Time Nick Message 04:54 DevilRomeo2 Hi guys 05:27 Tesseract LazyJ: There is no significant performance penalty from overrides, just 1ms or so at startup. The main nodedef is overwritten with new values from the override defenition. 05:28 LazyJ Ah. Thanks, Tesseract. ;) 05:28 LazyJ I was concerned that using too many overrides were adding too much to memory. For example if 3 mods had an override each for stone, would that mean three definitions for stone being loaded into memory. 05:29 Tesseract LazyJ: It'll create a new table for each override of course, but Lua will GC it shortly after init. 05:30 Tesseract (And each table should be less than 1kb anyway) 05:37 LazyJ Ah.. that sounds good. 05:38 LazyJ From a server maintenance stand-point, overrides can save a lot of repetitive work. 05:43 LazyJ Rebooting...