Time Nick Message 01:28 rubenwardy Sokomine: protip - there's a table on your profile which lists the mods you haven't added yet. You can click the create link to prefill stuff like repo url, name, title, and forum id 01:28 rubenwardy This should probably be made more obvious 01:30 Sokomine rubenwardy: thanks. it's working now. just takes time to gather all those screenshots etc. 01:30 rubenwardy Sure, yeah 01:30 rubenwardy If your mods use git and you have a screenshot.png, it'll automatically import it 01:36 Sokomine ah. i named it screenshot.jpg and wondered why it wasn't discovered. png are pretty big 10:34 xerox123_ Hey Krock 10:35 Krock hi xerox123_ 11:08 Krock rofl ! rofl ! 11:16 tumeninodes in other news, I'm eating cookies for breakfast 11:22 tumeninodes How goes Gael 11:22 Gael-de-Sailly hey tumeninodes :) 11:24 tumeninodes any new regions to explore yet? 11:26 tumeninodes I was thinking a geo-map of Tibet might be nice 11:35 IcyDiamond https://i.lunasqu.ee/Screenshot_18-06-30-14:34:36.png is there a good way to extract these node icons as png for use in wiki 11:35 IcyDiamond I guess I could use my nodebox editor 11:35 IcyDiamond ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 11:36 tumeninodes could use Gimp or Inkscape 11:45 tumeninodes IcyDiamond: you want the entire icons, or just the cubes with transparent bg? 11:45 IcyDiamond just a cube with transparency yes 11:45 twoelk where are they from? 11:45 tumeninodes ok, give me a few then 11:49 IcyDiamond ok i found an easy tutorial with gimp 11:49 IcyDiamond thats cool 11:51 Krock Configure the background so that it's all green. Quick replace 11:52 Krock The icons are generated by transforming the textures and assembling them afterwards. When you've enabled the inventory animations, they'll be a rendered mesh 11:53 IcyDiamond gimp has a map filter that allows me to use layers as faces 11:55 tumeninodes can files be uploaded via irc? 0_0 11:55 red-001 kida 11:55 red-001 kinda 11:55 red-001 no-one sane uses it 11:55 red-001 insane people might 11:55 tumeninodes hmmm kinda.... sounds scary 11:56 red-001 I hear NAT killed it 11:57 Krock tumeninodes, when crafted 11:57 Krock is "groups = {choppy = 3," intentional for pine? all other is 2 11:58 tumeninodes most likely a mistype (per usual) 11:58 IcyDiamond XD 12:01 Krock s/per/as/ 12:01 IcyDiamond as per usual ;) 12:02 tumeninodes IcyDiamond https://ibb.co/album/kZhdyv 12:03 IcyDiamond haha nice 12:03 tumeninodes don't hurt yourself with those... they're sharp 12:05 IcyDiamond https://i.lunasqu.ee/cell.gif 12:05 IcyDiamond look at this :D 12:05 tumeninodes Krock, what is that then..., output name = 12? 12:06 Krock huh 12:06 IcyDiamond shiet i just realized i used wrong layer for the sides 12:06 IcyDiamond >.> 12:06 Krock IcyDiamond, nice. what tool did you use now? 12:06 tumeninodes output - name "12" does that increase the number of sticks for crafting? 6 per rail 12:06 IcyDiamond Krock: gimp 12:07 IcyDiamond dammit why did i mess up like this 12:07 Krock I know that gimp can do such transformations but it would take ages for me to hit it correctly to have them connected and in the right proportions 12:07 Krock tumeninodes, if the cost should be increased, either make the recipe more expensive (takes more stuff to craft) or reduce the outcome 12:07 IcyDiamond Filter -> Map -> Map Object -> Cube 12:08 tumeninodes wtf? every image site sticks you with a lame ass white bg 12:08 tumeninodes what is a quick simple free zip file share site without having to sign up 12:09 IcyDiamond transfer.sh 12:09 IcyDiamond i think 12:09 IcyDiamond i dont remember 12:10 IcyDiamond yeah transfer.sh 12:11 tumeninodes https://transfer.sh/%28/34nbP/cubeicos.zip%29.zip 12:11 tumeninodes does that work? 12:12 Krock very nice, didn't know about that, IcyDiamond :D 12:12 tumeninodes it's now my new github :P 12:13 Gael-de-Sailly oh sorry tumeninodes I was playing and didn't watched your messages 12:13 tumeninodes ... rude! 12:14 tumeninodes :D 12:14 Gael-de-Sailly just saw about the Tibet map 12:14 Gael-de-Sailly great idea 12:14 Krock r 12:14 Krock wrong window lol 12:15 IcyDiamond fixed my sides 12:15 IcyDiamond yay 12:15 tumeninodes crafting is stupid... and should be removed 12:15 tumeninodes :P 12:15 IcyDiamond XD 12:19 tumeninodes hey, pine and aspen fence are both set to choppy = 3. I must have been just keeping it the same but failed on the aspen rail 12:22 IcyDiamond https://i.lunasqu.ee/Screenshot_18-06-30-15:22:18.png here's some finished 12:22 IcyDiamond XD 12:25 tumeninodes ok, I have no idea how to increase the craft recipe 12:26 tumeninodes I don't even do... "crafting" haha 12:59 tumeninodes ok, I give up. Where am I looking specifically, to increase the number of sticks it takes to craft the rails 13:00 tumeninodes I'm in functions lua looking at line 336 - 339 13:15 IhrFussel Since only players with random names (3rd-party-app) seem to have the bug with the gray screen on join anymore...can I safely assume that it's a client-side problem? 13:16 Krock yes 13:16 IhrFussel Do you remember which MT version fixed it client-side? 13:16 Krock it's not fixed 13:17 Krock CSM errors can still cause that 13:17 IhrFussel I doubt that the mobile apps use CSMs ... so it's not a c++ issue? 13:19 Krock could be. not sure. https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4482 13:20 Krock but I also had this when joining another server 13:23 IhrFussel There was such an issue and solution was to update inventory mods (which I did) and since then it never happened to me anymore ... but maybe this "fix" also requires a newer client than what some apps use as engine (0.4.11-0.4.13) 13:53 ircSparky rubenwardy, is there something (I think they are called callbacks?) that i could use to run some code when the match resets? 14:01 ircSparky I guess i could just put it in the ctf code 14:11 rubenwardy Hmmm 14:11 rubenwardy I forget 14:11 red-001 Krock, other stuff can also cause that 14:11 red-001 full gray screen == Lua error gone wrong 14:11 rubenwardy I can't remember if there's a post reset callback 14:11 rubenwardy But if you don't require the map to be completely reset, you can use the same callback maploading uses 14:12 red-001 gray world == minetest broke 14:12 rubenwardy In CTF map scheme map 14:12 red-001 sometimes no blocks load, not sure if it was ever fully fixed 14:16 sfan5 yes that was fixed 15:09 IhrFussel but IIRC it requires newer clients to be fully fixed 15:10 IhrFussel Could be wrong though...my server version is definitely not the reason for the gray screen, since it never seems to happen with 0.4.16/0.4.17 as client 15:11 IhrFussel The gray screen is also mostly gone after rejoining from what I can tell (reading chat log where app users complain) 15:12 IhrFussel They can definitely still chat btw! 15:13 IhrFussel On other screens they appear to be walking mid-air instead of falling down to ground (spawn point is 1 node above ground) 15:13 Krock perfect timing to spawn-kill them 15:13 Krock a grenade or two should do it 15:16 * Sokomine disarms krock 15:16 IhrFussel {Main} (27/06/18 20:34:38) [Farell494]: How can i get out of this gray cloud or smth 15:18 IhrFussel Seems to not be just app users with random names...but maybe still a 3rd-party-app in this case: [Krynoify]: i see only gray stuff 15:18 Sokomine we did have that grey fog sometimes in the past. strange if it came back 15:18 IhrFussel Wait let me check their prot version which is log 15:18 Krock Sokomine, fighting with my bare fists. 15:19 * Sokomine places some of her traders in front of krock. they'll distract every aggressor by offering trades 15:19 * Krock runs. away. fast. 15:20 Sokomine hope you won't hit the grey mist :) 15:20 IhrFussel Farell got 27 but 2 others who reported some kind of "gray" stuff going on were on 0.4.16 (32) 15:21 IhrFussel Maybe I just need to relog a few times for it to happen? 15:21 tumeninodes good grief..., just realized I'll need to register crafts for fence rails too.... dangit 15:23 tumeninodes and I still have zero idea how to increase the cost.... I know there are 9 slots in the craft grid. It should be the top row across, center row empty, and bottom row across 15:23 tumeninodes ... I "think" :P 15:27 tumeninodes rails should prob have a burn time of the next odd or even number down from fence, i.e. 9 for junglewood fence / 7 for funglewood rails, 8 for acacia fence / 6 for acacia rails 15:28 tumeninodes does that make sense to anyone? 15:38 Sokomine not much. i don't burn rails on servers....just add some numbers for now. there's no real discernable pattern behind it. or, if eventually a player gets intrested, that player might think of something 15:38 twoelk maybe include a hammer in the crafting, placed in the middle that is returned afterwards like a bucket in some recipes 15:40 tumeninodes mmmm, I just put top row across 'stick, then middle row across 'def material', then bottom row across stick again. does that work? 15:43 tumeninodes https://imgur.com/a/F4zEKee I'm thinking that should yield like 10 fence rails? or is that too much? 3 wood type and 6 sticks should give you a decent amount 15:48 tumeninodes https://imgur.com/a/wt9zwu2 15:51 tumeninodes uh oh To git@github.com:TumeniNodes/minetest_game.git 15:51 tumeninodes ! [rejected] add_fence_rails -> add_fence_rails (fetch first) 15:51 tumeninodes error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:TumeniNodes/minetest_game.git' 15:51 tumeninodes hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do 15:51 tumeninodes hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing 15:51 tumeninodes hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes 15:51 tumeninodes hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again. 15:51 tumeninodes hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details. 15:51 tumeninodes woops, sorry meant to use pastebin 15:52 * twoelk looks forward to having a ranch with them nice white horse fences 15:56 tumeninodes hmmm, I truly hope I did not just frig everything up 15:57 tumeninodes twoelk, yeh... if I did not just muck everything up haha 16:03 Krock tumeninodes, git fetch origin/add_fence_rails 16:03 Krock git rebase origin/add_fence_rails 16:03 tumeninodes shit.... 16:04 tumeninodes I did git pull origin/add_fence_rails 16:04 Krock oh well.. merge commit works too 16:04 Krock but that's not great 16:04 tumeninodes :( 16:04 tumeninodes I will remember next time 16:04 tumeninodes so is it all messed up now? 16:06 tumeninodes be back in a few min. have to move some things around to install an AC unit 16:13 ircSparky rubenwardy, how would I use that? is it emerge_with_callbacks or something? 16:34 Fixer pffffff 16:38 twoelk which version of minetest starts reading description and depends from mod.conf? 16:39 Krock 0.5.0-dev 16:40 Krock you may look out for PRs which contain "mod.conf" or use git blame 16:40 twoelk hm, seems my 0.5.0 is outdated then :-D 16:40 Krock possible yes. feels like February when it was added 16:41 Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/6243 March 16:41 twoelk is <name = technical_name> still correct? 16:41 Krock yes sure 16:41 Krock I've got a mod using some 5.0-dev exclusive features: https://github.com/SmallJoker/upgrade_packs/blob/master/mod.conf 16:41 twoelk or should it be descriptivename 16:43 twoelk looks pretty much like the one I played with 16:48 twoelk besides, the equal sign is not mentioned in the lua_api.txt, so if one jumps into that section one misses the syntax examples at game.conf or other places 16:51 longerstaff13 hello people 16:53 twoelk o/ 17:00 Tenplus1 hi folks 17:00 Tenplus1 o/ Krock 17:02 Krock hi Tenplus1 17:02 Tenplus1 was plyaing with 0.4.17-2 on my phone, works well :) 17:27 twoelk has anybody ever tried to retrieve data out of java files with lua? - not running them but extracting parameters 17:28 Tenplus1 hi fixer, twoelk... old drives had that nice high pitched seek sound :) 17:29 twoelk just short of take-off 17:36 twoelk a 24needle printer and endless paper, my poor neighbours 17:37 Tenplus1 muhahahaha, dot matrix hell 17:37 twoelk actually they never complained but asced me to print their stuff 17:37 twoelk -c+k 17:37 Tenplus1 lol... I remember my first HP Desktop 660... so happy to have a colour printer but was only 600dpi 17:38 twoelk early ascii art and me mighty proud when someone actually recognised something 17:39 Tenplus1 some of the later ansi art was amazing 17:40 twoelk using old dot matrix printers to play music is amazing 17:43 twoelk I used a lot of ansi/ascii art in my old batch files faking a graphical menu --- never tried that with formspecs -- i wonder 17:43 Tenplus1 am sure there's one somewhere that allows for ascii/ansi art logins 17:44 Tenplus1 my first gui library was written solely in pascal and I backported it to qbasic (ugg) which looked more lke a mix of gui and ascii 17:45 Krock tumeninodes, "No idea what Travis' problem is.". Click on the red cross, then look which build that failed 17:45 Krock when you select that build, then you can see the style checker which found some lines which are way too long in your file 17:47 tumeninodes yeh, it is the lines for inv texture... I don;t know where they can be broken to fit with MTG guidelines 17:48 Tenplus1 hi tumeni... what lines ? 17:48 Krock lt_acacia_wood.png^" .. \n "default_fence_rail_overlay.png^[ma 17:49 tumeninodes Hi tenplus1... the chorus lines, we're starting a Minetest dance group :D 17:49 Tenplus1 w00t! 17:49 tumeninodes "put out your hands, stick out your tush... 17:49 twoelk all in a single row? tossing legs? 17:49 Tenplus1 lol 17:50 tumeninodes Blazing Saddles 17:50 tumeninodes Krock, It's all of them, except "wood" (junglebramblelipinsteinwood being the worst) /longest 17:50 twoelk hm, miss acacia, miss pine.... all with wooden legs 17:51 Tenplus1 great movie... 17:51 tumeninodes If someone tells me the proper spot to break them, I will gladly take care of that 17:51 tumeninodes yah it was/is... another is The Great Race 17:52 twoelk break their legs ? eek 17:52 Tenplus1 omg, great race was amazing, the original whacky races... 2 and a half hours worth 17:52 tumeninodes Candygram for Mongo 17:52 Tenplus1 lolol 17:52 Krock tumeninodes, definitely doesn't hurt to fix them all 17:52 * Tenplus1 feels nostalgic now 17:52 tumeninodes I have those and so many othe rold greats 17:52 twoelk fix them, don't hurt them 17:52 tumeninodes you think maybe break at the seconf "^" for each of them? 17:53 tumeninodes f>d 17:53 Tenplus1 can u link me the lines in question tumeni ? 17:53 Tenplus1 wb tneu 17:53 Tenplus1 er... wb entuland 17:54 entuland yo there Tenplus1 17:54 tumeninodes tenplus1 > https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/2158/commits/be571ea30d7d5bd36be461897971786d40f7fd10 17:54 tumeninodes hey?! what's with the big T? 17:54 entuland did you by chance check that problem with protector redo not preventing the screwdriver from rotating nodes? 17:55 tumeninodes afk for about 15 or 20 minutes 17:56 Tenplus1 entuland: protector redo does indeed check for protection and stop players rotating nodes... I cannot reproduce the issue you found, I can only think something overrides the screwdriver or protection in a separate mod 17:56 paramat yes break at 2nd '^' as in K-rock's example above 17:57 tumeninodes Hey... that was MY example, thank you.... hmf 17:57 tumeninodes :D 17:57 tumeninodes oh wait... nvm... dammit 17:58 entuland I'll retest that on a new world with just protector redo installed, Tenplus1 17:58 tumeninodes I'll fix those when I come back in a few minutes 17:58 paramat .. as long as that is below 80 columns (with tab size 4) 17:59 Tenplus1 entuland: what other mods you running alongside ? 17:59 entuland none that should be messing with that stuff, only my own mods, but I'm testing that without any other mod 18:06 entuland uhm... I cannot reproduce it on a fresh world 18:06 entuland I'll try the one where I noticed the problem 18:06 Tenplus1 something you're running is messing with either protection or screwdriver 18:06 entuland yep, that must be the case in the other world 18:06 entuland either that, or I badly screwed that up 18:06 Tenplus1 heh 18:08 Tenplus1 a quick text search for "is_protected" throuighout your mods that are running will let ya know :P 18:10 entuland Tenplus1, no, sorry, it's just me being a plain idiot 18:11 Tenplus1 :P 18:11 entuland I had the protector block placed as entuland, then I noticed that I could rotate blocks as singleplayer and didn't realize that singleplayer is just another word for "god" *facepalm* 18:11 Tenplus1 lolol, had protection_bypass priv huh? 18:11 entuland checking that 18:11 entuland yep 18:12 entuland must have granted that to singleplayer in that world by issuing "/grant singleplayer all" 18:12 entuland my apologies :) 18:12 Tenplus1 no worries :) just glad ya figured it out :D 18:12 entuland :) 18:14 tumeninodes errr, just realized I can just rename the overlay to 'rail' instead of 'fence_rail'. no need for breaks 18:14 Tenplus1 lol 18:14 tumeninodes unless anyone opposes that route 18:15 * Tenplus1 re-routes through the M74 18:15 tumeninodes still buggered 18:15 tumeninodes :) 18:16 Tenplus1 oof 18:16 Tenplus1 does xp work ? 18:43 twoelk https://i.imgur.com/BMnPQqX.jpg having fun trying to read from a minecraft mod 18:44 Tenplus1 lol, so many missing textures 18:44 twoelk yeah I wanted to keep the folder structure 18:46 twoelk I didn't get all paths right - not really as easy as I thought 18:46 twoelk too much hardcoding, too little automatic 18:47 Tenplus1 which mod was it ? or game ? 18:47 twoelk uhm, plants for minecraft or such 18:47 Tenplus1 ahh... Xanadu has a lite version of mc's plantpack (with permission) 18:48 Tenplus1 over 240 plants whittled down to 48 18:51 twoelk this one https://github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/Plants 18:51 twoelk I was trying to read from the unchanged repository 18:52 Tenplus1 nice one, those look really good 18:53 twoelk they surely do, but my generic minecraft mod reader sucks 18:54 Tenplus1 I really tried to get Pam's harvestcraft onto minetest but she wasn't having it... :( 18:54 Tenplus1 sooo many foods 18:57 Krock twoelk, seems absolute proprietary 18:57 Tenplus1 most mc mods are, they dont like sharing :D 18:58 Krock nvm. didn't see LICENSE :/ 18:58 twoelk this was the most free license I found 18:59 Tenplus1 will make an amazing flowers/plant mod 18:59 twoelk pff - long way from working 18:59 Tenplus1 it'll happen :D 19:01 twoelk would be probably faster to rewrite stuff from scrap instead of letting lua interprete obscure java files to extract stuff 19:01 Tenplus1 yup, had to do that with plantpack... ehehe 19:01 twoelk but I had this idea of leaving the mc mod intact and just using the info from it 19:02 Tenplus1 so long as the author gets credits it's all good :D 19:11 Tenplus1 hi CWz 19:11 CWz ello 19:12 Tenplus1 o/ 19:12 Tenplus1 what's new ? 19:12 CWz nothin 19:12 CWz u? 19:12 Tenplus1 heh, same :P quiet day hiding from the sun and it's awesome heat 19:15 * twoelk flys around looking for the dozens of registered new plants but only finds wild onions spawning regularly :-( 19:16 Tenplus1 you using the same seed for each decoration ? or just fill_ratio setting ? 19:18 IcyDiamond o/ 19:18 Tenplus1 hey diamond :D 19:18 IcyDiamond Hi Tenplus1 19:18 Tenplus1 hows u 19:18 IcyDiamond Depressed, as usual 19:19 Tenplus1 aww, soz to hear 19:19 CWz Grumptest 19:19 Tenplus1 ooh, could we get game grumps to do a vid on minetest :P 19:20 IcyDiamond !server icy network 19:20 MinetestBot IcyDiamond: Icy Network (5.0.0) | | Clients: 0/15, 0/1 | Version: 5.0.0-dev / minetest_game | Ping: 10ms 19:20 Tenplus1 !server xanadu 19:20 MinetestBot Tenplus1: Xanadu | | Clients: 18/40, 9/27 | Version: 0.4.16 / minetest | Ping: 123ms 19:20 Tenplus1 you got a way better ping time :D 19:21 IcyDiamond I lost all motivation to work on elepower somehow 19:21 Tenplus1 hmm, what do the different client numbers mean ? 0/15 0/1 ?? 19:22 tumeninodes paramat: do you think I should keep the output at 12, using 3 def material across 2 rows, or should I up it to 24? (24 seems a bit much?) 19:22 Tenplus1 paramat aint here 19:23 tumeninodes what did you do with him? 0_0 19:23 Tenplus1 you have to solve these clues three to find his final location 19:24 Tenplus1 1. he's 2. in 3. the toilet 19:24 Tenplus1 ehehe 19:24 tumeninodes or...., I do have this extremely, remarkably hard bat 19:24 Tenplus1 :P 19:25 tumeninodes he's poopin'? 19:25 Tenplus1 make sure he washed his hands when he comes back in 19:25 IcyDiamond Where I come from, we say shittin' 19:25 tumeninodes ok, I will refer to Krock then... output 12, or 24 19:26 tumeninodes I shat in that chair all day.... 19:26 Tenplus1 what's the recipe for ? 19:26 twoelk fences 19:27 twoelk iirc 19:28 twoelk nice fences to keep people of my flower garden 19:29 Tenplus1 heh... wood stick stick , wood stick stick = 4 fence extenders 19:29 tumeninodes fence_rails to be pacific 19:29 Tenplus1 oceanic! 19:29 tumeninodes Oceans of Slumber 19:30 Tenplus1 what recipe did you use ? 19:30 tumeninodes or, wood stick wood , wood stick wood - 16 19:30 tumeninodes wood wood wood , wood wood wood = 12 19:30 Tenplus1 idnt that the gate recipe 19:31 tumeninodes :| 19:31 tumeninodes I hate you.... 19:31 tumeninodes :D 19:31 Tenplus1 heheh 19:31 tumeninodes shit..., is it? I don;t "do".... c r a f t i n g 19:31 tumeninodes I jus build stuff 19:32 Tenplus1 wood stick stick, wood stick stick = 4 items 19:32 tumeninodes and mess up PRs better than anyone ; ) 19:32 Tenplus1 nice n simple 19:32 tumeninodes hmmmm 19:32 tumeninodes how bout 8? 19:33 Tenplus1 why not :) they are only extenders afterall... not a lotta wood 19:33 tumeninodes .... mannnnn, now I gotta go back in again 19:33 tumeninodes sigh 19:34 Tenplus1 you make it sound like the matrix.... "we gotta go back inside" 19:34 tumeninodes feels like it now... 19:34 tumeninodes I ave t go poop first 19:34 tumeninodes :P 19:35 Tenplus1 we have a glitch in da matrix 19:36 tumeninodes https://i.pinimg.com/originals/12/4a/8c/124a8c0c08ad486653471817d9eb8f2c.jpg 19:50 Tenplus1 hi Gael-de-Sailly 19:50 Gael-de-Sailly hi Tenplus1 19:55 Tenplus1 wb paramat 19:57 tumeninodes ahhhh, I just wrote a comment. 19:57 Tenplus1 :P 19:57 tumeninodes paramat: what do you think of <wood stick stick / wood stick stick> with an output of 8? 19:58 tumeninodes heh, it gets confusinging going back between two platforms 19:59 Tenplus1 whats the other platform? 20:00 tumeninodes github, notabug, etc... could all do with adding a nice little "ding" when new mssgs come in 20:00 tumeninodes I was referring to looking ,communicating between here and github 20:00 Tenplus1 it would be nice if all the git platforms had the ability to link together 20:01 tumeninodes it would be nice if Burger King sold McDonalds fires too but... 20:01 tumeninodes fries 20:01 tumeninodes ... & fires 20:01 Tenplus1 heh 20:02 Tenplus1 I like how notabug reports pulls and issues, more informative than github 20:02 paramat hmm 20:02 Tenplus1 also there was a think on slashdot about a github account being hacked or something 20:03 tumeninodes it certainly is the better choice (if moving) as far as being familiar 20:03 Tenplus1 yeh, I keep trying gitlab but find it very annoying to use 20:03 tumeninodes github bsod? 0_0 20:04 tumeninodes I still like sourceforge but..., if only they would really push some more changes as they have recently 20:04 tumeninodes I like it but won;t end up going there if MS starts crap 20:06 tumeninodes yes, please let me know paramat about the recipe, some final decision. I'm just waiting on that t be able to commit & push once that is confirmed ;) 20:08 paramat replied 20:09 tumeninodes now I gotta walk alll the way over there 20:18 tumeninodes hmmm 2018-06-30 16:15:46: ERROR[Main]: ...netest/bin/../games/minetest_game/mods/default/nodes.lua:2643: unexpected symbol near '\' 20:20 tumeninodes I did as shown t_fence_rail_overlay.png^default_pine_wood.png^" .. \n "default_fence_rail_overlay.png^[ma 20:21 tumeninodes should the 2d have be a wrapped line? or a new line with tabs? 20:22 tumeninodes because I used tabs. I'll try it as a wrapped line 20:25 Krock tumeninodes, \n stands for line break 20:25 Krock it's a control character 20:26 tumeninodes ... exactically 20:26 tumeninodes :P I really suck at this 20:29 Tenplus1 nite folks o// 20:44 tumeninodes haha, I wonder Krock, if you lol'ed or went into the bathroom to smash your head on the toilet :D 20:46 tumeninodes ... I guess it was the latter 21:53 * tumeninodes clicked to start game several times with no response..., trying to figure out wth is going on.... Then realized I was clicking the "Start Game" tab :/ 21:53 tumeninodes just been on of those days