Time Nick Message 00:02 jordan4ibanez How would i go about compiling so there is no debug.txt 00:03 kaeza minetest; rm -f ~/.minetest/debug.txt ;) 00:03 Uberi|Away jordan4ibanez: minetest --debug="" 00:07 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: There doesn't appear to be a compile option. Better than Uberi's option might be ln -s /dev/null ~/debug.txt 00:09 Uberi|Away ooh good idea 00:09 Uberi|Away over here I use a batch file to start it up 00:12 leo_rockway so, whatever the congestion branch was doing, it was great. 00:14 jordan4ibanez congestion branch? 00:14 jordan4ibanez jordan@jordan-A780L3L:~/Desktop/minetest-0.4.4/bin$ ./minetest --debug="" 19:14:34: ERROR[main]: Unknown command-line parameter "--debug=" 00:15 jordan4ibanez Launched it with ./minetest --debug="" 00:15 jordan4ibanez got the error: 00:15 jordan4ibanez 19:14:34: ERROR[main]: Unknown command-line parameter "--debug=" 00:16 leo_rockway maybe this one? --logfile <value> Set logfile path ('' = no logging) 00:16 Uberi|Away oh yeah that's the one 00:17 jordan4ibanez 19:17:33: ERROR[main]: Unknown command-line parameter "--logfile=" 00:18 Uberi|Away it's minetest --logfile "" 00:19 jordan4ibanez There we go 00:21 jordan4ibanez kde is quite nice, i don't know why i keep switching away from it 00:22 jordan4ibanez Minetest runs a little faster without the logfile 00:25 leo_rockway <3 KDE 00:25 leo_rockway I'm running 4.10 beta 1 :D 00:25 leo_rockway anyway, dinner. BBL. 00:26 VanessaE same here, time to go eat. 00:31 Uberi|Away hey does anyone mind if I make pistons extend/retract faster? 00:31 Uberi|Away your super delicate timing based piston contraptions might break 00:35 jordan4ibanez DO IT 00:36 jordan4ibanez I want to convert the rest of the faitful pack, but, lazy > faitful 00:38 Uberi|Away done dealio 00:41 NakedFury is there a gimp script that would break a picture into smaller images in sizes selected by user? example using a terrain.png from minecraft and using the script to break the picture into 32x32 smaller images 00:45 jordan4ibanez http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1NfWIaYed8&feature=related 00:52 Uberi|Away hey VanessaE[L] 01:00 marktraceur NakedFury: That sounds like a super-simple ImageMagick command 01:01 VanessaE back. 01:13 jordan4ibanez Redcrab, can you host a server for me? 01:13 jordan4ibanez Or at least, can I help make yours better? 01:13 VanessaE what do you want to do to it? 01:14 jordan4ibanez Put technic on it 8) 01:14 VanessaE nebver gonna happen on that server :-) 01:14 VanessaE never* 01:14 * marktraceur muses on the meaning of "better" 01:16 jordan4ibanez Since i have a hard time hosting a server on my own computer, i need someone to host for me that has a fast server 01:16 VanessaE well you've seen how slow my server is :-) 01:16 VanessaE and the box it runs on is no slouch either 01:17 jordan4ibanez I've said my computer specs and my server blazes even with a ton of mods, I don't know why yours lags 01:17 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: There are nice people who will host a server for you at the low low price of ~$19 per month 01:18 NekoGloop Yayz k/d ratio of 2:1! 01:19 Muadtralk jordan4ibanez 01:19 jordan4ibanez Maudtralk 01:19 NekoGloop And now i'm being massacerd. 01:19 Muadtralk i would be happy to host for you just tell me your prequisites 01:19 NekoGloop ... Like the english language. 01:21 jordan4ibanez No thank you 01:21 Muadtralk no? 01:21 jordan4ibanez Server specs? 01:27 NekoGloop Fucking FPS noobs. Shoot once you can hit me... Not when you see me... 01:28 Dogzilla131 which server is that one 01:54 marktraceur Hm. Had a brain blast on the BART ride home. 01:54 VanessaE oh? 01:54 marktraceur Lua mods could probably integrate with other web-type services over HTTP APIs 01:55 VanessaE interesting idea 01:55 NekoGloop FPS logic: get shot in chest, live. get shot in foot, die. 01:55 marktraceur My first thought was OpenBadges, Mozilla's deal....host an OpenBadges instance and (maybe) a Persona instance on a machine, use a Lua mod to keep track of "how many of X have you done", award badges as appopriate 01:57 marktraceur But then I thought it might be possible to integrate with MediaWiki somehow....use MediaWiki to store contents of letters or books, for example. That one's not as well-thought out, but it's certainly possible to use it for other things, like a bulletin board or library on the server. 01:59 NekoGloop 12:12 k/d ratio. Seems legit. 01:59 NakedFury mark you want to try something like achievements tied to accounts? 02:00 marktraceur NakedFury: Roughly so, yes. 02:00 NakedFury Playstation Trophies, Xbox Achievements? 02:00 marktraceur NakedFury: OpenBadges 02:01 NekoGloop NakedFury: Did i mention the FPS game i mentioned is free (voicechat has to be bought though) 02:02 NakedFury would that work as a logger of a players work? like have statistic about the player? Player X has mined ## number stone blocks, # of iron, etc. died # of times 02:02 NakedFury yes you did 02:02 marktraceur NakedFury: I'm not sure they do partial badges, but I could look more 02:04 NekoGloop And fuck this 'GustavoAdame' person. 02:04 NekoGloop He has 6 kills. I have 6 deaths. Do the logic. 02:04 NekoGloop (Now 7) 02:06 NakedFury the way I see to do it is to have accounts tied to the servers website or private forum, if any, there they can access a Statistics or Profile page where they check the games achievements and how many they have left to do, check how many miles or whatever length system is used they have walked, how many times they have jumped, and a bunch of other stuff just added for sillyness and fun. 02:06 NekoGloop Now i have killed him. 02:07 NekoGloop Spawn camping <3 02:07 marktraceur NekoGloop: Care to chat about this FPS you're playing somewhere it's relevant? 02:08 NekoGloop marktraceur: It isnt relevant anywhere. 02:08 marktraceur NekoGloop: Then stop talking about it, maybe 02:08 NekoGloop Fine. I'll just leave then 02:08 * marktraceur is 120% OK with that 02:10 kaeza hi 02:10 marktraceur kaeza: Welcome back!@ 02:11 kaeza Thanks mark. 02:11 kaeza :) 02:11 kaeza anything new? 02:11 marktraceur kaeza: We got rid of NekoGloop for a while 02:14 marktraceur Ooh ooh ooh, could write an OpenStreetMap mod that maps the game as you play 02:14 leo_rockway marktraceur: but there is a map mod already. 02:14 marktraceur leo_rockway: Link? 02:15 leo_rockway mmhh... hold on 02:16 Kacey hello 02:16 Aggies hello 02:16 Kacey hey he got caps in his name now 02:17 Kacey wow 02:17 * Aggies kick Kacey in the nuts with steel toed boots 02:17 leo_rockway marktraceur: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2747 02:17 * Kacey hits Aggies with 02:17 Kacey SPELL-CHECK 02:18 * Kacey hits Aggies with SPELL-CHECK 02:18 marktraceur Eugh, seems hacky. 02:18 Kacey VanessaE is there a new git? 02:18 * Aggies hits Kacey with auto-fail 02:18 VanessaE Kacey: git is updated frequently. 02:18 VanessaE I don't know if there's anything new since you last fetched from it. 02:19 Kacey uugh well i need to learn how to compile first (OldCoder) 02:20 * adfjjasldkjfjlwa kick Kacey with kitten boots 02:20 * Kacey wishes to mute Aggies 02:21 Kacey VanessaE where can i get the new git? 02:21 VanessaE Kacey: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest and https://github.com/celeron55/minetest_game 02:21 VanessaE same as always 02:22 Kacey i have minetest_game but i need the other git 02:22 VanessaE you definitely need the other one. 02:22 VanessaE minetest_game is just a mod pack. 02:23 Kacey ya 02:23 VanessaE minetest is the engine. 02:23 AGGIES I ZO BORED 02:23 Kacey can you teach me how to copile 02:23 Kacey compile? 02:23 OldCoder Hi! 02:24 Kacey hello 02:24 OldCoder Kacey, I may be able to do it tomorrow 02:24 OldCoder As soon as I speak with thexyz again 02:24 Kacey but i need it now D: 02:25 Kacey hello 02:25 Kacey <( 02:25 AGGIES sup 02:25 kaeza hey kacey 02:26 AGGIES i found an awesome website 02:26 Kacey i need to compile or at least learn to compile 02:27 kaeza Kacey which os? 02:27 Kacey windows 02:27 Lumpio- It would be so much easier on Linux 02:28 Kacey well my vm wont boot properly 02:29 AGGIES i dj sorta 02:31 AGGIES u guys there 02:33 Kacey good he is gone 02:35 leo_rockway does water push nodes in master already? 02:35 leo_rockway or do I still need the builtin_item mod? 02:36 kaeza1 hey tux 02:39 Dogzilla131 is there a command or mod that lets you see yourself 02:39 leo_rockway no 02:40 NekoGloop alt+f4 might work. 02:41 leo_rockway VanessaE: how can I apply the changes of the test server? Is there a branch I can clone? 02:41 leo_rockway NekoGloop: HaHa 02:41 VanessaE yeah, clone the regular repo, git checkout congestion_settings 02:41 VanessaE (or -s) 02:41 leo_rockway thanks 02:43 leo_rockway VanessaE: then git pull? 02:43 leo_rockway I'm not very knowledgeable of git... 02:43 VanessaE nope 02:43 VanessaE just clone or pull, then checkout and build. 02:43 VanessaE (the clone step already grabs all branches) 02:43 leo_rockway % git checkout congestion_setting 02:43 leo_rockway Branch congestion_setting set up to track remote branch congestion_setting from origin. 02:43 leo_rockway Switched to a new branch 'congestion_setting' 02:43 VanessaE yup. 02:43 leo_rockway okay 02:43 VanessaE now build it. 02:44 leo_rockway I'll build now, then. Thank you. 02:52 marktraceur Hm, maybe a better idea would be a live map viewer that uses some more sophisticated SQL. /me starts that 02:53 VanessaE wait, make sure it works with leveldb maps too. 02:53 marktraceur VanessaE: Why? Don't modern maps all use sqlite? 02:54 VanessaE no. 02:54 VanessaE OldCoder and thexyz have been working on/testing using leveldb as the backend/storage method for maps 02:54 marktraceur Hm. /me will look at it 02:54 VanessaE it's supposed to be way faster than sql 02:54 marktraceur VanessaE: sql, or sqlite? 02:54 VanessaE (sqlite) 02:55 leo_rockway anybody knows how to fix this? http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=190&t=111342 02:56 NakedFury marktraceur: this is what you would want? http://map.massivecraft.com/ an online active map showing all explores regions, points of interest, and players position? all configurable 02:56 leo_rockway I'm on Debian Wheezy 02:56 marktraceur NakedFury: Similar, yes 02:57 NakedFury http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/dynmap/ and http://docs.overviewer.org/en/latest/ 02:57 NakedFury those 2 do that 02:57 leo_rockway oh, here's my answer 02:58 leo_rockway https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/issues/64 02:58 Kacey i must go 02:59 marktraceur Looks like Overviewer is a good system to use, thanks NakedFury 03:01 marktraceur Ooh, it's even in Python 03:02 NakedFury didnt know, I just posted them here so you could see examples and maybe copy them 03:02 marktraceur I'll see if I can't figure out how to support n DB formats and m mods with this system. 03:05 marktraceur Hm, uses the Google Maps API for rendering. That's just not necessary. 03:06 NekoGloop Fucking crashes. 03:06 marktraceur NekoGloop: I thought you were leaving? 03:07 NekoGloop marktraceur: I thought you were a dick? 03:08 marktraceur NekoGloop: I like people to stay on topic, sorry if you disagree with that, I guess we could ask the ops in the channel if they want to change the rules of IRC to fit your desires 03:08 NekoGloop What topic? 03:09 marktraceur NekoGloop: Minetest. 03:16 Muadtralk http://ompldr.org/vZ2g4eA/screenshot_1157764264.png 03:16 Muadtralk anyone have an explaination? 03:17 telek 8 bit color mode? :D 03:18 NekoGloop Texture pack 03:19 Muadtralk not the colour 03:19 Muadtralk the head 03:19 Muadtralk see how its black 03:20 VanessaE Muadtralk: your client is out of date relative to the server. 03:20 Muadtralk hmmmm 03:20 VanessaE that was fixed already. 03:20 Muadtralk i think the server is outdate relative to the client 03:20 Muadtralk would that explain it? 03:20 VanessaE try signing into mine 03:20 Muadtralk i did 03:20 Muadtralk it works fine 03:21 Muadtralk :) 03:21 VanessaE ok, server must be b0rk3d then :-) 03:22 Muadtralk yep! 03:22 VanessaE that bug was fixed right after the 3d models got pushed in 03:34 leo_rockway why does the player_textures mod asks for two files? I thought that the skins were only one file, spread open. 03:34 leo_rockway oh, wait... not compatible with 3d players 03:34 VanessaE wrong version 03:34 leo_rockway which one do I need for 3d players skins? 03:34 VanessaE you need the recent one 03:34 VanessaE https://github.com/sdzen/player_textures 03:35 leo_rockway thank you 03:35 VanessaE clone that, put in player_somename.png for the (case-sensitive) player in question, restart the server. 03:35 VanessaE ignore the textures it comes with 03:36 VanessaE you have to install that mod into your games/minetest_game/mods folder 03:36 leo_rockway yup, done that, thanks 03:36 VanessaE it will not work properly in mods/minetest 03:36 VanessaE ok 03:36 leo_rockway now looking for a neat skin, hehe 03:36 NekoGloop Do we have the imagery of the motion in the relative orders of the player model rendering? 03:37 VanessaE huh? 03:37 NekoGloop Do we have model animations? 03:37 VanessaE oh sure 03:37 VanessaE players "walk" around when the move 03:37 NekoGloop :D 03:37 VanessaE more animations to follow I'm sure. 03:37 NekoGloop Digging? 03:37 VanessaE digging too, 03:37 NekoGloop Holding items? 03:37 leo_rockway not yet 03:38 VanessaE players used to "die" but that's been changed to just lying down 03:38 leo_rockway but it's a WIP 03:38 NekoGloop :( 03:38 VanessaE players can sit too 03:38 VanessaE (though nothing uses that feature yet) 03:38 NekoGloop VanessaE: Like MC? 03:38 NekoGloop (Falling to the left) 03:38 NakedFury can they fly? 03:38 VanessaE NakedFury: no. 03:38 VanessaE NekoGloop: they used to fall backwards, like a movie character getting shot. 03:38 VanessaE now they just lie down on their backs on dieing. 03:39 NakedFury we need flying, drowning, swimming, crushing, falling, lava dying animations 03:39 VanessaE (taoki had trouble with animation looping on death) 03:39 VanessaE NakedFury: so supply them :-) 03:39 NakedFury dont have the client yet 03:39 VanessaE get it :-) 03:39 NakedFury and finals are coming so I wont be able to do minetest much until its over 03:42 VanessaE wb kaeza 03:49 marktraceur Damn it. 03:49 marktraceur VanessaE: IP and port? 03:50 VanessaE port 30000 03:50 * marktraceur is annoyed at his own desire to play with others 03:51 VanessaE why? 03:51 leo_rockway VanessaE: I'm playing on my friend's server and everything goes super slow. I either didn't get the changes from that branch, or they don't work miracles like they did on your server o.o 03:51 marktraceur Because it means I can't play on the established server 03:51 VanessaE leo_rockway: the server admin is the one who has to apply the branch and new settings 03:51 marktraceur s/the/my/ 03:52 VanessaE so your friend has to fetch the congestion_setting branch and tweak the associated settings. 03:52 leo_rockway VanessaE: I'm my friend's server admin 03:52 leo_rockway I git cloned master 03:52 leo_rockway then switched to congestion_settings 03:53 leo_rockway how do I tweak the associated settings? 03:53 VanessaE oh ok 03:53 VanessaE https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/1d330c17157998f171fb0bee15c8e3af93c6eee5/minetest.conf.example#L201 03:53 VanessaE those last three settings. 03:54 VanessaE I turned the rtt one to 0.6, and min rate to 50, but that was a first attempt and is far from optimal. 03:54 VanessaE still, it did give most folks a nice boost in bandwidth 03:54 leo_rockway okay, thank you! 03:55 VanessaE no prob :-)\ 03:55 marktraceur Holy gods, that takes some time to download the media, eh 03:55 VanessaE min and max rates are packets per second. 03:55 VanessaE I think the rtt is a measure of seconds. 03:55 VanessaE marktraceur: yeah, that server features A Metric Assload of Mods ™ 03:55 marktraceur Oh, hm. 03:56 leo_rockway also, my skin didn't work... I wonder if it's because my nick has an underscore 03:56 marktraceur VanessaE: Any server with a metric cubic metre instead? 03:56 VanessaE and 30000 is not running the congestion_setting branch, it's running master, hence it's slow. 03:56 marktraceur Ah. 03:56 VanessaE um, maybe redcrab.suret.net:30401 03:56 VanessaE :-) 03:56 VanessaE there are a fair number of mods there 03:57 VanessaE well that didn't take you too long 03:59 leo_rockway well... 7 seconds of lag :S 04:01 leo_rockway VanessaE: did you have anticheat turned off in that server too? 04:01 VanessaE yes 04:01 leo_rockway oh... how can I turn those off? 04:02 VanessaE disable_anticheat = true 04:02 leo_rockway I thought it needed code tweaking 04:02 leo_rockway thank you 04:07 VanessaE no prob 04:08 leo_rockway that lowered my lag from 7 seconds to 4 seconds 04:14 NekoGloop My lag is 90 minutes. 04:16 leo_rockway I can't get the skins to work :S 04:21 marktraceur Whoa. Crash. 04:22 NekoGloop Whoa. Bang. 04:27 mrtux good night 04:27 leo_rockway VanessaE: this is where I have the skins mod: /usr/share/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/player_textures 04:27 mrtux @all: please don't message me while i'm sleeping 04:27 leo_rockway in there there's a folder called "textures" 04:28 mrtux etc 04:28 leo_rockway with this file: player_leorockway.png 04:28 mrtux goodnight 04:28 leo_rockway \ø night 04:28 leo_rockway but I am not seeing the skin 04:30 VanessaE looks good. 04:30 leo_rockway no skin :S 04:30 leo_rockway I'm logging in with a second client 04:31 leo_rockway still green shirt 04:31 VanessaE you have to make sure you sign in *exactly* as leorockway without the underscore 04:31 leo_rockway yup, I had the underscore before, and the file had the underscore 04:31 VanessaE and that your world is actually using that game 04:31 leo_rockway but I thought that maybe that was confusing the mod 04:31 leo_rockway oh... mmhh... maybe my world is using minimal 04:31 VanessaE possibly. 04:31 leo_rockway no, it's not, because the mod is being loaded 04:31 leo_rockway I added a print to it 04:32 leo_rockway so my username is indeed leorockway 04:32 leo_rockway and the name of the file is player_leorockway.png 04:32 leo_rockway but still no Star Trek uniform o.o 04:37 leo_rockway I added a print inside if io.open(filename..".png") then 04:37 leo_rockway and the print shows up... so that's working too 04:38 leo_rockway weird 04:40 VanessaE very trange 04:40 VanessaE very strange 04:40 VanessaE are you sure that /usr/local/share/minetest/games/minetest_game is actually what's being used? 04:40 VanessaE rather than a run-in-place build? 04:41 leo_rockway yup, I just built it 04:41 leo_rockway no local 04:42 OldCoder Will somebody help me to test a new avatar? 04:42 OldCoder You simply need to log in 04:42 leo_rockway OldCoder: sure 04:42 leo_rockway this is were I put the file: /usr/share/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/player_textures/textures/player_leorockway.png 04:42 leo_rockway it's an actual png 04:42 OldCoder leo_rockway, one moment 04:42 OldCoder Hmm 04:42 leo_rockway this one: http://minecraftgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/TNGcom.png 04:42 OldCoder Actually I made a new one I wish to test 04:43 OldCoder But I will add yours too 04:43 OldCoder Hold on 04:43 leo_rockway OldCoder: no, I was talking to VanessaE, hehe 04:43 OldCoder Ah 04:43 leo_rockway I was testing the skins too 04:43 leo_rockway but it's not showing up for me 04:43 OldCoder Let's try 04:45 OldCoder leo_rockway, willing to join: 04:45 OldCoder minetest.org port 30004 as leo 04:45 OldCoder lower case? 04:45 leo_rockway okay 04:46 OldCoder Hold on ty 04:47 leo_rockway I'm joining already 04:47 leo_rockway 62% media 04:47 OldCoder Yes 04:47 OldCoder I see you 04:47 OldCoder Sorry about the delay 04:48 leo_rockway I don't see anything yet, still loading, hehe 04:48 OldCoder leo_rockway, Joining as "leo" and world 30004 not 30000 ? 04:48 leo_rockway yup 04:48 OldCoder Works 04:49 OldCoder I will screenshot 04:49 leo_rockway media finished loading 04:49 OldCoder Wait 04:50 OldCoder Hold still a minute ty 04:50 leo_rockway Steve o.o 04:50 OldCoder This one is funny 04:50 OldCoder Got him 04:50 OldCoder leo thanks 04:50 OldCoder I will post shortly 04:50 leo_rockway why are you 2d? 04:50 OldCoder These are 2D avatars 04:51 OldCoder Not 3D 04:51 leo_rockway oh, okay 04:51 OldCoder I don't have 0.4.4 yet 04:51 OldCoder No LevelDB 04:51 leo_rockway alright 04:51 OldCoder Dogzilla 04:51 OldCoder made himself an avatar 04:51 OldCoder A scary one 04:51 OldCoder Boo! 04:51 leo_rockway what's LevelDB? 04:51 OldCoder A format that fixes the 4GB limit and is faster 04:51 OldCoder Also less corruption 04:51 leo_rockway alright 04:52 leo_rockway well, I'll leave now 04:52 OldCoder Want to 04:52 OldCoder see 04:52 OldCoder yourself? 04:52 OldCoder You can leave the game 04:52 OldCoder I mean a screenshot 04:52 leo_rockway yes, post the screenshots, hehe 04:52 OldCoder Sure 04:52 OldCoder Working 04:53 OldCoder http://minetest.org/dogshot.png 04:53 OldCoder Boo! 04:53 OldCoder ^ Screenshot 04:53 OldCoder 04:53 leo_rockway that's scary o.o 04:54 OldCoder Yep! 04:54 OldCoder Too much to take! 04:54 leo_rockway hehe 04:54 OldCoder VanessaE, ^ Danger! 04:54 VanessaE ? 04:55 OldCoder Dangerous character! 04:55 OldCoder http://minetest.org/dogshot.png 04:57 VanessaE heh 04:57 VanessaE weird is what it is :-) 04:58 M13_ hello, all 05:01 OldCoder M13_, Hi 05:01 OldCoder VanessaE, As I understand it his name is S173 05:01 OldCoder and he is very dangerous 05:01 OldCoder O_O 05:02 VanessaE heh 05:02 OldCoder http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r7bqdNyu80 05:02 OldCoder I have not seen that video 05:02 OldCoder It is said to feature our friend in action 05:04 M13_ im going to my Facebook cyah all 05:15 kaeza hi 05:17 OldCoder kaeza, Hi back 07:10 khonkhortisan my signs aren't weatherproof 07:14 Aqua hi 07:14 khonkhortisan hello 07:14 VanessaE hi 07:15 khonkhortisan Know how to hide a railroad switch but have it still work? 07:15 VanessaE no clue 07:15 khonkhortisan I'm using two switches and a loop to make a one-way track and I don't want anyone switching it the wrong way 07:16 VanessaE bury it one node deep and cover over it with leaves or junglegrass or so? 07:17 VanessaE will it still work then? 07:22 Aqua whats the previous stble version of minetest? 07:22 khonkhortisan is there a block that's all one color and doesn't have lines on the edges? 07:22 VanessaE khonkhortisan: homedecor curtains or large area rugs 07:23 VanessaE they tile fine but the game's lighting bugs make that a moot point 07:23 VanessaE (signlike and nodebox objects don't get smoothly lit as you know) 07:23 khonkhortisan I'm just trying to give the illusion of not moving between the slits 07:24 celeron55 http://fi2.eu.apcdn.com/full/63751.jpg 07:24 khonkhortisan (been afk) 07:24 VanessaE ah 07:24 VanessaE celeron55: epic :-) 07:24 khonkhortisan hahaha nice printer! 07:24 khonkhortisan it's better with the ad at the bottom 07:25 Aqua whats the previous stble version of minetest? 07:25 khonkhortisan 0.4.3? 07:57 Aqua hi 08:36 * OldCoder is asleep 08:56 VanessaE morning Calinou 08:56 Calinou hi 09:01 * Calinou is playing some openarena 09:01 VanessaE cool 09:19 OldCoder Back! 09:19 OldCoder VanessaE, don't you need rest? 09:19 VanessaE good morning OC 09:19 OldCoder Hey 09:19 OldCoder <--- Can't sleep 09:19 VanessaE oh sure, but some nights (light tonight) I have to completely burn out before I can sleep. 09:19 OldCoder All right 09:50 VanessaE hey Taoki. 09:50 Taoki hi 09:54 OldCoder Hi! 09:55 Calinou hi 09:57 OldCoder Calinou, gm 10:20 Ragnar_ hi 10:21 Ragnar_ VanessaE hi :D 10:21 VanessaE hi 10:22 Ragnar_ :D 10:22 Ragnar_ hey can you help me with a mod? 10:22 VanessaE like what? 10:22 Ragnar_ it needs me to use NodeBoxes... 10:22 Ragnar_ but idk how to use them... :( 10:22 VanessaE drawtype = "nodebox", 10:22 Ragnar_ wait... 10:22 Ragnar_ opening Notepad++...wait a sec... 10:22 VanessaE in your register_node() call. 10:23 VanessaE then at the bottom of the call, 10:23 VanessaE node_box = { 10:23 VanessaE type = "fixed", 10:23 VanessaE fixed = { 10:23 VanessaE {x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2}, 10:23 VanessaE {x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2}, 10:23 VanessaE {x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2}, 10:23 VanessaE .... for as many as you need 10:23 VanessaE } 10:23 VanessaE } 10:23 Ragnar_ do i first register a note or i just type draw="notebox" , 10:24 Ragnar_ cause i want to make like doors, but just in a diffrent shape and they move diffrent too... 10:24 Ragnar_ and thats why i need that... 10:24 VanessaE x1,y1,z1 specify one corner of a nodebox, x2,y2,z2 specify the diagonally opposite corner, in 3d space, relative to the center of the node. 0,0,0 is center, -/+ 0.5 is the edges. 10:25 VanessaE all of this goes inside your register_node() call. 10:25 VanessaE for example, 10:25 VanessaE (pastebin in a sec..) 10:26 VanessaE http://pastebin.com/Z2yy5tZm 10:26 VanessaE ^^^ draws a simple little almost-cube-shaped object. 10:26 VanessaE it's the "small" speaker from home decor. 10:27 VanessaE more complex example: 10:27 VanessaE http://pastebin.com/cxRfsHSW 10:28 * Calinou tried to make some C++ fix to prevent head from shifting downwards when inside a nodebox/transparent block, and miserably failed again 10:28 VanessaE white glass-and-wood lattice door, but with the drop/after_dig_node/on_punch stuff stripped out (you don't need that yet) 10:28 VanessaE Calinou: if you can fix that I would be forever grateful 10:28 Ragnar_ xD 10:28 Ragnar_ NO PLEASE NO!!! im too young for complex coding... :( 10:28 VanessaE it's FUCKING ANNOYING. :-) 10:28 VanessaE Ragnar_: relax, "more complex" = "more nodeboxes in the node". 10:28 VanessaE nothing more than that. 10:28 Ragnar_ ow :D 10:29 Ragnar_ well a door doesnt need more noteboxes :D 10:29 Calinou it's actually very simple -- check if drawtype of a node is "normal" AND walkable, if it is both, then shift head downwards when inside block 10:29 Ragnar_ i think... 10:29 Ragnar_ and...it isn't a door...its a cell cage :D 10:29 Ragnar_ or a cell cage door...idk, im estonian :D 10:29 VanessaE Ragnar_: in the first pastebin example, you can see how I drew a single cuboid to make the speaker. In the second example, you can see how I put several variously-sized nodeboxes together (one of which is actually 2d because z1=z2) to make a more detailed shape. 10:30 Ragnar_ ow :D 10:31 VanessaE Ragnar_: the 'selection box' line should be sized to cover the entire shape of the object you're creating. If it's thin and tall, make the selection box fit it, etc. 10:31 Ragnar_ if im making a door-ish thing, do i need to put in the ..._top.png? 10:31 VanessaE same format as node boxes. 10:31 VanessaE no, not right away you don't. 10:31 VanessaE I'm just obsessive, so I texture all six directions/faces. 10:31 Ragnar_ tiles = { 10:31 Ragnar_ 'homedecor_speaker_top.png', 10:31 Ragnar_ 'homedecor_speaker_bottom.png', 10:31 VanessaE you can use just one or two if that is all you need. 10:31 Ragnar_ 'homedecor_speaker_right.png', 10:32 Ragnar_ those are starting from line 4... 10:32 VanessaE no, the _top, _bottom, etc. are just the filenames I used. They can be anything you want. 10:32 Ragnar_ i know... 10:32 Ragnar_ but does a door need those ..._top and ..._bottom images+ 10:32 VanessaE _top, _bottom, etc. have no meaning to the nodeboxes aside from making it easier for you to read your own code :D 10:32 Ragnar_ ? 10:33 VanessaE no. Use as few or as many texture as you need (up to 6 of course) to get the job done. 10:33 VanessaE the simplest object could be textured with just one filename. 10:33 * Calinou got MT to build with an attempted fix 10:33 * OldCoder is asleep 10:33 VanessaE for example, those steel bars in 3dforniture? I think those use only three textures. They could just as easily use only one if the engine didn't have that nodebox lighting bug. 10:34 Ragnar_ hey vanessa...i have a problem with my minetest...i start it, and then the screen is white and the textboxes/buttons are black... 10:34 Ragnar_ why? 10:34 VanessaE no idea. video driver bug probably? 10:34 VanessaE broken, corrupted, or missing video driver is my only guess 10:35 Ragnar_ ow... 10:35 VanessaE heh 10:35 VanessaE laptop ping'd out. 10:35 Ragnar_ who was VanessaE[L] 10:35 Ragnar_ ow :D 10:35 VanessaE it must have finally shu....nope, there it is. 10:35 VanessaE Ragnar_: that's just my IRC client on my laptop in the other room. 10:35 Ragnar_ ow :D 10:38 Ragnar_ selection_box is the black outlines when you'r crosshair is over it? 10:40 VanessaE yep 10:40 Ragnar_ ow :D 10:41 Ragnar_ then the node_box is the model itself :D 10:41 Ragnar_ i need explanations :D 10:41 Ragnar_ sunlight_propagates 10:41 Ragnar_ tell me what does it mean... 10:41 VanessaE means sunlight will pass through to the nodes underneath/behind 10:42 Ragnar_ ow :d 10:42 Ragnar_ then its true... 10:42 Ragnar_ cause my door-ish thing is...i remembered :D cell bars :D 10:42 VanessaE true if you want the object to let light through, false if you want the object to be opaque. 10:42 VanessaE right 10:42 VanessaE so "true" in this case. 10:42 Ragnar_ paramtype 10:42 Ragnar_ yeah :D 10:42 Ragnar_ and paramtype2 10:42 Ragnar_ what do they do... 10:42 Calinou got it to work :D 10:42 * Calinou pull requests 10:42 VanessaE paramtype I always set to "light" because I don't use it. 10:43 Ragnar_ but what does it do? 10:43 VanessaE paramtype2 I usually set to 'facedir', which then makes param2 set the direction the object faces. 10:43 Ragnar_ ow so i'll leave it like that? 10:43 VanessaE paramtype/paramtype2 tell the engine what the meaning is of the param and param2 variables. 10:43 Ragnar_ ow ok... :D 10:43 Ragnar_ ill leave it like that just in case... 10:43 VanessaE so if you set paramtype2 to "facedir", then param2 holds a value that equals the face direction of the object :-) 10:44 VanessaE I forget what other values those variables can take. 10:44 VanessaE wallmounted I think is one, 10:44 VanessaE for signs. 10:44 Ragnar_ wait... 10:44 Calinou looks like it fixes another collision bug related to wall stairs 10:44 VanessaE but in your case, you don't want that probably. 10:44 Ragnar_ a door is drawtype = "signlike" 10:45 VanessaE yes, a door usually is if it's 2D - unless you make it out of nodeboxes. 10:45 Ragnar_ ow :D 10:45 Ragnar_ well then its signlike :D 10:45 VanessaE when it's made of nodeboxes, the drawtype is nodebox :-) 10:45 VanessaE and signlike is meaningless then. 10:45 Ragnar_ ok :D 10:45 VanessaE Calinou: explain? 10:46 VanessaE Calinou: which collision bug? 10:46 Ragnar_ but in the doors/init.lua there isnt a paramtype...only paramtype2... 10:46 Ragnar_ why? 10:46 Calinou when you place wall stairs (from stairs+ mod), if you go "inside" them then try to go away you'll be stuck unless you turn around and press "forward" 10:46 VanessaE because I don't use it :-) 10:46 VanessaE I leave it at its default setting. 10:46 Ragnar_ ow :D 10:47 VanessaE Calinou: ah, haven't run into that one yet 10:47 Ragnar_ groups = { choppy=2, dig_immediate=2 } 10:47 Ragnar_ whats this? 10:47 Ragnar_ ow and...how to convert sounds in to .ogg files? 10:47 Ragnar_ :D 10:48 Ragnar_ just asking... 10:48 ruskie get a wav and oggenc it 10:48 VanessaE Ragnar_: a groups= line specifies various special parameters, which depends on other mods to interpret. Each is different. In this case, it means that the object responds to tools that can cut "choppy" items. 10:48 VanessaE ogg files, you use an audio editor like audacity or whatever to save your sounds as ogg. 10:48 Ragnar_ ow :D 10:48 Ragnar_ cool :D 10:48 Ragnar_ hey can you do that for me? 10:48 VanessaE no :-) 10:48 Ragnar_ why? 10:49 Ragnar_ please :D 10:49 VanessaE because I'm too tired :-) 10:49 Ragnar_ 1 short sound :D 10:49 Ragnar_ not now...someday? 10:49 VanessaE oh sure, maybe 10:49 Ragnar_ yay :D 10:49 Ragnar_ wait...i'll need 2 short sounds... 10:49 VanessaE Calinou: nu, so where is this pull request, eppes? :-) 10:49 Ragnar_ 1. Cell Bars Opening ; 2. Bar Cells Being Hit... 10:49 ruskie Ragnar_, if you have the wavs you just need an oggencoder(on linux systems this is usually already included as oggenc) 10:50 Ragnar_ ow :D 10:50 VanessaE Ragnar_: start by looking on freesound.org - maybe the sounds you want to use already exist. Pick one with a good license. 10:50 Ragnar_ and with RealConverter i can convert an .mp3 into a .wav :D 10:50 Ragnar_ ok :D 10:50 Ragnar_ but how do i make the node un-brakable? 10:51 Calinou https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/310 < why do I have 6 commits and not one? 10:51 VanessaE don't put it in any digging groups 10:51 Calinou :< 10:51 VanessaE (no choppy, no cracky, etc) 10:51 Calinou Ragnar_: realconverter... facepalm 10:51 Ragnar_ xD 10:52 Calinou vlc can convert audio, amirite? 10:52 VanessaE Calinou: because you forgot to git pull before you started your patch. 10:52 Calinou clementine can, I know that 10:52 VanessaE vlc can I think yes. mplayer/mencoder also. 10:52 Ragnar_ wait it can? 10:52 Calinou it's an awesome music player from windows/mac/linux :D 10:52 Ragnar_ WOW 10:52 Calinou for* 10:52 Ragnar_ thanks teacher :D 10:54 * Calinou pokes thexyz: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/310 10:54 VanessaE Calinou: afaik, only the one commit with the working code will end up being merged, 10:54 VanessaE but you should back out your changes and re-apply them against a fresh git master 10:54 VanessaE just to avoid the excess commits :-) 10:54 VanessaE otherwise PilzAdam will kick your ass :D 10:56 Calinou ok, third and last attempt 11:00 Calinou https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/311 there :D 11:01 VanessaE much better :D 11:01 VanessaE oh that's truly sad 11:01 VanessaE all that trouble for a one-line fix 11:01 VanessaE :) 11:02 Calinou C++ level increased by 1. Total (3) 11:04 VanessaE heh 11:04 VanessaE now let's see how long it goes before someone merges it :-) 11:07 * Calinou seen this screenshot in the "fix fullscreen not working" pull request: http://ompldr.org/vZ2QyZg 11:07 Calinou someone's trying to code with MS word :P 11:07 Calinou and... internet exploder 11:09 ruskie people do crazy things each and every day 11:09 Kray what makes you believe he is trying to code with MS Word? 11:10 Kray it being open doesn't mean he uses it for coding 11:10 Kray nor having IE available not even running means actually using it 11:15 Calinou Kray: I know :P 11:15 Calinou he's using VS 11:20 VanessaE to be fair, I've used Abiword once or twice to write code, though I don't remember now why I did that :-) 12:24 VanessaE ok, time to sleep. night all. 12:51 NekoGloop VanessaE[L]: Problems with internets, or laptop just being iffy? :3 12:53 ruskie she's asleep 12:54 NekoGloop What makes you think that? 12:54 NekoGloop If it was an autojoin it wouldnt have taken as long. 12:56 ruskie [13:24:45] <VanessaE> ok, time to sleep. night all. 12:56 ruskie and it's now 13:56 13:24 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 13:25 NakedFury hi o/ 13:28 jin_xi hi adam 13:29 NekoGloop Meow :3 13:35 PilzAdam according to this i will merge the new doors mod: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=53840 13:39 ruskie mmm that sounds nice 13:39 ruskie I want locked doors 13:40 thexyz anyone willing to help? http://wapi.minetest.ru/ 13:45 PilzAdam merged 13:47 Penguin hi 14:28 sfan5 new minetest build! 14:29 sfan5 http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.4-655bb52-win32.7z 16:01 OldCoder babyface1031, Hey 16:07 Taoki redcrab: poke (and hi) 16:09 babyface1031 hey OldCoder 16:15 OldCoder Jordach, Good afternoon 16:15 Jordach hello OldCoder 16:16 OldCoder VanessaE, Good morning to you 16:18 Jordach good afternoon Taoki 16:18 Taoki hi 16:19 Taoki redcrab: Just letting you know 3D players are upstream for a few days. So maybe you can update your server and minetest_game so they will work there too :) I think we checked last night and no 3D players on your server yet. 16:19 Taoki **since a few days 16:19 Jordach Taoki - we need connected textures 16:20 Taoki connected textures? 16:20 Jordach google it 16:20 Taoki ah, that would be nice 16:20 Jordach http://imgur.com/a/bP0Xy 16:21 Jordach or look at these, the mc clone of 64dots supports it 16:22 Taoki yeah, would be nice. Don't think I can help there sadly 16:22 Taoki Need to go now also, brb in 2 hours or so 16:22 OldCoder c u 16:23 Jordach hello Calinou 16:25 Jordach anyone here got a 3d player server? 16:25 Calinou hi 16:25 PilzAdam Jordach, minetest.ru:12345 has 3D players 16:25 Jordach latest git too? 16:26 PilzAdam it was updated yesterdy 16:26 * Calinou bets 1 mese it's empty 16:26 * Calinou seen this in git log: 16:26 Calinou Author: Calinou <calinou9999spam@gmail.com> 16:26 Calinou Date: Wed Nov 28 11:59:19 2012 +0100 16:26 Calinou Fix head shifting downards in glass, nodeboxes... 16:26 Calinou WOO :D 16:27 Jordach :D 16:27 Calinou my fix got comitted :) 16:27 Calinou going to add this to changelog 16:27 * Jordach is unzipping the git 16:32 jin_xi ok, painting mod fixed... seems some other stuff defines its own variable colors. duh 16:33 Calinou http://dl.dropbox.com/u/82342922/0.4.x-changelog.txt link to latest changelog 16:33 Calinou now that is a big changelog :> 16:35 PilzAdam Calinou, whats about animated fire? 16:36 PilzAdam also new locked steel doors added 16:37 Calinou ah yeah, forgot about these 16:38 Calinou PilzAdam: you should commit your mod that destroys items in lava, imo 16:38 Calinou and pushes items in water (if it doesn't eat too much resources) 16:39 PilzAdam the water thing is a hack 16:40 Calinou well then, commit the part of builtin_item that destroys items in lava :) 16:40 PilzAdam Calinou, you should update the brick texture in the minetest wiki 16:40 * Calinou needs to install blender first :) 17:08 hmmmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKLrj3UFqQI 17:36 Calinou PilzAdam: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest_game/pull/59 *poke* :) 17:36 Calinou (this also fixes inconsistency in spacing :P) 17:38 PilzAdam any PVP server with this? 17:38 Calinou no, i just spent 20 minutes trying a lot of values around :P 17:38 PilzAdam this need to be tested 17:39 pskosinski konichiwa! 17:40 PilzAdam Guten Tag! 17:40 * OldCoder is AFK briefly on an errand 17:40 OldCoder Hi 17:41 Calinou idea: i'll host a server for the lulz, then OldCoder, PilzAdam and others can come play :) 17:41 Calinou port 30000 17:43 Calinou restarted 17:43 Calinou i didn't have any privs :p 17:48 pskosinski Are there many differences between 3 and 4.3 version? 17:49 pskosinski 0.3, 0.4 17:49 PilzAdam umm, yes 17:50 pskosinski ah, nvm >.> to install mods I woul dneed 4.3 anyway… 17:50 pskosinski would need 17:50 pskosinski Debian as always outdated as hell 17:50 PilzAdam c55 just said 0.4.4 will be released soon 17:50 PilzAdam if you are on Linux compile yourself 17:52 Calinou pskosinski: loldebian 17:52 Calinou there is no 0.4.x, even in debian unstable/ubuntu anyway :P 17:52 pskosinski yes 17:53 PilzAdam Calinou, what do you think of increasing the damage that the steel sword kills with 2-3 hits? 17:55 PilzAdam If you carry apples while fighting you are currently unbreakable 17:55 Calinou what when you run out of apples? :p 17:55 Calinou also, to have a lot of apples, it takes time 17:56 Calinou no apples on trees generated by map 17:56 PilzAdam true 17:56 Calinou weapon damage shouldn't be too high, don't make minetest minecraft :p 17:56 PilzAdam what about bread if it gets added to upstream? 17:56 Calinou (it used to be really high in MC: diamond sword did 5.5 hearts) 17:56 pskosinski Are there bananas? 17:56 Calinou in mods, yes 17:56 Calinou let's add bananas that kill in one hit 17:56 Calinou :D 17:57 PilzAdam Calinou, MT will never be like MC because it has full_punch_interval 17:57 pskosinski banana-boomerangs 17:57 Calinou we need some eating time/delay then 17:57 Calinou give health progressively after eating food 17:57 Calinou (delay should be configurable of course) 17:59 pskosinski Can someone remind me how to make makefile? ^^ 18:01 Calinou cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE 18:01 Calinou run this in minetest's folder 18:01 Calinou cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 18:01 Calinou oops 18:01 pskosinski ty 18:01 Calinou run in place puts config files in minetest's folder, not your home .minetest folder 18:01 pskosinski ok, thanks :) 18:02 PilzAdam alias minemake = "make . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 && make -j16" 18:02 PilzAdam thats what i use 18:02 pskosinski 16 O.O 18:03 hmmmm i do 16 as well 18:03 PilzAdam i have 8 cores 18:03 hmmmm CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1230 V2 @ 3.30GHz (3292.60-MHz K8-class CPU) 18:03 Calinou PilzAdam: you need to cd src first 18:03 Calinou hmmmm: price? :p 18:03 PilzAdam no 18:03 hmmmm $240 18:03 Calinou huh 18:04 Calinou 8 core CPU for $240? hax 18:04 hmmmm hyperthreading 18:04 Calinou so you have 4 core 18:04 * Jordach does a make -j16 on a p4 18:04 Calinou and you should use -j8 not -j16 18:04 hmmmm it's basically an i7-3770 without intergrated graphics 18:04 hmmmm no, you should do twice the number of cores/threads/whatever 18:04 Jordach and the bullshit 18:04 hmmmm to make sure all threads are saturated 18:04 Calinou yes, and it has four physical cores 18:04 Calinou and 8 virtual cores 18:04 Calinou thus: -j8 18:04 Calinou uses 100% CPU on my computer 18:04 Calinou i7 2600k 18:05 hmmmm well that's not the point 18:05 hmmmm i don't really think it makes too much of a difference 18:05 hmmmm it depends on your OS's scheduler 18:07 pskosinski errors, errors everywhere… 18:07 hmmmm aerror! aerror! 18:07 hmmmm pskosinski, i bet the problem is that you didn't remove CMakeCache.txt 18:08 hmmmm remove all 'CMake' files except for the cmake directory and CMakeLists.txt 18:09 pskosinski no, screw it, will download package ^^ 18:10 Calinou pskosinski: did you install deps 18:10 Calinou http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3837 try this, too :D 18:13 thexyz why do you `cd src`? 18:13 pskosinski I didn't have one dependency. :x 18:13 pskosinski libopneal-dev … 18:14 thexyz lol @ search bar http://multa.bugs3.com/upload/Picture%201.png 18:14 Calinou someone's googling how to screenshot on a mac 18:14 PilzAdam heh 18:14 Jordach trololololololololololololololololol 18:14 Calinou lolfirefox 18:14 Jordach lolChromium 18:15 Calinou someone's looking at the cost of pennies 18:19 thexyz any suggestions for http://wapi.minetest.ru/ logo? 18:19 thexyz (this site will replace current http://api.minetest.net/ one day, I hope) 18:19 PilzAdam default minetest logo? 18:21 Calinou I like the logo from the minetest.net proposal, it has better shadows :P 18:21 Jordach http://c55.me/~celeron55/random/2012-11/mods/ 18:21 Jordach huh, some mods and TNT 18:21 PilzAdam blockmobs is realy interesting 18:22 OldCoder thexyz, I'll seek your advice in a few minutes 18:22 Jordach anyone ere got latest git server? 18:22 Jordach (bar minetest.ru) 18:26 thexyz bar? 18:27 Jordach bar == not 18:28 thexyz oh, right, nobody loves minetest.ru 18:28 PilzAdam I do 18:28 OldCoder It is wonderful 18:29 PilzAdam but it doesnt make sense to join a empty server to see 3D models 18:29 OldCoder I will update when I can 18:29 OldCoder That is the plan 18:29 OldCoder Of 3D I'm a fan 18:29 OldCoder Folks 18:29 Calinou PilzAdam: code third person, ???, PROFIT 18:30 * PilzAdam has low c++ skills 18:30 * Calinou does too 18:31 mauvebic i can screw around with the mapgen and the c++ mapper source but thats about it lol 18:32 marktraceur OldCoder: You're gett'n' all dissed by the man, ride in a van, you couldn't walk so you just ran, getting a tan, m-fers over in Afghanistan, into the frying pan, not just a <div> but a <span>, maybe we'll play over LAN, so long as we don't use FORTRAN. 18:32 * marktraceur drops mic 18:33 marktraceur (not because I just schooled you, but to prevent further ear-bleeding) 18:33 OldCoder marktraceur, that is cool for school 18:33 OldCoder You rule! 18:33 OldCoder You no fool you are cool thank you sir for school 18:35 marktraceur "ool" is less easy to rhyme 18:38 KikaRz Hi there! Im back... not for too long 18:38 KikaRz im in another computer 18:38 KikaRz minetest has been updated? 18:38 PilzAdam updated ?= developed 18:42 OldCoder KikaRz, M13 has provided me with the pass. So I'm partly maintaining that server now. 18:42 marktraceur KikaRz: YOU'RE IN A COMPUTER!? HANG ON WE'LL SAVE YOU! 18:42 KikaRz OldCoder 18:42 OldCoder KikaRz, also; I apologize but the other other day was pretty busy. May I see the link to your avatar again? 18:42 KikaRz ... marktraceur, take me out of this fucking country 18:42 KikaRz OldCoder, Its not ROOT 18:42 KikaRz its MINETEST 18:42 KikaRz the user 18:42 * marktraceur dashes to the batmobile to rescue KikaRz 18:42 OldCoder KikaRz, Not following 18:43 OldCoder KikaRz, Link your avatar again when you can 18:43 KikaRz OldCoder, im sending now 18:43 KikaRz OldCoder, use the user "minetest" to enter the server 18:43 OldCoder KikaRz, I already have the pass 18:43 OldCoder He passed on the pass yesterday 18:44 KikaRz I know the pass 18:44 KikaRz that you have it 18:44 KikaRz but do not use ROOT 18:44 KikaRz use minetest 18:45 OldCoder KikaRz, I am not following 18:45 OldCoder KikaRz, Link your avatar again when you can 18:45 KikaRz ... 18:45 KikaRz stop spamming 18:45 OldCoder D: 18:45 OldCoder That is "flooding" young lady 18:45 OldCoder Not "spamming" 18:45 OldCoder Get your terminology right 18:45 KikaRz Or that 18:45 KikaRz The same. 18:45 KikaRz SPAM = Flood 18:45 * OldCoder sighs 18:45 OldCoder It is not. 18:45 Jordach oh wait, i ignored kika 18:45 KikaRz Flood = Multiple Messages 18:45 marktraceur OldCoder: I believe KikaRz wants you to log in to a server with the username "minetest" and a password already determined at an earlier date 18:45 KikaRz Jordach, you can't ignore. 18:46 OldCoder marktraceur, KikaRz is out of sync. It is, or was, M13 server. I helped him set it up. 18:46 * marktraceur sings spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spammity spam, wonderful spam 18:46 OldCoder Yum 18:46 KikaRz https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u1q9kjdom1518kc/e42QjnQFl_?m 18:46 KikaRz https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u1q9kjdom1518kc/e42QjnQFl_?m 18:46 KikaRz https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u1q9kjdom1518kc/e42QjnQFl_?m 18:46 KikaRz Ups 18:46 OldCoder Reviewing 18:46 KikaRz Dropbox sent 3 links in a row. 18:46 KikaRz OldCoder, i guess the 3d dont works :( 18:46 KikaRz and the skins arent black 18:46 OldCoder It will 18:46 KikaRz in the transparent 18:47 OldCoder KikaRz, that is a 3D skin 18:47 OldCoder If you make a 2D one let me know 18:47 KikaRz Not the 3d that im saying 18:47 OldCoder I am presently adding those 18:47 KikaRz i did a 2d and a 3d in the folders 18:47 KikaRz *folder 18:47 OldCoder Ah 18:47 OldCoder I see her 18:47 OldCoder She looks tough! 18:47 OldCoder I will add her 18:47 KikaRz tough? 18:47 KikaRz o-o 18:48 OldCoder Like Sigourney Weaver in Aliens 18:48 OldCoder It is a compliment 18:48 OldCoder She will be added shortly 18:48 Calinou HOWTO: look cool after insulting someone 18:48 Calinou say it is a compliment 18:48 OldCoder ??? 18:48 Calinou :) 18:48 OldCoder Calinou, that was sincere 18:48 OldCoder Don't make trouble 18:49 Calinou i know, was joking :P 18:49 Calinou gtg now 18:49 OldCoder c u 18:49 OldCoder KikaRz, is your nick KikaRz in the game? 18:49 KikaRz Yes 18:49 OldCoder k 18:50 KikaRz OldCoder 18:50 KikaRz Im without computer net 18:50 OldCoder Yes? 18:50 KikaRz *now 18:50 OldCoder k 18:50 KikaRz Im not in a computer but yes 18:50 KikaRz in a Tablet 18:50 KikaRz *-* 18:50 KikaRz love tablets... 18:50 KikaRz specially: CHOCOLATE ONES... 18:50 khonkhortisan hey, someone killed me last night! 18:50 KikaRz that big small pieces of chocolate... 18:51 * KikaRz sees khonkhortisan's soul... 18:51 * KikaRz smiles... 18:51 khonkhortisan before the server restarted 18:51 KikaRz it was me :P 18:51 KikaRz kidding 18:51 KikaRz hate my foot. 18:51 KikaRz just for walk... 18:51 KikaRz at the end of day: 18:51 khonkhortisan well I was unnaturally floating in the air 18:52 KikaRz STATUS OF FOOT: SMELLS PRETTY NICE! 18:52 khonkhortisan so feet have social networking now 18:52 OldCoder She looks good 18:52 KikaRz yes. 18:52 KikaRz me? *--* 18:52 OldCoder The avatar 18:52 KikaRz oh 18:53 KikaRz Yes. 18:53 KikaRz Its the avatar that i use all the time 18:53 KikaRz i got more 2 types of avatars... 18:53 OldCoder I am sure you look good too but we cannot see you 18:53 OldCoder What are the others? 18:53 KikaRz One with a cap... 18:53 KikaRz and other with headphones 18:53 KikaRz but minetest dont lets that 18:54 marktraceur .... 18:55 KikaRz marktraceur, you are now: 18:55 KikaRz marktraceur, you are now: 18:55 KikaRz Fail 18:56 marktraceur KikaRz: What am I? 18:57 KikaRz I dont know. 18:57 KikaRz a fail? 18:57 KikaRz :P 18:57 marktraceur KikaRz: Sometimes, yes. 18:57 KikaRz <KikaRz> marktraceur, you are now: 18:57 KikaRz <KikaRz> Fail 18:57 * marktraceur loves the disparity between channels 18:57 marktraceur In here, most of the messages are on the left side of my screen 18:57 marktraceur Most other channels I'm in have text along the entire screen 18:57 marktraceur It's rather fascinating 18:58 OldCoder Penguin, Hi 18:58 OldCoder Penguin, I am working on it 18:58 Penguin On ? 18:58 OldCoder What you asked for 18:59 Penguin Oh :) When will it be done any idears 18:59 OldCoder Penguin, I thought it *was* done 18:59 Penguin hey babyface 18:59 OldCoder So I cannot say 18:59 OldCoder Patience is a Penguin Virtue 18:59 KikaRz hi there penguin 18:59 Penguin hi 19:00 KikaRz Microsoft Word 2007 in my computer: 19:00 Penguin Its Not On Mod list coder 19:00 KikaRz how much time takes to enter? 19:00 KikaRz Who knows? 19:00 Penguin 1hour 19:00 Penguin hehe 19:00 KikaRz nope 19:00 KikaRz minus 19:01 KikaRz 5 min. 19:01 marktraceur KikaRz: Are you trying to tell us that it takes -5 minutes to install MS Word? 19:01 Penguin haha 19:02 babyface1031 hey 19:03 Penguin u back on server 19:03 babyface1031 yes 19:03 OldCoder Penguin, which world are you trying to use Desert Uses in? 19:03 Penguin 30004 19:03 OldCoder k 19:03 Penguin Has U Shut Server Down ? 19:03 OldCoder No 19:04 KikaRz No 19:04 OldCoder You are there 19:04 Penguin okay its cos it would ent connect 19:04 KikaRz To Install Word = 5 hours. 19:04 KikaRz To initialize it: 17 minetes. 19:04 KikaRz *minutes 19:04 KikaRz i was thinking in minetest 19:04 marktraceur Plus signing that devil-contract, which takes at least five seconds for most people 19:05 Penguin need to restart cp 19:05 KikaRz cp = club penguin? O_o' 19:06 marktraceur Probably a typo for "PC" 19:07 KikaRz cp = club penguin 19:07 KikaRz pc = personal computer / portable computer 19:07 KikaRz 2 completely different things 19:08 KikaRz going to put a virus in school 19:08 KikaRz to install linux in all computers 19:08 KikaRz :P 19:08 marktraceur KikaRz: It would probably be more useful if you also installed GNU on them, but if you think that's best 19:09 KikaRz gnu = ? 19:09 KikaRz ah 19:09 KikaRz maybe 19:09 KikaRz i dislike that school computers 19:09 KikaRz i need to present a work 19:09 KikaRz to 10,422 people. 19:11 KikaRz byeneed to turn off tablet 19:14 OldCoder 19:14 OldCoder U.S. worlds are going down briefly for updates and tests 19:14 OldCoder babyface1031, see above 19:15 babyface1031 ok i will tell penguin 19:15 OldCoder babyface1031, tell him 19:15 OldCoder He is getting the mod he wishes 19:15 khonkhortisan ugh if I don't put dirt under the rail the cart bobs up and down and I miss frames of the slit animation thing 19:15 babyface1031 ok i told him ready to go 19:15 OldCoder Allow about 5 minutes 19:16 OldCoder I am experimenting 19:16 OldCoder babyface1031, do me a small favor 19:16 OldCoder Join 30000 19:16 babyface1031 ok 19:16 OldCoder and see if things work there 19:16 babyface1031 now or after updates 19:16 OldCoder babyface1031, Do you have interact there? 19:16 OldCoder Now 19:16 OldCoder I will restart all worlds 19:16 OldCoder after testing 30000 19:17 babyface1031 idk if i do or not i will head there now 19:17 OldCoder k 19:17 babyface1031 no privs 19:17 babyface1031 lot of unknown blocks 19:17 OldCoder Yep 19:18 OldCoder Something broken 19:18 OldCoder Thanks 19:18 OldCoder I will restart other worlds now 19:19 babyface1031 thats all or you need me to try other stuff 19:19 OldCoder That is all 19:19 OldCoder Thanks 19:19 babyface1031 np 19:20 OldCoder babyface1031, Tell Penguin to try Desert Uses now 19:20 babyface1031 ok 19:22 babyface1031 is the sever back up? 19:24 babyface1031 OldCoder have you seen the log there is alot of errors 19:25 OldCoder Penguin, Yes 19:25 Penguin hi 19:25 OldCoder I am shutting down and working on it 19:26 babyface1031 hi 19:26 Penguin You have :D 19:26 OldCoder Yes 19:26 OldCoder Proceeding 19:26 OldCoder Shutting down 19:26 Penguin :) 19:26 Penguin We need 3d players on minetest 19:26 Penguin dont we 19:27 marktraceur Penguin: We have them! 19:27 Penguin do we 19:27 OldCoder Anybody want more mods? 19:27 OldCoder Now is the time to ask! 19:27 OldCoder Or more 2D avatars 19:27 Penguin urm 1 sec 19:27 OldCoder Who wants one? 19:27 khonkhortisan My rail-powered animation is finished, in stunning 1.3 frames per second! 19:28 babyface1031 i good i have all i like unless there is one for a fully clear glass 19:28 babyface1031 no lines nothing 19:28 Penguin Jungle trees http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2887 19:30 Penguin OldCoder 19:30 OldCoder Penguin, see Vanessa. That one is High CPU 19:30 OldCoder But thank you 19:31 Penguin okay wait 19:31 marktraceur OldCoder: I could suggest transactors and the rest of the industry pack, but I'm not actually playing on your server :) 19:31 OldCoder Who would like a 2D avatar? 19:31 OldCoder marktraceur, Are transactors lightweight and safe? 19:31 OldCoder Link? 19:31 OldCoder BTW I have about 20 servers 19:31 marktraceur OldCoder: They're basically as heavy as a furnace, seems mostly OK 19:32 OldCoder Does anybody else plan to use them? 19:32 marktraceur OldCoder: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3804 19:32 OldCoder ty 19:32 Penguin use what 19:32 OldCoder Transactors 19:32 marktraceur OldCoder: I don't know if they're in anyone's plans. I also plan to finish my factory mod soon-ish and release the entire pack with more pizazz 19:32 OldCoder 2D avatars are available. Nobody wants one? All right. 19:33 OldCoder Worlds going down again 19:33 OldCoder Penguin, you should have Desert Uses 19:33 Penguin yay 19:34 Penguin http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=508 coder 19:34 OldCoder What is it? 19:34 TForsman hows compability for minetest 0.4.4 against mods? should work fine? most of the mods? 19:34 OldCoder I have not tested 19:34 Penguin its a mod and baby it has clear glass 19:35 OldCoder Penguin, ask her and others to review that 19:35 OldCoder Is it lightweight and safe? 19:35 Penguin Dont matter atchualy 19:35 OldCoder Why not? 19:36 Penguin Becuse it use to be on server and then it went 19:36 babyface1031 yeah we have clean glass already it just still has the lines on the outside 19:36 * Penguin Orders Pizza 19:36 babyface1031 and everything in that mod we can already make so it would be useless 19:37 VanessaE hi all 19:37 babyface1031 hi VanessaE 19:37 * Penguin Wondering when it will get to noth pole 19:38 * Penguin Stutters 19:39 * Penguin forgot to pick cousin up from school Ops 19:39 ruskie rofl 19:40 * Penguin wondering if server is back up 19:41 * Penguin Gave Pizza Man Wrong Address 19:41 marktraceur Penguin: http://identi.ca is where you should be 19:42 * Penguin Is Stumped 19:43 Penguin Coder? 19:43 Penguin *OldCoder 19:43 Penguin *@OldCoder 19:44 VanessaE so what's news? :-) 19:44 Penguin Scobby doo 19:44 * Penguin Chukkles 19:45 VanessaE *mumble* 19:45 Penguin *Mumble 19:45 thexyz VanessaE: http://wapi.minetest.ru/Main_Page 19:46 Penguin babyface1031! Is Server Up 19:46 VanessaE thexyz: not bad 19:47 babyface1031 marktraceur does the industry pack work with the technic furance and grinder or just the normal coal powered furnace 19:47 OldCoder Penguin, I am updating again 19:47 Penguin Updating To What 19:48 marktraceur babyface1031: Only chest, furnace, and rubber_collector are handled thus far....but I'd be happy to add more handlers, it wouldn't break anything 19:48 Penguin http://wapi.minetest.ru/Main_Page look at views on page when i tell you refress 19:48 babyface1031 i was looking at it it looks neat 19:48 marktraceur babyface1031: My priority is still adding factories, but if you add a note in the forum post about technic furnace and grinder, and as many technical details as you can, I'll add it soon 19:48 marktraceur (probably this weekend in all likelihood) 19:49 Penguin refress 19:49 Penguin Boosting views on page much lol 19:49 babyface1031 what will the factories doo 19:49 Penguin Updating To What 19:50 Penguin @OldCoder ? 19:50 OldCoder Penguin, wait please 19:50 OldCoder Fixing things now 19:50 Penguin oh i understand read it propley 19:52 OldCoder Penguin, D: be polite 19:52 OldCoder I did read it "propley" 19:52 OldCoder I am too busy to respond ATM 19:52 OldCoder That is what I meant 19:52 Penguin No i dident read it propley i ment 19:52 Penguin sorry 19:52 OldCoder Ah 19:52 OldCoder Sure 19:52 OldCoder np 19:53 * Penguin Likes Laughing 19:53 OldCoder That is good 19:53 babyface1031 why was technic mod removed? 19:53 OldCoder Penguin, which Darket mod are you suggesting? 19:53 Penguin What ? 19:53 OldCoder babyface1031, it was not 19:53 OldCoder babyface1031, wait 19:54 OldCoder Penguin, you linked: 19:54 OldCoder http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=508 19:54 babyface1031 in the forums it is 19:54 OldCoder Which mod are you requesting? 19:54 OldCoder babyface1031, that is odd 19:54 VanessaE babyface1031: it was removed from the forum because RealBadAngel had a hissy fit :-) 19:54 OldCoder VanessaE, he is a valued contributo 19:54 OldCoder r 19:54 VanessaE he got upset ad the way things are moving and not. 19:54 mauvebic i guess fall season does that people lol 19:54 babyface1031 oh 19:54 OldCoder Penguin, which Darket mod are you suggesting? 19:54 VanessaE OldCoder: he and I still talk. I've been testing his unified creative inventory branch 19:54 OldCoder VanessaE, all right 19:55 OldCoder VanessaE, I haven't seen him recently; tell him I'd like to have him around 19:55 OldCoder He is a stabilizing force 19:55 VanessaE he just doesn't get on channel for now - he's pissed at celeron55. 19:55 babyface1031 OldCoder the mod you are asking about i dont see any use for it everthing in it we can already make now that we have the desert mod 19:55 OldCoder babyface1031, ty 19:55 OldCoder babyface1031, tell him 19:55 babyface1031 Penguin the mod you are asking about i dont see any use for it everthing in it we can already make now that we have the desert mod 19:56 Penguin yay it dont matter oldcoder 19:56 OldCoder k 19:56 mauvebic finished my guns'n'turrets (http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1598) lemme know whadda think 19:57 Jordach hey mauvebic 19:57 mauvebic sup 19:57 VanessaE hey mauvebic. 19:58 Jordach mauvebic - could you send me a zipball of your world + mods, i'd love to see it 19:58 mauvebic the turrets dont shoot on their owners, dont destroy nodes. plasma rifles destroy nodes, entities and players 19:58 Jordach wait, you made a dm cannon? 19:58 mauvebic more like those plasma guns from the movies but yeah 19:58 OldCoder babyface1031, try the world now 19:59 babyface1031 ok 19:59 VanessaE mauvebic: what, no railgun? no BFG? :D 19:59 mauvebic they're rapid-fire too 19:59 mauvebic bfg? 19:59 OldCoder All the U.S. worlds should be back. Desert Uses is in. Kika* has her new 2D avatar. 19:59 VanessaE mauvebic: "Big Fucking Gun", most powerful weapon in Quake/OpenArena 20:00 OldCoder Doom too 20:00 mauvebic would if i could, pretty limited by bullets hitting node.name == 'ignore' :/ 20:00 marktraceur VanessaE: Have you seen the Doom movie? That scene was probably the best. 20:00 PilzAdam gtg; bye 20:00 VanessaE no, I have not. I'm not into those sorts of movies actually. 20:00 Jordach mauvebic - when you've got the BFG 9000, it makes pvp no fun 20:01 marktraceur VanessaE: Honestly, it's 90% game humour from my recollection. But I may be misremembering. 20:01 mauvebic well the mininuke and blaster rifles are missing, but those do *alot* of dammage lol 20:01 Jordach mauvebic, the nuke effect was awesome 20:01 mauvebic yeah but it depends on a mod im still werking on 20:01 mauvebic and cant figure out what fire to use 20:02 mauvebic oh but theres a compressed water gun that does work, to fight fires or grief with lol 20:05 celeron55 FYI: 0.4.4 will be released next week 20:06 marktraceur celeron55: Will that include windows builds on minetest.net? 20:07 TForsman hows compatibility for mods against 0.4.4 ? 20:07 celeron55 of course 20:07 celeron55 TForsman: should be no problems whatsoever 20:07 TForsman thanks, will update through git for now for foresight users :) 20:08 MiJyn you know what's ironic? I never downloaded minetest since celeron55 released 0.4 stable 20:08 celeron55 0.4.3 clients aren't and won't be able to connect to 0.4.4, unless i happen to feel like doing that as a challenge 20:08 marktraceur Official-sauce announce came out! Woo, I can share my server! 20:08 marktraceur http://www.fsf.org/bulletin/2012/fall/new-libreplanet-gaming-server-running-minetest 20:08 VanessaE brb 20:10 TForsman celeron55: do you know when that happened? Which commit that made it unable to use 0.4.3 for 0.4.4. As we always update from git, from time to time 20:12 celeron55 TForsman: the 3D players - it's a large bunch of commits. a 0.4.4 client can connect to a 0.4.3 server however 20:12 celeron55 and will be definitely so at release too 20:13 TForsman ahh, thats good. then I dont have any big issues if it still works against 0.4.3 servers 20:15 celeron55 marktraceur: altough i generally don't respect fsf, i like it that people find use for the software and form communities like that 8) hopefully that will return some useful input to minetest itself too 20:16 marktraceur celeron55: I agree! I think we should be able to help funnel some of the interest into modding and contributing back to core. 20:16 marktraceur celeron55: Not to mention playing and contributing to other games--we're hoping to launch an OpenArena server, I think, plus maybe a HedgeWars server 20:17 marktraceur I looked into Ryzom, but it's a hell of a difficult game to set up. 20:26 babyface1031 OldCoder did you delete trashcan mod 20:30 Jordach yes 20:30 Jordach remove the model 20:32 OldCoder babyface1031, yes. I was told it messes up textures. 20:32 babyface1031 ok 20:32 OldCoder It was Doc, Dogzilla, or Penguin 20:32 OldCoder Is anybody able to comment? 20:32 OldCoder Is Trash safe to use? 20:33 OldCoder babyface1031, review this and get back to me if you 20:33 OldCoder I will restore Trash if it is safe 20:33 babyface1031 i didnt see any texture problem besides it looks like a nyan cat 20:37 OldCoder Is anybody where who is familiar with Zeg9 world? 20:42 Octupus hola 20:42 VanessaE back. 20:43 Octupus hi vanessae 20:43 VanessaE john_minetest: or just run 0.4.3 - 0.4.4 clients can still connect and play :-_) 20:43 VanessaE :-) 20:43 Octupus we have 4.4 now :0 20:48 KikaRz Adverstiment of KikooBot: 22 and 23 December, Enkai will be realized in Castelo Branco, Portugal; Price: 1 day - 1.5 enkais (euros) / 2 days - 2 enkais (euros) 20:48 KikaRz Cool, my bot works 20:49 babyface1031 VanessaE in your home decor mod it has white paint being able to you leaves instead of jungle grass but it dont seem to work 20:50 KikaRz So, if you want to appear go onto Cine Teatro Avenida , Castelo Branco, Portugal 20:50 KikaRz day 22 and 23 December :P 20:50 OldCoder KikaRz, your avatar is in the U.S. worlds 20:50 OldCoder KikaRz, come and visit; let me screenshot you 20:50 OldCoder Choose one of the worlds and drop by 20:51 KikaRz OldCoder 20:51 KikaRz I can't enter. 20:51 KikaRz I'm in a computer that neither supports D3D neither OpenGL 20:51 KikaRz *-* 20:51 KikaRz love this shit because got linux. 20:51 VanessaE babyface1031: maybe some other mod is blocking that recipe? 20:51 VanessaE I know I tested it 20:51 KikaRz but my graphics card dont works 20:52 babyface1031 oh :( 20:52 OldCoder KikaRz, Sorry to hear it 20:52 KikaRz Can you login with my nick? 20:52 OldCoder Would somebody else like to enter 30007 as KikaRz ? I will reset password after 20:52 KikaRz just reset my pw 20:52 OldCoder Yes 20:52 OldCoder Somebody come to 30007 and be KikaRz please 20:52 OldCoder I will screenshot 20:52 KikaRz I can enter 20:52 KikaRz but with a LOOOT OF LAG 20:53 KikaRz but disconnect that person again 20:53 OldCoder Yes 20:53 KikaRz and put pw to the other that i was having 20:53 babyface1031 the only other mod with white paint is the dyes 20:54 babyface1031 i wonder what mod is blocking it then 20:54 KikaRz but its working oldcoder? 20:54 KikaRz which one? 3d or 2d? 20:54 OldCoder It should be 20:54 OldCoder I need somebody to visit 30007 as you 20:55 KikaRz I can enter 20:55 KikaRz but with al ot of lag 20:55 OldCoder john_minetest, Yes... Speak briefly of what it is. I am editing my own description. 20:55 OldCoder Thank you 20:55 OldCoder KikaRz, let me know when you are there 20:55 KikaRz IP? 20:55 KikaRz minetest.org ? 20:55 OldCoder yes 30007 20:55 KikaRz minetest.org:30007? 20:55 OldCoder Yes 20:56 OldCoder Just for a couple of minutes 20:56 KikaRz Will take a bit 20:56 KikaRz downloading 20:56 OldCoder john_minetest, No. We will need to check all his mods first. And I have not built 0.4.4 yet. 20:56 OldCoder He has a heavily tailored world 20:56 OldCoder john_minetest, speak of Zeg9 world. Say what it is please. 20:56 KikaRz 0% media... 20:56 OldCoder Describe it. 20:57 OldCoder KikaRz, It may take 20 minutes. Sorry. 20:57 KikaRz O_O' 20:57 KikaRz i prefer that you give me all cache 20:57 OldCoder KikaRz, somebody else could come 20:57 KikaRz X_X' 20:57 KikaRz 1% media. 20:57 OldCoder KikaRz, do you have 0.4.3 ? 20:57 KikaRz yes 20:57 KikaRz i got here 20:57 OldCoder KikaRz, Windows or Linux? I forget 20:57 KikaRz not the other one 20:57 OldCoder Cache is in this file: 20:57 KikaRz linux but i got here the Compiled one 20:57 KikaRz that one that didnt supported d3d... 20:57 KikaRz i remember 20:58 KikaRz that one that you sent me to speed up game 20:58 KikaRz in windows 20:58 OldCoder Yes 20:58 OldCoder It has cache 20:58 KikaRz send me 20:58 OldCoder Yes 20:58 OldCoder http://minetest.org/clients/minetest-121020.zip 20:58 OldCoder May or may not work 20:58 KikaRz love Fallen Kingdom. Sorry. I just like this parodies. 20:59 KikaRz i dislike minecraft because dont works in my computer, but in general... i like musics 20:59 OldCoder john_minetest, ty 21:01 KikaRz Fuck this chrome 21:01 KikaRz GRRR 21:01 KikaRz cant download at full 21:01 KikaRz it says: minetest-121020.zip may be dangerous. (Keep ) (Reject) 21:01 KikaRz I pressed Keep 21:01 OldCoder Yes 21:01 KikaRz but dont acceps 21:02 OldCoder ?? 21:02 OldCoder Junkware 21:03 rarkenin Hey.. I'm getting a lot of access violations, illegal memory writes, on Windows 7 x64. Is this a know bug. or shall I proceed in eporting it? 21:03 OldCoder john_minetest, quick question. Do you remember roughly when I took over Zeg9 world? 21:03 OldCoder rarkenin, Not known I think 21:03 rarkenin In trans_func. 21:03 rarkenin Access violation at 0133C852 write?=0 address=3746562307 21:03 rarkenin In trans_func. 21:03 rarkenin Access violation at 0133C852 write?=0 address=3746562307 21:03 rarkenin 16:02:05: ERROR[main]: Some exception: "Access violation" 21:03 rarkenin Sound familiar? 21:03 OldCoder Nope 21:04 rarkenin Doesn't crash but disconnects. Happens when logging onto a server or chatting. 21:04 rarkenin Where shall I report it? Is there a bugzilla, or is it on Launchpad.net? 21:04 OldCoder Here pretty much 21:04 marktraceur rarkenin: Is this unmodified Minetest, or are you making changes that might cause it? 21:04 OldCoder john_minetest, Thanks! 21:05 rarkenin marktraceur: these are the original binaries. 21:05 marktraceur rarkenin: Any mods? 21:05 rarkenin This is on server minetst.0gb.us 21:06 rarkenin I can't get co[py-paste so I'll take it from debug.txt... just a sec 21:06 iqualfragile are there daily windows-builds? 21:06 rarkenin tNo. Just the zips on minetst.net 21:07 iqualfragile thats sad 21:07 iqualfragile well… nah, not realy 21:07 rarkenin I don't know, actually. 21:07 OldCoder KikaRz, still attempting to load? 21:07 rarkenin My debug.txt is 218 MB 21:08 KikaRz Still attempting to download. 21:09 iqualfragile oldcoder: do you provide windows-builds? 21:09 rarkenin I'll try to compress it as much as I can. Shall I use a .gz? Or .rar? Or something else? 21:09 OldCoder iqualfragile, I do 21:09 OldCoder http://minetest.org/clients/minetest-121020.zip 21:09 iqualfragile is it up to date? 21:09 OldCoder That is a 0.4.3 from October that works with my worlds 21:09 OldCoder Not 0.4.4 21:10 OldCoder Current enough and I will update it soon 21:10 OldCoder Includes preloaded cache 21:10 KikaRz Yes i know. 21:10 iqualfragile are you able to provie daily builds? 21:10 OldCoder KikaRz, that is for iqualfragile 21:10 KikaRz cant fucking download in chrome 21:10 OldCoder iqualfragile, No because I do not use upstream 21:10 rarkenin This is 0.4.3 and the access violation is intermittent. 21:10 KikaRz intermittent? 21:10 OldCoder rarkenin, Is it Windows? Try my version 21:11 rarkenin It happens in bunches, and recurs some days. 21:11 KikaRz ... 21:11 KikaRz hate chrome! 21:11 marktraceur KikaRz: Firefox? 21:12 iqualfragile i sat in front of a windows-pc some days ago 21:12 iqualfragile there was no firefox 21:12 iqualfragile so i started ie to download firefox 21:12 iqualfragile it crashed 21:12 iqualfragile -.- 21:12 KikaRz No marktraceur 21:12 KikaRz i dont have firefox here 21:13 rarkenin The trick is to use Telnet to get Firefox. Or at least command-line FTP/ 21:13 marktraceur KikaRz: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ 21:14 marktraceur Tadaaaa 21:14 KikaRz Shut up. 21:14 KikaRz Its simpler if you give me a computer better 21:14 marktraceur KikaRz: Sorry for helping you 21:14 marktraceur KikaRz: I remember now, you don't like people helping you 21:15 KikaRz this computer cant have mozilla 21:15 marktraceur KikaRz: Why's that? 21:15 KikaRz this computer runs better in DOS 21:15 KikaRz that simple terminal thing 21:16 marktraceur KikaRz: And Chrome is better for running in a terminal? Because I'm pretty sure both would require a GUI. 21:16 rarkenin I can;t get this thing to crash again atm. If I do, should I come back with a debug.txt? 21:16 marktraceur rarkenin: 100% 21:17 marktraceur rarkenin: Having debug texts is always awesome. 21:18 KikaRz marktraceur 21:18 KikaRz nobody said that this is running in a terminal 21:18 KikaRz -.- 21:18 KikaRz i said: 21:18 KikaRz this computer runs better in DOS 21:18 KikaRz not : this computer is RUNNING in DOS 21:18 KikaRz ... 21:18 marktraceur KikaRz: So what's your point? 21:19 KikaRz OldCoder 21:19 KikaRz are you there? 21:19 KikaRz im entering 21:19 OldCoder KikaRz, yes 21:19 OldCoder ty 21:19 OldCoder Looking for you KikaRz 21:19 Renoki is there a way to fly in creative mode? 21:20 KikaRz wait 21:20 KikaRz Non responding... 21:20 KikaRz Renoki; 21:20 VanessaE Renoki: /grant singleplayer fly,fast 21:20 Renoki and to break blocks instantly? 21:20 VanessaE then hit k to enable it. 21:20 Renoki thanks 21:20 KikaRz /grant singleplayer all 21:20 KikaRz thats better 21:20 VanessaE and use space and shift (or e) to go up/down. 21:20 OldCoder The world has been lavaed? 21:20 Renoki neat, thanks 21:20 OldCoder Whoa 21:20 OldCoder That is a lot of lava 21:20 KikaRz OldCoder 21:20 OldCoder VanessaE, come and see 21:20 KikaRz your server got music? 21:20 KikaRz o_o' 21:20 OldCoder Yes 21:21 KikaRz Straaange.... 21:21 VanessaE address/port? 21:21 KikaRz wait 21:21 KikaRz minetest.org:30007 21:21 OldCoder VanessaE: minetest.org 30007 21:21 KikaRz 40% 21:21 OldCoder Coords are: 21:21 OldCoder -50,5.3,14.0 21:21 KikaRz 85% 21:21 OldCoder Guess I need to reset the world 21:21 KikaRz 95% 21:21 Renoki it won't let me /grant 21:21 OldCoder VanessaE, I'll op you 21:21 KikaRz 100 21:21 OldCoder KikaRz, fly 21:21 marktraceur KikaRz: What's with the flooding? 21:21 OldCoder Fly up 21:22 rarkenin OldCoder: That build you gave me: Can I just copy my existing games and worlds into the correct directories from 0.4.3, or will it not work? 21:22 VanessaE connecting... 21:22 OldCoder VanessaE, you are here 21:22 KikaRz Im connecting OldCoder 21:22 VanessaE Renoki: then you are not in single player or you aren't admin of the server you're on. 21:22 OldCoder KikaRz, k 21:22 Renoki I'm in singleplayer 21:22 OldCoder VanessaE, you just got lavaed 21:22 KikaRz so /grant Renoki all 21:22 KikaRz if you can 21:22 OldCoder rarkenin, probably will work 21:23 KikaRz omg 21:23 Renoki oh it did work 21:23 Renoki nevermind lol 21:23 KikaRz takes a lot to load 21:23 * OldCoder laughs 21:23 KikaRz Unresponsing 21:23 OldCoder That's a load of lava VanessaE 21:23 OldCoder VanessaE, you have ops 21:23 OldCoder Fly and look 21:23 OldCoder KikaRz, you have ops 21:23 OldCoder Fly up 21:23 OldCoder When you are here 21:24 OldCoder Lots of lava 21:24 OldCoder KikaRz, go to ground 21:24 OldCoder Let me screenshot you 21:24 OldCoder Let me screenshot you 21:24 Renoki how do I move fast? 21:25 Renoki err, faster. 21:25 VanessaE hah, crashola 21:25 OldCoder KikaRz, hold still then 21:25 KikaRz I cant move 21:25 KikaRz its laggy 21:25 KikaRz this computer cant run it 21:25 OldCoder Hold still 21:26 OldCoder KikaRz, I gave you TP 21:26 OldCoder Hold still 21:26 KikaRz im lagging a lot 21:28 OldCoder It's the world 21:28 OldCoder Don 21:28 OldCoder Done 21:28 OldCoder I'll need to shut it down 21:28 OldCoder It's all lava 21:28 KikaRz ITS LAGGING A LOT! 21:28 OldCoder I have a shot from the side 21:28 KikaRz well 21:28 OldCoder Best I can do 21:28 KikaRz OldCoder 21:28 KikaRz send me them 21:28 OldCoder KikaRz, done 21:28 OldCoder Will post 21:28 OldCoder Wait 21:28 marktraceur KikaRz: We got that, thanks for reiterating 21:28 OldCoder Need a few minutes 21:28 OldCoder Thank you 21:29 KikaRz marktraceur, i'm talking with Oldcoder 21:29 OldCoder VanessaE, that's one world that' 21:29 OldCoder VanessaE, that's one world that's fried 21:29 OldCoder Lavatown 21:29 VanessaE so I see 21:29 marktraceur KikaRz: Yes, I saw, you've been saying the same thing for about five minutes 21:29 KikaRz what? 21:30 babyface1031 wow someone lava a world 21:30 marktraceur KikaRz: "im lagging a lot" "ITS LAGGING A LOT" "its laggy" "I cant move" (all spelling mistakes preserved) 21:30 VanessaE khonkhortisan is gonna be pissed. wasn't he the one building that wide road? 21:30 KikaRz ... 21:30 Octupus hi babyface1031 21:31 babyface1031 hi 21:31 Octupus i am coming on now 21:31 KikaRz marktraceur, please, wait for your turn. 21:31 babyface1031 cool 21:31 marktraceur KikaRz: My turn for what? 21:31 KikaRz You're in position: 5/0. 21:31 OldCoder KikaRz, I'll paste in a few minutes 21:31 KikaRz :D 21:31 KikaRz But its cool OldCoder? 21:31 OldCoder Yes 21:31 marktraceur KikaRz: Welcome to IRC, multiple conversations happen at once 21:33 KikaRz marktraceur: Your bot as been considerated as: FALSEPOSITIVE 21:33 Renoki is there a way to change the POV 21:33 Renoki ? 21:33 marktraceur KikaRz: What? 21:34 KikaRz sry, my bot is automated. 21:34 Octupus hi mark 21:34 KikaRz i cant stop him 21:34 Octupus can i test your bot 21:34 KikaRz it considers [21:31] <marktraceur> KikaRz: Welcome to IRC, multiple conversations happen at once as a bot talk. 21:34 celeron55_ john_minetest: on what version? 21:34 KikaRz Octupus, No. 21:34 Octupus why 21:34 KikaRz It's payed-for-it. 21:34 KikaRz you want to pay me 10 euro? 21:34 celeron55_ because 0.3 has a known security hole for that 21:35 marktraceur KikaRz: That's a little ridiculous, I gotta say. 21:35 KikaRz marktraceur, this is a multiple bot 21:35 celeron55_ ...altough nobody else knows it except me and one guy 21:35 celeron55_ 8) 21:35 thexyz john_minetest: on which server? 21:35 Renoki hey guys o.o 21:35 kaeza hey 21:35 marktraceur KikaRz: Considering that it's a bot, you should probably fix the spelling and grammar on it 21:35 KikaRz IRC, minetest (never tried), habbo, transformice, cs 1.6 HLTV 21:35 Renoki is there a way to change POV? 21:35 KikaRz etc 21:35 Renoki err FOV 21:35 Renoki Field of View. 21:36 celeron55_ there is probably no other place where one can get privileges than the implementation of the /priv command 21:36 celeron55_ eh 21:36 celeron55_ /grant 21:36 kaeza what's up? 21:36 iqualfragile !igloo time 21:37 iglooboot 10:35:52 pm CET 21:37 celeron55_ hmm... oh no 21:37 OldCoder http://minetest.org/kikarz.png 21:38 OldCoder KikaRz, a little fuzzy but she seems like an adventure heroine 21:38 OldCoder Flying above the destroyed world 21:38 OldCoder She will seek vengeance! 21:38 kaeza1 OldCoder: still not updated to 0.4.4? 21:38 celeron55_ i believe i know what they are using 21:39 KikaRz OldCoder, back is good too 21:39 OldCoder KikaRz, Yes I saw it 21:39 KikaRz skin is at reverse... 21:39 KikaRz not at reverse... 21:39 OldCoder kaeza, I can't until LevelDB is supported 21:39 KikaRz its ... fliped 21:39 kaeza1 OldCoder: OK 21:39 OldCoder KikaRz, The back looked good 21:39 KikaRz it was having a K not a "K at reverse". 21:39 iqualfragile !igloo ping minetest.net 21:39 iglooboot 64 bytes from hindenburg.emblica.org ( icmp_req=1 ttl=54 time=18.2 ms 21:40 KikaRz !igloo ping minetest.net 21:40 iglooboot 64 bytes from hindenburg.emblica.org ( icmp_req=1 ttl=54 time=16.7 ms 21:40 KikaRz fail 21:40 KikaRz !igloo ping c55.me 21:40 KikaRz let me see one thing 21:40 marktraceur I see the child has found a new toy 21:40 iglooboot timeout 21:41 thexyz what's the language this bot is written in? 21:41 mauvebic i shouldn't have put the christmas tree on the same circuit breaker as my rigs lol 21:41 KikaRz LOL 21:41 KikaRz c55.me timedout 21:41 KikaRz celeron55_, look... your site timedout in igloobot 21:41 bulletrulz supp 21:41 KikaRz look... your site timedout in iglooboot * 21:42 iglooboot hi, KikaRz 21:42 KikaRz ... iqualfragile, iseeu 21:42 kaeza hey bulletrulz 21:43 iglooboot whats up? 21:43 bulletrulz nothing 21:43 celeron55_ john_minetest: how many times that has happened, and has there been a server restart always before they have gotten privs? 21:43 celeron55_ like, they have no privs -> restart -> they have privs 21:44 thexyz is /grant logged somewhere? 21:44 celeron55_ no it is not 21:44 KikaRz I seen celeron55_ 21:44 KikaRz It happens when default_privs 21:45 thexyz i bet on weak admin password 21:46 celeron55_ thexyz: were you the one who found the auth file corruption exploit? 21:46 KikaRz thexyz 21:46 thexyz celeron55_: yep 21:46 OldCoder john_minetest, Sure. I'll keep it online. 21:46 OldCoder You mean Zegaton? 21:46 OldCoder Hold on 21:46 celeron55_ thexyz: maybe we should fix it in 0.3 8) 21:47 celeron55_ altough that would reveal the bug and everybody uses 0.3.1 21:47 KikaRz Now: Playing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=63GtJjgPYU8 Dubstep | ByeByeCopyright - Nilow - ( LisaMitchell ) - Neopolitan Dreams - Dubstep Remix 21:47 KikaRz fail. 21:47 celeron55_ (well, the few who use 0.3...) 21:47 thexyz but who uses that? 21:47 KikaRz must remove this filter 21:47 iqualfragile !igloo password 21:47 celeron55_ well, let's continue just hoping 21:47 iglooboot poYaw7oo1cebahLeechai7Kae1ahHahng0Me9eifoo5ahgao2eengohs5ShaiB1ey6 21:47 KikaRz !igloo password 21:47 celeron55_ but this 0.4 thing has to be solved 21:47 thexyz lol, nice tool to generate passwords 21:47 iglooboot ao1ahd6DuoN6uilohquaemaejoofee1io4quiequ7ohXooCe9othooPhe6ougo3Iet 21:47 thexyz except they are all logged 21:48 OldCoder http://minetest.org/zegaton.txt 21:48 OldCoder john_minetest, that is a live copy ^ 21:50 KikaRz ft john_minetest 21:50 KikaRz 21:48:13: ACTION[ServerThread]: CHAT: <john> my password is not the best one you could set but it is still difficult to figure out 21:51 KikaRz xd 21:52 iglooboot Goodbye 21:52 OldCoder john_minetest, I have previous ones 21:52 OldCoder How far back? 21:53 KikaRz bye igloobot 21:53 KikaRz bye iglooboot* 21:54 KikaRz Now: Playing -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zaSW3CDAUg&feature=relmfu Droideka - Human Error 21:54 celeron55_ OldCoder: can you check that you know that everybody who has the privs privilege is likely to have a good password? 21:54 marktraceur KikaRz: Stop those. 21:54 KikaRz Updating bots list in irc: #minetest - Freenode 21:54 KikaRz Updating iglooboot info. 21:54 celeron55_ we currently are suspecting a weak password 21:54 iglooboot hi KikaRz 21:55 iqualfragile !igloo die 21:55 KikaRz Cool 21:55 KikaRz let me test that 21:55 khonkhortisan !igloo hi 21:55 KikaRz !igloo die 21:55 iglooboot hi 21:55 celeron55_ john_minetest: wut? 21:55 KikaRz Cool *--* 21:55 khonkhortisan hehe 21:55 celeron55_ ban that bot 21:55 celeron55_ or, well, i guess i could 21:55 KikaRz you are talking to what bot? 21:55 KikaRz iglooboot? that lagged one0' 21:56 KikaRz ? 21:56 celeron55_ john_minetest: there has always been 21:56 marktraceur celeron55_: While you're at it, kick KikaRz for a bit, so she can remove the "now playing" messages and learn not to copy every bot command she sees. 21:56 KikaRz Youtube Listening info has been disabled to evade spamming ban/kick. 21:56 KikaRz marktraceur, shut up 21:57 VanessaE ... 21:57 KikaRz I've disabled youtube messages. 21:57 VanessaE don't tell well-respected members of this community to "shut up". 21:57 * marktraceur is flattered 21:57 * KikaRz is anger. 21:58 celeron55_ thexyz + ops = beware of the nuclear explosions 21:58 KikaRz better to don't talk more anything 21:58 * VanessaE looks around her world...I know I missed a door here somewhere. 21:58 VanessaE celeron55_: pilzadam's doors mod sucks btw :-) 21:58 VanessaE compared to thexyz's xdoors2 21:58 VanessaE but that's a small matter of deleting one in favor of the other on my end :-) 21:59 KikaRz Lol... 22:00 KikaRz Kikoobot messages has been hidden for evade spamming ban/kick. 22:01 iqualfragile thexyz: why did you mute iglooboot? 22:02 KikaRz iqualfragile, please, go onto another irc channel to test your bot. 22:02 thexyz it was producing too much unrelated text 22:02 KikaRz if you want, you can come to the #m13 22:03 kaeza hi 22:03 kaeza again :) 22:03 KikaRz Hi 22:03 iqualfragile it? 22:03 iqualfragile its no it? 22:03 iqualfragile its no bot 22:03 VanessaE hey kaeza 22:03 kaeza what's up V? 22:03 VanessaE thexyz's and KikaRz's dander ;) 22:03 thexyz VanessaE, what's the difference? (i haven't tested his doors at all) 22:03 VanessaE otherwise, not much. 22:04 kaeza k :) 22:04 VanessaE thexyz: your doors are fully 3D including the windows. PilzAdam's are only 3d at the edges of the door, the front/back/windows are 2d. 22:04 VanessaE so yours appear to have thickness, his don't. 22:05 mauvebic isnt glass transparent? 22:05 VanessaE mauvebic: sure, of course 22:05 jin_xi_ do doors still have 2 selectionboxes? 22:05 mauvebic oh wait, re there little "streaks" on the glass? 22:05 VanessaE jin_xi_: didn't notice. 22:05 thexyz hm.. i suppose that was done to make texturemakers' lifes easier 22:05 VanessaE mauvebic: on default glass blocks, yes. 22:06 VanessaE thexyz: indeed it was. but it has the side effect of looking just-not-as-good as yours. 22:06 OldCoder thexyz, I have PMd 22:07 mauvebic do your doors flicker at the top/bottoms too? 22:07 marktraceur Is there a way to tie a Minetest chat to an IRC channel? 22:07 VanessaE I've never seen thexyz's doors (or anyone else's) flicker or have screwed up textures 22:07 Octupus YES marktraceur 22:07 marktraceur Octupus: Link? 22:07 VanessaE even the old xdoors with the default:wood texture looked okay for me 22:08 Octupus i dont have a link but i can give you a server that had that 22:08 mauvebic must be a driver glitch, everytime i move it flickers, all of them 22:08 KikaRz iqualfragile, if you want come. 22:08 Octupus marktraceur,orbys clan has it ,ask ecube he knows more about it 22:08 Octupus aftre all he is in the clan 22:08 VanessaE mauvebic: you mean the edges of the boxes jitter around? 22:08 thexyz marktraceur: i've already written simple jabber integration (though it has IPC via files) 22:09 VanessaE mauvebic: are you really far from the center of the map? 22:09 mauvebic naw i never stray more than 3K from center 22:09 marktraceur ecube: Do you have docs for tying Minetest chat to an IRC channel? 22:09 mauvebic marktraceur irc in minetest chat? what about python? 22:09 KikaRz marktraceur, he did one 22:09 marktraceur mauvebic: What about Python? 22:10 KikaRz in another server that he had in other times... 22:10 KikaRz yep, python works 22:10 bulletrulz hi 22:10 KikaRz just connect it with the debug.txt thing 22:10 KikaRz in the server vps 22:10 KikaRz and tada. 22:10 mauvebic connect to Irc using python 22:10 mauvebic if lua cant 22:10 * marktraceur didn't know that Python was that simple 22:10 KikaRz yes 22:10 marktraceur But OK, I'll see what I can do. debug.txt seems like a sane-ish way to go 22:10 mauvebic well no you have to figure out how to conenct 22:10 thexyz well, that's what i do 22:10 KikaRz Python is veeeery simple 22:11 KikaRz i know making a bot. 22:11 mauvebic but thats what i do to pull weather and news into the game with my big signs 22:11 KikaRz just connect the bot to IRC and to debug.txt 22:11 marktraceur KikaRz: Yeah, we saw that evidence earlier, very impressive 22:11 thexyz write a bot in python, make it communicate with game's lua 22:11 KikaRz yes 22:11 KikaRz then with IRC 22:11 * marktraceur gets it, thanks 22:11 mauvebic its as simple as using os.execute, having hte python script either return text or save to file 22:11 marktraceur But if the solution is "make your own" I'd like to hear whether ecube has an existing solution 22:12 kaeza Just asking, but does minetest have loadlib() functionality from lua? 22:12 Uberi you mean the require mechanism? 22:12 kaeza I mean load native libs 22:12 celeron55_ it does 22:12 kaeza lua has it IIRC 22:12 celeron55_ i don't know of anyone who would've used luasocket yet 22:13 celeron55_ but it should be perfectly possible and even easy 22:13 kaeza It would be cool to implement a MT chat <-> IRC link 22:13 OldCoder Definitely 22:13 VanessaE agred 22:13 OldCoder Far too cumbersome to chat in MT now 22:13 VanessaE agreed 22:13 mauvebic problem remains how to print a large amount of text 22:13 OldCoder If you are used to IRC 22:13 OldCoder Scrollback 22:13 kaeza thmmm 22:14 VanessaE yes 22:14 mauvebic i mean you cant use labels on every line of a formspec, ( i tried, it was ugly) lol 22:14 KikaRz Hey 22:14 VanessaE plus the F10 crash is easier to avoid if you can read the text via some other interface 22:14 KikaRz i guess is not needed LUA 22:14 khonkhortisan For how many nodes can you run (fast) before being at full speed? 22:14 KikaRz just connect the bot with the debug.txt 22:14 kaeza yes but on large amounts of text chat widget blocks inventory 22:14 thexyz IRC is too outdated, xmpp is way better 22:14 mauvebic so add a button and make it a tab on the inventory?? 22:14 Uberi yeah the debug.txt way is good 22:14 VanessaE I have a running log (tail -f debug.txt | grep -i "chat") to avoid having to use F10 on my little server 22:15 VanessaE xmpp = I have to use a new client. 22:15 VanessaE no, use IRC. 22:15 kaeza mauvebic: nice idea 22:15 Uberi if it ain't broke, don't fix it 22:15 Uberi IRC ain't broke :P 22:15 kaeza hmmm... gotta research on IRC protocol 22:16 thexyz VanessaE: >baby duck syndrome 22:16 Uberi kaeza: the RFC is probably the best reference 22:16 mauvebic http://luaforge.net/projects/luairc/ 22:16 kaeza Uberi: now looking at it 22:17 KikaRz 404 Oops, no such project or page. 22:17 KikaRz in very big 22:17 VanessaE thexyz: sure, but at the same time I'm *accustomed* to IRC. I've been using it for 16 years. Plus I hate instant messengers. 22:17 KikaRz in luairc.luaforge.net 22:18 mauvebic IRC, ICQ, MSN, been on the net for 20 odd years now lol 22:18 mauvebic you get used to anything lol 22:18 Uberi IRC makes sense, is all 22:18 VanessaE mauvebic: IRC has been around longer, but I'm talking about the use of the *client*, not the *protocol* 22:18 thexyz VanessaE, wait, isn't irc an "instant messenger"? 22:18 kaeza mauvebic: 404 22:19 mauvebic seems to me a programmer will chose whatever protocal already has a framework in lua or python or cpp 22:19 VanessaE IRC doesn't rely on buddy lists, centralized servers, or p2p-oriented communication. It's closer to an old yahoo chat room than an IM. 22:19 VanessaE I say link to IRC, with each server getting its own channel so-named. 22:19 mauvebic irc is prolly the easiest to implement 22:19 Uberi|Busy plus the protocol is pretty simple and human-readable and writable 22:19 VanessaE with a bot therein to pass messages back and forth to the MT client. 22:19 VanessaE er, MT server. 22:19 kaeza VanessaE: +1 22:19 Uberi|Busy unlike those XML based ones 22:20 mauvebic whats wrong with XML? lol 22:20 mauvebic you never had to learn regular expressions i see 22:20 VanessaE use Freenode for the IRC network since we all come here anyway for MT-related chat 22:20 jin_xi_ regarding doors mod, it does use one-node high selection boxes. i think it would look better if its only one, like this snippet makes: http://pastebin.com/ZjQB2LQN 22:20 kaeza Uberi|Busy: I like simple protocols, XML is way too heavy 22:20 KikaRz http://files.luaforge.net/releases/luairc/luairc/0.3 22:20 mauvebic only if you use indiv tags for <day><month><year> lol 22:20 kaeza KikaRz: already got it 22:21 bulletrulz windows 8 gave linux another chance:D 22:21 Uberi|Busy mauvebic: would you rather write MSG #minetest this is a message or <message><channel value="#minetest"><text>this is a message</text></channel></message>? :P 22:21 Uberi|Busy agreed, kaeza 22:21 Uberi|Busy it's fast, light, and low bandwidth 22:22 Uberi|Busy it doesn't need a huge XML parser to read/write, you can implement it in anything that supports sockets 22:22 Uberi|Busy you can just dump it to a text file and it's acceptable for reading 22:22 kaeza mauvebic: What's wrong with simply "12:34:56 kaeza Hello!"? do you think "<message time="12:34:56" user="kaeza">Hello!</message>" is best? 22:22 mauvebic depends 22:22 mauvebic how many entries we talking about? 22:23 kaeza how many do you see here? :) 22:23 mauvebic it also depends if you want to sort your entries or display them in whatever form theyre saved 22:25 VanessaE If you keep your text format consistent, you can still make it machine readable. 22:25 kaeza mauvebic: Yeah, and it's probably beter to just "sort -a 'chat.log'" than developing yet another parser for XML based log 22:25 VanessaE [2012-01-01 12:34:56] <kaeza> Hello! 22:25 VanessaE easily machine- and human-readable. 22:26 bulletrulz do u think the post pc error will happen 22:26 VanessaE error? 22:26 kaeza VanessaE: better than <msg date="xxx" time="xxx" user="xxx">Hello!</msg> 22:26 VanessaE kaeza: considerably. 22:27 VanessaE bulletrulz: you mean the post-PC "era"? No, never gonna happen. Desktop PCs have too many uses to be completely supplanted by notebooks and tablets. 22:27 VanessaE the form factor and technology will change, but the purpose and name will not. 22:27 bulletrulz VanessaE i agrre 22:28 Uberi|Busy yeah I tried to edit a video on a tablet the other day 22:28 Uberi|Busy failed miserably 22:28 iqualfragile does minetest use udp? 22:28 VanessaE iqualfragile: yes. 22:28 iqualfragile thanks 22:28 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: exactly. tablets are just not powerful enough to handle anything really demanding like that. 22:28 VanessaE and they probably won't be for a very LONG time. 22:29 Uberi|Busy IMO not a matter of power, really, moore's law will take care of that to some degree 22:29 kaeza Tablets were meant and are still meant for small bookkeeping tasks 22:29 VanessaE until we can figure out how to get 4GHz worth of Athlon-class CPU power (or better) into a package that's both small and runs cool.. 22:29 jin_xi_ is there a mod that allows obtaining colored wool via crafting? 22:29 Uberi|Busy it's more that I really need a mouse + physical keyboard + big monitor 22:29 VanessaE power is less of a problem than waste heat. 22:29 VanessaE jin_xi_: Jordach's Woolcraft 22:29 VanessaE jin_xi_: it uses the standard recipes from the old wool mod. 22:29 kaeza If you buy a tablet to do serious work, you're gonna have a bad time... 22:29 mauvebic reminds me i need to change the thermal paste on my processor lol 22:29 VanessaE with a couple of tweaks. 22:30 Uberi|Busy my hands are cramping after playing MCPE for about an hour 22:30 bulletrulz linux acctully has about 8% of market shar 22:30 VanessaE but be aware that it may not work anymore. last time I tried to use it, it didn't. 22:30 VanessaE bulletrulz: try 75% - linux runs on most of the servers in the world as well as more than half of all cell phones and tablets. 22:30 VanessaE for the desktop, 8% sounds about right though 22:30 mauvebic yeah but its still a pain ITA for the average consumer 22:31 VanessaE mauvebic: not so much anymore, it's getting much better. 22:31 mauvebic tell that to the hoards of people running from ubuntu lol just kiddin "[ 22:31 mauvebic *:p 22:31 mauvebic honestly i miss the old ubuntu 22:31 Uberi|Busy Linux Mint just isn't the same 22:31 mauvebic every arch update is a "learning experience" lol 22:32 jin_xi_ thanks 22:32 Uberi|Busy won't bring back that charming jackelope 22:32 kaeza I started my life in Linux with the lean and mean Puppy 22:32 kaeza http://puppylinux.org 22:32 KikaRz Love Puppy Linux 22:32 KikaRz its the best 22:32 mauvebic i love how they keep attacking nvidia too 22:32 Uberi|Busy puppy's got amazing hardware support for such a small distro 22:32 mauvebic smart move linux 22:33 mauvebic nouveau's never worked out of the box for me lol 22:34 kaeza If you add up the development environment, you get around 230MB 22:34 VanessaE I run Xubuntu so that I don't have to fight with crap like Unity/gnome3 22:34 VanessaE I can not stand unity. 22:34 KikaRz me neither 22:34 KikaRz *-* 22:34 mauvebic you and me both lol 22:34 kaeza yet full-featured with office suite 22:34 VanessaE a tablet metaphor does NOT work on the desktop!! 22:34 KikaRz what yesterday i've tried? 22:34 mauvebic i had the top thread on ubuntu forums for awhile detailing why computer literate people would ditch unity in a heartbeat lol 22:34 Uberi|Busy I want to see my window titles in the taskbar! 22:34 KikaRz MAKING MY COMPUTER A FOURTHPLE SCREENS! 22:34 KikaRz *_* 22:34 KikaRz Epic! 22:35 kaeza Uberi|Busy: lol 22:35 mauvebic XFCE kicks ass, et even tiles my windows at the edges now (THATs genius) 22:35 kaeza I hate Unity too 22:36 kaeza mauvebic: The xfce desktop is nice, but somehow borked my comp 22:36 mauvebic unity is what it is because they gave designers (of all people) final word on everything 22:36 Uberi|Busy but hey, it is genuinely good for new users in my experience 22:36 mauvebic xfce? 22:36 mauvebic borked your desktop? crap how? 22:36 KikaRz mauvebic, no. 22:37 KikaRz Not Xfce 22:37 kaeza mauvebic: to start, It was at 50% performance even with compositing turned off 22:37 KikaRz but yes, real screens 22:37 mauvebic weird 22:37 KikaRz 4 monitors 22:37 KikaRz *-* 22:37 KikaRz better than xfce 22:37 mauvebic arch + xfce running binary nvidia i get 1-2% cpu during idle 22:37 KikaRz can move mouse to everywhere 22:38 Uberi|Busy somehow unity eats 11% at idle... 22:38 KikaRz yea 22:38 Uberi|Busy I don't even know how you let that happen 22:38 KikaRz i hate unity 22:38 KikaRz that sucks. 22:38 kaeza also "full-screen windows" could not be created no matter what 22:38 mauvebic 1-2% on a P4 (worth underlining) 22:39 kaeza 50% on an intel E5700 Dual-Core 22:39 bulletrulz i use LXDE 22:39 kaeza :( 22:39 KikaRz well people 22:39 KikaRz gotta go... 22:39 mauvebic try archbang in a VM see how that goes? 22:39 VanessaE kaeza: 2-3% CPU at idle, and that' 22:39 KikaRz see you tomorrow 22:39 KikaRz kisses 22:39 VanessaE kaeza: 2-3% CPU at idle, and that's with a (currently unoccupied) minetest server running. 22:39 kaeza see ya KikaRz 22:39 mauvebic how can you run minetest and have 2-3%??? 22:40 mauvebic even on the new dualcore one of the CPU bars is pretty full lol 22:40 VanessaE mauvebic: unoccupied. When active, it ties up only about 12% CPU. 22:40 kaeza I have 100% in one cPU while running minetest 22:40 kaeza 10% * 22:40 iqualfragile1 well, actualy that just inspired me to create a bash-based chatbot 22:40 mauvebic mind you if my FPS is going down is prolly the 100+ decorative nodes i use 22:41 KikaRz kisses VanessaE, kaeza, mauvebic, iglooboot, Uberi|Busy, ecube, OldCoder, ChanServ , iqualfragile, Freefull, iqualfragile1, Muadtralk, etc... 22:41 VanessaE now, the CLIENT eats CPU of course. usually right around 100% since it's rendering full tilt 256px textures :-) 22:41 VanessaE bye KikaRz 22:41 KikaRz sorry for that whole list... 22:41 KikaRz bye :P 22:41 kaeza KikaRz: :) 22:41 VanessaE mauvebic: I have over 1300 defined nodes in my server. 22:41 iqualfragile1 bb 22:41 Uberi|Busy did you say 256px? O_o 22:41 mauvebic tabarnacle 22:41 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: yes, 256px. 22:41 Uberi|Busy that's insane, VanessaE 22:41 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: I used to run 512px, but I got tired of the lags caused by it (and I mean lag, not FPS loss) 22:42 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/minetest-screenshot-vanessa512hd-1.png 22:42 VanessaE 512px version. 256px would look nearly identical from that distance. 22:43 bulletrulz can i install emerald in lubuntu 22:43 mauvebic emerald... for copmpiz? 22:43 mauvebic *compiz 22:43 Uberi|Busy if I were a GPU, I'd roll over and die at the sight of thatr 22:43 kaeza this^ 22:44 mauvebic emerald is duck-ugly but yeah its in synaptic 22:44 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: 50+ fps in my Radeon HD6870 with proprietary driver in Linux :-) 22:44 mauvebic nice 22:44 Uberi|Busy probably ~1fps on my intel integrated :P 22:44 mauvebic my olde tower (p4 new nvidia) gets 60FPS, the new tower does too lol 22:44 VanessaE mauvebic: oh, they finally put emerald back in? nice. 22:44 mauvebic they took it out? 22:44 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: my laptop (Mobility Radon 9600 gfx) can do about 18 fps with the 64px version. 22:44 mauvebic well you can still compile emerald? 22:44 VanessaE mauvebic: at one time, they did yeah 22:45 mauvebic i have a working version here so its still maintained at least 22:45 VanessaE which pissed me off to no end, I liked emerald. 22:45 mauvebic emerald is fine 22:45 mauvebic its nice themes that are hard to find 22:45 VanessaE but I don't use compiz anymore, so that's a moot point 22:45 mauvebic me neither 22:45 mauvebic not even compositing on xfce 22:45 mauvebic its soo 2009 22:45 mauvebic remember when widgets were the rage? 22:45 VanessaE I donm 22:46 VanessaE I don't use compositing here either. 22:46 VanessaE widgets? 22:46 VanessaE "What's a widget?" 22:46 Uberi|Busy oh how the times change 22:46 VanessaE "It's a fictional product. It doesn't matter." 22:46 VanessaE "[Scoffs] Tell that to the bank." 22:46 mauvebic widget like that crap you put on the background of an android phone, calendars memos and such 22:47 VanessaE mauvebic: oh. Well I don't own a smartphone, so... :-) 22:47 VanessaE but I have a number of panel applets I use, may as well be the same thing 22:47 Uberi|Busy oh and those windows "desktop gadgets" 22:47 khonkhortisan I can use widgets with kde 22:47 Uberi|Busy I used those for maybe a week before they started to irk me 22:47 mauvebic desktop gadgets == widgets for one of the other companies doing them at the time 22:49 OldCoder k 22:50 VanessaE kaeza: thanks for fielding those questions on the homedecor thread. I speak english and broken english, but not fucking-broken-english :D 22:51 mauvebic can a mod access the world db directly while in play? 22:51 VanessaE dunno, I wouldn't think so. 22:52 VanessaE good luck interpreting an sqlite database in Lua anyway :-) 22:52 mauvebic if its anything like mysql i have a few years exp for starts 22:52 mauvebic the blobs might be a bit tricky though lol 22:52 kaeza mauvebic: maybe if there's an SQLite binding for lua 22:53 kaeza VanessaE: no prob 22:53 kaeza sorry, was out for a bit :) 22:53 mauvebic i saw this video of a guy importing simcity 2000 maps into minecraft, it was cool 22:57 mauvebic wonder if it might not be more efficient to store blueprints into their own DB 22:58 mauvebic for a mod like towntest/simcity to work, you need easy/fast access to blueprints 22:58 VanessaE why not export to worldedit format? 22:58 VanessaE then use that mod to load the converted city 22:59 mauvebic i dont store them the same as worldedit 22:59 kaeza I have been tinkering also with an idea 22:59 VanessaE the question, however, is how do you render a simcity building into Minetest/craft? 10x10x10 nodes? larger? 22:59 mauvebic i recently blueprinted a ship containing 50K nodes, i had to come up with some unique solutions lol 22:59 kaeza maybe make a tool that makes the diff of a world based on it's seed 22:59 VanessaE maybe one mapblock per building? 22:59 mauvebic the way i see it 23:00 mauvebic for simcity 23:00 mauvebic if one square = one house plus a hard 23:00 mauvebic id figure one simcity square is at least a 10x10 in minetest? 23:01 VanessaE of course, I haven't played simcity since micropolis (and I still have it), or Lincity-NG 23:01 VanessaE so I have no idea what modern Simcity looks like :-) 23:01 mauvebic sim societies suck 23:01 kaeza I only played SimCity 2000 on my SNES 23:01 mauvebic simcity 4k and cities XL are the best of their category 23:01 mauvebic well id like the most basic of construction to be as easy as simcity (like roads and such) 23:02 VanessaE but if you were using micropolis as the basis, I would say one square (of which 3x3 make a residential/commercial/industrial zone) would need to render to no less than one 16x16x16 mapblock 23:02 mauvebic but more then that it would be nice to designate lots ingame and have the mod figure which blueprint fits there and build it 23:02 kaeza mauvebic: +1 23:02 VanessaE otherwise there wouldn't be enough room to actually walk around inside the buildings. 23:03 mauvebic the thing with my format is i store the nodename once and then each set of coordinates 23:03 mauvebic id have to write a converter for WEP plans 23:04 mauvebic *rather a reader 23:05 mauvebic but what would be simpler is having all plans/blueprints databased instead lol 23:06 kaeza brb. Food calls :) 23:07 VanessaE I think I'll follow kaeza's lead. dinner time. 23:07 VanessaE bbl 23:08 mauvebic i should have dinner too, brb, getting a beer and cigarette lol 23:09 Uberi|Busy mmm, food 23:16 * VanessaE returns wielding a can of garbanzo beans and a bowl of tuna salad 23:17 * marktraceur ducks 23:19 VanessaE lol 23:28 kaeza back 23:28 VanessaE wb 23:28 rarkenin Hey... It';s me again. I have a debug.txt but it has nothing useful. Only: 23:28 rarkenin In trans_func. 23:28 rarkenin Access violation at 00EDC852 write?=0 address=249 23:28 rarkenin In trans_func. 23:28 rarkenin Access violation at 00EDC852 write?=0 address=249 23:28 rarkenin 18:27:26: ERROR[main]: Some exception: "Access violation" 23:28 rarkenin 18:27:26: INFO[main]: Searching worlds... 23:28 rarkenin 18:27:26: INFO[main]: In C:\Users\Alexander\Desktop\Minecraft\minetest-0.4.3-win32\bin\..\worlds: 23:28 rarkenin 18:27:26: INFO[main]: 0gb.us etst minimal (invalid: rwar) test testtset 23:28 rarkenin 18:27:26: INFO[main]: 5 found. 23:29 rarkenin 18:27:26: INFO[main]: Waiting for other menus 23:29 rarkenin 18:27:26: INFO[main]: Waited for other menus 23:29 rarkenin 18:27:26: VERBOSE[main]: error_message = Some exception: "Access violation" 23:29 VanessaE DON'T PASTE HERE! 23:29 kaeza nonononono 23:29 kaeza USE F*CKING PASTEBIN!! 23:29 VanessaE Use a pastebin! 23:29 rarkenin My apolgies. It was only that much, 23:29 Uberi|Busy uh oh access violations 23:29 VanessaE I have yet to see an explanation of what "Access violation" actually means in this context 23:30 Uberi|Busy the world ends not in a bang, but in access violations 23:30 kaeza lol 23:30 VanessaE lol 23:30 rarkenin Full debug,txt coming on Pastebin... 23:30 kaeza That's when God hits line 15837 of humanity.cpp 23:31 rarkenin No other context, Happens when sending a chat message or logging on. 23:31 Uberi|Busy access violations occur when you try to access memory outside of the memory that you have permission to 23:31 VanessaE kaeza: no, see He just missed a comma but can't find it because he didn't break his code up into decently-sized modules :-) 23:31 kaeza lol 23:31 rarkenin Then dunps me at main menu but plays on for a while. 23:31 VanessaE Uberi|Busy: so, a segfault 23:31 Uberi|Busy pretty much 23:31 Uberi|Busy but it applies to more than just the segmented memory model 23:32 VanessaE right 23:32 rarkenin Pastebin is killing my bandwidth right now, 23:32 VanessaE plus of course the game is still running. 23:32 VanessaE (so to speak) 23:32 kaeza women.cpp: 32: in Women::think: NonThinkingEntityException 23:32 rarkenin No, it's not. I had to exit it to get at the debug file. 23:32 VanessaE :P 23:32 Uberi|Busy :O 23:33 VanessaE kaeza: well, see He knew I was gonna make Unified Dyes, so he went forward in time, grabbed the stable version, and installed it back in time :D 23:33 VanessaE that's why we have better color vision than men :D 23:33 kaeza lol 23:34 * kaeza is dying because that statemen is true. PS: i'm colorblind remember? 23:34 VanessaE HAH! I forgot 23:34 VanessaE sorry about that :D 23:34 kaeza np 23:34 kaeza j/k :) 23:34 Uberi|Busy oh cool 23:35 VanessaE so you meant to say "I'm colorblind, you insensitive bitch (clod)!" 23:35 kaeza lol yea 23:35 kaeza :P 23:35 VanessaE sigh. I read too much slashdot 23:36 kaeza rarkenin: pastebin... much bandwidht... I don't see how that's possible 23:37 VanessaE not to mention that if it's killing your CPU or network, use a different pastebin or get a better browser :-) 23:38 rarkenin I don't know. It was 216 MB and I failed to redact it... :'( I;m redacting it now,. 23:39 VanessaE oops! 23:39 VanessaE well, delete debug.txt, run the game until it crashes, then pastebin that 23:39 VanessaE 216MB worth of debug text is not useful. 23:39 * OldCoder is AFK on an errand 23:39 OldCoder Sure it is if you use Perl 23:40 kaeza YAY! Let's start another browser WAR! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ylEf-I3KFg0/UBfSZmvRRlI/AAAAAAAALz4/cA_Cs1pqtW8/s1600/browser-humor.jpg 23:40 VanessaE OldCoder: some of us don't speak line noise :D 23:40 Uberi|Busy tail -f debug.txt 23:40 Uberi|Busy some people don't like to write like cartoon characters swearing 23:40 mauvebic browser wars? everyone know my browser has the biggest cache around ;P 23:40 VanessaE lol 23:41 OldCoder Hmm? 23:41 mauvebic lolll 23:41 * OldCoder is lost and confused 23:41 mauvebic ive been drinking, carry on :P 23:41 OldCoder All right 23:41 VanessaE perl = the language of line noise :D 23:41 mauvebic people still do perl? 23:41 rarkenin VanessaE: I'm just going to copy the important parts for the last init. 23:42 rarkenin http://paste.ubuntu.com/1395721/ 23:42 kaeza that's better 23:42 VanessaE mauvebic: I thought everyone moved on to Ruby by now? ;-) 23:42 mauvebic ruby? oh god no lol 23:42 Uberi|Busy hahaha 23:42 mauvebic i started with perl in...97? then php and so on 23:42 OldCoder mauvebic, I am leaving but quick question; how do you feel when most people you meet are younger than Perl? 23:43 mauvebic lol age doesnt matter 23:43 kaeza I accidentaly my minetest. Is this bad? 23:43 marktraceur kaeza: Yes. 23:43 rarkenin This sentence no verb. 23:43 mauvebic i know geezers who cant do basic html 23:43 VanessaE rarkenin: that seems like a lot of sounds to play at once. do you have ambiance mod install or something? 23:43 mauvebic and young people who know assembly 23:43 mauvebic and vica versa 23:43 VanessaE installed* 23:44 marktraceur Oh wow, I'm younger than Perl. I'm so scared. 23:44 rarkenin No. It was a server issue where a sound kept on looping. It was a fire protection mod created by 0gb_us that couldn't stop the fire noise. 23:44 marktraceur But I also know assembly. 23:44 * marktraceur is sooo confused 23:44 kaeza rarkenin: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-accidentally 23:44 mauvebic assembly is an awesome skill to hav 23:44 mauvebic your practically talking to a machine on it's level 23:44 kaeza hey Kacey 23:45 Kacey hi 23:45 mauvebic though it confuses the hell outta might whenever i pick up a book on the subject lol 23:45 marktraceur mov mauvebic, assemblyknowledge 23:45 mauvebic i did basic though 23:45 mauvebic i dont remember it now i was 6 i think 23:46 mauvebic those shitty ass 80's electronic "agendas" (primitive palm pilots lol) 23:47 Kacey i found my dads old pager 23:47 kaeza assembler is quickly fading out in favor of optimizing compiler. What has the world come to? 23:47 mauvebic i also had one of these: http://klaus-hamann.de/images/Computer1/Toshiba_T5100.jpg 23:47 Uberi|Busy optimizing compilers are getting smarter than ASM programmers, you mean :P 23:48 Uberi|Busy they are scary smart these days 23:48 kaeza yup. Remember the Allegro library? it used to have large parts on ASM 23:49 kaeza at least before 4.2 23:50 VanessaE marktraceur: 01:46:30: ACTION[ServerThread]: CHAT: <marktraceur> Do you know what uranium is supposed to do? 23:50 VanessaE I think that's used with Technic to make nuclear reactors? 23:50 Uberi|Busy allegroCL? 23:51 kaeza CL? 23:51 kaeza :? 23:53 iqualfragile1 night 23:53 mauvebic 2.2K lines too much for one script? 23:54 marktraceur VanessaE: Good to know, thanks 23:54 VanessaE mauvebic: way too much if that's all in one file. 23:55 VanessaE when you get much beyond about 500 lines, you should split it into multiple files. 23:56 mauvebic yeah, tricky :/ 23:56 VanessaE it just gets unwieldy for me when a file grows that large, but each person is different in that regard. 23:56 khonkhortisan than I have 67 lines to go 23:57 Kacey|busy idk how many more lines until i hit 500 23:57 mauvebic frameworks, definitions, they get tangled up lol 23:58 mauvebic i have weapons that need the shapes from multinode to create mushroom clouds, etc. 23:58 kaeza what's the best way to update something every 1 second from within minetest? 23:58 mauvebic at least ive managed to keep the dependencies to 1 or 2 max 23:58 Uberi|Busy a node or entity? 23:58 kaeza global 23:58 mauvebic -abm or node timer 23:58 mauvebic on step 23:58 Uberi|Busy register_on_globalstep 23:58 kaeza I'm giving a shot at connecting MT chat to IRC 23:58 Uberi|Busy ^ kaeza 23:59 mauvebic sweet :-) 23:59 Uberi|Busy oh then use register_on_chatmessage 23:59 mauvebic screens 23:59 Kacey|busy ooh i need that code then 23:59 kaeza I want to cache the IRC chat in a table and update the local chat widget every second