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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-11-29

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Time Nick Message
00:00 kaeza s/cache/buffer/
00:00 mauvebic you need a bot that reads the channel
00:01 kaeza I'm using luasockets+LuaIRC
00:01 Uberi|Busy luasockets works with MT lua?
00:01 mauvebic c55 said it should
00:01 kaeza according to c55 it does
00:02 mauvebic which would be cool i could skip the python step of my signs lol
00:02 Kacey|busy we need hand held maps
00:03 mauvebic impossibru
00:03 Uberi|Busy someone made that mod already, Kacey|busy
00:03 Uberi|Busy needs mtmapper though
00:03 mauvebic you still need to restart
00:03 Uberi|Busy yeah
00:03 Uberi|Busy better than nothing though
00:04 mauvebic yeah but
00:04 mauvebic if i were any good at c++ id find a way to load textures dynamically after launch, but i suck lol
00:04 * Uberi|Busy can't wait for 0.4.4 release next week
00:04 mauvebic isnt it already out?
00:04 kaeza Maybe the map mod can be tweajed to use the C++ port or minetestmapper
00:04 mauvebic yep, i have it
00:05 kaeza Uberi|Busy: it's out already
00:05 mauvebic kaeza doesnt matter which mapper you execute, you cant use the resulting file w/o restart
00:05 kaeza yes
00:05 Uberi|Busy kaeza: official release with builds, I mean :)
00:05 kaeza but it's faster than the python version
00:05 Uberi|Busy much faster
00:05 kaeza Uberi|Busy: oh
00:06 mauvebic well weather i restart in 30 seconds or 15 minutes doesn't matter to me, id rather skip that step lol
00:06 Kacey|busy we need animated players now
00:06 kaeza maybe celeron55 can integrate it somehow into the codebase?
00:07 Uberi|Busy Kacey|busy: you'll have it next week
00:07 kaeza celeron55_: PING
00:08 mauvebic i thought other people were doing the 3d player stuff?
00:08 kaeza 0.4.4 has 3D players
00:08 kaeza animated and all
00:08 Uberi|Busy yeah but Taoki's version is also accessible from the modding API
00:08 Kacey|busy he puts their mod into the default folder/game
00:08 mauvebic do they hold the stuff theyre holding? :-)
00:08 kaeza not yet
00:08 Uberi|Busy yep
00:08 mauvebic umm
00:08 Uberi|Busy :P
00:09 mauvebic sweet for my guns mod
00:09 mauvebic kickass textures anyhow
00:09 Uberi|Busy oh that's going to be interesting
00:09 mauvebic its out already
00:09 kaeza mauvebic: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1143900835.jpg
00:09 Kacey|busy is the final build out?
00:09 mauvebic cool
00:10 mauvebic i was thinking of redoing pilzadams /xyz's sign mod with higher res letter
00:10 Uberi|Busy not yet Kacey|busy
00:10 mauvebic *letters
00:10 Uberi|Busy still a few fixes need to be made
00:10 Kacey|busy <(
00:10 Uberi|Busy especially automatic view distance stuff
00:11 mauvebic cuz i cant read those signs without old people glasses lol
00:11 Octupus any1 know hoe to make boots in MC
00:12 VanessaE mauvebic: I already submitted higher-resolution letting, see the forum tghread
00:12 VanessaE there's like 5 sizes in the zip file I posted.
00:12 VanessaE thread*
00:13 VanessaE but pilzadam didn't implement them.
00:13 Uberi|Busy Octupus: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/index.php?title=Boots#Boots
00:13 mauvebic i made this python script that creates textures with ttf text
00:13 VanessaE that should save you a lot of work
00:13 mauvebic but its like mapper yo uneed restart
00:13 Octupus thank you Uberi
00:13 VanessaE mauvebic: I used bash + imagemagick :-)
00:13 mauvebic though that gives me idea
00:13 mauvebic could tweak the script to create letter sets from ttf fonts
00:13 VanessaE that's what I did
00:14 mauvebic sweet
00:14 Uberi|Busy no problem :)
00:14 mauvebic not critisizing their work, but icant read blocky fonts even on 24" screens lol
00:14 VanessaE mauvebic: http://pastebin.com/LTquEp1a
00:14 mauvebic a.... b.... the rests' in polish lol
00:14 VanessaE I think that's the script i used
00:15 VanessaE no wait
00:15 VanessaE wrong one.
00:15 mauvebic wrong computer anyhow
00:16 kaeza F*CK this luasocket thing
00:16 VanessaE here it is:  http://pastebin.com/HNQVCY1F
00:16 kaeza The makefile is done for a stone-age lua version
00:16 Uberi|Busy not working?
00:16 kaeza have to work that out
00:16 mauvebic try python then
00:16 mauvebic should be eay
00:16 mauvebic < 20 line
00:16 SpeedProg joined #minetest
00:16 VanessaE in case anyone else can use it, that script ^^^^ generates fonts for thexyz's signs.
00:17 kaeza Kacey|busy: patience is a virtue
00:17 kaeza or compile yourself :)
00:17 VanessaE Kacey|busy: feature freeze at the weekend.
00:17 Uberi|Busy Kacey|busy: yes if you're on linux compiling is pretty easy
00:17 mauvebic vanessae we need a signs addon that changes the fonts automat
00:17 kaeza he's on windows jim
00:17 Kacey|busy nope no linux on this computer
00:17 VanessaE so it'll be out officially after that.
00:18 VanessaE mauvebic: I already asked that of PilzAdam.
00:18 VanessaE Kacey|busy: build it in windows then,
00:18 Uberi|Busy use sfan5's builds?
00:18 Uberi|Busy he has on with the 3d player patch
00:18 Kacey|busy i need to know how to compile with MinGW
00:18 Uberi|Busy * one
00:18 VanessaE http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-655bb52-win32.7z
00:18 VanessaE very latest git ^^^^^^^
00:18 Uberi|Busy yeah that one
00:19 VanessaE Kacey|busy:  ^^^^^^^^^^
00:19 Kacey|busy but that is 7zip
00:19 VanessaE so?
00:19 Uberi|Busy oh no
00:19 VanessaE get a tool to unzip it.
00:19 VanessaE it's a binary ready to run
00:19 Kacey|busy i dont have 7zip
00:19 Uberi|Busy Kacey|busy: 7zip.org
00:19 Uberi|Busy it's free
00:19 Kacey|busy uugh ok
00:19 Uberi|Busy and you should have 7zip anyways
00:19 VanessaE JESUS H. F. CHRIST.
00:19 Uberi|Busy it's absolutely invaluable for all your archiving needs
00:19 leo_rockway 7zip > *
00:20 VanessaE I'm sorry, I have no sympathy for people being too lazy to download the appropriate tools to use their computers effectively.  Especially when the tool in question comes from a known, reputable site.
00:21 leo_rockway should I download 7zip or compile in Windows...?
00:21 VanessaE leo_rockway: no.  bzip2 > * :-)
00:21 leo_rockway tough choice
00:21 khonkhortisan ark, 7-zip, etc
00:21 Uberi|Busy and for goodness sake, get something other than Notepad for an editor
00:21 leo_rockway VanessaE: well, I meant for Windows.
00:21 leo_rockway 7zip opens bzip2, doesn't it?
00:21 VanessaE leo_rockway: I think win unzip tools can handle bzip2 also
00:21 kaeza Kacey|busy: don't ask. Just DL
00:21 khonkhortisan box openers are generally safe
00:21 Kacey|busy i would respond to that in a very negative way but she is an op
00:22 khonkhortisan now we know how you'd act without an op around
00:23 VanessaE Kacey|busy: which means you shouldn't respond like that even if there *weren't* an op around.
00:23 Kacey|busy i can go on a rampage without an op
00:23 VanessaE it's called basci human decency.
00:23 VanessaE basic*
00:23 kaeza this^
00:23 mauvebic on the klingon homeworld, zip archives unpack themselves at the mere sight of a klingon warrior
00:23 Uberi|Busy :O
00:23 VanessaE mauvebic: nononono, they unpack themselves at the mere MENTION of an approaching warrior :-)
00:23 ecube who said my name
00:24 kaeza FUCK THAT. Chuck Norris got Minetest compiled just by looking at the DL link
00:24 VanessaE lol
00:24 Uberi|Busy hahaha
00:24 mauvebic of course, my victory at the battle of Klach D'Kel Bracht is legendary
00:24 jin_xi_ q'pla
00:24 mauvebic :D
00:25 leo_rockway you can download 7zip from here: http://5z8.info/hackwebcam_t3m5tt_this_persons_account_has_been_hacked
00:25 mauvebic dude try python
00:26 Uberi|Busy kaeza: that seems a bit...harsh
00:26 mauvebic easier sockets
00:26 Uberi|Busy haha seems legit
00:26 mauvebic just buy them a drink, no dinner, and there you go
00:26 VanessaE kaeza: die in a fire painful? :-)
00:26 Kacey|busy or mega explosion?
00:26 Uberi|Busy TNT
00:27 mauvebic we dont have brooms in mt
00:27 Kacey|busy i was thinking more along the lines of MEGA NUKE!!!!!1!!!!
00:28 mauvebic for a nuke to work we need fire that burns more than wood :-/
00:28 leo_rockway and this is the latest build from git for Windows: http://5z8.info/molotovcocktail_u7g3sg_racist-message-board
00:28 mauvebic i made plasma fires that are supposed to stop at water,but they go underground to burn other continents lol
00:28 leo_rockway no-virus guarantee
00:28 Uberi|Busy hahaha
00:28 kaeza mauvebic: we do. It's called FREE SOFTWARE and cleans up the commercial infidels like MC
00:28 Uberi|Busy shadyurl is the best
00:29 leo_rockway indeed
00:29 mauvebic wtf
00:29 Uberi|Busy :O
00:29 marktraceur kaeza: Free software and commercial software aren't in opposition
00:29 leo_rockway there's free commercial software
00:29 kaeza marktraceur: I know. J/K
00:29 Uberi|Busy and commecial open source software
00:29 leo_rockway and there's nonfree gratis software.
00:29 mauvebic when did i mention any of that? lol
00:30 mauvebic i use two diff CC licenses lol
00:31 Kacey|busy stupid chrome using all of my memory
00:31 VanessaE <ontopic> is there a way to disable the creative inventory from within another mod? Deleting the 'creative' mod works, but should not be expected of the player if at all possible. </ontopic>
00:31 Kacey|busy lol
00:32 kaeza VanessaE: good question
00:32 mauvebic set a new crative
00:32 mauvebic *creative inventory
00:32 Uberi|Busy VanessaE: delete the file using lua? :P
00:32 mauvebic no
00:33 mauvebic look at your creative mod
00:33 mauvebic see where set_player_formspec (or something like that) and use that command to set a new formspec
00:33 kaeza mauvebic: and BTW don't want to use python because I don't want MT users to install it. Remember Python is not default on Windows?
00:33 mauvebic alot of stuff doesn't work on windows lol
00:34 * kaeza is thinking about OpenOffice
00:34 mauvebic theyre best version was 98SE
00:34 mauvebic *their
00:34 kaeza AWWWWW YEAAAAH
00:34 mauvebic feel old yet? lol
00:34 kaeza I had 98SE until I switched to linux
00:34 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: I mean without removing anything from the user's install - just disable the creative inventory while another mod (a replacement) is installed.
00:34 kaeza that was about four years ago
00:35 mauvebic you dont have to remove anything vanessae, just change the formspec until you're ready to reload the original one or another  (as you fancy)
00:35 VanessaE hrm
00:35 mauvebic store the formspec in a tmp var if you must and reload it later
00:36 Uberi|Busy ah clever
00:36 VanessaE ah
00:36 mauvebic creative inv reads the inventory formspec to know what page it's on, so you can use that to copy the formspec
00:36 VanessaE well reloading it will never be necessary
00:36 * kaeza is hacking
00:36 VanessaE kaeza: you hacker, you.
00:36 VanessaE :-)
00:36 kaeza lol
00:36 * Kacey|busy is hacking kaeza
00:37 Octupus i am having a problem with my dns can any1 help me out
00:37 Kacey|busy nope lol
00:37 mauvebic my biggest problem is integrating bookmarks and multinode into creative lol
00:37 * kaeza dumped core because of Kacey|busy's hack
00:37 * kaeza is rebooting
00:37 * Kacey|busy is an ok hacker
00:38 * kaeza says Welcome to Windows XP
00:38 mauvebic i want creative stacks to be 1000, but for the multinode selector (detached) i want just 1x of the node lol
00:38 * kaeza is rebooting again
00:38 * kaeza syas welcome to Ubuntu
00:38 Uberi|Busy :O
00:38 kaeza that's better
00:38 Octupus i cant surf the internet can any1 help me >
00:39 Uberi|Busy maybe the internet is having a bad day
00:39 Uberi|Busy have you tried talking to it?
00:39 kaeza Octupus: Can't surf the internet? how are you on IRC?
00:39 kaeza Uberi|Busy: lol
00:39 Octupus i have internet
00:39 mauvebic i still havent removed the dead drive from ye olde tower, it makes R2D2 noises when i start it up llol
00:39 Octupus but i cant go to google
00:39 Kacey|busy there is such thing as irc clients
00:39 VanessaE Octupus: change your DNS to point to or
00:39 Octupus and other pages
00:39 VanessaE those are reliable, fast DNS servers.
00:39 mauvebic,
00:39 kaeza IRC = Internet Relay Chat
00:39 mauvebic googles'
00:39 Uberi|Busy or for the backup google DNS server
00:39 Octupus VanessaE,how do i do that
00:40 kaeza i.e: it needs internet
00:40 mauvebic network manager
00:40 VanessaE Octupus: beats me, I don't understand windows :-)
00:40 Octupus XD
00:40 Octupus thank you for the help though
00:40 kaeza VanessaE: no one does
00:40 kaeza :)
00:40 mauvebic right click your connection icon, you should have settings
00:40 VanessaE lol
00:40 mauvebic one of those settings will be a field where you enter DNS server addresses
00:41 mauvebic my ISP had bad DNS adresses for 6 months so i had to figure this stuff out lol
00:42 leo_rockway \o/
00:42 kaeza use OpenDNS?
00:42 leo_rockway* \o/
00:42 mauvebic them? no lol
00:42 VanessaE leo_rockway: there's more than .4 and .5?
00:42 VanessaE didn't know that.
00:42 leo_rockway VanessaE: from 2 to 6
00:42 leo_rockway VanessaE: http://www.tummy.com/Community/Articles/famous-dns-server/
00:43 leo_rockway oh, apparently it is 1-6
00:43 VanessaE ice
00:43 VanessaE nice*
00:43 * kaeza is playing with 8 instances of MT and it's borking the comp....
00:44 VanessaE so close one of them :)
00:44 Uberi|Busy or 7 of them
00:44 kaeza :foreveralone:
00:44 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: I routinely run two at a time, occasionally 3.
00:44 Uberi|Busy really? whatever for?
00:45 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: testing. (and are you really busy or what?)
00:45 kaeza that means I'm playing with myself right? (left to open interpretation)
00:45 leo_rockway I ran 2 the other day to tests the 3D skins. I put a kettle with ice cubes next to my laptop and after a few minutes I used that water for my tea...
00:45 kaeza leo_rockway: lol
00:45 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: I would have one open for playing normally, then fire up a second and even a third to test something, such as seeing myself in the game from another user's perspective, or testing another branch of the engine as I was the other night.
00:45 Uberi|Busy man I've got so many things on my todo list it doesn't fit on two screens
00:46 mauvebic thank god i have two screens lol
00:46 VanessaE G*d yes
00:46 leo_rockway my todo list is short, but broad
00:46 leo_rockway things like "translate this whole book"
00:46 mauvebic one has MT, gedit, gedit, thunar
00:46 VanessaE I just can't get anything done with one screen.  it feels so..cramped
00:46 Uberi|Busy and here I am coding block durability for the TNT mod while I should be doing other things
00:46 mauvebic the other chromium, vlc and music
00:47 kaeza you guys use 1600x1200 (or more) and feel cramped?
00:47 Uberi|Busy and what is this? why did I make a piston airship? I've got work to do!
00:47 kaeza I can use only 1024x768 :(
00:47 mauvebic mines 1900x something
00:47 Uberi|Busy you can never go back after using 2 screens
00:47 mauvebic 1920x1080
00:48 VanessaE just a pair of 1280x1024 panels here.  modest setup as monitors go.
00:48 kaeza Uberi|Busy: piston airship?
00:48 mauvebic both screens
00:48 mauvebic one is LED though anf gives me headaches
00:48 Uberi|Busy kaeza: yeah, 16 block long airship, self contained, propelled through the air by pistons
00:48 kaeza pics?
00:48 kaeza or better: IP?
00:48 Uberi|Busy sure, gimme a moment
00:50 mauvebic is jordach on?
00:51 Octupus_ joined #minetest
00:51 Uberi|Busy kaeza: http://imgur.com/KV9Dm
00:51 NakedFury joined #minetest
00:52 Uberi|Busy I'm going to post this on the forums once it can fly over enemy territory in the night and drop lit TNT on their bases
00:52 leo_rockway MT would make a great RTS game
00:52 leo_rockway kind of like Tremulous...
00:53 Uberi|Busy but lava works quite well at this point too
00:53 kaeza Uberi|Busy: cool :)
00:53 * Uberi|Busy has a brand new shiny mesecon world now :P
00:53 kaeza Uberi|Busy: next step: VTOL
00:53 Uberi|Busy :O
00:54 khonkhortisan late-posting, 1440x900 here
00:54 Uberi|Busy current piston mechanics make that impossible, but I did make a loading dock today in another world
00:54 Uberi|Busy which reminds me, I need to import that into this world
00:56 kaeza Is that auto-propelled? Does it use a button/switch?
00:56 Dogzilla131 why to every sever disable tnt?
00:56 kaeza It's cool to see use of mesecons in such confined spaces
00:57 kaeza I mean with the bad tendency of mesecons to stick to devices you don't mean to
00:57 kaeza Dogzilla131: what?
00:57 Uberi|Busy not quite full auto, kaeza
00:58 Uberi|Busy takes 4 actions to move 1 block at the moment, actually
00:58 Sennin joined #minetest
00:58 Uberi|Busy I can get it down to 2 but it makes the server laggy
00:59 kaeza hmmm... good point
00:59 kaeza mesecons seem to lag server a lot on some situations
01:00 Uberi|Busy hmm but the 2 action move needs precision timing
01:00 Uberi|Busy plus you risk falling off the ship
01:01 Octupus_ thanks mauvebic i got it to work thanks :D
01:01 mauvebic got what to work? lol
01:02 kaeza delayers are not exactly precise, and microcontrollers are a PITA
01:02 mauvebic irc/lua?
01:02 kaeza working on it
01:03 Uberi|Busy nah microcontrollers are great
01:03 Uberi|Busy but pistons lose their metadata
01:03 Uberi|Busy I was planning to fix this today but didn't get around to it
01:04 mauvebic why do they lose their metadata?
01:05 Uberi|Busy well it's being moved
01:05 Uberi|Busy so it gets dug and readded
01:05 mauvebic local metab = fields_to_table
01:05 kaeza anyone know which lua version does MT use? 5.1 or 5.2?
01:05 mauvebic just use fields_to_table() ?
01:06 Uberi|Busy mauvebic: of course meta:to_table and from_table
01:06 Uberi|Busy it's quite simple but then we need to rework the mvps_stoppers system
01:06 kaeza Uberi|Busy: yeah micros are great, but getting them to work correctly using after() is a PITA
01:06 Uberi|Busy I'm thinking pistons can push all level 0 nodes
01:06 Uberi|Busy kaeza: oh yeah that's true
01:07 mauvebic can set a direction/velocity on players?
01:09 mauvebic it would be cool if... you set a property for nodes that propels players/entities in any given direction (good for subways)
01:10 Muadtralk joined #minetest
01:11 kaeza mauvebic: the trampoline mod may be a good source of info for that
01:11 kaeza something similar
01:11 mauvebic well if it uses teleport i can already do that
01:11 Uberi|Busy nah the trampoline mod uses the special groups
01:12 kaeza but it doesn't use teleport does it?
01:13 Uberi|Busy nope
01:13 mauvebic naw i want to move players like, you move entities
01:13 mauvebic like you set a rail underground, and when you step on it, you advance along its path
01:13 kaeza so it's just what mauvebic wants?
01:13 mauvebic i did elevators in nbu, but its blind-guessing the coordinates
01:14 mauvebic kaeza any kind of player motion would be cool
01:15 kaeza lemme see
01:15 mauvebic im talking smooth motion, not teleport +1 every node lol
01:16 Octupus_ some1 shud make a mod for (griefiing servers) that another person can access there chest
01:16 kaeza Uberi|Busy: yes trampoline uses special groups
01:16 kaeza "bouncy"
01:17 kaeza VanessaE: Is there an api function to set accel/direction of a player?
01:17 VanessaE dunno, haven't looked into it
01:18 mauvebic not to my knowledge
01:18 mauvebic hasnt worked when it ried anyhow
01:18 VanessaE then again.....
01:18 mauvebic which is weird players should be like lua entities (on the API level)
01:18 kaeza how about using an attached entity
01:18 VanessaE in 0.4.4 you can attach a player to an entity
01:18 kaeza ?
01:18 VanessaE then move the entity and the player will follow
01:18 mauvebic that could work
01:18 Uberi|Busy yeah it's awesome
01:18 kaeza my thoughts exactly
01:18 VanessaE just make the entity infinitesimally small and transparent
01:19 kaeza make the entity transparent
01:19 Octupus_ VanessaE,is there a 4.4 that c55 built?
01:19 kaeza lol you beat me to it :)
01:19 VanessaE Octupus_: ZERO POINT FOUR POINT FOUR
01:19 mauvebic is the doc lua api updated?
01:19 Octupus_ o srry :)
01:19 VanessaE and yes, http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-655bb52-win32.7z
01:19 kaeza Octupus_: for linuX?
01:19 Octupus_ no
01:20 VanessaE ^^^^ that is the very latest git for win32.
01:20 VanessaE for linux, build it yerself :-)
01:20 Octupus_ there is no 0.4.4
01:20 Octupus_ i dont see it
01:21 OldCoder Back!
01:21 kaeza Octupus_: just follow the link
01:21 VanessaE Octupus_:  http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-655bb52-win32.7z
01:21 Octupus_ Hi OldCoder
01:21 VanessaE download it.
01:21 VanessaE unzip
01:21 kaeza hi OC
01:21 VanessaE run
01:21 Octupus_ oo that it sfan
01:21 NakedFury OldCoder did you upgrade the servers to the new version? I only ask because i can't join server 30000
01:24 Octupus_ i wonder what version is the last one OC and M13 did
01:25 dzho w/in 43
01:25 dzho f/ail
01:25 kaeza dzho: wat
01:25 dzho sorry
01:26 dzho kaeza: it's a typo, nothing more
01:27 VanessaE NakedFury: upgrade your client.  0.4.4 can connect to 0.4.3 servers since at least a day ago now.
01:27 Dogzilla131 how to you put two images together to make one
01:27 VanessaE (but you won't see 3d models)
01:27 VanessaE I was just on one of his 0.4.3 servers earlier today and I have latest 0.4.4 git.
01:28 Octupus_ MuadTralk NotObamaLand?
01:28 NakedFury ok I will
01:30 Muadtralk yes not obama land
01:30 Muadtralk i gave up having it be my personal server so now not obama decides whats in it
01:31 kaeza Dogzilla131: what do you mean? a mosaic?
01:38 NakedFury ok connected now
01:39 NakedFury thanks VanessaE
01:41 kaeza <offtopic>celeron55 knows where to hide subtle references: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt search "Node definition (register_node)" and tell me the line number</offtopic>
01:45 Kacey|busy joined #minetest
01:46 Kacey|busy hello again
01:47 kaeza hey
01:47 Kacey VanessaE dont youhave a 0.4.4 server?
01:47 VanessaE Kacey: sure I do.
01:47 VanessaE port 30000
01:47 OldCoder Has anybody seen M13 today? He has an inquiry from his VPS host
01:47 OldCoder No sign of him? Thank you
01:47 VanessaE no, sorry OC.
01:48 OldCoder ty
01:48 VanessaE kaeza: I don't see it, it must be quite subtle.
01:48 Kacey loading
01:49 VanessaE Kacey: It will take a while, 3-5 minutes seems typical.  Lots of media to download.
01:49 Kacey ok
01:49 AGGIES joined #minetest
01:49 Kacey checking the 3d player code
01:49 kaeza just an off-topic rant VanessaE. BTW the line number is 1337
01:49 Kacey lolz
01:49 AGGIES sup guys
01:49 Kacey what is 1337 anyways?
01:49 VanessaE kaeza: talk about *subtle*.
01:49 VanessaE Kacey: 'leet speek for "elite".
01:50 Kacey ?
01:50 VanessaE elite -> leet -> LEET -> 1337
01:50 Kacey ooh
01:50 VanessaE it means a person is of particularly important, skilled, or valuable status within a particular domain.
01:50 Kacey 3% loaded
01:51 VanessaE oh that's right, this server does not run the congestion_settings branch, so it'll be *really* slow.
01:51 VanessaE expect 10-15 minutes to download.
01:51 Kacey ok
01:51 kaeza Kacey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet
01:51 Kacey 8%
01:52 VanessaE kacey, you look like this:
01:52 VanessaE http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/screenshot_1239210256.png
01:52 VanessaE (I see you before you finish logging in)
01:52 Kacey lol
01:52 Kacey ya i know
01:52 VanessaE you'll see me standing in front of you when you are in.
01:52 kaeza can I jump in?
01:52 Kacey sure
01:53 VanessaE kaeza: sure, why not - if you can stand your bad wireless dragging you down :D
01:53 VanessaE the server's 24-7 barring an IP address change or power loss.
01:53 Kacey 9%
01:53 kaeza I'm about to go nuts over rewriting this luasocket thing for Lua 5.2 anyway
01:54 AGGIES wat server was that pic from VanessaE
01:54 VanessaE mine
01:54 AGGIES wat is that
01:55 VanessaE Aggies: everyone but me sees default textures - I have 256px HDX installed on my client so that's why it looks different.
01:55 VanessaE Aggies: port 30000
01:55 Kacey i will talk to you in-game k vanessa?
01:55 Aggies 4.3 or 4.4
01:55 VanessaE Kacey: no.  talk here or I may miss something
01:55 Kacey 0.4.4
01:55 VanessaE Aggies: neither.  0.4.4  ZERO POINT FOUR POINT FOUR!!!!!
01:56 Aggies wat one is it
01:56 Kacey ooh ok well i will be back in a few to load faster
01:56 VanessaE damn it people this is not math.  in a version number, the leading zero, if any, is important.
01:56 Kacey nvm it is going fastish
01:56 kaeza VanessaE: the connection is http://alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/large/obama-not-bad-l.png
01:57 VanessaE Kacey: you're downloading at ~20kB/sec right now, which is so so.
01:57 Kacey fast for me
01:57 Kacey 64%
01:57 Kacey 76%
01:58 Kacey 85%
01:58 Kacey 90%
01:58 Kacey 95%
01:59 Kacey loading textures now
01:59 Kacey kaeza are you on?
01:59 Kacey the server?
01:59 kaeza yup
01:59 kaeza waiting 4 u
01:59 Kacey k i want to see the animations in action
02:01 Muadtralk hmmm
02:04 VanessaE Kacey: if you have a minecraft skin in mind you like to use, give me the web address and I will install it for you.
02:04 Kacey k
02:05 kaeza VanessaE: it seems the congestion setting branch is shiiiizness
02:05 kaeza cause I'm getting massive lags on master
02:05 VanessaE I know.
02:06 kaeza Kacey: http://minecraft.novaskin.me/
02:07 leo_rockway speedy gonzales branch
02:07 VanessaE kaeza: do you want me to use that one?
02:08 kaeza what? no
02:08 VanessaE for Kacey.
02:08 kaeza just pointing Kacey to a nice editor
02:08 VanessaE oh ok
02:09 leo_rockway player_texture didn't want to play nice with me
02:09 VanessaE it works great for me :-)
02:10 leo_rockway I kept seeing the green-vested man
02:10 VanessaE sowwy :-)
02:11 leo_rockway I usually play solo anyway
02:11 leo_rockway I set up a minetest on my friend's server
02:11 Aggies joined #minetest
02:11 leo_rockway but his connection seems slow to handle mt
02:12 Aggies hey VanessaE can i have the download to sfan5s build
02:12 VanessaE ok, I need to work in that congestion_setting branch.  How do I do that without breaking anything in my current branch?
02:12 leo_rockway Aggies: http://5z8.info/molotovcocktail_u7g3sg_racist-message-board
02:12 VanessaE Aggies:  http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-655bb52-win32.7z
02:13 leo_rockway I should probably stop using that, but I kept that one instead of the legit one o.o
02:13 leo_rockway VanessaE: if you break it, can't you go back? isn't that the point of versioning?
02:14 opticlove joined #minetest
02:14 VanessaE true.
02:14 kaeza bbiab
02:17 Kacey oops broke it lol
02:17 OldCoder VanessaE, I guess I need to reset that world. Lava will slow down CPU; true?
02:17 VanessaE no
02:17 VanessaE not really
02:17 VanessaE fire will though
02:17 OldCoder VanessaE, oh? Seemed slow
02:17 VanessaE just clean up the lava and it'll be fine
02:17 OldCoder Lava is not that bad?
02:17 VanessaE naw, lava's just hot water.
02:17 OldCoder I will op people who are willing to do that
02:17 OldCoder So it won't spread further?
02:18 VanessaE no, it's probably reached max spread
02:18 kaeza back
02:18 VanessaE just clean up the lava sources and the flowing will abate on its own.
02:18 kaeza yeah fire slows down a lot
02:18 Kacey lol i broke my client
02:19 kaeza BTW will TNT work on 0.4.4?
02:19 VanessaE dunno
02:19 * Muadtralk decides to check
02:19 kaeza It bitched about indexing a number value on my 0.4.3
02:19 Muadtralk ten seconds later
02:19 * Muadtralk BOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
02:20 kaeza Muadtralk: lol
02:20 VanessaE Muadtralk: server restart coming in about 2 minutes - with congestion_setting branch in place
02:20 Kacey if i make a skin for my player can you guys see it in server?
02:20 kaeza VanessaE: +10000
02:21 VanessaE restarted
02:21 Kacey k
02:21 VanessaE congestion_setting branch in place no0w.
02:21 VanessaE now*
02:22 Kacey if i make a skin for my player can you guys see it in server?
02:22 VanessaE yes if you give me the file.
02:22 Kacey uugh
02:22 Kacey i dont like uploading
02:22 Muadtralk we need client side mods
02:22 Kacey YES ^
02:22 VanessaE Muadtralk: = cheating.
02:22 VanessaE never gonna happen.
02:22 Muadtralk or a different method of fetching the player skins
02:22 Kacey yes
02:23 Muadtralk like that thing rubenwardy was working on that i havent heard a lick of good news from
02:23 Muadtralk :P
02:23 VanessaE right
02:23 VanessaE guys you can all re-sign-in btw
02:24 Kacey working on a skin
02:24 VanessaE ok
02:24 VanessaE Muadtralk: is the sign-in time any better?
02:24 Muadtralk not really
02:25 VanessaE meh, well some people don't see an improvement.  kaeza and jin_xi sure did though
02:25 Kacey lol
02:25 kaeza going in
02:26 kaeza port 30000?
02:26 leo_rockway if anybody wants to try tekk.com.ar:30000
02:26 VanessaE yeah
02:26 Kacey making an awesome skin
02:26 kaeza leo_rockway: voy a probar despues
02:27 leo_rockway okay
02:27 leo_rockway it goes really slow for me :S but another friend is logged in and works fine for him
02:27 VanessaE aw, congestion_setting doesn't have calinou's nodebox fix :(
02:29 kaeza can you please post IP again Vanessa? mine reset after testing locally (G*d someone make a bookmark frontend for MT)
02:29 VanessaE kaeza: port 30000
02:29 kaeza k thanks! :)
02:29 VanessaE np
02:31 VanessaE kaeza2?
02:31 kaeza what?
02:31 kaeza oh typo sorry
02:31 VanessaE that's how you signed in.
02:31 kaeza reconnecting
02:34 leo_rockway oh, how do I get to be admin of the server I'm running?
2 more elements. Show/hide.
02:35 Kacey making an epic skin
02:36 Kacey k now how do i upload
02:37 OldCoder Kacey, 2D or 3D?
02:37 Kacey 3d
02:37 OldCoder VanessaE, would you like to use a copy of either Baby Face or Sigourney Weaver skin?
02:37 leo_rockway how do I declare that my user is admin? o.o
02:37 OldCoder Kacey, I have not done 3D yet
02:37 OldCoder leo_rockway, in conf file
02:38 OldCoder leo_rockway, put name = leoetc
02:38 leo_rockway thanks =]
02:38 OldCoder Where leoetc is a name
02:38 leo_rockway I need to restart the server for that, right?
02:38 OldCoder such as bullwinkle
02:38 OldCoder or rocky
02:38 OldCoder yes
02:38 leo_rockway thank you
02:38 Kacey what do i save it as?
02:39 OldCoder Kacey, I have not done 3D yet. Others may know.
02:39 Kacey nvm i got it
02:40 kaeza who is sdzen?
02:40 OldCoder Muad Tralk
02:40 Kacey maudtralk
02:41 kaeza https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1241874944.png
02:41 kaeza funny
02:41 Kacey what is it?
02:42 Kacey VanessaE no improvement in loading speed
02:42 babyface1031 joined #minetest
02:42 kaeza It sems sdzen/Muadtralk was lagging
02:43 Kacey i wonder....
02:43 VanessaE Kacey: not everyone has been seeing an improvement
02:43 kaeza leo_rockway: server is up?
02:43 VanessaE yes
02:43 VanessaE oh, leo's..
02:44 kaeza yeah
02:44 leo_rockway kaeza: yes
02:44 kaeza I'm playing on both
02:44 leo_rockway kaeza: do you feel mine laggy? it lags a lot for me
02:44 kaeza not truly
02:44 kaeza I'm just stuck in a cliff
02:44 leo_rockway I'm on the other side of the world, though o.o
02:44 Kacey checking something vanessa
02:44 leo_rockway the server is in NC, I'm in Argentina
02:45 VanessaE ok
02:45 leo_rockway but I could connect to VanessaE's just fine yesterday
02:45 Kacey maybe you can see my custome skin
02:45 VanessaE leo_rockway: try again?
02:45 leo_rockway 30000?
02:45 VanessaE Kacey: you have to give me the file or give me the address of it so I can install it.
02:45 kaeza I'm in Montevideo, so not too far away :)
02:45 VanessaE leo_rockway: yeah
02:45 leo_rockway kaeza: then it must be my connection that sucks :S
02:45 Kacey maybe it will work this way
02:46 Kacey so before i upload it i can check
02:46 leo_rockway 3mbps down, 256kbps up
02:46 VanessaE 30M/3M here, so I should, in theory, be able to flood your connection.
02:46 leo_rockway yup
02:46 VanessaE Kacey: we will not see your skin unless I install it to the server.  Sorry.
02:47 kaeza My network monitor is broken :(
02:47 Kacey aaw i want to try anyway
02:47 kaeza or maybe it's just downloading at 0bps :)
02:47 Kacey lolz same here
02:47 VanessaE Kacey: then you'll have to try locally, there's no way for us to see your skin unless I install it.
02:47 leo_rockway kaeza: I gave you fly
02:48 kaeza k
02:48 Kacey well then i will upload it later
02:48 kaeza leo_rockway: k
02:48 VanessaE ok, I think it's obvious we need to come up with a safe way for a user to upload a skin to the server
02:55 Kacey uum i am lagging horribly
02:56 Kacey very horribly
02:56 VanessaE sowwy
02:57 leo_rockway meh, I can't play like this
02:57 leo_rockway kaeza: I'll leave the server up for you.
02:57 Kacey i will be on later k?
02:57 Muadtralk joined #minetest
02:58 kaeza k
02:58 kaeza thanks
02:59 kaeza VanessaE: yes... an upload site... next thing you know is your server gets full of |) | ( |< pictures
03:00 VanessaE heh
03:01 Muadtralk of animal slaughter from cornernote yes?
03:01 VanessaE heh
03:06 VanessaE server restarted with latest moreores, moreblocks, maptools, stairsplus
03:07 VanessaE sorry for not warning :-)
03:07 Muadtralk thats why everyone stopped moving
03:07 Muadtralk XD
03:07 Muadtralk i though i had froze time for a second
03:08 kaeza lol
03:08 VanessaE oops, that broke something.
03:08 kaeza yep
03:08 kaeza server still not up
03:08 kaeza what?
03:08 kaeza what did it break?
03:10 VanessaE stand by, I've caused a config problem.
03:10 VanessaE gimme a bit to resolve it.
03:12 VanessaE ok, we're back
03:12 VanessaE forgot I have to use RBA's stairsplus mod because calinou's upstream has a bug,
03:15 VanessaE dayum, I forgot how fast an admin pick cuts :-)
03:20 OldCoder VanessaE, would you like Baby Face or KikaRz avatar instead of Minetoons kid for yourself on my worlds?
03:20 OldCoder Or working on one?
03:21 VanessaE OldCoder: nah, I'll pick something later.
03:21 VanessaE I'm kinda partial to the 3d models, which I have one I use for myself already
03:23 Dogzilla131 What is the strongest sword?
03:23 leo_rockway mese
03:23 leo_rockway wait... there's no mese sword
03:23 VanessaE mithril
03:24 VanessaE leo_rockway: get back in there :)
03:24 Dogzilla131 thanks
03:24 leo_rockway VanessaE: wrong nick. I had no privileges.
03:25 leo_rockway I'm going back with the underscore
03:25 VanessaE oops :-)
03:25 VanessaE you didn't with the underscore either.  fixed.
03:27 kaeza VanessaE: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1244720333.jpg
03:40 OldCoder VanessaE, k
03:41 NekoGloop joined #minetest
03:42 babyface1031 night everyone
03:43 kaeza hey NekoGloop
03:43 NekoGloop what do you want me for...?
03:44 kaeza greetings :)
03:45 NekoGloop ...
03:45 kaeza leo_rockway: Yes, there is a Mese sword
03:45 leo_rockway oh, I thought only mese pick
03:46 NekoGloop with a mod
03:46 VanessaE mese sword is part of mese starter kit
03:46 kaeza here: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1179
03:47 VanessaE ok guys, the server is updated.
03:48 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njos57IJf-0#
03:51 VanessaE NekoGloop: port 30000
03:51 VanessaE it has gloopores :-)
03:51 VanessaE at least that should be something useful :-)
03:52 NekoGloop i presume you had fun scraping it up?
03:52 VanessaE eh?
03:52 VanessaE I just went to the usual sources?
03:52 VanessaE or maybe I already had a copy, I forget.
03:52 VanessaE did you delete it or something?
03:53 NekoGloop ... did you completely miss the whole "Go away" thing with the forum posts?
03:53 VanessaE no
03:53 VanessaE or rather yes I did
03:54 VanessaE got a copy of your last version somewhere?
03:54 NekoGloop nope.
03:54 VanessaE :(
03:55 NekoGloop neither do i have 0.4.4
03:55 VanessaE damn...and I don't have the version with the animated kalite torches either.
03:56 NekoGloop never made one.
03:56 VanessaE "Updated. Kalite torch is animated, kalite is less rare. Also Kalite torch is non-flammable"
03:56 NekoGloop Was deleted 10 seconds after.
03:56 VanessaE why? :(
03:57 NekoGloop because no one wanted my mods, no need to clutter up the forums.
03:57 VanessaE it isn't clutter, and obviously some of us wanted them.
03:57 VanessaE you gotta give people time to find uses for them
03:57 VanessaE but whatever :-/
03:57 NekoGloop I did.
03:58 VanessaE 2 1/2 months isn't long enough.
03:58 NekoGloop The only use they got was from RealBadAngel: "Your code is shit", he got to ridicule someone else's code.
03:58 VanessaE and here I was just about to add support for it to HDX too :(
04:00 Renoki joined #minetest
04:01 VanessaE well at the very least, what was the last "official" version?
04:01 VanessaE 1.1?
04:01 NekoGloop sure
04:01 NekoGloop i dont remember.
04:01 NekoGloop so it's whatever you call it.
04:01 VanessaE wow, my copy is OLD
04:02 NekoGloop Do realise i never bothered changing the version in the .lua
04:02 VanessaE sigh
04:03 VanessaE who pissed in your Cheerios?
04:03 NekoGloop VanessaE: Everyone.
04:04 VanessaE I mean in the last few days you've been just pissy as hell :(
04:05 NekoGloop partly because of this damn community's stereotype of windows users: "stupid people who sit there and drool on the computer"
04:05 VanessaE actually, "point and drool" isn't a windows reference, it's a "dumb users + dumbed-down interface" reference.
04:06 VanessaE which exists in linux also
04:06 VanessaE it's just that 75% of windows users are in that category for reasons I just fail to understand.
04:07 kaeza I for myself love Windows 9X
04:07 kaeza so you can count me on your group too
04:07 kaeza These are just jokes man
04:07 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQKNqGrYKTM
04:07 VanessaE kaeza: but you aren't dumb, and win95 was not dumbed down compared to modern interfaces.
04:08 kaeza VanessaE: And neither is NekoGloop
04:08 VanessaE exactly.
04:08 NekoGloop kaeza: NGloop, Gloop, or Neko if not talking directly to me, please.
04:09 kaeza ok Neko whatever :)
04:09 NekoGloop and also the enforcement of some unknown set of "rules"
04:11 kaeza what "rules"?
04:11 NekoGloop I mean, at least #minecraft has a link to their rules in the topic.
04:12 kaeza hell Neko. If I had one cent for every time someone tells me "YOU SUCK" I'd be rich by now
04:13 kaeza Yeah, I suck at sucking, but I don't pay attention to any of those that don't like what I do
04:16 VanessaE hrm, I need to tone down the quantity of flowers, junglegrass, and poison ivy somehow.
04:17 kaeza VanessaE: How about disable new flowers when there are already a certain amount in an area?
04:17 kaeza IDK if get_nodes_in_area("group:flowers") works though
04:17 VanessaE I thought I already did that but apparently it either doesn't work, or the limiter I put into place doesn't work the first time after a server restart
04:18 VanessaE - find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, nodenames) -> list of positions
04:18 VanessaE ^ nodenames: eg. {"ignore", "group:tree"} or "default:dirt"
04:18 VanessaE so it should work.
04:18 VanessaE ditto for fine_node_near()
04:18 VanessaE find*
04:19 kaeza yeah. sorry, typo :)
04:19 kaeza heck I need a thorough read of lua_api.txt
04:20 NekoGloop minecraft: vanilla can only run 10 mods max with thousands of problems, ForgeModLoader can read 48 with no hitches (except possibly block and item ID conflicts; there's an id resolver though :3)
04:20 VanessaE meanwhile, minetest can have as many as you want, up to the internal number-of-nodes limit :-)
04:21 * VanessaE looks at flowers abms
04:21 kaeza 10 mods max!? wat
04:21 NekoGloop kaeza: yeah, MC is practically 10 mods max because otherwise the .jar is too large
04:22 kaeza Java is known to eat up megs and megs of RAM too
04:22 kaeza even for inane apps
04:22 NekoGloop Optifine can help relieve graphics stress
04:23 kaeza IDK much about MC, but does everything have to be in a single Jar?
04:23 NekoGloop for mods, yes. Unless you have modloader or forge.
04:25 kaeza Even with forge 48 mods seems like nothing when you can have 100
04:25 kaeza 100+ mods in MT
04:25 NekoGloop 48 mods is just how many i have.
04:25 NekoGloop It can probably support just as many as MT.
04:26 kaeza and I thought MC was more advanced :)
04:26 NekoGloop for everything but vanilla mod support
04:26 NekoGloop Minecraft: The only game you need mods to have mods!
04:26 kaeza lol MODception!
04:28 kaeza that's where MT kicks in: just write a small `init.lua', add some textures and PRESTO! you have nice custom blocks when restarting the server
04:28 NekoGloop now if only the good mods would fucking update them.
04:29 NekoGloop kaeza: there's an api for making forge mods in lua
04:29 kaeza to load at runtime?
04:30 NekoGloop dunno, havent messed with it yet
04:30 kaeza interesting idea
04:30 kaeza to load/unload mods on the fly
04:31 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcTLJ692F70 this is all
04:32 * VanessaE looks at the poisonivy lua....G*d, did I really write this pile of shit?
04:32 VanessaE :)
04:32 NekoGloop yes you did
04:32 khonkhortisan you would've written it differently
04:32 khonkhortisan had it been now
04:32 VanessaE yeah, if done today it would have come out way different.
04:33 kaeza and don't get me started on pipeworks :P
04:33 VanessaE hey now, pipeworks is a masterpiece - a work of art!
04:34 VanessaE :)
04:34 NekoGloop and so is air sword.
04:35 VanessaE heh
04:35 * kaeza is opening pipeworks' init.lua: now entering the amazonian rainforest... Waiting for a guide...
04:35 NekoGloop kaeza: gl hf
04:35 kaeza NekoGloop: I'll need it
04:36 kaeza LOL :)
04:37 kaeza J/K V
04:37 VanessaE :P
04:37 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syUbbC-994c This is good considering that the Vocaloid in use is Japanese.
04:38 VanessaE I should combine junglegrass, flowers, and poison ivy into a single mod - "plantlife".
04:38 kaeza I accidentaly my flash player so I can't youtube :(
04:38 khonkhortisan just use variables at the top if someone wants to turn part of it off
04:38 VanessaE kaeza: use the HTML5 version.
04:38 VanessaE khonkhortisan: agreed.
04:39 kaeza VanessaE: Silly me! HTML5!
04:39 kaeza you're right
04:41 kaeza NekoGloop: very good as you said (considering the Jap vocals)
04:41 NekoGloop time to find about 20 more mods to cram into minecraft
04:42 NekoGloop kaeza: this is the Vocaloid performing in japanese: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmOeqLHwn5g
04:45 NekoGloop kaeza: it's a tad hard to find... "family friendly" songs where Len is the only one singing.
04:45 kaeza yeah
04:46 NekoGloop ... I take it you already knew that. :3
04:46 kaeza NekoGloop: are you Japanese?
04:46 NekoGloop No.
04:46 kaeza oh but you like the culture
04:46 NekoGloop I'm on the other side of the freakin planet.
04:47 kaeza ok nvm
04:47 kaeza bbiab
04:49 kaeza back
04:49 NekoGloop kaeza: why? are you?
04:49 kaeza me? no
04:49 kaeza I'm Uruguayan
04:49 NekoGloop ok.
04:50 * NekoGloop just happens to know that country exists
04:50 * kaeza was going to give a geography lesson but is glad about that
04:51 NekoGloop as for where it is, cant remember atm.
04:51 kaeza south america
04:51 kaeza between Argentina and Brazil
04:51 NekoGloop This is perhaps the best song with just Len singing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znir_s4Q9BA
04:52 khonkhortisan the country is not called Urugruaia
04:52 NekoGloop khonkhortisan: yeah, it's Uruguay (IIRC)
04:52 khonkhortisan america american uruguaya uruguayan
04:52 khonkhortisan the naming conventions differ
04:53 NekoGloop ah, forgot an "a"
04:54 NekoGloop kaeza: Minecraft Forge has a neat little "Ore Dictionary as well"
04:54 NekoGloop bah.
04:54 NekoGloop move the cursor after finishing with the quotes...
04:54 NekoGloop It makes it so that ores of the same name can accomplish the same things in each mod. So one mod's silver is equal to another's
04:55 kaeza sorry, was watching the video
04:55 NekoGloop ... Well, that is assuming the ore dictionary is used properly.
04:55 kaeza yes the name is Uruguay
04:55 kaeza but the people that live there are "Uruguayans" (or "Uruguayos" in spanish)
04:56 NekoGloop Metallurgy II doesnt use it properly for it's silver ingots (and just the ingots), thus making it so that i cant macerate the ore then smelt it into metallurgy II ingots.
04:57 NekoGloop kaeza: And now, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7bKqu6ZPbc
04:57 NekoGloop :3
05:01 kaeza1 joined #minetest
05:01 kaeza1 modem disconnected :(
05:01 NekoGloop aw, you lost the awesomeness of sekihan :(
05:02 kaeza1 :(
05:02 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7bKqu6ZPbc
05:02 NekoGloop Oh look! IT'S BACK! MAGIC
05:03 NekoGloop Welp, I'm off.
05:09 mrtux goodnight
05:09 kaeza1 night tux
05:13 sokomine joined #minetest
05:13 sokomine ah. hi
05:14 OldCoder hi
05:16 kaeza1 hey! http://cheezburger.com/6813436160
05:17 VanessaE joined #minetest
05:17 kaeza1 wb
05:17 kaeza1 hey sokomine
05:17 sokomine hi :-)
05:18 kaeza1 what's up?
05:18 VanessaE G*D damn it.
05:18 VanessaE hi sokomine.
05:18 kaeza1 lol
05:18 VanessaE my PC just suddenly hard-locked.
05:18 kaeza1 I know that feel sis
05:18 khonkhortisan If I worked in construction, I wouldn't build something based on mc
05:18 sokomine vanessae: might have caught it from mine :-/ hard disk has errors
05:19 VanessaE fucking lost 200 lines of source code >:-(
05:19 VanessaE I hadn't had a chance to save it yet
05:19 khonkhortisan Does it spread over irc? Am I already infected?
05:19 sokomine oh :-( what did you write?
05:19 kaeza Remeber: even Jesus saves :)
05:19 sokomine perhaps.....who knows :-)
05:19 VanessaE sokomine: rewriting flowers+junglegrass+poisonivy
05:19 sokomine ah!
05:19 VanessaE kaeza: yeah but moses invests. :-)
05:19 sokomine how do you rewrite them?
05:19 VanessaE sokomine: gedit.
05:20 sokomine no, i mean...with which goal/what are you changing
05:20 VanessaE condense them into one, make them leaner and faster.
05:20 sokomine that's always good
05:20 kaeza <VanessaE>LOL U mad?
05:20 kaeza trololol
05:21 kaeza aaahh just a bit bored. That's it
05:23 kaeza https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/11/23/r01CWw-780uc2NXiU2N1vw2.png
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05:30 kaeza Well, that's it for today. Good night fellas.
6 more elements. Show/hide.
06:33 kaeza sadly, I'm back
06:37 kaeza hello
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07:18 kaeza What Lua version does MT use? 5.1 or 5.2?
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08:08 kaeza anyone there?
08:09 VanessaE no :-)
08:09 kaeza oh ok. I'm leaving then
08:09 VanessaE nnnoooooooo
08:09 kaeza :)
08:10 celeron55_ kaeza: 5.1
08:10 kaeza It's been a bit lonely for the last two hours
08:10 kaeza what?
08:10 kaeza oh
08:10 kaeza lua?
08:11 kaeza thanks celeron55_!
08:11 celeron55_ it's quiet at these times because the western europeans and the americans are sleeping
08:12 kaeza I was tinkering with the IRC add-on for MT
08:12 kaeza But unfortunately it needs a major luasocket rewrite to work on 5.2
08:12 celeron55_ hmm, actually eastern americans; i guess it's still evening in western america
08:13 celeron55_ oh, it's midnight in there
08:13 kaeza It's 6:10 AM here :)
08:13 VanessaE 3:13am here..
08:13 kaeza quite early or late depending on POV
08:14 celeron55_ it's 10AM in here
08:14 VanessaE ok, I could use an opinion or two...
08:15 kaeza on what?
08:16 VanessaE well before I go with that...is there a way to get some kind of preview of what minetest's perlin noise values will end up doing on a large scale?
08:16 VanessaE local perlin = minetest.env:get_perlin(plantlife_seed, 3, 0.5, 150 )
08:16 VanessaE local noise = perlin:get2d({x=p_top.x, y=p_top.z})
08:16 VanessaE this works fine, but is there some way to get a wide-scale view of what that will produce when I test for the value of "noise" to be, say, > 0.6 or so
08:18 kaeza hmmm...
08:18 celeron55_ well, you could scale down the scale value and imagine what it'd look like when scaled up...
08:19 kaeza what
08:19 VanessaE kaeza: look at this screenshot:
08:19 VanessaE http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/screenshot_1262407676.png
08:19 VanessaE celeron55_: problem is I'm still very new at using perlin noise, so I am not entirely sure how the values work yet.
08:20 VanessaE kaeza: that is an example patch of plants (with abundance, spawn rate, and so forth turned WAYYY up to get it to grow fast and thick)
08:20 VanessaE the overall size of the patch...is it too big?
08:20 kaeza I see
08:21 kaeza maybe a bit too big
08:21 VanessaE sounds like I should turn the scale value down then
08:21 kaeza and maybe not random enough?
08:22 VanessaE oh don't worry about the randomness, that's an artifact of running the ABM too fast (deliberately)
08:22 kaeza ok
08:22 VanessaE (to a degree anyway)
08:23 VanessaE ok, let's try it with a much smaller scale valyue
08:23 VanessaE value
08:23 Basstard` joined #minetest
08:24 celeron55_ http://zoodhof.deviantart.com/art/Interactive-Perlin-Noise-334183190
08:24 celeron55_ that gives some clue, but you can't raise the persistence as high as you might want to
08:24 celeron55_ (input some highish number as the seed)
08:25 celeron55_ (yeah, it's 2d, but imagining it in 3d isn't very hard)
08:25 VanessaE how does the width of this diagram translate to a minetest world?
08:25 VanessaE 1 pixel to a node?  (looks closer to about 10:1)
08:26 celeron55_ (umm... i mean, that is 1d, not 2d)
08:26 celeron55_ it depends on what you input as the scale to minetest's perlin noise
08:26 VanessaE yep I got that, I figured that was a typo/braino
08:26 VanessaE I'm plugging in the same values into the website as I'm using in my code
08:27 celeron55_ i am not actually sue what the scale is in that
08:27 VanessaE scale is 20 right now
08:27 VanessaE was 150 in the screenshot.
08:27 VanessaE hm, good point, it isn't mentioned at all...
08:28 VanessaE wait, doesn't the GIMP have a perlin noise generator?
08:28 * VanessaE looks
08:28 celeron55_ yes it has
08:29 celeron55_ i guess i could make a browser based perlin noise generator
08:29 anunakki joined #minetest
08:30 kaeza hmm... I'm completely clueless on this topic. Sorry
08:31 celeron55_ i have most of the code for that lying around...
08:37 VanessaE how's this distribution look?
08:37 VanessaE http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/screenshot_1263489958.png
08:37 VanessaE (same area, I just erase the map file and let it re-generate anew)
08:38 VanessaE dammit
08:40 VanessaE those swaths of plantsbtw will be a mixture of flowers, jungle grass, and poison ivy (different seed for each class) once I copy the texture files back in
08:40 VanessaE (the random colors are easier to see from afar)
08:42 redcrab joined #minetest
08:42 VanessaE hrm, gonna need a bigger difference between the seeds..
08:48 Calinou joined #minetest
08:53 Calinou http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=53871#p53871
08:53 Calinou *answers "-1 Unity"*
08:57 celeron55_ VanessaE: here:http://c55.me/random/2012-11/noisegen/
08:57 celeron55_ crap
08:57 celeron55_ http://c55.me/random/2012-11/noisegen/
08:57 celeron55_ it's a quick hack but works
08:57 VanessaE oh cool
08:57 VanessaE thanks!
08:57 celeron55_ hmm, i'll make seed a parameter and not random
08:58 VanessaE good idea :-)
08:58 Calinou "intgeractive"?
09:01 VanessaE heh
09:02 celeron55_ now it works
09:03 Aqua joined #minetest
09:03 Aqua hi
09:05 VanessaE no it don't :-)
09:06 VanessaE wait there we go
09:06 celeron55_ how not?
09:06 VanessaE "limit" was too low to see what I was doing.
09:07 VanessaE no, that wasn't it.  either I get a solid yellow or solid brown output
09:07 aheinecke joined #minetest
09:08 celeron55_ i made it crappily twice the dimensions
09:08 celeron55_ VanessaE: well, that is what your parameters give
09:08 celeron55_ not my problem
09:08 VanessaE heh
09:08 VanessaE ok
09:08 celeron55_ hmm, this looks horrible
09:11 celeron55_ well, just set an empty seed and hammer the button to see it at "different locations"
09:12 celeron55_ i made it a bit larger
09:12 redcrab joined #minetest
09:13 celeron55_ also, the noise generator seems buggy
09:15 celeron55_ well... good enough 8D
09:15 VanessaE yeah, this helps a bunch :-)
09:17 celeron55_ refresh the page, i added some info to the parameters
09:18 VanessaE ah
09:20 celeron55_ i don't understand... sometimes the noise works, but more often it just makes weird squarely shapes
09:21 VanessaE law of large numbers maybe?
09:29 celeron55_ the squarely shapes are kind of corresponding to the parameters though
09:30 celeron55_ actually very so
09:38 Kacey joined #minetest
09:38 VanessaE there, I think I have something that works
09:38 Kacey ooh you are on
09:40 VanessaE celeron55_: look like a decent distribution?  http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/screenshot_1267248427.png
09:40 Kacey gonna ompload my skin
09:40 VanessaE Kacey: upload it somewhere okay, but msg the address to me so I can get to it tomorrow, I'm kinda busy at the moment.
09:40 Kacey ok
09:41 Kacey what are you doing
09:42 VanessaE Kacey: rewriting some of my mods - combining flowers + junglegrass + poison ivy into "plantlife".  Should result in a lot less duplicated code and the abms themselves are already much faster than before.
09:42 Kacey aah
09:45 Kacey ompldr.org not working :(
09:46 Kacey now i am getting off for the night
09:47 Kacey left #minetest
09:48 VanessaE yeah, distribution looks good.  sizeable empty areas punctuated by moderately-sized patches of plantlife.
09:48 * VanessaE goes with those numbers.
09:49 VanessaE (seed diffs = 123 and 133, octaves = 3, persistence = 0.2, scale = 25, limit = 0.6 in case you're curious
09:49 VanessaE )
09:50 VanessaE now to enable the growth code and see what it breaks :D
10:05 KikaRz joined #minetest
10:05 KikaRz Hi there! :D
10:05 KikaRz How are you today?
10:05 KikaRz OldCoder, Hi :D
10:05 OldCoder KikaRz, sleeping but thank you
10:06 KikaRz Oh! A Zombie...
10:08 celeron55_ https://gist.github.com/4158578
10:11 VanessaE heh
10:11 VanessaE too tired to really appreciate that.  I'll read tomorrow.
10:11 VanessaE time for bed for me (about 4 hours ago actually).
10:12 VanessaE for the growth code to a stable point, so I should be able to put this out for download tomorrow.
10:12 VanessaE so, good night :-)
10:12 VanessaE s/for/got/
10:12 VanessaE *click*
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12:09 Ragnar_ hi
12:09 Ragnar_ hi VanessaE!
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12:23 Ragnar_ ok hi im back :D
12:24 Ragnar_ hi :D
12:24 Ragnar_ http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3892
12:24 Ragnar_ look and read
12:26 Ragnar_ hey who other than VanessaE can code?
12:27 Ragnar_ what?
12:27 Ragnar_ woah lol :D
12:27 Ragnar_ umm...Ano said, when he was in Glomies server, that he knows how to cheat aand get items...
12:28 Ragnar_ maybe a month ago...
12:28 Ragnar_ thats strange...
12:28 Ragnar_ LOL
12:29 Ragnar_ im watching a Minecraft Lets Play Vanilla, and somebody jumped down a cliff with 5x64 diamonds
12:29 Ragnar_ yeah!
12:29 Ragnar_ thats what he told me too!
12:30 Ragnar_ and also...
12:30 Ragnar_ i tried getting items in glomies with CheatEngine, but i couldnt...
12:30 Ragnar_ so he didnt do it with that...
12:31 Ragnar_ and...can you please not tell him that?
12:31 Ragnar_ cause that would cause me to lose reliableness and also my server...
12:32 Ragnar_ ok?
12:32 Ragnar_ please
12:34 Ragnar_ thanks :)
12:34 Ragnar_ hey did you read the post already?
12:37 Ragnar_ hey...hear this...
12:37 Ragnar_ i have an idea for Minetest...
12:37 Ragnar_ you ready?
12:38 Ragnar_ triangles!
12:38 Ragnar_ what if there were no cubes, only triangles...
12:39 Ragnar_ well bye...
12:49 NekoGloop joined #minetest
12:54 NekoGloop Meow?
12:57 MilanFIN joined #minetest
12:58 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xzqBo4fL50
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13:09 pdl 请问为什么无法编译?
13:09 Ragnar_ hi
13:10 pdl CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
13:10 pdl Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
13:10 NekoGloop Sorry, I listen to Japanese, not read it.
13:10 Ragnar_ hi neko :D
13:11 pdl hi
13:11 pdl i can't build it
13:11 Ragnar_ hey who wants to join my development team?
13:11 Ragnar_ for a project
13:11 pdl why?
13:11 NekoGloop Ragnar_: more information
13:11 Ragnar_ [GAME] Dragon Quest
13:11 pdl any chinese?
13:11 Ragnar_ a game...
13:11 Ragnar_ i need coders...
13:11 Ragnar_ as in helpers...
13:11 NekoGloop Well I read even less chinese.
13:12 Ragnar_ what?
13:12 Ragnar_ :S
13:12 Ragnar_ xD
13:13 Ragnar_ so who's in?
13:13 NekoGloop There's a really awesome-looking minecraft mod, should i use it? http://calclavia.com/universalelectricity
13:13 Ragnar_ http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3892
13:13 Ragnar_ wait...
13:13 pdl c++?
13:13 NekoGloop he means a minetest gamemode
13:13 NekoGloop so lua
13:14 Ragnar_ well, both...
13:14 Ragnar_ cause someone made a model in C++ that works in minetest...
13:15 Ragnar_ btw, the http://calclavia.com/universalelectricity is it a mod for minecraft or minetest?
13:16 Ragnar_ i mean the mods there...
13:16 NekoGloop minecraft
13:17 Ragnar_ ow...
13:17 Ragnar_ the Electric expansion looked like minecraft :D
13:17 Ragnar_ but so are you in?
13:17 NekoGloop nope
13:17 Ragnar_ why not?
13:17 Ragnar_ please
13:17 NekoGloop because i suck at lua
13:17 Ragnar_ ow...
13:17 Ragnar_ how about textures?
13:17 NekoGloop nope
13:17 Ragnar_ i suck at both :D
13:17 Ragnar_ textures and lua :D
13:18 Ragnar_ but i wont give it up :D
13:18 Ragnar_ i have alot to learn :D
13:18 Sudi joined #minetest
13:20 pdl it looks like a good game
13:20 Ragnar_ what does?
13:21 Ragnar_ Dragon Quest?
13:21 pdl where are u from?
13:21 Ragnar_ me?
13:21 Ragnar_ im from a galaxy far far away...
13:21 pdl yes
13:21 Ragnar_ Estonia
13:21 Ragnar_ :D
13:22 NekoGloop bah. cant run minecraft and chrome at the same time. bbiab
13:22 pdl i'm from china
13:22 Ragnar_ ow :D
13:22 Ragnar_ hey pdl, can you make textures for my mod?
13:22 pdl i think i can't
13:22 pdl sorry
13:25 Ragnar_ has somebody got skilles in making textures/coding in lua?
13:26 Ragnar_ GAME!
13:26 Ragnar_ ITS A GAME
13:27 Ragnar_ [GAME] Dragon Quest
13:27 Ragnar_ http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=54128#p54128
13:27 Ragnar_ ok :D
13:27 Ragnar_ maybe the player texture...
13:27 Ragnar_ it has to be medieval, so maybe a knight or something...
13:28 Ragnar_ umm...0.4.4 does it have a 3D player?
13:29 Ragnar_ *thinking* i hope not... :( */thinking*
13:29 Ragnar_ FUUUUUUU!
13:29 Ragnar_ ow and btw, i cant play right now...
13:30 Ragnar_ lag...
13:30 Ragnar_ and you cant do multiply player textures...
13:30 Ragnar_ like 1. Farmer, 2. Knight, 3. King etc...
13:30 ttk2 joined #minetest
13:30 Ragnar_ then i guess that still 0.4.3
13:30 Ragnar_ wait what?!
13:30 Ragnar_ i can?!
13:34 Ragnar_ i mean you can't use them like http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3587
13:34 Ragnar_ thats what i want to do :(
13:38 Ragnar_ WHAT!!!
13:38 Ragnar_ YAY
13:38 Ragnar_ ask her how!
13:43 Ragnar_ nss!
13:43 Ragnar_ No Shit, Sherlock!
13:44 Lumpio- left #minetest
13:50 Ragnar_ hey can somebody help me?
13:50 Ragnar_ im trying to reduce the gravity...
13:50 Ragnar_ so the player wont practically fly when he/she jumps -.-
13:51 Ragnar_ wait i think i got it :D
13:51 Ragnar_ it was set to 10 blocks a jump, i set it to 2 blocks :D
13:51 Ragnar_ *REALISTIC*
14:04 Ragnar_ hey can somebody help me or make themselves a dragon with nodeboxes?
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14:36 RealBadAngel hello minetest
14:36 babyface1031 joined #minetest
14:36 NekoGloop http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&amp;threadID=8375 My life is now complete
14:38 NekoGloop bah. dropbox has issues with .jar's today -_-
14:39 RealBadAngel hi NekoGloop, which game exactly youre playing? ;)
14:39 NekoGloop minecraft.
14:39 RealBadAngel so why youre here?
14:40 RealBadAngel just asking
14:40 NekoGloop because i got a response here.
14:41 RealBadAngel from folks askin why youre here still? :)
14:42 NekoGloop industrialcraft2 + universalelectricity + buildcraft.
14:42 NekoGloop Now, if only eloramm would update :3
14:43 RealBadAngel ive almost finished complete replacement for creative inventory
14:43 NekoGloop bah. ID conflicts. fack.
14:43 NekoGloop metallurgy doesnt like to play nice with other mods :(
14:45 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/unified_inventory.png
14:46 NekoGloop lol iron door
14:50 RealBadAngel mt got lately a few new features
14:51 RealBadAngel http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/screenshot_1138564681.png
14:51 RealBadAngel its me with chosen skin
14:51 NekoGloop Assassin's Creed dude?
14:51 NakedFury can you add a button to the new inventory that changes the time to 6000 without having to type /time 6000
14:53 RealBadAngel yes
14:53 RealBadAngel daytime/night is aviable when in creative
14:53 NekoGloop ergh, guess i have to remove metallurgy :(
14:54 doserj joined #minetest
14:54 RealBadAngel this is complete inventory overhaul
14:54 RealBadAngel i was havin TMI in mind when creating it
14:54 NekoGloop pfft. do NEI.
14:55 RealBadAngel both are siimilar
14:55 NekoGloop but no recipes
14:55 NakedFury cant do NEI before doing TMI
14:55 NakedFury he has to learn from TMI to then upgrade to NEI
14:56 RealBadAngel i dont remember exactly now
14:56 RealBadAngel but when i was playin ive picked one that come later
14:56 RealBadAngel together with inventory_tweaks
14:57 RealBadAngel now lookin a way to animate stuff in formspec
14:58 RealBadAngel to represent groups in recipes
14:58 RealBadAngel like mc does for example with different kinds of wood
14:59 RealBadAngel and cycling item animation through possible ones
15:00 NekoGloop Meow.
15:01 NakedFury well I saw that screenshot you provided and I am liking how it looks
15:01 RealBadAngel wanna test it?
15:02 RealBadAngel if so compile the tree: https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest
15:02 RealBadAngel get latest minetest_game
15:03 RealBadAngel delete creative mod from it
15:03 RealBadAngel and install this to /mods
15:03 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/unified_inventory.zip
15:03 NakedFury I have latest 0.4.4 game
15:03 NakedFury would that work?
15:03 RealBadAngel no
15:04 RealBadAngel it requires further changes
15:04 NakedFury I cant compile
15:04 RealBadAngel need windows one?
15:05 RealBadAngel sfan is off
15:05 RealBadAngel sfan5|OFF, by any chance youre here?
15:05 NakedFury I downloaded sfans version
15:06 RealBadAngel i dont he have built my tree
15:06 RealBadAngel *think
15:07 RealBadAngel i need to ask sfan5 to get his scripts to compile windows builds
15:11 RealBadAngel NakedFury, before sfan will come test this: http://realbadangel.pl/technic_ambience.zip
15:12 RealBadAngel it doesnt require other client
15:13 babyface1031 hi OldCoder
15:16 NekoGloop Ah, finally. The last of the ID conflicts
15:16 anunakki joined #minetest
15:17 jin_xi_ hello all
15:18 RealBadAngel hi
15:18 jin_xi_ your creative inv looks nice
15:19 RealBadAngel test it
15:19 RealBadAngel its workin awesome
15:19 jin_xi_ cool, will do later
15:20 RealBadAngel its not finished yet
15:20 jin_xi_ im trying multinode atm, haven't fully got it yet ;)
15:20 RealBadAngel i need to add craetive and fix some c++ glitches
15:21 RealBadAngel jin_xi_, check out my version of ambience
15:21 jin_xi_ whats the difference (also i have recently removed ambience... too noisy)
15:21 RealBadAngel music
15:21 RealBadAngel there are Skaven's tracks, 9 of them
15:23 jin_xi_ ok
15:37 opticlove joined #minetest
15:37 NakedFury good to see minetest growing
15:47 RealBadAngel NakedFury, sfan is here, he will build win client for ya
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16:12 OldCoder john_minetest, I am here yes
16:19 OldCoder john_minetest, same as Zeg9 world. I copied the files.
16:19 OldCoder He has them. But which privs are you looking for?
16:19 OldCoder Oh
16:19 OldCoder "all privs". Hold on
16:22 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:22 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
16:22 marktraceur PilzAdam: Hello!
16:28 jin_xi hi adam
16:34 iqualfragile joined #minetest
16:36 jin_xi hmm, which mod has slabs/half blocks?
16:37 PilzAdam the default stairs mod?
16:38 jin_xi ok
16:38 jin_xi ah, thanks
16:40 Mika_R joined #minetest
16:40 Mika_R OldCoder, how does it look with Europe vps?
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16:45 OldCoder Mika_R, Hi
16:46 OldCoder Mika_R, current one is alive. A new one may appear in December.
16:47 Mika_R ok
16:49 OldCoder 16:30:29: ERROR[main]: ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred:
16:49 OldCoder ServerEnvironment::loadMeta(): EnvArgsEnd not found
16:49 OldCoder That started abruptly 20 minutes ago on 30004
16:50 OldCoder No special crashes or changes before. Any thoughts?
16:50 iqualfragile joined #minetest
16:51 PilzAdam worlds/[worldname]/env_meta.txt isnt there or emtpy
16:51 OldCoder ty
16:51 OldCoder Happening to all the worlds!
16:51 PilzAdam here is some content to restore them:
16:51 PilzAdam game_time = 3335
16:51 PilzAdam time_of_day = 5520
16:51 PilzAdam EnvArgsEnd
16:52 OldCoder Why would they all go to zero
16:52 OldCoder Do you suppose?
16:52 OldCoder Could shutdown do it?
16:52 PilzAdam this happens randomly
16:52 OldCoder Ah!
16:52 OldCoder Then I can add code to prevent it
16:52 OldCoder To the server framework
16:52 OldCoder PilzAdam, sometimes the file gets reset? Is that it?
16:53 PilzAdam this error is thrown if the engine cant find the file or when its empty
16:53 OldCoder I know
16:53 OldCoder PilzAdam, sometimes the file gets reset? Is that it?
16:53 OldCoder reset to zero?
16:53 PilzAdam the reason why this happens is unknown
16:53 OldCoder That is fine
16:53 OldCoder I can fix it permanently
16:53 OldCoder In the server framework right now
16:53 OldCoder The question is this:
16:54 OldCoder PilzAdam, sometimes the file gets reset randomly to zero length? Is that it?
16:54 Jordach or some I/O bug
16:54 OldCoder Is the preceding correct?
16:54 Jordach where it cleans the file and never finishes
16:54 OldCoder Sometimes the file gets reset randomly to zero length? Is that it?
16:54 PilzAdam OldCoder, can be
16:54 OldCoder k
16:54 OldCoder Fixing it
16:54 OldCoder Permanently
16:54 Jordach lol
16:54 OldCoder Worlds will be down for a few minutes
16:54 OldCoder lol?
16:54 PilzAdam pull request it upstream if it works
16:54 OldCoder It is a kludge
16:54 OldCoder In my framework; not in the code
16:55 Jordach when you said permanently, it sounded like a mobster
16:55 OldCoder While the worlds are down
16:55 OldCoder Suggest new mods patches or updates
16:55 Jordach hes going to dissapear....permanently.
16:55 OldCoder Now is the time to do this
16:55 OldCoder yes
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16:58 OldCoder If anybody wishes more mods patches updates now is the time to suggest them
16:59 PilzAdam Is there a server that just run the current upstream minetest_game without additional mods?
17:00 iqualfragile in anybody in here willing to help me with a bash-scripting-problem? i just dont get it…
17:01 OldCoder iqualfragile, Yes
17:02 OldCoder after I get the worlds up
17:05 ruskie iqualfragile, what's the prob
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17:15 celeron55 oh god hell no
17:15 ruskie ?
17:15 celeron55 taoki modified the message ids of the generic object commands
17:16 celeron55 incompatible version to current master upcoming
17:16 celeron55 why does somebody do this... this is a god damn network protocol
17:18 OldCoder Worlds are back up
17:24 q66 joined #minetest
17:27 celeron55 urrrrgh
17:27 celeron55 this ObjectProperties thing is a total failure in terms of making version compatibility reasonable
17:28 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:28 * celeron55 is making 0.4.3 able to connect to 0.4.4, just for the sake of it, and because 0.4 must have better inter-version compatibility in the future
17:28 sstrandberg joined #minetest
17:29 Jordach celeron55 - chill out, please
17:31 celeron55 i 100% hate it when previous decisions make current things painful
17:32 Jordach celeron55 - thats open source software for you
2 more elements. Show/hide.
17:35 celeron55 Jordach: not really; that's unexperienced development
17:36 Jordach celeron55 - i do suggest we check _EVERY_ patch that comes into git
17:36 celeron55 that is way too laborious
17:37 NekoGloop joined #minetest
17:38 celeron55 especially as ObjectProperties was made by me, in a lazy mood i suspect
17:38 Jordach if things were done to check things that should not be touched, like mapgen, etc
17:38 celeron55 i have made a tool that can check map format compatiiblity
17:38 celeron55 it's the most important thing
17:39 celeron55 https://github.com/celeron55/minetest-worldtest/
17:39 FreeFull Damn laziness
17:47 rubenwardy hi all
4 more elements. Show/hide.
18:08 * sokomine hopes that both the very nice 3d-player and compatibility between diffrent versions work
18:09 sokomine thank you for the game and for all the contributions. it is really fun to play
18:15 babyface1031 joined #minetest
18:15 babyface1031 hi everyone :D
18:18 Jordach hey people, would it possible to convert the c++ parts into objective-c?
18:20 * Jordach turns up the electro house
18:20 Taoki celeron55: Back. What's wrong, and what did I modify in the models code that's bad?
18:20 Jordach <celeron55> this ObjectProperties thing is a total failure in terms of making version compatibility reasonable
18:20 Jordach <celeron55> taoki modified the message ids of the generic object commands
18:21 Taoki If you mean the extra messages, they were needed, and I thought it's common for new features to add them
18:21 Taoki Ah... O  you mean the values of some constant
18:21 Taoki erm,
18:21 neko259 joined #minetest
18:21 Taoki I think you mean the values of some constants for the gob commands, if I remember right
18:22 Taoki I remember inserting one in the middle so they would be in a proper matching order. Didn't imagine anything being wrong with that. If you mean what I think then I remember.
18:23 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
18:23 PilzAdam hi j4i
18:24 Jordach jordan4ibanez - get the server up man!
18:24 Taoki celeron55: But if it is, I did that to keep everything clean and sorted. I didn't think the order of the ID's would matter. Sorry for the trouble, I hope the problem can be resolved and reverted :(
18:25 Taoki I'll remember not to mess with such again
18:26 * VanessaE pokes sokomine, PilzAdam, taoki, and celeron55 ...just because.
18:26 VanessaE hi all :-)
18:26 jordan4ibanez When there is a 64 bit minetest for windows i will lol
18:26 NekoGloop :(
18:26 briareoh joined #minetest
18:26 * VanessaE pokes NekoGloop, jordan4ibanez, and jordan4ibanez also.  just for because :D
18:26 NekoGloop lol
18:27 Jordach vanessaE, y u no poke me and NekoGloop
18:27 VanessaE oh fuck, tab complete FAIL
18:27 VanessaE :)
18:27 * VanessaE pokes Jordach too :D
18:28 Jordach :D
18:28 PilzAdam VanessaE, *back-poke*
18:28 PilzAdam that sounds wrong...
18:28 VanessaE lol
18:28 * NekoGloop slaps PilzAdam
18:28 Jordach s/*back-poke*/*pokes-back*/
18:29 * jin_xi started his first building in mt
18:29 PilzAdam thats better
18:30 rubenwardy Google trends is a part of google which you can use to see what people search at what times.
18:30 rubenwardy For Example "cheese" is searched the most in december
18:30 rubenwardy look at this: http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=porn   so funny
18:30 Jordach s/porn/minetest
18:31 NekoGloop yes, we get that the human race is slowly declining
18:32 rubenwardy http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=Jordach&amp;cmpt=q
18:32 rubenwardy meh http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=rubenwardy&amp;cmpt=q
18:33 NekoGloop http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=gloopmaster&amp;cmpt=q D:
18:33 * Jordach is googled lots
18:33 rubenwardy it is percentage of highest value
18:33 bulletrulz joined #minetest
18:33 bulletrulz hi
18:33 NekoGloop http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=neko&amp;cmpt=q lol
18:33 Jordach lolol, minecraft is searched more in norway (c55's country) than minetest is
18:34 rubenwardy this shows more people are getting stupid: http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=google&amp;cmpt=q
18:34 bulletrulz Jordach, no shit its more populr
18:35 bulletrulz does anyone play open arena?
18:35 PilzAdam Jordach, isnt c55's country finnland?
18:35 Jordach oh yea
18:35 * Jordach derps
18:35 briareoh joined #minetest
18:35 PilzAdam Norway isnt even in EU!
18:35 rubenwardy #woops
18:36 bulletrulz LOL!
18:36 * bulletrulz smack jordach
18:36 bulletrulz get it right!
18:38 bulletrulz openarena gotr 100 mbs done! C:
18:40 rubenwardy mw ha ha ha
18:41 bulletrulz yay! 200 mbs done :D
18:42 SpeedProg joined #minetest
18:45 rubenwardy such an amazing website, great design: http://www.angelfire.com/super/badwebs/
18:47 iqualfragile joined #minetest
18:49 Sudi lol
19:00 Calinou Jordach: finland, not norway
19:15 celeron55 does anyone care to test some stuff i am going to push to upstream?
19:15 TForsman joined #minetest
19:16 marktraceur celeron55: You *are* upstream!
19:16 celeron55 it reverts the incompatibility caused by taoki and makes it possible for a server to support older clients, and makes use of that by supporting PROTOCOL_VERSION 13 (which is 0.4.3 at least)
19:16 celeron55 marktraceur: my laptop isn't
19:16 marktraceur :)
19:17 celeron55 and doesn't support current 0.4.4
19:17 celeron55 and no whine about that please; if you want stable software, use stable - software cannot be developed so that it never breaks
19:18 marktraceur celeron55: I wasn't going to whine, I understand what it means to run git master of a project
19:18 celeron55 i didn't think you would
19:18 celeron55 but i know some people will
19:19 celeron55 i could even point at them but won't 8)
19:19 celeron55 https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commits/043_support
19:19 NakedFury its gonna break stuff? big deal. if I wanted stuff not breaking after every update i wouldnt be playing minetest or games in general
19:20 NakedFury do what you have to do to and ignore the small stuff
19:20 celeron55 anyway; if somebody wants to try that in case i didn't catch some bug, feel free to
19:29 bulletrulz someone go on vaneesa es server
19:29 Taoki celeron55: Back again. Glad it's fixed... sorry for the trouble, will remember not to mess those values again
19:30 Taoki VanessaE: hi :)
19:30 VanessaE hi :-)
19:31 Taoki celeron55: I can gladly test the fix now, given I "contributed" to breaking it. What do you need tested?
19:31 bulletrulz VanessaE, go on your server?
19:31 VanessaE bulletrulz:  busy coding right now.
19:31 VanessaE but you all can play all you like, just don't break anything important :D
19:32 bulletrulz ok somebody COME ON THE SERVER
19:33 Taoki VanessaE: Is the fix c55 mentioned on your server?
19:33 VanessaE Taoki: no, I'm running the congestion_setting branch actually
19:33 Taoki oh, ok
19:34 babyface1031 afk for a bit
19:36 Taoki celeron55: Do you have a diff of that branch you linked, against latest master? Would be easier than setting up a new git remote now. Also, do I test it locally or on another server?
19:40 thexyz Taoki: just `wget https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/archive/043_support.zip` if you are so lazy ^^
19:44 Taoki Compiling now and will test it after that
19:44 Taoki Should I make a lotal server and connect 2 clients to it?
19:44 Taoki Or connect with that to another server?
19:50 Jordach http://complexification.net/gallery/machines/substrate/ this is cool
19:52 iqualfragile joined #minetest
19:53 Taoki celeron55, thexyz: I ran minetestserver locally and connected with two minetest clients, on the 043_support code. All works well and I see no bugs. Again... should I test anything else specifically, or can I gelete that zip?
19:53 thexyz i guess that 043_support means you should be able to connect to 0.4.3 server
19:53 Taoki ok. Anyone got a 0.4.3 server to try it out?
19:54 Taoki I have a list of servers but don't know what each is running... most are GIT I assume
19:54 Jordach Taoki - you want someone to host a stable server?
19:54 Taoki Jordach: Just need a 0.4.3 server to connect to
19:54 thexyz http://servers.minetest.ru/
19:54 * Jordach warms up the stable
19:54 Taoki For a few seconds to make sure it works. Maybe with another player on it
19:54 Taoki ok
19:55 Taoki wazuclan.com:30000 Says 0.4.3 so I'll try it
19:55 Jordach : 30000
19:55 Taoki will try that too in a minute
19:56 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
19:56 Taoki connected on wazuclan well. I can tell it's 0.4.3 since it has no 3D players, still the old sprites
19:56 Taoki there are many players and I see them walking around well and everything
19:57 jordan4ibanez Taoki, can you give me a quick example of mounting an entity to a player?
19:57 Taoki jordan4ibanez: See set_attach in the lua api documentation
19:57 jordan4ibanez Thanks bro
19:57 Taoki don't have one now sorry, the carts mod does
19:58 Taoki Jordach: Your server isn't working
19:58 Jordach weird, the other dat i think mito connected
19:58 Jordach dayu
19:58 Jordach day
19:58 Jordach yes, he did using oc's client
19:58 Taoki Anyway, I connected to a 0.4.3 server without problem
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20:01 Taoki So I can confirm that branch has no bugs I can notice after a quick test.
20:01 celeron55 the main feature of that is that you can connect a 0.4.3 *to* it
20:02 Taoki ahhhh. Damn, I don't think I can host a server for others to connect to
20:02 Taoki Mostly since I'm behind router now
20:02 Taoki And I assume I need to hack into it and setup some port forwarding stuff
20:02 celeron55 oh well, i did test that a bit
20:03 Taoki Then I assume it should be good :)
20:03 Jordach Taoki - try finding the router gateway
20:03 Jordach it always points to the http settings
20:03 Jordach (or in most cases of belkins)
20:03 Taoki Yeah, I have a username and pass noted down and can enter the router's settings page with it
20:04 celeron55 hmm...
20:04 jordan4ibanez http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=pW9fXGVw Lol i made it so you can make someone look like they're on fire
20:05 celeron55 sounds useful
20:06 * Jordach pumps up some electro house
20:06 jordan4ibanez it would just need to get if someone was on fire, then spawn the fire entity attached to the player, and damage them while they were on fire until the fire burns out, or they jump into water
2 more elements. Show/hide.
20:09 celeron55 well, that is upstream now
20:09 celeron55 you'll have to create new windows builds for those who use them
20:10 VanessaE celeron55: can you merge the congestion_setting branch also?  It helps for some folks.
20:11 celeron55 oh that
20:12 Taoki celeron55: I tested the congestion branch with VanessaE 1-2 days ago. I can say it seems to help a bit
20:12 VanessaE kaeza would agree with that
20:12 Taoki The day before, I couldn't connect after 10 minutes, and the loading screen still showed 0% media. Once VanessaE had that branch, I could connect in 15 minutes, and there was progress with the stream after some seconds. Which is clearly a lot better
20:13 celeron55 VanessaE: pushed that too
20:13 VanessaE thanks!
20:14 Taoki awesome
20:16 rubenwardy bye
20:16 rubenwardy gtg
20:16 rubenwardy left #minetest
20:17 NekoGloop most people say "gtg, bye" not "bye, gtg"
20:17 Taoki VanessaE: If you can update your server to latest upstream, I'm doing so as well and connecting, to be sure all is fine
20:17 VanessaE sure thing, gimme a sec.
20:19 VanessaE building...
20:19 sokomine yes, the anti-congestion-methods work on vanessas server. took considerably less time to connect (~3 minutes instead of ~30)
20:20 VanessaE installing...
20:21 sokomine taoki: how can models be generated? with blender? or is there a way to convert nodebox-entities?
20:21 PilzAdam blender
20:21 Taoki Blender
20:21 marktraceur Food processor
20:21 Taoki Make a model, rig it, animate it on the timeline, then in Blender preferences enable the native DirectX mesh exporter and export to the x format
20:21 VanessaE installed, server has been restarted.
20:21 VanessaE go for it taoki.
20:21 PilzAdam gtg
20:22 PilzAdam bye
20:22 Taoki sokomine: See the player.blend included in minetest_game GIT for an example
20:22 sokomine hm. i have no experience at all with blender :-(
20:22 Taoki later
20:22 Taoki VanessaE: connecting
20:22 sokomine vanessa: is that https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/archive/043_support.zip now or another version?
20:22 Taoki VanessaE: Is your server up? It doesn't seem to find it and work
20:22 sokomine i'd like to compile the right thing
20:23 Taoki sokomine: That branch you linked is now in GIT
20:23 sokomine but...the goal was to connect with older client versions?
20:23 Taoki yeah
20:23 VanessaE sokomine: Try your old 0.4.3 version (you will see only 2d sprites then), then try latest git from just now
20:23 sokomine ok
20:23 VanessaE Taoki: port 30000
20:23 Taoki sokomine: Yes, try connecting with 0.4.3, that helps make sure it works
20:23 Taoki Ah, 30000, I had you noted as 30001
20:24 VanessaE sokomine: you'll want to rebuild your railroad btw :-)
20:24 sokomine there was a second testserver on that port recently
20:24 sokomine my poor railroad :) what happened to it?
20:24 sokomine (ok, i built it on the testserver...not the "real" one...)
20:24 VanessaE sokomine: you built it on the test server, which isn't running now :-)
20:24 sokomine ok :-)
20:24 Taoki Connecting slowly as usual, but much better since the congestion handling branch compared to many days ago
20:25 sokomine yes, first time with that old client
20:25 Taoki yay, I'm in
20:25 celeron55 >you will see only 2d sprites then
20:26 celeron55 you will see nothing
20:26 VanessaE celeron55: for players?
20:26 celeron55 yes
20:26 sokomine well...let's see. 23% loaded
20:26 celeron55 there is no support whatsoever built into the protocol that 0.4.3 uses that would make it understand that it doesn't know what it's doing
20:27 sokomine (it will arrive eventually. without those changes to the network congestion handling it was worse)
20:27 celeron55 and adding that to the server is practically impossible
20:27 Taoki A curiosity: If a model is completely covered by fog (draw distance culling), will it stop being rendered to improve performance? So players who are much too far away to be seen (or even behind voxels) don't get rendered
20:28 babyface1031 joined #minetest
20:28 celeron55 Taoki: i am not sure, but i think irrlicht might do that
20:28 Taoki Would be interesting if someone could test
20:28 celeron55 irrlicht won't care about voxels
20:29 celeron55 but it could care about fog; i'm guessing it doesn't
20:29 VanessaE celeron55: surely there's some way to fix that, 0.4.3 users not even seeing *names* is bad.
20:30 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
20:31 VanessaE server sees client protocol = 13, can't it just send the old data?
20:31 VanessaE (I suppose not)
20:31 sokomine ok. how it looks like: the box that is around the player (the wire) is there. but no names or anything else
20:31 Taoki celeron55: sokomine confirms connecting with a 0.4.3 client works. Though ha can't see players, even floating names... just the selection box if I somehow happen to be in front of him
20:31 Taoki yeah :P
20:32 celeron55 0.4.3 won't draw a name for an entity if the entity doesn't have any visual
20:32 celeron55 and it doesn't know the mesh visual
20:32 VanessaE so send a fake visual then
20:33 Muadtralk joined #minetest
20:33 sokomine ah. the entities usually respond by saying "ow" or something similar after punched. but that's a bit impractical :-) still - the world as such works
20:33 Muadtralk hello world
20:33 VanessaE heu Muadtralk
20:33 VanessaE hey*
20:34 Taoki Well, it's good enough for compatibility's sake. At least a player can still connect and build and stuff on a 0.4.3 server
20:34 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:34 celeron55 VanessaE: that is impossible due to the way object properties are handled
20:34 VanessaE mmmh
20:36 celeron55 when the properties are set in lua, the server-side object will create one message which is sent to all clients by lower level stuff
20:36 celeron55 and it is not able to differentiate the contents to clients
20:37 john_minetest joined #minetest
20:37 VanessaE so have the server automatically send an *entity* to the 0.4.3 placed where that player is and make it just smaller than a normal 0.4.4 3d model so that 0.4.4 users don't se eit.
20:37 VanessaE see it*
20:38 VanessaE doesn't do any good for the invisible name but at least the player would see *something*
20:38 celeron55 ...wait, what?
20:39 VanessaE uh oh..   0.4.3 users can't build.
20:39 celeron55 what you just suggested is equally impossible
20:39 celeron55 there is no filtering for entities per client, and there is not *supposed to be*
20:40 VanessaE who said anything about filtering?
20:40 celeron55 you can't create mock-up entities like what you suggested without actually creating them
20:40 celeron55 it's too complicated
20:40 VanessaE hrm
20:41 celeron55 the problem here really is that if 0.4.3 was done wisely, it would show some unkown object or something, or at least the name
20:42 celeron55 half of backwards compatibility is making the previous version aware that something new might come that they don't understand 8)
20:42 Taoki Projects become wiser as they evolve, so we should just be glad 0.4.4 is :)
20:44 VanessaE[L] joined #minetest
20:44 VanessaE celeron55: 0.4.3 clients can't build or dig, and the server is not updating the position of that client's player (sokomine) to Taoki and I
20:45 Taoki Oh? I could see sokomine moving at least after they logged in
20:45 sokomine yes. i can talk...but everything else seems to be a bit out of sync (no wonder i can't build if the server believes i'm elsewhere)
20:45 VanessaE she and I can see each other, and we can see sokomine standing in one spot, but he sees himself in a different part of the world.
20:45 sokomine she..
20:45 KikaRz joined #minetest
20:45 celeron55 are you sure you don't have an old 0.4.4 in use
20:45 KikaRz Hi there
20:45 KikaRz Hi celeron55
20:46 KikaRz Hi OldCoder, VanessaE, Muadtralk
20:46 VanessaE celeron55: nope.  definitely using the latest commit.
20:46 sokomine i'm moving further away for tests
20:47 KikaRz hi marktraceur
20:47 marktraceur KikaRz: What's up?
20:47 Taoki sorry about that, yes
20:47 Taoki Anyway I don't see any major issues myself. Though from what I understand sokomine is moving though I see her standing in one place
20:48 sokomine yes. i'm moving out now (~160 from spawn) to see if the world gets updated
20:48 VanessaE yup, soko has not visibly moved from Taoki and I's standpoint since several minutes not.
20:48 VanessaE now*
20:48 Taoki yeah
20:48 Taoki ah, ok then. Then there's a bug
20:49 Taoki I'll reconnect and see if position changes
20:49 VanessaE ok.  I'll remain where I am.
20:49 Taoki yes, good idea
20:49 Taoki Will take a minute to connect again
20:50 Taoki So... when will 0.4.4 be released officially and up for download? I use only GIT but just curious
20:50 KikaRz idk
20:51 Taoki celeron55: Also, I just noticed that in your distributions section on the stable version Download page, there's no package for openSUSE. Since that's my OS, I can build MineTest for it and send you the zip each release, so we have binaries for it too
20:51 Taoki But without getText, I can't compile with that enabled from cmake (not sure what it even does)
20:51 celeron55 gettext does translations
20:52 Taoki ah, ok. If it's not needed for official releases I can compile for my distro
20:52 celeron55 completely useless for those who communicate in english
20:52 Taoki Also, I reconnected on VanessaE's server, and Sokomine isn't stuck in the old position any more
20:52 celeron55 does the position update?
20:54 sokomine ah
20:54 OldCoder Hi on the phone
20:54 Taoki Bad news: She appears at location 0,0,0
20:54 VanessaE from my perspective, soko is still at {-79,15,122}.
20:54 marktraceur KikaRz: Did you need something?
20:54 sokomine no, i believe myshelf to be at something like -133, x, 100
20:54 VanessaE but taoki and I can see each other moving around normally.
20:55 Taoki Yes. But my client sees you standing at 0,0,0
20:55 VanessaE and I can build as usual.
20:55 Taoki There's a bug somewhere
20:55 VanessaE taoki: sees ME at 0,0,0?
20:55 Taoki Likely unrelated to the models, but possibly related to 0.4.3 compatibility
20:55 Sudi are you seriously debugging that by trying?
20:55 Taoki VanessaE, no, you're standing near the railroad properly
20:55 sokomine just claim that it's a new version of hide and seek. people go to a lot of trouble to play something like zombie on minecraft servers :-)
20:55 VanessaE oh ok
20:56 Sudi Taoki: if you mixed up the message ids it not working with the other systems
20:56 Taoki Sudi: That was fixed in latest master
20:56 Taoki And I have the commit
20:56 Sudi nvm
20:56 Taoki Message Id's are back to the 0.4.3 versions
20:57 VanessaE WHOA!
20:57 VanessaE I placed a cart and suddenly sokomine moved.
20:57 Muadtralk joined #minetest
20:58 Taoki Yes. Now she appers somewhere above VanessaE near the tracks
20:58 Taoki Looks like some delay / lag
20:58 KikaRz celeron55, when will you make a language system? (well, a translation thing)
20:58 Taoki now she's moving around near us
20:58 Taoki not sure if in realtime or it's a delayed package
20:58 KikaRz i can help in about 3 languages + l33t l4n6u463.
20:58 KikaRz XD
20:58 VanessaE yes, now sokomine is moving around normally.
20:58 VanessaE I did not reconnect
20:58 KikaRz VanessaE, you're beautiful :P
20:59 KikaRz now talking serious, you're my friend :)
20:59 * marktraceur makes a subtle "she's been drinking" signal
20:59 VanessaE heh ok :-)
20:59 * marktraceur is toooootally kidding
20:59 KikaRz marktraceur, you're totally mad '-'
20:59 KikaRz maybe...
21:00 KikaRz i was just being friendly
21:00 marktraceur No, mad is the right way to describe me
21:01 KikaRz LOL...
21:02 celeron55 ummmmm... VanessaE: so it does work?
21:03 VanessaE celeron55: still trying to sort out the cause of soko suddenly stopping moving
21:03 KikaRz Dear friends, i've  received this email from avaaz.
21:03 KikaRz The Ugandan Parliament is set to pass a brutal law that could carry the death penalty for homosexuality. If they do, thousands of Ugandans could face execution -- just for being gay.
21:03 KikaRz xd
21:03 sokomine yes, the somewhere above is right. i was trying to fly to 0/0/0 to see if i could interact at that spot
21:04 KikaRz If you want to sign that petition... http://www.avaaz.org/en/uganda_stop_gay_death_law/?bWJTycb&amp;v=19428
21:04 sokomine i have no lag while communicating with you. and the landscape did appear - a bit laggy but within tolerance - when i moved outwart to that -600 spot
21:04 Guest54007 joined #minetest
21:04 KikaRz Who got a 1.4.4 server?
21:04 KikaRz fail:
21:04 KikaRz 0.4.4 server*
21:04 KikaRz VanessaE
21:05 KikaRz can i enter in your server?
21:05 VanessaE KikaRz: in a few minutes
21:05 KikaRz How i get a 3d skin created by me?
21:05 KikaRz or 2d.
21:05 KikaRz ?
21:05 VanessaE ok, soko jumped into a cart and started riding.  Now, she's since jumped out of the cart and it has stopped from her perspective - but Taoki and I still see her riding around in it.
21:06 marktraceur I've seen something similar to that, VanessaE
21:06 Taoki seems like some sort of lag
21:06 marktraceur VanessaE: I was cutting trees on your server and infrequently saw khonkhortisan's model superimposed on the saplings'
21:06 Taoki nvm, it stopped
21:06 VanessaE ok, I dug a rail and forced the cart to stop.  That updated sokomine's position, I can see her moving around for real again
21:07 Taoki i think my client was informad later. I do have a slow connection to VanessaE's server
21:07 Taoki So any of this might be lag
21:07 Taoki Though... minutes is too long
21:07 VanessaE Taoki: no, I did that
21:07 VanessaE that was not lag.
21:07 Taoki oh
21:07 KikaRz VanessaE
21:07 KikaRz can i test with yours?
21:07 sokomine no - the cart went away without me. saw it just leaving
21:07 KikaRz i want to play in 0.4.4
21:07 VanessaE KikaRz: not right now, we're trying to sort something out.
21:07 marktraceur KikaRz: She said in a few minutes, chill
21:07 KikaRz okey... :(
21:08 celeron55 sokomine: 0.4.3 doesn't know about attachments, so that is how it should work
21:08 sokomine ah. ok
21:08 VanessaE celeron55: also, sometimes 0.4.4 users see other 0.4.4 users with entities embedded into them - the other day I was seen with a rainbow, another time I was wearing a cart like a t-shirt.
21:08 sokomine maybe the first discrepancy occoured through me trying to ride a cart?
21:08 VanessaE sokomine: possibly.
21:08 sokomine *g*
21:09 sokomine funny
21:09 sokomine well. i might reconnect and we can try?
21:09 leo_rockway there's a screenshot of the cart like a t-shirt
21:09 sokomine well...nobody can complain that there's no clothing in minetest then :)
21:09 VanessaE in which case the 0.4.4 server needs to disallow the use of attachments if there are 0.4.3 clients connected.
21:09 Taoki ah, right. 0.4.3 has no attachments, so sokomine could never see herself in the cart, but others should be able to (I could)
21:09 Taoki So it should only be a local effect
21:09 sokomine some bugs are just funny and entertaining and make the game even better
21:10 leo_rockway yeah, I laughed at VanessaE's cart t-shirt
21:10 VanessaE leo_rockway: can you link to that screenshot for celeron55 to see?
21:10 leo_rockway hold on, let me grep
21:11 leo_rockway https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_1244720333.jpg
21:11 leo_rockway fastest grep of the West
21:11 marktraceur Can someone make a limited edition cart t-shirt? :P
21:12 NekoGloop VanessaE: nice skin. Can i see the entire one?
21:12 VanessaE celeron55: see that screeshot.  I don't think this is normal :D
21:12 VanessaE someone got a screenshot of me *without* the cart t-shirt? :-)
21:12 VanessaE marktraceur: haha :-)
21:12 Taoki lol, how are you wearing the cart? That shouldn't happen
21:13 VanessaE Taoki: beats me.
21:13 VanessaE it just happened somehow, I think I was trying to ride a cart and it glitched maybe?
21:13 Taoki Maybe
21:14 KikaRz :/
21:14 KikaRz im a bit sad
21:14 KikaRz because i want to test the new things and the 3d skin :/
21:14 marktraceur VanessaE: Maybe there's a call somewhere to attach one entity to another, but the arguments are reversed?
21:16 KikaRz KikooBot is now in: Modo de Silêncio + Mensagens desativadas para público.
21:16 KikaRz Sorry, but this message is not for yu. its just a bug with my bot.
21:17 leo_rockway it's important to point out that it wasn't just one client seeing VanessaE like that
21:17 leo_rockway it was kaeza (who took the screenshot) and I seeing the cart.
21:17 KikaRz Kikoobot is now: Logged in NickServ + freenode
21:17 Kikoobot joined #minetest
21:18 KikaRz Hi Kikoobot
21:18 Kikoobot Ohai!
21:18 NekoGloop Get me dinner, Kikoobot
21:18 Kikoobot Sorry, I don't spam.
21:18 NekoGloop D:
21:18 KikaRz Kikoobot considers that dinner = Get me spam!
21:18 KikaRz xd
21:18 leo_rockway mmhhh... spam... yummy
21:19 Kikoobot Yea... Yuuuuum yuuum...
21:19 KikaRz Lol.
21:19 NekoGloop Give me cake Kikoobot
21:19 Kikoobot Cake is a lie.
21:19 NekoGloop Give me pie Kikoobot
21:19 Kikoobot GLaDos: oh, you want a pie... come to my sector and get a pie... :D
21:19 KikaRz Omg, pc lagging
21:19 leo_rockway is Kikoobot really a bot?
21:19 KikaRz yes.
21:20 NekoGloop Tell me more, Kikoobot
21:20 KikaRz Are you a bot, Kikoobot?
21:20 Kikoobot Am I a bot? No, really not.
21:20 KikaRz NekoGloop, my pc is lagging
21:20 Taoki VanessaE: http://i50.tinypic.com/5x5t9s.png
21:20 NekoGloop Help me lag the pc, Kikoobot! :D
21:20 Kikoobot I'm made of 5 cores, 578 GB Ram, 799,4 GHz and too much!
21:21 KikaRz lol
21:21 KikaRz he started lagging you a lot
21:21 KikaRz '-'
21:21 NekoGloop no lag here.
21:21 KikaRz not lagging
21:21 KikaRz but yes, spamming
21:21 KikaRz '-'
21:22 Kikoobot I'm now: Registered in Freenode! *_*
21:22 NekoGloop this is hilarious.
21:22 leo_rockway Kikoobot: say hello
21:22 NekoGloop Do a trick, Kikoobot!
21:22 NekoGloop VanessaE: nice, but i'd prefer without texture smoothing or whatever you call that.
21:23 VanessaE NekoGloop: that's taoki's computer doing that, she's got that option turned on
21:23 KikaRz joined #minetest
21:23 NekoGloop well then get a mirror :3
21:23 VanessaE NekoGloop: http://www.9minecraft.net/girl-skin/
21:23 KikaRz back
21:23 VanessaE that's the skin I'm using.
21:23 Taoki Doing what, and what option?
21:23 Taoki Ah, the filtering? Yes
21:23 VanessaE Taoki: bi/tri linear filtering.
21:23 KikaRz VanessaE, can you let me enter the server?
21:24 KikaRz my bot crashed u_u'
21:24 NekoGloop It did a trick ^w^
21:24 VanessaE KikaRz: go on in. use latest 0.4.4 git. we're done testing now.
21:24 KikaRz Latest = ?
21:24 KikooBot joined #minetest
21:24 KikaRz same as other day that sfan compilet?
21:24 KikaRz *compiled?
21:24 NekoGloop Do a trick, Kikoobot!
21:25 NekoGloop Now let's see if it crashes again :3
21:25 KikooBot Welcome to Aperture Micescience and company. This bot has been created by KikaRz. Please, do not make me automated questions / things.
21:25 KikooBot Welcome to Aperture Micescience and company. This bot has been created by KikaRz. Please, do not make me automated questions / things.
21:25 KikaRz Fail
21:25 leo_rockway KikaRz: can KikooBot repeat things?
21:25 KikaRz Yes.
21:25 leo_rockway how?
21:25 KikooBot [21:25] <leo_rockway> how?
21:25 NekoGloop Aperture Science, Kikoobot
21:25 leo_rockway but I didn't give him the order
21:25 KikooBot [21:25] <NekoGloop> Aperture Science, Kikoobot
21:26 KikooBot [21:25] <leo_rockway> but I didn't give him the order
21:26 KikooBot Lol
21:26 KikaRz looool
21:26 KikaRz '-'
21:26 KikooBot I consider that as a order, my queen KikaRz... HAHAHAHAHAHAH (you said me looool)
21:26 KikaRz ...
21:26 KikaRz shut up KikooBot!
21:26 KikooBot I'm muted.
21:27 KikaRz Now you can talk KikooBot!
21:27 KikooBot I'm talking :D blablabla
21:27 NekoGloop Resume talking, KikooBot
21:27 KikooBot NekoGloop, that's an undentified order.
21:27 NekoGloop a... what?
21:27 KikooBot Wheatley: Just jump that bottom...
21:27 KikooBot Wheatley: Just please... do me that favor... jump that thing!
21:27 KikooBot Wheatley: Down there you will got your parents...
21:27 NekoGloop KikaRz: Call it PortalQuoteBot :P
21:28 KikaRz Wai?
21:28 * marktraceur wonders who wants to kickban KikooBot
21:28 KikooBot NekoGloop, that bot its already done by: Cave Johnson.
21:28 KikaRz Nobody will Kickban it... iqualfragile bot was annoying
21:29 * KikooBot is now in: MAINTANCE MODE.
21:29 KikooBot Bye... going to add myself somethings...
21:29 NekoGloop Recite "Ura-Omote Lovers", Kikoobot
21:29 KikaRz MuteKikooBotOrder{message/OP|USER=KikaRz
21:30 KikooBot KikooBot is now: Muted and in-maintance mode.
21:30 KikooBot http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Ura-Omote+Lovers
21:31 NekoGloop How did i know youtube would be on the top of that ;)
21:31 KikooBot That's simple? isn't it?
21:31 NekoGloop Now sing it, KikooBot.
21:31 KikooBot (me randomly talks:)
21:31 KikooBot blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla
21:31 KikaRz MuteKikooBotOrder{message/OP|USER=KikaRz
21:32 KikooBot KikooBot is now: Muted
21:32 * NekoGloop smacks KikooBot
21:32 * KikooBot kicks off NekoGloop
21:32 * NekoGloop bitch-slaps KikooBot
21:32 iqualfragile joined #minetest
21:33 * KikooBot is away: Please, i'm in Maintance mode. Don't talk me. (Atenciously: KikooBot)
21:33 * KikooBot is now: disconnected{irc_splitchat=log.message_sendchat} (all that codes are fake. just to give some... OPERA THINGS)
21:35 KikaRz VanessaE
21:35 KikaRz got not too much time
21:35 KikaRz can you send me the ip of server?
21:35 KikooBot Byee everyoneee!
21:35 VanessaE port 30000
21:35 KikooBot OFFLINE :D
21:35 rarkenin Hi. Is it possible to script the client to do things atutomatically from there, without modding the server?
21:36 KikaRz VanessaE
21:36 KikaRz is my skin putted up?
21:36 VanessaE I think so, I don't remember
21:36 KikaRz KikaRz (name)
21:36 VanessaE no, I do not have a skin for you.
21:37 KikaRz going to send you
21:37 VanessaE celeron55, KikaRz :  the spawn has been moved to -134,23,101
21:37 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
21:37 VanessaE you will probably want to fly there after you connect.
21:37 KikaRz Welcome Dogzilla131
21:37 KikaRz https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u1q9kjdom1518kc/e42QjnQFl_
21:38 KikaRz there is the skin
21:38 KikaRz 2d and 3d
21:38 KikaRz tell me when to login
21:39 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
21:39 VanessaE it is installed now.  We will not see it until I restart the server though.
21:39 VanessaE you may log in any time.
21:39 KikaRz :(
21:39 KikaRz i wanted you all to see
21:39 KikaRz :(
21:39 KikaRz when will server restart?
21:39 VanessaE not for a while
21:40 KikaRz much pluggins?
21:40 KikaRz *plugins / mods ?
21:40 VanessaE no, there are people on right now :-)
21:40 KikaRz 0% media...
21:41 KikaRz 1%...
21:41 KikaRz this sh** will take a lot :(
21:42 KikaRz you dont have a cache folder?
21:42 VanessaE no.
21:42 KikaRz yes you have
21:42 KikaRz in your minetest folder
21:42 KikaRz there is a cache folder
21:42 KikaRz that got all cache
21:42 VanessaE but I don't distribute it.
21:42 KikaRz with all things downloaded
21:43 KikaRz Taoki
21:43 KikaRz can you send me the cache folder with all things downloaded? this will take a lot
21:43 Taoki KikaRz: VanessaE had a link
21:43 KikaRz <VanessaE> but I don't distribute it.
21:43 VanessaE that's out of date.
21:43 Taoki ok. I can zip it and try to send via DCC
21:43 VanessaE and was only a test.
21:43 KikaRz dcc = ?
21:44 Taoki IRC's file sending system
21:44 KikaRz ok
21:44 KikaRz wait
21:44 VanessaE DCC = Direct Client to Client protocol - a file transfer protocol for IRC.
21:44 VanessaE (also for chat and other stuff)
21:45 KikaRz downloading
21:45 KikaRz connecting
21:45 KikaRz failed
21:45 KikaRz * DCC RECV connect attempt to Taoki failed (err=Ligação excedeu o tempo limite).
21:45 KikaRz (connection exceded the time limit
21:46 KikaRz you dont have dropbox?
21:46 Taoki trying again
21:46 Taoki no
21:46 Mika_R joined #minetest
21:47 sokomine re mika
21:47 KikaRz sry
21:47 KikaRz try again now
21:47 KikaRz it was downloading in minetest
21:47 KikaRz ...
21:47 KikaRz now, last trying
21:48 KikaRz Taoki
21:48 KikaRz try again plz
21:48 Taoki did
21:48 KikaRz Connecting...
21:49 KikaRz grrr
21:49 KikaRz use a file hoster
21:49 KikaRz mediafire?
21:49 Muadtralk ompldr?
21:49 Taoki no account there, they're evil and removed accountless uploads
21:50 KikaRz yea maybe.
21:50 KikaRz No
21:50 KikaRz Taoki
21:50 KikaRz get into mediafire
21:50 KikaRz thats no account needed
21:50 Taoki it is since some months ago
21:50 KikaRz never been for me
21:52 KikaRz Come on
21:52 KikaRz hurry plz
21:52 Taoki odd. I'll use sendspace
21:52 KikaRz :(
21:52 Taoki yes, hold on
21:52 KikaRz 21:52
21:52 KikaRz i go to bed at 22:30
21:52 KikaRz tomorrow ill have a long day
21:52 Taoki just 2 minutes
21:53 Taoki http://www.sendspace.com/file/ouv9uy
21:53 Taoki KikaRz: ^
21:53 KikaRz thxs
21:53 KikaRz downloading
21:53 KikaRz downloaded sucessfully
21:53 KikaRz installing in minetest folder...
21:53 Taoki Might need to be in your user folder
21:53 Taoki usually username/.minetest
21:53 KikaRz yes i know
21:54 KikaRz not .minetest i guess
21:55 KikaRz a lot of files for cache
21:55 KikaRz omg
21:55 KikaRz like a pass generator
21:55 KikaRz xd
21:55 KikaRz and like a code generator
21:57 marktraceur Is it a wishlist item to store and manage server addresses/identities/passwords in the client?
21:57 KikaRz No
21:57 KikaRz It's a cache folder that got all files with encrypted names as passwords
21:57 KikaRz tjt8etu239t7r23hyr97812r612tgr26y
21:58 KikaRz thats one thing
21:58 KikaRz like
21:58 KikaRz xd
21:58 marktraceur Related: Is it a wishlist item to be able to write mods that change the main menu?
21:58 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
22:00 sokomine makrtracur: at least the first thing (managing to connect to diffrent servers) *is* a wishlist item for me. the second thing...hm...changing keybindings while running would be nice but not that important
22:00 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
22:01 marktraceur sokomine: I meant like....changing how the main menu is laid out, how servers/worlds are managed and displayed
22:02 sokomine hm. it's ok like it is...just that you can't easily handle several servers is annoying
22:02 Uberi joined #minetest
22:02 marktraceur *nod*
22:02 marktraceur Maybe the one can lead to the other
22:02 marktraceur Implement a Lua interface for modding the main menu interface, then a mod can add in a menu that stores and manages servers for you
22:03 KikaRz Hi? server?
22:03 KikaRz VanessaE
22:03 KikaRz so, what i do?
22:03 KikaRz i want to play minetest with yours
22:03 VanessaE what do you mean?
22:04 KikaRz but my fucking windows dislikes the game
22:04 VanessaE get.  the.  latest.  git.
22:04 VanessaE :-)
22:04 KikaRz I CANT
22:04 VanessaE then you're stuck for now.
22:04 Uberi why not?
22:04 Uberi there are windows builds available
22:04 VanessaE http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-655bb52-win32.7z
22:04 KikaRz where Uberi?
22:04 KikaRz ...
22:04 KikaRz Thats not D3D compatible
22:04 Uberi yeah, use VanessaE's link
22:04 VanessaE this is more recent than yours (but still not latest)
22:04 KikaRz Thats not D3D compatible
22:04 Uberi what?
22:05 Uberi it's the trunk release
22:05 KikaRz Direct3D non compatible.
22:05 KikaRz now, let me remember
22:05 Uberi how is it not D3D compatible? it has a D3D backend, I checked
22:05 KikaRz Uberi, D3D9 is not compiled in this dll.
22:05 Uberi though the d3d backend has never been too stable in my experiences :/
22:06 KikaRz it works in d3d?
22:06 Uberi KikaRz: d3d is a dynamically linked lib, no?
22:06 KikaRz No. It's compiled in Irrlicht dll
22:07 Uberi if you have the right rts installed it should work fine
22:07 Uberi irrlicht is the engine, yes
22:07 KikaRz I can't run in OpenGL
22:07 KikaRz that's my problem!
22:07 Uberi may I ask why?
22:08 KikaRz Graphics card.
22:08 Uberi ah
22:08 VanessaE KikaRz: graphics card DRIVER.
22:08 KikaRz Not the drivers.
22:08 Uberi might I also ask why you can't compile it?
22:08 VanessaE a good driver can also translate D3D calls to OpenGL or vice versa.
22:09 KikaRz Uberi, my computer is too laggy, and i'm too lazy to compile it
22:09 marktraceur KikaRz: Can you try using better drivers, to verify that it's a hardware issue?
22:09 KikaRz marktraceur, i've already got the latest ones
22:09 KikaRz and its a hardware issue
22:09 marktraceur KikaRz: I didn't say latest, I said better....are they from your chipset manufacturer?
22:09 Uberi KikaRz: if you really want it, then compile it! it's just a matter of investing the time and energy
22:10 KikaRz And they are marktraceur
22:10 KikaRz Uberi, i can't compile it!
22:10 KikaRz It give s me a lot of errors
22:10 KikaRz and dont appear the exe to run
22:10 marktraceur KikaRz: What is the card?
22:10 Uberi marktraceur: I had an old laptop with this terrible graphics card, the latest driver was from like 2004 and didn't support OGL :P
22:10 KikaRz NViDia GeForce 2 MX/MX 400
22:10 KikaRz Its a Hardware issue.
22:10 Uberi KikaRz: what kind of errors?
22:10 marktraceur OK, that sounds reasonable.
22:10 KikaRz There is an official manufacturer shop here in Portugal
22:10 KikaRz i've been there
22:12 KikaRz DIRECT3D9 DRIVER was not compiled into this dll. Try another one.
22:12 KikaRz going now to try the other one from the version i got
22:12 Uberi is that the error, KikaRz?
22:12 KikaRz yes.
22:12 Uberi wait did you say driver?
22:12 Uberi can we get a screenshot of the error?
22:13 KikaRz not too much
22:13 KikaRz thats just that line
22:13 rarkenin left #minetest
22:13 Uberi KikaRz: it compiles without issues?
22:13 Uberi KikaRz: and you have a recent D3D runtime?
22:13 KikaRz Uberi, not that error in compilation
22:13 KikaRz but yes, in that win32 version
22:14 Uberi wait wait, so you compiled it, and ran the result, and that line showed up?
22:14 KikaRz No
22:15 KikaRz A looooot of errors appeared in MSVS2010
22:15 Uberi then we need to see those
22:15 Uberi a screenshot would be alright, a log best
22:15 KikaRz ... about 12000+ warnings and 5633+ errors?
22:15 Uberi yes
22:15 bulletrulz joined #minetest
22:16 marktraceur KikaRz: http://dpaste.com
22:16 Uberi (use a pastebin, btw)
22:16 KikaRz ...
22:16 marktraceur Uberi: If she started pasting that many lines we could react quickly enough, the Freenode throttling would make sure it wasn't too awful
22:16 KikaRz ... about 12000+ warnings and 5633+ errors?
22:16 Uberi yes, KikaRz
22:17 KikaRz that are long lines
22:17 KikaRz not just mini lines
22:17 Uberi the pastebin can handle it
22:17 Uberi we've seen some pretty big debug.txt's in our time
22:17 KikaRz its not a debug.txt
22:17 KikaRz i cant copy paste the log
22:17 Uberi I know
22:17 KikaRz of MSVS2010
22:17 KikaRz (Visual Studio 2010)
22:17 Uberi KikaRz: it should be possible
22:18 VanessaE open the log in wordpad or whatever and copy&paste to a pastebin
22:18 leo_rockway why so many errors? GCC stops at the first and informs o.o
22:18 KikaRz GCC
22:18 KikaRz not VS.
22:18 leo_rockway KikaRz: yeah, that's what I'm saying
22:18 Uberi msvc seems to try recovery
22:18 leo_rockway why doesn't VS fail gracefully?
22:18 KikaRz sorry, going out
22:18 KikaRz idk
22:18 leo_rockway Uberi: mmhh... okay
22:18 Uberi (and GCC does do multiple errors in my experience :P)
22:19 leo_rockway I've seen many warnings...
22:19 marktraceur KikaRz: What do you mean, "going out"?
22:19 leo_rockway I've only seen many errors if one error caused the others
22:19 KikaRz away
22:19 leo_rockway kind of like domino effect
22:29 Gizmokid2005 joined #minetest
22:34 * OldCoder will be AFK for half an hour on an errand
22:41 ttk2 joined #minetest
22:53 VanessaE zzz
22:56 mrtux VanessaE: http://mrtux.org/images/higginswilson.jpg
22:56 mrtux my cat and dog
22:56 Doc22 joined #minetest
22:57 VanessaE awww
22:58 Doc22 whoops
22:59 Doc22 huh
22:59 Doc22 did you see that
22:59 VanessaE ?
22:59 VanessaE see what?
22:59 Doc22 *nickserv* help
22:59 Doc22 lol
22:59 Doc22 carry on
22:59 Uberi left #minetest
22:59 Doc22 I want to know that it isnt spamming *nickserv* help to the whole channel
22:59 Doc22 awesome
23:00 Doc22 about time i got freenode account
23:00 VanessaE oh, definitely not.
23:01 VanessaE only you will see that
23:01 Doc22 ok
23:01 Doc22 I was just wondering for the "*nickserv* help"
23:01 Doc22 it was just lagging thats all
23:01 Doc22 so it took a while for the message
23:03 VanessaE[L] joined #minetest
23:03 VanessaE you know what, I'm just gonna go shut that stupid thing off.
23:03 VanessaE brb.
23:03 Doc22 lol
23:07 kaeza joined #minetest
23:08 kaeza hey guys
23:09 Doc22 hey
23:09 Doc22 http://host-d.oddcast.com/php/application_UI/doorId=1083/clientId=299/?mId=44799153.3
23:09 Doc22 i loled
23:10 Doc22 someone emailed me that site
23:10 kaeza how does one close a socket in unix?
23:10 kaeza is `close' sufficient?
23:10 OmegaPhil joined #minetest
23:11 Doc22 ask vanessae
23:11 Doc22 vanessae is linux guru
23:12 marktraceur kaeza: In a C file? Or what?
23:12 kaeza yes
23:13 marktraceur kaeza: Are you using sys/socket.h?
23:13 kaeza yes
23:13 marktraceur kaeza: It would seem that close(2) should do the job (run `man close` to get the documentation)
23:13 kaeza ok
23:13 kaeza goonna try
23:14 marktraceur Also `man socket'
23:14 marktraceur Which mentions close(2)
23:14 Doc22 lol
23:14 Doc22 main*
23:14 Doc22 hah
23:14 marktraceur What?
23:14 Doc22 `man socket`
23:14 Doc22 you mean main right
23:15 marktraceur Doc22: No, try running `man socket` on a GNU/Linux system and you'll see what I mean
23:15 Doc22 hrmmm
23:15 Doc22 that shows how little I know about linux
23:15 Doc22 seems like typi
23:15 Doc22 typo
23:15 kaeza It does not say anything about sockets
23:15 Doc22 I want to learn more about linux
23:16 Doc22 I have an old pc
23:16 Doc22 and I am putting ubuntu server on it
23:16 marktraceur kaeza: No, but sockets in a UNIX-like system are files
23:16 Doc22 when I get my new pc
23:16 marktraceur kaeza: Because *everything* is a file
23:16 Doc22 so then I will learn more
23:16 kaeza sorry if I sound a bit dumb
23:16 Doc22 what dist do you reccoment
23:16 Doc22 reccomend
23:16 Kacey joined #minetest
23:16 marktraceur kaeza: No, it's OK
23:16 marktraceur Doc22: Trisquel GNU/Linux is my favorite
23:16 Kacey hello
23:16 Doc22 trisquel
23:16 Doc22 ok
23:16 kaeza hey Kacey
23:17 marktraceur kaeza: Sockets are definitely not something I can reasonably expect you to just know, off the bat :)
23:17 Kacey i am getting on VanessaE's sever
23:17 Doc22 good for servers?
23:17 Doc22 or desktop
23:17 Doc22 I am looking for a good server dist
23:17 marktraceur Doc22: In my experience, both :)
23:17 kaeza marktraceur: I'm not into networking either. I'm just porting some code from an old API
23:18 Doc22 to learn about things like bind
23:18 Doc22 and ok thanks
23:18 Doc22 :)
23:18 kaeza and I'm doing it to the best of my knowledge
23:18 Doc22 do you have experience with bind?
23:18 Doc22 and the internet in general
23:19 Doc22 eg. making a server with two nic function as a router for other pcs
23:19 kaeza Doc22: I'm learning the basics with this project
23:19 Doc22 cool
23:19 Doc22 so with http and bind
23:19 Doc22 etc?
23:19 Doc22 running behind router?
23:19 marktraceur Doc22: Are you talking to me?
23:19 Doc22 yes
23:19 marktraceur Doc22: Protip, use my name to highlight me
23:19 Doc22 do you know how to make a server with two nic function as a router
23:20 Doc22 ok I will marktraceur
23:20 marktraceur Doc22: I don't, no. But I'm sure it's possible.
23:20 Doc22 ;)
23:20 Kacey i want to make more skins...
23:20 Doc22 ok I spent a while researching
23:20 Doc22 and even longer working with my crappy router
23:20 Doc22 to put it behind my pc
23:20 leo_rockway it is possible, there are distros specifically for that, but I'm not sure marktraceur would recommend them, Doc22
23:20 Doc22 in the network
23:20 Doc22 what distros are there?
23:20 Doc22 Ive heard of linux-cop, something like that
23:21 kaeza marktraceur: the API has sock_destroy, but I don't think it's a standard api. I may be mistaken
23:21 leo_rockway I know there's one to make the computer work specifically as a router. I don't remember the name off the top off my head, though.
23:21 Doc22 all right
23:21 Doc22 ill just search "linux router distributes?"
23:21 Kacey or anyone want me to open up a server
23:21 marktraceur leo_rockway: I don't know why you'd need anything specific for this, it seems like a really simple function
23:22 kaeza Is it correct to translate sock_destroy to close?
23:23 marktraceur kaeza: It might not be
23:23 Doc22 I really just need something that works on ubuntu or trisquel
23:23 VanessaE back.
23:23 Doc22 with two nics
23:23 Doc22 as a router
23:23 Doc22 hey vanessae
23:23 Doc22 you know about linux soo...
23:23 VanessaE sure
23:24 Doc22 is there a package that turns a pc running linux with two nics into a router/firewall
23:24 marktraceur kaeza: Is sock_destroy from any particular library?
23:24 kaeza wb V
23:24 Mika_R joined #minetest
23:24 Doc22 preferably compatible with either ubuntu server or trisquel
23:24 VanessaE Doc22: iptables, but you still have to write a script to configure it.
23:24 Doc22 all right
23:24 kaeza marktraceur: It's not in the sources and googling it shows no useful results
23:24 VanessaE it's not hard to use though
23:24 Doc22 and can you put a router behind this?
23:24 VanessaE I use my PC as a router.
23:24 marktraceur kaeza: Then I'd assume you're doing roughly the right thing
23:24 Doc22 or a switch and just configure the clients?
23:25 leo_rockway marktraceur: there is a tiny distro designed for that. As much as I like using 100% free and I now that this other distro won't have Linux-Libre, installing Trisquel to do that simple job sounds like too much.
23:25 Doc22 I have a router that could be used behind it
23:25 kaeza marktraceur: I'll test with close and report back
23:25 marktraceur leo_rockway: I'd imagine Doc22 also wants to do other things with the server, but could be wrong
23:25 VanessaE one ethernet NIC for the 'net, one for my LAN, and a wireless card also, for my laptop/BD/Wii
23:25 Doc22 yes
23:25 Doc22 ok
23:25 Doc22 I can get a wireless pci card
23:25 Doc22 later when I am ready can you help me with configuration
23:25 Kacey google chrome hates me
23:26 VanessaE I hate google chrome, so we're even :D
23:26 kaeza also is it safe to pass a lua_State to a shared lua lib from minetest?
23:26 Kacey lol
23:26 VanessaE all right damn it.  I need some Lua help.
23:26 kaeza VanessaE: why?
23:26 marktraceur VanessaE: What up?
23:27 Kacey VanessaE? need help?
23:27 leo_rockway marktraceur: do you work at the FSF?
23:27 marktraceur leo_rockway: No, I'm a member of the FSF, I work at Wikimedia
23:27 Doc22 vanessae I have one more question.. can you put a wired/wireless router behind this iptables thingy?
23:27 VanessaE what is wrong with this piece of code?
23:27 VanessaE http://pastebin.com/AWedDkx8
23:27 VanessaE it returns either 5 or nil, no matter what.
23:27 marktraceur VanessaE: Any hints? Error messages? Oh, return value.
23:28 VanessaE (instead of a range 2-5 or nil)
23:28 VanessaE what am I missing here?
23:28 marktraceur VanessaE: Should it be default:air?
23:28 VanessaE the code calling this function supplies the position of a node 1 above that which the plant grows on.
23:29 VanessaE marktraceur: "air" always worked before?
23:29 marktraceur OK, I wasn't sure
23:29 ecube Is the treegen code still in the source code as of the latest version?
23:29 kaeza VanessaE: use elseif
23:29 VanessaE ok
23:29 Doc22 no it shouldnt be default:air
23:29 kaeza let me fix it
23:29 Doc22 it should be just air
23:30 ecube air is not in the default mod
23:30 ecube it's defined by the source code of minetest
23:30 celeron55 in the case of all of those positions being air, it will always end up with 5
23:30 VanessaE I've been banging my head on this piece of code for an hour (intermittently) and just don't see what's wrong.
23:30 celeron55 if you replace them with elseif, it'll just always end up with 3
23:30 Doc22 ive had a lot of "fun" with default:air mistakes
23:30 VanessaE celeron55: no, it'll end up nil :-)
23:30 VanessaE note line 15.
23:30 celeron55 ehm
23:30 Kacey hey c55 is on....
23:31 celeron55 i mean, non-air
23:31 OldCoder Back
23:31 marktraceur celeron55: She's right, that will also cause a nil
23:31 VanessaE oh that's perfectly fine actually, I don't care what it defaults to in that case :-)
23:31 kaeza VanessaE: http://pastebin.com/kAXmgbPC
23:31 Kacey celeron55: may i ask a question?
23:32 VanessaE kaeza: didn't realize elseif was a valid Lua keyword.
23:32 VanessaE I'll try that
23:32 kaeza celeron55: is it safe to pass a lua_State to a shared lua lib from minetest?
23:32 celeron55 kaeza: why are you asking that question?
23:33 kaeza both are 5.1
23:33 celeron55 ehm... if your program has been built to use the same version of Lua, obviously yes
23:34 celeron55 build options should be sameish too
23:34 kaeza ok
23:34 Kacey celeron55: would it be possible to make it so that player textures (meshes more of) came from the client side and not the server side?
23:34 Doc22 can you masquerade between your isp and a router
23:34 kaeza The problem is I have a native lib to be loaded from lua
23:35 Doc22 and have the router give it's dhcp clients internet access
23:35 Doc22 if that is possible...
23:35 kaeza but hwne i use "require", it fails with undefined reference
23:35 VanessaE kaeza: that fixed it, thanks
23:35 Doc22 what configuration do I need to do in the router
23:35 VanessaE now to fix the rest of my code to actually do something useful with that function :D
23:35 Doc22 lol
23:36 * kaeza feels like a god VanessaE
23:36 Doc22 what configuring needs to be done to a router to put a masquerading computer between it and the isp
23:36 Doc22 assuming that you want internet access for dhcp clients
23:36 VanessaE if you have a computer and two nics, you don't need a router.
23:36 Kacey VanessaE: i cannotmove on the server
23:37 Doc22 I need a router because I have like 6 wired computers; too much for an nic
23:37 VanessaE Kacey: strange
23:37 Doc22 so I need a router
23:37 Doc22 can I have a router between the pc and my clients
23:37 VanessaE Doc22: ethernet switch.
23:37 Doc22 oh and configure each client
23:37 Doc22 gotcha
23:37 Kacey there was a 2 block high node that i was stuck in
23:38 Doc22 ill need to buy one
23:38 Kacey i was stuck in a player
23:38 VanessaE Kacey: um...
23:39 Kacey i spawned in another player
23:39 VanessaE there, that should force a respawn when you un-lag.
23:39 VanessaE (I had to kill you)
23:39 marktraceur Kacey: It's OK, minetest is certified STD-free
23:39 Kacey i logged off and am logging back on
23:40 VanessaE oh ok
23:40 Kacey nope can you move in game please?
23:40 Doc22 D:
23:41 Kacey i think i am binded to you
23:41 Kacey ok rejoin
23:41 Doc22 "[16:39] <marktraceur> Kacey: It's OK, minetest is certified STD-free" to a certain point...
23:41 Doc22 dont do it too often
23:42 VanessaE celeron55: ok, the attachment code is definitely broken - players attaching to each other, entities other than carts attaching to players...eh... this is not good I think :-)
23:42 marktraceur Doc22: Playing minetest alone cannot give you STDs. Dr. Spaceman told me so.
23:42 Doc22 or you may be entitled to cash
23:43 marktraceur "Dr. Spaceman, is it true that bread eats your brain?" "We have no way of knowing, because the powerful bread lobby keeps stopping my research!"
23:43 leo_rockway hey, players attaching to players might not bee too bad ;-)
23:43 Doc22 have you recieved stds from minetest? you may be entitled to cash! Call 1-888-999-8623
23:43 kaeza Next: Minetest XXX
23:43 Kacey i was being teleported from one torch to another
23:44 VanessaE Kacey: torches have particle entities
23:44 Kacey wow
23:44 Kacey i have my server started
23:44 Doc22 Kace: nice
23:45 Doc22 Kacey* lol
23:45 Kacey port 30000
23:45 kaeza how do you get the local player name?
23:45 kaeza sorry, too many dumb questions
23:46 leo_rockway kaeza: singleplayer
23:46 kaeza sp or mp
23:46 kaeza sory
23:46 kaeza sorry*
23:46 kaeza I was thinking the wrong way
23:48 Dogzilla131 can i join the server kacey?
23:50 kaeza leo_rockway: nbot what I meant
23:50 kaeza not*
23:52 Kacey_ joined #minetest
23:52 Kacey_ lol computer failed
23:53 marktraceur Kacey_: That happens sometimes
23:53 Kacey_ ya
23:53 Kacey k better
23:53 Doc22 lol
23:53 Kacey any way
23:53 Doc22 im getting a newer pc
23:53 Doc22 so that probs wont happen lol
23:53 Kacey is there a new sfan5 build?
23:54 Doc22 idk
23:55 Kacey VanessaE ^^
23:55 VanessaE no, what I linked to last is the most recent I saw on sfan's site.
23:55 Kacey did you link it while i was on?
23:57 Kacey i cannot see player textures(or meshes whatever) on your server VanessaE
23:58 Octupus joined #minetest
23:58 Kacey hey octu
23:58 Octupus hi
23:58 Kacey do you have 0.4.4 yet?
23:59 Octupus i dont use sfan builds
23:59 Kacey well cant you compile it? or have someone else compile for you?
23:59 kaeza how do I set a socket to (non)blocking mode?

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