Time Nick Message 19:05 TenPlus1 hi folks 19:06 TenPlus1 does anyone know a way to get (pos) of a nod within minetest.register_on_player_fields(function(player, forename, fields) ??? 19:06 TenPlus1 *node 19:06 Zefram_Fysh that depends on which node you're interested in 19:07 TenPlus1 it's driving me nuts... without (pos) I cannot get metadata within that function... 19:07 TenPlus1 it's a chest formspec I'm editing and once I've entered a field it calls the above function... but it doesnt have pos 19:08 Zefram_Fysh on_player_fields isn't naturally tied to a node 19:08 Zefram_Fysh for a chest you want an on_receive_fields in the node type definition 19:08 TenPlus1 that's the problem, I cant see a way to get the node potision once I enter text into formspec... and without that I cannot save anything I enter within the node itself 19:08 TenPlus1 I tried that too, it wouldnt work... 19:09 Zefram_Fysh the node type's on_receive_fields gets (pos, formname, fields, sender) 19:09 TenPlus1 I had on_receive_fields within the definition and again on entry it ignored it completely... the only thing that seems to work is the external function 19:12 Zefram_Fysh on_receive_fields is the correct way, and does work in general. you're not going to find a solution with player_fields 19:14 TenPlus1 I had on_receive_fields within the node definition 19:14 TenPlus1 it skips it completely 19:14 TenPlus1 all I had was a PRINT ("WORKS") statement in there and it wouldnt even show it 19:14 Zefram_Fysh if it didn't work, you did it incorrectly. you need to work on that 19:15 Zefram_Fysh did you set a formspec for the node initially? 19:15 TenPlus1 on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) print ("WORKS") end, 19:15 TenPlus1 I have a new chest with 4 text entry boxes at the side for shared users 19:16 TenPlus1 once I enter text and hit enter it ignores the above on_receive_fields , but works with minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields ok... I dont get it 19:17 Zefram_Fysh pastebin your complete code 19:18 TenPlus1 http://pastebin.com/WEbTGeFX 19:20 Zefram_Fysh you're not setting a formspec in the node 19:21 Zefram_Fysh you're using show_formspec, which shows a player-associated formspec, which can be picked up with on_player_receive_fields 19:22 Zefram_Fysh it's the wrong tool for the job 19:22 Zefram_Fysh your on_construct function should meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) 19:23 Zefram_Fysh that'll give you a node-associated form, the results of which will come in to the on_receive_fields hook 19:25 TenPlus1 ahh gotcha... I pretty much copied and pasted the code from minetest game itself for the chest... never realised that part 19:26 Zefram_Fysh taking a step back, in future you'll generally get better help if you're more careful to ask the right question. you came in asking how to get a node position in a on_player_receive_fields hook, which wasn't your real problem 19:26 Zefram_Fysh your real problem was to get results from a form attached to a node 19:26 TenPlus1 thanks dude, will check that part out now :)