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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-09-28

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Time Nick Message
00:29 VanessaE joined #minetest-hub
00:34 VanessaE is there a way, perhaps with worldedit, to force the server to load up the selected area, emerging blocks as needed?
00:34 d4rkie joined #minetest-hub
00:38 BillyS VanessaE: minetest.emerge_area maybe?
00:38 BillyS https://dev.minetest.net/minetest.emerge_area
00:39 VanessaE ah
00:42 VanessaE I always forget that I can send arbitrary code including MT API calls, with //lua
00:42 paramat there's a chat command also
00:43 VanessaE there is?
00:44 paramat '/emergeblocks (x, y, x) (p, q, r)'
00:44 paramat minp maxp
00:44 VanessaE ah
00:44 VanessaE how is it I can never remember these things?
00:44 paramat careful don't do too much volume
00:45 VanessaE eh,   //lua minetest.emerge_area({x=-3950,y=40,z=-100}, {x=-4500,y=-50,z=-1100})   finished in a couple of minutes.
00:45 QwertyDragon joined #minetest-hub
00:47 paramat yeah that's not big
00:48 VanessaE oh, so don't try to emerge the whole 64kx64kx64k volume ;)
00:50 timdorohin joined #minetest-hub
00:52 paramat lol
00:53 timdorohin VanessaE: how do you think, if i try to emerge 64kx64kx64k on a server with 64G ram and 4TB hdd will it succeed?
00:53 VanessaE eh........
00:53 VanessaE I think 4TB won't be enough :)
00:53 timdorohin at least half of map volume is air-only chunks
00:53 VanessaE I seem to recall coming up with an uncompressed size of some 240 TB :)
00:54 timdorohin arent chunks stored compressed?
00:54 VanessaE not sure.
00:54 milloni0 joined #minetest-hub
00:54 VanessaE the db isn't if you use sqlite, but is with leveldb
00:55 VanessaE not sure what MT does to the data before storing it.
00:56 VanessaE paramat: now...how about a corresponding command to tell the client and server to negotiate to receive and display all blocks in an area so that I don't have to fly around for hours to get an overview :)
00:56 VanessaE (assuming infinite view range)
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07:57 BuckarooBanzai hi all
07:58 BuckarooBanzai i have a weird situation on my server: there is a trail of bones from different players coming from the spawn point to the north-east almost 1000 blocks
07:58 BuckarooBanzai the spawn-point is on an elevated platform btw
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08:44 Shara BuckarooBanzai: Just make it so players can't skydive so easily :)
08:48 nuxwin3 joined #minetest-hub
08:55 BuckarooBanzai they don't just skydive, most of them somehow travel diagonally a few 100 blocks and die there
08:56 BuckarooBanzai There is even a travelnet station there to collect the bones :D https://pandorabox.io/map/#-1051.25/1183.25/10
08:59 kale28 joined #minetest-hub
09:04 Shara if you prevent them getting off the spawn area by jumping, it should stop either way
09:05 parseval joined #minetest-hub
09:09 VanessaE solution:  build a ceiling above the platform, 3m  above the floor.  1m high wall, fences maybe.  1m high glass wall hanging down from the ceiling, leaving a 1m gap between the two walls, for a clear, unobstructed viedw.
09:09 VanessaE view&
09:09 VanessaE vshkjl;ahgfjo;hsdaojhgoa
09:10 VanessaE impossible to fall, fly, or jump out of
09:10 VanessaE (unless the player has noclip)
09:15 BuckarooBanzai I don't mind the jumping (it pre-selects the players who read the signs) but they all go in the SAME direction. We had an in-game discussion about possible mobile-users who close the app while loading or something like that, is that even possible?
09:16 Shara It's possible for  a player to keep moving after they lost connection on their end, but not sure if it would result in that.
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13:10 TenPlus1 hi folks
13:15 mlelstv joined #minetest-hub
13:16 ChimneySwift hi TenPlus1
13:16 TenPlus1 hi chimney, how's the day ?
13:16 ChimneySwift not bad, finally got my mapgen working :) hbu?
13:17 TenPlus1 which one ?
13:18 ChimneySwift one for a game I'm making, it just generates boxes around the spawn point but it had me stuck. I posted a question about it about a week ago maybe
13:18 TenPlus1 ahhh
13:18 TenPlus1 special boxes ? with gifts ?
13:19 ChimneySwift nah as in like big boxes like you make with world edit, it's for game borders basically
13:20 TenPlus1 oh, nice... you have a plan for them ?
13:20 ChimneySwift yup, still very wip.wanted to get the mapgen out of the way cause I knew it would be hard XD
13:21 ChimneySwift HUD next xD
13:21 TenPlus1 :P
13:22 TenPlus1 Mobs Redo API updated with a few nil checks included... seems some mobs mods are tweaking self.* values and causing issue
13:23 ChimneySwift nice, that would cause issues yeah lol
13:24 TenPlus1 all the self.* values can be easily changed within a mob, but doing it safely is the issue, mods have to be careful what they change
13:24 ChimneySwift yeah
13:25 TenPlus1 if I keep having to add nil checks then the api will slow down each time
13:25 ScooterX19 joined #minetest-hub
13:26 ChimneySwift ah yeah true. it should be up to the mods to safely modify values I would think. surely issues like that would come up in testing
13:28 TenPlus1 it should, depends how much time testing the mod author has put in
13:35 Code_Red joined #minetest-hub
13:40 ChimneySwift true
13:44 BuckarooBanzai joined #minetest-hub
13:48 TenPlus1 didn't someone figure a way to detect if a player was using a VPN ?
13:48 corvus_ joined #minetest-hub
13:49 ChimneySwift there's a mod that basically just checks a list of known VPN ip addresses
13:49 ChimneySwift there isn't really a way other than that
13:49 sfan5 that's certainly possible, but why do you need that?
13:49 TenPlus1 ohhh, shame
13:50 TenPlus1 hi sfan5, for the idiot players who like to wreak havoc on a server by coming back over and over even when banned
13:50 ChimneySwift oh boy hometown had one of those a while back
13:50 Shara aka "the usual reason server owners want this"
13:51 TenPlus1 hi shara
13:51 Shara :)
13:51 ChimneySwift he wasn't using a VPN. just a mobile internet you can change the ip address of with a flick of the airplane mode switch
13:51 Shara yea, those ones are just as bad
13:51 ChimneySwift yup
13:52 Shara I just close my servers to new players when we have one of those
13:52 TenPlus1 same
13:52 ChimneySwift bit of a shame that's basically the only option
13:52 Shara Yea, hurts the real players
13:52 Shara RC has never recovered from the time I needed to do that long term
13:53 sfan5 it's not, reliably keeping out vpns just takes some effort
13:53 Shara and some days I feel liek I may as well turn DL offline now :(
13:53 sfan5 which is understandably too much effort for most server admins
13:53 ChimneySwift hmmm?
13:54 Shara sfan5: when they are even switching which VPN provider they use almost daily, it's not so easy
13:55 TenPlus1 if they put as much effort into playing nicely with other people we wouldnt have this issue
13:55 Shara They don't want to play nicely. That's the point. They get a kick out of abuse and making problems.
13:56 ChimneySwift heh. ikr, through all that persistence they could actually have gotten a lot done with their life
13:56 Shara I've found most of them give up after a day or two of not being able to connect, but I've had some who just don't stop
13:56 ChimneySwift yeah
13:56 Shara Had one yesterday spamming DL with endless swearing directed at me personally.
13:56 Shara The issue? One of my moderators banned him.... months ago. When I wasn't even around.
13:57 TenPlus1 yeah we get complaints about that, even when the clearly broke the rules...
13:57 Shara Demands to unban original account.. after multiple lines of swearing directed at me personally... Hmm, I don't think so :)
13:57 ChimneySwift if you watch them enough you can get pretty good at figuring out who they are just by how they act. Got pretty good at banning that guy within a few minutes of him joining lol
13:57 ChimneySwift oof
13:58 Shara ChimneySwift: yea, there's been a couple I recognise within a sentence of them typing, even if they are trying to be polite
13:58 ChimneySwift yeah lol
13:58 Shara I always wait to confirm before the next /ban of course, but still...
13:59 Shara Got one that shows up every couple of months pretending to be some dev or other as well. That one has almost become entertaining by this point.
14:00 ChimneySwift oh hey we get one like that!
14:00 Shara sfan5: I think you were the first person he tried to impersonate on my server in fact
14:00 sfan5 I think I haven't touched MT for actual playing in like 6 months ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
14:01 ChimneySwift he says that the devs are gonna take down the server if we don't unban their uncles sons cat's account or something like that
14:01 Shara ChimneySwift: yea, heard that one :)
14:01 ChimneySwift XD
14:04 ChimneySwift it would be interesting to implement a vote ban priv which could be asked for like liquid/spill on some servers which would let you Temp ban a player if say 3-5 people agreed, and then it could layer be revised by a moderator
14:04 sfan5 if I happen to be around, you can ask me and I might be able to figure out a more permanent solution for keeping VPNs and thus people like this out
14:04 TenPlus1 you realise that would be abused by groups/friends
14:04 Shara That would be bad, not interesting.
14:04 ChimneySwift would be helpful at times when no mods are on
14:05 ChimneySwift TenPlus1: thus the priv, which would only be given the trusted players, just more of then than moderators
14:05 Shara ChimneySwift: then a troublemaker summons a group of their friends to temp ban all regulars
14:05 Shara If I trust someone, I just give them ban priv
14:06 TenPlus1 oh yeah, forgot that part :P lol
14:06 Shara (same :P but still, just give them ban if you trust them)
14:06 TenPlus1 we only allow kick and limit
14:06 ChimneySwift yeah, I guess, it could be applied to a lot of stuff
14:07 TenPlus1 the ban list woudl be quite large by now if we used that :D
14:07 ChimneySwift XD
14:07 TenPlus1 limit just revokes all privs, and if you sign on with no privs you get refused :D
14:07 ChimneySwift I see
14:08 Shara I prefer actual ban... so I can track the reasons
14:08 ChimneySwift yeah
14:08 Shara Plus I can pull a ban record for any player which will give me alkl their alt names and so on and details for all temp bans
14:08 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
14:09 Shara And I can then see why a moderator decided to ban someone and when, and check that the log matches the reason if I have any doubts
14:09 TenPlus1 I had to add a chest tool so that when I limit a player and remove their protections, I can quick click all their locked chests and containers and turn them into protected chests that other players can open/break
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15:59 TenPlus1 hi calcul0n
16:00 calcul0n hi
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16:32 IhrFussel Does this bug exist in 5.0.0-dev too? When punching an entity and leaving the collision box of that entity you can no longer select the entity anymore until you stop punching for a moment
16:33 IhrFussel Wait the bug is this: When punching en entity and pointing at a node while continuing to punch you can no longer select the entity
16:34 IhrFussel an*
16:35 IhrFussel You can no longer select any entity or object then it seems until you stop punching
16:36 IhrFussel Applies to players as well
16:47 sys4 joined #minetest-hub
16:49 IhrFussel I can't find any existing issues on it, but can't test 5.0.0-dev now...if someone got it on their machine and would like to check I'd appreciate it... just create any entity with enough HP so that you can hit it lots of times in a row then start punching it, point at a node for a moment and try punching the entity again
16:50 IhrFussel Do not let go of the mouse button, hold it down all the time
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17:52 Tenplus1 back :P
17:52 Tenplus1 my j2900 froze
18:02 xerox123 welcome back
18:02 Tenplus1 thanks :) also hi
18:03 jluc joined #minetest-hub
18:03 Tenplus1 did I miss anything ?
18:11 longerstaff13 you missed a space shuttle
18:12 Krock a missile
18:12 Krock in mississippiii
18:13 Krock * mmiissiissiippii
18:13 IcyDiamond https://i.lunasqu.ee/screenshot_20180928_211314.png building haus
18:14 IcyDiamond i love slabs in this game
18:14 IcyDiamond XD
18:17 Krock IcyDiamond: fancy shaders man
18:17 Krock but some aliasing effects on the bottom right
18:17 IcyDiamond interesting, i have 8x antialiasing
18:17 IcyDiamond XD
18:18 Krock duh
18:18 Krock needs at least 128x
18:18 IcyDiamond XD
18:18 Krock please give that house a fancy, dark roof
18:18 IcyDiamond https://i.lunasqu.ee/Screenshot_18-09-28-21:18:30.png
18:18 Krock it would fit so well with the tree trunks
18:18 IcyDiamond sure
18:20 IcyDiamond I don't like filtering, it doesnt make sense in a pixel game
18:20 IcyDiamond makes things look fuzzy
18:21 Krock that touch threshold box looks so awful
18:21 Krock is that a recent master build or are you using custom builtin code?
18:22 IcyDiamond recent master always
18:22 IcyDiamond XD
18:25 Tenplus1 nice house icy
18:25 Tenplus1 hi btw, hi Krock
18:25 IcyDiamond Tenplus1: ay, im using your stairs mod :)
18:25 Tenplus1 ooh sweet :P  did you test the sneak place feature ?
18:25 IcyDiamond yes! its the best!
18:26 IcyDiamond i use it a lot here
18:26 Krock hi Tenplus1
18:26 Tenplus1 w00t, knew it would come in handy :PPP
18:27 * Tenplus1 noms french toast
18:27 IcyDiamond it really does :P
18:28 Krock Le Toast.
18:28 Tenplus1 le le le
18:28 Krock Le Toast mangé.
18:28 Tenplus1 crap, I keep forgetting to make a pull for falling.lua
18:30 Tenplus1 fixes the replacement issue
18:33 Tenplus1 for those who wanna test it out: https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/falling_item
18:43 Tenplus1 isnt that normal behaviour due to punch interval ?
18:43 Tenplus1 you cant hold down and spam select something
18:44 IhrFussel You can spam attack mobs in Mobs Redo for example...my point is you no longer select the mob or any object after you point at a node
18:45 IhrFussel You can switch between mobs to attack but as soon as you point 1 time at a node you no longer reach objects
18:46 IhrFussel Let me show you a video
18:46 Tenplus1 same with players, you spam pick at stone then ppoiint to a player, nothing
18:49 Tenplus1 I dont know if it's on purpose so you dont hit someone that walks in front of you or not
18:51 Tenplus1 but it does come in handy at times
18:52 Tenplus1 mobs on purpose cannot be spammed when hitting, it checks time from last punch and only does knockback on a full punch
18:54 IhrFussel As you can see spamming attack does do damage just less...but the issue is not that it's that even if a player accidentally points at a node while attacking a mob or player then they can no longer attack and have to stop pressing the attack button
18:55 Tenplus1 it's an engine thing one click one hit, spamming only seems to work on nodes when digging
18:55 IhrFussel It looks like a bug to me...digging a node blocks entity pointing
18:56 Tenplus1 it's easy enough to let go and re hit...
18:56 IhrFussel No, you can define the damage when spam attacking...or you can disallow it
18:56 Tenplus1 but maybe it could be looked into to see the cause (or if it's on purpose)
18:57 IcyDiamond minetest could really use a brightness setting
18:57 IcyDiamond its way too f-ing dark
18:58 Tenplus1 that would be a good option +100
18:58 Tenplus1 maybe in the escape menu with the sound volume
18:58 IcyDiamond yes
18:59 sys4 joined #minetest-hub
18:59 IcyDiamond maybe i should start putting bounties on my most needed feature requests
18:59 IcyDiamond xD
19:00 IhrFussel isn't there a gamma setting?
19:00 Shara Or start making PRs :P
19:00 IcyDiamond Shara: i dont code c++
19:00 Tenplus1 lol... "Can YOU add a brightness control in the ESC menu, if so then 10x chuppa chupp lollies are all yours"
19:00 Shara IcyDiamond: Funnily enough, I kept saying that as well...
19:01 IcyDiamond I know C++ on a basic level, yes, but I refuse to devote my mind to it
19:01 IhrFussel Not in ESC menu but main menu settings -> display_gamma
19:01 IcyDiamond XD
19:03 Krock well great. recent libfles1 update collides with the nvidia driver
19:03 Krock *libgles1
19:03 Tenplus1 when will nvidia learn and open-source their driver like the amd one
19:04 Tenplus1 issues like this would be fixed within a week
19:04 IcyDiamond https://i.lunasqu.ee/screenshot_20180928_220413.png finished exterior, i guess
19:04 IcyDiamond xD
19:05 * Tenplus1 gets feet wet walking up to front door :D
19:05 IcyDiamond :)
19:05 Tenplus1 I like it...
19:07 Tenplus1 if you're ever on Xanadu walk along the brown and orange path and see some of the builds that use stairs redo :D
19:08 Tenplus1 someone actually made the globe theatre (shakespears theatre)
19:10 Tenplus1 also Shara has made good use of them :PP
19:12 Shara Hmm?
19:13 Tenplus1 your sandstone build that uses slopes
19:13 Shara Ahh
19:13 Tenplus1 :) I did at one point build an incan temple but for the life of me I cannot remember the coords
19:15 Tenplus1 one of the players found a huuuuuuge caverealms cavern with many biome types, was like a complete underworld... think they are building a fortress down there
19:18 ChimneySwift joined #minetest-hub
19:18 Tenplus1 ooh, am getting smooth fps from minetest in 18.10
19:18 Tenplus1 lxqt seems to help run things better
19:41 Tenplus1 :P
19:55 sofar Krock: clearlinux [/PAID ADVERTISEMENT!]
19:55 Tenplus1 lol
19:57 Flynnn joined #minetest-hub
19:57 Krock sofar: surely didn't see that coming :D
19:58 sofar how small do you need it, and, is it for e.g. a container?
19:59 sofar docker run -it clearlinux # -> 35M
20:00 Tenplus1 how big is the desktop isntaller ?
20:00 sofar well, that installs gnome, so, it's big
20:00 sofar but we ship i3 if you want tiny
20:00 Tenplus1 dammit, they moved away from xfce...
20:01 sofar you just have to use the basic installer
20:01 sofar we still have xfce4
20:01 sofar and then install i3 or xfce4 yourself separately
20:03 Tenplus1 hdd
20:06 Tenplus1 lol
20:15 Tenplus1 nite folks o/.
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20:16 BillyS Krockadile alert!
20:16 Krock BillySalert
20:16 BillyS yay
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20:58 tumeninodes !tell paramat I hope you remembered to keep rails connected to fence gates as well ; )
20:58 MinetestBot tumeninodes: yeah, sure, whatever
20:59 tumeninodes drop the tude MinetestBot
21:10 tumeninodes !tell paramat, if not I can do a PR tomorrow
21:10 MinetestBot tumeninodes: I'll pass that on when paramat, is around
21:20 BillyS Is there a way to make MT take high-resolution screen shots other then blowing up my window size?
21:21 Krock emulate a screen with xorg?
21:21 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
21:21 Krock not sure whether that works
21:21 BillyS It does, but that would be hard to position the player right
21:21 Krock timdorohin: interesting. But I doubt it could handle more than 10 players
21:24 timdorohin Krock: well, for 7$ you can get OPi Zero 512MB that can handle 25 people on vanilla (tested)
21:24 Krock s/OP/RP/
21:26 timdorohin Krock: rpi zero < opi zero
21:26 MinetestBot joined #minetest-hub
21:26 Krock TIL Orange Pi is a thing
21:28 timdorohin well, yes, 1.2GHz quad-core cortex A7 is more powerful then my dual-core notebook (at least minetest builds faster) -_-
21:29 Krock a bit weird they only put a USB 2.0 connector there
21:29 * timdorohin hate intel atom-based celerons
21:30 sfan5 Krock: adding usb 3.0 or more usb connectors typically requires adding another chip that is either a PCI-e usb3 controller or an usb2.0 hub
21:30 sfan5 while the SoC usually exposes a single usb2 port "for free"
21:30 timdorohin Krock: well, on shield there is 2 additional connectors, and they aren't multiplexed
21:33 Krock Right, I've also seen Atmel microcontrollers which have support for a single USB connector; but didn't expect they were using it like a regular USB plug
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22:15 Fixer BOOM
22:16 VanessaE *whimper*
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