Time Nick Message 01:36 mauvebic Segfault22 == deathdealer? 01:51 VanessaE dunno 01:52 mauvebic naw the IP ranges dont match 01:53 mauvebic they sure have the same attitude though lol 01:53 VanessaE proxies/hidemyass 01:53 VanessaE hey wow. 01:53 mauvebic wow? 01:53 VanessaE ^^^ 01:53 wowiamdiamonds hi 01:53 mauvebic oooooh lol 01:53 VanessaE mauvebic = blind ;-) 01:54 mauvebic VanessaE: segfault22 is threatening to ban me off the forums. i reported said post :-) 01:54 VanessaE how would he ban you? last I knew he wasn't a mod 01:54 mauvebic thats the bit that confused me and caused me to report the post :-P 01:55 mauvebic in case he goes around threatening to ban other community members 01:55 mauvebic he seems to want to ban anyone who doesnt agree with him lol 01:55 VanessaE I think he means he expects other to ban you 01:55 VanessaE By SegFault22 Today 20:55:49 01:55 VanessaE Servers : Menche's Server 0.4.1 : Post #34149 01:55 VanessaE I do not tolerate noobs like this, please let ''it'' know. Thank you. 01:56 VanessaE (from the same reporting interface that I see yours appear in, I tend to forget about it) 01:56 mauvebic i cant see the post numbers, theyre in the 700s 01:56 mauvebic im the noob LOL his mods are all copies 01:57 VanessaE heh 01:57 mauvebic he also tried to appropriate my idea on nullspace 01:57 mauvebic lol 01:57 VanessaE at least my mods do something useful ;-) 01:57 mauvebic well its one thing to copy and tweak, or copy and expand 01:57 mauvebic but this is just *copying* 01:57 mauvebic nothing new or different 01:57 VanessaE (and I try to be original, though I've noticed I'm not the first at a few of the things I did) 01:58 mauvebic yeah but at least you expand on a concept 01:58 mauvebic your not there copying shit and trying to pass it off as all-original lol 01:58 VanessaE it's not segfault22 that bugs me for that - it's madchicken13 - I'm starting to get a little irritated at him 01:58 mauvebic hes irritating too yeah lol 01:58 mauvebic but he hasn't been fighting w/ me like segfault has 01:59 VanessaE Alwayscraft this and alwayscraft that...bah, give it a rest 01:59 mauvebic basically segfaults' copying my mod, ideas, and trying to pick fights with me to get me banned (so he can steal the rest probably?) 01:59 mauvebic alwayscraft lol 01:59 mauvebic what about the other guy with the "better than minetest" thread lol 01:59 VanessaE well I'm certainly not gonna ban you :-) 02:00 mauvebic naw i know that :-) 02:00 VanessaE hah, better than minetest? [citation needed] ;-) 02:00 mauvebic would it be possible to just remind him that he's not a moderator and shouldnt be speaking as one? 02:01 VanessaE wowiamdiamonds_: make up my mind :-) 02:01 mauvebic http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2124&p=31 02:01 mauvebic gimme a sec for the "better than" thread lol 02:01 jin_xi ok. here i what i have so far: you craft palette, and when you wield it, hotbar is filled with 8 colorswatches from said palette 02:01 wowiamdiamonds_ about what? :P my internet died temporarily 02:02 cy1 mauvebic: wow, you exist! 02:02 cy1 mauvebic: love your slimtrees, what a chic idea 02:02 jin_xi when you select color wielded palette turns into brush 02:02 VanessaE "Segfault22: Please do not speak from a purported position of authority. Calinou and I and the rest of the mods here will decide who is and is not banned. Thank you." 02:02 VanessaE 'nuff said? 02:02 mauvebic Thank you :-) 02:02 VanessaE cy1: Yes Cy1, there is a Mauvebic. :-) 02:02 VanessaE jin_xi: excellent! 02:02 mauvebic slimtrees = my favorite :-) 02:03 jin_xi but how go back? this forces one to always finish a painting. 02:03 cy1 reminds me I need to hack my mod mod so it doesn't age everything supar fast 02:03 mauvebic normal trees dont even work when i disable the mapgen so all my trees are either slim/palm :-) 02:03 jin_xi which is good...? 02:03 cy1 disable the mapgen o_O 02:03 VanessaE mauvebic: have you looked into nodeboxes to make 'em look round? 02:03 VanessaE check out the "brass pole" in my homedecor mod. 02:03 cy1 round trees = fail 02:03 VanessaE it's designed that way 02:04 cy1 square trees = winn 02:04 mauvebic VanessaE: the linking books are nodebox :-) as are the stained glass :-) 02:04 VanessaE the linking books need more boxes :-) 02:04 mauvebic more boxes? 02:04 mauvebic you saw the latest screens? 02:04 cy1 linking books were silly. I went with my own thing though far as teleporting. 02:05 mauvebic linking books was the first mod (i think) to use sign metadata to save coordinates 02:05 VanessaE last one I saw was a single nodebox 02:05 cy1 Anything where you have to set coordinates = dangerous 02:05 mauvebic before that i had bookmarks 02:05 mauvebic dangerous how? 02:05 VanessaE I'm thinking more like 10-15 stacked-up nodeboxes to give the book a real shape 02:05 jin_xi ok, when you hit something non canvas with brush you go back to palette, and if you hit something non canvas with palette you get back hotbar. 02:06 mauvebic problem is my CPU keeps spiking, im afraid to add more nodeboxes :-/ 02:06 VanessaE jin_xi: suggestion: a "glass of water" icon drawn onto the easel. 02:06 jin_xi that should work, right? oh, and palette to canvas still gives random pic. 02:06 VanessaE it doesn't have to be functional, just something you can tell the used to hit when they're done with a brush 02:06 cy1 mauvebic: First thing that comes to mind is a teleporter to -31000,-31000,-31000 02:07 mauvebic well its up to the user not to set it out of bounds 02:07 mauvebic but weather your using linkingbooks, teleport_pad, or the games builtin teleporter, the user has equal chances of screwing up 02:07 VanessaE s:tell the used:tell the user/player: 02:07 cy1 which is dangerous, if you don't trust all your users like your own blood 02:07 cy1 Well, I sort of made something with less chance of screwing up. c: 02:08 mauvebic i dont do error checking in my mods, i assume the users' know what theyre doing, and if im not sure, i set the priv to server 02:08 VanessaE mauvebic: FAIL :-) 02:08 mauvebic besides, only the owners of linkingbooks can edit them 02:08 VanessaE remember your audience ;-) 02:08 mauvebic well i dont cater to the whims of guys like deathdealer and segfault lol they really do need hand-holding LOL 02:09 mauvebic well most of my mods, if the variables aren't right, nothing happens 02:09 mauvebic nothing gets corrupted either 02:10 mauvebic but yeah, the last few versions of minetest has serious CPU usage problems 02:10 VanessaE so I've noticed 02:10 cy1 https://gitorious.org/minetest-cy/minetest-portals and https://gitorious.org/minetest-cy/minetest-core/commit/37f175af484580533b0740394a209eac5218b374 02:10 mauvebic its gotten to the point where i cant run VLC or chromium while playing 02:10 cy1 Teleportals! 02:10 mauvebic and im lucky if i dont lag with just minetest running 02:11 VanessaE if there's too much lava on the screen, FPS takes a nosedive 02:11 cy1 It's still kind of hackish, but it's as simple as you put one portal one place, and another another place. No coordinates to set! 02:11 mauvebic i disabled the fire mod completely: ABMs being called every second, omg 02:11 cy1 oh also https://gitorious.org/minetest-cy/minetest-core/commit/15472ef459c122ac91bd7bfc11ee5ffc0f67da0b 02:12 cy1 mauvebic: xD fire is so amusing... I figured out a way to keep it from clocking the server incidentally. 02:12 mauvebic my fireplaces use a different fire node :P but yeah, forest fire = epic server crash 02:12 cy1 well, not a crash so much... 02:13 mauvebic me yeah 02:13 VanessaE but it'll sure lag all to hell and C55 already knows the fire is a CPU hog 02:13 mauvebic my GFX and RAM might be new, but underneath is still a P4 lol 02:13 cy1 marktraceur's server he had a sustained fire going on it for weeks with only a horrible slowdown when anyone went to investigate. 02:13 cy1 fire + growth mods = uh oh 02:13 mauvebic thats why i wanted to try a ultra-minimal map 02:14 mauvebic i wanted to see the difference 02:14 mauvebic growth mods = hell 02:14 VanessaE hey now be nice 02:14 cy1 eh, maybe... they sure are sweet though. 02:14 VanessaE poisonivy and junglegrass both feature growing plants and they aren't bad :-) 02:14 mauvebic vanessaE: not personal :P im talking strictly from an ABM/usage standpoint :-) 02:14 cy1 At least growth mods aren't geometric. 02:14 cy1 VanessaE: POISON IVY IS BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD >:( 02:15 VanessaE lol 02:15 mauvebic i noticed when i got rid of most of my growth stuff my FPS jumped from 25 to 55 lol 02:15 VanessaE you still mad about it growing in your house WITH A DIRT FLOOR? :-) 02:15 cy1 It's no fun on menche's server anymore... 02:15 mauvebic but that can be helped alot by setting the intervals higher 02:15 cy1 wut no I always dig holes 02:15 mauvebic menche's? yeah he's got problems there lol 02:15 cy1 It grew on mah trees. :T 02:15 VanessaE haha 02:16 VanessaE well the shit grows on trees here. and houses. and driveways. and all over the G*D damned place :-) 02:16 cy1 It's not /just/ poison ivy that's no fun, but some other stuff too. 02:16 mauvebic tkerwel is working on a tree mod 02:16 mauvebic i offered him my two trees to add 02:16 mauvebic perhaps VanessaE might add her stuff to make a nature modpack 02:16 cy1 VanessaE: yes and I can't work outside without horrible allergies here all the time. That does not make it a fun game mechanic! 02:17 VanessaE mauvebic: that reminds me, if you didn't already I think you can discontinue colored bricks and colored woods/fences in your code :-) 02:17 mauvebic i want to drop madblocks entirely 02:17 mauvebic i just need to transfer a few last things out of there 02:17 cy1 "Invisible pollen clouds that make it so you can only move slowly and take damage every 10s and your vision is obscured and you can only dig half as fast." = allergies in minetest 02:18 VanessaE well ditch the bricks and woods/fences. They're covered nicely and with 16 bit node IDs we don't have to worry about running out of nodes anymore :-) 02:18 cy1 mauvebic: I pulled some of your madblocks stuff out to the "nature" mod, like slimtrees and stuff. 02:18 VanessaE cy1: at least I didn't make the poison ivy deal damage when you chop it down :-) 02:18 mauvebic did they change the look of fences? i find them clunky and ugly (but it might be in my head) 02:18 cy1 https://gitorious.org/minetest-cy/minetest-nature 02:19 mauvebic if you added palmtrees youll need to fix the leaves 02:19 VanessaE mauvebic: fences are still two vertical poles and two horizontal rungs between them 02:19 mauvebic they stopped being diggable between versions 02:19 wowiamdiamonds_ VanessaE: really!? there are no more node limits? since when 02:19 mauvebic higher node limits, not infinite :P 02:19 VanessaE wowiamdiamonds_: 16 bit node ID, so 65534 node max now. 02:19 cy1 eh, making a node diggable is pretty easy with a mod. 02:19 VanessaE instead of ~1700. 02:19 cy1 better yet make a node automatically convert. 02:19 cy1 Like I converted the madblocks flowers to the nature: namespace using an ABM on my server. 02:20 mauvebic VanessaE: found it! : http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2572 02:20 mauvebic he changed the title lol 02:20 cy1 Oh also seasons. <3 02:20 cy1 I lurrve seasons. 02:20 mauvebic you want seasons? 02:20 cy1 So pretty. 02:20 mauvebic if i cant find a maintainer 4seasons is going to OLd mod 02:20 mauvebic *Old Mods 02:20 cy1 No I got seasons pulled into nature. 02:20 mauvebic oh ok 02:20 mauvebic problem solved, so long as it exists somewhere, i dont have to maintain 02:21 VanessaE cy1: feel free to add junglegrass to nature pack if you want - it's needed anyways for dye stuff 02:21 cy1 It still needs work though... 02:21 mauvebic cyl which one? 02:21 mauvebic i was really hoping to find a non-North American maintainer so 4seasons could add different climates lol 02:21 cy1 VanessaE: Jungle grass is nearly indistinguishable from mauvebic's wild hydroponics plnts 02:21 cy1 Oh! 02:21 VanessaE cy1: blame mauvebic ;-) 02:22 mauvebic blame me? lol 02:22 VanessaE mine uses the standard junglegrass texture and derivatives of it :-) 02:22 cy1 https://github.com/cyisfor/minetest-hydroponics 02:22 cy1 VanessaE: junglegrass is annoying and ppl use it for boring complicated recipes :p 02:22 mauvebic hydro could use better textures lol 02:22 mauvebic seems out of place with my riven-type worlds lol 02:22 VanessaE cy1: I made it less annoying ages ago 02:23 VanessaE the one on mark's server is/was out of date :-) 02:23 cy1 I made hydroponics a separate mod... I'm going to eventually merge it with marktraceur's farming mod. 02:23 mauvebic are they mergable? 02:23 cy1 Extremely so! 02:23 cy1 They practically do the same thing. 02:23 cy1 light makes different sorts of plants grow. 02:23 mauvebic cuz its REAL EASY for me to write a function to grow seeds on grass/dirt, i was thinking about it yesterday 02:24 mauvebic abit of copy/paste and trim and done 02:24 cy1 well, farming has its own "promix" solution... 02:24 VanessaE so where do all the former parts of Madblocks stand? I pulled the old Madblocks support from my texture packs just yesterday or today, but I don't want that to be permanent 02:24 VanessaE what is and is not stable? 02:24 cy1 Made a "hoe" tool, which converts grass/dirt into "plowed" 02:25 mauvebic well i wanted to expand hydro to grow stuff w/o growlamps or promix (though at a slower rate, for balance) 02:25 cy1 growlamps are fine, but I'd just want them to emit light, not actually be the things which grow stuff. 02:25 cy1 That way you could grow plants with just sunlight. 02:25 cy1 (Or torchlight, but growlamps would work better) 02:25 mauvebic problem with madblocks: i comment out 4/5 of the code that i dont use, but i have to uncomment it when i update the package 02:25 cy1 I love growing trees at -1024 with torches <3 02:26 mauvebic i wanna keep the nice bricks, and the special action nodes, but the rest, its been done better and with more detail in other mods 02:27 mauvebic ill figure something out for hydro: since my "ages" dont have clay, i need a promix-less growing solution lol 02:27 cy1 I built a thing with a bunch of your nice bricks mauvebic. Sort of arbitrary but it ended up pretty. 02:28 mauvebic yeah alone the bricks look hideous lol when you build something, it comes out quite nice :-) 02:28 VanessaE mauvebic: make an abm in one of your updates that convers all fences, woods, bricks over their coloredwood/unifiedbricks equivalents ;-) 02:28 VanessaE converts* 02:28 cy1 Eh I wouldn't call my art style not hideous, but w/ev. 02:28 VanessaE (all except for the unique stuff that is) 02:28 mauvebic actually i want to write a node_migrate function 02:29 cy1 VanessaE: Extremely possible! But it has to be firmly set, since all these conversions do take time and look funny. 02:29 cy1 I already sort of wrote a node_migrate function when I was messing w/ madblocks, hold on... 02:29 mauvebic it would be like node_migrate(oldnodename, newnodename) 02:29 VanessaE cy1: worldedit would be faster of course.. 02:29 mauvebic i had one too, but lost it lol 02:29 mauvebic not necessarily 02:29 VanessaE no? 02:29 mauvebic if your coding, its faster to write a function call 02:29 mauvebic and let the abms take care of things 02:30 VanessaE I suck with lua functions :-) 02:30 mauvebic if i can avoid using the chat interface 02:30 cy1 mauvebic: https://gitorious.org/minetest-cy/minetest-core/blobs/master/builtin/port.lua 02:30 cy1 https://github.com/cyisfor/minetest-madblocks/blob/master/portSeasons.lua being an example of its usage. 02:30 mauvebic i cant click the link right now, else minetest will make my comp hang :*( 02:31 cy1 o.o you minetest on IRC 02:31 cy1 well I'm happy to provide 'em any time. 02:31 VanessaE mauvebic: idea.. A mod that re-adds the long-missing Jungle biome. Is it possible without bad lag? 02:31 VanessaE (use my junglegrass within to get those nodes, for added variety) 02:32 cornernote_ is there a way to change the path to your world files ? 02:32 VanessaE # World directory (everything in the world is stored here) 02:32 VanessaE #map-dir = /custom/world 02:33 VanessaE (in minetest.conf) 02:33 cornernote_ ok, i have no map-dir, but its not using my worlds folder in my minetest... really odd 02:33 cy1 VanessaE: trouble is that the stuff that creates the biomes does it without regard to other mods, so you couldn't register a hook to decide what to create for instance, trees or jungle trees+grass 02:34 cy1 cornernote_: unless you're using one of my versions, minetest client doesn't have any map file. 02:35 mauvebic jungle biomes = not enough access to mapgen 02:35 cy1 yeah... 02:35 mauvebic i can disable the C++ mapgen, and if we can write a decent lua mapgen, then it might be possible :-) 02:35 cy1 mapgen is kind of weird anyway... it has to happen super fast, otherwise people outrun the map! 02:35 cy1 could a lua mapgen be faster than the C++? 02:36 mauvebic it wouldnt be faster, but it would be as customizable as any mod at least 02:36 cy1 eh... again mapgen has to be super fast. That's why seasons needs something of a miracle. 02:37 mauvebic well seasons changes an awful lot of nodes at once 02:37 mauvebic thats why its slower than most mods 02:37 cy1 I made it so that when grass blocks generated, they were replaced with the appropriate season blocks, and also leaves etc. 02:37 cy1 So when you run to new map locations it isn't a mysterious patch of summer. 02:37 mauvebic trees, leaves, sand, grass, desert_stone, cactus, all need to be replaced with nodes that have snow on them 02:37 cy1 Was soooooo slow. 02:38 cy1 mauvebic: technically sand with snow on it is a really dumb idea xD But it looks pretty. 02:38 VanessaE why? I've seen snow on sand many times 02:38 mauvebic yeah but we have sand here and its not yellow in winter either :-S 02:38 VanessaE and it snows in the desert too. 02:38 cy1 Never in my entire life have I seen snow on sand, or snow in the desert. 02:38 VanessaE but it would have to be rare and short-lived 02:39 cy1 Too dry in the desert, and too temperature regulated along the coast. 02:39 cy1 Maybe it's just a west coast thing. 02:39 VanessaE http://www.ageofarmour.com/images/snow/desert-snow-3.jpg 02:39 VanessaE you were saying? :-) 02:39 mauvebic temperatures have to drop to near or sub zero at night for cactii to flower 02:39 mauvebic so i imagine it gets quite cold in the desert at night 02:40 VanessaE indeed it does 02:41 mauvebic hell i used to grow cactii, i stuck em in the fridge at night, nice flowers later on :-) 02:41 mauvebic not peyotle though lol 02:41 VanessaE typically right around freezing in the winter at night. 02:41 cornernote_ World at [C:\Users\Brett\AppData\Roaming\minetest\worlds\test6] 02:41 VanessaE and of course 110+ in the day in summer 02:41 cy1 mauvebic: verge.info.tm port 6989 btw 02:41 VanessaE (F) 02:41 cornernote_ ok, so it puts it into user / AppData 02:41 cy1 mauvebic: too dry in the desert, not too cold. 02:42 cornernote_ thats good =) 02:42 cornernote_ now i dont have to move my world every time 02:45 mauvebic browser not loading anything 02:45 VanessaE oh, extreme example of snow on the desert: Antarctica! 02:46 VanessaE (so says Wikipedia anyway) 02:46 cy1 Antartica isn't a desert! 02:46 cy1 ok then it must be true 02:46 mauvebic a tundra biome would be cool 02:46 mauvebic its mostly ice and rock and moss 02:47 cy1 biomeriffic 02:48 mauvebic yeah, i really need to come up with a lua mapgen 02:48 mauvebic though i still havent figured out how to break up large operations 02:48 mauvebic spheres can perform up to 2-3mil node operations lol 02:49 mauvebic i made a sphere with a radius of 94 nodes, practically a small planet lol 02:54 cy1 spheres...? 02:56 VanessaE mauvebic: if you were really adventurous, you could find a way to texture map an image onto one of those spheres :-) 02:56 VanessaE (using different materials in the sphere for the "pixel" colors) 02:56 mauvebic would if i could, just generating a plain sphere out of one node requires several goes 02:56 mauvebic *go's 02:56 cy1 mauvebic: what are spheres? 02:57 cy1 I mean 02:57 mauvebic uhm, gimme a sec 02:57 cy1 what are you talking about? 02:57 cy1 some auto-build thing? 02:57 mauvebic http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=33982#p33982 02:57 mauvebic yep 02:57 VanessaE sphere /sfeer/ (n.) 1. a round object of approximately ball shape consisting of one or more radii defining its exact shape. See also, globe. 02:57 VanessaE ;-) 03:02 mauvebic i like neuro's cylinder addon too, for perfectly round walls/buildings 03:04 VanessaE I saw that. prefer to build stuff by hand though :-) 03:07 mauvebic try building a 94 radius sphere by hand :p 03:07 VanessaE heh 03:07 mauvebic i built a dome once, took 3 days lol 03:08 cy1 Meh. 03:08 cy1 So that's how marktraceur did it. 03:08 cy1 I'm still holding out for a client side auto-builder. 03:10 VanessaE mauvebic: well, to be fair I built a radius 10 (or so) sphere once. took all day because I suck at building spheres :-) 03:10 VanessaE no, strike that, it was radius 20 03:10 VanessaE or somewhere thereabouts. 03:10 VanessaE either way it took forever and wasn't exactly perfect :-) 03:11 mauvebic 20 radius spawns in one shot at least with my function, but around 50 it takes the gen 03:11 VanessaE probably because lua can't force the mapgen to load new Mapblocks 03:12 mauvebic i need to access the worlds' sqlite db directly (and know its format) 03:12 * VanessaE pokes at cornernote_ for signs of life 03:24 mauvebic 22 hours 03:25 VanessaE ? 03:26 mauvebic how long ive been up lol 03:26 VanessaE heh 03:26 VanessaE sleep is overrated :-) 03:28 mauvebic lol heatwaves and weird dreams lol 03:28 VanessaE yeah, those sockpuppets must really get to you ;-) 03:29 VanessaE next thing you know it'll be beany and cecil ;-) 03:30 mauvebic im pretty claustrophobic so alot of my dreams involve walking around desolate cities lol 03:30 VanessaE mine are weird. obscure 03:31 VanessaE last few nights have had something to do with minetest :-/ 03:31 VanessaE not a good thing when you're trying to avoid burnout :-) 03:32 mauvebic i havent dreamt about minetest yet 03:32 mauvebic though i did once dream i was at grace brothers during german week 03:34 VanessaE ok, time to go bowl for a bit on the Wii 03:34 VanessaE bbl 03:36 mauvebic ill probably be in donut-modes sleep state, so good night :-) 04:25 VanessaE back 04:26 VanessaE phooo....always wears me out 04:26 VanessaE 3 games and 40 minutes later and my arm is shot. 05:07 VanessaE zzz 05:07 VanessaE ok I don't stink anymore, everyone can come back in channel now. 05:57 wowiamdiamonds lua question: could i have "array = { {10,20} . {40,90} }" and then call array[1][2] (which equals 90)? 05:57 VanessaE never tried 05:58 wowiamdiamonds ok i'll test 05:58 VanessaE I need to get a book on LUA at some point 06:00 wowiamdiamonds yep it works 06:01 VanessaE cool 06:05 * leo_rockway waves at everybody 06:05 VanessaE hi leo 06:05 leo_rockway VanessaE: hello. Neat HD textures you made. 06:05 VanessaE thanks :-) 06:06 leo_rockway I've been testing Minetest for quite a while. I update it and build whenever there's and upgrade... 06:07 VanessaE careful with the latest updates, they don't work on most servers (client<->server protocol differences) 06:07 leo_rockway and I've lurked the forum. I thought it was about time to come and say hello. 06:07 leo_rockway oh... I just try it on single player. 06:07 VanessaE oh ok 06:07 VanessaE well, welcome to our little community :-) 06:07 leo_rockway I've never played Minecraft, but the other day I watched a few videos on survival mode and it looked interesting. 06:07 VanessaE or something anyway :) 06:08 leo_rockway I may start coding some mods. It would be a great excuse to finally learn Lua. 06:08 leo_rockway VanessaE: thank you =] 06:09 VanessaE you know, originally I just wanted to play around with redstone a bit, but I wasn't about to pay for minecraft for that, so I searched for an open-source alternative, found this, and next thing I know I'm modding and making texture packs.. 06:09 VanessaE and I never ended up playing around with mesecons (redstone equivalent) like I originally intended :-) 06:10 leo_rockway I haven't actually tried mesecons yet. 06:11 leo_rockway I was thinking it would be cool to make a single player adventure game of sorts 06:11 leo_rockway with quests or something 06:11 leo_rockway kind of open world too 06:13 VanessaE sounds like a nice idea; look at the stuff Mauvebic has been doingf 06:16 VanessaE have you seen the mods I've made also? 06:17 leo_rockway which ones are they? 06:17 VanessaE http://minetest.net/forum/search.php?action=show_user_topics&user_id=1580 06:17 VanessaE the ones starting with "[Mod]" in that list are mine 06:18 leo_rockway I'm using animated torches 06:18 leo_rockway they look cool 06:18 leo_rockway I haven't tried any of the rest yet 06:18 VanessaE oh ok :-) 06:19 VanessaE oh, all except for that pet rats thing, that was a repost of someone else's project to undo an accidental delete 06:20 leo_rockway I would like a mobs mod that was free software... 06:20 VanessaE Animals. 06:20 leo_rockway the animals mod has a NC restriction, which makes it incompatible with free software, sadly. 06:20 VanessaE NC means non-commercial. 06:20 leo_rockway it's GPLv2 with a non-commercial clause. 06:20 leo_rockway yes 06:21 VanessaE how's that free-software-incompatible? 06:23 leo_rockway the free software foundation says " A free program must be available for commercial use, commercial development, and commercial distribution." 06:23 leo_rockway so the non-commercial restriction makes it incompatible with proper GPL 06:23 VanessaE well it's not like anyone's gonna be selling minetest :-) 06:23 leo_rockway minetest is GPL, AFAIK 06:23 VanessaE LGPL I think 06:24 leo_rockway they could sell it if they wanted to 06:24 leo_rockway sell copies, that is. 06:24 leo_rockway but that means that animals mod can't be included in default minetest right now. 06:24 VanessaE *nod* that's how it got switched to LGPL from whatever it was before 06:24 VanessaE it won't be anyway - C55 says animals is a good concept but the code is too complex and slow or some such 06:24 leo_rockway well, I'm a free software zealot :S 06:25 leo_rockway yes, I read that comment 06:25 leo_rockway he said it could get included if it gets fragmented 06:25 VanessaE I wouldn't want it, personally. 06:26 VanessaE I don't like the idea of sprites for mobs. This isn't 1985 anymore. 06:26 VanessaE (ironic I should say that, given that a sprite IS a MOB in the original definition of the word ;-) ) 06:27 leo_rockway hehe 06:27 leo_rockway well, I read that the idea was to make them 3D, but C55 didn't want 3D because it makes minetest heavier. 06:27 VanessaE MOB...Movable Object Block. about as clinical a definition as you can get for such a thing. 06:28 leo_rockway oh, I didn't know it stood for that 06:28 VanessaE C55 doesn't want 3d mobs because he thinks such a system won't ever be flexible enough, so all current proposals have been rejected 06:28 leo_rockway I'd like to see some sort of mob back into main... 06:29 VanessaE yeah, that's the definition I learned back in the 80's. Not sure if it still applies today, but given the way minetest uses them, they are functionally the same 06:29 leo_rockway right now I don't really have any challenge when trying minetest 06:29 VanessaE oh they'll be back 06:29 leo_rockway with some mob it would make survival mode possible again 06:29 leo_rockway I remember the first time I saw the DM I freaked out. I wasn't expecting it. 06:30 leo_rockway I didn't know it had been added at the time. 06:30 VanessaE ditto 06:30 VanessaE damn thing wiped the floor with me every time I ran into one 06:30 leo_rockway I tried the enderfreaks mod, but they were too loud >.< 06:30 leo_rockway I should disable their sfx 06:35 leo_rockway well, I'll go to sleep now. I'll stay lurking in here, though. 06:35 leo_rockway goodnight 06:35 VanessaE good night :-) 06:46 vicscandl VanessaE: you live? 06:46 VanessaE yes 06:46 vicscandl perfectioness! 06:46 VanessaE uh oh :-) 06:46 vicscandl making my first block textures, gimp pro, standard sizes? howto link? 06:47 VanessaE 16px textures is standard 06:47 vicscandl s/gimp pro/i am a gimp pro/ 06:47 VanessaE howto, regarding what part exactly :-) 06:47 VanessaE I mean, really all you just gotta do is draw :-) 06:48 vicscandl doing a 1 texture block vs multi textures per side, etc... 06:48 VanessaE just make sure all pixels are either on or off (no partial alpha) 06:48 vicscandl more the code interaction to the graphics, not the graphics themselves 06:48 VanessaE err 06:48 VanessaE I'm not sure what you mean 06:49 vicscandl block is blue on 3 faces and white on others 06:49 vicscandl vs block is all green 06:49 vicscandl its just an application of graphic a vs graphic b when setting up the node, right? 06:49 VanessaE oh, well that's just a matter of how many tiles = {} images you provide in your lua code 06:49 khonkhortisan and in what order 06:49 vicscandl (( first run at a mod, sorry... total n00b )) 06:50 vicscandl ok, yea.. thats what i thought... mod of yours on github that does this for example? 06:50 VanessaE tiles = { top, bottom, left, right, back, front }, 06:50 VanessaE (each being a filename in quotes, of course) 06:50 vicscandl and thats in ref to the player being at the "front" of the node, correct? 06:51 VanessaE I'm not sure that order is right, but it works in homedecor with the images I'm using anyway 06:51 vicscandl pre-rotation and all 06:51 VanessaE yeah, where the node has facedir= applies 06:51 VanessaE applied* 06:51 VanessaE er, scuse me, paramtype2 = "facedir", 06:52 khonkhortisan param2 = [0..3] 06:52 vicscandl koo... getting use to minetest code vernacular tonight 06:52 vicscandl s/use/useed/ 06:52 VanessaE whatever is in the 'front' position gets applied to the side of the cube facing you when placed. Otherwise, I think it defaults to the south-facing side of the node 06:52 vicscandl fuck 06:52 vicscandl s/use/used/ 06:52 VanessaE khonkhortisan: no, paramtype2. 06:53 VanessaE tiles = {tile definition 1, def2, def3, def4, def5, def6}, 06:53 VanessaE ^ Textures of node; +Y, -Y, +X, -X, +Z, -Z (old field name: tile_images) 06:53 VanessaE there's the official answer 06:53 VanessaE so I'm right. :-) 06:54 VanessaE except I'm not, left/right is reversed in my mod. well, no matter, the textures look right in practice :-) 06:54 VanessaE I'll fix 'em later when I'm less lazy ;-) 06:55 vicscandl left, right, up, down... its all relative anyways, right? 06:55 VanessaE pretty much yeah 06:55 vicscandl esp with '/grant fly' 06:55 khonkhortisan VanessaE: what? paramtype2 = 'facedir', param2 = '2' 06:55 khonkhortisan facedir is stored in param2 06:56 vicscandl [q] is there a mod that prevents a player from going to "un-initialized nodes" in the database? 06:56 VanessaE khonkhortisan: I referenced paramtype2 = 'facedir' but he's not directly editing param2 here, so your comment seemed out of context :-) 06:56 khonkhortisan oh 06:56 VanessaE vicscandl: node name = "ignore" or nil. 06:56 * khonkhortisan was confused between tiles and tile_images and kept switching between them 06:56 VanessaE local is_node_loaded = function(nodenames, node_pos) 06:56 VanessaE n = minetest.env:get_node_or_nil(node_pos) 06:56 VanessaE if (n == nil) or (n.name == 'ignore') then 06:56 VanessaE return false 06:56 VanessaE end 06:56 VanessaE return true 06:56 VanessaE end 06:57 vicscandl VanessaE: aye, but i'm talking like you drop a vine down 100 levels, if i go into fly mode and go left from the middle there are "invisible nodes".... 06:57 VanessaE then just execute that function, if it returns true, that node is loaded and can be altered. 06:57 vicscandl i want to stop that behavior systemwide 06:57 VanessaE ohh 06:57 VanessaE dunno about that 06:58 vicscandl ie: sql db does not have init data for that nod 06:58 vicscandl i'm trying to stop my kid from finding all my cool shit by jumping out of "phase" 06:58 VanessaE /revoke singleplayer fly ;-) 06:58 VanessaE or whatever the command is ;-) 06:58 VanessaE really though, I don't know the answer 06:59 VanessaE I think the blockplanet guys have a patch for that though 06:59 VanessaE you can fly but not inside a node 06:59 vicscandl yea, but i want a fly mode that is bound to the collsion detector/map databse of un-initialized data 06:59 vicscandl c++ patch or mod patch? 07:00 VanessaE c++ I think, but I doubt it still works without tweaks 07:00 VanessaE (since c55 redid some of the game's collision detection) 07:00 vicscandl meh 07:00 vicscandl yea, saw that 07:00 VanessaE hey jin 07:01 khonkhortisan revoke fly as soon as the player touches a node. Then they fly into a wall, crash and burn 07:01 vicscandl VanessaE: thx for your help 07:01 VanessaE vicscandl: you're welcome, though I don't know that I helped much :-) 07:02 vicscandl VanessaE: your code speaks for you sweetheart.... 07:02 VanessaE oh G*d, if that's the case, I'm screwed :-) 07:03 vicscandl from the looks of it, you push as much here as i do for work... thats awesomesace 07:04 vicscandl not to mention, you are such an irc-addict... it shows 07:04 VanessaE "Awesomesauce" and the Awesomesauce logo are (C) 2012 Mark Traceur, Inc. 07:04 VanessaE ;-) 07:04 vicscandl [[ good thing ]] 07:04 VanessaE haha, I've been on IRC longer than much of the minetest community has been alive :-) 07:05 vicscandl we so need to do coffee and talk about the old fidonet days, right? 07:06 VanessaE heh 07:06 VanessaE no. 07:06 VanessaE Fidonet was another life 07:06 vicscandl hhaahhahaa 07:06 * vicscandl used to run a fidonet hub in the 80's... 07:07 vicscandl aye, fuck fido... lets push some blocks around... 07:07 vicscandl )) sidenote: fidonet is still running (( 07:07 vicscandl then again, usenet is too.. :) 07:08 VanessaE wha? fidonet is still alive in this day and age? 07:08 vicscandl beleive it or not 07:08 VanessaE wow. Wonder if anyone still runs Cnet also :-) 07:08 vicscandl fuckin rippleys and shit 07:09 vicscandl omg... did you really just pull Cnet? you (like me) prob still held your @well.com accout and compuserve numbers for years... 07:10 VanessaE nope 07:10 VanessaE worse: 07:10 vicscandl sellout 07:10 VanessaE I used to use Quantum Link. :-) 07:11 vicscandl tell me you have an ARPNET node account still 07:11 * VanessaE was a hardcore Commodore 64 geek. Still into it but not nearly as much as before. 07:11 VanessaE haha no, never used ARPNET (knowingly) 07:11 vicscandl (or willing to admit) 07:12 VanessaE Should I hand in my geek card on the way out? :-) 07:12 vicscandl i have a picture of me and my old man at caltech... i'm holding his punchcards... 07:12 vicscandl VanessaE: naw, your hand in marriage will suffice 07:13 VanessaE too late, I'm already married :-) 07:13 vicscandl lucky guy 07:13 VanessaE to a recovering COBOL geek yet 07:13 VanessaE System/36 stuff :-) 07:14 vicscandl hahahhaha PUKE 07:14 vicscandl might as well throw LISP onto that fucking pile 07:14 vicscandl how about PICK 07:14 vicscandl i'm so old, my data structures class was in FUCKING ADA 07:14 VanessaE aw come on :-) 07:15 vicscandl serious 07:15 vicscandl comp sci, CSUF 93 07:15 VanessaE I'm only 38, figure that one out :-) 07:15 vicscandl so am i 07:15 vicscandl 74 07:16 VanessaE oh yes, that's right 07:16 vicscandl first computer at 8 07:16 vicscandl :) pops designed silicon... n3rd destiny, solid. 07:17 vicscandl i've got him so effing hooked with mesecons... 07:17 VanessaE brb 07:18 vicscandl yea me too, i gotta go do grapics for my mod, thanks again VE 07:19 VanessaE you're welcome 07:19 * VanessaE corrects the errors in homedecor. 07:20 khonkhortisan Correction: there were no errors in homedecor, nor was there any cover-up. 07:23 VanessaE :P 07:30 VanessaE Fixed and pushed. 07:30 VanessaE (photorealistic packs fixed and pushed too) 07:33 VanessaE ok, time to crash. 07:33 VanessaE night all. 07:41 vicscandl night VE 07:51 GTRsdk :o 07:52 GTRsdk how popular is minetest in the age 25 - 50 world? 08:03 jin_xi is a forum mod around? 08:05 GTRsdk a mod which activates forum capabilities on the server? 08:05 jin_xi oh, sorry no, a moderator on the minetest forums, sorry 08:17 * vicscandl is 38 08:18 Calinou who cares? 08:23 * Calinou just found a pink sheep in minecraft 08:24 GTRsdk Calinou: a pink sheep? 08:24 * GTRsdk makes note to self to never eat cotton candy in minecraft 08:49 vicscandl Calinou: GTRsdk asked, thats why. 08:50 GTRsdk vicscandl: do any of your friends play minetest? 08:51 vicscandl not yet.. just hooked my neice today tho... i "own" an 8.75yo playtester myself.. 08:51 vicscandl neice = 14 (assumption is since i showed it to her for the first time today, her friends will play shortly as well) 08:52 vicscandl her outlook: "uncle chris, this is the best effing game" 08:52 vicscandl she is just stoked to hell that there are nyan cats in the game... 08:53 vicscandl she thought i put it in ther because she is such a nut for that stupid pop-tart-football 08:54 vicscandl i told the neice: "check it, i can't fuck up my foot on your legos anymore" 08:55 Anelisa hi 08:56 GTRsdk cool 08:59 vicscandl have not looked into code yet: can smelting produce 1..n new nodes, or only 1 new node? 09:01 vicscandl ie: smelting a book produces the two nodes to craft vs only paper 09:01 sfan5 i think it is only able to produce 1 node 09:01 sfan5 Anelisa: you use ipv6? 09:01 vicscandl sfan5: oh, that sucks 09:02 vicscandl sfan5: ((wow, have not seen ip6 in irc in a while)) 09:02 vicscandl sfan5: my server botnet control system uses it, but thats custom code...... 09:03 sfan5 umm, botnet? 09:04 vicscandl sfan5: yea, use a botnet to distribute code to multiple servers via irc/hg(git)/script 09:04 vicscandl used to manage 150k servers in downtown la 09:04 sfan5 intresting 09:05 vicscandl basicaly it works like this, there are irc bots from each server logged into my channel, i tell them the repository is updated (from script on hg commit) and then they all do a pull 09:06 vicscandl 150k servers updated in < 10 minuts = FAT PAYCHECK 09:06 Calinou lolhg 09:06 vicscandl i got mad skillz 09:06 Calinou inb4 archlinux 09:06 vicscandl hahhahaha 09:07 GTRsdk 150k in under 10 minutes is impressive 09:07 vicscandl linux..... 09:07 vicscandl one wilshire bitches 09:07 vicscandl worked for a japanese pr0n company for 1.5y... NOC shit 09:08 vicscandl pre vps days 09:09 vicscandl vps made all my tech shit look like childs play 09:10 Anelisa sfan5, what's that ? 09:10 vicscandl remember kids, botnet != malicious when used in the proper manner for large scale system management 09:10 sfan5 Anelisa: * 19Anelisa (~Anelisa@2a01:e35:8ab6:c5c0:ed:daf2:1249:fb3c) koined #minetest 09:10 sfan5 2a01:e35:8ab6:c5c0:ed:daf2:1249:fb3c is your ipv6 address 09:11 vicscandl Anelisa: you popped up with an ipv6 vs ipv4 (above vs 09:12 vicscandl rare in most cases 09:13 * sfan5 is installing archlinux on his 4 gb usb stick 09:14 vicscandl sfan5: headless minetest client? 09:14 sfan5 what?? 09:15 vicscandl my son has a stick he slots, boots ubuntu, contacts home git repo, pulls latest client, compiles then runs 09:15 vicscandl :) 09:15 Anelisa Hum.. i don't understand.. 09:16 vicscandl Anelisa: its nerd stuff, just nod your head and act like we are cool. thanks. 09:17 vicscandl sfan5: the computer he slots it on is literally a shell with no actuall HD 09:17 vicscandl has another stick that boots up a shitload of emulators and roms are pulled from the NAS 09:18 vicscandl sfan5: yer gears turnin or what bro? 09:21 vicscandl [all] if you want details, just ask... 09:22 vicscandl sfan5: the nice thing about it is that he can take the stick with him to his mom/friends house, slot it in any computer, connect to my shit at the house and play 09:22 vicscandl :) 09:24 vicscandl btw: someone thank c55 for me, i think i found a new home.... 09:26 sfan5 Calinou: do you update archlinux with "pacman -Syu"? 09:39 Calinou sfan5, what? 09:39 sfan5 nvm 09:44 Anelisa re 09:48 Uldics Hi all! Is there anywhere a map of celeron.55.lt server. Cause I kinda lost my house ... Probably I can spot the landscape from a map ... 09:52 Calinou c55.me server is dead since paril 09:52 Calinou :p 09:52 Calinou april 09:52 Uldics not c55.me 09:52 Uldics celeron.55.lt 09:53 Calinou same thing 09:53 Calinou -_- 09:53 Calinou c55.me === celeron.55.lt/~celeron55 09:57 Uldics was online this week 09:58 darkrose is online now 09:59 Uldics hmm, cant connect 09:59 Anelisa re encore 10:03 Calinou NOPE 10:03 Calinou Uldics, [citation needed] 10:05 Uldics ? 10:05 Anelisa ouainnn mon jeu ferme ;o; 10:06 Anelisa pas minetest... 10:17 Anelisa ... 11:08 Anelisa .. 11:45 Anelisa u_u 12:01 Anelisa re x) 12:05 Anelisa pif pof 12:07 Anelisa plop plop 12:08 cornernote_ hey 12:10 Anelisa hi 12:12 Anelisa bye i have to go ! (: 12:44 mauvebic gonna try installing crunchbang debian see if the mientest server still spikes cpu on debian 13:39 Calinou is crunchbang based on debian? thought it wasn't 13:48 cornernote Hey 14:21 Nemo08 good afternoon! 15:34 * Calinou just changed his avatar 15:35 Calinou got tried of the angry guy c: 15:35 Calinou now, we'll be dropping bombs in a basket hoop. 17:34 emerbe hi 17:34 emerbe i've small stupid problem 17:34 NakedFury hi 17:35 emerbe how to remove mesecons? 17:35 emerbe minetest 4.2 RC, mesecons 0.9 17:35 NakedFury the mod or the items in your world? 17:35 emerbe items 17:35 NakedFury they cant be selected? 17:36 emerbe yes 17:36 VanessaE upgrade to the latest git of mesecons, that bug has already been fixed. 17:36 emerbe ok 17:36 emerbe thx 17:36 emerbe I'll try 17:36 VanessaE also, good morning all 17:36 VanessaE or afternoon actually isn't it. 17:36 NakedFury or good evening or night 17:37 NakedFury any development on the game? 17:39 emerbe great, now it works ;) 17:39 emerbe thx 17:43 emerbe hmm 17:43 emerbe something is wrong.. minetest takes 60-70% CPU 17:46 emerbe CPU's fan gets crazy 17:46 emerbe that's strange 17:52 emerbe can I put mesecons verticaly? 17:52 khonkhortisan no 17:53 khonkhortisan it works based on facedir, pistons and movestones can't move up 17:53 emerbe ok 18:17 khonkhortisan does minetest_game need a game.conf? it's only seeing minimal 18:18 VanessaE dunno 18:18 VanessaE I only ever unzip the distribution file and drop it in, I never look at what's actually there :-) 18:22 khonkhortisan gameboom updated, now I have the version before and the version after and I can't play 18:23 VanessaE c55 just tagged 0.4.2-rc1 this morning 18:23 VanessaE maybe it's time everyone finally updated to that 18:28 thexyz (05:28:08 PM) celeron55: i think i'll release the current minetest quickly as 0.4.2 hoping there are no bugs; i predict will not have any internet connection in a few days from now 18:31 VanessaE I wonder why? 18:31 khonkhortisan remodels are ugly, even in minetest 18:34 VanessaE remodels? 18:34 khonkhortisan yes the center column of my house was too small for when I made actual stairs, the corners weren't right, so I'm making it bigger 18:35 VanessaE ah 18:35 shinji257 Hey 18:36 VanessaE hi 18:37 shinji257 What's the lowest spec that someone got minetest to run on? 18:37 VanessaE dunno, but the author uses some low-end laptop as I understand 18:38 VanessaE Intel onboard gfx, that sort of thing 18:38 shinji257 Heh... Well I'm going to push it a bit then 18:38 shinji257 ARMv6 w/ HardFloat @ 800Mhz, VideoCore 4 GPU, 64MB GPU Ram, 192MB System Ram 18:38 shinji257 lol 18:39 VanessaE now that's tiny 18:39 VanessaE good luck with that :-) 18:40 khonkhortisan I should be able to move a filled chest, even if it's only one node at a time. It's too much work to move my chest collection 18:40 shinji257 ya 18:42 VanessaE agreed 18:43 VanessaE that's been something of an irritant for me also, having to unload, move items, reload in a new spot, and make multiple trips if my inventory is partially full already 18:44 VanessaE issue submitted to github. 18:44 shinji257 in minecraft it dumps your stuff on the ground when you destroy a chest. i think tracking what is in a chest when you break it would be kinda of a pain and add an additional complexity to inventory tracking that might not be worth it. 18:45 shinji257 i do agree that making the trips is a pain though. 18:45 VanessaE seems reasonable to me if you could just stand to one side and punch the chest to move it 18:45 shinji257 lol... depends on how far you were planning on moving it. 18:46 VanessaE well copy&paste doesn't seem to make much sense here ;-) 18:47 shinji257 (^_^) 18:49 cy1 shinji257: It wouldn't be a pain at all, except to players! 18:50 cy1 There's a mod for chests you can pick up... but that leads to chests in chests. 18:50 VanessaE hammerspace! 18:51 khonkhortisan I keep losing things in chests 18:51 khonkhortisan put a on b, lose a 18:51 VanessaE khonkhortisan: everyone does, it's a bug in the recent lua implementation of them. Might be fixed now 18:52 VanessaE try 1.4.2-rc1, see if it works 18:52 thexyz really? was that bug fixed? 18:53 VanessaE not sure - c55 never made it clear if the work he did the other day on that code fixes that bug or not 18:53 VanessaE (I asked, he didn't know for sure) 18:53 khonkhortisan in git I put a on b and lose b 18:53 khonkhortisan instead of losing a 18:54 VanessaE heh, guess not :-/ 18:54 leo_rockway hello 18:54 khonkhortisan olleh 18:54 VanessaE well there's an issue on github for it already. Maybe he'll fix it soon. 18:54 leo_rockway I was trying jordan4ibanez's branch yesterday 18:54 leo_rockway are those changes planned to go into master? 18:55 thexyz that's bad =( 18:55 leo_rockway like sprinting or hunger bar or air bar... 18:55 leo_rockway or even items dropping to the ground when you mine them instead of going into your inventory... 18:55 thexyz people on my server have already lost many things because of that bug 18:55 VanessaE you sure you're on the *latest* git, khonkhortisan? 18:56 VanessaE leo_rockway: no. 18:56 leo_rockway VanessaE: =[ I like those changes. 18:56 leo_rockway I might start running jordan4ibanez's minetest, then... 18:57 VanessaE it's out of date when I last checked 18:59 leo_rockway why aren't those changes going to be pulled into master? 18:59 thexyz leo_rockway: what changes? 18:59 thexyz dropping items on ground when mined? 18:59 khonkhortisan yes latest 18:59 leo_rockway thexyz: sprinting, air bar, hunger bar, items dropping to the ground when you mine them. 18:59 VanessaE c55 doesn't like them. too similar to minecraft and the commits aren't itemized well enough 18:59 thexyz is that needed? 18:59 khonkhortisan unless it's the wrong repo 19:00 VanessaE thexyz: it is when your inventory is full. 19:00 VanessaE (otherwise the game destroys what you mined) 19:00 leo_rockway thexyz: the ones I actually would like to see are sprinting and the modified walking animation. 19:01 VanessaE sprinting? that already exists in vanilla (/grant singleplayer fast, use 'e' to sprint) 19:01 VanessaE when the other branch does is change your field of view 19:01 leo_rockway VanessaE: it's not exactly the same 19:01 VanessaE and puts it on the same key (yuck) 19:01 leo_rockway don't you need to be flying to sprint? 19:01 VanessaE no 19:01 leo_rockway oh, then cool 19:01 thexyz VanessaE: that's not the right sprinting 19:02 thexyz you know, right? 19:02 VanessaE thexyz: what's the difference then? 19:02 thexyz have you tried it? 19:02 thexyz blockplanet's version 19:02 VanessaE yes I have. 19:02 VanessaE yes. 19:02 thexyz and you still see no difference? 19:02 VanessaE and to me they're the same save for the field of view change that I mentioned. 19:03 VanessaE (which feels weird, btw) 19:03 leo_rockway I don't feel any faster with fast move enabled o.o 19:03 leo_rockway except when I'm flying 19:04 VanessaE leo_rockway: 'w' to walk forward, 'e' with it to run/sprint/whatever you want to call it 19:04 VanessaE (when not flying) 19:04 leo_rockway yes, I have them remapped to r and ` 19:04 leo_rockway I don't use qwerty 19:04 leo_rockway I see the "fast_enabled" messages 19:04 leo_rockway but it doesn't seem faster 19:04 VanessaE thexyz: so what's the difference? 19:05 shinji257 the only thing I hate about compiling on the platform is it takes so dang long to build it... :( 19:05 VanessaE I honestly can't remember seeing anything new other than the field of view thing 19:05 * shinji257 is building on a Raspberry Pi 19:05 leo_rockway shinji257: can't you cross-compile? 19:06 shinji257 Yea but I never bothered to build the cross compilers. 19:06 VanessaE leo_rockway: but did you give yourself fast privilege? 19:06 leo_rockway VanessaE: I just walked from one cliff to another with fast_disabled and with fast_enabled... it took the same amount of time. 19:06 shinji257 I'd have to setup one to build for arm hardfloat and it's a pain. 19:06 leo_rockway VanessaE: /give singleplayer fast 19:06 leo_rockway like that? I did 19:06 VanessaE did you press both keys at the smae time?> 19:06 VanessaE same( 19:06 VanessaE *sigh* 19:06 leo_rockway no, I pressed the toggle once 19:07 thexyz VanessaE: bp's version is better (actually, i think those are different things); it has smooth screen transform and it is not so fast 19:07 leo_rockway to enable it 19:07 leo_rockway if I fly, I do go faster 19:07 VanessaE leo_rockway: you have to hold down W + E (or whatever) to run fast 19:07 VanessaE you can't just toggle it 19:07 VanessaE thexyz: ah. been too long since I played it then 19:07 thexyz also, in my opinion, "fast" privilege is something admin-like and other one is not 19:07 leo_rockway but the run key is a toggle 19:08 VanessaE leo_rockway: no, it isn't. 19:08 VanessaE not in vanilla 19:08 leo_rockway if you go to the keybindings it clearly says "toggle fly" and "toggle fast" 19:08 leo_rockway I'm in vanilla 19:08 VanessaE that just enables the feature, you still have to hold W + E to actually *use* it 19:08 leo_rockway I built it about a minute ago. 19:08 thexyz leo_rockway: it becames toggleable when you use it with fly 19:08 leo_rockway VanessaE: oh! got it 19:08 leo_rockway VanessaE: yes, I see it now. 19:08 VanessaE "E" is the "climb down" key in vanilla, it acts as "run" when you have that feature turned on 19:08 leo_rockway thank you. 19:08 VanessaE ok good :-) 19:09 VanessaE (actually I kinda wish "run" were a different key so that I could run up and down ladders also) 19:09 leo_rockway that's something that kind of bothered me when I learned about fly. The "use" key is never mentioned as "climb down" 19:09 leo_rockway and it's not mentioned as run either. 19:10 leo_rockway in the key binding menu, I mean. 19:11 VanessaE bbl 19:15 khonkhortisan sneak climbing is faster than the server allows 19:36 cy1 khonkhortisan: yeah it's that dumb antispeedhack 20:00 shinji257 Well minetest compiled on my platform target but since it uses OpenGL I have to convert it to OpenGL ES instead. :( 20:04 GTRsdk What's the item code for a nyan cat block? 20:05 wowiamdiamonds_ default:nyancat? 20:13 GTRsdk thanks wowiamdiamonds_ 20:44 FreeFull shinji257: as opposed to it using directx? 20:47 vicscandl meep 20:50 thexyz minetest.ru:30001 map http://minetest.ru/map/ 20:51 vicscandl thexyz: latest git client or 4.1-stable? 20:51 thexyz vicscandl: even older 20:53 vicscandl ooooo snap. xxl-map! 20:53 vicscandl pull what commit from git to log in? 20:54 thexyz c57e508 20:55 thexyz i will update it some time 20:56 vicscandl ooooo might have an already compiled version of that sitting around... somewhere 20:57 vicscandl nope, same commit for minetest_game? 20:58 shinji257 @FreeFull it just needs ported. GLES is just a subset of standard OpenGL 21:03 thexyz vicscandl: you don't need minetest_game if all you want is just to play on this server 21:03 thexyz anyway, I don't remember it, but you can take it from windows package http://minetest.net/packages/nightly/minetest-0.4.dev-20120606-c57e508-win32.zip 21:08 vicscandl thexyz: yea, just figured *that one* out... :) 21:09 vicscandl thexyz: windows? whats that? some sort of washington bullshit or what? 21:09 thexyz yes, i think you're right 21:09 * vicscandl is an M$ hater, sorry. 21:10 thexyz anyway, that describes it very accurately 21:10 thexyz don't be sorry for that 21:11 vicscandl the house has been windows free for over 5 years now, thank for that... 21:13 jin_xi hail satan 21:13 vicscandl thexyz: inbound now 21:18 vicscandl thexyz: damn, stuck in a well 22:21 mauvebic i think segfault needs a timeout http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=34519#p34519 22:29 khonkhortisan I have current minetest git, current minetest_game git, but minetest can only find minimal 22:31 khonkhortisan if I change game.conf in minimal, it doesn't change when I create a world 22:32 khonkhortisan I move minimal, I can still create the world, minus the mods. It's like it doesn't update the list of games 22:36 khonkhortisan I forgot to check run-in-place :) 22:36 Colin_ hello 22:36 khonkhortisan 'ello 22:36 khonkhortisan 'ye 22:37 mrtux whoops 22:37 mrtux irssi messed up lol 22:38 khonkhortisan aah! 15:39:11: ERROR[main]: TextureSource::buildMainAtlas(): Atlas is full, not adding more textures. 22:39 mrtux I got that error before, I'm assuming I had too many textures for mods installed 22:39 khonkhortisan it's because I updated minetest 22:42 khonkhortisan it was my transitions mod 22:43 khonkhortisan the sky keeps flipping between black and blue when I look in a cave