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IRC log for #minetest-project, 2017-04-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

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Time Nick Message
00:23 Topic for #minetest-project is now Things are apparently Up in the Air | Decide if you are Here or There | Decide what to Repair | If it is in you to be Fair
00:23 OldCoder
00:26 ssieb joined #minetest-project
00:30 Jordach OldCoder, my plan was to base it around multiplayer most
00:30 Jordach it isn't an afterthought with me
00:30 OldCoder multiplayer most? You mean, focus on multiplayer?
00:31 Jordach yes
00:31 OldCoder All right
00:54 nore hey OldCoder, are you feeling better?
00:54 nore if so, do you have an answer to my question, please?
00:55 OldCoder nore, I have awoken. MT discussion is largely concluded for the day. I have one world to finish and must spend the weekend on IRL work.
00:55 OldCoder As you are one of those who dogpiled me...
00:55 OldCoder Never mind. I'll comment further in due course.
00:55 OldCoder the rest of the weekend **
00:55 OldCoder As more time has gone to all of this
00:56 OldCoder 3 weeks
00:57 nore <OldCoder> As you are one of those who dogpiled me... <-- again I ask the question, what do you mean by this and what are you referring to?
00:57 OldCoder Moment
00:58 OldCoder nore, PM
01:02 red-001 joined #minetest-project
01:03 red-001 might as well log this stuff since you are kicking logging bots
01:04 red-001 and insulting anyone that dares ask questions
01:05 red-001 all the while complaining about people insulting you
01:05 red-001 was kicked by OldCoder: red-001
01:05 OldCoder o/
01:05 OldCoder Enough
01:05 OldCoder I thought this channel was dead. Either it is or it is not. People will need to decide for themselves.
01:06 OldCoder But one thing that it is not... is a venue for beating up somebody who has spent 5 years on all of this and who created the channel to save the project.
01:06 OldCoder
01:07 rubenwardy Your years of contribution change the fact that you're being a dick
01:07 OldCoder Something that C55 has told me may have been successful.
01:07 OldCoder rubenwardy, that is rubbish. You have disappointed me.
01:07 OldCoder A "dick"
01:07 OldCoder is not somebody who says, "stop beating me up"
01:08 OldCoder Enough is enough.
01:08 OldCoder Grow up.
01:08 rubenwardy I have to go now
01:08 OldCoder Night.
01:08 rubenwardy however, trying to do a hostile takeover (ie: registering trademarks) is  being a dick
01:08 OldCoder You have no idea
01:08 rubenwardy anyway, bye
01:08 OldCoder what you are talking about
01:08 OldCoder Bye
01:08 OldCoder Talk again
01:08 OldCoder when you have the facts
01:08 OldCoder To talk without the facts
01:09 OldCoder
01:10 OldCoder Things are apparently Up in the Air | Decide if you are Here or There | Decide what to Repair | If it is in you to be Fair
01:10 OldCoder which is not likely.
01:10 OldCoder
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01:14 nore I should put my logs online
01:14 OldCoder nore, see the topic. I'm done with this. Decide if you are here or there.
01:14 OldCoder This channel was supposed to be dead.
01:15 OldCoder And thank you kindly for implied negativity and escalation.
01:15 nore why do you say so?
01:15 OldCoder Hm? I was notified of this by C55 last night.
01:15 OldCoder Why are you even here?
01:15 nore because it is not dead, it seems
01:15 OldCoder hence the revised topic
01:15 OldCoder The situation is not clear. But red* has come back to bash and to attack.
01:16 OldCoder We are done with that.
01:16 OldCoder I personally am not a punching bag.
01:16 OldCoder I have had quite enough of it.
01:16 Shara Here or there?
01:17 OldCoder Shara, for FSM's sake, I need to work IRL
01:17 OldCoder FSM = Flying Spaghetti Monster :-)
01:17 OldCoder 3 weeks isn't enough?
01:17 OldCoder
01:17 Shara I know :)
01:17 OldCoder Fine
01:17 OldCoder Let me finish 1 new world
01:17 OldCoder In peace
02:26 OldCoder
02:27 OldCoder
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13:54 OldCoder Grandolf, DI3HARD139, Jordach, others of a positive nature; Hello
13:54 octacian joined #minetest-project
13:54 * OldCoder is asleep
13:54 OldCoder octacian, moin
13:54 OldCoder Time to sleep
13:54 proller joined #minetest-project
13:54 octacian hey OldCoder
13:54 OldCoder yeh
13:55 octacian If you're asleep, then you wouldn't be talking to me right now...
13:55 octacian :P
13:56 OldCoder r u so sure
13:56 OldCoder Besides, I said time to sleep
13:56 OldCoder Not i m asleep
14:01 proller joined #minetest-project
14:08 DI3HARD139 hello
14:08 DI3HARD139 brb for a few minutes
14:08 DI3HARD139 err afk
14:11 Fixer hi
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14:47 DI3HARD139 annnnd back
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21:08 OldCoder Back in black without slack and on the attack
21:08 OldCoder ?
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22:01 OldCoder halt_, welcome here, too
22:02 OldCoder There is also another channel Grandolf can tell you of
5 more elements. Show/hide.

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