Time Nick Message 15:01 TenPlus1 hi folks 15:01 TenPlus1 o/ Krock 15:01 MTDiscord o/ 15:01 TenPlus1 hi twoelk 15:01 TenPlus1 how's the day ? 15:01 MTDiscord hello 15:02 TenPlus1 hi Jonathon 15:02 twoelk not as windy as yesterday :) 15:02 TenPlus1 storms are coming 15:02 MTDiscord it shows usernames and not nicks there? 15:03 TenPlus1 I see: MTDiscord: 15:03 TenPlus1 then again, I'm using Pidgin to chat on irc 15:03 MTDiscord ah, my nick is wsor 15:03 TenPlus1 might be a local thing for discord only 15:03 TenPlus1 any devs handy 15:03 MTDiscord ill ask greenxenith about it 15:04 TenPlus1 I've never really used Discord before :) 15:04 TenPlus1 o/ wsor 15:04 MTDiscord test 15:05 MTDiscord yup 15:05 * twoelk is trying to walk in discord without tumbling 15:06 TenPlus1 in this day and age it's hard to find a good chat program for all platforms that does it all :) 15:06 MTDiscord very true 15:06 MTDiscord seems like i have accounts in most major chat platforms 15:07 TenPlus1 Signal is pretty good for mobile and desktop, but needs your phone number :D 15:07 MTDiscord same with telegram 15:08 TenPlus1 I tried Telegram, bad batteyr performance 15:08 MTDiscord i have it on my laptop and phone, i haven't noticed anything, then again, i don't use it a ton 15:10 TenPlus1 I do like WhatsApp but it really needs a desktop version 15:10 TenPlus1 that isnt web based :D 15:10 MTDiscord ah 15:11 TenPlus1 and of course facebook owns it *shudder* 15:11 MTDiscord i dislike instagram/facebook messenger, but thats the platforms that most people have unfortunately 15:11 MTDiscord doesn't whatsApp always need an internet connection? 15:13 celeron55 whatsapp is the worst 15:13 TenPlus1 yeah, either data or wifi 15:13 TenPlus1 lol celeron, I agree, but all of my friends are on it and it's just to talk to them :) until I can persuade them to move to Signal App instead 15:13 celeron55 all my friends use whatsapp and i don't 15:13 celeron55 that makes it even worse 15:14 celeron55 but as long as they don't buy it from facebook, i'm not touching it 15:14 * twoelk has managed to stay off whatsApp, but it's hard work 15:15 TenPlus1 in the day and age of unlimited calls and texts I could probably do away with it altogether :) 15:20 rubenwardy I like whatsapp because it's end-to-end encrypted, always 15:21 rubenwardy > doesn't whatsApp always need an internet connection? 15:21 rubenwardy no, it doesn't 15:21 rubenwardy messages are stored locally, on your phone 15:21 rubenwardy the web browser client connects to your phone, viewing the messages 15:21 TenPlus1 hi ruben 15:22 celeron55 i hate the fact that whatsapp stores messages on the phone 15:22 celeron55 a phone isn't my primary device, it's nonsense 15:22 rubenwardy \o/ 15:22 TenPlus1 that's why I use Signal, you can set a timeout for messages to delete them after a time 15:22 TenPlus1 same feature set as whatsapp only open source 15:23 rubenwardy whatsapp bought the protocol from signal 15:23 celeron55 of all the proprietary messaging things i like telegram the most 15:23 MTDiscord I heavily dislike WhatsApp being as phone-centered 15:24 celeron55 what's the point of being end-to-end encrypted when it's running on android 15:24 TenPlus1 yeah, kinda wish you could have a nick or email instead of telephone number 15:24 MTDiscord First point, indeed 15:24 rubenwardy android is probably more secure than most linux distros 15:24 celeron55 and probably even on some chinese device full of government and corporate spyware 15:24 MTDiscord Second point is that WhatsApp Web is crappy 15:25 TenPlus1 yeah, used the web app and it's aweful 15:25 rubenwardy I like it 15:25 celeron55 (as if android itself wasn't already spyware) 15:25 MTDiscord Phones are pretty far away from FLOSS ideals, that's true 15:25 TenPlus1 avoid the chinese mobiles :P 15:25 TenPlus1 my next phone will be a Pine phone running linux :) 15:26 * twoelk imagines a phone made of pine wood 15:26 TenPlus1 ehehe 15:26 celeron55 whatsapp web doesn't work on mobile browsers and you can't have the same whatsapp account on two phones 15:26 celeron55 that's also ridiculous 15:26 celeron55 if you have two phones, you need two accounts 15:26 celeron55 WHAT 15:26 MTDiscord The Pine Phone is probably not worth it's price, in terms of specs 15:26 rubenwardy it works well for me 15:27 rubenwardy I don't have nor need two phones 15:27 TenPlus1 sub 150 quid but has physical switches for things to disable it and can run native linux or android 15:27 celeron55 >android is probably more secure than most linux distros 15:27 celeron55 i don't need security, i need freedom 15:28 MTDiscord I don't really like Android 15:28 celeron55 security is nice when you can have it with freedom 15:28 TenPlus1 running linux is freedom, and my current lubu setup is very secure 15:28 twoelk security and freedom are quite often on the far ends of any scale 15:29 celeron55 what's the point of security if it means you need to be in a gorvernment-corporate prison to have it 15:29 TenPlus1 lol 15:29 rubenwardy there's Android AOSP and other forks with free software 15:29 twoelk although security and ease of use might be even further apart 15:29 MTDiscord Also: > Like the Pinebook Pro, the PinePhone is assembled and built in China but can be shipped from China to (almost) any country in the world. 15:30 MTDiscord Nah I don't like Android in it's entirety, I'd much prefer running something Ubuntu-ish on my device 15:30 MTDiscord Had high hopes for Ubuntu Touch 15:30 celeron55 android isn't a problem as long as you' 15:30 celeron55 +'re not locked into it 15:30 celeron55 by some stupid software like whatsapp 15:31 TenPlus1 I flashed my Lenovo P2 with LineageOS and it was really good, everything worked, all open and unlocked, but battery life suffered 15:32 MTDiscord Well, I always have the second option of running WhatsApp in an Android emulator 15:33 TenPlus1 never tried android emu in linux, any good ? 15:33 MTDiscord acceptable 15:33 MTDiscord depends on your PC performance of course 15:33 TenPlus1 nice, had 3 desktops at one time running Kubuntu, Win10 and MacOS on Qemu :) that was fun 15:33 TenPlus1 1 computer, 3 desktop screens 15:34 MTDiscord You'll need a fourth one for Android. That one can be small though. 15:34 TenPlus1 heh, kubuntu has connect for android phhones, can use it as device or mirror screen with a util 15:51 TenPlus1 my little sky island: https://9gag.com/gag/arVZpoK 15:52 MTDiscord nice but not really selfcontaining 15:52 TenPlus1 :P 15:52 TenPlus1 pretty tho 15:52 twoelk I love to follow unknown paths - might get me in trouble here 15:53 TenPlus1 it's good to explore 15:53 twoelk thats the best part of getting lost 15:53 MTDiscord This world is round yet flat 15:53 MTDiscord Your people will have a hard time finding out what to believe 15:54 TenPlus1 hi aerozoic 15:54 aerozoic wazup TenPlus1 ! 15:54 MTDiscord ? 15:55 twoelk the water cycle seems somewhat small - is that really enough to power the mill? 15:55 TenPlus1 hidden pump and angular motion, only needs to charge my mobile :D ehehe 15:57 twoelk sometimes I still look out for that windmill island gorillaz used 15:57 TenPlus1 yeah, those videos were pretty kewl :) 15:58 twoelk might be just behind that next cloud 15:58 TenPlus1 sky islands are the way to go, so long as amazon delivers :D 16:04 TenPlus1 other_worlds mod is very popular on server though, players finding their own little asteroid to build on :D 16:08 twoelk on xanadu? 16:08 TenPlus1 yeah, placed a few stargates to lead players there (if found) so they can colonize space :D got an armada of ships up there already and stormtroopers 16:10 twoelk hm, haven't spent much time on xanadu lately 16:11 twoelk was somewhat down memory lane on vec some weeks ago 16:11 TenPlus1 that's ok :) zlo has a hourd of viking pandas hell bent on setting fires around map :D 16:13 twoelk that reminds me I had an unfinished castle somewhere on xanadu 16:13 TenPlus1 ooh, probably has squatters now :P 16:14 twoelk actually I have lots of builds all over the map, probably forgot the whereabouts of most 16:14 TenPlus1 if you're lucky spawn area has a teleport pad for one of them :) 16:15 twoelk quite a few I may have never protected - which is ok 16:16 MTDiscord hmm 16:16 TenPlus1 it's fun to build for the fun of it :) I leave ruins and treasure chests all around map for ppl to find :D 16:24 MTDiscord > i don't need security, i need freedom Welcome to America 16:24 MTDiscord /s 16:24 Krock hi TenPlus1 16:24 Krock NINJA'D 16:24 TenPlus1 hey krock :) 16:25 TenPlus1 heh, check my 2nd msg in chat :DDDDD 16:25 Krock guess you don't have a trigger set up for AWAY changes 16:25 MTDiscord Hi Ten, Krock 16:25 * TenPlus1 paints benrobs face with blue and white facepaint... freeeeeddddoooommmmm!!!! 16:25 Krock not visible in my scrollback.. let's see.. 16:25 Krock very cool 16:25 TenPlus1 hows the day guys ? 16:25 Krock greeting an offline person 16:26 TenPlus1 werent you in channel ? i autocompleted your nick 16:26 MTDiscord A bit slow today, but alright other than that 16:27 TenPlus1 is a rainy day here, gloomy and slow :P 16:27 Krock TenPlus1: yeah but bouncer... 16:27 TenPlus1 aww, ninja'd indeed then... ehehehe :) 16:28 TenPlus1 you win a choccy orange cookie :) 16:28 Krock well thanks. I already baked some of those recently 16:28 TenPlus1 they're tasty :) especially with coffee 16:36 MTDiscord I wish it was rainy here too, all I have is gloom thanks to all the smoke 16:36 TenPlus1 smoke ? where are you lone_wolf ? 16:36 twoelk california? 16:37 MTDiscord Right above it 16:38 * twoelk wonders how many minetst people might have been evacuated from the fires 16:39 TenPlus1 dry and hot is always bad for fires, hope something can be done about it soon 17:03 TenPlus1 nite all o/ 17:42 MTDiscord Probably less than a handful