Time Nick Message 00:22 VanessaE anyone awake? I need help :P 00:48 luk3yx VanessaE: With what? 00:51 VanessaE engine decorations :-/ 00:52 VanessaE I'm trying to add a feature to biome_lib that'll let the engine's decorations feature handle whatever it can without biome_lib having to do the work 00:53 VanessaE but for the life of me I can't get even the simplest node/call to work (nothing is generated on the terrain) 00:56 MTDiscord you need to know the games biomes before hand 00:56 VanessaE no biomes. 00:56 VanessaE lua_api.txt says I can omit that. 00:56 VanessaE https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L8027 00:57 luk3yx VanessaE: When I pass the decoration definition you have on Discord to MT it works fine 00:57 VanessaE wat 01:00 luk3yx What mapgen are you using? Are you sure you're generating new chunks? 01:01 VanessaE I swear I'm cursed. 01:01 VanessaE the map gets deleted on each run. 01:01 VanessaE I'm using flat mapgen under Void (obv) 01:01 luk3yx Here's the code I'm using https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xqH96dNbcH/ 01:02 luk3yx I replaced water source with river water source but it works fine with either 01:03 * VanessaE sighsa 01:03 * VanessaE sighs too. 01:04 VanessaE here, lemme push my full code to a new branch. 01:07 VanessaE https://gitlab.com/VanessaE/biome_lib/-/tree/mapgen_deco 01:08 VanessaE https://pastebin.com/Ek2aStuQ and here's the stub of code to trigger it to put something on the "terrain" 01:08 VanessaE (make a mod of it) 01:09 VanessaE the code as it stands now in that branch, turns that ^ "stub" into the sort of decoration table you sawa 01:09 VanessaE -az 01:09 VanessaE -a... 01:09 luk3yx And it doesn't generate for me with that 01:10 VanessaE but it dumps the deco table? 01:10 luk3yx It doesn't, weird 01:10 VanessaE oh, you'll need that stub too 01:11 VanessaE make it depend on biome_lib, natch 01:11 luk3yx I have that 01:12 luk3yx It doesn't print anything during the register call 01:12 VanessaE oh wait 01:12 VanessaE that's a debug level thing. 01:12 luk3yx Ah I see 01:12 luk3yx Let me increase the log level 01:12 VanessaE minetest.conf, biome_lib_debug_log_level = 3 01:12 VanessaE except the print is just a print, it doesn't care about the log level :P 01:13 luk3yx [Biome Lib]: Warning: Ignored registration for undefined spawn node: "void_essential:water_source" 01:13 luk3yx Ah I see 01:13 luk3yx I need to depend on void_essential too 01:13 VanessaE btw, the bits of code of interest are: 01:13 VanessaE https://gitlab.com/VanessaE/biome_lib/-/blob/mapgen_deco/api.lua#L143 01:13 VanessaE https://gitlab.com/VanessaE/biome_lib/-/blob/mapgen_deco/compat.lua#L53 01:14 VanessaE oh yes, sorry 01:14 VanessaE anywho 01:14 VanessaE if it says "Items sent to the engine's decorations handler: 1" then you're even with me 01:15 luk3yx Well it seems to work 01:15 VanessaE ? 01:16 VanessaE wait, it's generating stuff for you? 01:16 luk3yx https://i.imgur.com/0Ybg4jY.png 01:16 VanessaE wtaf 01:16 luk3yx I'm not entirely sure what it's doing for the V7 mapgen (I replaced it with river water source so I can tell the normal lake apart) https://i.imgur.com/szRbC68.png 01:16 VanessaE it generates nothing for me. 01:17 VanessaE well no "water" nodes anyway 01:17 luk3yx Oh the top is over y=48, that makes sense 01:17 luk3yx Weird 01:17 VanessaE https://imgur.com/Oe83C8k.png 01:18 luk3yx I changed the map backend to dummy (so I don't have to delete and re-create worlds), maybe that has something to do with it? 01:18 luk3yx It works with sqlite3 as well 01:21 luk3yx VanessaE: You're certain the map is getting deleted? 01:22 VanessaE yes 02:14 VanessaE I just don't understand why nothing shows up for me :-/ 02:31 VanessaE ah HAH 02:31 VanessaE apparently I had decorations disabled when I created the test world 02:32 VanessaE deleted, recreated, now it works. 02:32 VanessaE now to figure out how to properly control the density and distribution of added stuff 02:46 VanessaE luk3yx: now this is more like what I expected: https://imgur.com/ar5aYaY.png 02:48 VanessaE so density is easy to translate. but how do I produce a hard "cut off" in the sparser regions? (i.e. have it gradually shift between dense and sparse, until it gets below a particular threshold, then it should go bare i.e. this spot is infertile/sterile land) 02:49 VanessaE (in the above image, the region just right of center where it's starting to go bare, I'd like it to have a hard edge) 04:37 luk3yx apparently I had decorations disabled when I created the test world 04:37 luk3yx VanessaE: Maybe you should test for that and throw a warning if they're disabled 04:39 luk3yx And I'm not sure about the cut off thing sorry 13:07 MTDiscord does minetest lua have ability to do http requests?? 13:07 sfan5 yes 13:07 MTDiscord poggers 14:49 VanessaE luk3yx: I gave up on creating the hard edge. not really necessary anyways. 14:54 VanessaE luk3yx (and whoever else cares), take a look at biome_lib's 'mapgen_deco' branch. the code works now and I *think* it translates things over properly 14:56 VanessaE Krock: you know decorations and are familiar with biome_lib's code right? Could you take a look at this function, https://gitlab.com/VanessaE/biome_lib/-/blob/mapgen_deco/compat.lua#L53 ... and tell me if you see anything wrong there? (I'm particularly concerned with the perlin conversions starting at line 87) 14:56 VanessaE (or again anyone else who cares to look)