Time Nick Message 15:29 BillyS o/ Krock 15:29 Krock o/ BillyS 15:29 BillyS Finally figured out why the MT server wasn't accepting my SRP packet 15:29 BillyS I had to use minetest --trace 15:29 BillyS Not pleasant. :P 15:31 BillyS ...hmm, my SRP request is malformed somehow 15:31 BillyS That's what happens when one uses python modules I suppose 15:51 * BillyS explodes 15:51 rubenwardy lol 15:51 rubenwardy what are you trying to do, btw? 16:14 BillyS rubenwardy: I'm trying to connect a python client to a MT server 16:16 BillyS I keep getting this wierd error on the server side though: 2018-11-18 11:16:23: ACTION[Server]: Server::ProcessData(): PacketError: what=Reading outside packet (offset: 2, packet size: 257) 16:17 rubenwardy thought so aha 16:17 rubenwardy are you making a bot? 16:17 BillyS Not really 16:17 BillyS I suppose I could 16:17 BillyS Might be rather cool 16:19 BillyS rn I'm just trying to get an idea of how videogames communicate over the network 16:19 rubenwardy I see 16:19 BillyS And MT is a good one to use because I can talk to the devs and I know a bit about it 16:19 BillyS Although writing a bot might be an interesting application ... 16:20 BillyS Although idk how MT server owners would feel if I did that. :P 18:01 IhrFussel Hello there^^ Someone said the server CAN override the death formspec of clients already? I thought that it's not possible 18:01 IhrFussel Is it a simple minetest.show_formspec() in the on_dieplayer() callback? 18:02 IhrFussel I mean this PR doesn't affect server sent stuff right? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/7874 18:17 Krock yes. it cannot override it. just try sending another formspec 18:17 Krock that PR is obviously client-side only stuff. does not matter in terms of functionality 18:31 lisac you can just disable damage and track it yourself 18:31 lisac then teleport player to spawn when his health goes to 0 18:31 lisac display your own formspec, etc. 18:32 Krock rip damage flash 18:32 Krock and punch sounds 18:39 IhrFussel That is exactly what I do with my custom HP system 18:40 IhrFussel damage sound is still played inside my hpchange() callback if hp_change is < 0 18:41 IhrFussel Only the flash is not really doable via lua 18:42 IhrFussel Maybe it is... if you add a fullscreen HUD image for a step and remove again...but that would look BAD 18:46 IhrFussel Also sometimes my players complain about certain text HUDs not disappearing again even though minetest.after() is definitely called ... if that happens with a HUD that could be displayed LOTS of times then my players would have to relog lots of times