Time Nick Message 16:44 MTDiscord Krock nice pr btw 16:44 MTDiscord I have a Lua mod that did the same thing abusing eye offsets and attachments 16:45 MTDiscord If you want the source for that I’ll yeet it over 16:45 Krock I don't need Lua code. I need to figure out how to provide a generic API for this 16:46 Krock oh well, and after that's done perhaps also some bone rotation limitation code 16:46 MTDiscord What I mean is the logic behind it 16:46 MTDiscord What you don’t want to do is hardcode it to specific bone names 16:47 MTDiscord Something like @LMD, Deleter of Messages bone pos interp would be nice 16:47 Krock exactly 16:47 MTDiscord HINT 16:47 MTDiscord Having bone pos interpolation would be top tier 16:48 MTDiscord My FPS player model is split into three separate entities 16:48 Krock the code for smooth angle interpolations exists so that should be doable if Irrlicht supports it seamlessly 16:48 MTDiscord Where is said code? 16:48 MTDiscord I've always rolled my own lol 16:48 MTDiscord I meant the engine sided bone shins 16:48 MTDiscord Thanks iPhone 16:49 MTDiscord The PR you wrote to enable smooth bone movement from Lua 16:49 MTDiscord That allows you to set a duration of the movement rather than just instantly snap to 16:49 MTDiscord Sort of 16:49 MTDiscord It just interpolates between previous values - current values 16:50 MTDiscord That’s what I meant but engine sided 16:50 MTDiscord So visually it occurs over time 16:52 MTDiscord Think blend time of set animation 16:52 MTDiscord But applied to set bone pos 16:56 MTDiscord Server step can only be cranked so high before you start using megabits per second of bandwidrh 16:57 MTDiscord As it stands I need minimum of 500kbps*64 16:57 MTDiscord At 30hz tick rate 16:59 MTDiscord Which is dangerously close to 31.25mbps 16:59 MTDiscord Clients can easily handle that input stream 17:00 MTDiscord And I can only optimise HUD so far 19:35 sfan5 I wrote some code and it's not working 19:35 sfan5 why 19:36 MTDiscord me_irl 19:38 Krock sfan5: daily struggles 19:39 MTDiscord "Why is my code not working" is only about 70% as infuriating as "why is my code working" though. 19:39 MTDiscord i generally have the opposite response 19:39 MTDiscord my reaction any time something stupid works too well 19:39 MTDiscord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/747163533212516474/826903570170904636/fishy.png 19:40 Krock Jordach: fish is my default /bin/sh 19:41 Krock (sarcasm btw) 19:41 MTDiscord /fi/sh ? 19:42 MTDiscord sudo ln -s /bin /fi 19:42 DS-minetest Most often I find it much more infuriating when I find out the reason, why some code is not working. Why do I need so many hours to find a so trivial bug?! 19:51 Krock or when you're debugging code that turns out to not be the culprit 20:29 sfan5 https://0x0.st/-byW.png this looks pretty artistic