOMETHING
23:18 mauvebic           i never said they were responsible for the crisis
23:18 mauvebic           <mauvebic> the worldwide crisis started with banks lending to just about anybody and reselling those mortgages all around the world
23:19 paxcoder           jordan4ibanez, we're discussing the bank mod
23:19 jordan4ibanez      then why the hell are you guys talking about racism
23:19 paxcoder           mauvebic, sure but you said that other thing first
23:19 PilzAdam           bye
23:19 mauvebic           in the present context though, its not helping our economy either, or our society at this point
23:19 mauvebic           your mixing jobs with the world finance crisis
23:20 mauvebic           and look at this way: at least we dont have ICE
23:20 Kacey              brb
23:20 mauvebic           though honestly, liberals have just as much their heads up their arses as rightwingnuts do
23:22 paxcoder           jordan4ibanez, oh right, we started talking about licenses or something
23:22 jordan4ibanez      how do I do the texture path?
23:23 jordan4ibanez      I put in the correct texture path, but it didn't load the textures
23:23 paxcoder           jordan4ibanez, you might want to tag someone, the rest are probably ignoring blinking by now
23:24 jordan4ibanez      sfan5
23:24 jordan4ibanez      C:\Documents and Settings\Duke Nukem\Desktop\texturepack
23:24 jordan4ibanez      why am this are not the workign?
23:27 jordan4ibanez      Damn
23:30 jordan4ibanez      I had to put it in the dir my command prompt defaulted to, and put the name of the folder as the texture dir
23:30 jordan4ibanez      what a pain in the buttoculars
23:34 paxcoder           who said something about fractals a minute ago?
23:34 Exio               proller
23:35 paxcoder           proller, what about them? map generation?
23:35 paxcoder           Exio, thx
23:36 paxcoder           troller, timed out? what about fractals - are they used for map generation?
23:37 troller            yes
23:37 paxcoder           yay, that's what i suggested
23:38 paxcoder           troller, but iirc someone told me the gen. was already deterministic. why fractals then?
23:38 troller            for fun
23:38 paxcoder           what we really need is for MT to use the determinism and implement a diffing system
23:39 paxcoder           so as to store only the interventions into the environment
23:40 paxcoder           that can't be that difficult
23:41 paxcoder           even to retrofit to the existing, chunk-loading infrastructure
23:41 paxcoder           though obviously, sending only diffs would be ideal
23:46 paxcoder           i guess nobody feels as enthusiastic about optimization as I do :-/
23:47 mauvebic           i love optimizing mods - if it can be done with fewer nodes and resources, im all for it lol
23:47 mauvebic           im not made of ram chips lol
23:47 paxcoder           this'd take more than a mod i reckon
23:47 mauvebic           talking about optimizing the mapgen?
23:48 paxcoder           yes
23:48 Exio               the block-loading i think
23:48 paxcoder           Exio, right
23:48 mauvebic           well, i think thanks to hmmm the emerge is already much faster than it was
23:48 paxcoder           also there should be some applied graph theory to determine the least amount of NULLs to store
23:48 paxcoder           (ie non-differing blocks)
23:48 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:49 Exio               hi :P
23:50 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:50 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:50 Exio               VanessaE: ^ you said something for that
23:50 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:50 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:50 VanessaE           [04-10 19:46] <VanessaE> the problem is probably drawtime jitter.
23:51 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:51 VanessaE           the higher the jitter, the worse your apparent frame rate, even if the average is okay.
23:51 VanessaE           crackerenherbe: press F5.
23:51 VanessaE           see "dtime_jitter" ?
23:51 VanessaE           ideally this should be very low
23:52 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:52 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:52 VanessaE           the higher it goes, the worse the apparent frame rate.
23:52 VanessaE           nonono, dtime_jitter
23:52 VanessaE           right next to drawtime
23:52 paxcoder           hah, mine is never under 70%
23:52 paxcoder           was 200% for a sec
23:52 paxcoder           pwnsome
23:52 VanessaE           mine's vacillating between 10 and 20 and I'm just standing in one place doing nothing
23:53 VanessaE           %
23:53 paxcoder           i'm now standing and it's about 90%
23:53 paxcoder           i WIN
23:53 paxcoder           hahaha
23:53 Exio               mine is between 1% when doing nothing
23:53 Exio               and when moving with fast around it gets "spikes" of 7%
23:53 Exio               :D
23:54 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:54 * paxcoder         votes for Exio to be kicked
23:54 mauvebic           dont you guys have like, 3-4K nodes tho?
23:54 VanessaE           mine goes apeshit, all over the place from 5% to 200%, usually staying in the 40 to 50% range
23:54 paxcoder           mine only does elephant dung
23:54 VanessaE           mauvebic: the number of defined nodes isn't going to affect your framerates unless you got all of them on screen at once maybe
23:56 Exio               i always play minimal and rarely minetest_game
23:56 mauvebic           checkin' my jitter now
23:56 Exio               (as i don't even have minetest_game installed now)
23:56 mauvebic           between 75% and 94%
23:57 mauvebic           45% on idle
23:57 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:58 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:58 crackerenherbe     [deleted]
23:58 crackerenherbe     [deleted]