Time Nick Message 00:00 bas080 Hey NekoGloop 00:00 bas080 Please name me by my full name 00:00 bas080 :P 00:00 NekoGloop Nuu, my fingers cannot handle it 00:01 bas080 Long time NekoGloop... has allot happened meanwhile 00:01 NekoGloop No not really 00:01 NekoGloop I've worked on some mods, havent released anything though 00:02 bas080 K... i'm working on chess atm 00:03 NekoGloop Ofc you are 00:03 NekoGloop And completely making my mods look like shit 00:33 * khonkhortisan went skydiving! 00:33 NekoGloop Sweet 00:33 T_A_N_K awesome! 00:36 M13Coder sfan5? 00:39 T_A_N_K sfan5 is afk lol 00:39 T_A_N_K someone should create a REAL sign to replace the shitty one now that it's possible 00:39 T_A_N_K so i can, you know, make this economy mod exremely awesome 00:40 T_A_N_K "minecraft signs" 00:41 NekoGloop Thexyz did 00:42 T_A_N_K oh rly? GIVE ME A LINK! :D 00:44 khonkhortisan http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2736 00:44 T_A_N_K what is the WTFPL 00:45 T_A_N_K i know cc and fttp but wtfpl? 00:45 khonkhortisan it's a publicly available "I don't care what happens to it" license 00:47 NekoGloop It's "Whatever the fuck you want to public liscence" 00:50 T_A_N_K very good, wait until you see what i transform it into, you guys are going to shit your pants 00:51 cornernote hi 00:52 cornernote i am trying to override a node, without overriding the whole thing, using minetest.registered_nodes 00:53 cornernote i can override something like the image, that works, but a callback function doesnt want to work for me 00:53 cornernote here is my code 00:53 cornernote http://pastebin.com/iZiNk6Wa 00:54 cornernote if i do like entity.tiles = {"default_sandstone.png"} .. that works fine 01:01 bas080 NekoGloop, And completely making my mods look like shit? 01:01 NekoGloop In comparison, i mean 01:01 bas080 thafuck? 01:01 bas080 problem? 01:02 NekoGloop Yes, thanks for asking. 01:03 bas080 not mine 01:05 cornernote ok, heres another example, one working and one not working, side by side 01:05 cornernote http://pastebin.com/Hx23HJpf 01:06 cornernote i cant understand why the 1st way wont work 01:06 NekoGloop You dont make a table 01:06 cornernote i dont understand 01:07 NekoGloop You get userdata and treat it as a table 01:07 NekoGloop You need to make userdata into a table 01:07 cornernote how do i fix ? 01:07 NekoGloop I dont remember how though 01:07 NekoGloop Look at technic 01:07 cornernote k 01:09 bas080 NekoGloop, what's your issue? 01:10 cornernote the only minetest.registered_nodes calls are 01:10 cornernote if minetest.registered_nodes[node_name].paramtype2 == "facedir" 01:10 cornernote type thing 01:10 NekoGloop Huh... 01:10 cornernote in technic 01:10 NekoGloop I know 01:10 cornernote thats nothing like what i am doing 01:10 NekoGloop I could have swore it needed some thing else... 01:11 bas080 You can say what's on your mind instead of not saying it. 01:12 NekoGloop The fact my mods look like shit compared to everyone else's ;_; 01:13 cornernote so make them better =) 01:13 NekoGloop Heh 01:13 cornernote compared to whos ? 01:13 NekoGloop Everyone's ;_; 01:13 cornernote shit in what way ? 01:13 cornernote the code, the result, the gameplay ? 01:13 NekoGloop As in they look and just are shit... 01:13 bas080 If you can play minetest you can also pixelart 16x16 png's 01:14 NekoGloop Evil block sticks and tools all look the worst ;_; 01:14 bas080 just need some patients and inspiration. Internet helps for inspiration. 01:19 cornernote if your not happy with it, make another mod 01:20 bas080 NekoGloop, if you want we can co-op on the portal mod... 01:20 bas080 I'm sure you can add some cool stuff. 01:20 NekoGloop Just get code from throwing and teleporter mods 01:22 bas080 good idea. But the moment when you go through the portals won't work... 01:22 NekoGloop The momentum part? 01:22 bas080 Portal starts to get fun when you use your falling speed to boost yourself forward. 01:23 NekoGloop Hm... 01:30 khonkhortisan Portals can be thrown further than nodes can be placed, no? 01:31 NekoGloop Ofc 01:31 NekoGloop Depends on if you get the angle right 01:32 T_A_N_K bllop 01:32 T_A_N_K bloop 01:32 T_A_N_K bleep 01:32 NekoGloop Blarp 01:32 bas080 Derp 01:32 khonkhortisan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBpMSmYP7to 01:33 khonkhortisan bllop bloop bleep Blarp beep Derp 01:34 bas080 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDIuoQXP96E 01:36 bas080 just sharing my favorite Spongebob moment there. 01:37 NekoGloop Dam dadi doo~ 01:37 M13Coder hello 01:37 bas080 Hey M13Coder, sup? 01:38 M13Coder nothing much you 01:40 bas080 modding chess mod while watching documentary BBC's spirits of the Maya. 01:41 bas080 M13Coder, are you on the forums? 01:41 NekoGloop Is it possible for tools to be stacked? (by setting stack_max) 01:42 M13Coder no im not why 01:43 bas080 I like looking up members posts so i can get to know them better. 01:44 bas080 Always looking for good ideas and mods or others. 01:46 M13Coder ok 01:47 bas080 Do you like playing minetest M13Coder? Or a better question would be. Why are you here? 01:47 NekoGloop He is on the forums 01:47 M13Coder yep 01:47 NekoGloop He just doesnt use his account 01:48 M13Coder not often 01:58 T_A_N_K i've been working for hours 01:59 T_A_N_K how do i read from a specific line in lua? 02:02 T_A_N_K nevermind 02:28 Keegann queit on here 02:36 bas080 Improved chessboard borders in chess mod http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2784. Now has coordinates and border pattern thnx to tonyka's texture skills! 02:37 bas080 Hey Keegann, i know... let's break the silence with a good DEEERRRPPP 02:38 OldCoder Keegann, I am afraid that you have stirred up LandMine a bit 02:38 OldCoder There is a problem 02:38 OldCoder It is probably a police matter now 02:38 khonkhortisan why is worldedit's //dig so slow? 02:39 NekoGloop Because it digs air nodes too 02:41 khonkhortisan the sun is up but it's still dark out 02:41 khonkhortisan that's how slow it is 02:42 T_A_N_K why will this not work? 02:42 T_A_N_K minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Teleporting to spawn...") 02:42 T_A_N_K local player = minetest.env:get_player_name() 02:42 T_A_N_K player:setpos(spawn) 02:42 T_A_N_K i've been trying to do it for over an hour 02:42 khonkhortisan there's no string:setpos() 02:43 khonkhortisan and it's objectref that has :get_player_name() 02:44 khonkhortisan take out the middle line 02:45 T_A_N_K i did, now it doesn't setpos 02:46 khonkhortisan how are you first getting player? 02:47 T_A_N_K well first i tried, local cb = function(player), then i tried local player = minetest.env:get_player_by_name(name) 02:47 T_A_N_K one gives me an error and one doesn't work 02:47 khonkhortisan what does the player have to do for you to teleport them? 02:48 T_A_N_K respawn 02:48 T_A_N_K should i have set it on die? 02:48 T_A_N_K i'm just too burnt out to comprehend it lol 02:50 khonkhortisan something like this: 02:50 khonkhortisan minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Teleporting to spawn...") 02:50 khonkhortisan I mean 02:50 khonkhortisan spawn = {x=0, y=0, z=0} 02:50 khonkhortisan minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) 02:50 khonkhortisan minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Teleporting to spawn...") 02:50 khonkhortisan player:setpos(spawn) 02:50 khonkhortisan end) 02:50 khonkhortisan the respawnplayer gives you the player, you shouldn't need to get the player again 02:51 T_A_N_K hmm, that's the exact thing i had an hour ago, it seems to not notice 02:52 T_A_N_K i read this: 02:52 T_A_N_K ^ Called when player is to be respawned 02:52 T_A_N_K ^ Called _before_ repositioning of player occurs 02:52 T_A_N_K fuck 02:53 khonkhortisan maybe returning true or false will make it not change your spawn 02:54 T_A_N_K thank you, so much, i could have saved an hour of work talking to you lol 02:55 khonkhortisan returning true worked? 02:55 T_A_N_K yes, it wasn't like that in 0.4.0 it would have been NICE OF CELERON TO WRITE THAT DOWN 02:57 T_A_N_K did a commit, to save any other people from that >.< 02:59 khonkhortisan pulled commit, to save self 02:59 T_A_N_K hang on i updated it, i didn't fully think through the sentence, fixed now 03:00 khonkhortisan "return true in func to disable regular player placement" 03:00 T_A_N_K yea exactly 03:01 khonkhortisan Apparently I can't replace "ignore" 03:02 T_A_N_K where? 03:03 khonkhortisan /move y 100 to get away from the sky shadows, but that made it worse 03:29 * VanessaE peeks in 03:29 M13Coder uh oh 03:29 VanessaE what-oh? 03:30 M13Coder OldCoder is gonna talk to you 03:30 VanessaE I heard that Landmine has...um... done something 03:30 VanessaE but I haven't heard what yet 03:30 M13Coder nothing 03:31 M13Coder he hasn't done anything 03:31 M13Coder besides talking 03:31 OldCoder VanessaE, It is pretty bad this time 03:31 VanessaE what happened? 03:31 OldCoder As in I guess I need to call the police tomorrow 03:31 OldCoder In *three* Goddamn locations 03:31 OldCoder Mine, Keegan's home town, and LandMine's city 03:31 OldCoder Keegan has been played 03:32 OldCoder This is not 03:32 OldCoder How I wanted to spend the evening 03:32 OldCoder :-( 03:32 OldCoder VanessaE, I may need to have them contact you 03:32 OldCoder Me too, of course 03:32 OldCoder Keegan. I'm sorry. This was your decision. 03:32 OldCoder 03:32 VanessaE I don't know how much help I can be, but if necessary I guess so 03:32 M13Coder not really it wad yours btw 03:33 M13Coder you started it OldCoderr 03:33 OldCoder M13Coder: Grow up. It's time. 03:34 M13Coder you know I'm right 03:34 OldCoder No. 03:34 OldCoder And I am afraid 03:34 OldCoder I will need to demonstrate that 03:35 M13Coder 03:35 OldCoder Blank line if you want 03:35 OldCoder Doesn't change the situation 03:35 M13Coder and your the creeper that finds out peoples phone numbers 03:35 OldCoder Grow up, kid 03:35 OldCoder Bullshit 03:35 OldCoder You want the truth? 03:35 OldCoder The police are getting the truth 03:36 OldCoder That is the point 03:36 OldCoder I have no choice now 03:36 M13Coder your the one making the bug deal 03:36 T_A_N_K you all have a good night 03:36 VanessaE guys guys please 03:36 M13Coder I'm done today and you'll never see me again 03:37 OldCoder M13Coder, take responsibility. It can still be worked out. But for legal reasons it's going to be complicated. 03:37 OldCoder VanessaE, there are legal issues now 03:37 OldCoder I didn't count 03:37 M13Coder I'm gonna be hided 03:37 OldCoder I am sorry but I really did not expect 03:37 OldCoder That Keegan would let LandMine play him 03:38 OldCoder LandMine: You have won. Does that help? 03:38 OldCoder Geez 03:38 M13Coder yep you'll never see me again see you never 03:38 OldCoder And I tried to make peace 03:38 OldCoder LandMine: I asked Vanessa here to unban you 03:38 OldCoder Thought the matter was settled 03:38 OldCoder Was it really necessary? 03:39 OldCoder M13Coder, it is not about you. Growing up includes understanding that. 03:40 Keegann done leaving 03:40 OldCoder Keegann, Take responsibility. Grow up. Remember that. 03:40 Keegann how bout you 03:41 Keegann your the one agruing with a 15 year old 03:42 Keegann yea that what I thought 03:42 OldCoder Keegann, Landmine is much older than 15 03:43 OldCoder And he is the key factor right now 03:43 OldCoder You are the foolish kid 03:43 OldCoder Who was played 03:43 OldCoder 03:43 Keegann your the creeper 03:44 Keegann that want to call your whole city 03:45 OldCoder Keegann, you are not helping yourself 03:45 OldCoder You have just shown 03:45 OldCoder Why I must call the police 03:45 OldCoder Don't you get it? 03:45 OldCoder You won't save yourself that way 03:46 OldCoder Grow up 03:46 OldCoder Take responsibility 03:46 VanessaE will someone please just tell me what happened? 03:46 OldCoder 03:46 OldCoder Keegann, I have documented everything 03:46 Keegann I don't I'm done with you anyway 03:46 OldCoder And spoken to adults in multiple channels 03:46 Keegann leaving 03:46 OldCoder I have also saved the logs 03:46 OldCoder Good luck 03:46 OldCoder No sarcasm 03:46 OldCoder If you wish to grow up 03:47 OldCoder Read what I have just said 03:47 OldCoder And think about it 03:47 Keegann bye VanessaE 03:47 OldCoder Take responsibility 03:47 OldCoder For your actions 03:47 OldCoder 03:47 Keegann you lied to me 03:49 Keegann hope you a prepared for tommorrow ;) 03:49 VanessaE ... 03:49 OldCoder ??? 03:50 OldCoder Keegann, Neither VanessaE nor I have ever lied to you AFAIK 03:50 OldCoder You on the other hand 03:50 OldCoder Are not Mr. Honest 03:51 Keegann you said I have to leave for five minutes so I did today and you never said anything bout it 03:51 Octupus any1 know of a good free app from the app store 03:52 Keegann bye VanessaE calm this guy down 03:52 OldCoder Keegann, I did not say that 03:52 Keegann plz 03:52 OldCoder You dropped carrier before I could stop you 03:52 OldCoder Then like a baby 03:52 OldCoder You went to LM 03:52 VanessaE I don't have any control over what OldCoder says or does. 03:52 OldCoder Who has played you 03:52 * OldCoder sighs 03:52 OldCoder That is the last 03:52 OldCoder I swear, the last 03:52 OldCoder time I try to do that 03:52 OldCoder LM has won 03:52 Octupus u decieded to make the call 03:53 VanessaE I tried to tell you :-) 03:53 OldCoder Got no choice 03:53 OldCoder VanessaE, would have worked 03:53 Octupus dont coder 03:53 Octupus keegan soesnt inserstand how much truble he honna get into 03:53 OldCoder Octupus, son... Be the older kid now 03:53 OldCoder For everybody else, Octupus is one of three polymaths I've met 03:53 Octupus i wish i cud 03:54 OldCoder He is not what he appears 03:54 OldCoder Octupus, there is a legal matter 03:54 OldCoder When Keegann threw his tantrum 03:54 OldCoder He went to LM and LM played him 03:54 OldCoder Like a fish on a hook 03:54 OldCoder And I 03:54 OldCoder am stuck on the hook 03:54 Octupus but keegan did it all by his own 03:55 OldCoder You don't know what has happened 03:55 Octupus he known the landmine wud have sone 03:55 Octupus but he wanted to go with him because he was well known in te mt community as a griefer 03:56 VanessaE OldCoder, PM 03:56 OldCoder VanessaE, All right 03:56 Octupus i bet they were playing to grief every server until landmine backstabbes him 03:56 Octupus then goes the tantrum 03:59 Reckonman HELLLO!!!!! oldcoder 04:00 Octupus vanessa whats the ignore command for ics 04:00 Reckonman /ignore 04:01 VanessaE I don't recommend using /ignore - it causes you to miss part of the conversation. 04:02 Reckonman well im no expert so i dunno 04:02 Octupus y has he been kicked vann 04:02 VanessaE because he is Landmine. 04:03 NakedFury what did landmine do now? 04:03 VanessaE he exists. 04:03 VanessaE isn't that enough anymore? 04:04 Octupus landmibe is sendnibg me pms 04:05 VanessaE /ignore landmine all 04:05 VanessaE /ignore reckonman all 04:05 Octupus what that do 04:05 VanessaE ignores everything he attempts to say either by msg, notice, wallop, etc. 04:06 NakedFury trolling doesn't work if you ignore the troller. 04:06 Octupus ok 04:06 hmmmm well 04:06 Octupus unknown command ignore 04:06 VanessaE erk. 04:06 VanessaE better get a good irc client then 04:06 hmmmm this is awkward 04:07 Octupus ohh noes 04:07 NakedFury octu its /ignore landmine all /ignore reckonman all 04:07 Octupus im using webchat 04:08 VanessaE webchat probably just doesn't support those commands. Use a "real" client like mirc, xchat, pidgin, etc. 04:09 Octupus ok im on my ipod now 04:09 Octupus and uts late and a school night 04:09 VanessaE see if you can install colloquy 04:09 VanessaE I think that runs on iOS. 04:09 VanessaE (=iPad/iPod/iPhone) 04:09 Octupus its $1.99 04:09 VanessaE ick 04:10 Octupus im telling u 04:10 VanessaE free software FTW :-) 04:12 Octupus whta every1 doing 04:13 VanessaE trying to figure out the best way to keep undesireables out. 04:13 VanessaE brb 04:14 VanessaE there. 04:14 VanessaE irc client got weird. 04:14 Octupus oh 04:14 Octupus wht u mean by undesireables 04:14 Octupus food? 04:15 VanessaE people, such as LM 04:15 Octupus ohhhh 04:15 Octupus hmmm 04:15 NakedFury well unless you can kill people or block any mexican then it is gonna be hard 04:16 VanessaE I can't kill/kline/etc but I can block all of Mexico if I want 04:16 VanessaE but I don't like the potential for collateral damage 04:16 Octupus well make a irc client thar blocks every connection ossible in his/her area 04:17 VanessaE not necessary 04:17 VanessaE that sort of stuff is best handled at the channel level - e.g. bans 04:18 VanessaE I could +m but then ops have to be here pretty much all the time 04:18 VanessaE (to give/take voice) 04:18 Octupus yep 04:20 Octupus aend lm a virus :) 04:20 VanessaE no. illegal and besides I don't have any viruses. 04:20 Octupus mann 04:23 VanessaE at any rate, let's just everyone calm down. 04:24 Octupus forget about today 04:24 VanessaE because landmine screws with everyone he can both on and off channel, he's banned from here for good I think. 04:24 VanessaE Octupus: I think it's safe to assume everything is okay with you, yes? 04:25 Octupus yes but my feelings arent ajusted 04:25 Octupus as yet 04:25 VanessaE I understand. 04:26 VanessaE Solution: Go play some Open Arena or Quake or so, frag some bots into oblivion. Let that be your option to vent 04:26 VanessaE (or whatever the shooter-du-jour is) 04:27 Octupus its 11:26 at nigh i sgud be sleeping for school 04:27 VanessaE eh, good point 04:27 VanessaE but, since you're intent on staying up for a bit longer (otherwise you'd already be in bed ;-) ) you may as well do something productive 04:28 VanessaE so you will feel better in the morning 04:28 Octupus im in bed actually talking on the irc 04:28 VanessaE ok 04:29 VanessaE but you're still "up" :-) 04:29 Octupus with my dog staring at my ipod 04:29 VanessaE haha 04:29 Octupus she is nosey :) 04:30 VanessaE she's curious :-) 04:30 VanessaE see, this is the part where you're supposed to put the iPod down for a minute and just cuddle with the pooch :-) 04:30 Octupus lol 04:30 VanessaE she's like "Daddy, what are all those funny dots for?" 04:30 Octupus ahes a big licker vann 04:31 VanessaE awwww 04:32 VanessaE she's just giving you her lovins :) 04:32 VanessaE my cat licks me on the nose to show that :-) 04:32 Octupus lol 04:32 VanessaE (well one of them does; the other just purrs real loud, like she's got a stuffy noise or something) 04:32 Octupus animals the eat :) 04:32 Octupus lol 04:33 VanessaE say again? 04:33 Octupus animals the beast 04:33 VanessaE Parse error reading /dev/Octupus: Language mismatch 04:33 Octupus best 04:33 Octupus stupid ipod keyboard 04:33 VanessaE heh 04:34 VanessaE Autocomplete is NOT Your Friend ® 04:34 VanessaE :) 04:35 Octupus yep 04:35 Octupus guess they dont like me 04:35 VanessaE (for what it's worth, you can probably turn that feature off if it's too annoying) 04:36 Octupus its in genral setting i think 04:36 Octupus good nigjt vannessa 04:36 VanessaE good night 04:36 VanessaE sle-- 04:36 VanessaE --ep well. 04:36 VanessaE morning Calinou. 04:36 Calinou hi 04:37 Calinou "--ep well"? :P 04:37 VanessaE finishing an interrupted statement 04:37 VanessaE [09-14 00:36] good nigjt vannessa 04:37 VanessaE [09-14 00:36] * Octupus has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 04:37 VanessaE [09-14 00:36] good night 04:37 VanessaE [09-14 00:36] sle-- 04:37 VanessaE [09-14 00:36] * Calinou (~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou) has joined #minetest 04:37 VanessaE [09-14 00:36] --ep well. 04:37 Calinou k 04:39 OldCoder 04:39 Calinou 04:39 VanessaE 04:39 OldCoder Folks, I can't stay awake. Not well. Quick remark. I need Spanish speakers. This is about talking to police in Mexico. I assume nobody is around who will get involved. 04:40 OldCoder It is actually serious Calinou VanessaE 04:40 VanessaE you still have yet to jut say what happened 04:40 OldCoder But if somebody knows people familiar with Mexico procedures and customs 04:40 VanessaE in plain English 04:40 OldCoder VanessaE, I made a very clear statement to you in PM 04:40 OldCoder Things will need to be in writing 04:41 OldCoder Now I've got to assemble documentation 04:41 OldCoder God, what a pain 04:41 VanessaE leave it for tomorrow. 04:41 OldCoder Sorry, I'm worn out 04:41 OldCoder Good night 04:41 VanessaE don't tear yourself up over someone else's problem 04:41 OldCoder You don't get it 04:41 OldCoder He's going after me as well 04:41 OldCoder Goddamn it... I've got enough to deal with 04:42 VanessaE like I said, leave it for tomorrow. 04:42 VanessaE nothing you do tonight is going to change the outcome or speed up/slow down the result. 04:42 OldCoder 04:42 OldCoder O.K. 04:42 OldCoder Back for a moment 04:42 OldCoder Here is one more thing 04:42 OldCoder *This* people can do 04:42 OldCoder I need logs of chat or PMs 04:42 VanessaE morning neko259 04:42 OldCoder related to LM 04:43 OldCoder Anything may be useful 04:43 OldCoder Goodnight 04:43 Calinou MT forum is down for now: "Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 1310720) (tried to allocate 19456 bytes) in /srv/www/minetest.net/www/forum/include/functions.php on line 2878" 04:43 Calinou AAAH! this forum is programmed in java/VB 04:43 VanessaE Calinou: is that what the dark text said? I only saw it once 04:43 neko259 VanessaE: Hi. 04:43 Calinou works now 04:44 VanessaE 1.3 GB for a forum program? jeez the game's memory leaks have spilled over onto the forum software now :-)_ 04:46 Calinou in bytes, not kilobytes 04:46 VanessaE HAH! 04:46 VanessaE I read that as MB 04:46 Calinou if it was MB, you'd have 1.3TB 04:46 Calinou not GB 04:46 VanessaE ok then I read it as kB 04:46 VanessaE either way I didn't reat it as bytes 04:46 VanessaE read* 04:47 VanessaE don't pay too much attention to the details, I'm tired 04:52 VanessaE Calinou: care for a couple more moreblocks suggestions? :-) 04:53 Calinou what suggestions? :P 04:54 VanessaE wait, lemme double-check before I stick my foot in my mouth :-) 04:55 VanessaE well, for one, glass stairs/slabs/microblocks/etc 04:56 VanessaE lemme update, redcrab's server has at least one or two things I don't have here 04:57 Calinou glass stairs/slabs: maybe, but every face would be rendered (like in 0.3) 04:57 Calinou nodeboxes' faces don't "merge" like normal blocks 04:57 Calinou it is perhaps possible to do with C++ for slabs, but nearly impossible for stairs/panels 04:59 VanessaE ok, the other - extend stonesquare so that it has all the same options the other materials have 04:59 VanessaE as for glass, that would probably look just fine (the doubled faces) 05:00 VanessaE also, some objects have selection boxes that don't match their shape 05:01 VanessaE (I think those were stonesquare stairs/wall stairs in particular) 05:01 Calinou I'll try... 05:01 Calinou normally, stonesquare stairs have all the options other mats have 05:01 VanessaE all these little shapes really make building stuff more fun :-) 05:01 Calinou indeed 05:02 Calinou I wonder if it is possible to remove all the stairs/slabs (keep legacy definitions), and instead use a "microblock" system where you use 1/8th blocks (microblocks) to build slabs/stairs 05:02 Calinou I wonder if it is even possible in lua :P 05:02 Calinou because the game needs to know where you point exactly 05:02 VanessaE it's probably possible, but that means 256 possible nodes for every material :-) 05:03 Calinou if the 7 stairsplus mats + 5 moreblocks mats use this system, I'd have 3072 definitions. O_o 05:03 VanessaE O.O 05:03 VanessaE that's too many:D 05:03 Calinou maybe the definitions would have to be registered in realtime (using the stuff from latest git) 05:04 Calinou if even possible for this kind of stuff 05:04 VanessaE possible, but would there be a point? 05:06 Calinou stonesquare wall stairs have a hitbox which fits, btw, tried 05:06 Calinou VanessaE, being able to build even more stuff with less crafting 05:06 Calinou many people complained about the crafting :/ 05:07 VanessaE hm, fair. 05:07 VanessaE ok maybe it was just the regular stonesquare stairs then 05:10 Calinou nope 05:10 VanessaE now you're gonna force me to go double-check :-) 05:11 VanessaE I was right - it's the stonesquare stairs, at least on redcrab's server 05:12 VanessaE wall stairs too 05:12 Calinou then his version is outdated :P 05:12 VanessaE haha 05:13 Calinou having update notifications in console would be nice; eg in your modpack there is a "version.txt" which contains mod version number, and the second line has a URL to a text file which contains a version number 05:13 Calinou if the URL's version number is higher, then you get update notification 05:13 VanessaE that would be a good idea 05:13 VanessaE I like that 05:13 Calinou third line can have a download link too 05:14 Calinou no auto-download, but the link will be shown in console 05:15 * VanessaE waits for the aforementioned features to be implemented so she can bug redcrab to upgrade :D 05:16 Calinou http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204106/ 05:16 Calinou ^ would probably look like this 05:16 VanessaE I like that 05:16 VanessaE that's a very good idea. 05:18 * Calinou slaps windows for not letting me change the icon of a .bat file 05:19 VanessaE haha 05:19 Calinou I can choose: have fancy desktop icons and log files, or no log files and icon that looks like gears :| 05:19 Calinou maybe I'll just put my minetest folder on desktop.. 05:20 VanessaE also, 05:20 VanessaE think you're up to doing the same stairs/microblocks/etc/etc treatment on (the built-in version of) wool? :-) 05:21 Calinou should try some day :P 05:21 Calinou not right now 05:22 VanessaE heh, ok 05:22 * VanessaE likes having lots of build options 05:22 Calinou yeah, the mod API is perfect for that. take that minecraft :P 05:25 VanessaE heh 05:38 khonkhortisan how much snow does it take to get water? 05:38 VanessaE dunno, never used that mod 05:39 khonkhortisan chess has the wrong texture names 05:41 Calinou lots of mods do :P texture names are not enforced 05:41 Calinou you should use _.png but you're not forced to do that 05:41 khonkhortisan I mean I downloaded latest and it had three wrong 05:41 khonkhortisan I ln -s'd them 05:42 Calinou lol 05:42 VanessaE modname_nodename_variant.{png|jpg|tif|bmp} 05:42 khonkhortisan cool, you can collect chess pieces by holding them when destroying the game board, and you can get rid of them by placing them back on the board and recreating it. 05:43 khonkhortisan ln -s chess_border_spawn.png chess_spawn.png; ln -s chess_piece_black.png chess_black.png 05:46 khonkhortisan and the horse looks at me when I place it instead of the other person. Forking. 05:48 khonkhortisan yuck^M 05:48 khonkhortisan all the lines have their own comments^M 05:48 khonkhortisan can't get away from the long newlines^M 05:49 * VanessaE throws the extra ^M's in the trash 05:49 khonkhortisan trash^M 05:51 Calinou tif|bmp, lol'd 05:51 VanessaE I think even targa is supported 05:51 khonkhortisan .tif isn't familiar 05:52 VanessaE tif -> TIFF, Tagged Image File Format 05:52 VanessaE I forget in what situation it was most popular 05:57 Calinou winblows 98 05:57 Calinou :P j/k 05:57 VanessaE heh 06:00 * Calinou seen someone named Landmine on assaultcube 06:01 Calinou lmfao, he votekicked me: reason "lagg" 06:02 VanessaE heh 06:02 khonkhortisan in an official setting, there's a server lag setting, so no need for that kind of kick. 06:02 Weedy_lappy ne ne VanessaE 06:02 VanessaE hm? 06:03 Weedy_lappy do we have cars yet? 06:03 VanessaE no 06:03 Weedy_lappy fffffffffffffffffffffffffffu 06:04 VanessaE nononono, "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU" 06:04 VanessaE (exactly 7 F's and 12 U's :-) ) 06:04 khonkhortisan fuuuuuuuuuu! 06:05 khonkhortisan fuuuuture fuuuuuntastical fuuurniture 06:05 VanessaE foo. 06:05 khonkhortisan bar. 06:05 khonkhortisan baz. 06:05 Weedy_lappy is this like the 1 w, 4 r's, and 20 y's of wrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 06:08 VanessaE heh 06:09 khonkhortisan Hypothetically, how would I connect a pull request and an issue? 06:09 VanessaE dunno 06:10 VanessaE maybe reply to the issue with a link to the pull request 06:10 VanessaE github is good at drawing conclusions for stuff like that 06:11 VanessaE if it shows "code attached" in the issue list, I guess that means it worked :-) 06:11 VanessaE either way I dunno. Just making a guess 06:11 VanessaE time for me to get to bed. 06:11 VanessaE good night. 06:11 khonkhortisan bye. 06:11 khonkhortisan What do windows people see without their precious ^M's? 06:21 Calinou I see the ^Ms 06:21 khonkhortisan I rarely see them 06:23 mika__ hi 06:23 khonkhortisan hello 06:23 mika__ anyone here waiting for iphone 5? 06:24 Calinou I'm not saying "no" to this 06:24 Calinou I'm saying "fuck no". 06:24 khonkhortisan can't sell iphones without contracts 06:25 mika__ i was going to come to that point, everyone seems to be against it even that there is no info on hardware other than its 2x faster than 4s, => 0,8ghz 2core x2 06:26 mika__ and what i have understood of the hardware used it can be anything between 1,0ghz 2core --> 2,0ghz 4core 06:26 Calinou 2x more bloated software too 8) 06:26 Calinou seriously; apple sucks 06:27 mika__ imo the iphone 4 was last working one 06:27 mika__ i have myself a 4s and still wondering why i didnt get the 4, would have been almost half the prize 06:31 mika__ Calinou, was it you who usually are online with an ipad? 06:32 Calinou I have an ipad 1, last apple product I bought :P 06:33 Calinou I don't go to IRC with an ipad though :P 06:33 mika__ ok 06:36 mika__ only problem in apple is the prize 06:47 Calinou not the only one 06:47 Calinou it locks you into its world 06:47 Calinou and it sucks :P 06:47 mika__ ? 06:48 mika__ you mean that they work best in an apple environment= 06:48 khonkhortisan if anyone's bored, the chess mod could use some help. 07:11 Calinou mika__, yes, it locks you into apple world 07:23 mika__ Calinou, that's true but there are some good things in that too 07:27 Calinou nope 07:27 Calinou at all 07:27 Calinou open systems are better, always 07:35 cornernote how do you get a nodes description ? 07:35 cornernote minetest.env:get_node(pos).description ? doesnt seem to work 07:38 RealBadAngel hi 07:38 cornernote hey 07:38 RealBadAngel what properties do you need? 07:38 cornernote description 07:38 RealBadAngel name? 07:38 cornernote no 07:39 cornernote minetest.register_node("my:thing", {description = "My Thing"}) 07:39 cornernote i want to get My Thing 07:40 cornernote not my:thing 07:40 RealBadAngel hmmmm 07:40 RealBadAngel i think i saw something like that, lemme find it 07:40 cornernote how do you get groups ? 07:40 cornernote its the same level as that 07:41 RealBadAngel line 225 in api 07:41 RealBadAngel theres example how to get drawtype from nodedefinition 07:42 RealBadAngel propably you can get other fields that way 07:43 cornernote minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.env:get_node(pos).name].description 07:43 cornernote ok, thats really straight forward 07:44 cornernote NOT! 07:44 cornernote =) 07:44 cornernote seems a roundabout way to get it, but it works 07:44 cornernote thanks RBA 07:44 RealBadAngel no problemo 07:44 RealBadAngel minetest.registered_nodes[nodename][fieldname] 07:44 RealBadAngel brackets are used in example 07:50 RealBadAngel ive finished coding deployer, ufff 07:51 RealBadAngel now just some textures for it 07:54 Calinou how I feel when falling four blocks in minecraft: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-T6MxFonEz6Q/UBwhjJC-WwI/AAAAAAAAjjQ/_xeIbA9itsw/s1600/BootEscape.gif 10:37 Keegann hello 10:50 Keegann hello 10:51 whirm hio 10:51 Keegann whatca dong 10:59 Keegann whrim whatca doing 11:07 Keegann_ OldCoder u mad bro? 11:55 NekoGloop Goood mornin... 11:55 NekoGloop :D 12:29 * Calinou switched IRC clients 12:29 Calinou I now use hexchat :P 12:30 NekoGloop Cool beans 12:30 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 12:30 NekoGloop Ello adam 12:31 NekoGloop Brb 12:31 PilzAdam wb 12:32 PilzAdam yay, IPv6 12:33 OldCoder Calinou, HexChat is good 12:33 * Calinou also changed font 12:33 Calinou monospace fonts FTW, you look so pro with them 12:33 PilzAdam +1 12:34 NekoGloop Lol 12:42 Bigfoot_ Oldcoder you got it yet buddy? 13:13 PilzAdam brb 13:24 T_A_N_K celeron55: idea, a /reload command to re-load up all mods 13:24 PilzAdam +1 13:25 PilzAdam but thats not possible, i think 13:27 Basstard` Monospace is too modern. 13:30 PilzAdam hi VanessaE 13:31 OldCoder VanessaE, good morning 13:32 T_A_N_K anything is possbile 13:33 PilzAdam but not everything 13:33 OldCoder Then it is possible for something to be impossible anything is possbile 13:33 T_A_N_K exactly! 13:33 PilzAdam UNIVERSE ERROR! Stack TracebacK 13:34 PilzAdam Then it is possible for something to be impossible anything is possbile 13:34 OldCoder A little recursion never hurt anything 13:34 T_A_N_K this sentence is a lie. 13:34 T_A_N_K is that sentence a lie? 13:35 OldCoder No 13:35 T_A_N_K no, but it's double recursive infinitely 13:36 T_A_N_K well then it must be a lie if it says it isn't but then wouldn't it be telling the truth if it were right? 13:36 OldCoder Nope 13:36 OldCoder Read some Rudy Rucker 13:36 OldCoder He's good at this 13:37 OldCoder It's a self statement 13:37 PilzAdam if you set a variable (sentence) to false it is false and not true 13:37 OldCoder Meta 13:37 PilzAdam so it is a lie 13:37 OldCoder Correct 13:37 OldCoder Nope 13:37 T_A_N_K this sentence is false. 13:37 OldCoder I might write an article about this 13:37 PilzAdam (if the universe was a programming language) 13:37 T_A_N_K so it's true, or is it false? BUMBUMBUM 13:37 OldCoder The false assumption is that a sentence must be one or the other 13:37 OldCoder Not the case 13:38 OldCoder Quite often it is not possible to say that something must be true or false 13:38 PilzAdam if universe == programming langue then {sentence = lie} else {throw stack overflow error} 13:38 OldCoder Fair nuff 13:38 T_A_N_K in the sense of being a normal sentence and not coding, is it true or false? 13:39 T_A_N_K it's infinitely both! 13:39 OldCoder The terms do not apply 13:39 OldCoder It is a transcendental sentence 13:39 T_A_N_K overruled, i see your terms are not updated 13:39 OldCoder Not to be confused with transcendentistry 13:39 OldCoder Updated? It is fated 13:39 OldCoder :p 13:39 T_A_N_K lol, i wanted to see how long this could go on for 13:40 OldCoder Pretty long 13:40 OldCoder Like, 50 years; that was old when Star Trek TOS was new 13:40 PilzAdam NekoGloop: this sentence is a lie. 13:40 PilzAdam is that sentence a lie? 13:40 OldCoder Say the right thing to computers... and they explode! 13:40 OldCoder That's what we were taught 13:40 OldCoder Made cautious engineers out of us 13:40 NekoGloop no, the cake is a lie. 13:41 OldCoder Who needs exploding computers... parts all over the place 13:41 OldCoder Messy 13:41 PilzAdam funny 13:41 OldCoder Need to make the computers feel all warm and friendly 13:41 OldCoder Then no BOOM 13:42 T_A_N_K lol 13:43 T_A_N_K how would i write a table to a .lua file, then load it back up? 13:43 PilzAdam minetest.serialize 13:44 T_A_N_K really?? 13:44 PilzAdam https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L958 13:44 T_A_N_K that saves me hours of work 13:44 T_A_N_K thank you 13:45 PilzAdam your welcome 13:45 Basstard` His welcome? 13:46 NekoGloop he's derp 13:47 * OldCoder will be back later today 13:48 OldCoder VanessaE, see PM. I think #freenode needs to be involved. The issue isn't likely to go away. LM can be reasonable but I think the issue is psychosis. I'm phoning Mexico. 13:48 NekoGloop the whaT? 13:49 NekoGloop sorry, did i miss something? 13:49 OldCoder NekoGloop, things have sort of hit the fan 13:49 OldCoder Yes 13:49 OldCoder He's hunting VanessaE and me 13:49 OldCoder For real I think 13:49 OldCoder I'm calling the police in Michigan in a few minutes 13:49 OldCoder Then his university in Mexico. He told me that information was accurate. 13:50 OldCoder Invited me to phone his mother 13:50 OldCoder Said: hahahahahaha 13:50 OldCoder This is not what you would call 13:50 OldCoder a safe or healthy situation 13:50 T_A_N_K What? 13:50 OldCoder The rest should private and not public 13:50 T_A_N_K "can't tell if serious" 13:50 OldCoder This channel is for games and not 13:50 OldCoder the rest of it 13:51 OldCoder Supposed to be teamwork and fun 13:51 OldCoder T_A_N_K, Pretty seriousw 13:51 OldCoder *serious 13:51 OldCoder Psychosis 13:51 OldCoder Online had promise 40 years ago 13:51 OldCoder Still does 13:51 OldCoder But there will always be a worm in the bud 13:51 OldCoder Sometimes it needs to be dealt with 13:52 OldCoder I like this project. Everybody here should continue with it. Has a future. 13:52 OldCoder If I can, I'm going to arrange for somebody I know... 13:52 OldCoder to write about it. 13:52 OldCoder In the end, MT will remain and MC will be gone 13:52 OldCoder If you keep at it 13:52 OldCoder You are building something fun and useful 13:52 OldCoder My hat is off to you 13:52 PilzAdam what the ... are you talking about? 13:53 T_A_N_K what the fuck is going on, are you high? 13:53 OldCoder Hmm? Right now I am getting ready to deal with a situation. Also offering my congratulations to his group. 13:53 OldCoder No, son. I am not. 13:53 PilzAdam realy? 13:53 OldCoder NekoGloop is aware of some of it. If you are not, it is fine. 13:53 NekoGloop he's preaching about how MT > MC as far as i can tell 13:53 OldCoder No 13:53 OldCoder This is about LandMine 13:53 OldCoder Misael Roman 13:54 NekoGloop oh, right. 13:54 T_A_N_K i blocked that guys isp a long time ago lol 13:54 NekoGloop dammit, webchat, y u no autoscroll 13:54 OldCoder The MT > MC remarks were an attempt to be positive. If you didn't want to hear them, fine. 13:54 OldCoder Got other things to worry about. 13:54 T_A_N_K then log off and deal with them mate 13:54 NekoGloop MT IS > MC 13:54 NekoGloop :D 13:55 OldCoder T_A_N_K, which is what I was attempting to do. If you dislike politeness that is up to you. 13:55 T_A_N_K right now, minetest is still not as good as minecraft, but it is getting there 13:55 OldCoder Read "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" 13:55 OldCoder MC is the Cathedral 13:56 OldCoder MT is the Bazaar 13:56 OldCoder There is no contest 13:56 T_A_N_K i hope my mods push minetest into the bukkit class of minecraft 13:56 * PilzAdam too 13:56 rsiska OldCoder++ 13:56 OldCoder Doesn't matter if they do or don't yet. The point is that MT will scale. MC will not. 13:56 OldCoder I am thinking of asking ESR to write about this project 13:56 T_A_N_K mt doesn't run well on windows 13:56 OldCoder That can be fixed 13:56 OldCoder I promised to work on that issue yesterday in fact 13:57 OldCoder Got sort of disrupted by events 13:57 OldCoder Which is the point; communities need to work together. When they do, they can't be stopped. 13:57 NekoGloop T_A_N_K, did you try my mods yet? ;) 13:57 OldCoder Good morning 13:57 PilzAdam Good morning, Sir 13:59 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqT0iFZifgw&feature=fvwrel just to break the silence 14:00 PilzAdam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaJfYRpNpKc just to "break" the silence 14:01 NekoGloop xD 14:03 PilzAdam NekoGloop, wanna see a picture of me? 14:03 NekoGloop not really 14:03 PilzAdam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ-QLl5qjLg 14:12 T_A_N_K who wants to help me make a bukkit-like minetest server modification? 14:12 * PilzAdam maybe 14:12 T_A_N_K i'm talkin all out, like we're going to be maybe working on this for weeks 14:13 T_A_N_K https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/Minetest-Essentials 14:13 T_A_N_K it's very basic, as i just started, but i have many ideas 14:14 PilzAdam are you jordan4ibanez 14:14 PilzAdam ? 14:14 T_A_N_K yes 14:15 PilzAdam and are you 313hummer? 14:15 T_A_N_K yes 14:15 PilzAdam wow 14:15 PilzAdam thanks for your great MT vids!!! 14:15 PilzAdam i realy like them (big fan) 14:15 NekoGloop xD 14:16 NekoGloop i will be doing my own when i get a mic on my birthday :3 14:16 NekoGloop also, pilzadam: re: birthday present from you: MC giftcode would be perfect :D 14:17 T_A_N_K no problem! :D 14:19 NekoGloop lol 14:19 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: you do know you can use minetest.register_chatcommand 14:19 NekoGloop right? 14:20 T_A_N_K that's new :o 14:20 NekoGloop i take that as a no 14:20 NekoGloop look at worldedit 14:22 _313HUMMER_fan Einen sehr wunderschönen guten Tag, iqualfragile 14:22 iqualfragile Moin 14:25 iqualfragile Gibs neues von der Carts-Front? 14:25 T_A_N_K was für ein schöner Tag ist es lol 14:26 PilzAdam iqualfragile, nicht wirklich (muss mal ein komplett neues system entwerfen, und das braucht zeit) 14:26 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, du kannst deutsch? 14:27 T_A_N_K nein, aber ich benutze übersetzen google 14:28 PilzAdam you just said "translate google" 14:28 T_A_N_K oops 14:28 iqualfragile its translate.google.de isnt it? 14:28 PilzAdam google translator is fun 14:28 NekoGloop xD 14:28 T_A_N_K nein, aber ich benutze google übersetzen* 14:29 PilzAdam it has to be Übersetzer and not übersetzen 14:29 T_A_N_K what would be the difference? 14:29 iqualfragile or den Googelschen Übersetzer 14:29 NekoGloop because derpy language is derpy 14:29 iqualfragile the translator→Übersetzer 14:30 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, Übersetzer is a noun an übersetzen is a verb 14:30 PilzAdam *and 14:30 T_A_N_K oh so ubersetzer is like translate and ubersetzen is translating? 14:30 PilzAdam yes 14:31 PilzAdam but ü and not u 14:31 PilzAdam use ue if you cant type ü 14:31 PilzAdam wb 14:32 PilzAdam wb 14:32 T_A_N_K oh okay, so some guy was stalking that other guy? 14:33 PilzAdam i think so 14:34 PilzAdam i can create a 313HUMMER music mod for MT 14:34 PilzAdam it would fit realy well into MT 14:37 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, what do you think about it? 14:37 PilzAdam i can create a 313HUMMER music mod for MT 14:37 PilzAdam it would fit realy well into MT 14:37 T_A_N_K_ that'd be pretty cool! 14:37 PilzAdam is there a site where i can download all of them? 14:38 NekoGloop tank, did you try any of my mods yet? 14:38 iqualfragile dont! 14:38 iqualfragile if you do not want to end up with rainbowcaves 14:38 T_A_N_K http://soundcloud.com/jordan-craige 14:39 NekoGloop xd 14:39 T_A_N_K not yet, i'm still trying to make mine, it's been a long time 14:39 NekoGloop xD* 14:39 PilzAdam just found it in the description ;-) 14:39 NekoGloop iqualfragile: are you physically incapable of noticing that's only ONE of my mods? 14:40 iqualfragile jup 14:40 NekoGloop besides, latest version ramps up the rarity 14:40 PilzAdam NekoGloop, no offence, but i think all of your mods are useless 14:40 NekoGloop they are :l 14:41 NekoGloop then again, you shouldnt compare mesecons or technic with any other mod 14:41 T_A_N_K you should make traincarts from bukkit :D 14:41 iqualfragile ambience is the greatest mod yet! 14:41 PilzAdam i compare MY mods with yours 14:42 NekoGloop again, if two mods dont do similar things, they should not be compared 14:42 PilzAdam i compare the usefullness of the mods 14:43 NekoGloop and...? 14:43 NekoGloop my cactusmod > yours still xD 14:43 NekoGloop needles? good. they way you damage the player? that's crap. 14:43 NekoGloop also no randomly generated nodeboxes. 14:45 T_A_N_K do you mind if i throw this into essentials? http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2656 14:45 PilzAdam lol: lag of 2.7s while downloading the music 14:46 NekoGloop tank: DONT 14:46 NekoGloop you will make the essentials unusable. 14:47 PilzAdam only for NekoGloop 14:47 PilzAdam so please add it 14:47 PilzAdam ;-) 14:47 NekoGloop if you all are just going to be asses, i can play that too. 14:47 PilzAdam it was a joke 14:47 NekoGloop it's not that hard to remove my mods from the download site, and i will never release anything more 14:47 iqualfragile T_A_N_K: thats the point about the WTFPL: you can just do whatever you want with it 14:48 iqualfragile you could just use it without asking 14:50 T_A_N_K_ does this automatically delete dropped items after 5 minutes or so? 14:50 VanessaE good morning 14:50 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, no 14:50 PilzAdam but i can add it 14:50 NekoGloop tank: i suggest you download the mods before i take them down. 14:50 PilzAdam VanessaE, good afternoon 14:51 T_A_N_K that'd be nice! make a timer variable that you can change on the top like item_delete = 5 or whatever 14:51 T_A_N_K nekogloop, i will don't worry man 14:51 NekoGloop that and the download expires in a couple days due to not being downloaded for gloopblocks and gloopores 14:52 T_A_N_K why not drop box them? 14:52 iqualfragile VanessaE: Guten Nachmittag! 14:53 NekoGloop because sendspace has ads, and people of low intelligence will be turned off because they cant use their brain to figure out where the download button is 14:53 T_A_N_K lol 14:53 NekoGloop thus, less people telling me the mod is crap when they lack the mental capacity to use it. 14:54 NekoGloop i wonder where the desert mod went... 14:55 T_A_N_K what happened to jeija? 14:55 PilzAdam hes still active 14:55 T_A_N_K good 14:55 NekoGloop he just dont do much xD 14:55 NekoGloop mesecons gets an update every 5 minutes though, thanks to vanessae 14:56 VanessaE haha 14:56 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: do you know where to get the desert mod? 14:56 T_A_N_K no, all i remember is that it lagged lol 14:56 NekoGloop lol 14:58 NekoGloop i take it you like minecraft-styled games, from glancing at your channel xD 14:58 T_A_N_K you cannot attatch a player to an entity? shouldn't that be easy? 14:58 NekoGloop player is an entity 14:59 T_A_N_K yep lol 14:59 NekoGloop oh, and mesecons has programmable microcontrollers now 14:59 NekoGloop :D 15:00 T_A_N_K yes i saw, and i was like "wtf" lol 15:00 NekoGloop xD 15:00 NekoGloop hey, you have a server, right? 15:00 VanessaE and gates, and proper nodebox-based wires that crawl up the sides of blocks, and cool textures by me :-) 15:01 VanessaE ...and insulated wires, and nodebox-based levers and buttons too 15:01 T_A_N_K i "did" i might open it back up 15:01 PilzAdam hi Jordach 15:01 VanessaE morning jordach 15:01 Jordach HOLY CRAP 15:01 Jordach T_A_N_K; youre back? 15:01 T_A_N_K hello muscles glasses 15:01 NekoGloop lol 15:01 T_A_N_K yes 15:01 Jordach woot 15:02 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, https://github.com/PilzAdam/item_drop/commit/f77e83e65752b5549fd50d378a5653627ad29e76 15:02 T_A_N_K i took a 6 month break to study what makes minecraft and bukkit fun and i hope to bring that to minetest 15:02 T_A_N_K nice! now it can be included 15:02 Jordach T_A_N_K; do you have the python zombie game? 15:02 NekoGloop we really only need the mod api to be better xD 15:02 T_A_N_K no i don't 15:02 Jordach damn 15:02 Jordach i was gunna do it for c++ 15:02 Jordach i learned some 15:03 NekoGloop oh great, i guess i just dont get tank's mod then 15:03 T_A_N_K it will have a variable to turn it on dewd 15:04 Jordach yay 15:04 Jordach the @ and " keys are no longer swapped, nor is # and £ 15:07 Jordach [16:01:30] hello muscles glasses : referring to my aviators? 15:07 T_A_N_K yea lol, and good 15:09 Jordach T_A_N_K; i will re-write your text based zombie game 15:09 NekoGloop http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1184 I FOUND IT 15:09 Jordach VanessaE; was reckonman landmine? 15:09 VanessaE yes 15:09 Jordach oh 15:09 Jordach my 15:09 Jordach god 15:10 T_A_N_K yay 15:10 VanessaE ? 15:10 Jordach ill provde c++ src on github 15:11 * Jordach starts MC VC++ 15:11 Jordach s/MC/MS 15:11 iqualfragile s/MC VC++/vim+gcc 15:12 Jordach EVERYONE http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3053 15:12 T_A_N_K can i call another .lua file to load other .lua files on a init.lua? like say i have a "toast" variable, toast = true, in the file called from that mod file, (init.lua -call-> modloader.lua -call-> modname.lua) will the variables in init.lua still be 15:13 T_A_N_K "readable" to the modname.lua file even if the variable is in init.lua? 15:14 NekoGloop jordach: ikr? 15:14 Jordach :D 15:15 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, if toast is local then not else you can 15:16 T_A_N_K oh okay, and i'm talking about the do(minetest.get_modpath("minetest_essentials").."modname.lua") type of thing 15:16 donaldr3 you can call things from across lua files though 15:16 NekoGloop yup 15:16 T_A_N_K okay good 15:16 NekoGloop technic makes that clear 15:16 donaldr3 like, when I tweaked the nukemod to work with the mesecon mod, I just called mesecon:register_on_signal_on to trigger explosions 15:17 iqualfragile infinite chest would be allright if you would have to supply 2 chests each time you want an new inventory otherwise its just imba 15:19 T_A_N_K i can't wait to go home and go crazy :D 15:19 T_A_N_K donaldr3: you should make mining certain ores give xp 15:20 Jordach we have no xp system 15:20 T_A_N_K he's making one 15:21 Jordach :O 15:21 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, the music mod will be realy big and will have a load time of ~1 minute 15:21 Jordach T_A_N_K; work started on zombies text game 15:21 T_A_N_K then don't use it! 15:22 T_A_N_K jordach: good 15:22 T_A_N_K or i mean; don't make it 15:22 Jordach i think infinite maps can be made 15:23 PilzAdam code is ready but i dont continue: https://gist.github.com/3722598 15:23 * Jordach notices that PilzAdam just sounded like TheLoLMan 15:23 PilzAdam realy? 15:24 * PilzAdam need to fix that 15:24 Jordach your translation is a little bad today 15:24 PilzAdam :-( 15:25 Basstard` PilzAdam is but good as though 15:25 T_A_N_K jeija! :D 15:25 Jeija Hi everyone! Hi T_A_N_K! 15:25 PilzAdam sup Jeija 15:26 T_A_N_K wtf is up with this person's profile pic http://minetest.net/forum/profile.php?id=2084 15:27 PilzAdam http://minetest.net/forum/profile.php?id=2170 15:27 donaldr3 yeah, the xp mod right now gives 'digging' xp when you dig any node, and gives 'construction' xp when you place nodes 15:27 Jordach T_A_N_K; two geckos (i think) gunning for it 15:28 VanessaE hi Jeija 15:32 donaldr3 the part we're struggling with on the mod is getting it so that having a higher level gives some sort of bonus 15:33 donaldr3 something we're looking into now is maybe making a special item that only randomly drops from digging, say stone 15:33 donaldr3 and then making that random occurance more frequent as the levels get higher 15:34 PilzAdam maybe higher level = higher chance to get the drop of the digged node? 15:35 donaldr3 PilzAdam: like getting the regular drop for the item? 15:36 PilzAdam you get the drop of nodes only with a low chance if you have a low level 15:36 donaldr3 that might be a possibility 15:40 T_A_N_K how about you combine it with my mod and give them money? 15:43 Jordach T_A_N_K; i recently updated my server to have an almost MC mod setiup 15:43 Jordach setup 15:43 T_A_N_K money money money money, or tools, or ores, or double drops, or a nice message, or teleport them to a different world, or put them into a slot machine, or warp them to an area where they can collect special items 15:44 T_A_N_K oh nice jordach 15:44 T_A_N_K or when they get to a certain level they can get privs 15:45 Jordach panes, iron bars, g 'n' d, 3d chests (slightly smaller) and moreblocks, maptools, and someother mod support 15:45 T_A_N_K or a special insta-dig like mcmmo that uses up a level and then goes back to normal 15:46 T_A_N_K bb in 1 hour or so 15:46 T_A_N_K leave 15:46 T_A_N_K oops -_- 15:54 iqualfragile jordach: g'n'd? 3d-chests? 15:54 iqualfragile maptools? 15:55 Jordach gold and diamonds, smaller model chests via nodeboxes 16:17 NekoGloop WAKE UP CHATROOM! 16:17 VanessaE no. zzz 16:17 NekoGloop xD 16:18 * NekoGloop pours the contents of bucket:bucket_water on VanessaE's head 16:18 iqualfragile f*ing wlan 16:18 PilzAdam fantasticing wlan? 16:19 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqr7-bjDhq4&feature=related 16:19 rubenwardy just got animated fire... 16:20 NekoGloop cool 16:20 VanessaE I haven't tried that one yet 16:20 rubenwardy from PilzAdam 16:20 PilzAdam yay! 16:21 NekoGloop hello calinou 16:25 * NekoGloop kicks the chatroom 16:26 PilzAdam kick again 16:26 * NekoGloop bans the chatroom 16:26 * VanessaE falls over, dead. 16:27 * NekoGloop unkicks the chatroom 16:27 NekoGloop wut nao? :D 16:28 OldCoder More recursion? 16:28 OldCoder What, meow? 16:28 Calinou recurse ALL the things 16:28 Calinou curse you OldCoder 16:28 NekoGloop Meow. :3 16:28 Calinou curse you OldCoder 16:28 Calinou there, re-cursed 16:28 OldCoder Ah 16:28 OldCoder I C 16:28 PilzAdam define x: {poke_chatroom(); x()} 16:28 PilzAdam x() 16:28 OldCoder Indeed 16:29 PilzAdam current state: 200000000000000000000 pokes 16:29 Calinou define x: x 16:29 NekoGloop for NekoGloop:bored() == true do poke_chatroom() end 16:29 OldCoder That is straightforward 16:29 OldCoder Depending on the language 16:30 PilzAdam define x: {poke_chatroom(); x() &} 16:31 NekoGloop my coed > all yours 16:31 Calinou my spelling > NekoGloop's 16:31 NekoGloop NekoGloop:bored() = true for NekoGloop:bored() == true do poke_chatroom() end 16:32 PilzAdam me > you all ^ #(you all) 16:32 NekoGloop me > pilzadam 16:32 PilzAdam nope 16:33 Calinou If NekoGloop == "bored" { print("WTF is the thing for printing in VB? anyway, VB sucks. trololol") } 16:33 NekoGloop not infinite loop, therefor inferior 16:35 NekoGloop did anyone else realise minetest.item_eat(...) can now replace the item? so rubenwardy's juices can return an empty glass? 16:36 VanessaE as long as that glass comes from my vessels mod ;) 16:36 NekoGloop .lol 16:37 NekoGloop and yes there is now a .lol file extension. 16:42 VanessaE man I am so incredibly bored 16:42 VanessaE (and a little depressed) 16:42 PilzAdam im working on carts 16:42 VanessaE cool. 16:42 PilzAdam so my depression is greater than every number you can imagine 16:43 Calinou http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3053 awesome mod 16:43 Calinou moved to mod releases :P 16:43 PilzAdam this f***ing cart dont want to climb this f***ing wall; f**k 16:44 RealBadAngel hi folks 16:44 khonkhortisan Calinou, without worldedit that would be very difficult to move 16:45 NekoGloop well then make sure you put it in the right place ;) 16:46 Calinou khonkhortisan: yeah 8) 16:46 RealBadAngel @calinou: for the adventure mode such mod isnt so good. but still nice 16:47 khonkhortisan Good for a community mine or large construction project 16:47 RealBadAngel good for creative mode 16:47 RealBadAngel or kinda 16:48 khonkhortisan Why would you need to store anything in creative? 16:48 RealBadAngel but not for dig build enjoy 16:48 NekoGloop ohai rba 16:49 RealBadAngel hi neko 16:50 RealBadAngel for example, i developed my single player world in minecraft for about half a year 16:50 RealBadAngel built automatic factories for almost everything 16:50 RealBadAngel some constructions took weeks to finish 16:51 RealBadAngel automatic storage was greatest project 16:51 khonkhortisan does bas080 come on here? 16:51 RealBadAngel that was fun to plan, build and then use it 16:52 RealBadAngel havin such stuff on a click, takes away whole fun 16:53 RealBadAngel its no longer machinery youre created, its a feature 16:53 RealBadAngel and thats imho is killing the gameplay 16:53 khonkhortisan VanessaE, yeah all it took was a link to reference the pull request and issue together 16:54 VanessaE cool 16:54 RealBadAngel but i guess different aged players can have different points of view 16:56 Jordach [17:42:07] man I am so incredibly bored : PM me 16:56 khonkhortisan it works both ways, pull to issue, or issue to pull 16:57 RealBadAngel to pull or not to pull, that is the question 16:57 khonkhortisan it needs to pull, just to feel normal. 16:57 RealBadAngel then pull 16:57 khonkhortisan ^ addiction reference 16:58 RealBadAngel and tell the skulll to shut up 16:58 khonkhortisan the chess board dug stuff when it spawned 17:00 VanessaE To pull or not to pull - that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the bits and bytes of outrageous downloads, or to take archives against a sea of zip files, and by opposing extract them. 17:00 VanessaE *channel-wide groan* 17:01 khonkhortisan shakespeare isn't as bad as poe 17:01 * PilzAdam applauds to VanessaE 17:01 khonkhortisan We could put that on a website somewhere 17:02 VanessaE I don't have the creativity to rewrite the full Soliloquy :-) 17:02 NekoGloop put it on github, since she's referencing that 17:07 RealBadAngel hehhe 17:07 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, i was lookin at rubber tree 17:08 RealBadAngel and was wondering what i shall do now with bucket full 17:08 PilzAdam cook it in a furnace 17:08 RealBadAngel bucket 17:08 NekoGloop but we lose the bucket 17:09 PilzAdam not if you use a special furnace 17:09 RealBadAngel i could do that in alloy furnace 17:09 VanessaE can't furnaces use the replacements = {} construct? 17:09 PilzAdam VanessaE, nope, RealBadAngel yes 17:09 VanessaE damn 17:09 RealBadAngel but still buckets are pain it the ass 17:09 RealBadAngel theyre not stackable 17:10 NekoGloop new topic: pilzadam's rubber trees suck. wait, that's not a new topic. 17:10 PilzAdam the player can get a lot of rubber when cooking one bucket 17:10 RealBadAngel bad idea 17:10 NekoGloop buckets should be reusable 17:11 RealBadAngel ive thought bout tree tap 17:11 RealBadAngel another tool 17:11 NekoGloop rubber bucket is stupidest idea every. 17:11 PilzAdam NekoGloop, shut up 17:11 RealBadAngel NekoGloop, they really do that this way 17:11 RealBadAngel with buckets 17:11 NekoGloop pilzadam, just because my mods are decent gameplay-wise? dont think so. 17:12 RealBadAngel btw its not bucket with rubber 17:12 RealBadAngel its bucket with caoutchouc 17:14 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, btw you have chosen very funny way to obtain it 17:15 RealBadAngel took me a while to get the point lol 17:15 NekoGloop why cant just harvesting the tree nodes have a chance of giving us raw rubber? 17:17 T_A_N_K re 17:17 PilzAdam wb 17:18 RealBadAngel so? 17:19 RealBadAngel stick to buckets or new tool? 17:19 PilzAdam buckets 17:19 VanessaE idea. Bucket of rubber -> bucket of cooked rubber, then return said bucket when the cooked stuff is used 17:20 VanessaE if you can't replace it at the smelt stage, fake it and replace it at the crafting/usage stage 17:20 RealBadAngel ok, but we do have 20 buckets full of caotchouc 17:20 VanessaE caotchouc ? 17:20 RealBadAngel buckets are non stackable 17:20 VanessaE redefine them. 17:20 NekoGloop just do a tree tap 17:20 RealBadAngel not mine tree 17:20 VanessaE override the existing bucket definition with a new one - identical to the old but with stack_max set properly. 17:20 VanessaE or whatever needs fixed at any rate. 17:20 RealBadAngel 16 could be just fine 17:21 NekoGloop vanessae: that will derp out the bucket; using a bucket will replace ALL buckets in that stack 17:21 NekoGloop trust me, i tried xD 17:21 RealBadAngel not rly 17:21 NekoGloop yeah it will 17:21 RealBadAngel override on use too 17:22 NekoGloop just do a treetap 17:22 khonkhortisan if buckets were stackable then there would be an empty stack, a lava stack, a water stack, and a rubber stack 17:22 RealBadAngel if adam will allow 17:23 PilzAdam do what you want; i just added the rubber tree because you requested is; everything else is up to you 17:24 RealBadAngel and the folks already liked it 17:25 PilzAdam who cares about folks? 17:25 RealBadAngel seen comments "ive found a rubber tree!!" 17:25 khonkhortisan is it safe to delete a branch after a merge? 17:25 PilzAdam i think so 17:26 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, welll we do all this stuff not just for ourselves 17:26 RealBadAngel but for the community 17:26 khonkhortisan I found out renaming a branch make me have to recreate the pull request 17:26 khonkhortisan *makes 17:27 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, but if *you* like it then someone else will like it too; personally i make all my mods the way i want them to be; and when somone doesnt like it he doesnt have to use the mod 17:27 NekoGloop who said you needed his permission? :l 17:29 khonkhortisan I fixed two things in two branches, so no matter which branch I use, something's still broken 17:29 NekoGloop then you're screwed ;) 17:30 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, true. but c55 told me my code is shit 17:30 RealBadAngel so im not sure any longer ;) 17:30 PilzAdam your code not the content 17:30 khonkhortisan Either the chess board can dig stuff when it spawns or the pieces aren't looking the right direction 17:30 PilzAdam btw: c55 told me my code is good 17:31 VanessaE I don't dare ask c55 what he thinks of my code generally speaking :-) 17:31 RealBadAngel dunno, he took the simplest part of my mod, where just definitons are, and called it shit 17:31 VanessaE (except he liked vessels enough to use it) 17:31 PilzAdam my code was the TNT mod; and its pretty complex 17:31 iloveu wasssup 17:32 PilzAdam carts 17:32 VanessaE PilzAdam: ah 17:32 VanessaE so finally the TNT textures in my HDX pack will have some use ;D 17:32 RealBadAngel parts of my mod are pretty complex i do believe 17:32 PilzAdam not working carts >:( 17:33 RealBadAngel at least i shall credit some folks for their algorithms 17:33 iloveu VannesaE tell oldcoder to stop being a coward :) - LandMine 17:33 RealBadAngel i was never any good at graphs 17:34 RealBadAngel and now im using them 17:34 VanessaE ... 17:34 NekoGloop inb4 ban 17:34 OldCoder iloveu, I am kind of busy right now 17:35 iloveu sure you are buddy 17:35 VanessaE bye bye. 17:35 VanessaE time to start knocking off whole class C's now. 17:36 * NekoGloop hides from banhammer 17:36 RealBadAngel :) 17:37 VanessaE I wonder how many here use webchat anyway? 17:37 VanessaE (and what celeron55 thinks of just banning that entirely) 17:37 PilzAdam XChat FTW 17:37 RealBadAngel oke doke. PilzAdam, the idea is to create two tools, treetaps, regular and powered one 17:37 OldCoder One step at a time. No need to rush. 17:37 RealBadAngel are you ok with the idea? 17:37 khonkhortisan how do I get Open Link in Browser to start firefox? 17:38 OldCoder RealBadAngel, I assume you're talking to VanessaE. It might be necessary though if real-life measures don't work. 17:38 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, sure 17:38 VanessaE khonkhortisan: settings -> Advanced -> URL handlers 17:38 RealBadAngel actually to PilzAdam 17:38 khonkhortisan I can add Open Link in Firefox there but Open Link in Browser still does nothing 17:39 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, that will be easier, no bucket problem, and more logical 17:39 VanessaE I think 17:39 RealBadAngel btw, i made machine able to harvest crops 17:39 VanessaE otherwise check your xfce or gnome settings for 'preferred applications" 17:39 khonkhortisan If I create another Open Link in Browser it doesn't replace the other one, I just get two menu buttons 17:39 treehugger_ that wasnt very nice VannesaE :( 17:39 VanessaE yes it was. 17:40 RealBadAngel with mesecons signal it will harvest alll the crops 17:40 NekoGloop i use webchat 17:40 VanessaE NekoGloop: you should look into getting a good irc client in case it comes to that. 17:40 NekoGloop ? 17:40 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDeeim14g7Q&feature=plcp watch this 17:40 VanessaE I don't think anyone here, myself included, wants to lose you to such a ban. 17:41 VanessaE comes to that = comes to the point of banning the whole webchat. 17:41 NekoGloop i have icechat installed, it just sucks in comparison xD 17:41 khonkhortisan xchat, konversation, irssi, pidgin, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients 17:42 VanessaE I forgot about konversation 17:42 NekoGloop and half of those dont run on windows or arent free 17:42 VanessaE xchat, pidgin do. 17:42 RealBadAngel xchat is on windows 17:42 VanessaE pretty sure anyway 17:42 RealBadAngel pidgin too 17:42 VanessaE mirc is still free isn't it? 17:42 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, this vid is not new to me 17:42 RealBadAngel shareware 17:42 VanessaE good enough, get a crack for it :-) 17:43 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, i do have already reverse machine 17:43 RealBadAngel to plant 17:43 RealBadAngel those two makes automatic farms possible 17:44 PilzAdam Okay, after working for 6 hours on carts i can definitely say: There is no good and easy way to implement carts in lua. The current version is the best you can do in lua. So C++ coders: go to work!!! 17:45 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, youre meaning the lags? 17:45 PilzAdam i mean the whole mod 17:45 RealBadAngel name the problem 17:47 PilzAdam look at the current carts mod a take everything that is ~= to MC's carts 17:47 NekoGloop rail switches? 17:47 NekoGloop cart stoppers? 17:47 RealBadAngel ive played with tubed items 17:47 NekoGloop the pickup box thingy 17:47 RealBadAngel and brought them to usable state 17:47 khonkhortisan Where can I get working tubes? 17:47 RealBadAngel seen "overload" video? 17:48 RealBadAngel khonkhortisan, im makin now in/out machines by now 17:48 RealBadAngel all the logic is done 17:49 RealBadAngel ive made over 600 items floatin through the tubes flawlessly 17:49 VanessaE khonkhortisan: RealBadAngel is hoarding the actual code that makes my pipeworks actually useful :-) 17:49 VanessaE (where "tubes" and "pipes" he mentions are my pipeworks mod) 17:50 RealBadAngel tubes are harder, so i get them 1st 17:50 Calinou PilzAdam: 99 nyancats if you can find a capable and available C++ programmer 17:50 RealBadAngel pipes logic will be simplyfied ver 17:51 VanessaE RealBadAngel: did we decide that outlet gratings weren't necessary anymore? 17:51 VanessaE if so I'm going to drop them from the mod 17:51 RealBadAngel no no 17:51 RealBadAngel shall stay 17:52 RealBadAngel meanwhile, if you could check for ANY object around with tubelike=1 and connect to it 17:53 RealBadAngel without invokin the same procedure on the other end 17:53 RealBadAngel just connect to such object 17:53 RealBadAngel and maybe provide function "update" 17:53 VanessaE mmmh 17:53 VanessaE I'll look into it 17:54 RealBadAngel if the object will be removed 17:54 RealBadAngel object will call it 17:54 VanessaE problem with connecting to objects other than tubes is the connection rules, as with the pipes 17:54 VanessaE not everything should connect from all sides, etc. 17:54 RealBadAngel i wont rotate them 17:54 RealBadAngel stick to binary rules i made 17:55 RealBadAngel ive found also the way to determine front and proper sides 17:55 RealBadAngel thanks to NekoGloop 17:56 NekoGloop hm? 17:56 RealBadAngel and it works 17:56 NekoGloop i did what now? 17:56 RealBadAngel screwdriver 17:56 RealBadAngel you have solved nasty problem for us 17:56 NekoGloop oooh, you made it dump n 17:57 RealBadAngel yeah, now i can easily say where the object face is pointing 17:57 RealBadAngel so i know the sides too 17:58 NekoGloop i see 17:58 RealBadAngel example is with node breaker 17:58 NekoGloop yup 17:58 VanessaE brb 17:58 RealBadAngel i rotated it and it works 17:58 NekoGloop you could also have looked at delayer 17:59 RealBadAngel you mean mesecons one? 17:59 RealBadAngel propably i should, but i had barely time to code my own stuff 17:59 NekoGloop yes 18:00 RealBadAngel so, the the prize is yours 18:00 RealBadAngel you made it possible 18:00 * PilzAdam wants a prize too 18:01 RealBadAngel join the team then 18:01 Guy12 Hello 18:02 PilzAdam i dont like Technic mod 18:02 NekoGloop i didnt really do anything xD 18:02 PilzAdam Hello Guy12 18:02 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, why? 18:02 NekoGloop screwdriver was something i had worked on previously, but i just lost interest. 18:02 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, because i like MT to be RPG-ish 18:03 RealBadAngel NekoGloop, oh shut up you bastard. you made it 18:03 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, im also following this way 18:03 RealBadAngel dig build grow 18:03 NekoGloop pilzadam: i also want rpg elements; however, i want some things to make really awesome houses out of. 18:03 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, and it should be middle-age theme too 18:04 RealBadAngel nothin easy, all expensive 18:04 NekoGloop speaking of which, I'm still looking for someone to make a decent set of evil textures. 18:04 RealBadAngel well im a bit more modern lol ;) 18:05 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, but you can still go cornernote's way 18:05 RealBadAngel i pushed him to skyblock 18:05 RealBadAngel imho excellent idea 18:05 iqualfragile we could try and theme technic steampunk-style 18:05 NekoGloop well in order to make virtually anything useful in technic you have to find diamonds, at which point you kind of advanced to the idustrial stage. 18:06 RealBadAngel steampunk.... 18:06 RealBadAngel love it 18:06 OldCoder speaking of which, I'm still looking for someone to make a decent set of evil textures. 18:07 RealBadAngel make awesome txt pack for it 18:07 OldCoder Is evil textures basically synonymous with "wicked good" ? 18:07 NekoGloop evil as in my evil things. 18:07 RealBadAngel steam machines 18:07 NekoGloop re: gloopblocks 18:07 RealBadAngel and it gonna rock 18:10 T_A_N_K HMMMMM 18:10 NekoGloop it's emptying out in here... 18:10 T_A_N_K why doesn't this work? 18:10 T_A_N_K minetest.register_chatcommand("/spawn", { 18:10 T_A_N_K params = "", 18:10 T_A_N_K description = "Teleport to the spawn point", 18:10 T_A_N_K privs = {}, 18:10 T_A_N_K func = function(name) 18:10 T_A_N_K player:setpos(spawn) 18:10 T_A_N_K end, 18:10 T_A_N_K }) 18:10 khonkhortisan did you try typing //spawn? 18:11 RealBadAngel missing some , 18:11 T_A_N_K damn 18:11 T_A_N_K well that was the problem thank you 18:11 khonkhortisan how do you get player from function(name)? 18:11 PilzAdam minetest.get_player_by_name(name) 18:12 RealBadAngel all the functions are callbacks 18:12 NekoGloop tank: remove the / from the name of the command 18:12 T_A_N_K yes i know, i forgot the // in world edit 18:13 RealBadAngel i use the first call to define the owner 18:13 RealBadAngel ie player 18:13 RealBadAngel then store player name in meta 18:14 RealBadAngel for example laser shoot. i remember who shoot it 18:14 RealBadAngel then luaentity has this information 18:15 RealBadAngel so im able to give drops to certain player 18:16 PilzAdam wb 18:16 VanessaE cable technician is here working on our connection 18:16 khonkhortisan what's wrong with it? 18:16 T_A_N_K so then i tried this 18:16 T_A_N_K minetest.register_chatcommand("spawn", { 18:16 T_A_N_K local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) 18:16 T_A_N_K params = "", 18:16 T_A_N_K description = "Teleport to the spawn point", 18:16 T_A_N_K privs = {}, 18:17 T_A_N_K func = function(name) 18:17 T_A_N_K player:setpos(spawn) 18:17 T_A_N_K end, 18:17 T_A_N_K }) 18:17 RealBadAngel is he having latets git on cables? 18:17 PilzAdam VanessaE, make it better or worse? 18:17 T_A_N_K how would i go about getting the player or any data from this? 18:17 VanessaE PilzAdam: he's still trying to sort it out 18:17 khonkhortisan local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) goes after func = function(name) 18:17 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, move the player = thing into the function 18:17 VanessaE RealBadAngel: dunno what the problem is yet - intermittent dropouts, slow connections to websites 18:17 T_A_N_K thank you 18:17 VanessaE cause unknown as yet 18:18 RealBadAngel VanessaE, do you have some WIFI? 18:18 VanessaE not any in use, no. 18:18 VanessaE strictly wired. 18:18 T_A_N_K this now gives me " attempt to call field 'get_player_by_name' (a nil value)" 18:19 T_A_N_K i'm just not understanding, as there is not function() thing 18:19 khonkhortisan try minetest.env:get_player_by_name(name) 18:19 T_A_N_K oh wait.. 18:19 RealBadAngel player = {} 18:19 RealBadAngel then this 18:20 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1029 18:20 RealBadAngel i noticed that predefinition of table usage sorts out many problems 18:20 VanessaE brb 18:21 RealBadAngel without it i had many nil errors 18:21 khonkhortisan minetest.register_chatcommand("spawn", { 18:21 khonkhortisan params = "", 18:21 khonkhortisan description = "Teleport to the spawn point", 18:21 khonkhortisan privs = {}, 18:21 khonkhortisan func = function(name) 18:21 khonkhortisan local player = minetest.env:get_player_by_name(name) 18:21 khonkhortisan player:setpos(spawn) 18:21 khonkhortisan end, 18:21 khonkhortisan }) 18:21 RealBadAngel redefine player={} before 18:22 PilzAdam or check if player and player:is_player() then 18:22 khonkhortisan A node can call /spawn? 18:22 T_A_N_K well i did this 18:22 T_A_N_K minetest.register_chatcommand("spawn", { 18:22 T_A_N_K params = "", 18:22 T_A_N_K description = "Teleport to the spawn point", 18:22 T_A_N_K privs = {}, 18:22 T_A_N_K func = function(player,name,pos) 18:22 T_A_N_K minetest.env:get_player_by_name(name) 18:22 iqualfragile there are several things about this channel i like: one of them is that no one fags around if someone pastes a bit of code 18:22 T_A_N_K player:setpos(spawn) 18:22 T_A_N_K end, 18:22 T_A_N_K }) 18:22 T_A_N_K and it says: attempt to call method 'setpos' (a nil value) 18:23 T_A_N_K exactly 18:23 RealBadAngel yes 18:23 RealBadAngel define spawn={} 18:23 RealBadAngel then copy 18:23 RealBadAngel spawn.x=pos.x 18:23 RealBadAngel and so on 18:24 T_A_N_K i already have spawn as: spawn = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} in the init.lua 18:24 RealBadAngel pos.x=0 18:24 RealBadAngel pos.y=0 18:24 khonkhortisan it's saying that player doesn't have a :setpos() function 18:24 RealBadAngel pos.z=0 18:25 RealBadAngel i was fightin such shit too often 18:25 RealBadAngel you have to somehow redefine it 18:25 khonkhortisan func only gives you function(name, param) it doesn't give you (player, name, pos) 18:25 RealBadAngel for example pos1=pos doesnt work 18:26 T_A_N_K oh so param needs param = {pos} or something? 18:26 khonkhortisan no 18:26 NekoGloop player = minetest.env:get_player_by_name(name) 18:26 khonkhortisan func = function(name, param) 18:26 khonkhortisan what I said, then what Nekogloop said 18:26 khonkhortisan then player:setpos(spawn) 18:26 T_A_N_K oh okay 18:27 NekoGloop and hopefully a end 18:28 RealBadAngel question is spawn is a pos or somethin else 18:28 T_A_N_K it's a table 18:28 RealBadAngel pos is a table too 18:29 khonkhortisan spawn = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} <-- that should work, how you have it 18:29 NekoGloop also allow setting of the sapwn, maybe beds? 18:29 RealBadAngel that should make spawn.x spawn.y and spawn.z 18:30 RealBadAngel but dunno. lua is sometimes irrational 18:31 NekoGloop always* FTFY 18:31 khonkhortisan this works for me https://gist.github.com/3723788 18:31 RealBadAngel but LUA is Love U Always 18:32 RealBadAngel as in IRL hard to notice 18:32 RealBadAngel hehehe 18:32 Jordach RBA 18:32 Jordach no. 18:33 RealBadAngel i think so 18:34 RealBadAngel she loves you more? 18:34 RealBadAngel lucky you ;) 18:35 RealBadAngel ive come to such point. any new function i would like to use 18:36 T_A_N_K yay spawn works :D 18:36 RealBadAngel it takes hours of testing what are exactly the arguments 18:36 T_A_N_K thank you for the help 18:36 RealBadAngel strings, tables, types 18:36 NekoGloop tank: now make it read what the spawn for the player is 18:37 T_A_N_K no, i mean it all works lol 18:37 RealBadAngel API says sometimes somethin opposite to real needs 18:38 RealBadAngel or at least sayin somethin not obvious 18:38 T_A_N_K it should have examples in there 18:38 T_A_N_K that's what's screwing me over 18:38 NekoGloop ikr? 18:38 RealBadAngel i tried to explain the problem to c55 18:39 RealBadAngel than thexyz and c55 told me im shitty coder 18:40 RealBadAngel its insane imho reading all the time the api doc 18:40 RealBadAngel and still having no glue how the specific function wokrs 18:40 khonkhortisan nothing tells you it's env:function() instead of env.function() 18:40 PilzAdam you should read lua doc and api 18:41 thexyz yep 18:41 RealBadAngel talkin bout the devil 18:41 T_A_N_K admins should never say that 18:41 NekoGloop GLUE? 18:41 RealBadAngel hi thexyz 18:41 khonkhortisan mesecons can fix that problem 18:41 NekoGloop xD 18:41 khonkhortisan craft glue + function -> sticky function 18:41 RealBadAngel lol 18:42 RealBadAngel thexyz, sorry for my hard words lately, i were really pissed off 18:42 RealBadAngel once again, im sorry 18:43 NekoGloop sticky function + lua = gummed up code 18:46 RealBadAngel thexyz, hope you dont mind 18:47 NekoGloop i have no idea what properties a kalite-doped wafer should hve... 18:47 NekoGloop have* 18:47 RealBadAngel wait for some more 18:47 RealBadAngel i mean 2nd and 3rd tier 18:48 NekoGloop no i mean, what should it technically do? 18:48 NekoGloop I'm lost as to what chemical properties it would give xD 18:48 RealBadAngel hah 18:48 RealBadAngel i told ya 18:48 RealBadAngel it was "glooopish" ;) 18:49 NekoGloop xD 18:49 NekoGloop so i turn it into gloop? ;) 18:49 RealBadAngel dunno 18:49 RealBadAngel take a pick 18:50 RealBadAngel of your favorite 18:50 NekoGloop hm... 18:50 khonkhortisan screw U! http://www.global-trade.com.tw/images/Product/type_U_screw_12767S.jpg :P 18:50 RealBadAngel and divorvce with the rest 18:51 NekoGloop oh, and mesecon support-ish: make mesecon's silicon be cookable into silicon wafer. 18:51 RealBadAngel makin just numbers of ores and tools is not a way to make a good mod 18:51 khonkhortisan mod cross-compatibility improves the game as a whole 18:51 RealBadAngel i realize that 18:52 RealBadAngel thats why i added mesecons to the deps 18:52 RealBadAngel and started to allowin my machines to be controlled by mesecons 18:52 NekoGloop just ores? gloopores is supposed to add some unique ones xD (re: kalite heals you, talinite glows, etc.) 18:52 NekoGloop toolsizes was just so that workbench had something of a use. 18:53 RealBadAngel you know what im talkin about 18:53 RealBadAngel you made just another "moreores" 18:53 NekoGloop no 18:53 RealBadAngel yes 18:53 khonkhortisan maybe 18:53 NekoGloop moreores (no longer) has a healing ore 18:53 T_A_N_K it would be cool if minetest didn't say what it was doing like "issued command /BLAH" or +Server "radda radda" instead it just printed command feedback or player's text 18:53 NekoGloop neither does it have a glowing block 18:54 RealBadAngel so pick your unique ones 18:54 RealBadAngel hmmm 18:54 NekoGloop also, desrt ores 18:54 NekoGloop desert* 18:54 RealBadAngel YES 18:54 NekoGloop dont you dare call gloopores another moreores 18:54 RealBadAngel thats somethin unique 18:54 NekoGloop alatro only generates above sea level. 18:55 RealBadAngel make another one 18:55 NekoGloop arol is green, and green is awesome :D 18:55 RealBadAngel listen now 18:55 NekoGloop :l 18:55 RealBadAngel find a way to use it 18:55 T_A_N_K if i do minetest.serialize(table) can i write that to a .lua file and then load it back up and deserialize it? 18:55 RealBadAngel to make crops, trees grow instatnly, on use 18:56 * khonkhortisan avoids turning tables into strings 18:56 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, you can write to any file 18:56 T_A_N_K yay 18:56 khonkhortisan Yes, that's what worldedit's //save does 18:56 PilzAdam wb VanessaE 18:56 VanessaE and I'm back 18:56 RealBadAngel khonkhortisan, sometimes its neccesary 18:56 VanessaE tech swapped out the modem. appears to have been a bad power supply. 18:56 RealBadAngel and solved the situation? 18:56 VanessaE so far 18:57 RealBadAngel so praise them 18:57 OldCoder Hi. There is an issue that won't be discussed in public. But Freenode staff are involved now. I have promised to expand the original document. Please PM me if you have logs or information. VanessaE wb. 18:57 T_A_N_K THEN WHY are you talking about it here? D: 18:57 khonkhortisan If we already know about it, more information is being asked. 18:57 NekoGloop realbadangel: i see no problem since only 3 ores are actually added below sea level, and only 3 above (2 on normal land, 1 on deserts). only one ore below sea level is common, and that one heals you 18:57 OldCoder T_A_N_K, there is no contradiction and you know it. I have not discussed the matter but alluded to it briefly. 18:58 RealBadAngel NekoGloop, ive got a proposal for ya 18:58 NekoGloop listening 18:58 T_A_N_K oh okay man 18:58 T_A_N_K hope it works out 18:58 OldCoder If people do not wish to help, they do not need to do so. But Freenode staff have asked for information. I don't apologize for interrupting to mention this. 18:59 OldCoder That is all 19:00 VanessaE ahh that's better. One peanut butter and jam sandwich down the hatch :-) 19:00 NekoGloop xD 19:02 T_A_N_K someone should write down that you need the "param" in func = function() in the minetest.register_chatcommand if you want to do stuff with players 19:07 VanessaE gah! confounded F10 bug 19:07 T_A_N_K it will crash the client and server 19:07 T_A_N_K i noticed when you do 19:07 T_A_N_K player:getpos(test) 19:07 T_A_N_K then 19:07 T_A_N_K print(test) 19:07 khonkhortisan print can't print tables 19:07 T_A_N_K oh snap 19:07 T_A_N_K so print test[1]? 19:07 PilzAdam print(dump(test)) 19:07 VanessaE you have to iterate through all entries in the table and print those 19:08 khonkhortisan dump?! I was doing print("("..pos.x..", "..pos.y..", "..pos.z..")" 19:10 VanessaE you can do that? 19:10 VanessaE well shit 19:10 VanessaE I didn't know of that either. 19:11 T_A_N_K who wants to help make a real community server mod 19:11 * PilzAdam is a lua god 19:11 * NekoGloop is a lua noob 19:11 T_A_N_K like... "Minetest bucket" lol 19:14 VanessaE ah bucket all anyway. 19:14 VanessaE :) 19:14 Keegann hello 19:14 NekoGloop xD 19:16 rubenwardy bye guys 19:17 Keegann OldCoder I am sorry 19:22 OldCoder Keegann, no more in public 19:23 Keegann why 19:23 OldCoder Misael is stalking Vanessa and me. Freenode staff are involved. Enough. No more in public. 19:23 OldCoder This channel is for a fun game. Not for the rest of it. 19:23 OldCoder LAD, wb 19:35 khonkhortisan huh. My glass chessboard is on wikipedia. 19:35 NekoGloop cool 19:37 VanessaE bbl 19:39 OldCoder huh. My glass chessboard is on wikipedia. 19:39 OldCoder Really? I like chess sets. Link possible? 19:40 khonkhortisan It's just a picture at the bottom of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chessboard 19:40 NekoGloop i have a 7 in 1 game set with chess, checkers, dominoes, and... 4 more :D 19:43 Jordach OldCoder PM 19:43 OldCoder Jordach, k 19:46 xander345 hi 19:46 khonkhortisan hello 19:46 xander345 i was hoping somone here could help me with irrlicht 19:47 xander345 anybody? 19:48 PilzAdam not me, sry 19:50 Jordach Keegann; PM me 19:50 M13Coder ok 19:50 T_A_N_K i haven't coded in 2 months, i think i've become code retarded 19:51 NekoGloop well y u no code for two months? 19:51 T_A_N_K because i've been busy 19:51 NekoGloop :D 19:54 xander345 basically this is my problem here is the code: #include using namespace irr; using namespace core; using namespace scene; using namespace video; using namespace io; using namespace gui; #ifdef _IRR_WINDOWS_ #pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib") #pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup") #endif int main() { IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice( video::EDT_OPENGL, dimension2d(640 19:54 xander345 fucl 19:54 NekoGloop my god. 19:54 NekoGloop that linespam 19:54 NekoGloop there should be a law 19:54 NekoGloop and if there is... 19:54 NekoGloop i jsut broke it too 19:55 khonkhortisan but what's the error? 19:55 xander345 this is the code: http://pastebin.com/bmrYqKSc it gives me the error of segmentation because of the guienv->addStaticText(L"Hello World! This is the Irrlicht Software renderer!", rect(10,10,260,22), true); i'm in linux btw 19:55 PilzAdam we are MT players in this channel and not c++ coders 19:56 khonkhortisan and lua modders too 19:56 NekoGloop also epic face people 19:58 Jordach xander345; is suggest you look at the channel #minetest-delta 19:58 Jordach or #mintest-dev IF you wise and wish to PULL REQUEST. 20:39 khonkhortisan Someone unplugged the power 20:43 * PilzAdam got to sleep 20:43 PilzAdam bye 20:43 Octupus hell 20:43 Octupus ello 20:44 Octupus does any1 know that commands the set creative of a server 20:46 OldCoder Octupus, Hi 20:47 Octupus YAYAYAY 20:57 Octupus hello again 21:01 T_A_N_K that's it 21:01 T_A_N_K i'm creating a better-api github 21:01 T_A_N_K whoever wants to contribute can 21:06 NekoGloop ooh, me, me, me! Pick me! 21:07 Octupus NO PICK ME 21:07 Octupus idk what that is lol 21:07 T_A_N_K everyone 21:07 T_A_N_K api, for mods 21:07 * NekoGloop hits octupus with a pickaxe 21:07 Octupus oh 21:07 NekoGloop you have been picked 21:07 T_A_N_K need examples how-tos 21:07 NekoGloop :D 21:07 Octupus ouch 21:08 Octupus where u gonna place me now neko 21:08 Octupus maybe on some stone 21:08 Octupus or under a tree 21:08 * NekoGloop throws octupus into a trash can 21:08 Jordach NekoGloop keep it down 21:08 Jordach people are coding in here 21:09 NekoGloop what? 21:09 * Octupus has been pulverized 21:09 NekoGloop so am i 21:09 Jordach c++? 21:09 NekoGloop lua 21:09 NekoGloop much worse 21:09 Jordach bleh 21:09 Jordach LUA is horrible for syntax 21:09 T_A_N_K YOU'RE HORRIBLE FOR SYNTAX 21:10 NekoGloop I'M AWESOME SAUCE FOR SYNTAX 21:10 NekoGloop side of meme sauce optional 21:10 Octupus can any1 help me make my windows cp have a better peformance 21:10 NekoGloop octupus: get winxp 21:11 Octupus i got a lenovo windows 7 i think it is 21:11 Jordach NekoGloop i run windows xp 21:11 Jordach and compile minetest on it 21:11 NekoGloop winxp ftw 21:11 Jordach no. 21:11 NekoGloop anything newer is shit 21:11 Octupus so can any1 help me 21:11 Jordach windows 98 21:11 Jordach with NT code support 21:12 Octupus can any1 help me directly me to a software or something? 21:12 Octupus for a faster performance cp 21:13 Jordach Octupus uninstall crap that you dont need and delete un needed files 21:14 Octupus ohh i will try thatt 21:14 NekoGloop dont remove windows components though 21:14 NekoGloop that is the stupidest thing you can do 21:14 Octupus is adobe neccesary 21:15 NekoGloop I'm sure you dont need an adobe brick [/smartasswhoknowswhatadobeisirl] 21:15 Octupus just deleting and uninstalling for now 21:16 Octupus adobe the program 21:16 NekoGloop i know 21:16 Octupus is it nessesary for a computer? 21:17 Jordach using google chrome? 21:17 Octupus no internet explorer 21:17 Jordach then get chrome 21:17 NekoGloop I'm using chrome xD 21:17 Octupus ok 21:17 Jordach flash, pdf and others come supported without adobe extensions 21:17 Octupus brb in a min and a half 21:17 NekoGloop only because one website is horribly outdated and IE cant run it. 21:17 thexyz Octupus: here's windows cleanup tool http://www.debian.org/ 21:18 Octupus thanks xyz 21:18 thexyz np 21:18 NekoGloop XD 21:18 NekoGloop debian is for noobs 21:18 Jordach thexyz - in russia, debian installs you 21:19 Octupus debian takes long to dload 21:20 T_A_N_K https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/Better-Minetest-API have a field day 21:20 NekoGloop octupus: it's a ninja OS 21:20 Octupus every1 landmine is tysonman 21:20 tysonman Yah 21:20 tysonman Lol 21:20 tysonman So? 21:20 thexyz fail 21:20 Octupus so any1 wwith privs for the irc ban him 21:20 tysonman How so?? Lol 21:21 tysonman I got in how is it fail thexyz? 21:21 thexyz T_A_N_K: you mean better api = no api? 21:21 thexyz VanessaE: 21:21 tysonman Lol 21:21 T_A_N_K check now 21:21 tysonman Nooooooooooooooo 21:21 tysonman Hahhahaha 21:22 thexyz is there any changes? 21:22 T_A_N_K check basic_facts.txt 21:23 T_A_N_K time to start chopping this thing up 21:23 thexyz any changes from lua_api.txt? 21:23 Exio lol 21:23 Exio nice tool thexyz 21:24 tysonman Octupus why u mad bro? 21:25 T_A_N_K i have learned something: 21:25 T_A_N_K this will take weeks 21:25 Jordach sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me 21:25 tysonman True jordach 21:26 Jordach guess what 21:26 Jordach the more one hides, the quicker he will be found 21:26 tysonman I'm not hiding lol 21:27 Jordach does not matter 21:27 Jordach i now have a list of the HMA vpn IP's 21:27 Jordach all 32000+ 21:27 tysonman Cool story bro its not the only vpn I gto :) 21:28 Jordach most vpns use the same ips 21:28 tysonman Not really lol 21:28 Jordach a-level block = real ip 21:28 tysonman Anyhow why are y'all hating? 21:28 Jordach because you are scum. thats the simplest i can put it. 21:28 tysonman How so? 21:29 * Jordach rolls 600000000+ page list 21:29 tysonman I'm not the one stalking kids like oldcoder 21:29 Jordach vpns WILL run out 21:29 tysonman So jordach why are YOU hatin? 21:30 tysonman And no they won't ;) 21:30 OldCoder tysonman, About that... I talked to the Assistant Principal. It won't work. 21:30 OldCoder Also to the family. Already. 21:30 OldCoder They gave me the names and numbers for the rest. 21:30 tysonman I don't beleave u lol 21:30 OldCoder They have your name. 21:30 tysonman That's cool 21:30 * OldCoder shrugs 21:30 OldCoder It is no great concern what you believe or not. And we have business in PM. 21:31 OldCoder You PMd *me* remember? 21:31 tysonman Yeah I'm still waiting for u to respond there with wat I asked 21:31 T_A_N_K the api was written by smart people, now all the dumber peoples (me) can't not don't underget it 21:31 Jordach tysonman - logs 21:31 OldCoder tysonman, and you are distracting me with nonsense here 21:31 Jordach logs can; 21:31 Jordach be used on a fire 21:32 Jordach be used to incriminate 21:32 Jordach made into charcoal 21:32 T_A_N_K trains man 21:32 T_A_N_K trains 21:32 tysonman I'm shaking jordach 21:32 NekoGloop oh good idea for my charcoal mod ;) 21:32 Jordach ineffective 21:32 NekoGloop :D 21:32 Jordach try your best 21:32 Jordach ANDROID PHONE USER 21:32 tysonman Lol 21:33 * Jordach breaks tysonman's cellphone with a dwarven axe 21:33 tysonman Ohhhh nooo! 21:33 Jordach jordach 1 - LM - 0 21:33 tysonman Sure bro i:-) 21:33 NekoGloop Me - >9000 21:34 tysonman So jordach what do u think of this stalking keegan situationj? 21:35 tysonman If u were him would u be ok with some dde on the intrrwebs calling ur school and parents? 21:35 Jordach -8889 21:35 T_A_N_K wait a second, oldcoder is stalking keegan? 21:35 Jordach = 1 21:35 Jordach T_A_N_K 21:35 Jordach no. 21:35 T_A_N_K how did he get his info? 21:35 T_A_N_K _why_? 21:35 tysonman Causd he's wierd 21:35 Jordach check messages 21:35 tysonman And I dunno 21:35 Jordach not here 21:36 Jordach via PM 21:36 T_A_N_K oldcoder is - ignore 21:36 tysonman So u would be ok with it? For some stranger to call ur parents and say u need therapy? 21:36 tysonman Jordach 21:37 NekoGloop tyson, you're the one who needs therapy. these are the last words on the subject. 21:38 tysonman Neko only speak when ur spoken to kid 21:38 VanessaE who are you tysonman? 21:38 * VanessaE has returned. 21:39 tysonman Just wondering on irc 21:39 T_A_N_K oh, tyson is landmine 21:39 NekoGloop lm 21:39 tysonman Lol 21:39 tysonman Thanks guys 21:39 NekoGloop there's only one way we'll forgive you. When you're dead. 21:39 tysonman Sureu will ;-) 21:40 Jordach VanessaE i could do with an auto op 21:40 tysonman Damm 21:41 VanessaE the more he shows up, the more I'm gonna kickban his ass. 21:41 Jordach +1 21:41 Jordach VanessaE since youre not around 21:41 Jordach i can be able for op 21:41 VanessaE I was off looking at houses. 21:42 * NekoGloop is lowering his IQ-- i mean watchiing pewdiepie 21:43 VanessaE Jordach: I'll add you to the autoop list if I can figure out how to do it :-) 21:44 Jordach VanessaE google 21:44 sfan5 VanessaE: /cs autoop add jordach 21:44 sfan5 it should be similar to that 21:45 sfan5 oh and can you give me autoop too? 21:45 Jordach i know my acc is registered 21:46 T_A_N_K this ip adress is in several blacklists in mexico and america 21:46 T_A_N_K https://www.google.com/search?q=189.191.71&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_nf=1&tok=Ykwpw7zSSBvKbpRlJtEjUA&pq=189.191.71&cp=11&gs_id=kc&xhr=t&q=189.191.71&pf=p&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=pcz&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&oq=189.191.71+&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=5df0f37c24dbec51&biw=1280&bih=884 21:47 Jordach T_A_N_K 21:47 Jordach to be more presice 21:47 sfan5 T_A_N_K: have you triend the new mc snapshot 21:47 sfan5 ? 21:47 T_A_N_K yes 21:47 VanessaE sfan5: I don't think I can do that for you - you're "unaffiliated" 21:47 T_A_N_K sfan5 will you help build up minetest super server essentials? 21:48 sfan5 VanessaE: thats just my cloak 21:48 sfan5 T_A_N_K: not now 21:48 Jordach VanessaE - who needs a cloak? 21:48 T_A_N_K ok 21:49 VanessaE hm.. 21:49 Jordach everyonme 21:49 Jordach wait 21:49 Jordach = is a webpage 21:50 VanessaE doesn't look like I can do it at *all* actually. 21:50 VanessaE I think c55 is the only one who can manipulate that setting 21:50 VanessaE but I can do that. 21:51 Octupus hi guys now i got xchat 21:51 VanessaE Octupus: excellent. 21:51 Octupus so the unspeakable person cant disturb me anymore 21:51 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/yp9OF.png 21:51 Jordach thats lms ip 21:52 VanessaE Jordach: one of many evidently 21:52 Octupus NOOOOOOO 21:52 Jordach no 21:52 Jordach but it shows a odd 403 webpage 21:52 Jordach which an android phone normally never has 21:52 Jordach wait 21:52 Jordach idea 21:52 Octupus i exited my downloads and debian didnt finish 21:52 VanessaE Octupus: just resume it 21:53 Octupus ohh Lol 21:53 Octupus how u resume my downloads 21:53 VanessaE depends on how you initiated them :-) 21:53 Octupus nvm i found it 21:54 Jordach nessa /msg chanserv aop #minetest jordach 21:54 Jordach invalid 21:54 Octupus be back in 7 mins 21:56 Jordach haha 21:56 Jordach auto op works 21:56 Octupus i wodner if my red thingy works now 21:56 Jordach VanessaE re op me 21:56 Jordach or 21:56 Octupus OldCoder,Test 21:56 Jordach ./msg chanserv flags #minetest jordach +O 21:56 Octupus nope doesnt work 21:57 sfan5 VanessaE: did jordach get autoop? 21:58 VanessaE [09-14 17:57] >chanserv< flags #minetest jordach +O 21:58 VanessaE [09-14 17:57] -ChanServ- You are not authorized to execute this command. 21:58 VanessaE sorry guys :-/ 21:58 Jordach damn it 21:58 * Jordach waits for net split 21:58 VanessaE at least I can do that much. 21:58 sfan5 i want op too 21:58 VanessaE drop yer cloak :-) 21:58 sfan5 why? 21:58 sfan5 i can't do that 21:59 VanessaE for all I know you're really landmine in disguise :-) 21:59 Jordach exactly 21:59 Jordach i dont use on for that reason 21:59 Octupus sfan isnt landmine 21:59 Octupus becase sfan never leaves the irc 22:00 Jordach hold on 22:00 T_A_N_K i will tell if sfan5 is real 22:00 T_A_N_K why did jeija leave blockplanet? 22:00 * Jordach does drumroll 22:00 VanessaE because it's a dead project? 22:00 Octupus LOL 22:00 VanessaE :) 22:00 OldCoder Octupus, Test back 22:00 Octupus a few secs till debian is finished 22:00 sfan5 T_A_N_K: write to me on facebook 22:01 * VanessaE <-- consummate smartass :D 22:01 Octupus how u do the red thigny coder 22:01 OldCoder Misael has left for now. I need a break. Red Thingy? 22:01 T_A_N_K it is, we just need to update it back to this version 22:01 VanessaE Octupus: simply saying your name is usually enough 22:01 Octupus yes 22:01 VanessaE the 'red thingy" is your client's auto-highlight 22:01 Octupus VanessaE 22:01 VanessaE I have mine set to turn yellow 22:01 Octupus didnt work 22:01 VanessaE like that. 22:01 VanessaE worked for me 22:02 VanessaE Octupus: you don't see it, I do, just as I don't see your nick turn red if I highlight you 22:02 Octupus debian is finished 22:02 Octupus ohhh 22:02 VanessaE it is? Did netcraft confirm it? ;) 22:02 Octupus usee the red thingy 22:02 T_A_N_K sfan5 is real 22:02 Octupus how can i see mines? 22:03 VanessaE Octupus: dig down a ways? 22:03 OldCoder Oh 22:03 VanessaE bring some torches and wood? 22:03 VanessaE ;) 22:03 Octupus lol 22:03 OldCoder Octupus, It is about the client program you use. I don't think the web gateway will do it. 22:03 sfan5 VanessaE: i'm still waiting for op 22:03 OldCoder Guys, I need a break but I will return in a bit 22:04 VanessaE sfan5: drop your cloak. 22:04 Octupus ok 22:04 Octupus im using xchat coder 22:04 sfan5 VanessaE: why? tank confirmed that i' not landmine 22:05 T_A_N_K hmm 22:05 VanessaE hey NekoGloop *random highlight* 22:05 NekoGloop Lol 22:05 sfan5 wow! ipv6 22:05 Jordach sfan5 me too 22:05 VanessaE [09-14 17:58] * VanessaE gives channel operator status to Jordach 22:06 VanessaE you're already opped you schmuck :-) 22:06 Jordach \o/ 22:06 Jordach sfan5 dont try either 22:06 sfan5 VanessaE: i can't drop my cloak, because freenode.net is down and need to read the faq 22:06 sfan5 Jordach: try? 22:06 Jordach google cache 22:06 VanessaE sfan5: or you could just sign on with a regular irc client like I did> 22:07 T_A_N_K it is not down :o 22:07 sfan5 VanessaE: my ip is the ip of minetest.ru because thexyz provides a bouncer for me 22:08 VanessaE just sign in with a normal IRC client from a normal IP address then. 22:08 sfan5 wait 22:08 T_A_N_K this is like the pressure room 22:08 T_A_N_K bumbum 22:08 T_A_N_K bum bumbum bum bummm 22:08 VanessaE I doubt quite strongly that c55 will allow any kind of auto-op or similar otherwise 22:08 sfan5 T_A_N_K: hamachi doesn't like websites with ip 5.*.*.* 22:09 thexyz VanessaE: why don't you trust @minetest.ru?) 22:09 Jordach http://www.wikihow.com/Get-a-Cloak-on-IRC 22:09 Jordach sfan5 ^ 22:09 VanessaE thexyz: not minetest.ru, but his cloak that's the issue. Why he doesn't trust to show minetest.ru on channel, well..ask him ;) 22:09 thexyz oh, i see now 22:10 VanessaE from my end all I see is ~sfan5@unaffiliated/sfan5 22:10 Jordach sfan5 is all about hiding 22:10 sfan5 no 22:10 sfan5 i used the cloak when i didn't have a bounceer 22:11 VanessaE why are you hiding behind a bouncer? 22:11 VanessaE "hiding" firguatively that is 22:11 Jordach sfan5 - i show mine because im too lazy, heck, half of this room dont use a cloak 22:11 VanessaE figuratively* 22:11 sfan5 stop asking, i already asked in #freenode some to remove my cloak 22:11 Jordach okay 22:11 T_A_N_K this is like a witch hunt 22:12 T_A_N_K bum bum 22:12 * Jordach sits and chills 22:12 sfan5 :/ 22:12 T_A_N_K bum bum 22:12 T_A_N_K bum bumbum bum bummmmmmmmmmmmmmm 22:12 Jordach T_A_N_K : lol 22:12 sfan5 if i reqeust a cloak removal they are not able to cloak me again 22:12 Octupus whats a cloak 22:13 Jordach Octupus - something clever 22:13 sfan5 Octupus: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks 22:13 Octupus whats it do 22:13 VanessaE there. see? 22:13 Jordach how hard was that 22:13 VanessaE that wasn't so hard now was it :-) 22:13 T_A_N_K QUICK! SOMEONE WRITE DOWN HIS IP! 22:13 sfan5 Jordach: 22:13 T_A_N_K lol 22:13 Jordach 22:14 sfan5 T_A_N_K: just resolve sfan5.dyndns.org to an ip 22:14 sfan5 how hard was that 22:14 sfan5 i wont get a cloak again 22:14 sfan5 that was the price 22:14 Jordach oh darp. 22:14 sfan5 :( 22:14 sfan5 well, i need to sleep now 22:15 sfan5 good night 22:15 Jordach me too 22:15 VanessaE you could have just signed on without the bouncer. 22:16 VanessaE *facepalm* 22:18 T_A_N_K i will never learn to not overload myself 22:21 Jordach p4FEB2ED4 = hex ip address 22:22 Jordach MiJyn; whos that person i see on google chat? 22:22 Octupus jorach u ready for the google chrome thingy 22:22 Jordach why 22:22 Jordach it takes 3 mins 22:22 Octupus ohhh 22:22 Octupus nvm then 22:22 Jordach click installs done 22:22 Jordach well 22:23 Jordach installer -> downloads -> installs -> runs google chrome 22:24 Octupus im using google chrome now 22:27 sfan5[iPod] Jordach: whats landmines ip? 22:27 Jordach 22:27 sfan5[iPod] ..... 22:28 Jordach its a phone config via html 22:28 Jordach best i got 22:34 sfan5[iPod] Jordach: maybe someone could scan the ip with nmap 22:35 Jordach sfan5[iPod] getting nmap 22:43 Jordach_2 damn connection 22:48 Jordach better 22:48 Jordach uh oh 22:49 T_A_N_K wat 22:50 Jordach my connection died a few secs ago 22:51 Jordach sfan5[iPod] ill send you the logs from nmap 22:55 * Jordach dislikes this silence 22:56 NekoGloop Shh 23:05 Jordach i need some sleep 23:05 Jordach OldCoder; have a good evening 23:07 MiJyn MiJyn; whos that person i see on google chat? 23:07 MiJyn ??? 23:16 T_A_N_K hello mijyn 23:26 T_A_N_K hmm 23:27 T_A_N_K is getpos an object reference? 23:28 NekoGloop Yes, api is good for telling you that much. 23:30 T_A_N_K yes 23:30 T_A_N_K all i'm getting is init.lua:4: attempt to call method 'getpos' (a nil value) 23:31 T_A_N_K from this simple little : 23:31 T_A_N_K minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, puncher, pos, player) 23:31 T_A_N_K local player = puncher:get_player_name() 23:31 T_A_N_K test = player:getpos({x,y,z}) 23:31 T_A_N_K minetest.chat_send_player(player, "test") 23:31 T_A_N_K end) 23:31 NekoGloop Lol 23:31 khonkhortisan why is pos in there twice? 23:31 NekoGloop Just do puncher:getpos 23:31 T_A_N_K idk, i'm kind of burnt out trying to catch up on all the new things 23:31 T_A_N_K ok 23:32 khonkhortisan what you're missing is the difference between the player object and the player name, and what you can do with one that you can't do with the other 23:32 khonkhortisan Once you get that you're good 23:34 T_A_N_K that would be very helpful api info 23:34 T_A_N_K i fixed it with this 23:34 T_A_N_K minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, puncher, name) 23:34 T_A_N_K local player = puncher:get_player_name() 23:34 T_A_N_K minetest.env:get_player_by_name(player):getpos() 23:34 T_A_N_K minetest.chat_send_player(player, "test") 23:34 T_A_N_K end) 23:34 T_A_N_K that one line could ruin someones hour or so 23:37 khonkhortisan register_on_punchnode doesn't have that fourth name argument, and you're not storing getpos() anywhere 23:37 T_A_N_K yea i know, it would be very helpful to have it by default 23:39 T_A_N_K i'm trying to use it to test a way to get people's position into a string, then written to a file, then loaded up, in the simplest easy to modify way 23:39 khonkhortisan line 1: puncher is the person's object. line2: You get player, the person's name. line 3: Then you get the person's object from the person's name, then getpos() from the object. line 4: You send a message to the person using their name. 23:39 T_A_N_K see? that's the kind of info that would have been useful 23:40 khonkhortisan minetest.env:get_player_by_name(player):getpos() can be replaced with puncher:getpos() because you already have the person's object. 23:41 T_A_N_K now i added in this line minetest.pos_to_string(test) but it's saying attempt to index local 'pos' (a nil value) 23:41 khonkhortisan there's a pos_to_string? 23:41 T_A_N_K yes 23:41 khonkhortisan oh, cool. 23:41 T_A_N_K I'm just not sure how it works, there's very little info, no examples 23:42 NekoGloop pos_to_string should be objectref 23:50 khonkhortisan ambience is a completely different feel to the game 23:58 T_A_N_K hmm 23:58 T_A_N_K it isn't