Time Nick Message 00:00 Kacey Menche, yes can you add it please? 00:00 Menche add the craft guide? yeah, i was meaning to 00:00 jojoa1997|Tablet does anyone know the progress on minetest for android and if it will support lua modding 00:00 Menche i'll get it now 00:01 Menche what is "DOM" supposed to stand for? 00:02 Kacey idk 00:02 Kacey just throw it in the mods folder 00:02 Kacey afk 00:02 Menche he knows enough english to make that post, but most of the internals of the mod use spanish or something 00:05 RealBadAngel menche in polish "dom" means house 00:05 Exio what mod? 00:05 Menche http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5076 the updated craft guide mod 00:05 Kacey back 00:05 Exio that is not spanish, yes 00:06 Kacey thanks Menche 00:08 Exio ] 137,280 744B/s eta 4d 23h 00:08 Menche my leaves with apple node can show up to 3 different pictures of an apple where there is only one 00:08 Menche it seems i can't use multiple different textures with allfaces_optional 00:09 Menche maybe putting the apple underneath the leaves texture would help 00:11 Menche http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/6343/screenshot2233645292.png 00:12 Menche http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/9985/screenshot2232713116.png 00:12 Menche not sure if i like the apple under or over the leaves 00:17 VanessaE PilzAdam: what's with the weird selection box on jungle grass? 00:17 VanessaE (it's only a few pixels high, but full node width) 00:18 Kacey Menche, i laggedbad 00:18 Menche me too, it's frozen 00:18 Kacey ooh ok 00:19 mauvebic finally im not all that hot on luajit, after 6 passes (vs. vanilla's 3 passes to finish) i got this: http://www.zimg.eu/i/2837658065 00:20 khonkhortisan I like it under the leaves, over it looks like the regular apple. 00:20 VanessaE that ain't luajit, that's the map/emerge/whatever code doing that 00:20 PilzAdam VanessaE, all grass nodes use this selection box 00:20 VanessaE PilzAdam: it doesn't look good for jungle grass 00:20 VanessaE but okay 00:20 mauvebic map is loaded, same conditions both test 00:21 VanessaE mauvebic: yep, that's not lua doing that at all. 00:21 mauvebic the passes were shorter but less gets done 00:21 PilzAdam VanessaE, since grass has no specified height, texture packs could make it taller or smaller 00:21 VanessaE PilzAdam: well, not really. i figure the default texture pretty much establishes the standard height for Junglegrass. 00:21 VanessaE but whatever 00:22 mauvebic but whats odd, on vanilla,each pass was: 22s, 192s,23s, w/ luajit it was 97s,92s,4s,4s,4s,4s, 00:22 PilzAdam I also think that all grass should be buildable_to 00:22 VanessaE PilzAdam: agreed 00:23 PilzAdam that is: junglegrass, grass and dry_shrub 00:23 Kacey afk 00:27 PilzAdam bye 00:34 * kaeza was bored: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_2234944005.jpg 00:34 Exio Super Mario Test (?) 00:35 kaeza yup 00:35 kaeza fun fact: the '?' is a chest 00:36 VanessaE does it change into a brick after you open it a few times? ;) 00:36 kaeza heh 00:37 kaeza trying to map other things, but just noticed there are no trees in SMB3 00:37 VanessaE aren't there trees in SMB1 or 2? use one of those :) 00:38 kaeza I just used one of the masts of bowser/koopa ships 00:38 VanessaE interesting choice 00:41 kaeza also,http://jajodia-saket.sjbn.co/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Reasons-Why-People-Who-Work-With-Computers-Seem-To-Have-A-Lot-Of-Spare-Time.gif 00:41 jin_xi kaeza: nice 00:42 kaeza there are too many SMB texture packs around... I think I'll make a Kirby one 00:42 VanessaE how true :) 00:42 kaeza or a Megaman one :D 00:43 kaeza should fit well with techinic stuff :P 00:45 kaeza jin_xi, also this: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/ssss/screenshot_2228648488.jpg 00:45 sokomine hi 00:46 Kacey stupid youtube 00:46 sokomine regarding travelnet...some players wanted to attach their boxes to nets from other players. i'm a bit uncertain about it 00:46 VanessaE hey soko 00:46 kaeza I-WANT-THIS!!! http://foolishgadgets.com/201212/lazy-man%E2%80%99s-computer-rack/ 00:47 VanessaE sokomine: well it would be useful for an Admin to be able to do that 00:47 bas080 port 30000 <<:D 01:54 TTC-Gambit like lobsters 01:54 NekoGloop Yum! 01:54 Menche i always had a small fenced off area in my houses where i kept a dozen or so rats 01:54 Menche also, fireflies need to come back 01:54 Kacey yep 01:55 TTC-Gambit i tried to made a cheese mod that could be edible but also can be placed down and was to be a rat spawner. 01:55 Kacey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwiTIzkF4cw 01:55 TTC-Gambit only i forgot i was a total noob at coding such things 01:56 * Kacey misses 0.3.1 01:56 * Kacey misses Kray's server 01:56 NekoGloop VanessaE, you should add a kind of "huge apple" which is a full-node apple. 01:56 * Menche can't build 0.3 anymore :( 01:56 NekoGloop (in gloopblocks) 01:57 VanessaE why? 01:57 sokomine i don't know krays server. that was before my time i think 01:57 Menche minetest 0.3.x doesn't build with the newest irrlicht 01:57 NekoGloop Because wthn (why the hell not) 01:57 NekoGloop The purpose of gloopblocks is: wthn 01:58 NekoGloop VanessaE: Also, how are we supposed to use the pavement recipe without basalt? 01:59 VanessaE NekoGloop: I fixed that. 01:59 TTC-Gambit bucket_cement.png? 01:59 VanessaE latest minetest-game has a hook that gloopblocks overrides and uses to produce basalt, pumice, or obsidian 02:00 VanessaE so the old behavior still works as long as your minetest_game is not dated March 9 to March 18. 02:00 TTC-Gambit whats this moreblocks thing 02:00 Kacey night all 02:00 VanessaE TTC-Gambit: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=509 02:00 TTC-Gambit just read a topic in the forum about it being default or should be default 02:00 Menche it adds a lot of nice decorative blocks 02:00 TTC-Gambit it is a very common mod people use 02:00 TTC-Gambit i know 02:01 Menche wouldn't mind it being included by default 02:01 NekoGloop Also add oerkki blocks because Calinou was lame and removed them 02:01 VanessaE oh yes, I forgot about those 02:02 VanessaE hold, I'll add those now. 02:02 NekoGloop Maybe make them look a tad more like purple bookshelves? 02:02 sokomine it now includes stairsplus which is very useful. even my circular saw has been included :-) 02:02 VanessaE I'll use the original oerkki block textures. 02:03 TTC-Gambit oerkki seems gimmicky to me 02:03 NekoGloop VanessaE, do those on the sides; put purple-tinted stone on the top and bottom. 02:03 VanessaE I'll see what I can do, stand by 1 02:03 TTC-Gambit it should have something to do with oerkkis to made a block 02:10 VanessaE NekoGloop: I presume making stairs/slabs out of this block is...not warranted ;-) 02:11 NekoGloop With the texture it works perfectly 02:11 TTC-Gambit ooooh, new grass in github 02:11 VanessaE hm 02:11 TTC-Gambit https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/9ff8f8038ef30c7a62a7b95e09c3254df9862c40 02:18 VanessaE anyone remember what the recipe was for an oerkki block? 02:18 VanessaE oh wait, it's still listed on the moreblocks paeg 02:18 VanessaE page* 02:20 TTC-Gambit i never made the oerkki block in my life 02:20 TTC-Gambit i would never now 02:21 sokomine i tried for the crafting school. don't remember the receipe 02:22 TTC-Gambit crafting school in redcrab? 02:22 TTC-Gambit that's a huge labyrinth 02:25 sokomine bas080: great greating...i joined your server and got a "you are drowning" while it is almost pitch black 02:26 sokomine well...maybe i'll get respawned to a better place after drowning 02:27 VanessaE NekoGloop: oerkki block added in git. 02:27 VanessaE except I forgot the old moreblocks alias for it. 02:28 sokomine er....it is dark, i was helpless (even after respawning) - but i can dig cobble with my hands? 02:28 sokomine ah. creative mode 02:28 VanessaE what was the original node name for it? 02:28 VanessaE moreblocks:oerkkiblock, right? 02:30 TTC-Gambit yes 02:30 TTC-Gambit i just checked 02:30 TTC-Gambit also super glow glass should have a different texture than regular glow glass to help tell the difference 02:31 VanessaE there, fixed in git. 02:31 VanessaE (for gloopblocks) 02:31 VanessaE TTC-Gambit: it does now. Sorta 02:31 VanessaE it's brighter, less saturated 02:32 TTC-Gambit my minetoon just has a glass glow and one with a grid 02:32 TTC-Gambit not sure if that was right 02:37 ShadowNinja github is being realy slow today 02:39 TTC-Gambit i'm not too similar with github. 02:39 TTC-Gambit how fast does it update 02:43 NekoGloop http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5145 Oh god another one of these 02:45 TTC-Gambit !! 02:45 TTC-Gambit an idea had struck my brain 02:48 NekoGloop My response to that post: http://www.legendisland.com/Forum%20Pictures/ORLY%20Owl%20in%20Link%27s%20face.jpg 02:49 twenty4 It's amazing how heated that discussion got 02:49 TTC-Gambit "hey listen!" 02:49 twenty4 pun not intended, considering the subject matter 02:52 TTC-Gambit I think "Good Idea" should be a catch phrase in minetest. the community often use the term all the time 02:52 TTC-Gambit :) 02:52 twenty4 Good Idea 02:52 NekoGloop http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77074#p77074 This is how sick and tired I am of seeing "Minetest is turning into Minecraft" on the minetest forums. 02:52 NekoGloop Just about as sick as I am of seeing "1.5 is shit" in the minecraft forums but that's another story. 02:53 twenty4 Well, you shouldn't expect anything different from the minecraft forums 02:55 NekoGloop And the same kind of prejudice that minecrafters have against minetest is reflected by those similar to Specimen A, who would like to be known as 24. 02:55 TTC-Gambit the music in minecraft doesn't make the game feel like an adventure game 02:55 VanessaE NekoGloop: see above re: gloopblocks. 02:55 twenty4 but I think there is some merit in comparing minetest with Minecraft. At first glance, minetest really does look like a minecraft clone, and there really isn't a whole lot yet to dispel that notion 02:55 NekoGloop VanessaE, Yes i saw. 02:55 VanessaE ok 02:58 twenty4 I'm not sure what you're trying to say about me Nekogloop. My hate for the minecraft community has nothing to do with minetest; it's just an objectively bad community. 02:58 mauvebic cardassian furniture is a pita in nodebox lol 02:58 TTC-Gambit NOOOOOOOO!!! http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5178 02:58 TTC-Gambit i oppose 02:58 twenty4 Eh, I kinda figured that would be the reaction 02:58 mauvebic yeah thattl raise a shitstorm lol 02:59 NekoGloop 1024 02:59 twenty4 yes? 02:59 TTC-Gambit i still want to have my nyan cat mob builtin, but the block cat should stay... it's legend 02:59 NekoGloop minenyan 03:00 TTC-Gambit nyanmine 03:00 TTC-Gambit although I agree with a sunstone 03:00 TTC-Gambit sounds ancient 03:01 NekoGloop sounds pokemanzy 03:01 TTC-Gambit well apart from that 03:01 TTC-Gambit but it would probably be another mese stone really 03:02 TTC-Gambit like a red mese 03:02 TTC-Gambit and meteor mese 03:02 twenty4 It could be a decorative block, like a lapis in minecraft 03:03 VanessaE we already have an equivalent to lapis though, in moreores. mithril. 03:03 twenty4 can never have too many decorations 03:03 NekoGloop except mithril makes tools 03:03 TTC-Gambit too many tools 03:05 TTC-Gambit surprise someone didn't make pyrite ore and tried to made a pickaxe with that (even though pyrite is very unstable and would shatter on impact). 03:05 NekoGloop oneuse tool! 03:06 NekoGloop uber fast but one-use 03:06 TTC-Gambit pyrite is used to make black powder though 03:06 NekoGloop explosive? 03:07 TTC-Gambit pyrite, sulfur (yellow lumps found near lava), and charcoal/coal. 03:07 TTC-Gambit yes 03:07 VanessaE I thought it was sulfer, charcoal, and saltpeter (potassium nitrate) 03:07 NekoGloop I support this mod idea 03:07 VanessaE er, sulfur 03:07 TTC-Gambit pyrite is a substitute for nitrate 03:08 TTC-Gambit pryrite = unstable , black powder = unstable 03:08 TTC-Gambit nitrate = stable , gun powder = stable 03:08 mauvebic pyrite = same shit that makes concrete puff up? 03:18 mauvebic anyways, not the same thing i guess :p 03:21 TTC-Gambit puff 03:23 TTC-Gambit okay i read the "lava is no longer renewable!?" topic and my head is spinning 03:24 TTC-Gambit what happened. 03:24 VanessaE lava used to be infinite. If you placed one or two sources, a third would pop up, then perhaps more 03:24 VanessaE I guess now that doesn't happen. 03:26 TTC-Gambit i meant what happen to my head. the topic got kinda went on a riot. 03:26 VanessaE heh 03:28 TTC-Gambit honestly I didn't even know lava was renewable, so it never really effected my opinion cause there was none. 03:29 onpon Hey, I was just playing Minetest, having a lot of mods enabled (about 60). I noticed that apples and the "Simple Mobs" mod's cooked meat weren't restoring the hunger meter in the hunger mod, but looking at the source of the mods, I don't see why this would happen; the hunger mod seems to work by overriding minetest.item_eat, and the cooked meat in the "simple mobs" mod uses that function. Does anyone know why it would fail? 03:42 kaeza onpon, you mean survival_modpack? 03:42 kaeza or plain hunger mod? 03:42 onpon Plain hunger mod. 03:43 kaeza grab yourself my modpack 03:43 kaeza it is mostly a rewrite adding support for all current food items and possibly future ones 03:44 kaeza onpon, http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4738 03:44 mauvebic http://www.zimg.eu/i/2065242587 03:45 kaeza you can remove the things you don't like (like drowning, thirst, etc) 03:45 kaeza mauvebic, what is that? 03:45 kaeza mini furniture? 03:45 mauvebic furniture for the station :p 03:46 VanessaE nice 03:46 kaeza cool 03:46 mauvebic nuff' for transporter room and quarks' bar lol 03:47 TTC-Gambit oh I forgot to make a tavern for the village. dsbcjdjckdcjsdclsifvflrjv 03:48 onpon Well, I suppose I'll try your version, kaeza, but I'm genuinely confused and curious. randomproof's hunger mod seems to offer blanket support for all food items, and I don't see why it shouldn't work. 03:48 kaeza TTC-Gambit, NEVAH FORGET THE TAVERN!! 03:48 TTC-Gambit they'll have drink outside 03:48 kaeza FORGET ABOU(T THE HOSPITAL, SCHOOL, WHATEVER, BUT NEVER THE TAVERN!! 03:48 VanessaE it might be due to its age, randomproof hasn't posted in months. 03:49 VanessaE hit mod may not necessarily work properly with current minetest 03:49 TTC-Gambit i didn't build... schools 03:49 sokomine bas080's world turned out to be quite nice. very rich plantlife and an extensive mine 03:49 kaeza onpon, it has a few bugs 03:49 kaeza (randomproof version) 03:49 TTC-Gambit is jojoa here 03:49 sokomine mini furniture? 03:49 sokomine where? 03:49 VanessaE TTC-Gambit: he drops by frequently. 03:49 VanessaE sokomine: http://www.zimg.eu/i/2065242587 03:50 TTC-Gambit i had an idea for an AI... a thief AI that wonders the wild and robs you of your things. 03:50 kaeza onpon, rp's hunger checks if health is > last health; mine overrides the items to do the work whenever they are used 03:50 sokomine gambit: i've got some built for my random_buildings mod. but i don't build them with default alone so comparison would be unfair. there are still forge, church and well waiting to be built 03:50 TTC-Gambit i leave a post on the thread 03:51 onpon kaeza: Really? I didn't see a check for health there. I just saw it overriding the eat function. 03:52 TTC-Gambit mines wasn't really a church, but more so a sanctuary. 03:52 kaeza onpon, this means that rp's version will replenish your "hunger" if you use any kind of restorative nodes (for example medikits). this is not very realistic 03:53 onpon kaeza: well, that's not really what I'm seeing here. 03:54 onpon This is what I'm seeing: http://pastebin.com/EB7A26U5 03:54 TTC-Gambit craft a bandage/plaster with cactus and paper 03:56 kaeza onpon, you are right I guess. I didn't really pay much attention to his code. I actually wrote this thing from scratch 03:59 kaeza onpon, anyway, do whatever you want. If you want to use hunger, go ahead. No one likes survival modpack so I may very well ditch that thing 04:00 onpon Well, I'm still curious why it wasn't working for the apples and the Simple Mobs pack's cooked meat. :) 04:01 kaeza that's because minetest.item_eat returns a closure (a function) 04:01 kaeza you can't easily override that 04:01 TTC-Gambit is ChanServ a bot? 04:02 kaeza unless you go through all the node/item definitions and change their on_use callback to signal you eat something 04:02 kaeza (that's what I do) 04:02 onpon Ah, so overriding functions is just unreliable either in Lua itself or the Minetest API? 04:02 khonkhortisan yes, but I don't remember if ChanServ does anything 04:02 khonkhortisan other than Serv this Chan 04:03 kaeza khonkhortisan, it keeps the channel alive in case everyone leaves, and allows users to set flags like 'o' 04:03 kaeza and other stuff 04:03 onpon Ah, I get it. Thanks, kaeza. :) 04:04 kaeza onpon, you can override functions, but minetest.item_eat is hard (if not impossible) to override 04:04 khonkhortisan TTC-Gambit, what kaeza said 04:05 khonkhortisan both gambits were here at the same time 04:05 kaeza onpon, if you look at it's implementation in builtin/item.lua, you'll see what I'm saying 04:05 kaeza also, np :) 04:07 onpon kaeza, will your hunger mod work with the meats from the animals modpack or no? 04:09 TTC-Gambit after having so many mossy cobble stone with no use to me but I needed tons of stone... I did this. http://filesmelt.com/dl/mossy_to_stone.PNG 04:09 kaeza onpon, it supports default, animal_modpack, farming[_plus], and food mods 04:10 twenty4 That makes sense: cook the stone to burn away the moss 04:10 sokomine usually, mossy cobble is more rare than normal cobble 04:10 * sokomine secretly disposes of a pile of cobble 04:11 VanessaE sokomine: technically, not anymore. it's far more common, since barely any plain cobble is generated in a normal world, whereas mossy cobble is in dungeons :-) 04:11 VanessaE that is, until you start digging ;) 04:11 kaeza stupid thing that mobf spawners are removed by /clearobjects and never added again :( 04:12 kaeza sapier should add a 'spawner spawner' 04:12 TTC-Gambit i dig a lot and find them 04:12 kaeza :P 04:13 kaeza onpon, do you have any suggestions on more food to add support for? 04:13 bas080 I haven't seen dungeons in ages! 04:13 TTC-Gambit Candy Apple 04:13 bas080 I can almost not believe it! 04:13 bas080 I must first see it 04:14 kaeza TTC-Gambit, as I said in your mod's topic, you can easily add it by adding group food=1 to the itemdef 04:14 VanessaE bas080: they were just added back into the engine as an optional world setting (map_meta.txt) in the last couple of days 04:14 kaeza but I'll add it on my side :) 04:14 TTC-Gambit otay 04:14 onpon kaeza: Other than "all of it", no. One of them is the Simple Mobs modpack, of course, and the other one that extends that. 04:15 kaeza Simple Mobs, Candy Apple added to list 04:15 kaeza oh, maybe I should check Doc's farming mod 04:15 kaeza +too 04:15 bas080 what should be added/removed from that file? 04:15 bas080 mg_flags? 04:15 kaeza not sure if anyone uses that 04:16 sokomine mobf spawners? it has spawners? or do you mean the animals themshelves? 04:16 kaeza sokomine, it uses invisible spawners 04:16 kaeza (as entities) 04:16 sokomine how do you find the dungeons? i tried to set the setting but didn't find on 04:17 sokomine maybe my version is too old 04:17 kaeza sokomine, one way is to modify darkrose's tricorder to search for mossycobble 04:17 kaeza or do as myself and use fly+fast+noclip 04:17 kaeza :) 04:18 kaeza removing caves from mg_flags helps too 04:20 kaeza sokomine, also, this does not work on already generated worlds; you must create a new one 04:21 kaeza not even for non-generated parts 04:22 sokomine yes, it was a new world 04:24 kaeza maybe your version is old then 04:24 kaeza they were added about two days ago 04:28 kaeza OH NOES! 04:28 VanessaE ? 04:28 kaeza memegenerator is down :( 04:29 kaeza http://memegenerator.net/ => "The service is unavailable." 04:37 twenty4 neat 04:47 TTC-Gambit oh blender, why must you be my enemy 04:51 NakedFury have you thought about using another program if blender is such a problem? 04:56 TTC-Gambit i have lightwave 04:56 TTC-Gambit which I'm most used to 04:56 TTC-Gambit been using it since middle school 04:57 NakedFury never heard of it so I might as well research it now 04:57 * hmmmm screams internally 04:58 NakedFury let it out 04:58 NakedFury :D 05:34 VanessaE bbl 05:55 TTC-Gambit http://filesmelt.com/dl/cursed_chest.png 05:55 TTC-Gambit chest mob 05:55 TTC-Gambit i just need proper texture 06:01 hmmmm ugh, post-nasal drip sucks 06:04 kaeza TTC-Gambit, a mimic! 06:04 kaeza :D 06:05 TTC-Gambit brilliant 06:05 TTC-Gambit im making a texture for teeth wright naw 06:06 kaeza add that randomly to dungeons in addition to random DMs 06:10 TTC-Gambit i also hope it could be crafted too, similar to regular chest only instead of iron ingot in the center, maybe some kinds of sinister object like and orb or heart to give it a curse 06:10 TTC-Gambit Also I like the name Mimic 06:21 ShadowNinja does anyone know what tile in the mc terrain.png is clay? 06:23 ShadowNinja and what is the tile to the right of the cactus side? 06:26 kaeza TTC-Gambit, mimic is a monster from DnD IIRC (as well as the Dungeon Master) 06:27 kaeza http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimic_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons) 06:29 TTC-Gambit that chest wants to punch him 06:30 kaeza in some games the Mimic is represented as a chest with a mouth, much like what you are doing 06:30 kaeza (mostly in jRPGs) 06:32 kaeza http://lparchive.org/Wild-Arms-5/Update%2016/48-WA5_315.jpg 06:33 kaeza 'Imitator' is just a variation in name for a higher level Mimic 06:39 TTC-Gambit okay, finished the uv texture. now I just need to map it on 06:44 TTC-Gambit maybe spit particles could added too 07:47 kaeza wow github is turning into a completely web-based git client 07:57 TTC-Gambit git indeed 08:01 TTC-Gambit http://filesmelt.com/dl/cursed_chest1.png 08:04 kaeza TTC-Gambit, excellent 08:08 TTC-Gambit now I just need to learn how to rip it in blender 08:09 TTC-Gambit i did this in lightwave 08:09 TTC-Gambit so i could present it as a mob of doom 08:19 kaeza try as sapier said and find a format that LW and Blender have in common 08:19 kaeza ah misread that 08:20 TTC-Gambit actually Lightwave can export as .obj... so blender can open that 08:20 TTC-Gambit i just have to wrestle blender 08:20 TTC-Gambit it lags a bits for me 08:21 TTC-Gambit and rigs 08:21 TTC-Gambit not rip 08:21 kaeza in Blender, go to "File->User preferences" and under "Import/Export" enable "DirectX Model Format (.x)" and then File->Export->DirectX 08:26 TTC-Gambit how do it set blender so I can see textures in pixelated form and not smoth 08:30 kaeza I don't know how to do that yet 08:31 * kaeza does not use blender very often...or at all 08:32 kaeza I only use blender for quick converting model files 08:56 TTC-Gambit me 08:56 TTC-Gambit too 10:51 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 10:52 ironzorg hello, alone 10:56 PilzAdam thexyz, I delted all the spam in the dev wiki 10:56 PilzAdam should we ban all the IPs? 11:07 jojoa1997|Tablet Is anyone updating the regular wiki 11:10 jojoa1997|Tablet PikzAdam what do you think of my suggestion to have world config settings we could set biomes we want through that so it is works specific 11:10 jojoa1997|Tablet PilzAdam ^ 11:37 thexyz PilzAdam: yes 12:18 Traxie21|Kindle Can anyone tell my how the chat system works? 12:19 Traxie21|Kindle Basically, os the talking side of it implemented in C++ or Lua 12:21 PilzAdam its in chat.cpp 12:21 Traxie21|Kindle sheet 12:22 Traxie21|Kindle so many options if it was in lua 12:22 PilzAdam Lua only runs server side, but chat needs to be client side too 12:22 PilzAdam so its currently impossible to move it to Lua 12:22 Traxie21|Kindle Lol 12:23 Traxie21|Kindle Not what I meant 12:23 Traxie21|Kindle You know how minetest.chat_send_all works? 12:23 PilzAdam yes? 12:24 Traxie21|Kindle it'd be great if we were to override the default chatting to use minetest.chat_send_all 12:24 PilzAdam so, you want every chat message to run through Lua first? 12:24 Traxie21|Kindle Isn't there a callback for whenever a player says something? 12:25 Traxie21|Kindle ehh 12:25 Traxie21|Kindle yep 12:25 PilzAdam https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L843 12:25 Traxie21|Kindle optionally 12:25 Traxie21|Kindle sorry, kindle hates links 12:25 PilzAdam the chat messages are send to all clients currently, but there is the minetest.register_on_chat_message() callback 12:25 Traxie21|Kindle ywp 12:26 Traxie21|Kindle I would like it if there was a way to disable default chatting and use that instead 12:26 PilzAdam what could be done is disabling the aut-send in the server (in C++) and only call the callback 12:26 PilzAdam *auto-send 12:26 Traxie21|Kindle yea 12:27 Traxie21|Kindle unfortunately, I cannot get MT to compile 12:27 Traxie21|Kindle I hate windows, but I'm stuck with XP 12:27 PilzAdam on a kinlde ;-) 12:28 Traxie21|Kindle my only internet-enabled computer is at work 12:28 Traxie21|Kindle soyea 12:28 Traxie21|Kindle what if chat was implemented in builtin instead of cpp? 12:29 Traxie21|Kindle I'm sure not everyone worries about lightning-fast chat 12:30 PilzAdam seems like you can return true in minetest.register_on_chat_message() to disable auto-sending in c++ 12:31 Traxie21|Kindle really? 12:31 PilzAdam look at builtin/chatcommands.lua and server.cpp (search there for TOSERVER_CHATCOMMAND) 12:31 PilzAdam well, gtg now, sry 12:31 PilzAdam bbl 12:31 Traxie21|Kindle does the message show up on the senders screen? 12:31 Traxie21|Kindle bai 12:35 kaeza is this a good response to spam? http://pastebin.com/X41F3L3P 12:35 kaeza LOL 12:35 kaeza btw, this is offtopic 13:09 Kacey hi all 13:09 kaeza hey Kacey 13:11 Kacey i might get disconnected 13:11 Kacey i am watching a video 13:14 STHGOM howe 13:14 STHGOM OHHHH 13:14 STHGOM BrandonReese! 13:14 STHGOM you got my message! 13:19 STHGOM hello 13:20 kaeza hola 13:20 STHGOM ola 13:20 kaeza wave? 13:21 * STHGOM waves 13:21 Exio lol 13:24 STHGOM are you there BrandonReese? 13:41 VanessaE hi all 13:41 Exio hi VanessaE! 13:43 STHGOM ola! 13:43 VanessaE good morning 13:44 STHGOM buenos dias 13:49 * VanessaE pokes Jeija 13:49 Jeija Hi 13:49 VanessaE hey 13:50 Jeija Does anyone know how to rebase commits with other commits in between without having to merge everything again? (To be precise I want to rebase these: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/453/commits) 13:51 VanessaE I only know how to merge the last several together 13:52 VanessaE but now how to choose a bunch in the middle 13:52 Jeija That also wouldn't be a problem for me, but I have no clue how to do that with these commits I linked to 13:52 ruskie see cherry-pick 13:52 thexyz Jeija: checkout new master, then cherry-pick everything into it? 13:52 Jeija Would that mean I have to send a new pull request? 13:52 Jeija I also thought about cherry-picking... 13:53 thexyz you can overwrite your previous branch 13:53 VanessaE might be the best way 13:53 Jeija hm , ok 13:53 thexyz then p/r will be updated 13:53 Jeija ok 13:56 * Kacey is back for a few minutes 13:57 STHGOM bye 13:57 STHGOM be back in about 5 hours 13:58 Kacey bbl 14:08 Jeija cherry-pick also doesn't appear to be my friend, also wants me to merge some .po files; 14:08 Jeija To whom it may concern: Can I just leave the pull request as it is so the people who know what they're doing with git can rebase it? 14:26 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 14:26 PilzAdam thexyz, theres again lots of spam in the dev wiki 14:27 PilzAdam can change the settings so that only registered users can edit it? 14:27 PilzAdam +you 14:27 thexyz oh fuck, really 14:28 thexyz done 14:33 thexyz meh, that's not fun 14:33 thexyz why can't we just allow people to kill spammers? 14:34 thexyz legally 14:37 thexyz ok, great 14:39 thexyz i got it 14:40 thexyz what's the point of antispam question if answer can be easily googled? 14:40 thexyz THANK YOU, VanessaE! 14:41 VanessaE eh? 14:41 PilzAdam I added some labels to the issue tracker for minetest_game 14:41 thexyz ok, so 14:42 thexyz now you all will have to identify cats, enjoy 14:45 thexyz hm, I was actually wrong 14:45 thexyz sorry, VanessaE 14:45 * VanessaE grumbles 14:47 VanessaE does't help that the previous method was kinda braindead :-) 14:47 thexyz should work better now 14:49 kaeza http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77182#p77182 14:50 kaeza "9 mese crystals cannot be crafted back into a mese block" <== WTF? 14:51 RealBadAngel fuck 14:51 RealBadAngel indeed 14:52 kaeza I am uploading a screenie just to piss this guy 14:52 kaeza 14:52 RealBadAngel and i just merged ShadowNinja's forcefield generator with recipe using mese blocks 14:52 RealBadAngel hold 14:53 RealBadAngel the recipe is not working 14:54 kaeza https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/mese.jpg 14:54 kaeza ? 14:54 RealBadAngel here it is not working 14:55 RealBadAngel shall i paste screenshot too? 14:55 kaeza crystals->block not working? 14:56 RealBadAngel yes 14:56 kaeza I just git pulled mt_game 14:56 thexyz nice topic there, kaeza 14:56 RealBadAngel and i do have here fresh tree of game 14:56 VanessaE mese crystals -> mese block works fine for me 14:57 RealBadAngel for me dont 14:57 RealBadAngel can some1 dl fresh tree + minetest_game and confirm? 14:57 VanessaE I just updated seconds abo. 14:57 VanessaE ago* 14:58 thexyz nyan cat shows how free/libre/awesome minetest is, imagine non-free game having that kind of item 14:58 RealBadAngel mine is from 2 days ago 14:58 VanessaE RealBadAngel: check on my server, it works there, too. 14:58 VanessaE (just updated now, and restarted server to confirm) 14:59 VanessaE (also, the technic update I just pushed has been deployed thereto) 14:59 jojoa1997|Tablet RE YOU TRYING MESE CRYSTALS OR FRAGMENTS 14:59 jojoa1997|Tablet sorry caps 15:00 jojoa1997|Tablet re = are 15:00 jin_xi fuckin tablets have caps lock? 15:00 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/yONQmVA.png?1 15:00 VanessaE RealBadAngel: wrong ones 15:01 VanessaE those are crystal fragments 15:01 VanessaE you need the whole crystals -> blocks 15:01 VanessaE (the pricess-cut yellow diamond one) 15:01 VanessaE princess* 15:01 jojoa1997|Tablet jin_xi i am using a keyboard 15:01 VanessaE (or was that brilliant cut? I forget) 15:01 bas080 Minetest game has grass! 15:01 VanessaE bas080: yep 15:01 kaeza I had a wacky idea yesterday 15:02 kaeza 'singlestone' 15:02 RealBadAngel how much per gram? 15:02 jojoa1997|Tablet also android tablets you have to press the shift twice 15:02 kaeza a stone that appears only once in a map 15:02 bas080 Jungletree wood. Things are progressing fast! Who do we have to thank for adding this to default? 15:02 VanessaE wrong kind of grass, RealBadAngel ;) 15:02 jojoa1997|Tablet guys 15:02 VanessaE bas080: PilzAdam 15:02 RealBadAngel hehehe 15:02 jojoa1997|Tablet can someone update the wiki 15:02 VanessaE also, moretrees now directs jungle-related materials to the new/old default items (except red/green/yellow leaves) 15:03 RealBadAngel VanessaE, you shall recommend using config to disable trees 15:04 VanessaE RealBadAngel: I'd rather someone just add a hook that moretrees can use 15:04 RealBadAngel with air alias trees are still being generated 15:04 jojoa1997|Tablet PilzAdam ping 15:04 RealBadAngel and takin time 15:04 PilzAdam pong 15:04 kaeza also, fwiw, I made yet another "writable books" mod 15:04 jojoa1997|Tablet wait for it 15:04 jojoa1997|Tablet ........................ wait for it 15:04 jojoa1997|Tablet ADD YOUR FARMING STUFF TO MINETEST_GAME please :-) 15:04 VanessaE either let me read a config file from moretrees to decide if I need to generate beeches, or let me let moretrees tell the engine "don't generate any trees" without using those stupid mapgen aliases. 15:04 VanessaE I don't care which 15:04 VanessaE either way would be fine with me 15:05 jin_xi hey, quick moartrees question: is the initial angle ever changed? 15:05 VanessaE jin_xi: no, the initial angle is always 0 degreed, straight up 15:05 jojoa1997|Tablet and hunger in non creative mod(with configurability) 15:05 jin_xi i think slightly rotate trees could look cool 15:05 VanessaE but it would be trivial to vary it 15:05 VanessaE I will make that change in the next release. 15:05 jojoa1997|Tablet VanessaE set initial angle to 180 15:05 jojoa1997|Tablet upsidedown world 15:05 jin_xi well, check what it looks like, if its good keep and tweak it 15:05 kaeza PilzAdam, survival_modpack -> minetest_game puhleez 15:05 bas080 I have been flying around for half an hour but cannot find a ruin. Only caves. Is it in the minetest_game? I have the daily build version... 15:06 jin_xi ruin? they re dungeons 15:06 PilzAdam bas080, have you added dungeons to mg_flags? 15:06 VanessaE bas080: you mean dungeons? you have to enable them explicitly. 15:06 bas080 No! have not! 15:07 VanessaE they're made at mapgen time, so you have to enable them in map_meta.txt and then either delete map.sqlite, or fly around some more 15:07 PilzAdam the proper way is to add it to minetest.conf and create a new world then 15:08 VanessaE hmmmm: we really *really* need a way to force the mapgen to re-run in blocks that have not been build in/on, if that is possible. 15:08 VanessaE PilzAdam: agreed 15:08 VanessaE but I don't think that works? 15:08 jojoa1997|Tablet PilzAdam 15:08 jojoa1997|Tablet we need to have per world configuration like when you start a new world you can add different settings 15:09 PilzAdam hmmmm said he wants to wokr on this 15:09 jin_xi could be added to configure menu? i mean mg_flag settings 15:10 jojoa1997|Tablet no 15:10 jojoa1997|Tablet yes 15:11 jojoa1997|Tablet but i mean it is apart of the world creation menu like a bunch of drop downs or a button to the config menu 15:11 iqualfragile VanessaE: that is possible 15:11 iqualfragile no, it would be possible if treegen would be deterministic 15:11 iqualfragile but it isnt afaik 15:12 kaeza RealBadAngel, maybe offtopic: what is the texture pack you are using? 15:12 RealBadAngel haven 15:12 kaeza linkie? 15:12 jojoa1997|Tablet RealBadAngel could you show us a preview of the mods screen for UI 15:12 RealBadAngel hold on 15:12 jojoa1997|Tablet ok 15:13 iqualfragile (i dont mean RealBadAngels treegen, it uses a seed now, so its allright but i think the default trees dont) 15:13 RealBadAngel https://github.com/RealBadAngel/HavenTP 15:13 kaeza RealBadAngel, thanks :) 15:13 iqualfragile can someone explain to me how to add servers to the multiplayer menue? 15:13 jojoa1997|Tablet who is the main updater for the wiki 15:14 RealBadAngel iqualfragile, i made default trees use seed too 15:14 jojoa1997|Tablet if you mean favorites atm no one 15:14 PilzAdam iqualfragile, yes, the default mapgen uses myrand() instead of pseudorandom() based on blockseed 15:14 iqualfragile oh, allrgiht then its not even very hard to realise i guess 15:14 jojoa1997|Tablet RealBadAngel could you show us a preview of the mods screen for UI 15:14 jojoa1997|Tablet have you started it? 15:14 jojoa1997|Tablet and will mods need to provide an icon 15:14 PilzAdam iqualfragile, I had a patch flying arround for that but since hmmmm works on this I wait for him to make it 15:15 RealBadAngel jojoa1997|Tablet, i cannot preview somethin is not done yet 15:15 RealBadAngel one shiny day, UI will wake up with API 15:16 EduardeCalibal If I make a block with a annimation I need make a tile for the dig process? Here I see some strange distortion when digging... 15:16 iqualfragile PilzAdam: so there is no gui-way 15:16 * jojoa1997|Tablet makes shiny day by monday 15:16 iqualfragile still: how do i edit minetest.conf to add servers to the serverlist 15:16 kaeza EduardeCalibal, that also happens with e.g. homedecor TV 15:17 kaeza I don't think it was fixed yet {{cn}} 15:17 RealBadAngel brb 15:17 EduardeCalibal Is a bug? 15:17 kaeza prolly, but veeeeeeeery low priority 15:17 jojoa1997|Tablet Ping *Everyone 15:18 Everyone PONG 15:18 EduardeCalibal Then... How I bypass this problem? 15:18 bas080 Found a dungeon! Also a lava cave with dirt sourrounding it. Looks really nice! 15:18 Everyone pong 15:19 jojoa1997|Tablet Everyone is owned lol 15:21 kaeza cool... that nick is mine now >:D 15:25 kaeza this will come in handy: http://i.imgur.com/xsxTpBh.jpg 15:26 VanessaE lol 15:26 VanessaE if that one doesn't work, try the industrial-strength version: http://meetingking.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/sledgehammer.jpg 15:28 kaeza lol 15:33 bas080 Can this be moved to adequate forum section http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=45183#p45183 thank you 15:34 thexyz bas080: moved 15:36 thexyz meh, cornernote 15:38 VanessaE PilzAdam: buildable_to, good idea. Just did the same for all plantlife nodes except flowers-in-pots 15:39 thexyz people still complain about accidentally replacing chests with other nodes 15:39 thexyz is that bug known? 15:40 PilzAdam yes 15:40 VanessaE yep. 15:40 PilzAdam the problem is that Lua gets contetn ignore 15:40 PilzAdam (wich is buildable_to) 15:40 VanessaE happens to me from time to time also, the more the server lags, the easier it is to trigger that bug. 15:40 thexyz why can't we then make ignore buildable_to=false ? 15:41 webdesigner97 hi 15:41 PilzAdam to remove "accidentaly placed ignore" (thats what the comment in builtin says) 15:42 thexyz how can it be placed? 15:45 PilzAdam how does Lua get ignore? 15:45 thexyz no idea 16:07 peterlein good day, everyone 16:07 PilzAdam hello 16:09 VanessaE hi 16:10 khonkhortisan 'ello 16:40 VanessaE http://it.slashdot.org/story/13/03/20/1520218/botnet-uses-default-passwords-to-conduct-internet-census-2012 16:40 VanessaE interesting way to use a botnet. 16:41 PilzAdam VanessaE, got rid of the "alien" mossycobble: https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/c809fc9655158fe00264d9dc24aebcf1afab3d2a 16:41 VanessaE much better 16:41 VanessaE it no longer looks radioactive :D 16:42 sokomine ah, sounds good. that was bothering me as well. how does it look like now? 16:44 sokomine the version i compiled yesterday finally got the new mapgen :-) looks very nice with a jungle in default, those jungletrees with roots (normal treegen ought to do that as well for the huge trees!), the dark jungletree-wood, even the new cobble texture which allows new creations (if it wouldn't break existing buildings :-() 16:44 sokomine the empty dungeons are a bit strange. maybe sapiers dungeon masters would like to move in 16:45 VanessaE http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/Screenshot%20-%2003202013%20-%2012:45:16%20PM.png 16:45 PilzAdam I basically took the cobblestone and overlay the default_grass 16:45 VanessaE sokomine: ^^^^ 16:45 sokomine one dungeon even appeared in the sky... 16:45 VanessaE regular at left, mossy at right 16:45 VanessaE (yes, I still have a copy of the old map) 16:45 sokomine yes, textures are hard to do 16:45 sokomine my things are usually all wood-textured. unless someone has mercy and provides a texture :-) 16:46 sokomine that's the current mossy cobble, isn't it? 16:46 VanessaE wait a sec, that screenshot ain't right 16:46 sokomine the one mobf used was iirc diffrent 16:48 sokomine ah, hm, can't find the dm-vault offhand. deleted that with the dm (that happens to hostile mobs on my singleplayer world) 16:48 sokomine hi 16:48 VanessaE http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/Screenshot%20-%2003202013%20-%2012:48:30%20PM.png 16:48 VanessaE THAT one 16:48 VanessaE (forgot to update for that map) 16:48 sokomine definitely better 16:49 sokomine ah yes. what happened to the old mossy cobble? that looked even nicer iirc 16:49 PilzAdam VanessaE, it looks better if you place regular cobblestone in the wall too (as in dungeons) 16:50 VanessaE PilzAdam: that particular wall is actually the result of a translation the moreblocks mod did. That used to be made with oerkki blocks. 16:50 PilzAdam sokomine, that had the old stonebrick as a base, so it had to be removed 16:50 sokomine maybe make the old texture mossy_cobble_brick or something 16:50 sokomine hm. then make mossy_stonebrick :-) 16:51 PilzAdam we have a pretty nice changelog: http://dev.minetest.net/Changelog#0.4.5_.E2.86.92_.3F 16:52 VanessaE that's not a bad idea actually. default:stonebrick_mossy to go along with the new stone brick 16:52 PilzAdam the proper name would be "default:mossystonebrick" 16:53 PilzAdam but I really dont want to add nodes that you cant get in regular survival gameplay 16:55 sokomine hm. we might invent a receipe for them 16:55 sokomine can you get moss? 16:55 PilzAdam there is no moss currently 16:56 PilzAdam (there is moss in the snow mod) 16:57 sokomine hmm. the old texture was nice. it would be bad to no longer have it. maybe...mossy cobble + stonebrick = "infected" stonebrick 16:57 sokomine the snow mod is very nice as well. i have that in my worlds 16:57 PilzAdam that would be a nice mod 16:57 jordan4ibanez I created an auto chicken farm with the 1.5 update in minecraft and there are so many f***ing chickens it's messing up the sound buffer lol 16:57 PilzAdam abms to turn cobble/stonebricks into their mossy counterparts 16:57 sokomine ,-) 16:58 sokomine hope you feed them well 16:58 mauvebic ugh, default shouldn't have many abms 16:58 PilzAdam that would be a nice mod 16:58 mauvebic if people wanna be able to play with mesecons and a dozen or so more mods 16:58 PilzAdam there are ABMs in minetest_game, tough 16:58 mauvebic pipeworks likely has as many abms lol 16:59 mauvebic that i know :P 16:59 PilzAdam but they are _very_ limited 16:59 mauvebic ideally yeah :-) 16:59 sokomine sounds good if there are not too many abms 16:59 mauvebic leave most of the cpu for all the other crap people installl lol 16:59 Leoneof hello! 16:59 sokomine what about the "infect"-receipe? that might do for survival. after all we craft complex things out of thin air 16:59 PilzAdam its very important to set proper neighbour field of ABMs to limit them 16:59 sokomine hi 16:59 Leoneof i can't run minetest, i get errors! 17:00 PilzAdam Leoneof, what is your OS? 17:00 sokomine what kind of errors? which version do you try to run? 17:00 Leoneof PilzAdam: Debian Wheezy 17:00 PilzAdam what version of Minetest do you want to run? 17:00 Leoneof ok, pastebin, wait. 17:00 sokomine leoneof: did you get the newest version from git and compile that? 17:00 Leoneof sokomine: it's from Debian repo 17:01 Leoneof apt-get install minetest :) 17:01 PilzAdam oh, that version is very outdated 17:01 PilzAdam I recommend to compile the latest stable version or use the PPA 17:01 PilzAdam https://code.launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/stable/+packages 17:02 Leoneof http://pastebin.com/TXTFjp4r 17:02 Leoneof ^ 17:03 sokomine leoneof: the debian repro is usually far behind. in this case it's not even only debian that is far behind. it really is much much better if you get the sources and compile yourshelf. that's not very difficult. takes only few minutes 17:03 Leoneof sokomine: ok, it's great to compile, i like it! 17:03 Leoneof hello Calinou ! 17:04 PilzAdam Leoneof, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/README.txt#L79 17:07 Leoneof oh, irrlicht engine, didn't know it can do minetest :) 17:08 Leoneof PilzAdam: thanks, i will compile it 17:08 PilzAdam note that the latest development version isnt that unstable, so you can use it when you dont want to run a server 17:10 sokomine the game quite often crashes when pressing f10 to view the chatlog. but that's a constant for most versions. if you avoid pressing f10, it usually runs fine 17:12 FreeFull I never had it do that to me 17:12 FreeFull I wonder what causes it 17:14 PilzAdam https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/149 17:17 hmmmmm i'm still waiting for somebody to be able to reproduce that bug 17:17 sokomine unfortionately, the f10 crash happens very frequently with my client - in all versions 17:18 hmmmmm i already know how to (probably) fix it 17:19 hmmmmm sokomine, are there unicode characters in the strings of one of your mods, maybe? 17:20 sokomine apparently, player:set_view_yaw() is not coorect and needs to be named set_look_yaw. can you fix that on the changelog page at http://dev.minetest.net/Changelog#0.4.5_.E2.86.92_.3F ? 17:21 PilzAdam done 17:21 sokomine hmm: there ought to be none. by now my debian is on unicode, and my keyboard layout is german, but i don't use umlaute or anything similar 17:21 sokomine it happens regulary on servers as well 17:21 sokomine might it have to do with the system still beeing debian stable (probably very old irrlicht build) with brand-new minetest? 17:22 VanessaE I can't edit the wiki because the picture-based captcha doesn't actually work. 17:22 hmmmmm no, if i'm right about what the bug is, it's because there's a unicode character somewhere in the chat box 17:22 sokomine recently, i even got crashes while typing in the t-chat. didn't have that before. f10 is still a very good candidate for crashes. sometimes it takes me many attempts to stay connected to a server 17:22 PilzAdam VanessaE, finally, working spam protection :-p 17:23 sokomine hm. most of the people i talk with talk in english...and that usually doesn't use unicode characters 17:23 VanessaE tried three times with three different sets of photos. the capcha does not let me commit my edit. 17:23 sokomine there are sometimes error message in the mouseover of signs where it says something about unknown unicode characters or the like (don't remember the exact message). that's on servers 17:24 PilzAdam VanessaE, I had the same problem in the wiki at minetest.com 17:24 PilzAdam after a day the capta havent appeard again 17:25 kaeza hmmmm, typing with accents does not work here. Is there another way to "inject" unicode chars into chat console? 17:25 kaeza btw, getting lots of this: "Could not find win32 key for x11 key.: 65105" 17:26 VanessaE odd, I was able to create an account, with the kitty cats captcha, just fine 17:26 VanessaE oh well, now I have one for the future. :) 17:26 sokomine maybe that's because minetest likes cats 17:26 jordach sup 17:26 kaeza hai jordach 17:27 sokomine regarding unicode chars...hm...i'm not sure. äöüß are those that *might* occour...but i usually don't type them and have to concentrate if i want to use the proper spelling and not the old-typewrite-replacements 17:29 jordach kaeza ctcp version me 😛 17:30 kaeza wut 17:30 kaeza :D 17:30 kaeza TurboIRC? 17:30 jordach im on a snapple 17:31 jordach snapple piepad 17:31 kaeza cool lol 17:32 jordach kaeza add the snapple piepad is a computers mod item 17:32 kaeza jordach, read my post on deco pcs? 17:32 jordach hm? 17:32 kaeza computer* 17:34 jordach problems with free irc client, no multi servers :( 17:34 kaeza jordach, Snapple piePad added to TODO list :) 17:34 kaeza now trying to make a nice N64 texture 17:35 kaeza VanessaE, PING 17:35 kaeza what was the other thing you wanted to add? 17:35 kaeza Apple? 17:35 sokomine btw: setting num_emerge_threads = 2 did seem to help a lot on my dualcore cpu. mapgen got really fast (and cpu-usage up to 160%) 17:36 sokomine kaeza: wait a minute :-) i'm doing teleportation experiments with vanessa (hope the bug is fixed now...if not.....) 17:36 * kaeza is using ASEprite 17:37 kaeza sokomine, ok 17:38 VanessaE kaeza: I don't remember actually what it was, maybe a Wii 17:38 kaeza jordach, if mapp had a public function, i'd add Snapple Mapps 17:38 kaeza :D 17:38 kaeza VanessaE, right 17:40 kaeza also, I want to get rid of the "OMG CRAP" rage face texture 17:42 Dante123 Hi all, was in here yesterday asking about setting up server for students to create pioneer villages in. I opened account with freedns.afraid.org......I already have a domain name ..(I use with my web host)...now what do I need to do next? 17:43 sokomine pioneer villages? sounds intresting 17:45 sokomine set_look_yaw is irritating. i was expecting it to be in degree - and not in radians. mostly because debug info shows it in degree... 17:45 mauvebic that is confusing but you can use get look dir and derive degrees from that 17:45 mauvebic or convert radians to degrees lool 17:45 mauvebic *lol 17:45 VanessaE kaeza: use screenshots from minetest like with the laptop 17:46 sokomine in this case i can't. i want to set the look dir according to the way the receiving station faces 17:46 Calinou one does not simply 17:46 Calinou use a P4 to take photos 17:46 sokomine yes. but you have to know that the function expects radians :-) (just to convert them internally back to degree...) 17:47 whirm Dante123: you need to copy minetest to the server 17:48 sokomine ah. there's math.rad apparently 17:48 sokomine dante: the dyndns is only for your players to be able to type in a name instead of an ip. what about the server? did you get that running? 17:58 Traxie21 Mentlegen 17:59 kaeza and Dalies 18:01 Dante123 I have server on local machine working. Just not sure what to do next with freedns.afraid 18:04 AndChat|344441 Recess over, back later 18:06 Traxie21 http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5186 18:12 sokomine ah yes...hm...how was that again to get mods from mods/minetest/ instead of games/gametype/mods ? 18:17 Leoneof any link to download minetest from git? 18:19 PilzAdam Leoneof, go here https://github.com/minetest/minetest and click "ZIP" 18:20 Leoneof PilzAdam: thanks! 18:29 sokomine hm. things dropped to the ground rotate. can that be simulated with larger ...er...entities? 18:31 mauvebic yeah 18:31 mauvebic setyaw by tiny little bits on step 18:31 VanessaE isn't there an auto-rotation call or something? 18:32 mauvebic possibly 18:32 mauvebic not that im aware of tho 18:32 VanessaE automatic_rotate = false, 18:32 VanessaE yes, there is :) 18:32 VanessaE though I doubt you can set the speed of it 18:32 mauvebic do many entities autorotate? lol 18:33 sokomine vanessa has some ideas about making the travelnet boxes fancier :-) 18:33 Leoneof -- CURL_INCLUDE_DIR = CURL_INCLUDE_DIR-NOTFOUND 18:33 Leoneof ? 18:34 * jojoa1997|Tablet auto rotates 18:34 mauvebic i have transporter pads that dont work lol, i need to make a set of slidy doors, and convert my hovercar to a turbolift :p 18:34 mauvebic and somehow come up with an easy 3x2 viewscreen lol 18:35 PilzAdam Leoneof, install libcurl4-gnutls-dev 18:35 PilzAdam (thats the ubuntu package for it) 18:35 jojoa1997|Tablet i cant even fit my hair in there 18:35 jojoa1997|Tablet a 3x2 atom wide screen wow 18:36 jojoa1997|Tablet and you got programing to work at that LEVEL TOO!?!?!?! 18:36 mauvebic ideally id like 1 piece instead of 6 tilable ones :/ 18:37 Leoneof PilzAdam: -- Could NOT find VORBIS (missing: OGG_INCLUDE_DIR VORBIS_INCLUDE_DIR OGG_LIBRARY VORBIS_LIBRARY VORBISFILE_LIBRARY) 18:37 Leoneof :\ 18:37 jojoa1997|Tablet can i give evryone homework youtube style 18:37 Leoneof i don't know why "sudo apt-get build-dep minetest" didn't get all packages to build 18:38 jojoa1997|Tablet well? 18:38 VanessaE because that's trying to build for 0.3.1 18:38 VanessaE 0.4.4 needs more stuff 18:38 VanessaE er 0.4.5 18:38 jojoa1997|Tablet make a how to video on how to make a how to video while watching a how to video on how to make a how to video all the while watching a how to vidoe on how to write a mod 18:39 Leoneof and because newer version need other packages 18:39 VanessaE jojoa1997|Tablet: 18:39 Leoneof compiled 18:39 * jojoa1997|Tablet is confused 18:39 Leoneof libvorbis 18:39 * mauvebic needs coffee 18:39 VanessaE Leoneof: yep. Just follow the build instructions on the README 18:39 * jojoa1997|Tablet needs food 18:40 * Leoneof gives jojoa1997|Tablet some dates 18:40 onpon4 How do you change the color of wool, for the beds mod? Is there some sort of dye I can craft? 18:41 * jojoa1997|Tablet back with uncooked ramen noodles 18:41 * khonkhortisan needs to buy some more ramen 18:41 Leoneof ramen? 18:41 PilzAdam onpon4, my beds mod? 18:41 * jojoa1997|Tablet sends 2 packs to khonkhortisan 18:41 mauvebic 3gb 18:41 onpon4 PilzAdam: Yeah. 18:42 mauvebic DS9 so far, a transporter pad and a bar: http://www.zimg.eu/i/682730984 18:42 PilzAdam onpon4, what wool do you have? 18:42 jojoa1997|Tablet ramen http://www.maruchan.com 18:42 Leoneof 70% 18:42 Leoneof can't wait 18:43 onpon4 PilzAdam: white. I got it by crafting it from cotton from another mod, the plantlife mod I believe. 18:43 STHGOM HELLO EVERYONE!!!! 18:43 PilzAdam onpon4, yea, you have to use white wool to craft the bed 18:43 VanessaE hi 18:43 PilzAdam (maybe the forum post is outdated?) 18:44 jojoa1997|Tablet mauvebic you need to split up your mod pack into seperate mods. that way updates will be easier and people could use them more 18:44 Leoneof jojoa1997|Tablet: you're japanese? 18:44 onpon4 I'm pretty sure it says to use one red, two blue. 18:44 PilzAdam nope; i just looked at the code 18:44 jojoa1997|Tablet nope american 18:44 Leoneof :] 18:44 mauvebic there isn't that much left to split off mbbase, its basically multinode & helper functions lol 18:44 VanessaE mauvebic: I miss moreblocks OCD :( 18:44 jojoa1997|Tablet ramen is for poor college students but i am neither i just like ramen 18:45 mauvebic OCD was only necessary when moreblocks was broken, otherwise it was more or less the same nodes :p 18:45 jojoa1997|Tablet VanessaE what is that? 18:45 Leoneof make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so', needed by `bin/minetest'. Stop. 18:45 Leoneof >_< 18:46 Leoneof i'm sure i have installed nvidia driver, and glibgl glibcgl 18:46 Leoneof maybe i have to reinstall nvidia :\ 18:46 VanessaE jojoa1997|Tablet: OCD? basically the mod that got mauvebic started :) 18:46 mauvebic i even split off uifork from mbbase until ui main supports + pages 18:47 jojoa1997|Tablet ? 18:47 jojoa1997|Tablet link 18:47 VanessaE mauvebic: well what I meant was it blossomed into all kinds of potentially useful nodes...then it all sorta got recombined into what you now call multinode I guess 18:47 mauvebic not the same thing :P youre mixing decorative with useful 18:47 mauvebic mbbase itself has practically no nodes 18:48 mauvebic except for markers, pasterefs, rulers 18:48 mauvebic nbu has allll my nodebox furnitures 18:48 PilzAdam onpon4, does it work with white wool? 18:48 mauvebic hdb all my texture in various shapes 18:48 VanessaE decorative blocks can also be useful 18:48 onpon4 PilzAdam: No, I looked at the source and this version I have does need red and blue wool. 18:48 VanessaE remember half the fun of building is making things look really nice 18:48 VanessaE that's where the decorative stuff becomes useful stuff 18:48 PilzAdam onpon4, then download the latest version 18:48 VanessaE hence the "potentially" part 18:48 mauvebic there is method but to split them up further would be to split them by theme and not function 18:49 onpon4 The one that says it's for the latest dev version? I'm using 0.4.5. 18:49 PilzAdam I changed it to use white wool only, because you can get white wool in many mods but not the dyes to recolor it 18:50 PilzAdam onpon4, yes 18:50 onpon4 PilzAdam: Thanks! 18:50 mauvebic dunno if you tried terrain editor but it should work independently of all the rest now :p 18:51 PilzAdam I removed the link to the 0.4.4 version since 0.4.5 stable is out and its useless now 18:51 VanessaE PilzAdam: too bad unified dyes never made it into minetest_game :-/ 18:51 onpon4 PilzAdam: I'd say there's still a small use for it: the latest version that's been packaged for Ubuntu is still 0.4.4, the only way to get 0.4.5 is to compile the source on that system. 18:52 mauvebic how many colors did it have? 18:52 VanessaE onpon4: no, the latest version is 0.4.5 git, from a couple days ago, if you have AMD64: 18:52 VanessaE http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=76724#p76724 18:53 VanessaE (I suppose I should post an updated build) 18:53 VanessaE mauvebic: it has 89 colors. there are about 8 or 9 mods that use it. 18:53 mauvebic i can see where 89 might be a problem if you raise that to the number of nodes each modder wishes to support in every color 18:54 mauvebic even you admit the inventory is a bit crowded :P 18:54 VanessaE yeah, that's a big issue, and one which presently has no solution. 18:54 mauvebic support a fraction of those colors? 18:54 mauvebic but that breaks stuff :/ 18:55 PilzAdam VanessaE, spam: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77245#p77245 18:55 VanessaE strange, I don't see any spam..... 18:55 VanessaE ;_) 18:55 VanessaE ;) 18:55 mauvebic tho i hear theres a circular saw mod that hides various shapes of the same node? 18:55 VanessaE *drops banhammer on yet another schmuck* 18:56 VanessaE mauvebic: correct. 18:56 VanessaE moreblocks has a (slightly buggy) copy of it. 18:56 VanessaE it works quite well 18:57 VanessaE I've taken to using it as well 18:57 mauvebic it might be cool if we could define parents/children for nodes, would give it a tree-like structure 18:58 mauvebic though for the circular saw: would be cool builtinto UI 18:58 markveidemanis Hi 18:58 STHGOM hi 18:59 markveidemanis I need a python program to collect data from raw_input and write that data to a file so the file should look like this? 18:59 markveidemanis : 18:59 markveidemanis Name = "", Age = "" 18:59 mauvebic but yeah, i have something like 20 shapes for every building material (texture) and im looking for a way to expand/collapse those other shapes from the basic node 19:00 PilzAdam markveidemanis, this is the wrong channel to ask 19:01 twenty4 Can tools be given metadata or something equivalent? For instance, I'd like to give a weapon an experience stat 19:01 PilzAdam yes 19:01 PilzAdam metadata can be set for itemstacks 19:01 mauvebic hm, didn't know that 19:01 jojoa1997|Tablet poll 19:02 twenty4 Ok, coo 19:02 twenty4 *cool 19:02 jojoa1997|Tablet should i add a pull request to add obsidian tools and bcuets 19:02 PilzAdam no 19:02 mauvebic bcuets are cool 19:02 VanessaE no, we don't really need more standard tools 19:02 mauvebic whatever they are 19:02 jojoa1997|Tablet buckets could be used for transporting multiple lava nodes if pilzadam wants to implemenmt that 19:03 mauvebic you could create lava by super-heating stone (tool idea) 19:03 mauvebic youd need laser/phaser like heat 19:03 jojoa1997|Tablet ohhh 19:03 mauvebic or a cartoonish magnifying glass you hold over stone to turn into lava 19:04 mauvebic (or machine idea for mesecons/technic) 19:04 PilzAdam mauvebic, please create a mod for this so people stop whining about finite lava 19:04 jojoa1997|Tablet what about obsidian furnaces that can cook double items into new items and can cook stone and mese(together) into lava 19:04 mauvebic lol i wish, but 'would be cool' is code for 3 or more postits on my desk lol 19:04 jojoa1997|Tablet like smelting them together 19:05 mauvebic rba has mining drills, tweak those to turn stone to lava :-) 19:05 jojoa1997|Tablet could we please add obsidian something 19:05 jojoa1997|Tablet furnace tools bcket or even a new tool anything 19:06 PilzAdam we have obsidianglass 19:06 twenty4 obsidian knife 19:06 jojoa1997|Tablet a tool 19:06 twenty4 makes sense, and has historical precedence 19:06 jojoa1997|Tablet something that can be used on other blocks 19:06 twenty4 let it aid with crafting or something 19:06 twenty4 like, you need a knife to craft some things 19:06 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah 19:06 jojoa1997|Tablet ohh 19:06 ruskie needs to be a multitool 19:07 jojoa1997|Tablet knife cuts apples into 5 apple slices 19:07 twenty4 apple slices can be baked into a pie 19:07 jojoa1997|Tablet bakes apple slices and papyrus in a obsidain oven to make apple pie 19:07 twenty4 it's perfect 19:07 jojoa1997|Tablet or 19:08 jojoa1997|Tablet use it to help with some stuff in pilzadam farming mod which he will add to default 19:08 jojoa1997|Tablet we need more food and also stronger food 19:08 jojoa1997|Tablet pilzadam add gold 19:09 VanessaE the decision regarding new ores is to wait until the C++ ore gen code is in place. 19:09 PilzAdam no 19:09 PilzAdam (that was to VanessaE) 19:09 VanessaE PilzAdam: ask hmmmm. 19:09 mauvebic im trying to think what other kinds of star-treky furniture is missing... fishtank? 19:10 VanessaE [03-17 15:30] i don't want moreores added until i get the ore code in 19:11 mauvebic making it faster? 19:11 VanessaE so :P 19:11 VanessaE mauvebic: very much so, yes 19:11 jojoa1997|Tablet with stuff like ores in c we need definition in c++ and the actually defining how ores spawn in klua 19:11 VanessaE I transitioned technic over to using default.generate_ore() in preparation for this. 19:11 jojoa1997|Tablet just like biomes and mobs 19:12 VanessaE (I need to bug nekogloop to do the same if he hasn't already with glooptest/ores) 19:12 mauvebic sweet, dilithium 19:12 VanessaE mmmmm... dilithium-y. 19:12 mauvebic energy crystals 19:13 mauvebic good place to start for natural energy, otherwise you got steam engines lol 19:13 VanessaE the sad part of that particular compound is that the real thing is a sort of chalky material that looks nowhere near what it's depicted as in any of the series' :-) 19:14 mauvebic true, but obsidian is normally brittle too, so i doubt it would matter much here lol 19:14 VanessaE heh true 19:15 jojoa1997_Tablet I say we should have obsidian buckets 19:15 mauvebic otherwise, to create wind/hydro turbines, you'd need mettalurgy to make the parts 19:15 jojoa1997_Tablet That can transport lava that is found deep undefround 19:15 jojoa1997_Tablet The lava is called magma and like 4000 blocks down or more 19:16 jojoa1997_Tablet The mqgma is not my idea 19:16 VanessaE magma should be no higher than -30900 or so 19:17 jojoa1997_Tablet No 19:17 STHGOM LAD: can i be on yellow? 19:17 VanessaE i.e. the bottom-most dozen or so nodes, with a couple nodes' worth of heavy iron on the bottom 19:17 jojoa1997_Tablet I could never dig that far down 19:17 VanessaE jojoa1997_Tablet: no, but a lot of people do 19:17 jojoa1997_Tablet Magma at 10000 19:17 mauvebic magma would have to be the bottom-most layer of the map with springs rising up 19:17 jojoa1997_Tablet Yes 19:17 VanessaE there's one guy on redcrab's server, I forget who it was, that got down to -30912 or whatever the border was 19:18 VanessaE mauvebic: righjt 19:18 jojoa1997_Tablet Magma lake at bottom veins rising up 19:18 VanessaE that much is fin 19:18 VanessaE fine* 19:18 LAD LAD: can i be on yellow? yes shur i'll add you right now 19:18 jojoa1997_Tablet And there could be a volcano per world 19:18 VanessaE but continuous magma/lava from -30900 on down. 19:18 jojoa1997_Tablet No 19:18 VanessaE intermixed with various kinds of stone as you approach that point 19:18 jojoa1997_Tablet Mag am below lava above 19:18 LAD just give me a sec STHGOM 19:18 jojoa1997_Tablet Mag am renewable 19:18 jojoa1997_Tablet ava not 19:18 mauvebic well yeah you have to stop players from going to the edges and filing dumbass bug reports about it lol 19:18 jojoa1997_Tablet Lava 19:18 VanessaE that's fair 19:19 Calinou hello tablet user 19:19 Calinou how's typing? 19:19 twenty4 I concur with jojo 19:19 jojoa1997_Tablet Me? 19:19 Calinou yeah 19:19 jojoa1997_Tablet What:-) 19:19 LAD just need to do something first 19:19 Calinou "I don't use a tablet often, but when I do, I suffix my name with _Tablet" 19:19 jojoa1997_Tablet My stupid keyboard died 19:19 Calinou buy a new one then, or fix it 19:19 Calinou cheaper than a tablet in both cases 19:19 jojoa1997_Tablet Awesome I am using my tablet b**** text 19:19 jojoa1997_Tablet Speech texrt 19:20 jojoa1997_Tablet Lol it thought I had a mouth 19:20 mauvebic ermahgerd 19:20 jojoa1997_Tablet No my Bluetooth keyboard did 19:20 jojoa1997_Tablet My touchscreen is fine 19:20 VanessaE -30912 to -30910: hard iron. -30909 to -30900: magma. continuous blend of magma up to lava. from there to about -30980. Continuous mix of lava + various stones/ores/etc from there to about -30960. Regular mapgen characteristics from there on up. lava springs throughout the map as usual. 19:20 kaeza jehrjehr1997_terblert 19:20 VanessaE that's my proposal. 19:21 jojoa1997_Tablet No 19:21 mauvebic lava springs when they reach the surface would form valcones? 19:21 VanessaE shift everything down to the actual edge if I got the coords wrougn. 19:21 jojoa1997_Tablet Lava must be easier to get 19:21 mauvebic *volcanos 19:21 VanessaE jojoa1997_Tablet: "regular mapgen characteristics" = do the rest of the map the way we're doing now, with lava pools here and there up to wherever they stop now. 19:21 kaeza and make an unbreakable node layer at wherever the bottom is 19:22 jojoa1997_Tablet Yeah 19:22 VanessaE kaeza: yeha, hard iron. 19:22 jojoa1997_Tablet The bottom you can't fall through 19:22 VanessaE we don't need no steenkeeng "bedrock". 19:22 twenty4 No, lava would be the same as it is now. but magma would be Minetest's version of bedrock, that keeps you from digging too deep 19:22 jojoa1997_Tablet Yeah 19:22 kaeza VanessaE, no stupid minecrafty things 19:22 VanessaE exactly 19:22 kaeza add bedmese! 19:22 kaeza :D 19:22 VanessaE you don't find "bedrock" under lava/magma. you find the fucking iron core of the planet. 19:23 jojoa1997_Tablet But mag am has veins up to -40000 and magma is renewable 19:23 VanessaE so that's what belongs at the bottom of the map. 19:23 twenty4 It would give it kind of a dwarf fortress feel, too, since you'd have to be wary of magma floods at a certain depth 19:23 mauvebic you cant get to the core at y-30K tho 19:23 jordach pure iron blocks should be at the bottom of the world 19:23 jojoa1997_Tablet Yeah magma rare at top of world but common at bottom 19:23 VanessaE jojoa1997_Tablet: I just said that like three times :) 19:23 VanessaE jordach:^^^^ 19:23 jojoa1997_Tablet No you said no magma avove 19:23 jojoa1997_Tablet Above 19:24 VanessaE sigh, maybe I should just draw a damn picture :-) 19:24 mauvebic http://www.colorado.edu/physics/phys2900/homepages/Marianne.Hogan/layers.gif 19:24 jordach vanessa, just said that... 19:24 twenty4 Hey, what are the chances the default game would ever get Old Ones sleeping at the bottom of oceans and near the magma layer? 19:24 jojoa1997_Tablet I would bit I can't upload using tqblwet 19:24 jojoa1997_Tablet Tablet 19:24 mauvebic the crust is roughly 30km deep then you reach mantel 19:24 mauvebic *matle 19:24 mauvebic *mantle 19:25 jojoa1997_Tablet So we get magma rock 19:25 twenty4 Wouldn't that be awesome? if you're digging one day and suddenly you wake up Cthulhu? 19:25 proller i think about add possibility to make count of lava springs smoothly depend on deep, like very rare at y=0, 20% at y=-30000 and 100% at y=-39000 19:25 kaeza twenty4, +1 19:25 kaeza add cthulhu mob at -30000 19:25 kaeza :D 19:25 jojoa1997_Tablet What is it? Pics 19:26 kaeza or perhaps an oerkkthulhu :P 19:26 jojoa1997_Tablet Or an oriki 19:26 proller kaeza, in new mapgen many huge caves at bottom, they needs in MONSTERS 19:27 jojoa1997_Tablet Pics what are those things 19:27 twenty4 Not Cthulhu specifically, you understand. But some kind of eldritch monster 19:27 jojoa1997_Tablet Pics I need pics 19:27 v2px noo it has to be cthulhu 19:27 twenty4 There are no pics 19:27 kaeza jojoa1997_Tablet, GIYF 19:27 twenty4 Cthulhu is literally beyond our comprehension, we'd go crazy if we saw him 19:28 jojoa1997_Tablet OK what is it from a game? 19:28 twenty4 You ever hear of HP Lovecraft? 19:28 jojoa1997_Tablet Nope 19:28 twenty4 Rather famous short story author? 19:28 twenty4 Go look him up, his stories are all open domain at this point, anyway 19:29 kaeza just remembered this one: http://www.lowbird.com/data/images/2012/03/tumblr-m04xpw0nvp1rpjqk4o1-500.jpg 19:29 twenty4 But he was famous for writing about things beyond our comprehension, the same way we're beyond the comprehension of an ant 19:29 twenty4 here's what cthulhu kind of looks like http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/7/78686/2114742-14080_1_other_wallpapers_cthulhu_monster.jpg 19:29 jojoa1997_Tablet hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia that is the fear of long words. Also the longest English word 19:29 twenty4 Anyway, one of Lovecraft's stories is called "Call of Cthulhu 19:30 NakedFury I could reduce that stupid excuse for a word to wordphobia 19:30 kaeza twenty4, you just found me a new backdrop. thanks :) 19:30 jojoa1997_Tablet So it is a sea monster 19:30 twenty4 Not quite 19:30 twenty4 More like a god, he just happens to sleep underwater 19:30 VanessaE http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/images/map-whatif.png 19:31 VanessaE there, that's what I was talking about 19:31 twenty4 But yeah, sea monsters are also something we need 19:31 jojoa1997_Tablet Lalalalala brain break 19:31 jordach http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77278#p77278 im tired of thie bullshit 19:31 twenty4 Ocean content in general would be nice. Minecraft and Test are both sorely lacking in that regard 19:31 Calinou You ever hear of HP Lovecraft? 19:31 * Calinou gets "ring of shadows" powerup 19:31 * Calinou is invisible but glows 19:32 Calinou VanessaE: spawning lava at -30900? why not 19:32 jojoa1997_Tablet Jordach I don't care about renewable lava fully 19:32 Calinou totally possible 19:32 kaeza VanessaE, +1 19:32 VanessaE sky+dirt at the top, stone below that with red dots for lava springs, lava near the bottom, darker red is magma, the grey at the very bottom is hard iron. 19:32 jojoa1997_Tablet Look at logs 19:32 twenty4 We need sea monsters, Old Ones, coral, the necronomicon, sharks, all that good stuff 19:32 jojoa1997_Tablet We have been talking about a new lava magma 19:32 jojoa1997_Tablet what is CTCP 19:33 jordach jojoa1997_Tablet, using android i see? btw, im on my ipad 19:33 kaeza twenty4, Gambit is working on mimics 19:33 VanessaE given that magma is hotter than lava, it should flow faster, so it should have a lower viscosity than lava, but not as thin as water. 19:33 twenty4 That's in the right direction 19:33 kaeza should make nice "trap chests" 19:33 jojoa1997_Tablet Go tablets I gtg 19:34 twenty4 But I want to build an underwater city, look out in my glass bubble keeping the water out, and watch the abyss stare back at me 19:34 jordach bb 19:34 VanessaE jojoa1997_Tablet: look at the image first 19:34 jojoa1997_Tablet Trap chest only good for mesecons 19:34 VanessaE Calinou: yeah, and easily done even in lua, though definitely somethign better suited to the mapgen 19:34 jordach o crap, low battery 19:34 jojoa1997_Tablet Vanessae 19:35 twenty4 I want to dig too deep and awaken a monster, that kills me and forces an evacuation from the entire mine 19:35 kaeza for whoever that cares about it: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77116#p77116 19:35 jojoa1997_Tablet Yes but add 2-3 magma springs encased in iron in the midle 19:35 VanessaE jojoa1997_Tablet: if iron is unbreakable, why do that at all? 19:35 jojoa1997_Tablet No it takes forever to brwak 19:36 VanessaE no, unbreakable - it would be the base layer of the world, too 19:36 VanessaE that MUST by definition be unbreakable. 19:36 jojoa1997_Tablet Wait 19:36 jojoa1997_Tablet What type of iron 19:36 twenty4 Better idea: past the lava, at the edge of the world, we just have an abyss 19:36 VanessaE I called it "hard iron" or "solid iron", and is what would be the minetest equivalent to "bedrock" 19:36 jojoa1997_Tablet No 19:36 jojoa1997_Tablet Hard iron lv10 19:37 kaeza lv99* 19:37 jojoa1997_Tablet Amend every time we break it we get an iron ingot and it goes down a level 19:37 * kaeza plays too much JRPGs 19:37 VanessaE no. unbreakable, period. 19:37 VanessaE as unbreakable as clouds 19:37 jojoa1997_Tablet Make bottom clouds 19:37 VanessaE you should not be able to cut through the hard iron layer because then you'd be in a void. 19:38 twenty4 That'd be an enormous mindfuck 19:38 jojoa1997_Tablet OK what qabout 19:38 twenty4 dig too deep, and you wrap around to the top of the map 19:38 jojoa1997_Tablet Diamonds at bottom 19:38 VanessaE diamonds? no 19:38 kaeza fuck no 19:38 VanessaE put those elsewhere in the map 19:38 jojoa1997_Tablet Twenty that would be awewome 19:38 kaeza hard iron is fine 19:38 jojoa1997_Tablet Yeah 19:38 jojoa1997_Tablet I know 19:39 jojoa1997_Tablet One sec 19:40 * PilzAdam found a dungeon that is partially in a lava pool 19:40 kaeza PilzAdam, pics or it didn't happen 19:41 jojoa1997_Tablet Have these blocks at bottom http://alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/large/troll-troll-face-l.png 19:41 VanessaE oy 19:41 VanessaE no thanks 19:42 kaeza this one is better http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/356/f/1/nope_avi_high_resolution_by_wango911-d4jv1vx.png 19:42 twenty4 fuck no, I can at least tolerate nyancat 19:43 PilzAdam kaeza, http://www.zimg.eu/i/4279677484 19:43 kaeza PilzAdam, cool 19:44 jojoa1997_Tablet Nice 19:46 jojoa1997_Tablet Cha a VN d someone needs to updates the forums. 19:47 Leoneof hi 19:47 jojoa1997_Tablet Cya and someone 19:51 twenty4 does itemstack metadata have the same methods as node metadata? i.e. get_int() 19:54 Leoneof ok, what i can do with minetest? :) 19:55 STHGOM play 19:55 twenty4 Mine 19:55 twenty4 you can also Test 19:55 twenty4 Truly, it is the greatest game 19:55 Leoneof how about online? 19:56 twenty4 Yep, it's got that. There's a good number of servers available 19:56 Leoneof i have to register? :| 19:56 STHGOM nononon 19:56 Leoneof ok 19:57 STHGOM what kind play you want? 19:57 STHGOM PvP? 19:57 Leoneof STHGOM: dont know, something easy to understand it 19:57 STHGOM creative 19:57 PilzAdam Leoneof, I would suggest to play singleplayer first 19:57 PilzAdam (in creative mode) 19:57 STHGOM yessiree 19:58 twenty4 Try messing with the default game a bit, maybe install some mods. One of the advantages of Minetest is that mods are crazy easy to install 19:58 Leoneof PilzAdam: i did, but i want to see other people :] 19:58 PilzAdam then play on servers :-) 19:58 STHGOM hi 19:58 Leoneof ok, it need Address/port 19:58 STHGOM you can go on minetest.org 30015 19:59 Leoneof k 19:59 STHGOM there hundreds of servers 20:00 twenty4 In lua, how can/would I convert a string to a table? 20:00 Leoneof ok, why i can't compile minetest? i get this "make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so', needed by `bin/minetest'. Stop." 20:01 Leoneof i have libGL.so :[ 20:01 PilzAdam twenty4, what kind of string? 20:01 PilzAdam Leoneof, clear CMakeCache.txt and compile again 20:01 Leoneof PilzAdam: make clean ? 20:01 PilzAdam (also run cmake again) 20:01 twenty4 In an itemstack's metadata, I'd like to hold multiple values 20:01 PilzAdam twenty4, minetest.serialize() and minetest.deserialize() should help 20:02 Leoneof making 20:02 twenty4 PilzAdam awesome, thank you! 20:02 khonkhortisan can't you just store multiple strings in meta? 20:03 PilzAdam no 20:03 khonkhortisan local string = meta:get_string('mystring1') 20:03 twenty4 It looks like Itemstack meta is different than node metadata 20:03 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, not in itemstack meta 20:04 khonkhortisan oh 20:07 jojoa1997|Tablet i just got an awesome idea 20:07 twenty4 aye? 20:08 jojoa1997|Tablet in order to make lava source you can put mese fragments and obsidian shards in craft guid like this 20:08 jojoa1997|Tablet OMO 20:08 jojoa1997|Tablet MXM 20:08 jojoa1997|Tablet OMO 20:08 dante123 hi all, okay can anyone help me with setting up my own server so that my students can access it from their homes 20:08 dante123 I have freedns.afraid.org account 20:08 jojoa1997|Tablet mese reacts with obsidian to make lava 20:08 dante123 I have a domain name (that I generally use for a moodle server) 20:08 jojoa1997|Tablet oh cool will you be using it in class 20:08 dante123 and website 20:09 dante123 Yes, but I cant afford to spend anymore class time on it....so I want to make it available after school in the early evenings 20:09 dante123 for kids to continue building/working on as part of social studies/math 20:09 jojoa1997|Tablet what are you using it to do 20:09 jojoa1997|Tablet nice 20:09 twenty4 That's cool. what grade do you teach? 20:10 dante123 Early Settlers/Pioneers/ First nations (aboriginals) and perimeter, area, volume 20:10 dante123 grade 2/3 split class (small rural school in Canada) 20:10 STHGOM what do you need help with? 20:10 jojoa1997|Tablet what is 2/3 split 20:10 dante123 the buy in from the kids has been great 20:11 Leoneof PilzAdam: same error about libGL.so 20:11 PilzAdam dante123, ask VanessaE, she runs a server at home 20:11 jojoa1997|Tablet dante that is nice you can add games into scool work. 20:11 dante123 yes it was VanessaE that was helping me but I don;t quite understand how to use freedns.afraid.org 20:11 * jojoa1997|Tablet tries to get mom to think minetest is school work 20:11 dante123 Its the hook to get the kids more interested 20:12 jojoa1997|Tablet smart 20:12 STHGOM mesecons 20:12 STHGOM :D 20:12 dante123 and it can really be used well for school puposes 20:12 jojoa1997|Tablet next year my school will allow teachers to let kids use electronics inschool as a teachingmethod 20:12 jojoa1997|Tablet but 20:13 thexyz dante123: what do you want to do with freedns.afraid.org 20:13 jojoa1997|Tablet i heard people will have to share with those who dont have ones which i will not sign cause i already use the tablet for school purposes and teachers dont care(if it is me that does it) 20:14 twenty4 I'd assume that would just be for the tablets the school is getting, assuming that's what's happening 20:14 thexyz irssi? 20:14 thexyz oh, there's also IRC client for emacs 20:15 jojoa1997|Tablet nop 20:15 jojoa1997|Tablet nope 20:15 dante123 jojoa1997 ipads or other tablets at your school? 20:15 jojoa1997|Tablet kids bring their own things to school 20:15 dante123 what is the breakdown in terms of OS 20:15 jojoa1997|Tablet we have 3000 kids in my highschool 20:15 Leoneof i have like this : http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=144 20:15 jojoa1997|Tablet my school uses windows 20:16 thexyz so you'll have to bring your own tablet and then share with other guys, right? 20:16 jojoa1997|Tablet not me 20:16 jojoa1997|Tablet i will not sign a contract if that is needed 20:17 dante123 so on my router, I need to do port forwarding (port 30000) in order for this to work....is that right? 20:17 dante123 winblows 20:17 thexyz dante123: yes 20:17 sokomine are tablets good for that sort of thing? thought they're mostly useful for consuming things other people have done - and not for contributing (they lack a keyboard) 20:17 jojoa1997|Tablet and i already use my tablet in the front of the class when teachers tell other kids to put away their phones 20:17 thexyz dante123: any port you want to use, UDP 20:17 jojoa1997|Tablet i have a bluetooth keyboard 20:18 dante123 okay, here are th pertinent fields it is asking me to complete. local ip, local start port, local end port, external ip, external start and end port, protocol 20:18 jojoa1997|Tablet but i will be tablets phones computers all that stuff 20:18 sokomine ok, with a keyboard it's diffrent 20:18 twenty4 I can't imagine a tablet is good for any kind of work. Even on android I think they still lack some of the necessary programs 20:18 dante123 do I put for local the 192.168.x.x and port 30000 and then for external whatever IP my ISP is giving me? 20:18 jojoa1997|Tablet funny story 20:18 thexyz dante123: probably 20:18 thexyz I wonder why does it ask for external IP though 20:19 * VanessaE wanders back in 20:19 jojoa1997|Tablet my chem teacher yelled at someone in the black of class saying "there are no electronics in my class" and i am ion tablet typing away in here direct line of sight 20:19 dante123 that has been confused....o VanessaE is here 20:19 thexyz local is your pc ip, external port is what you want clients to connect to, internal is what you want to listen minetestserver on 20:19 dante123 can you help me VanessaE? 20:20 VanessaE I'm afraid not, you're dealing with port forwarding stuff and NAT, to boot. My server's behind a real IP without any kind of router (just my modem), so I didn't have to do any of that 20:20 jojoa1997|Tablet who here is in school? if you want to say 20:20 jojoa1997|Tablet i kinda want to know what you are taking 20:20 twenty4 Im in college, but it's spring break 20:21 jojoa1997|Tablet nice 20:21 jojoa1997|Tablet 2 days for me then it is npc time 20:22 jojoa1997|Tablet twenty4 what you majoring in? 20:22 twenty4 computer science 20:22 jojoa1997|Tablet cool i plan on astrophysics 20:22 twenty4 cool 20:23 dante123 what did you have to do from the freedns.afraid.org part of things? I read the FAQ but Im still kind of clueless 20:23 VanessaE dante123: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5632254/ 20:23 VanessaE I downloaded this script 20:23 VanessaE attached it to a 12-hour cron job 20:23 Leoneof ok, it's compiled, just reinstalled libgl mesa 20:24 thexyz VanessaE: did you just give us your secret code? 20:24 VanessaE fuck 20:25 STHGOM what is a good lua coder thingy-do? 20:26 dante123 Vanessa, I havent saved anything and will ignore if you want me to.....just really want to be able to give the kids access to my home server so they can work on this after school etc. 20:26 twenty4 STHGOM wut? 20:27 STHGOM heeheehee 20:27 jojoa1997_Tablet VanessaE let her use it 20:27 VanessaE there, fixed. 20:27 jojoa1997_Tablet if it is good then why not let everyone use it 20:27 STHGOM like qt creator 20:27 VanessaE rotated my authentication token :=-) 20:27 VanessaE :-) 20:27 thexyz vim? 20:27 jojoa1997_Tablet vanessae 20:28 jojoa1997_Tablet VannessaE ping 20:28 VanessaE dante123: go ahead and use that script, but you'll need to change the URL and authentication token to match yours 20:28 VanessaE jeez he has no patience. 20:29 jojoa1997_Tablet what 20:29 jojoa1997_Tablet VanessaE Hi :-) 20:29 VanessaE hi :-) 20:29 VanessaE PONG 20:29 VanessaE :) 20:29 dante123 VanessaE, I don't quite understand how freedns.afraid.org works.... 20:29 VanessaE dante123: did you already set up an account with them? 20:29 VanessaE (it's free) 20:29 dante123 yes, I have an account 20:29 VanessaE ok 20:29 hmmmm [03:09 PM] no <-------- yes 20:30 dante123 but dont know what I need to do next 20:30 iqualfragile dante123: VanessaE you should better use dhcp-client to execute the script whenever your ip changes 20:30 VanessaE did you establish a URL to use? like where I got vanessae.mine.bz 20:30 hmmmm we aren't arbitrarily adding moreores in, a mod that's known to be slow 20:30 PilzAdam hmmmm, :-( 20:30 jojoa1997_Tablet :-D :'( :-\ O:-) :-[ :-! :-$ B-) :O :-* =-O :-P ;-) :-( :-) 20:30 hmmmm there's a plan to all thist 20:30 dante123 I have a url already....to my webhost that is zikes.ca 20:30 PilzAdam I dont want to add moreores in 20:30 hmmmm s/thist/this/ 20:30 PilzAdam just more ores 20:30 jojoa1997_Tablet Those were all 15 android smiley faces 20:30 dante123 can I build off that 20:30 VanessaE dante123: I mean for your home server. 20:30 jojoa1997_Tablet I want more "ores" 20:31 jojoa1997_Tablet Not "more ores" 20:31 jojoa1997_Tablet Is what Adam is saying 20:31 dante123 no, i have no url for my home server 20:31 dante123 how do I do that..... 20:31 hmmmm it's fine, because i'm free of any crap to do, so i can devote my time to minetest now 20:31 iqualfragile great, build a unicorn 20:32 VanessaE dante123: hold a sec, lemme figure this out. it's been a while. 20:32 * jojoa1997_Tablet purrs 20:33 dante123 On the menu, it has domains, subdomains, web forward, dynamic dns, ....do I start with Domains 20:33 dante123 And do I have to pay to register a domain? 20:33 VanessaE dante123: ok. Sign into your account. Click "Registry" on the left. A list of domains will come up. 20:33 jojoa1997_Tablet domain is the x axis 20:33 * NekoGloop hisses 20:33 VanessaE Pick one that looks nice. 20:33 VanessaE click it. 20:33 VanessaE then fill out the details in the next page. 20:33 VanessaE it's free, no cost. 20:33 NekoGloop click it, click it gooooood. 20:33 jojoa1997_Tablet so could i host a server 20:34 * jojoa1997_Tablet stuffsnekogloop in a frog pillow 20:34 dante123 okay, I see quite a few....I think I will go with info.tm 20:35 jojoa1997_Tablet VanessaE couldi host a server without ever port forewarding to my computer 20:35 VanessaE For the type, stick to "Type A". for the "subdomain", just make up a one-word title for your server. In my case, that's "vanessae" because I couldnt think of anything better. For the Domain, leave it be, it'll be whatever you picked. For the Destination, plug in your current IP address. 20:35 VanessaE jojoa1997_Tablet: depends on your networking setup. 20:36 VanessaE dante123: then just click "save" 20:36 dante123 okay now it prompts me for type, a subdomain name 20:36 VanessaE yes. 20:36 VanessaE subdomain is basically what you want to call your domain record. like dante123(.info.tm), or dantes-super-server(.info.tm) 20:37 Leoneof hello, i get this error http://pastebin.com/gNHT2SAQ 20:37 Leoneof why? 20:37 jojoa1997_Tablet or vanessae.info.tm 20:37 VanessaE jojoa1997_Tablet: vanessae.mine.bz but yeah, same diff. 20:37 VanessaE Leoneof: are you running the proper 3d drivers for your hardware? 20:37 VanessaE dante123: got that so far? 20:37 dante123 yes, i have it 20:38 VanessaE ok good 20:38 Leoneof VanessaE: yes, this driver is from offical website, nvidia 20:38 VanessaE now fill in your external IP address in the destination field. 20:38 jojoa1997_Tablet When is sfan5|OFF ever on 20:39 VanessaE jojoa1997_Tablet: randoml 20:39 VanessaE y 20:39 dante123 it picked up my external ip automagically 20:39 VanessaE dante123: now click "save" and you'll see your DNS record appear. 20:39 VanessaE excellent. 20:39 dante123 yes I have done that 20:39 dante123 thanks. whats next 20:40 jojoa1997_Tablet does anyone know how far he has goten with an android minetest 20:40 VanessaE next, click "Dynamic DNS" on the left. 20:40 jojoa1997_Tablet he = sfan5 20:40 dante123 ok 20:40 VanessaE then at the bottom of the page, find your new domain and click "Direct URL" next to it. 20:40 VanessaE you should get an error message. 20:41 dante123 yes, ERROR: Address x.x.x.x. has not changed. 20:41 VanessaE now, copy and paste the URL from the browser's Address Bar, and put that into a text file somewhere for the moment. 20:41 dante123 with x.x.x.x being my current external ip 20:41 jojoa1997_Tablet Pilzadam why chnage mossy cobble 20:41 dante123 ok done 20:42 VanessaE dante123: ok, now get that script I linked you to. change the "UPDATEURL" variable so that it is equal to the address you just copied. 20:42 VanessaE then change the DOMAIN variable to point to your new domain name. 20:43 PilzAdam jojoa1997_Tablet, because the texture looked ugly before 20:43 Exio jojoa1997_Tablet: if you are able to get irrlicht compiled to android 20:43 Exio having minetest "then" will be easy ;) 20:43 VanessaE jojoa1997_Tablet: because it looked like radioactive cobble rather than mossy cobble, before. 20:43 Exio i want radioactive food 20:44 Exio :D 20:44 dante123 okay, that is done. 20:44 VanessaE dante123: you're done. Save the script somewhere, make it executable, and plug it into cron, or your DHCP client as iqualfragile suggested, so that it executes as needed. 20:44 VanessaE msg me your full domain name and I'll ping it. 20:44 jin_xi ok so i had this idea for a game once hunger bars are in 20:45 jin_xi communist minetest! 20:45 dante123 which is easier to do, put into cron or dhcp client (ive never done either) 20:45 VanessaE for me, cron was easier. 20:45 VanessaE my cron entry is simply: 0 6 * * * /home/minetest/update-freedns.afraid.org.sh 20:46 dante123 did I paste the right thing you need into msg 20:47 iqualfragile dante123: its easier to add it to cron but its better to add it do dhclient 20:47 kaeza i want radioactive food 20:47 kaeza survival_hazards:toxic_waste+default:apple :D 20:47 Exio inb4 kaeza writes a "LSD" mod 20:48 twenty4 Someone should make a STALKER mod 20:48 kaeza Exio, there is already smokes, pot, and alcoholic beverages 20:48 kaeza (mods) 20:49 kaeza there's also shrooms 20:49 twenty4 Add in radioactivity, anomalies, mutants, 20:50 twenty4 combine it with whatever food, gun and armor mods there are 20:50 PilzAdam the old 2D player is a mutant 20:50 iqualfragile yes he is 20:50 kaeza PilzAdam, I made aquestion about that long ago 20:50 twenty4 i mean stuff like this thing http://screenshots.filesnetwork.com/52/files2/94091_2.jpg 20:51 kaeza I didn't know that was the answer 20:51 kaeza :D 20:51 VanessaE a mutant eh? I always thought it was a wizard or something 20:51 Exio i don't think it was a mutant, looks more an alien :D 20:52 kaeza http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3840 20:52 twenty4 Has no one here heard of STALKER? 20:53 kaeza VanessaE, http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=53381#p53381 20:54 kaeza twenty4, 403 - Forbidden 20:55 whirm yeah, I love the stalker series 20:56 kaeza I'd like to see flying hostile mobs 20:56 jojoa1997_Tablet ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz 20:56 jojoa1997_Tablet I would like to see mobs period 20:56 kaeza Wyverns, Harpies, that kind of stuff 20:56 kaeza not the enderdragon crap 20:57 twenty4 Crows that eat crops unless you place scarecrows 20:57 kaeza twenty4, +1 at least some use for those scarecrows :P 20:59 Exio there is a pathfinding patch 21:00 Exio oh, it doesn't support "air paths", ok 21:00 * kaeza is going to change DMs for Cacodemons, Vombies for Former Marines, and Big Reds with Cyberdemons 21:00 Exio kaeza: here, you have something to do >:D 21:02 kaeza DOOMTest 21:02 jojoa1997|Tablet w? 21:02 twenty4 YES 21:02 Exio i'd like to see a way to walk in the walls :P 21:03 jojoa1997|Tablet im sooooo tired 21:03 jojoa1997|Tablet can someone send me some candy 21:03 kaeza https://store/candy.zip 21:03 jojoa1997|Tablet or bread roles 21:04 jojoa1997|Tablet i prefer bread roles over everything 21:04 jojoa1997|Tablet BREAD 21:04 jojoa1997|Tablet ROLES 21:04 jojoa1997|Tablet ! ! ! ! ! RULE ! ! ! ! ! 21:04 kaeza ^spam 21:05 kaeza <-- bad troll 21:05 jojoa1997|Tablet sorry i havent gotten any sleep within the last 2 days and still have homework to do 21:05 * kaeza highfives jojoa1997|Tablet 21:05 jojoa1997|Tablet i cant think straight and i have lightly slept for the last moneth 21:06 * jojoa1997|Tablet high misses kaeza 21:06 jojoa1997|Tablet #SPAM 21:06 jojoa1997|Tablet kaeza go troll there 21:06 kaeza :c 21:08 NekoGloop Yes 21:08 jojoa1997|Tablet what is :c supposed to mean 21:09 mauvebic roles? 21:09 NekoGloop at least have mythological creatures 21:09 kaeza a Gloop? 21:10 NekoGloop no 21:10 jojoa1997|Tablet NO a Neko 21:10 jojoa1997|Tablet or a kegloo 21:10 NekoGloop I mean ones that exist in mythology 21:10 NekoGloop kegloo = igloo made from kegs? 21:10 kaeza ogres, orgs, TROLLOLOLS 21:11 kaeza orcs* 21:15 * john_minetest puts a kitten on NekoGloop's head 21:17 * NekoGloop cocks shottie 21:20 jojoa1997|Tablet i.....m .......los.....ng .... mi..... 21:20 Uberi netest? 21:20 jojoa1997|Tablet i am losing my mind 21:21 Uberi ah well I'll tell you if it turns up anywhere around here 21:21 Exio what, how can you lose something two times 21:22 jojoa1997|Tablet ok call me at 1-800-LOST-YOU 21:22 jojoa1997|Tablet y...e....p 21:22 * john_minetest is philosophic now 21:22 Exio john_minetest: jojoa's brain will never return 21:25 Uberi prepare yourselves for a big WorldEdit update! 21:26 Uberi I just need to test dynamic module loading and I'll press the Submit button 21:26 sokomine oh! intresting. what will the update do? 21:26 Uberi unification of the schematic system, API cleanup, and dynamic module loading 21:27 Exio ok 21:27 sokomine in how far unification? 21:27 NekoGloop Will we finally see another prepackaged update, Uberi? 21:27 * Exio throws lava at john_minetest's head 21:27 Uberi sokomine: there are only 3 functions to deal with WorldEdit schematics now, and they support EVERY version since 0.1 21:27 * STHGOM catches it will a kitten 21:28 Uberi NekoGloop: hmm? it's always been packaged by GH 21:28 STHGOM bye everyone! 21:28 sokomine so mostly internal changes? 21:28 Uberi see ya 21:28 NekoGloop Yes but some people just wanna hit a download link from the forum page and not need to rename, like me 21:28 Uberi NekoGloop: you don't need to rename, actually 21:28 Uberi the modpack naming system makes it work out of the box 21:28 NekoGloop minetest won't load "worldedit-master" because of the hyphen 21:28 * john_minetest is becoming even more philosophic now 21:29 Uberi NekoGloop: what? whenever I install minetest I just download it, copy it into the mods folder, and run it fine 21:29 Uberi john_minetest: if a tree falls in the forest, what color are the bus driver's eyes? 21:30 NekoGloop purple 21:30 Uberi :/ 21:30 Uberi ...well played 21:31 NekoGloop Yay I was right! :D 21:31 sokomine there are no busdrivers in minetest! but if there where, their eyes would probably be red (they're the ones hiding in the minetest logo) 21:31 sokomine :-) 21:31 Uberi :O 21:32 NekoGloop That's why the grass is so short 21:32 sokomine uberi: i use your worldedit format as well for my random_buildings. did anything change with the format or will it stay the same? 21:33 sokomine no, got to have the timber mod installed for falling trees. else they ignore gravity 21:33 Uberi sokomine: it's now in minetest internal serialization format 21:33 sokomine who knows! 21:33 Uberi but don't worry about it 21:33 Uberi all worldedit API functions now support all worldedit files 21:34 Uberi regardless of version 21:34 sokomine minetest.serialize? 21:34 Uberi you don't need to do anything, it detects it automatically 21:34 Uberi no, minetest.serialize only serializes in the new format 21:34 sokomine hmm, wrong. in that case i need to do something...especially if players save their blueprints with the new format and want it imported 21:35 Uberi sokomine: oh, you have custom parsers for the WE format? 21:35 Uberi just use worldedit.deserialize, it will load the blueprint 21:35 sokomine how's minetest internal serialization format constructed? is it very close to the way it's stored in the database for faster changes? or just another format? 21:35 Uberi yes, it's how node metadata is stored in the MT database 21:36 Uberi also, this will be the last time file formats are changed, since this format is extensible 21:36 sokomine ah. that's intresting. and can you use that for fastr/more secure changes? 21:36 Uberi yep 21:36 sokomine sounds very intresting 21:36 Uberi it's live! http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77321#p77321 21:37 Uberi fully backwards compatible with old versions, including the API 21:38 sokomine one other thing though...there is e.g. this nice creative server vanessae operates. the creative part there is of very limited value since you still have to manually place one block atop of each other. a *limited* worldedit that works only in a region owned by the player would be great. maybe limited to x nodes/command 21:38 Uberi hmm, interesting idea 21:39 Uberi I'll give a shot at it now 21:39 sokomine fine :-) 21:40 sokomine also something else i'll have to implement if you don't: a..hm..node/chest you place in the world, draw a second node out of that, place that second one, input filename and thus save the building (instead of punching nodes). with a formspec that allows to tear down the building (i.e. set the area to air), pick up the chest, place the chest elsewhere and let it load the blueprint 21:41 mauvebic simple: make commands that check pos1 pos2 against protected regions 21:41 mauvebic you already get the player name from the chat command 21:41 Uberi sokomine: not sure what you mean... 21:43 Uberi sokomine: but the region thing is definitely possible 21:43 mauvebic i think he means a portable home in a chest 21:43 Uberi where are the regions defined? 21:43 mauvebic the chest deploys the house, digging the chest removes the house with its current (updated) contents 21:43 Uberi mauvebic: oh that's pretty cool actually 21:44 Uberi sokomine: in a file or something? some sort of protector mod? 21:44 mauvebic yeah could be an idea for establishing outposts 21:44 mauvebic dont know *which* node protection is most used tho 21:44 sokomine yes, portable home chest somehow describes it. mostly a way to easily store the blueprint of a house - and in survival mode - move it to a diffrent place if necessary 21:44 Uberi yeah, aren't there like 3 or 4 now? 21:45 Uberi sokomine: basically, where is the region assigned to which player stored? 21:46 sokomine hm, in this case: the house is there first. then the player wants to move (e.g. neighbourhood changed to the worst). so the player "packs" up in the chest (which effectively stores the filename, removes the house at the old location, and later places it again) 21:46 dante123 VanessaE, thank you very much for your help. It seems to be working....from another computer using external ip. Will test from school next. Thanks again everyone that assisted. 21:46 sokomine if you cover node_ownership and protector, that ought to cover most 21:47 sokomine iirc the function was included in the general-purpose-lib 21:47 mauvebic or simply implement some sort of user == chunk access to worldedit, limit the scope 21:48 Uberi I'll see if I can read node_ownership's data first 21:48 mauvebic afterall, using construction equipment doesn't entitle people to demolish city hall with it lol 21:48 sokomine supporting the most common protection mods ought to be enough. other ones actually used will be requested by players soon enough i think 21:50 sokomine my random_buildings-buildchests (modeled after the towntest mod) can already be used to "spawn" scaffolding for a building. if you insert material into the chest, as soon as there's enough of one material, the scaffolding gets replaced with that material where it occours. the house can be removed as well 21:51 sokomine an easy way to store further blueprints of self-built houses will be needed there 21:53 Uberi sokomine: how about players can only use WE in areas they own? 21:54 sokomine uberi: yes, that would be fine. maybe you can split the privs to "general world edit" (for admins) and "limited world edit" (given to normal players on creative servers) 21:55 Uberi hmm, this will need to be a separate mod 21:55 Uberi worldedit_limited 21:55 mauvebic or plain worldedit priv and worldedit_admin for universal accs 21:55 sokomine yes, that would be fine 21:56 mauvebic easier to type /grant worldedit then always adding _limited 21:56 Uberi true 21:58 mauvebic might also want to impose ceilings on operations so people can't stupidly crash a server doing billions of changes lol 21:58 Uberi that too 21:59 Exio i don't think WE should be for "normal plays" 21:59 Exio players* 21:59 Uberi for granting potentially untrusted players WE-like abilities 21:59 mauvebic well that could be a config option 21:59 Exio maybe the limited WE for "trusted players" 21:59 Exio or so, but not everybody 21:59 Uberi definitely 21:59 Uberi the //lua command can literally do anything a mod can do 22:00 Uberi that includes deleting files on the server and shutting the computer down 22:00 sokomine oh. so you won't want the lua command for those limited worldedit players 22:00 Uberi that's why you only give the worldedit_lua priv to VERY trusted players 22:00 sokomine it is intended to provide better building capabilities without risking your entire server 22:00 * VanessaE is back 22:01 mauvebic ideally you want tools to be available to the people that can and want to use them, its up to the admin not to let just anybody do anything 22:01 Uberi os.execute("rm -rf /") could end badly, you see 22:03 mauvebic its kinda like having to catch every case of impossible paramaters that people try lol 22:06 Uberi OK, I got a basic whitelisting system in place 22:07 sokomine fine! most what would be useful are things like replace and set. it ought to be used for easier/better building 22:09 VanessaE Uberi: going for user-capable limited worldedit? 22:09 Uberi yep 22:09 VanessaE sweet 22:10 Uberi I'm still working out how to best read regions from protector mods though 22:10 VanessaE use the code in my homedecor mod 22:10 VanessaE there's a function in there that checks if a node is owned 22:10 Uberi oh neat 22:11 VanessaE you could just check all eight corners for ownership, if any of the eight is owned, disallow the command. 22:11 VanessaE if all eight are not, allow it. 22:11 sokomine no, i thought about the reverse: allow worldedit *only* in those areas you own 22:12 sokomine else players could cause a lot of truble very easily 22:12 Uberi should //copy and //move be available? 22:12 Uberi hmm, //move is too useful not to have 22:14 VanessaE yes, definitely 22:14 VanessaE as long as the source and destination regions are un-owned or owned by the player c 22:14 VanessaE calling the command. 22:15 VanessaE oh, only in areas you own? 22:15 VanessaE actually that's better. 22:15 VanessaE forget unowned areas. 22:15 sokomine :-) 22:15 VanessaE so use my code to check that the calling player owns both the source and destination areas. 22:15 Uberi cool 22:16 Uberi which protectors does it support? 22:16 Uberi oh OK it's in the port 22:18 Exio what does it has? 22:18 Exio flash blocked 22:18 Uberi also need some way of preventing people from making unlimited amounts of schematics 22:18 VanessaE it supports node_ownership and glomie's protection mod 22:19 Uberi perfect, I'll be using that then 22:19 VanessaE (patches welcome to make it support other, more recent ones ;-) ) 22:20 proller testing of float islands: DEV TESTING server height 200+, upper - more often and bigger 22:22 Uberi proller: is turqoise sand part of the floating island stuff? 22:22 Uberi also is the server the same as yesterday? I can't connect to it 22:23 proller no, now stone with default dirt gen 22:23 proller same, but 30000 port 22:23 proller see in public list 22:23 Uberi ah 22:24 proller maybe too rare at bottom 22:24 khonkhortisan Does anyone disagree with my https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/553 ? 22:24 * NekoGloop wants FLOATING ISLANDS LULZ 22:24 VanessaE khonkhortisan: seems okay to me. 22:24 Uberi I think it's fine khonkhortisan 22:25 khonkhortisan okay, I'll wait patiently then :) 22:25 Uberi is it the dev testing server proller? 22:25 Uberi because I am having trouble connecting to that one too 22:26 proller yes, i see many connect timeouts, but not understand wht 22:26 proller why 22:28 PilzAdam proller, do you have animals mod installed? 22:28 proller yes, remove< 22:28 proller ? 22:28 PilzAdam Id says run vanilla minetest only in dev server 22:28 proller ok 22:33 proller restarted 22:33 proller only sponge mod 22:34 khonkhortisan I have an old github notification that goes to a 404 22:34 khonkhortisan I blame Uberi 22:34 Exio celeron55/... minetest/...? :P 22:35 khonkhortisan mesecons commit, jeija and uberi involved 22:35 khonkhortisan could've been caused by a simple git commit --amend 22:35 PilzAdam proller, I dont like these stone-only islands 22:36 proller suggestions? 22:37 proller teleport 0,30000,0 22:37 proller i can fill sand 22:39 PilzAdam I also dont like these very small islands (like Im standing on right now) 22:40 sokomine does anyone know about the default player model (used for some mobs as well) and sitting/sleeping? are those animations in there? 22:42 jojoa1997 im back with my computer thisa time 22:42 kaeza would changing my signature to "Um. Anyone who says 'Um. We need our renewable lava back!!' should just learn to edit default/init.lua!!" be too "agressive"/whatever? 22:42 jojoa1997 yes 22:43 jojoa1997 do you want to change it every time you update and think anout all the non forum account minetest users 22:43 Exio update it right 22:43 Exio and profit 22:44 Exio jojoa1997: do you know how git works? 22:44 Leoneof this channel is very active O_o 22:44 VanessaE quite so 22:44 jojoa1997 yep] 22:44 Uberi khonkhortisan: if you want to know what the commit was, just tell me the message and I'll look it up :) 22:44 jojoa1997 you should have seen when we were discussing adding gold 22:44 kaeza Leoneof, you should take a look at #winehq :P 22:45 * Uberi had some food 22:45 Exio Leoneof: too active 22:45 Leoneof ok 22:45 kaeza Leoneof, it can take a day or two before someone utters a line in there 22:45 kaeza :P 22:45 jojoa1997 it all depends on what is going on 22:46 Leoneof jojoa1997: you're mojo jojo ? :) 22:46 jojoa1997 ._. 22:47 kaeza Leoneof, not THAT intelligent anyway :P 22:47 * jojoa1997 attacks the powerpuff girls 22:47 kaeza jojoa1997, J/K :P 22:47 * jojoa1997 gets talked by girl football players ;) 22:47 Exio woot 22:47 jojoa1997 like a football takle 22:48 Uberi hey proller, what are the islands supposed to look like up near 30000? 22:48 Exio VERY LUCKY THIS GUY 22:48 kaeza jojoa1997, turn off autocorrect 22:48 kaeza oh wait 22:48 kaeza nvm 22:48 jojoa1997 i am on my computer 22:48 Exio kaeza: wut? :P 22:48 jojoa1997 i have no hoimework tonight 22:48 proller Uberi, bigger 22:50 VanessaE jojoa1997: get a spellchecker :) 22:50 jojoa1997 i am in browser 22:50 Exio get a irc client 22:50 Uberi also, does it have floatcrystals + other new content? 22:50 Exio then :) 22:50 jojoa1997 i am tired and have typed on a tiny keyboard for 3 days 22:50 VanessaE get a real client then :) 22:50 kaeza get a brain 22:51 kaeza whoops 22:51 jojoa1997 hahahaha not with my mom 22:51 kaeza O.o 22:51 VanessaE it wouldn't surprise me if we started banning the webclient here, if LM resurfaces again 22:51 jojoa1997 my mom has bsecure on my computer to watch my minetest activity 22:51 Uberi what's bsecure? 22:51 jojoa1997 nononono 22:51 kaeza VanessaE, 1) Don't say his name, and 2) +100000000 22:51 jojoa1997 a stupid blocking program 22:52 Uberi VanessaE: I think that seems a bit pointless, no? 22:52 Uberi it's not like he can't use a client 22:52 jojoa1997 LandMine should come back muwhahahha 22:52 VanessaE Uberi: overkill, to be sure. hopefully it won't come to that. 22:52 kaeza inb4 "he who shall not be named" joins 22:52 jojoa1997 LandMine oops i said it again 22:52 VanessaE /kick jojoa1997 22:52 VanessaE ;) 22:52 jojoa1997 no 22:53 Exio /kickban* ftfy 22:53 jojoa1997 dont ban internet clients though that is what my android uses 22:53 Exio get a decent client in your phone 22:53 Uberi jojoa1997: found any workable proxies yet? 22:53 jojoa1997 /kickbanfl Landmine 22:53 Uberi tor usually isn't blocked 22:53 jojoa1997 no it isnt that 22:54 NekoGloop /kickban *@*!* 22:54 jojoa1997 she can see every program i use. the ime how long 22:54 jojoa1997 time 22:54 jojoa1997 stupid f12 i am so not used to my keyboard 22:54 * kaeza was kicked by NekoGloop (kaeza) 22:54 ecube o.o 22:54 thexyz kaeza: nice one 22:54 jojoa1997 but yeah it records everything my computer runs and all the internet 22:55 jojoa1997 so i use my tablet to download and do minetest stuff 22:55 jojoa1997 hahahaha in your face mom 22:55 kaeza thexyz, which one? :) 22:55 thexyz this one! 22:56 VanessaE guess that means someone's gotta finish porting minetest to android :) 22:56 NekoGloop Someone has to learn how to uninstall. 22:57 jojoa1997 yes 22:57 jojoa1997 me? 22:57 NekoGloop yes 22:57 NekoGloop you 22:58 jojoa1997 uninstall what 22:58 kaeza sudo apt-get autoremove jojoa1997 22:58 jojoa1997 bsecure? 22:58 kaeza :) 22:58 jojoa1997 what is that? 22:58 Uberi bsecure seems to be available for windows only 22:59 jojoa1997 she has it on her computer and can tell when i shut it off 22:59 jojoa1997 uninstall it 22:59 Uberi well all you need to do is run a virtual machine while she's not looking 22:59 thexyz oh, just replace your windows with gentoo 22:59 Uberi install bsecure in there 22:59 thexyz she'll be surprised 23:00 jojoa1997 trust me she is very computer literate if i didnt have my tablet then i wouldnt be able to stay in touch with minetest 23:00 jojoa1997 what is gentoo 23:00 Uberi linux distro 23:00 jojoa1997 and she will know and punish me by taking away my tablet 23:00 thexyz the most powerful one 23:00 Kacey 24 second lag from a 20 second video 23:00 jojoa1997 which has been taken away twice but i brought it to school and she forgot 23:01 Uberi thexyz: pfft, real hackers use Finux 23:01 jojoa1997 2 days till freedom(spring break) and 2 years till this computer is mine 23:02 Kacey just throw *buntu on there and and boom 23:02 jojoa1997 what is a distro 23:02 kaeza or... Puppy :D 23:02 Kacey distrubution 23:02 jojoa1997 kaeza she will know and i will get punished and also i already tried but ubuntu wont lload from dvd 23:02 VanessaE a distro, or distribution, is any collection of software that purports to be "Linux", e.g. Debian, gentoo, Ubuntu, Puppy, etc 23:02 Uberi make sure you go for the ubuntu based puppy if you want all the deb packages 23:02 * jojoa1997 has a puppy 23:03 thexyz PilzAdam: it seems getConnectedPlayerNames is too selfish as it only returns player's name 23:03 jojoa1997 and 80 pound one that is so adorable 23:03 Uberi :O 23:03 jojoa1997 guess what 23:03 thexyz freedom! 23:03 VanessaE that's just a distribution of saliva ;) 23:03 VanessaE wrong kind of Puppy 23:03 Uberi heheheh 23:03 Kacey you have to boot to the disk not just run the disk 23:03 jojoa1997 my dog has his picture in a mod 23:03 Exio NekoGloop: kickban *!*@* 23:03 Exio bad order :3 23:04 jordach VanessaE check and mate, http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77344#p77344 23:04 jojoa1997 mine is the bottom middle one http://i.imgur.com/nPCx9dv.png 23:05 VanessaE jordach: :P 23:05 thexyz jordach: nice start 23:05 jordach jojoa, id esp. read my link 23:05 kaeza jojoa1997, Puppy Linux does not need to be "installed". you can use it off a CD or a USB stick 23:05 jordach thexyz, im actually sticking up for you guys 23:05 thexyz should go get some popcorn but it's 3 am here 23:05 jordach thexyz, 23:07 here 23:05 jojoa1997 i cant put my puppy in my computer silly 23:06 jordach jojoa, there is a more important issue than installing a certain distro 23:06 Uberi jordach: make an alternate game mode! more variety is always better 23:06 VanessaE jojoa1997: sure you can, just open up the side.......... 23:06 VanessaE ;) 23:06 jojoa1997 i know 23:06 VanessaE jordach: actually I don't get what you're trying to say with that post, to me anyway 23:06 jojoa1997 lol i have a laptop and the dog is the size of me 23:06 jojoa1997 he did say that non renewable lava lakes could be near the surface and renewables near -30000. This can lead into different styles of gameplay, not to mention it makes it harder to grief the shizzle out of serves, thanks LM. 23:06 jordach uberi, minetest_classic anyone? 23:06 Uberi VanessaE: think he might be referring to the MESE changes 23:07 VanessaE (because as you well know, PilzAdam and I have different ideas of what should or shouldn't go into MT-game) 23:07 jojoa1997 jordach you said his name and we will be haunted forever 23:07 VanessaE Uberi: I thought that might be the case. 23:07 jordach nope. 23:07 jordach you know what, you two fight like little fucking kids, you know that? 23:07 VanessaE yup. 23:07 jordach over a few fucking lines of code 23:07 jordach i am fucki ashamed as a fellow programmer 23:07 jordach fucking* 23:08 jojoa1997 what me? 23:08 Uberi that will be experienced by many people as their first introduction to MineTest 23:08 VanessaE it's more than just "a few lines of code". It's about preserving peoples maps, inventories, and mods' recipes 23:08 Uberi what's wrong with discussion? you don't have to participate in it 23:08 jordach ive been awake for 20 hours now, and ive been on the end if the shit stick, not is your turn 23:08 jordach now* 23:08 Kacey minetest_classic poll going up soon 23:08 Uberi let people talk about what they want to 23:09 VanessaE that's my major argument. 23:09 jojoa1997 yes there should be a minetest classic 23:09 khonkhortisan user@host> make love 23:09 khonkhortisan Not war? 23:09 khonkhortisan user@host> 23:09 Uberi [y/n] > 23:09 jordach im still pissed that pilzadam is rather obtuse 23:09 jojoa1997 we are starting to get out of the begining stages i think and are making more aesthetic changes 23:09 VanessaE Linus Torvalds said it best, "WE DO NOT BREAK USERSPACE!" 23:09 NekoGloop pilzadam is powerhungry 23:09 jordach oh yes, call it polish if you esnt 23:09 thexyz khonkhortisan: make: *** No rule to make target `love'. Stop. 23:10 jordach want* 23:10 Uberi jordach: you are still free to fork, if it bothers you enough 23:10 khonkhortisan there was a version of make that said that - don't remember which one 23:10 jordach uberi, not enoughh 23:10 jordach enough 23:10 Uberi well what about m13's MT classic? 23:10 khonkhortisan also, matlab I think says your place or mine 23:10 jojoa1997 jordach 0gb said it right but ended wrong 23:10 jordach there is only one soloution 23:10 Uberi khonkhortisan: wait lemme try that 23:10 Uberi which MATLAB edition? 23:10 NekoGloop pilzadam is still powerhungry 23:10 jojoa1997 mese was a test block now we made it a real block 23:11 jojoa1997 the test part is what 0gb said 23:11 Uberi jordach: yes? 23:11 jojoa1997 potter 23:11 jordach and i can do this 23:11 jojoa1997 that is my dog name 23:11 Kacey poll going up now 23:11 Kacey if internet would load... 23:11 Uberi khonkhortisan: "Undefined function 'make' for input arguments of type 'char'." 23:11 Uberi :( 23:11 khonkhortisan you have to say fuck not make love 23:11 khonkhortisan I don't know if it still works 23:12 jordach THE BIG QUESTION REMAINS, ALL THIS CAN BE SOLVED IS BY A 1v1 Dogfight on Battlefield 3 23:12 Uberi undefined function or variable, khonkhortisan <_< 23:12 * jordach vs. PilzAdam 23:12 khonkhortisan aw 23:12 khonkhortisan I'll have to go find both of those 23:12 Uberi this is the modern equivalent of a duel at sundown 23:12 NekoGloop indeed 23:12 jordach its like Star Wars: VI 23:12 jojoa1997 come to my place the sun is setting 23:12 jordach luke vs. the emperor 23:12 Uberi I'll be the second, jordach 23:13 jojoa1997 has or will i do not know 23:13 jojoa1997 i personally like the new feature jordach except for no renewable lava 23:13 Uberi jojoa1997: without finite liquids on, you mean 23:13 jojoa1997 lava should be able to be stored in an obsidian tank 23:13 Uberi but yeah I like renewability too 23:13 jordach bleh obisidan which follows the SHITTY MC ROUTE 23:14 NekoGloop why the hell does everything have to be renewable 23:14 jojoa1997 i like finite liquids but they lag too much 23:14 khonkhortisan everything must be like trees 23:14 jordach and? 23:14 NekoGloop resource management is a good skill 23:14 Uberi NekoGloop: well it makes it possible to run the world in survival mode theoretically forever 23:14 jojoa1997 lava should be able to be stored in an obsidian tank 23:14 NekoGloop Don't like it? Play creative. 23:14 jojoa1997 STOP POSTIN I CANT HIGHLIGHT THE STUPIC SENTENCE 23:14 khonkhortisan resource management is more difficult with people joining and leaving a server 23:14 jordach i an actually stuck between two things, siding with the devil, or siding with the civilian 23:14 khonkhortisan lol jojoa 23:14 jojoa1997 lava should be able to be stored in an obsidian tank 23:15 Uberi where's the stupic sentence? 23:15 jojoa1997 that is a good feature storable liquids 23:15 Kacey http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77351#p77351 23:15 NekoGloop which is the devil and which is the civillian? 23:15 khonkhortisan ^*5 23:15 Uberi jojoa1997: like in pipeworks? 23:15 Uberi good idea Kacey 23:15 jojoa1997 yes 23:15 kaeza jojoa1997, technic has lava can 23:15 VanessaE zzz 23:15 NekoGloop jordach, which is the devil and which is the civilian? 23:16 jojoa1997 but pipeworks cant store liquids yet cough cough vanessae 23:16 Uberi those of us who like the classic will play classic, those who like mt_game will play mt_game 23:16 jojoa1997 yeah but i mean 23:16 Uberi nobody has to be nailed to anything 23:16 VanessaE jojoa1997: use mauvebic's fork then 23:16 VanessaE i don't care anymore 23:16 Uberi wait they can't store liquids yet? 23:16 * kaeza puts a non-renewable lava_source on VanessaE's head 23:16 jojoa1997 have an obsidian tank and place lava in it but opening a gui 23:16 Uberi I could swear I stored some liquids using them last week 23:16 jojoa1997 anfd then you place a bucket in and either empty bucket or fill bucket 23:17 khonkhortisan pipeworks has a tank, but it doesn't stay in the pipe I think 23:17 * jojoa1997 puts renewable finite lava on VanessaE's head 23:17 Uberi hey sokomine, I'll post the we_limited onto the WE forum topic when I'm done, OK? 23:17 kaeza well... I got a question 23:17 khonkhortisan How do I try finite liquids? 23:17 jojoa1997 guys STOP 23:17 Uberi check the mt.example.conf 23:17 kaeza who actually uses plain vanilla game? 23:17 jojoa1997 what is a good spanish server i want to p[ractice spanish 23:18 Uberi it's like finite_liquids or something 23:18 jojoa1997 uh 0gb and i 23:18 khonkhortisan not me, I have enough mods 23:18 NekoGloop renewable finite: paradox detected 23:18 kaeza jojoa1997, tekk.com.ar 23:18 kaeza ask leo_rockway for privs 23:18 jojoa1997 and do i need to ask for intereact 23:18 khonkhortisan renewable finite: it reproduces a small portion of itself at certain sizes 23:19 jordach oh god, im linus torvalds http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77354#p7735 23:19 NekoGloop if it's renewable, it's infinite 23:19 kaeza khonkhortisan, that's my point. even if vanilla has this and that great/stupid feature, no one will use it anyway 23:19 khonkhortisan it's only infinite if you infinitely renew it 23:20 khonkhortisan renewing is a finite operation 23:20 kaeza everyone will just add mods to suit their style 23:20 jojoa1997 http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77354#p77354 23:20 jojoa1997 http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77354#p77354 23:20 jojoa1997 oops 23:20 jordach and this is why minetest-game should be very empty except basic nodes. mods should add the content 23:20 jojoa1997 kaeza no one is on any others? 23:20 jojoa1997 no 23:21 kaeza so if you add mods to vanilla, why not make that one line change yourself? 23:21 jojoa1997 minetest game is the begining game m,ods adds the random stuff on the side 23:21 khonkhortisan Jordach, I'm using 3) and 2) 6dfacedir is pretty much done 23:21 jordach i will point out this. c55 actually wanted servers to look completely different, except any client can visit without any issues, minetest has left that path 23:21 Uberi jordach: yes, it would be nice, but they don't owe development time to you 23:22 jordach and become a nigh on clone of the game we actually rival 23:22 NekoGloop how so, jordach? 23:22 jojoa1997 c55 was also different then 23:22 Kacey VanessaE, want to sticky my poll so more people can see it? 23:22 jojoa1997 people change over weeks let alone months 23:22 Uberi as in, unless you're hiring them, you are not entitled to demand some particular feature 23:22 VanessaE what poll? 23:22 jojoa1997 Vabnessae do what Kacey said 23:23 khonkhortisan again, what poll? 23:23 Kacey http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5194 23:24 Uberi jordach: "Optimise this fucking game will you? It is slow enough for some people, oh and while we are here, ADD LuaJIT." <= why don't YOU do it, rather than yelling at other people to? 23:24 jordach because spaghetti code 23:24 VanessaE stickied. 23:24 Uberi well then fix the spaghetti code 23:24 jordach i got stickied! 23:24 Uberi or make your own game 23:24 * VanessaE throws some mesecons glue at jordach 23:24 Uberi you don't own MineTest and the developers are not slaves 23:24 khonkhortisan You can compile it, but to get it into the build path is a little harder 23:24 jordach uberi, no, c is out of my league 23:24 Uberi then learn C++? 23:24 Kacey jordach, i got stickied 23:25 jin_xi ^ i dont understand this. just go ahead and make all the game modes you want. why make angry posts about fears and stupid polls. its always easy to bitch, as it is unpleasant to have to listen to it. and never go full retard... 23:25 Kacey 5 vote all on yes 23:25 kaeza Kacey, I will not vote on that, as I use my own custom version of mt_game, so the poll is like 'meh' to me 23:25 jordach uberi, these bunch of lazy sobs need a good asskicking on what e community wants, and not the solo dev 23:25 * khonkhortisan peels some glue off a piston - "I wonder where I get this from?" 23:25 Uberi jordach: no, they are free to do what they want to 23:26 Uberi if you don't like it, you are also free to deal with it 23:26 jordach uberi, pilzadam can push what he wants and can get away with it 23:26 jojoa1997 khnonkhortisan you got it from jordach's head 23:26 khonkhortisan heh 23:26 Uberi jordach: well, what's wrong with that? he develops the game, you know 23:26 jordach ive had enough of sitting on my fat ass now, its time to mutiny pilzadam from his high horse 23:26 Uberi if you don't like it, make your own game and stop complaining 23:26 jojoa1997 jordach i am trying hard to make minetest game better. i cant code c so i do what i can 23:26 jordach uberi, that was the plan 23:26 jojoa1997 so maybe you can contribute too 23:27 Uberi well, tell me how it goes, I;d love to see more options 23:27 jordach anywaysm im going to fuck off to bed now. 23:27 NekoGloop Uberi / VanessaE: Mesecons, should they be attached? 23:27 Uberi attached to what? 23:27 khonkhortisan no, I like my wires through the air 23:27 VanessaE no. 23:27 VanessaE definitely not. 23:27 VanessaE that would break way too many things. 23:28 Uberi oh attached_nodes 23:28 khonkhortisan should I build a 3d computer in liquid glass? 23:28 jojoa1997 i like attacxhed nodes 23:28 Uberi no, we discussed this previously, it would break 3D wiring 23:28 kaeza ^ 23:28 khonkhortisan connect-four would fall to pieces 23:28 jojoa1997 cause i keep on placing 2 on top of eachother but 23:28 Uberi but I usually put it in glass for aesthetic purposes 23:28 jojoa1997 that is onbe downfall of redstone the wires not flaoting 23:28 Uberi plus in case mobs get added in the future, I don't want them spawning inside my dark circuit buildings 23:29 NekoGloop Then goddammit make it look like they can float. 23:29 khonkhortisan what would that look like? 23:29 Uberi they do look like they can float? 23:29 Uberi I'm not adding wings, if that's what you mean 23:29 khonkhortisan put little spinny fan hats on the top of each one 23:29 NekoGloop They should be in the middle of the node ala technic wires 23:29 kaeza jojoa1997, the point of jordach was not to make mt minecraftish 23:29 Uberi :O 23:29 jojoa1997 yes 23:29 khonkhortisan I like how the style is different between the mesecon and technic wires 23:29 kaeza NekoGloop, +1 23:29 jojoa1997 so dont make mesecons attach 23:29 NekoGloop Instead of looking like they should be on the floor. 23:30 Uberi if someone owns a museum, and allows people to view the items inside freely and take pictures, you don't scream at them because the museum has washrooms that are too far away 23:30 jojoa1997 it makes circuits alot more complicated 23:30 Uberi they're doing you a favor by letting you in the museum in the first place 23:30 NekoGloop khonkhortisan, the wires could be made a shitton thinner, after all these aren't electrical. 23:30 Uberi and even though they won't kick you out, it doesn't give you the right to act like you're entitled to more items 23:30 jojoa1997 and anyways wires do sta stff and dont fall apart when not touching something 23:30 Kacey VanessaE, why is moreblocks not supported by hdx? 23:30 khonkhortisan it would only be a nodebox change to put them in the middle, right? 23:30 VanessaE Kacey: it is. 23:31 NekoGloop khonkhortisan, for the most part 23:31 VanessaE your copy of moreblocks is probably out of date. 23:31 Uberi NekoGloop: that would break placing them on the ground 23:31 NekoGloop Then detect the ground... 23:31 Uberi that is inconsistent in appearance 23:31 Uberi why should they be in the middle of the block? I would like to know 23:31 Kacey Menche's copy is old then 23:32 khonkhortisan Someone who always builds mesecons in 2d on flatland might not agree 23:32 NekoGloop Because it looks like shit in the air... 23:32 Uberi NekoGloop: subjective, can you elaborate? 23:32 jojoa1997 and the war has begun :-) http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=77359#p77359 23:32 khonkhortisan if it's in the air, you can't tell the difference 23:32 Uberi exactly 23:32 khonkhortisan if it's on the ground, it'll look silly in the air 23:33 NekoGloop Anyone else makes a suggestion they are somewhat considered... but me? no... not at all... 23:33 jojoa1997 guys 23:33 khonkhortisan it really depends on what the seggestion is 23:33 jojoa1997 mind if you help me test a servers capabilities 23:33 khonkhortisan I'll test something 23:33 NekoGloop Uberi, perhaps make them look a bit fatter, vertically? 23:33 NekoGloop should look at least a little better... 23:33 jojoa1997 go on 0gb.us there are 20 people on but i want to test his server limit 23:34 Uberi NekoGloop: we are considering your suggestion right now, in fact discussing it too 23:34 thexyz where's jordach? 23:34 Uberi NekoGloop: well yeah vertically fatter could work 23:34 Uberi would be easier to select + build on too 23:34 thexyz > 4) At this rate I might as well take control of quality control. Fyi, at this rate I am turning into Linus Torvalds 23:34 Uberi what do you think khonkhortisan + VanessaE? 23:34 jojoa1997 ofwhat 23:35 NekoGloop make it be square on the end of it, i think should look good 23:35 thexyz FYI Linus doesn't only whine 23:35 Uberi thexyz: what does he plan to do, break into GitHub and give himself push permissions? 23:35 NekoGloop Make the wire as tall as it is fat. 23:35 thexyz Uberi: whine? 23:35 khonkhortisan square is fine with me, being a single (possibly insulated) wire, instead of two covered 23:35 jin_xi ask linus for the secret git master password 23:35 Uberi well I said plan to do, not already did 23:35 thexyz well, he may plan to whine more 23:35 Uberi sounds like a plan to me 23:35 thexyz seriously, instead of doing something those people are just doing nothing 23:35 VanessaE Uberi: I'd prefer that mesecons wire thickness remain the way it is now, but the selection boxes could use some work 23:36 ShadowNinja Uberi: ServerError: LuaError: error running function 'on_step': ...rver/bin/../mods/minetest/mesecons/mesecons/util.lua:19: attempt to index local 'r' (a nil value) 23:36 Uberi VanessaE: any reason in particular? and I agree about the selection boxes 23:36 NekoGloop This is the problem with the people in charge of FOSS projects... they have superiority complexes. 23:36 PilzAdam thexyz, do you support my development of minetest_game? 23:36 NekoGloop PilzAdam, no go die in a hole 23:36 thexyz uh duh 23:36 * thexyz uses realtest 23:36 Uberi ShadowNinja: minetest.after issue, fixed yesterday in trunk 23:37 Uberi (i.e., go download PilzAdam's latest build) 23:37 VanessaE Uberi: because they're supposed to represent low-signal-strength wires e.g. TTL or similar. To make them thicker would imply current-carrying capabilities that they aren't meant to have. To make them thinner would make them harder to see from some angles. 23:37 Uberi that's true 23:37 VanessaE and in either case textures would have to be redesigned. 23:37 thexyz PilzAdam: well, I don't see any problem with it 23:37 thexyz therefore I think it's going nice 23:37 PilzAdam some people do 23:37 thexyz just ignore them 23:37 Exio PilzAdam: i support it, in someway the mods are very easy to install and you will not use a default game "by default", just for looking around and so 23:37 NekoGloop Of course, because you're not adding anything original. 23:37 Uberi PilzAdam: well don't change it, whatever you're doing, if they really cared they will fork 23:38 ShadowNinja Uberi: you think I would use windows? 23:38 VanessaE PilzAdam: in general I support it, save for the issues we've argued about. 23:38 khonkhortisan I treat minetest_game as "default" and then add stuff on top 23:38 Uberi ShadowNinja: well statistically speaking, a given user is likely to be using windows :) 23:38 mauvebic minetest_game is like a starter game anyhow 23:38 Exio minetest_game should have a basic (and decent) survival gameplay by default 23:39 kaeza PilzAdam, IMHO you should focus more on fixing/tweaking other mods already written instead of writing them from scratch 23:39 Kacey only 2 for no so far 23:39 jojoa1997 yes 23:39 PilzAdam its nice to hear that at least some people support me :-) 23:39 NekoGloop tyrant 23:39 kaeza Simple Mobs would be a nice addition to mt_game by default 23:39 jojoa1997 Uh i wrote the obsidian 23:39 Uberi NekoGloop: help out on the minetest_classic fork then! 23:39 NekoGloop I will 23:39 PilzAdam jojoa1997, and I tweaked it 23:39 NekoGloop Hell I might make my own gamemode 23:39 khonkhortisan um, I can't bucket ocean water? 23:40 thexyz *might* 23:40 mauvebic seriously cant people just make a game and call it 0.3 (like the old version) 23:40 jojoa1997 yes so pilzadam didnt write it from scratch 23:40 Uberi NekoGloop: I think that's a bad idea, you'll get more done if you work with other people who want the same thing 23:40 Uberi khonkhortisan: is finite enabled? 23:40 PilzAdam kaeza, integrating whole mods is rather complex and should be done carefully 23:40 NekoGloop Of course it's a bad idea. 23:40 jojoa1997 PilzAdam what do you think of an obsidian tank that can hold liquids 23:40 khonkhortisan odd, I think that was just lag or something. Yes finite is on 23:40 PilzAdam adding some parts of the is good, though 23:40 NekoGloop Everything is a bad idea, if it's my idea. 23:40 kaeza PilzAdam, that's what I am saying 23:41 jin_xi i think there should be more game modes and less arguing about what the default is. as long as components are somewhat modular it should be easily possible to make the game you want. 23:41 khonkhortisan Do I need a new world to test finite? 23:41 thexyz NekoGloop: yes 23:41 Uberi nah just turn on the config option khonkhortisan 23:41 jojoa1997 i say four 23:41 mauvebic +1 23:41 jojoa1997 gamemodes 23:41 Uberi but be careful if you've built a lot of water based structures khonkhortisan 23:41 NekoGloop Same goes for pilz and c55 23:41 khonkhortisan I don't know what to look for, it still looks like source and flowing 23:41 Uberi khonkhortisan: try placing a new source or causing a liquid update 23:41 thexyz wait, why is topic named "[poll] mintest_classic game mode" stickied? 23:41 PilzAdam NekoGloop, *Adam 23:42 NekoGloop I figured you didn't have me ignored. 23:42 mauvebic problem is lotsa ppl want their mods in default, so create a couple of diff game mods 23:42 jojoa1997 1)creative 2)survival 3)mega survival super hard 4)map mode for map mkers setting rules life level damage 23:42 jojoa1997 of course 4 will be a long time from now 23:42 khonkhortisan I can't place through water 23:42 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel: looks like I forgot to add some changes before commit amending and pushing, nothing critical but a little cleaner 23:42 khonkhortisan oh. *I can't see the selection box through water 23:43 Uberi khonkhortisan: is it finite now? 23:43 khonkhortisan dunno 23:43 khonkhortisan I got two sources to turn into four 23:43 Uberi :O 23:43 Uberi were they those special infinite finite sources? 23:43 NekoGloop That's because renewable finite!!! 23:44 khonkhortisan they were ocean water created before finite liquid 23:44 Uberi oh that might be it 23:44 khonkhortisan I'll try a new world 23:44 Uberi yeah always a good idea when testing something 23:47 khonkhortisan When I place the water in a hole, should it get smaller as it flows away? 23:48 Uberi yep 23:48 ShadowNinja Uberi: can you add table.insert, table.remove, and math.* to the luacontrollers? 23:48 Uberi ShadowNinja: one moment 23:48 khonkhortisan oh. Have to have minetest closed when I change the conf :) 23:49 Uberi ShadowNinja: I'll ask Jeija about math, but you can already access table.* 23:49 Uberi watch this: 23:50 Uberi v={};insert=v.insert;remove=v.remove 23:50 Uberi all tables inherit the prototype, table 23:50 leo_rockway kaeza: tekk.com.ar -> minetest.com.ar ;-) 23:51 Uberi or just directly use sometableishere:insert(...) 23:51 leo_rockway but my server won't be good to practice Spanish, since it's always empty. 23:51 NekoGloop So, what's different in the minetest-0.4.5-1f1ad9f-lighting-win32 build...? 23:51 kaeza leo_rockway, I need that URL updated ;) 23:51 kaeza also, sorry for the ping :) 23:51 leo_rockway it's okay 23:51 leo_rockway I don't mind getting pinged. 23:51 Uberi NekoGloop: order of magnitude faster lighting 23:52 * Exio pings leo_rockway :D 23:52 Exio err, hi :P 23:52 khonkhortisan creating and deleting worlds resets the menu clouds 23:52 Uberi I think it was what, 20x faster? 23:52 Uberi in any case mapgen is super speedy now 23:52 leo_rockway Exio: hola 23:53 PilzAdam Uberi, lighting was speed up by a factor of 21, wich makes mapgen 10 times faster (in average) 23:53 Uberi impressive 23:53 Uberi I was flying with fast_move on the other day and the mapgen kept up beautifully 23:54 khonkhortisan I tried that too 23:54 PilzAdam with num_emerge_threads = 1 ? 23:54 khonkhortisan but luajit + lighting = even faster 23:54 Uberi I think so, PilzAdam 23:54 PilzAdam you can set this to #cores-2 23:55 PilzAdam (1 is default because it might cause bugs) 23:55 Uberi so I set it to 0? :P 23:55 Uberi no emerge threads means no emergethread bugs! 23:55 kaeza what was the num_emerge_threads default again? max(1, num_cores-1) ? 23:56 PilzAdam num_cores-2 23:56 kaeza ah 23:56 khonkhortisan I just had it say fast_move enabled (no fast privilage) when it actually worked 23:56 PilzAdam can you reproduce it? 23:58 Kacey http://ifunny.mobi/#GCetwjhf haha 23:59 khonkhortisan can't reproduce :( 23:59 Exio kaeza: 1 is the default 23:59 Exio if you disable "the default" and make it autodetect the number, i will be numberofcores-1