Time Nick Message 18:33 farfadet46 hi 20:01 Shadowzons Hello! 20:02 Shadowzons https://github/ShadowNinja/areas 20:04 Miner_48er Shadowzons why have you been impersonating players? 22:00 EpikTest Hello 22:00 EpikTest Can anyone answer me a question about mods? 22:26 Miner_48er EpikTest what's your question? 22:26 EpikTest Hi 22:26 EpikTest Can I use lua 5.3 for modding? 22:26 EpikTest Because the wiki mentions 5.1 22:28 EpikTest Miner_48er: that is my simple question :) 22:29 Miner_48er I assume It would be compatible but you could try asking in #minetest 22:29 EpikTest Ok Thanks :D