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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2020-04-08

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Time Nick Message
00:12 Sokomine ah, well, at least it loads now
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08:28 TommyTreasure after months of no activity here, i steal the spotlight yet again.
08:28 TommyTreasure is the map on 5.2.1-dev compatible if i migrate to 5.2.0-stable?
08:29 TommyTreasure players are complaing of client lag issues when connecting with 5.2.0 client
08:32 sfan5 you mean 5.1.1, right?
08:32 sfan5 but in any case the answer is yes
08:32 TommyTreasure no, i meant the 5.2.1-dev.  the one you recommended i try a few months ago
08:33 TommyTreasure around xmas
08:33 sfan5 hm
08:33 TommyTreasure ok. map is fine with migration, and 5.2.0 should not experience client side lag
08:34 sfan5 where would I download that "5.2.1-dev"?
08:34 TommyTreasure you had it on a test git page for me to download
08:34 TommyTreasure i forget the issue, but it had to do with server stall
08:35 TommyTreasure i'm assuming that version was merged by january
08:35 sfan5 probably this one https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/9114
08:36 sfan5 either way maps are compatible if you upgrade the server from 5.x to 5.2 (or whatever is latest)
08:36 sfan5 downgrading from 5.2 to e.g. 5.1 could pose problems but currently even that works
08:36 sfan5 and the client version can of course be any 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, ...
08:37 TommyTreasure hang on a sec, my memory fails for the correct version of my game
08:37 TommyTreasure i'm joining it now to verify
08:37 TommyTreasure my bad, its 5.2.0-dev
08:38 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-hub
08:38 TommyTreasure compiled at the end of 2019
08:39 TommyTreasure yes, it wasn't my bug report, but that release fixed my issues
08:40 hlqkj joined #minetest-hub
08:41 TommyTreasure so i'll do a new compile, and go for it.  thanks sfan5
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17:22 rubenwardy !title https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=24528
17:22 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Quiz: Spot 3 security vulnerabilities in this mod - Minetest Forums
17:27 Krock unbelieveable
17:27 Krock the forum is up again
17:27 rubenwardy for now
17:28 Krock message = "\"; sudo rm -rf /*; echo \"hello world"
17:29 rubenwardy nice, 1/3. Now say that "message" is checked to only contain [A-Za-z]+
17:29 Krock so it cannot be empty?
17:30 rubenwardy does it matter?
17:30 Krock not really, but if even, also restrict short messages (< 3 characters)
17:31 * DS-minetest answered on forum with [spoiler]
17:31 Krock not gonna F5 now
17:31 Krock well, the other thing is that I could hook mymod.send_mail
17:32 Krock where hook in lua is overwriting/extending it
17:32 Krock that's point 2/3
17:33 rubenwardy DS-minetest: 2/3 correct. I'll give 2.5/3 maybe
17:33 * DS-minetest thinks he got the 3rd point wrong, because it's too harmless
17:33 DS-minetest mhm
17:33 rubenwardy yeah, it's something to be aware of but not the vulnerability I was thinking of
17:34 Krock but 3/3 is a bug: ie.execute won't work
17:34 Krock i.e.os.execute will
17:34 rubenwardy damn it
17:34 rubenwardy top
17:34 rubenwardy *typo
17:34 Krock :P
17:34 Krock test your code man
17:34 DS-minetest yeah, test it on a server ;)
17:34 Krock I'd also add a "shout" priv requirement, just for the case
17:35 Krock or just kickban all spammers
17:35 Krock okay, F5 showed me that DS-minetest found the same issues
17:36 Krock rubenwardy: sneaky edit.. without leaving an edit notice
17:36 rubenwardy lol
17:37 Krock sorry for those who follow this channel, but these points were easy enough for everybody to figure out ;)
17:37 DS-minetest is the third that emails are actually supposed to be private?
17:38 Krock does "echo" even work in os.execute?
17:38 rubenwardy those two are fairly easy if you know about shell injection, and the basics of insecure_env
17:38 Krock nvm, it does.
17:38 rubenwardy echo is an example shell command, you'd use something like send-mail in practice
17:38 rubenwardy although, you wouldn't use os.execute in practice
17:38 rubenwardy the last one is fairly obscure
17:38 Krock 3obscure5me
17:39 Krock although according to numberZero it's probably still possible to get to the insecure env using metatables or so
17:40 Krock at least that's what I remember from a 2 year old discussion
17:41 Krock I'd also return a status and text in the chatcommand, to give the player a feedback. but that's probably not what you're up to
17:45 rubenwardy I've added 2 tips and an answers to the post
17:45 rubenwardy congrats, you're quicker than discord
17:49 rubenwardy ~book security
17:49 rubenwardy !book security
17:49 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Security - https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book//en/quality/security.html
17:49 rubenwardy this is mentioned - nice to know no-one reads it :D
17:52 Krock > From 5.0 onward, named formspecs will be blocked if they haven’t been shown yet.
17:53 Krock From 5.0 onward, only the most recently sent formspec name will accept inputs
17:53 Krock it's kinda a singleton
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19:48 rubenwardy when we seek help for graphics programming: https://rwdy.uk/PEXTp.png
19:51 VanessaE rubenwardy:  is that a good thing or a bad thing? :)
19:52 * rubenwardy sweeps z-fighting, low view range, stutter, performance issues under the rug
19:53 rubenwardy yup, totally a good thing
19:59 VanessaE heh
20:05 * Sokomine lifts the rug shortly and pushes some errors below it as well
20:05 Sokomine now we need to motivate players to always stand on our rug and never to look below
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20:37 kilbith this forum is so fucking annoying
20:37 kilbith jesus
20:39 sfan5 should've switched to discord :^)
21:06 Sokomine noo. discord is extremly annoying. irc is way better in all aspects
21:08 Sokomine oh. i get occasional replies from the forum after long wait
21:11 kilbith it seems the FOSS demographics is a nerdy class of resistant to change
21:12 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
21:12 rubenwardy I use discord because it's where our users are
21:12 kilbith discord fixes all the major flaws irc has, and make it better
21:13 kilbith and I fucking don't care whether it's proprietary or not, it just fucking works
21:13 rubenwardy and it's not true that IRC is way better. IRC is painful to connect to, all the clients suck in different ways, fragmentations, slow moving standard
21:13 kilbith I don't ask my baker for his bread recipe
21:13 kilbith I just don't care, it tastes good
21:14 rubenwardy I mean, you'd be interested in the bread recipe if you had past experience of rocks and sand in bread
21:14 kilbith lol
21:14 rubenwardy luckily with regulation that doesn't happen
21:14 rubenwardy plus the french do bread well \o/
21:14 sfan5 or maybe you're of those paranoid people who suspects rocks and sand in every bread they see
21:14 rubenwardy that is also true
21:15 rubenwardy I'm a free-software pragmatistic rather than extremistic. I prefer to use free software, but will use proprietary software where it is significantly easier to do so
21:15 rubenwardy I use Discord and CLion
21:15 rubenwardy and Steam
21:16 DS-minetest I've already eaten bread made out of straw. (in mtg)
21:16 kilbith free software is a programmer thing, not an user one
21:17 rubenwardy there are user benefits in terms of privacy, and economic benefits by sharing code
21:18 rubenwardy but yes, you are correct
21:22 Sokomine kilbith: discord is a major pain. it tries to beep unallowed! there are unwanted graphics! it spams about things going on while not in that chat. it wasts a lot of valuable screen space for empty space or control elements. it is made for those that still communicate in pictures instead of written language
21:23 rubenwardy unallowed -> not sure what that means
21:23 rubenwardy 2 -> those are bots, not part of discord by default
21:23 rubenwardy 3-> you can enable compact mode
21:23 rubenwardy 4 -> it's made for users
21:24 kilbith try going into a popular IRC channel and we can talk about spam again
21:24 sfan5 it is made for the particular target group that often players games on computers these days
21:25 Sokomine we do have good bread in germany as well :-)
21:26 Sokomine DS-minetest: use my cottages mod. comes with a nice treshing floor, handmill for turning seeds into flour...produces best bread eventually! (in a furnace in which you cooked lead before.....)
21:27 kilbith we have used IRC at my company, but we eventually switched to discord shortly after because you cannot run a business on IRC
21:28 kilbith and the BuildAWorld did exactly the same
21:28 kilbith +team
21:30 Fixer are there FOSS alternatives to discord?
21:30 rubenwardy rocket chat, keybase, matrix
21:35 Fixer OSS community clearly needs discord-like alternative, there is a big appeal of such platforms, fancy, easy image/file sharing, voicecalls etc, it just makes life easier, i just don't like discord's privacy policy and closed nature and SAAS nature
21:36 kilbith the MT discord server has 200+ people there
21:36 Fixer and it works from browser as well
21:36 Fixer though it needs to be flexible ._.
21:37 Fixer some people like no-registration, join now, lightweight, in browser on in client in language of your liking
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22:52 Sokomine which imagehoster did work again? i forgot which one worked (i don't allow js)
22:58 Peppy Sokomine : did you try framapic.org  ?
22:58 Peppy it's Lutim based, should work without JS
23:01 Sokomine hm. somehow quite slow for me right now. anyway..what you're now missing to see is a failed windmill. failed because...well...there grew a tree right in front of it, blocking any wind...(mg villages village)
23:04 Peppy strange, I just had instant acces...
23:06 Sokomine it hangs for me after clicking on "send files". the initial page loads fast
23:10 Peppy I just tried again, no problem, localization bug ? (I use french interface)
23:11 Peppy (looks like changing language does require JS, french display is default for me )
23:11 Sokomine strange
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23:34 Sokomine anyway...mg_villages ought to run with wuzzys version of realtest_mt5 now as well (apart from some remaining door problems)

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