Time Nick Message 00:11 noob can anyone try and get on minetest.ru port 30001 it might be my client or the server just wondering if you do see if its on thankyou :D 00:39 MiJyn hola 00:39 VanessaE khonkhortisan: use Worldedit to replace the unknown object 00:39 VanessaE (dig it once and the game will tell you what it was) 00:53 khonkhortisan I just recreated the map 00:53 khonkhortisan lua doesn't have a continue? 00:57 MiJyn I think it does khonkhortisan 01:08 khonkhortisan doesn't work fon me 01:11 khonkhortisan it thinks it's a variable 01:34 marktraceur khonkhortisan: Wrap the rest of the function in an if statement? 01:46 khonkhortisan yeah I just reverse the if that was going to continue 01:51 khonkhortisan if (a = b) == c then 01:52 khonkhortisan Should that work in lua? 01:58 khonkhortisan that's an odd effect removing all the default:dirt, the grass layer is still there 02:07 MiJyn khonkhortisan, yeah, that should work. 02:34 MiJyn khonkhortisan, you mean that you see the grass _without_ the dirt? 03:38 marktraceur Plejanov: Found a good name yet? :) 03:40 marktraceur Guess not :P 03:41 Tukeke marktraceur, hello 03:41 Tukeke xD 03:41 marktraceur Tukeke: Happy with your choice? 03:42 Tukeke xDD 03:42 Tukeke ahahaha 03:42 Tukeke yes 03:51 MiJyn Tueke, aww, Kasparov was awesome!!! 03:51 * MiJyn is a chess nerd 03:52 MiJyn *Tukeke 03:54 Tukeke xD 03:54 Tukeke I am chess player 05:41 khonkhortisan no the grass roots keep some dirt there, but I dig the grass and have a layer of air before the stone 06:25 khonkhortisan minetest.register_on_generated() misses a big chunk where the player spawns 08:12 Calinou_ netsplit :c 08:22 khonkhortisan Calinou_: you saw it both going and coming 08:27 brobostigon good morning everyone. 08:33 Calinou_ hi 08:34 Calinou_ * Calinou :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable 08:34 Calinou_ :c 08:35 brobostigon hi Calinou_ 08:50 Calinou_ the entire crafting page now uses the new crafting template! :D 08:51 Calinou_ http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Crafting 08:57 Anelisa salut 08:58 Calinou_ salut Anelisa 08:58 Anelisa salut Calinou !! 08:59 fbycia Salut/Hello 08:59 Calinou_ hi 08:59 fbycia Il y a des francais ? 08:59 Anelisa Oui :) 09:00 Calinou_ oui 09:00 Calinou_ n'hésite pas à regarder dans le forum: "discussion in other languages" 09:00 fbycia ah oui ^ 09:00 fbycia ^^* 09:01 fbycia calinou est ce que tu arrive a installer un pack de texture en 0.4 ? 09:01 Calinou_ oui 09:01 Calinou_ par contre: les packs de textures doivent être à jour pour la 0.4 09:01 Calinou_ et les textures doivent être dans le dossier "textures/all" 09:01 fbycia oui sa je l'ai fais 09:02 fbycia texture_path = C:\Users\alex\Desktop\minetest\textures\all 09:02 fbycia et j'ai rajouter cette ligne au conf 09:02 Anelisa tu t'apelle ALEX (je suis trop forte /SORT/ 09:02 Calinou_ fbycia, pas la peine 09:03 Calinou_ un texture_path non défini cherche automatiquement dans le dossier textures/all 09:03 Calinou_ ^^ 09:03 fbycia ah merci 09:03 fbycia bizarre sa amrche pas, sa vient peut etre du pack 09:05 fbycia non toujours pas :s 09:05 Calinou_ fbycia, quel pack? 09:10 Anelisa ^^ 09:12 Anelisa re 09:12 Anelisa Vous saviez que j'avais un talent pour le graphisme ? /SORT/ 09:13 Anelisa http://www.casimages.com/img.php?i=120704112644212437.png 09:14 Anelisa http://www.pixenli.com/images/mini/1341393239042791400.png 09:15 Anelisa ah mince, http://www.pixenli.com/image1341393239042791400.html 09:15 Anelisa voilà le dernier c'est le bon ! =) 09:15 Anelisa bon... 09:16 fbycia désolé j'ai planter ^^ 09:23 Calinou page du crafting sur le wiki changée! nouveau template! :D 09:23 Calinou http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Crafting 09:23 Anelisa PAS MAL ! :) 09:23 Anelisa oups 09:26 Anelisa je viens d'apprendre à faire des Fenêtre grâce au wiki !! @_:à 09:26 Anelisa @_@ 09:26 Calinou_ wow, crashy 09:28 fbycia http://minetest.fr, qu'est ce que vous en pensez ? :) 09:28 fbycia sans la virgule ^^ 09:29 Calinou DERP 09:29 Calinou HERP 09:29 Calinou vite, alt+f4 09:29 Calinou > logo animé 09:29 Calinou > je sens le site sonore 09:30 fbycia pas du tout 09:30 Calinou logo animé par contre; bof 09:31 Calinou et la texture de planches de soartex... autant mettre une texture par défaut 09:31 fbycia oui la texture du fond c'est en attendant 09:31 Calinou "Car comme on le sait Minecraft est codé en Java, ce qui demande énormément de ressources pour les PC & Mac." 09:31 Calinou y a un truc qui s'appelle linux 09:31 Calinou :P 09:32 Calinou ""devellopement" > "développement" 09:32 Calinou "concurrencé Minecraft" > "concurrencer Minecraft" 09:32 fbycia lol oui 09:32 Calinou "+ Le jeu fonctionne sur Windows, Linux et Mac OS X." > pas de support de mac os x sur la dernière version 0.4 09:32 Calinou seulement 0.3.1 et une vielle version de la 0.4 09:32 Calinou il y a des sons. 09:33 Calinou (0.4) 09:33 fbycia oui oui 09:33 fbycia mais la je parle de la version stable de 0.3.1 09:33 Calinou "Voulez-vous jouer en ligne avec le créateur du jeu ?" < c55 a arrêté son serveur depuis un bout de temps ^^ 09:33 fbycia sa amrche sous mac et sans sons 09:33 fbycia j'ai vu sa en testant tout à l'heure 09:34 * Calinou a 459 edits sur le wiki de minetest 09:36 Anelisa pas mal le site ! 09:37 Anelisa Où on trouve le mese ? 09:38 fbycia mese ? 09:38 Anelisa ben l'or, on vas dire 09:39 fbycia en minant sans doute ^^ 09:40 Calinou je bosse sur un traduction en français de la documentation de l'API de mods de minetest 09:40 Calinou 1357 lignes à traduire ça va prendre du temps 09:40 Calinou ._. 09:41 Calinou j'en suis à la ligne 24 09:41 redcrab Wow Calinou, merci :) 09:41 Anelisa oui mais où ? --' 09:41 Calinou je demanderai à c55 de le mettre sur le git, dans le dossier doc, nommé "lua_api_fr.txt" éventuellement 09:41 Calinou Anelisa, sur mon éditeur de texte. :] 09:42 Anelisa je look 09:42 Anelisa il est où en faîte ? 09:47 fbycia Oula bonne chance calinou xD 09:47 Anelisa >__< 09:48 Anelisa comment je me crée mon server ? 09:48 Calinou ligne 64 :) 09:48 Anelisa serveur 09:48 Calinou Anelisa, éxécute le binaire minetestserver 09:48 Calinou ou éxécute le binaire minetest avec l'argument --server 09:48 Calinou mais bon, mieux vaut compiler soi même 09:48 Calinou il y a une méthode facile (ne pas utiliser pour les serveurs dédiés): 09:49 Calinou dans "multiplayer", tu mets une adresse vide et le port 30000 09:49 Calinou ça lance un servuer 09:49 Calinou serveur* 09:51 Anelisa je sais .. u_u 09:55 Calinou ligne 100 atteinte! 09:55 Calinou :] 09:56 Anelisa =) 09:56 Anelisa par contre je voie pas... les lignes 09:57 Calinou dans l'éditeur de texte? faut l'activer sur certains éditeurs ^^ 09:57 Anelisa u_u 10:06 Calinou ligne 149 :) 10:08 Anelisa courrage ! =) 10:13 Calinou ligne 180; je vais manger 10:27 thexyz oh, awesome 10:27 thexyz mount eats 100% cpu and can't be killed 10:43 Anelisa re 11:11 Anelisa ... 11:14 Calinou re 11:14 Calinou Anelisa, pourquoi? 11:14 Anelisa de quoi ? 11:15 Anelisa ah oui, pour traduire ! 12:02 Anelisa .. 12:02 Calinou point point 12:25 Anelisa hm 12:30 * Anelisa test 12:30 * Anelisa se souviens qu'elle avait déjà testée ça ! 12:41 Anelisa bon bye 12:52 darkrose http://stuff.ltmnet.com/images/mt/3d-mobs.png 12:54 Calinou hi opensourcist! I recognize your shitty assets! :3 12:54 Calinou also, suddenly: transparency sorting 14:20 marktraceur Hrm. 14:20 marktraceur Woke up to July 4th (American "Independence Day") on Reddit 14:21 marktraceur People talking about freedom, liberty, etc.; Google put out something like the "Internet Declaration", and so on 14:21 marktraceur It all makes me wonder when we lost our interest in freedom, and why people seem all so concerned for it only once a year. 14:21 Calinou independance day: what will never happen with MT 14:22 Calinou too much dependencies :P 15:52 khonkhortisan we still have our king 15:52 jordach who 15:53 khonkhortisan celeron 15:53 MiJyn huh? 15:54 khonkhortisan we are a colony that has not changed leaders 15:56 jordach more 8bit magic http://soundcloud.com/jordach/ice-mountain-zone-act-2 16:36 jordach erm 16:36 jordach problem 16:36 jordach VanessaE, you know a fix? 16:37 jordach no worry 16:37 jordach my SATAMK1 /sda2 was real slow 16:50 jordach 44,005 files is contained on my /sda/D:/ which eats 36Gigs 17:05 jordach some more truth 17:05 jordach http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=29723#p29723 17:09 marktraceur jordach: If you're leaving the community, you'll be sorely missed--we need people above all else, you know! 17:09 jordach im not leaving 17:09 jordach IM ATTEMPTING TO BRING BACK THE LOST USERS 17:09 marktraceur The noobs, they come and go. Hackers stick around. 17:09 jordach erm 17:09 jordach ironzorg? 17:09 khonkhortisan how do I know which one I am? 17:09 jordach he made some really nice mods 17:09 jordach but, hes now gone 17:09 marktraceur Hm, true, I remember that there were some nice mods 17:10 marktraceur From him 17:10 jordach tell me this: minetest was NEVER supposed to be an engine 17:10 marktraceur I agree, that too is a shame. But that tie won't be broken, once you work on a project you're enmeshed in it 17:10 marktraceur Sorry, that was Re: Ironzorg 17:11 marktraceur Re: Engine, I disagree. The game was built on top of an engine, so a large part of it was always meant to be so. 17:11 marktraceur Especially with the Lua API, people realized it made more sense to have an engine and multiple games on top 17:11 jordach celeron had even stated something here: http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40468 17:13 marktraceur jordach: The original intent of the project, sure 17:14 marktraceur jordach: But projects definitely change, and their goals change with them 17:14 jordach i dont really feel that its open source anymore 17:14 jordach lets roll the 0.2 commits 17:14 jordach sfan5 is there, bookwar, kahrl, others 17:14 jordach thats open source 17:14 jordach NOW? NO. 17:15 jordach all his own commits 17:15 sfan5 wut? 17:15 jordach celeron only makes commits, and back in 0.2 everyone did 17:15 NakedFury more people are coming but less know c++ 17:16 marktraceur Perhaps a result of the Lua API 17:16 marktraceur People look at it, and think it's a good way to solve problems 17:16 marktraceur But it doesn't have enough functionality to do everything, so when they come across a wall they simply stop 17:16 BloodyFire I know C++ but it takes time to learn how minetest works. 17:17 khonkhortisan how do I get the facedir out of a node? (I'm trying to add grass to my dirt nodebox) 17:20 thexyz khonkhortisan: #minetest-mods 17:20 khonkhortisan okay 17:21 Calinou jordach: If you're leaving the community, you'll be sorely missed--we need people above all else, you know! 17:21 Calinou should I use the sarcasm meter? 17:22 marktraceur Calinou: No. We need people around here, this is a volunteer project. Simple facts. 17:22 Calinou we need capable coders yes 17:22 * Calinou wants mobs 17:22 * jordach will do this 17:22 * jordach is learning code 17:22 * jordach may end up making maps endless 17:23 jordach the limit should be 31000 * 100 17:23 thexyz jordach: what limit? 17:23 jordach the map limit of 31000 17:24 jordach and a flatland generator option 17:24 jordach (pixel art times) 17:25 thexyz and no flying islands 17:25 jordach yep 17:25 jordach (ill mainly look into map.cpp) 17:25 thexyz btw, also don't forget to fix typo 17:25 thexyz if you'll submit a patch 17:26 jordach im probably not gonna fix that 17:26 jordach i dislike patches 17:26 Calinou "we need people" is bad for the forum though 17:26 Calinou the average users are making spam threads/posts, it's getting annoying 17:26 jordach Calinou, this is why i want the older users to come back 17:27 marktraceur Calinou: Bad for the forum, or bad for the current setup of the forum? Maybe we just need a better way to coordinate. 17:27 Calinou more moderators... actually removing pointless posts 17:27 jordach or make a new section called newbies 17:28 jordach where its un-moderated 17:28 Calinou removing real "spam" is good yes, but we need to remove pointless posts too. this is minetest forum 17:28 Calinou and it has NO "offtopic" section, I am sorry 17:28 marktraceur Or maybe the forum isn't the best way to coordinate this? 17:29 marktraceur Maybe we should organize a proper code hosting system, and use that for the core, and the mods 17:31 sfan5 omg, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2155816/Is-Cloud-Nine-zombie-apocalypse-Police-issue-warning-new-drug-TWO-cannibal-attacks.html 17:33 jordach not really 17:33 jordach they can BAN IT 17:36 marktraceur sfan5: dailymail.co.uk is not a terribly positive sign for the helpfulness of the article 17:37 sfan5 ... 17:37 sfan5 i just selected the first english article about that 17:38 marktraceur sfan5: Noted 17:39 sfan5 i think http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9316220/Miami-police-warn-of-Cloud-Nine-drug-after-homeless-man-threatens-to-eat-officers.html seems to offer better "things" 17:40 jordach sfan5, im trying to find this variable in minetest MAP_BLOCKSIZE 17:41 jordach well MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT 17:41 BloodyFire grep ? 17:41 jordach no 17:41 sfan5 he uses win 17:41 jordach trying to find that variables address point 17:41 jordach then we might get bigger maps 17:41 BloodyFire Hold on. 17:42 sfan5 grep "#define MAP_BLOCKSIZE" *.h *.cpp 17:42 sfan5 constants.h:#define MAP_BLOCKSIZE 16 17:42 sfan5 constants.h://#define MAP_BLOCKSIZE 32 17:42 Calinou lol 17:42 BloodyFire This has nothing to do with map size. 17:42 jordach MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT 17:42 jordach thats the one 17:42 sfan5 grep "#define MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT" *.h *.cpp 17:42 sfan5 constants.h:#define MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT (31000) 17:42 Calinou Maybe we should organize a proper code hosting system, and use that for the core, and the mods 17:42 Calinou > github or gitorious 17:42 Calinou I'm talking about the general discussion on the server 17:42 Calinou noobs asking for spoon feeding 17:43 Calinou useless posts & threads 17:43 Calinou "games" 17:43 jordach yep 17:43 marktraceur Calinou: And I'm saying that, if we set up a more robust code hosting system, the developer community could exist independently of the user community, or at least shielded from constant barrage 17:43 jordach Calinou, lets watch minetest get a huger map now 17:43 BloodyFire Alright, sfan5 has the location. Shutting down eclipse again. :> 17:44 sfan5 grep is faster 17:44 BloodyFire Sure. 17:44 jordach BloodyFire, whats the variabloe bits used in minetest? 17:44 jordach for MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT 17:44 marktraceur grep: 5 seconds (if that) to search entire minetest directory 17:44 marktraceur eclipse: 2 minutes to start up 17:44 BloodyFire Variable bits? 17:44 marktraceur I dunno, it's pretty close 17:44 jordach like, 8,16,32,64 17:45 BloodyFire What has it to do with MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT? 17:45 jordach (id like it so we could have endless maps) 17:45 jordach AN ENDLESS MAP 17:45 jordach no more need for LIMITS 17:46 sfan5 #define is not like int 17:46 sfan5 int is afaik 32 bit 17:46 BloodyFire Yeah, it's pretty hardcoded. 17:46 sfan5 but #define is nothing 17:46 BloodyFire It depends on how it's used. 17:46 jordach hm 17:46 jordach so what would #define be then 17:46 BloodyFire But it cannot be modified. 17:46 sfan5 #define test "abc" is valid 17:47 jordach sfan5, so would 900000000 work in #define 17:47 marktraceur jordach: #define is a preprocessor directive 17:47 BloodyFire #define is just for exchange MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT with 31000 17:47 sfan5 jordach: yep 17:47 BloodyFire In all places in the code. 17:47 jordach so it will eat anything in this case 17:47 marktraceur jordach: When you do #define SOMETHING SOMETHING_ELSE, every instance of SOMETHING in the file gets replaced with SOMETHING_ELSE, regardless of what those two things are 17:47 marktraceur (IIRC) 17:48 jordach ahh 17:48 marktraceur And apparently, when you include the file, the #defines get applied to the file where you included them 17:49 jordach lemme geuss, so that define MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT (31000) will use whats in the brackets for short? 17:49 BloodyFire Maybe it would be an idea to add MAP_NO_LIMIT and if it's set to 1, the limit check should be passed or something like that. 17:49 marktraceur That sounds about right 17:49 sfan5 jordach: short numver type? 17:49 BloodyFire I don't know much about code that you need to look for this. 17:49 sfan5 *number 17:50 jordach sfan5, what? 17:50 jordach (since celeron is away 17:50 jordach im going to make some cool things with it") 17:50 sfan5 ... 17:50 jordach cmon, who wants never ending maps 17:50 jordach (i hate being trapped in some cube) 17:50 sfan5 Maybe it would be an idea to add MAP_NO_LIMIT and if it's set to 1, the limit check should be passed or something like that. 17:51 sfan5 we would have to change things in constants.cpp,server.cpp,map.cpp and mapblock.h 17:51 jordach yes 17:51 sfan5 *constans.h 17:51 jordach this simple edit will give bigger maps, at the size of hard disk 17:51 jordach (nowadays 160gb is relatively cheap) 17:52 sfan5 http://sfan5.blokkeren.co.cc/paste/index.php?6 17:52 jordach i see 17:53 jordach oh btw - imma test this right now 17:53 jordach (cmake time) 17:53 sfan5 http://sfan5.blokkeren.co.cc/paste/index.php?4 17:53 sfan5 with line numbers 17:54 jordach so why the division by chunk size 17:54 jordach that makes no sense in my view 17:55 sfan5 p is a mapblock not a node 17:55 jordach CHUNK SIZE 17:55 sfan5 and mapblock is MAPBLOCK_SIZE big 17:55 jordach so like 16 * 16 * 16 nodes? 17:56 sfan5 yes 17:56 jordach ah 17:56 jordach so ill change this value to 8, since i lag frequently 17:56 Calinou marktraceur, we have github then 17:56 sfan5 -> more disk activity 17:56 Calinou grep: 5 seconds (if that) to search entire minetest directory 17:56 Calinou eclipse: 2 minutes to start up 17:56 Calinou +1 17:56 sfan5 +1 17:57 jordach hmm, 32 chunk sizes sound decent? 17:57 sfan5 ... 17:57 sfan5 yes 17:57 jordach how many nodes do we see with fog at 35 17:57 jordach (ill make chunk sizes fit spot on) 17:58 jordach (if so, it would be at the size of 64 17:58 marktraceur Calinou: We use Github for code hosting, but issues and wiki aren't hosted there. We could do a lot better. 17:58 marktraceur (sorry, issues are hosted there, but not super-active) 17:59 jordach erm bugzilla 17:59 marktraceur jordach: Right, that's one example 18:01 Calinou github wiki? just no 18:01 Calinou maybe for development... but the dev wiki is fine as-is 18:02 Calinou issue tracker on github is fine 18:02 marktraceur Calinou: It's missing a lot of nice features.... 18:03 Calinou never used github wiki :P 18:03 marktraceur Plus, it's only for the one project. Bugzilla would be helpful in allowing us to host multiple projects under multiple authors 18:03 marktraceur (er, host their bug trackers) 18:06 jordach sfan5, make on on minigw? 18:07 sfan5 jordach: what? 18:07 Calinou " Plus, it's only for the one project. Bugzilla would be helpful in allowing us to host multiple projects under multiple authors" < are you talking about engine forks? 18:07 Calinou there aren't much engine forks out there 18:07 jordach configuring done 18:08 jordach found the makefile, now what 18:08 jordach because i should have a working version in a sec 18:11 marktraceur Calinou: No. Mods! 18:11 marktraceur (I'm speaking mostly from my experience here at the Wikimedia Foundation) 18:12 Calinou mods rarely have bugs, and 95% of these are engine-related 18:12 Calinou mods bugs are the author's fault... often typos or such 18:12 marktraceur Calinou: Even so, it's helpful to have a place for them 18:13 marktraceur (and really, all bugs are the author's fault at some level) 18:17 sfan5 my experimental infinite map implentation is done 18:18 sfan5 but when i run it gdb says: 18:18 sfan5 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 18:18 sfan5 [Switching to Thread 0xa80ffb40 (LWP 13757)] 18:18 sfan5 __memset_sse2_rep () at ../sysdeps/i386/i686/multiarch/memset-sse2-rep.S:166 18:18 sfan5 166 ../sysdeps/i386/i686/multiarch/memset-sse2-rep.S: No such file or directory. 18:18 MiJyn huh? 18:18 MiJyn whats the code? 18:18 sfan5 hang on a sec 18:19 thexyz sfan5: bt 18:21 MiJyn so it compiles fine? 18:21 sfan5 MiJyn: yes 18:21 * sfan5 hates git 18:22 sfan5 git doesn't want to push my new branch 18:22 sfan5 thexyz: what? 18:22 jordach sfan5, you have used MiniGW on windows xp? 18:22 sfan5 you mean mingw? 18:22 jordach yea 18:22 thexyz sfan5: execute "bt" in gdb console 18:23 sfan5 already killed the program, i'll rerun it 18:24 sfan5 thexyz: http://sfan5.blokkeren.co.cc/paste/index.php?5 18:26 thexyz sfan5: can you share it via AVAILIBLE pastebin service? 18:26 thexyz not your own-one-running-on-offline-toaster 18:26 thexyz ping: unknown host sfan5.blokkeren.co.cc 18:26 jordach exists for me 18:27 sfan5 PING sfan5.blokkeren.co.cc ( 56(84) bytes of data. 18:27 sfan5 64 bytes from sfan5.blokkeren.co.cc ( icmp_req=1 ttl=46 time=154 ms 18:27 Calinou fix yo hostname :P 18:28 jordach IT IS fixed 18:28 jordach for gods sake, i can see that paste 18:28 thexyz that's nice 18:28 thexyz then, jordach, you are the only who can help him 18:28 jordach (my isp has NO BLOCKS) 18:29 sfan5 http://pastie.org/private/2lpakxvvc19ea5vqmlieqg 18:30 thexyz sfan5: post also diff with original minetest 18:30 sfan5 github doesn't want to accept my fucking new branch 18:31 marktraceur sfan5: That must be painful, fucking a branch 18:32 jordach marktraceur, learning from rthe best? 18:36 sfan5 thexyz: https://github.com/sfan5/minetest/commit/68c91cf4fd893a1d640340381a88fa7a5634c0cb 18:38 thexyz lol 18:38 thexyz of course that will crash 18:39 sfan5 why? 18:41 thexyz at least because coordinates are signed 16-bit integers, iirc 18:41 sfan5 hm 18:41 sfan5 i teleported to 40000 18:47 Bad_Command Yeah, if you go to around 32767 there's a bug in the client with signed overflow 18:47 Bad_Command x++ etc rolls around to negative 18:47 Bad_Command Causes clients to lock up 18:48 sfan5 so: 18:48 sfan5 seraver 18:48 sfan5 *server -> supports infinite maps 18:48 sfan5 client -> nope.avi and crashes 18:49 Bad_Command practically infinite 18:49 Bad_Command 65km side to side 18:51 sfan5 hm 18:51 sfan5 how to fix the client bug? 18:53 Bad_Command I hacked a fix a while back, it wasn't elegant so I didn't commit it anywhere 18:53 Bad_Command In fact I should probably just fix it 18:56 jordach hello Staffs 18:56 Staffs jordach: Hai 18:56 jordach i have not seen you since jan this year 18:56 jordach (forum wise) 18:56 MiJyn hi Staffs! 18:56 Guest62518 Yea i got bored so i left the minetest clan :D 18:56 Guest62518 MiJyn: Hai 18:57 Guest62518 Damn Weechat i lost my nick 18:57 jordach im trying to bring the 18:57 jordach old members of mt back together 18:58 Staffs_2 Nice 18:58 Staffs_2 I wasn't going to come back but, my friend is a hater and i am like totally bored. :D 18:59 jordach Staffs_2, we need you 18:59 * marktraceur puts on romantic music 18:59 jordach minetest is no longer taking commits from anyone 18:59 Staffs_2 jordach: :D okay well im here for a while and fun 18:59 jordach celeron is pumping them out only 18:59 sfan5 hi Staffs_2 19:00 marktraceur jordach: Are you angling towards a fork? 19:00 Staffs_2 sfan5: Hai 19:00 jordach y? 19:00 thexyz jordach: really? what commits have you personaly send that were ignored? 19:00 thexyz *pull requests 19:00 jordach phone + irc + one hand = fun 19:00 Staffs_2 jordach: Been there, done that 19:00 thexyz yes, yes, phone… 19:00 marktraceur jordach: Because it's an interesting proposition 19:01 jordach goona have to use "the pecker" 19:01 Staffs_2 Is anyone playing right now :D ? 19:01 marktraceur jordach: Come back after your phone call, there's no rush 19:01 jordach maybe# 19:01 sfan5 maybe 19:01 sfan5 @Staffs 19:01 jordach marktraceur, cordless 19:01 Staffs_2 maybe/ Playing ? 19:01 Staffs_2 oh 19:01 sfan5 yes :D 19:02 jordach brb 19:02 jordach BATH TIME 19:02 jordach WOOT 19:02 Staffs_2 jordach: Lucky you 19:02 Staffs_2 Im too lazy 19:02 Staffs_2 sfan5: Give me a link to a download :D 19:03 sfan5 of what? 19:03 Staffs_2 Minetest 19:03 Staffs_2 I deleted old one 19:03 Staffs_2 aaand im not totally sure if i should get straight from git oorrrr 19:03 sfan5 linux? 19:03 marktraceur Staffs_2: We're all still at http://github.com/celeron55/minetest 19:03 marktraceur Latest appears to work 19:04 Staffs_2 so gitbucket or whatever it IS 19:04 Staffs_2 oh gitHUB silly me 19:04 sfan5 Staffs_2: bitbucket is outdated as hell 19:05 marktraceur Ha, I had forgotten that c55 used bitbucket back in the day 19:06 Staffs_2 marktraceur: Yeah i always can't remember which one is the right one. The hub or bucket :D 19:07 Staffs_2 Holy shoe i still have the latest minetest archive. Weird or what 19:07 Staffs_2 oh wait no im wronh 19:09 * sfan5 is building minetest + minetestserver on virtual archlinux machine 19:10 Staffs_2 Wooh i have arch :D 19:10 Staffs_2 im doing the same btw :D 19:10 Staffs_2 but not virtual arch 19:14 Staffs_2 One of thing that kept me thinking about mt is that i saw slabs and stairs coming up. So now when they are here i am here too :D 19:14 marktraceur Staffs_2: Ha! Glad we could help you come back :) 19:14 * marktraceur did some work on the rebase 19:15 Staffs_2 :)) 19:16 Staffs_2 Ooh jordach wrote something about making of minetest 2d. intersting :D 19:16 MiJyn I dunno if he is still maintaining it 19:17 Staffs_2 Oh well. And he said (Neko - is the one with the number) what does that mean ? 19:18 thexyz that means neko259 19:18 jordach Staffs_2, yes i am 19:18 Staffs_2 jordach: (you are) maintaining ? 19:18 jordach yes 19:18 Staffs_2 oh nice 19:18 jordach gonna fix it 19:18 Staffs_2 gonna check it 19:18 Staffs_2 somewhen 19:19 Staffs_2 oh today is 4th of july just rememburd 19:20 marktraceur Staffs_2: Ha! Welcome to the world :P 19:20 marktraceur Staffs_2: Are you in a place that celebrates it? 19:21 Staffs_2 That is why i forgot it. I don't celebrate it in my country. But i know its a big thing for americans and it is the fireworks time :D 19:21 Staffs_2 I live in europe <-() 19:22 jordach ^ someones living near germany 19:22 Staffs_2 You mean me ?\ 19:22 jordach yep 19:22 Staffs_2 Hummmmm 19:22 Staffs_2 Not exactly. But my country was invaded by them so... yeah :D 19:22 jordach POLAND 19:22 Staffs_2 Nawp 19:22 jordach RUSSIA 19:23 Staffs_2 Close 19:23 jordach serbia? 19:23 Staffs_2 Nope Latvia (its pretty small) 19:23 jordach aw man 19:23 jordach but your russian sounding english makes you look russain 19:23 Staffs_2 But that is old stuff about the invading 19:23 jordach which is by the by, awesom,e 19:24 Staffs_2 You mean my english writing sounds russian'ish :D ? 19:24 Staffs_2 Well LV is next to Russia 19:24 Staffs_2 And some russians live here 19:24 jordach yep 19:24 jordach thanks geography 19:25 Staffs_2 Intersting :D 19:25 sfan5 for those who are interested: http://sfan5.dyndns.org/minetest-0.4.dev-20120606-archlinux.tar.gz 19:25 jordach linux only? 19:25 * jordach wants a win build 19:25 Staffs_2 sfan5: I just did it myself 19:25 sfan5 :/ 19:25 Staffs_2 :\ 19:26 Staffs_2 sry :D 19:26 sfan5 its ok :) 19:26 Staffs_2 its ok that its ok 19:26 Staffs_2 lol 19:26 sfan5 jordach: my buildbot is running 19:26 jordach YAYAY 19:26 Staffs_2 AW may gawd. 19:27 Staffs_2 Menu screen looks so bad with default texture 19:27 jordach Staffs_2, you know it can be changed out 19:27 jordach ;) 19:27 jordach also, working on Landgen V9 19:27 jordach adding: more frickin blocks 19:27 Staffs_2 i know 19:28 jordach and oddly, i got a DIRT TREE 19:28 Staffs_2 I heard about the ram leaks 19:28 Staffs_2 sad 19:28 Staffs_2 are they fixed ? 19:29 jordach no. 19:29 sfan5 i think theyre not 19:29 jordach i can try this 19:29 jordach (maybe later) 19:29 Staffs_2 oh nvm 19:30 Staffs_2 Suggest a server :D 19:30 sfan5 singleplayer 19:30 jordach|web hallo me using the webclient 19:30 sfan5 ;) 19:30 marktraceur jordach|web: That sucks, why? 19:30 Staffs_2 sfan5: oh well for some time 19:30 Staffs_2 :D 19:31 marktraceur Staffs_2: marktraceur.info 30000 should be up 19:31 marktraceur Not many mods, but some interesting construction so far 19:32 sfan5 jordach: windows build uploading 19:32 jordach yay inf-land 19:32 jordach and i hate animated textures 19:32 jordach (eats loads of fps 19:32 jordach )* 19:32 marktraceur Staffs_2: If you decide to visit my server, please let me know so I can give you interact 19:33 sfan5 yay inf-land 19:33 sfan5 my build is not inf land 19:33 jordach :C 19:33 jordach whats if for then 19:33 sfan5 infinite maps don't work 19:33 jordach whats it for then 19:33 marktraceur Calinou: http://i.imgur.com/yojnk.png 19:34 marktraceur ^ With Nouveau on a Thinkpad T420s 19:34 sfan5 New Minetest Windows Build: http://sfan.sf.funpic.de/minetest-builds/c55/minetest-0.4.dev-20120606-02fb912-win32.7z 19:35 jordach whats it for 19:35 marktraceur sfan5: Is it built for 2012-06-06? 19:36 Staffs_2 marktraceur: Well nouveau doesn't change graphics it just sucks and is slower 19:36 Staffs_2 IMO 19:36 marktraceur Staffs_2: The point of that screenshot is that I have nearly 60FPS 19:36 sfan5 marktraceur: git-hash 02fb912 19:36 Staffs_2 OH :D 19:36 Staffs_2 lol 19:36 Staffs_2 i have nouveau right now btw 19:36 marktraceur sfan5: You should probably rename it to dev-20120703 or similar 19:36 jordach why 19:37 Staffs_2 marktraceur: Give me build perms 19:37 sfan5 marktraceur: my buildbot uses "make package" that uses the version in some cmake file 19:37 sfan5 so celeron must change it 19:38 marktraceur sfan5: Can you at least rename the file after it's generated? :P 19:38 sfan5 i could! 19:39 sfan5 marktraceur: build priv request on your server 19:39 jordach build here here 19:41 * marktraceur is glad the server is working 19:41 marktraceur There was a time where my network was screwy 19:51 jordach yep 19:51 jordach Staffs_2, i left because of terrible isp lag 19:51 Staffs_2 jordach: oh 19:52 Staffs_2 Anyyways i would keep the company but its pretty late so bye 19:52 Staffs_2 I will wait until somebody says bye back to me 19:52 Staffs_2 w8ing 19:53 marktraceur Staffs_2: Talk to you later! 19:53 Staffs_2 Bye 19:53 Staffs_2 Oh well no bye's for me anymore :D lol bb 20:35 jordach night 21:21 Calinou marktraceur, ubuntu...? 21:21 Calinou thought you used some other distro 21:21 Calinou anyway: nice 21:21 Calinou what's the view distance? :3 21:22 marktraceur Calinou: Yes, Ubuntu, my work computer 21:22 marktraceur And default view distance 21:22 Calinou oh, staff left 21:22 marktraceur Usually on Debian or Trisquel GNU/Linux 21:23 marktraceur Oh, I've volunteered my server to be somewhat of a test instance for the LibrePlanet "gaming collective", a bunch of free software gamers. The FSF will probably be hosting a minetest server in the near future for this group, too. 21:25 NakedFury nice 21:25 NakedFury libreplanet 21:28 * marktraceur gives up on work 21:29 marktraceur Time for minetest 21:33 Calinou inb4 griefers 21:33 Calinou hope it will e well-protected :P 21:33 Calinou be* 21:42 cy1 marktraceur: so there are more people on your server? 21:42 cy1 I should work on that sky thing... 21:44 cy1 meh! 21:44 cy1 it's still got speedhax 21:44 cy1 anti 21:44 cy1 antispeedhax 21:44 cy1 they ruin elevators :( 21:48 marktraceur cy1: How should I remove that? 21:48 cy1 using my fork of minetest ofc :3 21:48 cy1 but seriously I dunno 21:48 cy1 there's a tiny part in one file to change 21:49 cy1 marktraceur: it's commit 3727b391230c2720d9d34c94ce78fcb167e2cec6 21:50 cy1 comments out a backwards teleport thing in content_sao.cpp where the player is detected moving "too fast" 21:51 cy1 too fast being normal movement when the server is lagged 21:51 cy1 aka everything horrible about minetest.ru 21:51 cy1 So it still logs them, but doesn't backwards teleport. 21:53 cy1 eventually I intend to implement a sqlite database that records player location and time 21:53 cy1 so you can graph where they've been and how fast they got from point A to point B 21:53 cy1 then use that to decide whether to put their public key on the next stage of trust. 21:54 cy1 really if someone is using speedhax but isn't griefing others it's not cut and dry whether they should be banned or not. 21:55 cy1 maybe they're building something epic, and the admin won't give them fly because shenanigans 21:55 cy1 really minetest is more about how you want to play, not about how it must be played. 21:55 cy1 such is the nature of open source games. 21:55 cy1 speedhax can't make you friends with others by themselves, and that's the real way to win any game. 22:14 marktraceur Has anyone been able to get a joystick working with minetest on GNU/Linux? 22:16 NakedFury never tried it 22:18 marktraceur Right, memory not happy with me 22:18 marktraceur Switch to desktop I must 22:19 NakedFury ohhhh Yoda speak 22:41 marktraceur http://marktraceur.info/shared/images/minetest/map.png 22:42 cy1 Yoda's trick was that the VA spoke german 22:42 NakedFury nice ! 22:42 cy1 so he just used English words with German grammar 22:42 NakedFury I can still see the trenches 22:43 marktraceur NakedFury: I haven't patched to fix that, not sure if it's merged into master even 22:43 cy1 haha there's my sky platform~ 22:43 cy1 no it's not. c55 has been absent of dev lately 22:43 NakedFury I still see them 22:43 NakedFury in my lastest games 22:43 cy1 I mean 22:43 cy1 yes it has 22:43 cy1 in MY repository :P 22:44 cy1 not minetest-CEEFIFTYFIVE though 22:44 cy1 he's just taking a break no doubt 22:44 cy1 did a lot of work with animated textures and nodeboxes and lua chests 22:47 cy1 (that was him right) 22:47 marktraceur cy1: Yes 23:03 MiJyn yo Riddle 23:08 NakedFury marktraceur how did you take that picture of the server map? 23:12 marktraceur NakedFury: util/minetestmapper.py