Time Nick Message 06:29 MTDiscord <.niklp> Fixed 3 months ago (https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/ethereal/commit/5854098bd6df8d4f601a74f60d98dc99e1846d89) You need to update your ethereal in the content tab or via git pull 10:34 TenPlus1 Hi folks, can someone please assist me with the initial_properties inside objects 10:36 TenPlus1 I'm getting an " WARNING[Server]: Reading initial object properties directly from an entity definition is deprecated, move it to the 'initial_properties' table instead. (Property 'hp_max' in entity 'mobs_npc:igor')" error when trying to use a simple integer check 10:45 luk3yx TenPlus1: So your code looks something like minetest.register_entity({hp_max = 123, something_else = 456})? 10:46 luk3yx *minetest.register_entity(name, {hp_max = 123, something_else = 456}) 10:46 TenPlus1 basically, yes ( https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/mobs_redo/src/master/api.lua#L3594 ) 10:46 luk3yx I think you need to change it to something like minetest.register_entity(name, {initial_properties = {hp_max = 123}, something_else = 456}) 10:47 TenPlus1 tried that, didn't help, same error 10:47 TenPlus1 I'm only reading self.hp_max to show a damage status on mouseover for mob 10:48 TenPlus1 this line: https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/mobs_redo/src/master/api.lua#L770 10:49 TenPlus1 using latest 5.8dev build if that helps any, but I'm wondering why reading a simple object value is now giving errors and telling me it'll soon be deprecated 10:49 luk3yx Oh sorry, I'm a bit tired and misread the warning 10:49 luk3yx Does self.initial_properties.hp_max work? 10:50 TenPlus1 let me check 10:50 Krock it's not an error. it's a warning. to solve it, move https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/mobs_redo/src/master/api.lua#L3615 into initial_properties = {} which will then be copied to "self" once the object spawns 10:53 TenPlus1 tried that, it just crashes 10:53 Krock crashes or errors? what's the log? 10:53 TenPlus1 is the initial error because hp_max is a specific object flag ? if I rename it to hp_maxi would it go away I'm thinking 10:55 luk3yx TenPlus1: I believe so, however that would mean that the engine would no longer set the object's hp_max (but I am tired so maybe it'd be better to just disregard everything I say) 10:55 Krock it's a field used for players but it should as well be possible to use that for normal entities because Minetest does not do anything in that case 10:55 TenPlus1 dont worry luk3yx, thanks for help :) 10:56 TenPlus1 Krock, just finding it strange that all of a sudden it's complaining about one variable out of many, will tinker and change it's name maybe to save hassle 10:57 Krock I'd rather look into investigating the initial_properties follow-up error that you're getting because from what I can see this should work 10:57 Krock oh! you're using a metatable which specifies the defaults. you'd have to use another metatable for the properties 10:58 TenPlus1 do you know specifically which version of minetest this was added, changelogs dont state when initial_properties was added 10:58 Krock it's been there for years but never enforced 10:59 TenPlus1 5.8dev is bringing up warnings now, which is highly annoying 10:59 TenPlus1 yeah, changing to self.hp_maxi stops the error, then it moves right onto "physical" setting in entity 10:59 TenPlus1 I'm gonna have to redo mob api to work properly in 5.8 it seems without error 11:08 TenPlus1 thanks luk3yx and Krock, gotta go think about this one :) 11:57 MTDiscord TenPlus1: warnings are a good thing 12:09 rubenwardy yeah, this is deprecated because you might think that `self.hp_max` is the _current_ hp max - not the initiail one 12:10 rubenwardy you should instead use `initial_properties` and `self.object:get_properties()` 12:12 rubenwardy a metatable that does `self.object.properties.hp_max` would be handy 13:37 MTDiscord imagine being scottish 13:37 MTDiscord i don't understand why they like the english so much