Time Nick Message 03:55 MTDiscord > how about we fork LuaJIT too? Just no. LuaJIT is really hard to understand and maintain, and it's honestly extremely amazing code that few really appreciate. It's only recently that javascript speeds ( the only competing interpereted language in terms of spee) have surpassed luaJIT, and that is with the full force of google's might working for 10 years, vs essentially 1 man, Mike Paul. Long story short, luaJIT is dead simple to 03:55 MTDiscord integrate to C and C++ applications, has low everything footprint, and is blazing fast. Gald to see the bug is fixed, I'm always worried this community doesn't appreciate luaJIT enough, and will just say "let's through it out, why not?" and I'll have to maintain my own fork..... 03:56 MTDiscord throw, speed 09:03 MTDiscord Mike Pall