Time Nick Message 12:24 rater193 hello everyone 13:05 rater193 anyone talk? 19:07 rater193 hello 19:08 rater193 anyone ere talk? 19:08 rater193 im needing help with a quick thing 19:08 rater193 how would i give a block a custom gui? 19:10 rubenwardy What do you want the block to contain? 19:10 rubenwardy If it is just an inventory like a chest then you can do it a different way to other things 19:11 rater193 well im working on a power based mod 19:11 rater193 and i got the wire to hold power and stuff 19:11 rater193 but 19:11 rater193 i want to make a generator 19:11 rater193 that u can put coal into 19:12 rubenwardy 1 sec, I'm researching 19:12 rater193 k, thx 19:12 rubenwardy Do you know how to make formspecs? You'll need them. Do you know 19:12 rubenwardy http://rubenwardy.github.io/minetest_doc/chapters/formspecs.html 19:13 rater193 nope, i just got into minetest modding a few days ago, but ive been using lua for over 10 years 19:14 rater193 this is usefull 19:14 rater193 thanks ;) 19:14 rubenwardy If it is literally just an item slot that you put fuel into, you can use node meta, I think 19:14 rater193 i noticed 19:14 rater193 :P 19:14 rubenwardy The furnace code is here: https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/blob/master/mods/default/furnace.lua 19:14 rubenwardy For reference 19:15 rater193 nah 19:15 rater193 i dont need it 19:15 rubenwardy XD 19:15 rater193 i got everything i needed from formspecs 19:15 rater193 :P 19:15 rubenwardy Glad I can help 19:15 rater193 yeah it helped a lot :) 19:15 rater193 thx 19:15 rubenwardy You're welcome 19:16 rater193 im working on a town managment mod 19:16 rater193 basicly 19:16 rater193 its civilization 19:16 rater193 played out over a span of months 19:16 rubenwardy Pretty cool 19:16 rater193 possibly even years 19:17 rater193 :P 19:17 rater193 i already got the system set up to let the users find town halls that randomly generate troughout the world 19:17 rater193 then they can claim the town halls 19:17 rater193 there's also barbarians in the game too 19:18 rater193 the barbarians will attack your city if they get a larger force then what your city contains 19:21 rater193 is it possible to save player inventories to a specified file location? 19:21 rater193 for example, i can link 2 server's player inventories 19:21 rater193 by making it save and load to and from the same directory 19:23 T4im minetest would allow that, your filesystem might not.. you can basicly read inventories in minetest and also save these to extra files, or load from that and change the inventories back.. but multiple servers writing to the same file is a bad idea generally 19:23 rater193 well 19:24 rubenwardy You can change a players inventory. I suggest that when a player logs in, you read the shared inventory from a shared file and set the player's inventory to it 19:24 rater193 its a certian way i have an idea for 19:24 rater193 basicly i am going to make a wrapper in java 19:24 rater193 and make the servers call back to the wrapper 19:24 rater193 the wrapper will handle reading and writing 19:24 rater193 to the player invs 19:24 rater193 btw ruben thats what i was thinking about at first 19:25 rater193 but what if 2 people log in at the same time 19:25 rater193 wait a sec 19:25 rater193 can it also share the user's password too 19:25 rater193 so that way u cant steal the user's items 19:28 T4im minetest.set_player_password 19:29 T4im https://rubenwardy.github.io/minetest_doc/lua_api.html#authentication 19:29 rater193 oh wow 19:29 rater193 so i can make a login feild 19:29 rater193 when they join 19:30 rater193 that or just set the passwords when they change it, or when they first join 19:59 rater193 um 19:59 rater193 rubenwardy 20:00 rubenwardy Yes? 20:00 rater193 for some reason i cant make a form show 20:00 rater193 gime a sec ill send u the code im using 20:00 rater193 local land_formspec_context = {} minetest.register_chatcommand("land", { func = function(name, param) if param == "" then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Incorrect parameters - supply a land ID") return end -- Save information land_formspec_context[name] = {id = param} minetest.show_formspec(name, "mylandowner:edit", "size[4,4]" .. "field[1,1;3,1;plot;Plot Name;]" .. 20:01 rater193 land_formspec_context[name] = {id = param} minetest.show_formspec(name, "civcraft:edit", "size[4,4]" .. "field[1,1;3,1;plot;Plot Name;]" .. "field[1,2;3,1;owner;Owner;]" .. "button_exit[1,3;2,1;exit;Save]") end }) -- -- Step 2) retrieve context when player submits the form -- minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= "civc 20:01 rater193 ugh 20:02 rater193 i cant type everything 20:05 rater193 fixed it 20:05 rater193 nvm ;) 20:05 T4im you know about https://github.com/rubenwardy/smartfs btw? ;) 20:05 rater193 :o 20:06 rater193 thats useful 20:06 rater193 :)