Time  Nick      Message
15:45 TenPlus1  Hi folks...
15:47 shivajiva Hiya tenplus1
15:47 TenPlus1  hey Shiva, how's you ? :)
15:48 shivajiva not bad, not bad ;)
15:48 TenPlus1  kewl :) finally got a day off to relax
15:49 shivajiva yea I got the impression lockdown hadn't meant time off for you xD
15:49 TenPlus1  sadly no, more work unfortunately :(
15:50 shivajiva what ya doing with mt these days?
15:50 TenPlus1  keeping mods up to date, a new feature here and there, finding bugs in-game, the usual :) you ?
15:51 shivajiva n ty for sorting bows, just messing about really
15:52 TenPlus1  tweaked nssm to fix a few things too, pumpking works now
16:25 TenPlus1  Krock: you around ?
17:14 Krock     hi TenPlus1
17:14 TenPlus1  o/ hey Krock
17:42 TenPlus1  foody time, laters all o/