Time Nick Message
00:00 Gambit You should firewall him out of minetest.ru so he can't get his fix of drama from the logs
00:00 Gambit Which he is currently refreshing frantically.
00:00 marktraceur He has as many IPs as he'd like, so it would be useless.
00:01 marktraceur He can always get logs from a server he hasn't used here.
00:02 Gambit Yeah but he's not very bright.
00:02 marktraceur Well, true.
00:02 marktraceur All right, thexyz, if that appeals to you, the +b list is a good reference
00:02 marveidemanis hey
00:03 marktraceur marveidemanis: Hi there
00:03 marktraceur You seem to be a bit k-less today.
00:03 marveidemanis hi...is redcrab's server down?
00:03 marveidemanis i cant seem to connect
00:04 marktraceur Seems to be up according to server list
00:04 marveidemanis !up redcrab.suret 30401
00:04 marktraceur Yeah I muted the bot.
00:04 marveidemanis how come?
00:05 marktraceur Because LandMine was using it to spam.
00:05 marktraceur And anyone as unimaginative as that shouldn't be rewarded with a simple attack vector.
00:10 marktraceur Then again, he gets tired easily.
00:10 marktraceur No commitment.
00:11 berome hi LunaVorax :-)
00:11 LunaVorax Hello berome
00:12 telek marktraceur: Gotta work on that if he's ever going to become an (un)productive member of society eh?
00:13 marktraceur telek: That's the truth.
00:16 LandMine Fuck u all
00:16 LandMine Easy to talk shit when I'm not hre
00:16 landmineownz Hahhah he left
00:16 landmineownz What a faggot
00:16 Menche he's a bundle of sticks?
00:17 landmineownz Mrktraceur easy to talk smack when I'm not here eh?
00:17 landmineownz Hahahhaa
00:17 marktraceur Fun times
00:18 mauvebic very gay, tape miss brahms!
00:19 mauvebic if anyone remembers which exact episode thats from, id love to make a meme out of it lol
00:19 hopejoy hey
00:19 hopejoy In desperation I search, trying to find myself I look. I search and search, for my heart is lost I search. Too scared to run too scared to move. Paralyzed by pain and fear I search. I fight to live as I stager at the pain. I sit beside me staring at what I see. I shake my head at what I made me. I fight to not listen at the pain I created. The pain I will always see. As I twitch in emptiness my eyes begin to see. The more they fin
00:19 hopejoy I lay here to night in a dark silent room, Feeling only pain and uncontrollable gloom. Pictures of the blood flash in my head, Pictures of you laying on the floor dead. Never to come back and mess up my life, I smile as I wipe your blood from my knife. Your darkened red blood spills out on the street, Your Colden heart stop DEAD in its beat, I think back to all the pain and the hurt, As I cover your body and spit on the dirt. Fro
00:19 hopejoy Hey you! Yeah, I'm talking to you, "Dad"! Where were you when I needed you the most in my life? You were never at my side, You just wanted a carefree life. Where were you when I was growing up? You were busy starting over, Drinking from your golden cup. Did you pretend that I don't exist anymore, As you were finding someone new? Well, I hope you cherish everyday you live, Because I'm coming for you. Never at a birthday nor graduat
00:20 mauvebic +q
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 hopejoy FUCK YOU MARKTRACEUR!!!
00:20 mauvebic please, +q
00:20 marktraceur *sigh*
00:21 mauvebic wtf was that
00:21 Exio mauvebic: can you quiet $~a? (temporal quiet, ofc)
00:21 marktraceur Hm?
00:21 mauvebic *2
00:21 Exio $a == logged/registered users, ~ == "negation"
00:21 Exio $~a == non-logged/registered users :P
00:21 marktraceur There's an easier version of that
00:21 Exio what version?
00:21 Exio +r blocks join
00:22 marktraceur I guess.
00:22 mauvebic im surprised there ins't an IRC protocol to set channels to invite only
00:22 mauvebic but that would defeat the purpose here lol
00:22 marktraceur mauvebic: There is
00:22 * marktraceur is in at least one such channel
00:22 mauvebic then why do some people setup channels with obscured names? i find that confusing lol
00:23 Exio obscured?
00:23 marktraceur Because they don't understand IRC?
00:23 mauvebic like totally unrelated, would never find in a million years obscured lol
00:23 mauvebic though i understands theres lots of people like me w/ unregistered nicks
00:24 Zack__ Hi all
00:24 khonkhortisan hello
00:25 Zack__ Does anyone know how to regrenerate the ores in an existing world?
00:26 Zack__ I've been playing for a bit but just got the more ores mod, but you don't see any in an existing world until you run off the edge of known territory
00:26 mauvebic ores dont regenerate no
00:26 mauvebic you have to go to new territory or lower depths
00:26 Zack__ :(
00:26 khonkhortisan I made a mine with a very large surface area before I learned that
00:26 mauvebic though, *hint *hint, a biomineralization mod would be cool
00:27 Zack__ I've already dug so deep it takes 3 minutes to get down there to get the new ores
00:27 khonkhortisan how deep? (press F5)
00:27 mauvebic i read this article on microbes that produce microscopic gold as a defense mechanism, pretty cool
00:27 khonkhortisan how does gold become defense?
00:28 mauvebic aparently theres such a thing as toxic gold
00:28 Zack__ where do i read depth?
00:28 mauvebic F
00:28 mauvebic F5
00:28 khonkhortisan So it wouldn't be a good thing to make biogoldbars?
00:28 khonkhortisan y is depth
00:28 Zack__ ah ok, I''m on the surface just now
00:28 khonkhortisan jump and look for the number that changes
00:28 Zack__ will have to walk all the way down haha
00:29 mauvebic article: http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2013/02/04/3682812.htm
00:29 khonkhortisan You can't fall into water, or shift-climb your way back up?
00:29 Zack__ ah, why didnt i think of that
00:29 khonkhortisan We have rails too
00:29 Zack__ I made a massive stair way
00:30 Zack__ got the rails mod, aim to use it too, but the 'more ores' mod is not reseeding into the map
00:30 Zack__ so short answer is I have to restart if I want the new ores?
00:30 khonkhortisan You could make a new map and worldedit your buildings back into it
00:30 Zack__ ok, is that easy to do?
00:31 khonkhortisan I've never done cross-map worldedit.
00:31 khonkhortisan Haven't needed it yet
00:31 berome Zack__: if you are singleplayer you could grant yourself giveme privilege, to deal with lake of stuffs
00:32 Zack__ lake of stuffs?
00:33 mauvebic resources
00:33 mauvebic if youre playing with other players you could use a trade mod too
00:33 berome yes, thanks, I'm not able to translate "manque" correctly
00:34 mauvebic manque usually means shortage (fr to en?)
00:34 Zack__ ok I understand
00:34 marktraceur mauvebic: Usually it's translated as "miss"
00:34 berome mauvebic: yes
00:34 Zack__ I like being as purist as possible, if you want it you have to find it ;)
00:34 mauvebic manque can mean miss as in missing a bus
00:34 mauvebic or it can mean manque as in missing milk
00:35 marktraceur Or missing a friend
00:35 berome +1 for you Zack__
00:35 mauvebic yeah "tu me manque" = "i miss you"
00:35 Zack__ thanks, ok I try world edit my buildings into a new world
00:35 marktraceur The really funny thing is that the order is reversed :)
00:36 marktraceur mauvebic: Is it a noun also?
00:36 Zack__ thanks all, merci
00:36 berome :-)
00:36 mauvebic un manque
00:36 mauvebic yeah its a noun too
00:36 mauvebic un manque d'affection = a lack of affection
00:36 marktraceur I guess it would be translated as "lack"
00:36 mauvebic no wait
00:36 marktraceur Or "dearth"
00:36 mauvebic naw its an adjective
00:37 mauvebic un manquement = lacking or wanting, still adjective
00:37 berome mauvebic: thanks a lack !!!, damn that's it !
00:37 mauvebic i used to translation for english/french newspaper :P one of the better paying jobs
00:38 mauvebic which is why the municipal corruption scandal didn't surprise lol
00:38 marktraceur Bloody quebecois and their bilingalism
00:38 marktraceur bilingualism*
00:38 mauvebic very few of us are actually
00:38 mauvebic the french wont learn english and the english wont learned french, both convinced of their own superiority
00:38 khonkhortisan I'm bilingual but I can't give you an example in irc
00:39 berome :-)))
00:39 mauvebic been this way for 40 odd years here now
00:40 mauvebic though we get the best jobs since you have to be bilingual for gov't jobs
00:52 khonkhortisan Particles get in the way
00:56 marktraceur Brace yourselves, I guess.
00:58 Kacey hello all
00:59 Menche hello
01:01 khonkhortisan hi
01:01 Kacey ooh hai Menche
01:02 marktraceur Right, status
01:02 marktraceur LandMine intends to destroy this community.
01:02 marktraceur Because he's a little boy who enjoys thinking he's superior to others.
01:02 marktraceur This is not a problem. Please ping me and other ops if there are rulebreakers in the channel.
01:04 mauvebic what a surprise: a teenager looking to get a rise out of people :p
01:04 marktraceur Indeed.
01:04 marktraceur This is not news, nor is it any large issue.
01:04 marktraceur As ever I'll be logging the channel
01:04 mauvebic unfortunately we cant have minetest-mature and minetest-immature-trollhere lol
01:05 Menche he just wants you to get mad at him, don't humor him
01:05 marktraceur As the spam cools down I'll ask the Freenode staff to ban the IPs I gather.
01:05 berome mauvebic: lol !
01:06 mauvebic well you either ignore him completely on ban-on-sight, drawing it out and explaining the rules he already knows does nothing but inconvenience everyone else here
01:06 mauvebic i think "he gets it" lol
01:06 marktraceur Now, I agree.
01:06 marktraceur Before, he wasn't so terrible, but if he's going to be this awful, I'll ban on sight.
01:07 mauvebic why not, people don't learn overnight, it takes a few years of people reacting the same way to register theres' something wrong with one's behaviour lol
01:08 marktraceur Indeed.
01:08 mauvebic and some people just get more pig-headed lol
01:09 mauvebic though i know alot of kids feel like people on the internet are "real"
01:09 mauvebic *arent
01:10 mauvebic people say soo much more on the internet than they ever would IRl
01:11 Kacey im going to jtag my xbox
01:14 berome _0/
01:15 mauvebic eww, someone stole our old mattress :/
01:16 khonkhortisan put a tire in the yard with a sign, Free Tire, no one takes it. Change the sign to Tire - $20, gone the next day.
01:16 Kacey right?
01:19 mauvebic lol you should see the pm's LM is sending me
01:19 marktraceur He's given me a small preview
01:32 OldCoder marktraceur, PM
01:44 Kacey /ban LandMine or /kick LandMine
01:45 landminepwnz Yeah do it
01:45 landminepwnz Nobody? Gosh
01:45 Kacey better
01:45 landmine122 Wha is better kacey?
01:46 landmine122 Oldcoder u there?
01:46 landmine122 Need to talk to u
01:47 khonkhortisan Proverbs 18:6 A fool's lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating.
01:47 landmine122 Nice
01:47 landmine122 Brb
01:47 khonkhortisan he asked for it
01:48 Kacey i wish i had ops
01:48 Kacey i would ban his entire netblock
01:48 khonkhortisan I'm happy just being here
01:48 khonkhortisan On a server, though, it would be nice to have some things
01:52 khonkhortisan the particles mod needs some extra code that makes it so if you click on a particle, it make a ray and calculaties where you would've clicked and still lets you place/dig.
01:58 Menche particles mod or built-in particles?
02:00 Exio .. Best viewed at 800x600 with IE 6.0 or Netscape 7.02 or Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 or higher.
02:00 Exio ©2013 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved.
02:00 Exio awesome
02:00 mauvebic vintage porn site?
02:01 mauvebic *vintage browser porn lol
02:01 Exio http://www.realtek.com/
02:03 mauvebic close enough lol
02:03 Menche darn, have to upgrade
02:03 mauvebic the yahoo homepage looked like shit for years
02:03 mauvebic by the time they did something about it no one cared lol
02:17 khonkhortisan Menche, up-to-date particles mod
02:18 Menche sort of obsolete, particles are built in to the c++ now
02:18 khonkhortisan crashes flash
02:40 thisisnotlandmin Wassup peeps
02:40 thisisnotlandmin Back
02:40 thisisnotlandmin !up
02:40 thisisnotlandmin Silenced useless bot
02:57 thisisnotlandmin Hmmmm
03:14 thisisnotlandmin ...................................................................................................
03:19 * VanessaE looks in
03:20 Menche been pretty quiet
03:26 thisisnotlandmin Yeah menche its dead
03:26 thisisnotlandmin Vanessae u missed out on alot
03:26 VanessaE meh.
03:30 LandMine Meh?
03:45 VanessaE meh.
03:47 LandMine Lol....its was fun
03:47 VanessaE if you say so.
03:48 LandMine Did u see the logs?
03:49 VanessaE yeah.
03:49 Menche lol
03:49 VanessaE bye bye.
04:10 LandMine Not nice
04:11 landminerog Not nice at all
04:20 khonkhortisan it's like throwing someone in jail when they can walk out a different jail door every time
04:21 VanessaE well I just closed off a number of possible doors.
04:22 khonkhortisan that's "QUITting" to you, skyline
05:26 * khonkhortisan sets ban on *!*@*192.168.*
05:39 marktraceur VanessaE: I hesitated to ban everything in 189.191.*....seems like we might get some false positives
05:41 VanessaE doubt it
05:51 VanessaE bedtime for me....mark, if you feel the need, reduce that to a class C; 189.191.111.*
05:52 marktraceur I don't currently
05:52 VanessaE night :-)
05:52 marktraceur Some hundreds of thousands of IP blocks....only 66 people in the channel
06:01 celeron55 best of all, landmine is very likely to still be here 8)
06:02 marktraceur celeron55: Sauron has many spies....
06:02 marktraceur celeron55: I don't mind though
06:02 marktraceur celeron55: With an IP block taken away he has relatively little power unless he wants to burn more of his IPs
06:05 celeron55 dunno
06:06 celeron55 he could just use tor or so
06:06 marktraceur celeron55: I would have zero qualms about blocking tor enpoints
06:06 marktraceur endpoints*
06:06 celeron55 maybe, but you can't do that without blocking them one by one
06:07 celeron55 unless /ban *!
06:07 celeron55 *!*@*
06:07 celeron55 8)
06:11 marktraceur celeron55: You'd like that wouldn't you :)
06:11 celeron55 to me, having people who do this kind of stuff is more of a peculiarity than a practical problem
06:12 celeron55 i mean, why don't they have anything useful to do with their lives; what kind of lives do they have to make them do so
06:12 marktraceur celeron55: It's a superiority complex
06:13 marktraceur celeron55: A skilled psychiatrist might suggest something about phalli.
06:16 hmmmm actually he is still here
06:16 hmmmm we were talking about bots after he had been banned and he messaged me foolishly about my 'gay bots' or something
06:17 marktraceur hmmmm: Of course he's still here, but he's hiding like the child he is.
06:18 marktraceur Maybe I should use smaller words
06:18 hmmmm anyway, he's probably one of those with hidden hostmasks
06:19 marktraceur "superiority complex" is psychology-speak for "probably has a tiny penis and is compensating by being a bully"
06:19 hmmmm he's hardly a bully, he's just a random tard
06:19 marktraceur hmmmm: Hardly different from someone who would casually demean those with learning disabilities :)
06:20 hmmmm calling him a bully implies that he's somehow harming you though.
06:21 marktraceur hmmmm: I don't know
06:21 marktraceur hmmmm: Being a bully isn't transitive
06:21 marktraceur hmmmm: One can be a bully towards an entire group of people, or to people in general (though then I might use the word "misanthrope")
06:22 marktraceur I don't need to be personally affronted to recognize a bully.
06:22 marktraceur Or to recognize the likely cause of the bullying, however small it may be.
06:22 * marktraceur can sit here and make scientifically unsound small-penis jokes all evening :)
06:23 hmmmm you could, but that'd just show everybody how much spare time you have on your hands.
06:23 marktraceur hmmmm: True. And that's not really accurate, so I'd better do useful things instead.
06:26 marktraceur In any case, I suppose, LM really doesn't deserve such hostility.
06:26 marktraceur I mean, at his core, there's a person.
06:27 marktraceur Whatever hatred emanates from him, he does deserve some level of respect.
06:27 marktraceur So to LM's puppets and spies: I respect LandMine. I just don't appreciate the hatred.
07:26 OldCoder Hi
07:40 VanessaE well THAT was a colossal waste of time.. as usual
07:40 * VanessaE can't sleep.
07:41 VanessaE (why do I even bother trying? Maybe I should just tank up on caffeine-bearing consumables and just stay up for the next...month)
08:00 thexyz >Because I don't think he's so evil that he has no chances
08:00 thexyz oh you!
08:03 marktraceur thexyz: I still think that. But if someone essentially declares war, I'm not about to think they're lying :)
08:03 VanessaE hah
08:04 thexyz !up minetest.org 30000-30002
08:04 Minetest-tan thexyz: Invalid Port: 30000-30002
08:04 VanessaE marktraceur: I'm pretty sure LM or whoever he really is has already doneso
08:04 thexyz k
08:04 thexyz that feature was damn useless anyways
08:05 marktraceur VanessaE: I hadn't seen or heard that
08:05 VanessaE when you start insulting and being nasty to people in the most vocal way, and publishing wishing for the death of someone you don't know and are not affected by, that's about as close to a declaration of war as you can get.
08:05 VanessaE s/publishing/publicly/
08:06 VanessaE thexyz: not to mention, so easily abused :-/
08:13 OldCoder NEWS: My worlds are back online except for Europe which is coming. I need to know if they work or not.
08:13 VanessaE OldCoder: A major update to my world will be coming soon also, a few days probably. New map, everything's been rearranged. updated a few mods, dropped a few. All interesting buildings are being copied over
08:13 OldCoder k
08:44 OldCoder Would anybody like to try my worlds?
10:46 Calinou hi
10:46 VanessaE hi
10:46 Calinou there was a power outage this morning :D
10:47 VanessaE heh
10:47 VanessaE fix stairsplus plz ;-)
10:47 VanessaE you bwoke it :*(
10:47 Calinou how? :P
10:48 VanessaE stairs don't show up in creative inventory, digging slabs et.al = Unknown Item, can't stack 1/4 slabs -> 1/2, 3/4, whole blocks
10:48 VanessaE all mods using stairsplus fail now, except technic
10:50 Calinou stairs not showing in creative inv == intended to prevent having too many pages in creative inv
10:50 VanessaE yea but that seriously breaks the ability to *use* them
10:50 VanessaE this is bad
10:51 Calinou I can craft things in creative :P
10:51 Calinou at least with unified_inventory
10:51 VanessaE please, undo that change
10:52 Calinou looks like I can't stack slabs/stairs in creative though
10:52 Calinou oops, not stairs
10:52 Calinou i'll do that then
10:52 VanessaE it worked in RBA's version of stairsplus
10:52 VanessaE and was incredibly handy
10:55 Calinou done
10:55 VanessaE which part was done? :-)
10:55 Calinou I have 12 pages of unified_inventory now (my modpack + default mods)
10:55 Calinou putting stairs and stuff in creative inv
10:56 VanessaE pff. I have 22...without the fixed stairsplus :-)
10:56 VanessaE oh ok
10:56 Calinou gave me an idea: a button could hide stairs and stuff when needed :P
10:56 VanessaE what about the unknown items issue?
10:58 Calinou digging slabs in creative = no unknown items
10:58 VanessaE place, say, a technic concrete 1/4 slab. dig it up. -> Unknown Item.
10:58 Calinou no unknown items in survival too
10:58 Calinou oh I'm not using technic :P
11:00 VanessaE are the slabs stackable again?
11:03 Calinou no
11:03 VanessaE :(
11:03 Calinou no idea how I broke it
11:03 Calinou it's probably because of infinite items
11:03 VanessaE those are so handy too
11:03 VanessaE nonono
11:04 VanessaE not that
11:04 Calinou are you sure?
11:04 VanessaE I mean, place a 1/4 slab, then point at the top and place another
11:04 VanessaE you should get a 1/2 slab
11:04 Calinou I think the code checks whether you have (old amount of items) - 1
11:04 Calinou yes
11:04 VanessaE then 3/4 slab, then a whole block.
11:04 Calinou it's the infinite items
11:04 VanessaE worked fine in Unified Inventory
11:04 VanessaE (which is not infinite)
11:04 Calinou but in creative you don't have (old amount of items) -1
11:04 Calinou I use unified_inventory and I have infinite items
11:04 Calinou I use latest git
11:05 Calinou (of minetest and minetest_game)
11:05 VanessaE odd
11:05 VanessaE oh wait
11:05 VanessaE you're using UI, not technic+UI
11:05 VanessaE it was merged
11:16 * VanessaE loads up the update...
11:16 VanessaE yay, slabs/stairs are back
11:16 VanessaE still getting unknown items.
11:17 VanessaE still can't stack them vertically :(
11:18 * Calinou puts a kitten on the late PilzAdam's head
11:18 VanessaE also:
11:19 VanessaE take stairs:xxxxx out of the creative inventory - only leave stairsplus:xxxxx
11:19 VanessaE otherwise you end up with duplicates of stuff like cobble, stone, brick, etc. stairs
11:24 Calinou k
11:25 Calinou crappy hack done :3
11:25 VanessaE \o/
11:25 Calinou shouldn't matter much anyway
11:26 Calinou (this makes old wood stairs "cracky" -- you aren't supposed to use them anyway)
11:26 VanessaE heh
11:27 Infinity_69 hi
11:28 Calinou have to go now, lunch, bye
11:28 VanessaE ok
11:28 Infinity_69 hi VanessaE
11:28 Infinity_69 Excess Flood?
11:28 Infinity_69 da fuq?!
11:28 Infinity_69 did he ACTUALLY flood?
11:28 VanessaE his standard signoff.
11:29 Infinity_69 since when does Cal flood?
11:29 Infinity_69 wut?
11:29 Infinity_69 so thats how he always does it?
11:31 Infinity_69 so, how ya been, vanessae?
11:31 VanessaE eh.
11:32 Infinity_69 o.O
11:32 Infinity_69 how do i set char encode to urf-8?
11:33 Infinity_69 me no remember...
11:33 VanessaE no idea
11:33 Infinity_69 ubSmart
11:33 Infinity_69 oh...
11:34 Infinity_69 got it :D
11:34 Infinity_69
11:34 Infinity_69 :)
11:47 Infinity_69 i need somebody who knows both english and russian skills
11:47 Infinity_69 im making a website in 3 languages: Estonian, English and Russian
11:47 Infinity_69 or should i use gTranslate?
11:49 Infinity_69 it would be easier, yet quality will be drawn down :/
11:49 Infinity_69 alot
11:49 Infinity_69 i need help with russian only, because im great at english and estonian, because im from Estonia...
11:51 Infinity_69 VanessaE, where are you from?
11:51 VanessaE US.
11:51 Infinity_69 rly?
11:51 Infinity_69 C
11:51 Infinity_69 O
11:51 Infinity_69 O
11:51 Infinity_69 L
11:51 Infinity_69 :D
11:52 Infinity_69 how good is your russian?
11:52 VanessaE I only speak English.
11:52 Infinity_69 oh :/
11:59 Infinity_69 but do you know anybody who could help?
12:00 Infinity_69 g2g
12:00 Infinity_69 cya later
12:01 thexyz well
12:02 thexyz it's not like i know any "english and russian skills"
12:53 Infinity_69 hi\
12:53 Infinity_69 ima bea back'a :D
12:54 Infinity_69 VanessaE, hi :)
12:56 xming is there a way to have a dedicated server without dpendencies on renderer, output, ... (irr, mesa and xorg)?
12:57 Infinity_69 ugh...
12:57 Infinity_69 I HAVE NO IDEA!
12:58 Infinity_69 bye yall
13:23 celeron55 xming: yes
13:24 celeron55 xming: you need the irrlicht headers to build one
13:24 celeron55 but not the library, and none of it's dependencies (obviously)
13:26 celeron55 something like -DIRRLICHT_SOURCE_DIR=/wherever/you/unzipped/the/source to cmake should do the job
13:26 celeron55 (IIRC)
13:26 celeron55 and -DBUILD_CLIENT=0 to make it build only the server
14:27 Kacey hello all
14:28 RealBadAngel hello #minetest
14:39 RealBadAngel ping
14:39 Kacey pong
14:39 RealBadAngel i saw so many joins but then silence
14:39 RealBadAngel started to wonder if my conn is alive lol
14:39 Kacey haha
14:40 RealBadAngel ive pushed Nores frame code to technic
14:41 RealBadAngel i was doing frames nodeboxes whole last night
14:41 RealBadAngel and i think theyre great
14:44 RealBadAngel of course i had to build automatic quarry with frames, frame motors, nodebreakers, tubes and mesecons
14:44 RealBadAngel all the stuff starts to work with each other pretty nicely
14:46 Kacey cool
14:47 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/7KS3xoY.jpg
14:50 RealBadAngel soon we will have in minetest flyin, moving vehicles, houses, quarries etc
14:51 RealBadAngel all controlled by mesecons
14:52 RealBadAngel and by vehicles i dont mean carts
14:53 RealBadAngel powered machines with lotsa control logic, big as creator want it to be
14:53 RealBadAngel ofc we will need remote control for them too
14:55 Kacey we (kinda) have that
15:03 meldrian hello @all
15:40 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
15:41 meldrian hi PilzAdam
15:54 mauvebic coffee?
15:56 meldrian yes please, sugar, no milk ^^
16:01 mauvebic hazlenut blend :-)
16:02 mauvebic it was actually cheaper than house blend which tastes like horse's ass anyhoo :p
16:18 RealBadAngel mit rum bitte
16:19 RealBadAngel hi PilzAdam, mauvebic
16:20 PilzAdam hey RBA
16:21 RealBadAngel and hi Calinou
16:21 RealBadAngel Nore just made frames code
16:21 RealBadAngel i dont know really this guy, but hes good
16:22 RealBadAngel he pushed further my tubes code and now popped up with frames
16:24 RealBadAngel damn if mt could have 20 coders like him...
16:25 PilzAdam can you point me to some code of him?
16:25 RealBadAngel go to my hithub, choose technic, and frames.lua
16:26 RealBadAngel i just added nodeboxes to frames instead of temporary solution
16:26 marktraceur VanessaE: Did you ever fix the licensing of the dyes mod?
16:26 RealBadAngel wtfpl
16:27 RealBadAngel theres nothin to fix
16:28 marktraceur RealBadAngel: Your lack of imagination isn't required in this conversation, thanks
16:28 RealBadAngel im not just strict as you
16:28 RealBadAngel we do code for community
16:29 mauvebic hi Rba
16:29 RealBadAngel and we dont care bout licences
16:29 RealBadAngel in fact we are forced to pick ones
16:29 marktraceur RealBadAngel: Yeah, well, I care about things that could potentially cause me legal issues in the future. The fact that you're totally uninterested in following the law isn't my problem.
16:30 RealBadAngel you could have problems because of the code i wrote? or vanessa?
16:30 mauvebic legal issues for you how?
16:30 RealBadAngel R O T F L
16:30 marktraceur mauvebic: The licensing is ambiguous, if I follow it incorrectly it's my problem.
16:30 marktraceur RealBadAngel: You find that funny, eh?
16:31 RealBadAngel marktraceur, its funny indeed
16:31 mauvebic ok well when's the last time you used someone else's code here in MT?
16:31 RealBadAngel it means somebody is "twisted" here
16:31 marktraceur RealBadAngel: Laugh quietly to yourself and quit disrupting my conversations.
16:31 marktraceur mauvebic: Every time I start the game?
16:32 mauvebic im talking about modding
16:32 marktraceur mauvebic: Not really what I'm talking about, though.
16:32 RealBadAngel when i use some1's code i let the community know that im not the original author
16:33 RealBadAngel i credit him
16:33 mauvebic i can understand that licensing is an issue if you write mods and borrow code to do it, but i havent seen any new mods from you lately so i dont see why licensing is an issue for you
16:33 RealBadAngel and expect the same
16:33 marktraceur mauvebic: Fun fact, licensing is for people who *run code* too.
16:33 * Calinou makes a song out of mauvebic's code then plays it in a shop
16:33 RealBadAngel and thats all. just be kind to others
16:34 Calinou "minetest, register node, hydroculture, plant"
16:34 marktraceur RealBadAngel: yeah that's not how licenses work.
16:34 RealBadAngel so fuck them
16:34 mauvebic well youre the only one who cares about the license of the mods you're playing with, everyone else only checks when they need to borrow something
16:34 marktraceur In any case, VanessaE, there are issues with your licensing and I need you to either fix it or change the license. Thanks.
16:34 mauvebic and even then, some people ignore it
16:34 marktraceur mauvebic: Illegally, yes.
16:35 mauvebic what are you gonna dom, sue them?
16:35 mauvebic *do
16:35 marktraceur RealBadAngel: They're pretty important for preserving the rights of the users, actually, so I make sure they're used properly and followed.
16:35 RealBadAngel it doesnt work this way in the community
16:35 mauvebic rubenwardy, remind us how much merchandising has raised so far? lol
16:35 marktraceur RealBadAngel: It works this way in *the legal system*. The community doesn't get to change that.
16:35 RealBadAngel if one will continously steal the others code
16:35 RealBadAngel and claim hes an author...
16:36 RealBadAngel you can guess what will happen
16:36 RealBadAngel we wont sue him for sure
16:36 RealBadAngel gtfo and good bye
16:36 celeron55 licenses don't matter in the short term, but in the long term they will shape everything
16:37 markveidemanis WHAT THE...
16:37 markveidemanis http://servers.minetest.ru/
16:37 mauvebic well right now it just sounds like you're bullying people into chosing the license of *your* choice
16:37 markveidemanis click my servers link
16:37 markveidemanis spanich
16:37 markveidemanis spanisk
16:37 markveidemanis nvm
16:37 celeron55 if you set up the right licenses, then more can build upon your work and things can become big and considerable in the scale of the world
16:37 Calinou
16:37 celeron55 if not, then it's bound to be just hobby stuff of random people; no chance of anything else
16:38 RealBadAngel celeron55, but hes apparently against wtfpl
16:38 Calinou
16:38 mauvebic my last commented wasn't directed at celeron rather mark
16:38 marktraceur RealBadAngel: I didn't say that. I said I didn't need your input.
16:38 celeron55 RealBadAngel: why would he be?
16:38 marktraceur RealBadAngel: VanessaE has chosen to license it under GPL, and I'm cool with that. She just needs to do it right.
16:38 RealBadAngel its not the first time we talk bout this
16:38 mauvebic i think there should be a rule about letting people chose wtv license without intimidation
16:39 RealBadAngel i say hes too strict just, its an open source and community project
16:40 RealBadAngel we do not earn money here, we do not work here
16:40 mauvebic and we dont have bosses here :p
16:40 marktraceur RealBadAngel: You don't think I know that? I'm just trying to make sure someone can't come in and mess with others' code against their wishes.
16:40 celeron55 i demand 1) clear licensing, 2) licensing that does not have NC clauses
16:40 mauvebic seriously sometimes i get less shit for my paid work lol
16:40 celeron55 i don't support anything where those aren't met
16:41 mauvebic well im gonna keep using NC
16:41 mauvebic pay me to change it
16:41 khonkhortisan You wouldn't support my stuff just because of 1)
16:41 Calinou why would we sell your mod
16:41 celeron55 mauvebic: sell your mod yourself; it's not my problem
16:41 mauvebic but thats the point, im not selling it and neither should anyone else
16:41 PilzAdam new win32 gettext build: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=68666
16:42 mauvebic nor do i want to get sued if someone else does
16:42 RealBadAngel pointed
16:42 celeron55 mauvebic: somebody might want to host it on a website with advertisements, and at that time (being any time in 100 years) there wouldn't be any other minetest-focused website
16:42 celeron55 mauvebic: do you disapprove that?
16:42 celeron55 because advertisements are commercial
16:43 RealBadAngel we do have adblock.....
16:43 mauvebic so the ideal solution would be to add a clause exempting website ads,
16:43 mauvebic without chosing a license that lands me in hot water later
16:43 RealBadAngel what was the last time you saw a commercial here?
16:43 khonkhortisan I and half my immediate family has adblock
16:43 celeron55 mauvebic: there are many other such possible situations
16:43 Calinou same :>
16:43 mauvebic heres my take:
16:43 mauvebic star trek doesn't care that i used 5-6 of their LCARS stuff as computers in minetest
16:44 mauvebic but if someone makes money off that somehow, i could be held liable for damages
16:44 mauvebic im doing this for fun, not for legal troubles
16:44 marktraceur Protip, don't use copyrighted material in your works.
16:44 mauvebic oh please,
16:45 celeron55 mauvebic: here is my take: simply: use CC BY-SA; this gives eveyrone the possibility to distribute your mods and even sell them, but now look: if they sell them, you can sell them too; just add a lower price and there you go - also, if somebody does modifications to them and not depending on whether they sell it or not, they are forced to license everything they have done under CC BY-SA, which gives you the right to just take it
16:45 mauvebic minecraft is a paid game and theyve done much more with their mods
16:45 celeron55 and this all with none of advertisement-like problems
16:45 celeron55 there simply is no sane reason to not do so
16:46 RealBadAngel if some1 can organize the situation around him, "force" folks to cliks his paid links
16:46 celeron55 mauvebic: minecraft has much more stuff in mods because it is like 100 thousand times more popular, which makes the amount of skilled coders around it hundreds of times more too
16:46 RealBadAngel it means simply hes good at it
16:46 RealBadAngel and it has nothin to do with our code
16:47 RealBadAngel look at DireWolf20 @ youtube
16:47 mauvebic i cant imagine a situation where anyone makes any money from this though, so there's no realistic reason to do it either
16:47 RealBadAngel hes makin minecraft let's plays
16:47 marktraceur mauvebic: Just because you can't come up with a business plan doesn't mean you should restrict others from doing so
16:47 RealBadAngel lemme check how many views has he right now
16:48 RealBadAngel 134,587 subscribers
16:48 RealBadAngel 41,459,637 video views
16:48 mauvebic dont get me wrong minetest is a great game, but there are 2 competing commercial products, one of which is a generation ahead of both (blockscape), those are more likely to make money
16:48 jordach hello all
16:48 mauvebic its not about business plans at that point
16:48 celeron55 mauvebic: also what do you think it will do to your user base if somebody manages to sell your mod? it will go WAY up, because otherwise it isn't viable to sell it
16:49 celeron55 and you get the credit because of BY-SA
16:49 jordach so i saw 'griefer fail' in the logs...
16:49 celeron55 they can't sell it as theirs
16:49 jordach :P
16:49 jordach celeron55, got anywhere with the ghetto mod?
16:49 celeron55 jordach: no, it was a joke
16:50 jordach :P
16:50 mauvebic ill tell you what, the day someone comes up with a plan for all of us to earn a little scratch off our mods, then ill chose an appropriate license
16:50 celeron55 i'm now focusing here on arguing with people that are wrong
16:50 RealBadAngel anyway, my code is free to use, when some1 asks for takin it. and when i do the same
16:50 marktraceur celeron55: Better to save your arguments for people who are wrong and not morons
16:50 celeron55 marktraceur: i'm starting to figure that
16:51 jordach celeron55 http://xkcd.com/386/
16:51 marktraceur It's seductive to argue with fools, because people who aren't fools aren't usually wrong
16:51 mauvebic ... and not morons
16:51 jordach also: i nearly posted the WRONG link...
16:51 marktraceur But after any conversation with a fool, they'll go right on being fools.
16:51 celeron55 marktraceur: too true
16:51 mauvebic somehow doesn't fee threatening coming from a guy who spends most his energies on IRC
16:51 jordach like LM
16:51 mauvebic *feel
16:52 * jordach slithers away
16:52 marktraceur jordach: LM isn't a fool, just misguided.
16:52 jordach plot twist: lm has autism and adhd
16:52 marktraceur jordach: How do you figure?
16:53 RealBadAngel c55 called him even usefull, because he finds security holes quickly ;)
16:53 jordach considering he seems to be hyperactive
16:53 jordach and has no social control
16:53 jordach and possibly a psychological issue..
16:54 marktraceur jordach: Everyone has psychological issues. It's just a question of whether it rises to the level of disorder.
16:54 jordach markt, possibly..we dont know
16:54 khonkhortisan *sob* I don't have issues!
16:54 marktraceur khonkhortisan: Do you have a brain?
16:54 marktraceur Or rather, a mind?
16:54 * jordach hands khonkhortisan a kitten
16:54 RealBadAngel now you have ;)
16:55 jordach rba, HA!
16:58 * marktraceur doesn't get it
17:00 khonkhortisan My saying I don't have issues contradicts the *sob*, and having a kitten means I have to feed it, clean the litter, walk it, water it, and other pet stuff
17:01 jordach khonkhortisan you dony walk a kitten
17:02 jordach dont*
17:02 khonkhortisan okay. I'm more of a dog person, and don't walk my dog either
17:03 jordach cats tend to walk themselves
17:06 markveidemanis Yop
17:06 markveidemanis My server is back up on a new VPS
17:08 markveidemanis I have a challenge for someone
17:08 markveidemanis To make a lighter minetest
17:09 markveidemanis Just stone, grass,dirt,cobble,coal,iron and coal lump + iron lump and ingot
17:09 markveidemanis no furnaces
17:09 PilzAdam http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3441
17:09 markveidemanis much less than that
17:10 markveidemanis i mean split second start time on a netbook
17:11 markveidemanis Thats the game, i mean the core
17:14 xming celeron55: ty, then server built won
17:15 xming need irrlicght lib?
17:16 markveidemanis Someone make a camera mod.
17:16 markveidemanis spy cam
17:18 xming celeron55: nvm, just built it, and horray
17:36 markveidemanis http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3954
17:37 markveidemanis http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=68672#p68672
18:13 khonkhortisan Using AND, NOT, & replacing OR with two diodes, mesecons do not behave the same as an equal circuit in logisim.
18:21 khonkhortisan That really bugs me that it's the same circuit but it behaves differently.
18:22 celeron55 khonkhortisan: is it a timing issue?
18:23 khonkhortisan probably.
18:23 celeron55 then you can't really blame anyone :P
18:25 khonkhortisan The shorter (by both number of gates and wire distance) path should arrive first
18:39 khonkhortisan By adding print into the microcontroller, I'm seeing the other path getting there first.
18:39 khonkhortisan In Logisim, each wire takes 0 time and each gate takes 1 time. In mesecons, I really don't know how it works.
18:39 RealBadAngel so maybe "lazy and" could be a solution?
18:40 RealBadAngel that can eliminate signal lags
18:41 RealBadAngel or try delayers on some singal lines
18:44 khonkhortisan A delayer would work.
18:45 khonkhortisan I have a button and multiple sections. The button is supposed to go into the first section on first press, second section on second press, and so on. Each section has an output signal for when it's done.
18:46 khonkhortisan My microcontroller takes a signal from the button and from the previous section and only gives a signal to the next section if the button was press a _new_ time after the previous section was done.
18:46 khonkhortisan The button signal is supposed to arrive before the done-section signal, but they are arriving in the wrong order. I'll just add a delayer to every done-section signal.
18:51 khonkhortisan The delayer works right, but I'm going to change it so I don't even need the done-section signal.
18:57 khonkhortisan It is no longer be a timing issue, it's that I don't know how to store/read µC memory
18:59 khonkhortisan ugh. on(1) doesn't work, but sbi(1,1) does.
19:06 markveidemanis Hi
19:06 khonkhortisan hello
19:07 markveidemanis I need a website designer
19:07 brandy hey markvei
19:07 markveidemanis Hi
19:07 brandy hru?
19:07 markveidemanis Do you have dreamweaver?
19:07 markveidemanis il show you what i done so far...
19:08 markveidemanis Ive screwed this up...
19:08 markveidemanis someone help!
19:08 markveidemanis il upload it and can someone plz fix it.
19:09 brandy I dont know computers at all or I would, sorry
19:09 markveidemanis k
19:09 markveidemanis Who can?
19:10 khonkhortisan not me, I don't have that program
19:11 marktraceur OK
19:11 marktraceur markveidemanis: You've been lied to, Dreamweaver isn't necessary for web programming.
19:11 marktraceur markveidemanis: Upload your source code somewhere and we can look at it.
19:11 khonkhortisan I use a simple text editor and my os's web setup
19:17 rotor112 minetest.org works again
19:18 * rotor112 says hi
19:18 thexyz vim is necessary for
19:21 sapier1 hello anyone here used to mesecon mod?
19:22 Jeija hmmm... me?
19:22 PilzAdam nah, I dont think so... :-)
19:22 sapier ohhh :-) ... can you tell me in short what changes to api have been done in last hmm 6 weeks?
19:24 Jeija well, a lot; the whole definition of conductor/receptor/effector now is in the node definition (see http://mesecons.net/developers.php for reference) and the old functions like register_conductor etc. have been removed
19:24 sapier will this be stable ?
19:24 khonkhortisan RealBadAngel, ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: LuaError: error: ...e/.minetest/mods/minetest/technic/technic/rubber.lua:111: attempt to call method 'spawn_tree' (a nil value)
19:24 Jeija I will support for at least 1 year, maybe forever
19:25 sapier great :-) I don't like to update mods just using switch feature once a month ;-)
19:26 Jeija That update was just badly needed, because when I started writing the mod more than I year ago I didn't know lua at all; This new version is now very clean
19:27 PilzAdam (suggested by PilzAdam)
19:27 PilzAdam :-)
19:27 sapier I know I've rewritten mobf more than once
19:28 Jeija nah, PilzAdam, I originally had that design in (an unreleased version of) digilines before, but you were the one who made me add it to mesecons
19:28 sapier don't bother pilzadam claims any mod for his own ;-P
19:29 PilzAdam not mobf, I have simple mobs :-)
19:29 sapier which are by any means all from simple compared to what you need to write to have a mobf mob
19:30 sapier that simple is a kind of false promise ;-)
19:30 sapier still my conductors don't work ... seams I'll have to dig deeper to find out what has changed ...
19:30 Jeija can you paste the code somewhere?
19:32 sapier I assume it's something with delayed mesecon initialization contained in this mod ... I'll have to look for myself as I haven't worked on this code for sometime
19:33 marktraceur wahitdoesntwork: That's a foreboding nickname choice, mate
19:33 khonkhortisan aka whywontthiswork
19:33 Jeija Shouldn't matter when mesecons is initialized, it will read the nodes' mesecons definition when required
19:36 khonkhortisan who needs ands, nots, and ors when we have microcontrollers :P
19:37 sapier who needs microcontrolers running on top of a multicore cpu? ;-P
19:39 khonkhortisan Can on(1) and off(1) please do the same thing as sbi(1,1) and sbi(1,0)?
19:39 sapier jeija whats wrong with this code?
19:40 sapier http://pastebin.com/GCcd0d5q
19:40 khonkhortisan I know
19:40 khonkhortisan mesecons = { conductor = { state = ...
19:41 khonkhortisan you need another array in between mesecons and state
19:41 sapier ok :-) thx
19:41 khonkhortisan conductor or effector or receptor
19:42 khonkhortisan mesecons/mesecons/init.lua shows that structure
19:43 khonkhortisan wahitdoesntwork connected to his own server and every node has a strong red tint
19:43 sapier hmm doesn't work either
19:43 wahitdoesntwork I think I'm in a volcano or something
19:46 sapier is there anything I need to do if my mod doesn't have mesecon as hard dependency?
19:47 khonkhortisan be careful running functions?
19:48 sapier related to conductors ;-P
19:48 khonkhortisan you need "state = mesecon.state.on,"
19:49 sapier can't use this with non hard dependency there's written "on" and "off" do work too is this dtill correct jeija?
19:50 khonkhortisan you may or may not need a rules = {
19:50 sapier I don't want any special thins ... btw mesecon lines seem to connect to my conductors they just don't switch them
20:09 wahitdoesntwork are all the blocks supposed to be that red color?
20:09 PilzAdam turn shaders off
20:10 sapier I promise to call a mob after that person that fixes that damn texture bug on relogin it's just a pain in the ass
20:11 mauvebic i can send brownies to such an end
20:11 mauvebic maybe even hookers?
20:11 Jeija sapier, can you paste the code?
20:12 sapier I've found the bug thanks jeija .. now I'm looking for reaton why some of my nodes aren't in creative inventory but this is another problem
20:13 Jeija ok
20:13 sapier but if someone has an idea :-
20:13 sapier )
20:15 khonkhortisan should be in there as long as you have no groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
20:15 mauvebic you got both a description and you checked the groups?
20:15 wahitdoesntwork thanks pilzadam, that made everything stop being red
20:15 sapier hmmmm ... case sensitive variable names am I right? :-/
20:16 mauvebic should be description = 'node name',
20:16 mauvebic creative skips nodes that dont have that field too
20:16 khonkhortisan I think you don't need the mesecon group anymore
20:17 sapier case sensitive ... yes
20:19 sapier thanks mauvebic i had Description for some nodes instead of description
20:20 mauvebic its weird how some things are case sensitive by default and others arent lol
20:26 wahitdoesntwork what does 'ERROR[main]: Some exception: "Access violation"' mean?
20:26 khonkhortisan you timed out
20:26 sapier minetest tried to read memory that didn't belong to it
20:26 khonkhortisan but that's not what it means
20:26 wahitdoesntwork why would it do that?
20:27 * khonkhortisan wonders if it would be useful for µCs to have buttons to flip/rotate every occurance of ports ABCD in the program.
20:27 Traxie21 Hello
20:27 khonkhortisan hello
20:28 wahitdoesntwork hello
20:28 Traxie21 Can someone who knows a lot about lua help me with something?
20:28 Traxie21 It ought to be simple
20:28 khonkhortisan maybe.
20:28 wahitdoesntwork I haven't used Lua much since I played Foldit
20:30 wahitdoesntwork this game has so much fog I can't even see 3 blocks ahead of me
20:31 Traxie21 Here
20:31 Traxie21 http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=68712#p68712
20:35 PilzAdam bye
20:36 mauvebic im not crazy about the bright-white fog in the -Y range lol
20:37 wahitdoesntwork all the blocks were white because of the fog
20:43 Muadtralk you try disabling fog?
20:43 Muadtralk or shift+ ing?
20:44 wahitdoesntwork looks like the fog distance was set to about 25 or 35 when I pressed shift +
20:47 wahitdoesntwork traxie21: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7964850/how-to-convert-string-into-a-table
20:48 wahitdoesntwork it's as simple as _G[tablename]
21:16 khonkhortisan How do I make a delayer keep a signal from changing too fast? (both on and off)
21:17 khonkhortisan ANDing the ends together only keeps it from turning on too fast
21:24 khonkhortisan never mind, I'll use xor sets.
21:25 khonkhortisan if(A~C)sbi(B,A);
21:26 khonkhortisan whoops, if(!A~C)sbi(B,A);
21:35 M13 hello, i keep getting this error when I try to compile: http://pastebin.com/NHefWQsv
21:35 M13 can someone help
21:38 marktraceur M13: Did you install the dependencies?
21:40 thexyz I had same problem once
21:41 thexyz what version of minetest are you trying to compile, M13?
21:47 M13 0.3.1
21:48 M13 it does it with all the versions 0.4-dev and bellow
21:48 thexyz >/home/student/Desktop/minetest-0.4-dev
21:48 thexyz well
21:48 M13 lol
21:48 M13 yeah that was a exanple
21:48 M13 example
21:48 M13 OldCoder fixed it once
21:48 M13 he added a include to filesys.c
21:49 M13 i forgot what it was
21:50 thexyz M13: try adding #include
21:50 thexyz somewhere..
21:53 M13 thanks that worked
22:15 OldCoder Hi
22:15 Uberi hey OldCoder
22:18 OldCoder Uberi, my U.S. worlds are restarted. Comments are welcome.
22:18 OldCoder Need to test them
22:40 meldrian good night everyone
22:40 berome _0/
22:40 NekoGloop Meow.
22:46 Traxie21 Help needed
22:47 Uberi what's up?
22:47 Traxie21 I need to refrence a subtable
22:47 Traxie21 EG: _G[var..'[sub]']
22:47 Traxie21 But It wont work, I can't find a way to make it work
22:48 Uberi a subtable?
22:48 Uberi please explain
22:48 Traxie21 do you know lua?
22:48 Exio something==var..'[sub]' + _G[something]?
22:48 Traxie21 erm
22:48 Traxie21 I doubt that would work
22:49 Traxie21 I asked here more specific: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=68722#p68722
22:50 Uberi erm, where is the question
22:50 Traxie21 Bottom of that post?
22:51 Uberi ooh, _G[group].privs
22:51 Uberi or _G[group][whatever]
22:52 Traxie21 ok
22:53 Traxie21 That worked Uberi, TYVVVMMM
22:53 VanessaE Thank you very very very much much much ?
22:53 VanessaE :-)
22:53 Uberi no problem :)
22:54 Traxie21 Yep vanessa
22:54 Traxie21 Problem?
22:54 VanessaE nope :-)
22:54 Traxie21 Btw, I finished the Gateway to the far lands basic structure
22:54 VanessaE I saw, looks beautiful
22:54 Traxie21 Needs more detailing, I'm too lazy ATM
22:54 Traxie21 :3
22:56 VanessaE sign on so I can make you the owner thereof :-)
22:59 Traxie21 one sec
23:12 M13 thexyz
23:13 M13 what was that include?
23:14 khonkhortisan I ran both a multiplayer and singleplayer server on the same map and I didn't lose any changes I made with the singleplayer client.
23:14 Exio #include
23:14 Exio M13: ^
23:14 M13 cool thanks Exio
23:22 Kacey hey guys
23:24 berome hi Kacey
23:29 * Kacey is bored
23:31 marktraceur Kacey: Make something cool
23:31 Kacey like RAM?
23:31 marktraceur Sure.
23:31 Kacey i already made that lol
23:32 Uberi how big is a cell?
23:32 Uberi of ram, I mean
23:32 Exio build a 286 computer in minetest using mesecons
23:32 Exio then upgrade it to a 386
23:32 Exio and then compile minetest to 386
23:32 Kacey Uberi, ?
23:32 marktraceur Then don't make that, make something else
23:33 khonkhortisan I have a 7x6 connect four machine, where four in a row/column/diagonal is a win. That's 138 combinations, plus 1 for a full board. There should be an easier way to check for four in a row without having to specifically check every one.
23:33 Kacey im not very good at mesecons
23:33 khonkhortisan I'm good with mesecons, and microcontrollers, but not with circuits.
23:34 Uberi khonkhortisan: luacontrollers have control flow!
23:34 khonkhortisan ?
23:34 Kacey idk how to use luacontrollers
23:34 Uberi what I'm saying is, a luacontroller can check for 4 in a row really easily
23:34 khonkhortisan the "Command Block"?
23:34 Kacey no
23:34 M13 Kacey
23:34 Uberi khonkhortisan: nah, the one in the new branch
23:35 Uberi Lua powered ucs
23:35 Kacey M13, what
23:35 M13 pm
23:35 khonkhortisan where's that?
23:35 Uberi khonkhortisan: check the luacontrollers branch in gh
23:36 Kacey anyone want to hop on my server and give me a tutorial?
23:36 Uberi you need to download the branch first
23:36 Uberi there's a tut included with the files
23:36 khonkhortisan or extract a patch, whichever comes first
23:37 khonkhortisan My creative inventory keeps swapping sides between left and right of regular inventory.
23:37 NekoGloop It's dancing.
23:39 khonkhortisan What server, Kacey?
23:40 Kacey port 30000
23:41 Kacey !up
23:41 Minetest-tan is up (0.295ms)
23:43 Kacey aah you are ther
23:43 Kacey there*
23:43 khonkhortisan 89% there
23:43 Menche ?
23:43 khonkhortisan You see me there before I see me there
23:44 Menche minmy server doesn't like my client right now for some reason
23:44 Menche *my
23:45 M13 were can i get older minetest mods
23:45 M13 like 0.4-dev-20120408
23:45 Uberi you mean older minetests?
23:45 Uberi or mods
23:46 M13 mods that run with the older minetest clients
23:46 M13 older mods
23:46 Uberi try the Old Mods forum
23:46 M13 ok
23:48 marktraceur Or check out a git repo and go back in time
23:52 Kacey anyone know how to use luacontrollers
23:53 Uberi yes, Kacey
23:53 Kacey Uberi, can you give me a tutorial on them?
23:53 Uberi read the included one
23:53 Kacey where is it located?
23:54 Uberi try searching for the pdf
23:56 Kacey what is it called?
23:57 Menche apparently pilzadam's simplemobs ignore climbable nodes
23:57 Menche i had a shaft with a ladder and one fell down and died
23:57 M13 mods.minetest.ru
23:57 M13 i like this
23:58 Uberi look around for any pdfs Kacey
23:59 sapier menche climbable nodes aren't honored by any mob mod as far as I know ;-)