Time Nick Message 01:12 benrob0329 o/ 03:41 jas_ !server 03:41 MinetestBot jas_: King Arthur Minetest Server | minetest.king-arthur.eu | Clients: 0/10, 0/1 | Version: / king_arthurs_game | Ping: 25ms 04:47 BuckarooBanzai jas_: the website does not load.. ;) 04:48 BuckarooBanzai (oh, i see, thats not your server...:P) 06:53 ANAND https://aloneonahill.com/blog/if-php-were-british 07:03 longerstaff13 lol 17:18 * Krock summons 10+1 17:39 Krock what am I doing wrong? I already sacrificed a goat and two sheep but it doesn't work. They respawn quickly, though.