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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-06-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:23 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
00:48 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
01:11 tumeninodes Wow, it's been so quiet in here today, you can hear a cat peeing. Maybe everyone got kicked.... (except for me) I win!!! YAY
01:19 VanessaE get busy making models for those two mods Andrey01 wanted ;)
01:20 tumeninodes mmmmmmm,no
01:20 tumeninodes :P
01:21 tumeninodes there is no way I could finish models for those in a year
01:21 tumeninodes I think he wants you to just add "EVERY" mod
01:21 VanessaE yeah.
01:22 tumeninodes I struggle with Blender
01:22 VanessaE I still do sometimes
01:23 tumeninodes the Facade models... forgeddaboudit haha
01:23 VanessaE lazy :)
01:23 tumeninodes though I do want to make a "light" version
01:23 tumeninodes hahaha yes I am
01:25 tumeninodes actually, I'm not lazy..., I just procrastinate
01:25 tumeninodes on a continual basis
01:39 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
02:22 ANAND I'm trying to open my local clone of MT in GitKraken
02:22 ANAND The progress bar keeps saying "opening repo"
02:22 ANAND forever
02:23 ANAND Am I doing something wrong?
02:25 ANAND It happens only for MT
02:33 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-hub
02:43 VanessaE heh.  appropriate name.
02:48 tumeninodes GitKraken? yeah... it's "ok"
02:49 tumeninodes never had it bog like that though..., ANAND, probably better to ask on their site
02:49 ANAND Will do, thanks :)
02:50 tumeninodes Now GitKrakenTest... that would have been an awesome name
02:50 ANAND heh
02:54 tumeninodes old but still funny
03:45 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
04:18 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
04:42 longerstaff13-m ;
04:42 longerstaff13-m Oops, mistake ^ (i'm tired)
08:19 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
09:07 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
09:39 rubenwardy GitKraken is nice
09:39 rubenwardy I use it to see the tree and to easily explore diffs
09:40 rubenwardy it doesn't work with Minetest though :(
09:54 shivajiva I like Gitkraken too
10:02 Calinou Git CLI is still my go-to client :P
10:02 Calinou but I do use VS Code/JetBrains' conflict solving functionality
10:04 rubenwardy I use the CLI more than gitkraken
10:05 rubenwardy just sometimes it's good to display things more visually
10:05 rubenwardy Atom has a nice conflict resolver
10:26 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:30 Fixer i815 motherboard iirc
10:41 rubenwardy :'(
10:42 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
10:42 tenplus1 hi folks
10:44 Fixer hi tidyman
10:44 tenplus1 hi fuixer
10:44 tenplus1 er...*Fixer
10:44 tenplus1 Fareming Redo updated, stairs is no longer a dependency :P
10:45 rubenwardy tenplus1: updated awards, now supports groups
10:45 rubenwardy also has waaayyy better docs
10:45 tenplus1 w00t, hi ruben
10:45 rubenwardy
10:48 tenplus1 looks good :) cant wait for a game to include it and make use of all features :D
10:50 rubenwardy :D
10:51 tenplus1 mt really needed the beginnings of a good quest setup
11:03 Fixer motherboard from 2001 has diagnostic LED
11:04 tenplus1 no more beeps... hell, some of the newer boards dont even have speakers
11:08 xerox123 hello all
11:09 tenplus1 hi xerox
11:12 xerox123 server I host has reached 4th on the list again :D
11:12 tenplus1 sweet :P
11:19 tenplus1 I added a lucky block that shrinks the player to half size which is kinda cute, but need to wait for 0.5 release so player collisionbox doesnt float them in the air
11:20 Krock joined #minetest-hub
11:20 tenplus1 hi Krock
11:20 Krock hi tenplus1
11:21 tenplus1 what's new ?
11:23 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
11:24 Krock nothing, and that's the problem :/
11:24 tenplus1 aww, give it time
11:35 xerox123 is there a third party client that assigns numbers as usernames?
11:39 xerox123 random-seeming strings of digits
11:39 tenplus1 am sure there will be...  we've had clones that do guestxxxx saraxxxx etc.
11:41 longerstaff13-m I still remember Griefer119, though I think that username was entered by the player ans not just app-assigned
11:41 tenplus1 hi longer...
11:42 longerstaff13-m Hi
11:42 tenplus1 that's why we run no_guest so we can block those accounts with specific names and random numbers
11:43 longerstaff13-m This was a good 2 years ago
11:43 longerstaff13-m At least
11:43 Krock xerox123, yes, and they follow the pattern [A-Z][a-z]+[0-9]{2,3}
11:43 tenplus1 heh
11:44 xerox123 Krock: I mean like 1293883 1919190
11:44 Krock no, haven't seen such players yet
11:44 tenplus1 same, but we block nicks with  many numbers in them
11:44 longerstaff13-m A few of those names appeared on wonderland
11:45 Krock no_guests and some other mods restrict such names alread
11:45 Krock y
11:46 CBugDCoder joined #minetest-hub
11:46 tenplus1 hi CBugDCoder
11:46 CBugDCoder hi ten
11:48 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
11:48 tenplus1 hi DI3HARD139
11:49 DI3HARD139 Hello tenplus1
11:49 CBugDCoder hi DI3
11:51 DI3HARD139 Hello
11:53 tenplus1 mob api now has immune to "all" feature so mobs can only be killed with specified weapons/items :P
11:54 CBugDCoder :)
12:00 entuland joined #minetest-hub
12:01 tenplus1 hi entuland
12:01 entuland hey there tenplus1
12:01 tenplus1 :P
12:03 tenplus1 bummer
12:03 Fixer yes
13:30 tenplus1 drop all items in inventory and replace it with dry shrubs (code in lucky blocks, it's an actual thing)
13:30 BillyS oooh
13:31 tenplus1 teleport to a random position around player every 5 seconds to annoy them
13:31 BillyS That's good idea .. a "butter fingers" punishment
13:31 BillyS Every x seconds, they randomly drop an item
13:31 tenplus1 eheh yeah...
13:36 tenplus1 if we had player:set_velocity() then we could do many evil things
13:42 BillyS tenplus1: Yep
13:42 BillyS Altho, you can do some hacky stuff with entities
13:42 tenplus1 would love to add effects to WINE mod so that players who drink too many items would stagger around and blur vision etc
13:43 BillyS xD
13:43 BillyS Yeah, I always wished that MT would have more effects
13:44 BillyS blurred vision, diziness, blindness, etc
13:44 tenplus1 I think 0.5 lets you adjust fog distance, so we can have blindness and diff colours
13:44 BillyS True, but the player can just disable fog
13:44 BillyS Can't they?
13:44 ANAND Hello everyone!
13:44 BillyS o/ ANAND
13:45 tenplus1 hi ANAND
13:47 BillyS tenplus1, the punishments I have come up with so far are "hotfoot", when fire is constantly spawned under the player unless they are in water, and "TNT rain", which placed tnt:tnt_burning over the player if they are in a protected area that they own.
13:49 xerox123 I can't figure out why these objects are here:
13:49 xerox123
13:51 tenplus1 sounds good...  if you find any new ideas lemmie know cause I'd love to add more traps to lucky blocks mod
13:52 ANAND xerox123: anything suspicious in debug.txt?
13:53 xerox123 nothing in the console
13:53 ANAND hmm
13:54 xerox123 nothing in debug.txt either
13:54 xerox123 it lingers even after I remove the sign
13:55 ANAND Is that the sign you added?
13:55 ANAND to the repo, I mean
13:55 xerox123 yeah
13:58 ANAND xerox123, color[<num>] points to a table, not a string
13:59 ANAND so "baked_clay_" .. color[1] .. ".png" would result in unexpected behaviour
13:59 ANAND Not sure tho, take it with a grain of salt
13:59 xerox123 it's only happening on one server as far as I've seen, let me try other colors
14:00 tenplus1 that line should be pointing to the for loop goign through available colours and fill texture in as "baked_clay_red.png"
14:01 ANAND oh right, sorry
14:02 xerox123 nevermind it happens to other colours too
14:02 tenplus1 are you using bakedclay as a soft dependency
14:03 xerox123 no, it's required
14:03 tenplus1 ah, so textures are there
14:05 tenplus1 show me sign registration code
14:06 xerox123
14:08 tenplus1 change to for name, model in pairs(color) do
14:09 tenplus1 oh wait
14:09 xerox123 no
14:09 xerox123 sorry is it's really messy :P
14:09 xerox123 if*
14:10 tenplus1 line 351 is using color for loop and color to loop through
14:10 tenplus1 am sure you cant use same variable for both
14:12 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
14:12 tenplus1 hi sniper
14:13 tenplus1 xerox, maybe change line 351 to:  for _, color2 in pairs(color) do and all references or color in loop to color2
14:13 xerox123 just tried some other nodes, it not just my banners
14:13 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
14:13 xerox123 it'sthe on_time clocks too
14:14 * xerox123 sighs
14:15 sniper338 tenplus1: Ohayo! ಠ‿↼
14:15 tenplus1 o///
14:15 tenplus1 dont worry xerox, am sure you'll sort it out :)
14:16 xerox123 but I have no clue where to start
14:16 xerox123 gonna try it in a 0.4.15 world
14:16 tenplus1 try my suggestion to replace the color variable in loop
14:50 BillyS Ack, doing some serious lua string parsing
14:51 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
14:51 ANAND BillyS: complex chat commands?
14:52 BillyS ANAND: Yes, 3 parameters with the last one being optional
14:52 ANAND Right
14:52 ANAND !mod ChatCmdBuilder
14:52 MinetestBot ANAND: ChatCmdBuilder [chatcmdbuilder] - No regex! by rubenwardy -
14:52 ANAND ^ BillyS
14:52 * BillyS facepalms
14:52 ANAND What? :D
14:52 BillyS I just spent 2 HOURS on that! xD
14:52 ANAND XD
14:53 rubenwardy there's a modding book chapter on it
14:54 ANAND I'd like to see a chapter on entities
14:54 * rubenwardy too
14:54 ANAND lol
14:55 Krock BillyS, keep calm and regex
14:55 BillyS xD
14:57 BillyS Uhh
14:57 BillyS 2018-06-14 10:55:34: ERROR[Main]: attempt to call field 'get_current_modname' (a nil value
14:57 BillyS )
14:58 Krock that would be "builtin" I guess. lol.
15:00 rubenwardy wtf
15:01 Krock BillyS, local arg1, arg2, arg3 = param:match("^(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(.*)")
15:01 BillyS Hmm, I wonder if minetest doesn't like mods named "core"
15:02 Krock *  match("^(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s*(.*)")
15:02 rubenwardy yeah, don't set reserved variables
15:02 BillyS Krock: Now you tell me. I was doing a bunch of gsub nastiness
15:02 Krock "core" is the same table as "minetest". builtin goes hell if you change that
15:02 Krock BillyS, ask earlier 8)
15:02 BillyS xD
15:03 * BillyS will rename his mod then
15:04 Krock CSM taught me how to use Lua's patterns which are similar to regex. thanks CSM :)
15:04 ANAND
15:04 ANAND Which line in this if block actually sets the selected entry as favourite?
15:05 ANAND I'm assuming that favourites are set when the connect button is pressed
15:05 Krock none. it's C++ which does that IIRC
15:05 ANAND hmm
15:05 ANAND so there must be a line here which calls the C++ code right?
15:06 Krock core.start()
15:06 ANAND ah... thanks :)
15:07 * BillyS remembers mucking around with that to build his relay
15:10 Krock BillyS, the mix of C++ and Lua makes the mainmenu to a pain
15:10 BillyS I'll say
15:10 BillyS I had to make it auto-connect to a server on restart
15:10 BillyS Wasn't exactly easy (although it probably would have been easier if I knew what I was doing)
15:10 Krock heh
15:11 ANAND Um... how do I trace a lua function to the C++ function it calls behind-the-scenes?
15:11 ANAND e.g. I'm trying to trace core.start() to the C++ function it invokes
15:12 Krock cd ./src/script/ && grep -r l_start
15:12 ANAND the function name is prefixed by 'l_'?
15:13 Krock all exposed C++ functions for Lua are prefixed that way
15:13 ANAND Sweet, thanks :D
15:14 Krock and somewhen you'll end up near serverlist.cpp where you find the favourite and online servers list
15:14 BillyS I'm still getting that wierd error
15:14 BillyS 2018-06-14 11:12:33: ERROR[Main]: attempt to call field 'get_current_modname' (a nil value)
15:14 BillyS My mod is named "main" now
15:14 Krock BillyS, finally remove that "core = {}" line from your mod
15:14 BillyS oh. der. thx.
15:14 Krock !next
15:14 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
15:15 ANAND You're rushing everyone, Krock :P
15:15 Krock You're rushing me and I'm counter-attacking. Perspectives.
15:16 ANAND ._.
15:16 tenplus1 back laters
15:16 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
15:17 xerox123 how do you use the contentdb to install things? :D
15:17 ANAND Go to the content tab in 0.5.0 main menu
15:17 ANAND Click "Browse online content"
15:18 ANAND You'll then be able to view/install all packages on ContentDB right from within the game itself :)
15:18 xerox123 yay
15:18 xerox123 I forgot to set RUN_IN_PLACE to true
15:19 ANAND heh
15:20 rubenwardy :O
15:20 rubenwardy *  :D
15:20 rubenwardy also, add your stuff to CDB ;)
15:20 BillyS Oooh, that sounds interesting
15:21 rubenwardy also
15:21 BillyS xerox123: Btw, DI3 gave me sudo privs (yay) so I won't need you to install things for me anymore
15:21 rubenwardy nvm
15:21 * BillyS looks online for random scripts and runs them with sudo (jk jk)
15:21 * xerox123 removes everything from server
15:21 xerox123 jk
15:21 BillyS xD
15:22 ANAND server admins should have the 'sudo' priv. sounds cooler that 'server' :P
15:22 ANAND than*
15:22 xerox123 hopefully this layout gets in improvement
15:22 xerox123 buttons ontop of text, etc
15:22 BillyS ANAND, xD
15:22 * BillyS gives up and uses ChatCmdBuilder
15:22 ANAND lol
15:23 BillyS I have a bad habit of never read liscenses. Hopefully I won't get sued.
15:23 BillyS *reading
15:25 BillyS My favorite creative punishment yet: setting jump to 100 and gravity to 0.01
15:26 ANAND lolol
15:27 ANAND Krock, how do I add a custom function to the minetest lua table?
15:27 Krock 1) You don't.
15:27 ANAND :(
15:28 Krock except it's in C++, then that's fine. find the correct location where you would like to add it
15:28 ANAND It's in serverlist.cpp
15:28 Krock * C++ or builtin
15:28 Krock serverlist has no access to Lua, so that stuff goes to l_mainmenu.cpp
15:29 Krock where you then call functions from serverlist.cpp
15:29 ANAND Do I have to do some black magic to actually make the lua function call the C++ counter-part?
15:30 BillyS rubenwardy: With ChatCommandBuilder, is the only way to have opitional parameters to define 2 slightly different subcommands?
15:31 ANAND I don't think that's required
15:31 ANAND Just have a sub-command that includes the opt. param
15:32 ANAND check if opt param is empty
15:32 BillyS ah
15:32 BillyS empty or nil?
15:32 ANAND Not sure :/
15:32 ANAND Try both :D
15:32 BillyS xD, k
15:35 rubenwardy yeah, use multiple endpoints
15:40 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
15:41 ANAND Where is core table defined? o.O
15:41 ANAND is the*
15:41 ANAND grepped the whole MT dir
15:43 Krock script/cpp_api/s_base.cpp:lua_setglobal(m_luastack, "core");
15:43 ANAND ohhhh! I was searching for "core = "
15:44 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
15:47 BillyS Ok, I ust set the record for the wierdest error
15:48 BillyS 2018-06-14 11:47:17: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: OOM error from mod '' in callback on_joinplayer(): not enough memory
15:51 BillyS Any ideas?
15:52 Krock get a GC_64 binary or reduce the table allocations in that on_join callback
15:55 BillyS My minetest was cursed. I restarted it, and everything worked
16:16 rdococ - the anomalous file managerâ„¢
16:28 ANAND Finally! Found the way to register lua functions: API_FCT(name) :D
16:36 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
16:39 Amaz joined #minetest-hub
16:43 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
16:44 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
16:52 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
16:53 rdococ Aw, pidgin doesn't seem to support discord
16:54 benrob0329 rdococ: Pidgin sucks tbh
16:54 benrob0329 it does everything poorly, rather than one thing well
16:54 rdococ will uninstall it then
16:54 rdococ also, firefox just crashed
16:54 rdococ which is surprising as it's a rarity
16:55 tumeninodes One does not simply crash firefox :D
16:56 rdococ one just did, but it is very rare
16:58 ClobberXD joined #minetest-hub
17:00 rubenwardy Quassel > HexChat > Pidgin  ;)
17:04 rubenwardy :/
17:04 rubenwardy
17:05 benrob0329 rubenwardy: yes
17:05 rubenwardy what is it for?
17:07 benrob0329 compositing, mostion graphics, that kind of stuff
17:08 benrob0329 like, say you needed to animate a title card, or composite some VFX, motion track, rotoscope, color grade, stabalize, etc
17:09 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
17:10 benrob0329 rubenwardy: think after effects
17:10 rubenwardy ah. right
17:12 benrob0329 rubenwardy: it also suppports using G'mic and shadertoy effects
18:20 twoelk left #minetest-hub
18:24 Guest26009 joined #minetest-hub
18:34 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
19:00 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
19:09 Krock hi Gael-de-Sailly
19:09 Gael-de-Sailly hi
19:14 Fixer Chatzilla - HexChat - Quassel
19:14 Fixer hi
19:33 CWz joined #minetest-hub
20:13 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
20:28 BillyS Are PMs logged?
20:29 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
20:30 longerstaff13 BillyS: do you mean on freenode itself?
20:31 longerstaff13 or minetest server?
20:32 BillyS MT server
20:32 longerstaff13 in the status.txt file (IIRC)
20:33 BillyS status.txt?
20:33 BillyS You mean debug.txt?
21:12 lisac hey did anyone see
21:12 lisac I'm pretty sure it's minetest
21:17 lisac hmm has a lot of features we don't have
21:17 lisac could be completely new game, too
21:17 lisac I just mean it's pretty similar
21:23 rubenwardy lisac: no
21:23 rubenwardy it's completely different
21:23 rubenwardy still Irrlicht based
21:23 lisac okay rubenwardy
21:23 rubenwardy but completely different code
21:23 lisac I just noticed their dev followed me on github
21:23 rubenwardy also, the creator lives in Bristol and used to go to my uni
21:23 rubenwardy yeah, they're trying to get Minetest devs interested in contributing to their Irrlicht fork
21:23 lisac the game looks great, too
21:24 rubenwardy yeah
21:24 lisac the server segfaults on my system
21:24 rubenwardy they're very good graphics engineers
21:26 aerozoic Does ShadowNinja code for the MT community anymore?
21:26 rubenwardy not really, pretty absent now
21:26 rubenwardy although still reachable
21:27 aerozoic hmm too bad, i wish he would put his "areas" mod into the minetest mods group
21:27 rubenwardy heh
21:28 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
21:28 aerozoic it needs updates XD

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