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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-11-23

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03:22 * benrob0329 tries to reproduce the tardis lock bug
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04:42 rubenwardy shivajiva: when I ban someone, it should kick any connected accounts
04:42 rubenwardy not just the name I ban
04:43 rubenwardy ie: say foo and bar both connect from the same ip, they'll then be connected in the database as the same user. If I ban foo, it should kick bar too if in game
05:44 jas_ paramat: i was only half-serious.  i bring it up because everytime i push f9 without a mapping kit i see this message, and think "no it's not you silly engine!"
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08:28 jas_ benrob0329: ok now i just need to make it more precise and with a better texture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh3_7PJEpFg
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09:20 Megaf[College] Morning
09:20 jas_ alright, happy with these two textures now (n, nw .. rotated using ^[transform..) https://imgur.com/a/UfoNf ... push it to https://github.com/jastevenson303/dcbl_default .. and is live on dcbl server.
09:20 jas_ good morning megaf, how goes college?
09:21 TigerInCollege good. Having a test on number conversions momentarily
09:21 TigerInCollege convert decimal, binary and hexa
09:23 jas_ good luck to you
09:26 jas_ https://twitch.tv/jastvn streaming for a few minutes
09:26 TigerInCollege Gonna need all luck. I have no idea how to do the conversions
09:26 jas_ yikes!
10:11 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:11 TigerInCollege So yeah, my classmates having network issues. DNS not resolving, network timeouts and stuff
10:11 TigerInCollege me on Linux having no issues whatsoever
10:41 TigerInCollege joined #minetest-hub
10:53 * TigerInCollege is hidden
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11:26 shivajiva Megaf you're such a tease, pretending you don't know how to convert between bases :P
11:29 TigerInCollege Actually I don't
11:29 TigerInCollege I got 1/30 right
11:30 TigerInCollege In reality I just didnt have brain time for that
11:30 jas_ just gotta learn a fast algorithm eh?
11:32 jas_ i once attempted long division in front of a boss and was left pretty embarrassed.  looked up online that night, was surprised to find there were so many different ways to do it.  anyway, i'm rambling sorry.  better luck next time megaf
11:47 shivajiva it should only take a few mins to learn Megaf and then you will get 30/30 =)
11:49 shivajiva reminds me of the joke 'There are only 10 types of people that understand binary...those that do and those that don't'
12:01 TigerInCollege :)
12:02 * TigerInCollege quietly walks by Shara
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13:21 CWz this anti net neutrality  the us is doing is just poopshit
13:33 TigerInCollege Hi to the people who just joined
13:41 Calinou hi :)
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14:16 FourFire Greetings, I am trying to program my first lua mod, following https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en
14:18 FourFire I get an error when enabling my simple mod in game: Failed to enable "modname" as it contains disallowed charzscters. Only characters [a-z0-9_] are allowed]
14:18 FourFire does this refer to the contents of init.lua ?
14:19 Shara What is your mod actually named?
14:19 FourFire "Nano"
14:20 Shara Try nano
14:39 FourFire Okay now it loads.
14:39 FourFire What do I need to add in order to specify how my nodes will generate in the world?
14:40 FourFire I don't see any references n that guide
14:40 FourFire besides the "is_ground_content = true," line which doesn't specify frequency or location or anything
14:47 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
14:54 FourFire Shara, could you answer my question about worldgen and mod nodes?
14:54 Shara They won't generate unless you have some kind of code that will cause them to
14:54 sfan5 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L4819
14:55 Shara Simply registering a node won't do it. Best approach is to read that link and also look at the code for any mods you can think of which do similar things to what you want.
14:57 Shara You need to decide if they are some kind of decoration, or show up like gravel/sand/ores, or if you are making a new biome.
14:58 FourFire Okay thanks
14:59 Shara No problem. Can try to help more once you know exactly what you are aiming for, but AFK for a while.
15:02 neinwhal joined #minetest-hub
15:26 TigerInCollege Guys, later today I will very likely be officially leaving Minetest and it's community.
15:26 TigerInCollege I really enjoyed been part of this amazing group of people but the time to leave has come
15:26 Megaf I wish you all the best for you all
15:31 Shara Megaf: What has triggered that?
15:31 Megaf Immaturity.
15:32 Shara Anything that can be done?
15:32 Megaf more details on pvt
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16:53 Megaf Will be back later folks
16:53 Megaf going home on foot
17:37 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
17:39 jas_ https://github.com/jastevenson303/gen_music
17:40 Megaf jas_, What's your streamings about?
17:40 Megaf I never watched you live but I was always curious
17:40 jas_ me playing dcbl, or develping it
17:40 Megaf dbc1? whats that?
17:40 jas_ https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=18163
17:41 jas_ it's a sub-game i been working on lately
17:50 jas_ i got a youtube here: https://youtube.com/jastevenson303
17:50 jas_ guess that's not how that works anymore
17:51 jas_ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpvlmbZO1rsWF18fBhP9aWA
17:58 Megaf cool jas_
17:58 Megaf good to know that
18:04 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
18:04 IhrFussel Hello guys
18:06 jas_ hi IhrFussel
18:09 jas_ https://www.twitch.tv/videos/203643146 this is a bit of me playing earlier, megaf.  sometimes i show the whole desktop and goof off in the code.  no mic or cam, just the game or the desktop, sometimes music if i can get away with it
18:09 jas_ twitch's copyright filter doesn't trigger as easily as youtube's
18:10 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
18:10 jas_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_veXOs9DEVc <-- there now it's on youtube.. still processing tho
18:11 jas_ tomeninodes told me i either needed to add commentary or split them up, so i try not to make them too long.  there's a four hour long one on there somewhere.
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18:41 Fixer do we have some magic/alchemy mods in minetest?
18:55 shivajiva anyone confirm the buildbot.sh doesn't work for the current head?
19:04 Fixer yesterday my modified one worked
19:04 Fixer or preyesterday
19:21 sfan5 shivajiva: you can just look at the current travis status for win32 and win64 since that's using the buildbot
19:25 Krock Fixer, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=9691
19:26 Fixer nice, a bit tiny
19:32 Krock I'm sure you could combine it with mount meru, so there will be slightly larger piles
19:33 Fixer not enough magic
19:34 Fixer am I wrong or some mods in minetest allows infinite ore doubling? I hope it is not technic
19:37 Krock there used to be such a bug in the circular saw/moreblocks like a year ago, I think.
19:37 Fixer remember
19:37 Krock such problems can happen quite fast as the inventory move actions aren't triggered in a helpful way
19:38 Krock > trash-mail.com being invalid
19:38 Fixer i have impression that rnd machines had ore doubling, i hope we don't allow such thing in technic
19:43 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
19:44 Fixer sojourner stuff - charged with torches - places torches, noice, we need dat
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21:43 Megaf [15:26:12] <TigerInCollege> Guys, later today I will very likely be officially leaving Minetest and it's community.
21:43 Megaf [15:26:40] <TigerInCollege> I really enjoyed been part of this amazing group of people but the time to leave has come
21:44 Megaf Please ignore the first message. I am staying.
21:44 Megaf And I will try to be more pro active and helpful.
21:44 Krock TigerInCollege = Megaf?
21:45 Megaf Krock, Yep
21:46 Megaf So folks, We have to work on CSM!
21:47 * Shara wonders if the devs would start with something that no one can argue is impossible... a way to handle chat spam
21:48 paramat hey good
21:48 rubenwardy Shara, would be good
21:48 Shara I think that would be a thing everyone could agree is good, regardless of personal stances on CSM.
21:48 rubenwardy players can copy+paste the same thing a couple of times a second, shouldn't be possible
21:49 paramat or maybe just remove chat sending from CSM?
21:49 Krock Shara, we already have chat limits
21:49 Shara What was the case for chat sending being in CSM?
21:49 rubenwardy paramat, I'd obviously support that
21:50 rubenwardy Shara: none
21:50 paramat none
21:50 Shara Krock: How do they work and are they in current stable?
21:50 rubenwardy I'm actually working on that now
21:50 paramat i'll approve removing chat sending from CSM
21:51 Shara I've never understood why it would be in CSM.
21:51 Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/d4c76258
21:52 paramat the CSM devs threw as much as possible in regardless of usefulness
21:52 Krock somehow these settings can only be found in the configuration tab in the current dev version, as they were removed form the .example file somewhen
21:52 Megaf paramat, can we improve that?
21:52 Shara I really wish the devs would get better quality control when it comes to the BIG features/changes
21:53 Megaf CSM can be very good. But I believe it should be used only on very specific cases.
21:53 paramat for a start, flavours should be able to disable all CSM
21:53 Shara Krock: Thanks
21:53 Krock !next
21:54 ShadowBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
21:54 Shara Heh
21:55 Shara paramat: Would be nice, yes
21:56 Megaf paramat, That would be great
21:56 paramat flavours was coded by someone who was forced to and not happy to, and it seems rushed and there was maximum resistance to how far it went
21:57 paramat so i think someone else needs to rework it
21:57 Shara To be quite honest, I'd say fix them or out with CSM :)
21:57 Shara Unless maybe they want to pay my servers bills for me, because I don't feel like paying to run a server I can't control anymore :)
21:58 Shara I don't really get what the resistance is to server owners being able to decide the gaming experience on their own servers
21:59 Shara It's not in our interests to create an environment players hate, or they'd just go somewhere else anyway
22:00 Shara And given the number of empty servers, it's not like we can expect players to stay if we get unreasonable
22:00 Shara So where is the need to take that control away?
22:00 Calinou we could have built-in flood protection, that's fairly easy to do
22:01 Calinou and automatic muting or kicking
22:01 Calinou this is how you do flood protection, automated chat sending should definitely be allowed!
22:01 paramat why?
22:01 Calinou I can do it in other games, why not Minetest? :)
22:01 Calinou it's not like I can't use WinCompose to type sentences anyway
22:02 Calinou Hello, world!
22:02 Calinou (typed with compose + "hw")
22:02 Calinou this works in *any* program :P
22:02 Calinou but yeah, I shouldn't need to do that. Just give me bindable keys for stuff :)
22:02 Shara Doesn't mean you have to give a means for it to be done
22:04 rubenwardy why should chat sending be in there?
22:05 Shara I see no use case for it other than abusive ones.
22:05 rubenwardy the only reason is for client-modifications and making a player a bot
22:05 rubenwardy there is no use
22:07 paramat 'I can do it in other games' is absence of reason
22:17 Calinou there are many non-abusive use cases for automated messages
22:17 Calinou both by staff and players
22:17 Megaf Maybe we should just remove CSM until we have a better decision on what to do with it. If anything at all.
22:18 Megaf s/decision/idea
22:18 Calinou paramat: not from an user experience point of view :)
22:18 Calinou it's a feature I expect
22:18 Shara As a server owner, it's something I don't want.
22:18 Calinou but it's not up to you to choose
22:18 Calinou (at least, it shouldn't be)
22:19 Shara Nor you either (not meaning any offence)
22:19 Calinou I dislike games which let the server owners do everything they want
22:19 Calinou including restricting random features
22:19 Shara But given that CSM specifically affects servers, and I am involved in running several busy servers, what I think should at least matter
22:20 paramat if 'other games' have a bad idea, no reason to add it just because other games do it
22:20 Megaf I'd like CSM to be removed too. Or at least optional, with default to deactivated. Even better if it was a compile time option in the server.
22:20 Calinou yeah but this one isn't a bad idea :P
22:20 Calinou and I'm glad we have CSM (even though I never used it myself)
22:20 Shara So you support inconveniencing server owners and taking control away from them?
22:20 paramat f**k expectations
22:20 Calinou well, clients should be in control of such things
22:20 Shara Why?
22:20 paramat yes it is up to the server and core devs to choose
22:21 Calinou and this is not really inconvenient, just improve your flood protection mods
22:21 Shara Why should the player get to decide these things on my server?
22:21 Calinou it's been done in other games, you can do it in Minetest
22:21 Calinou my QuakeWorld client doesn't prevent "say" binds because I'm on a specific server
22:21 Calinou this is just nonsense, you know
22:21 Shara The player is not paying me and is not under any obligation to play on my server.
22:21 Calinou sure, but what if all server owners do the same thing?
22:21 Calinou (mostly because it's the default setting)
22:21 Shara So if this updates me or causes distress to me, why should I have to put up with it?
22:21 paramat quake can f**k off
22:22 Calinou :suspect:
22:22 Shara Calinou: if that happens, it was clearly bad to have it to begin with!
22:22 paramat cal if you dislike MT's way of doing things play another game
22:22 Shara Or you and people who feel like you can make your own servers
22:22 Shara That's the beauty of opensource games - anyone can just go ahead and run a server or whatever they like!
22:23 Shara I'm not the only server owner who is completely fed up
22:23 Calinou meh, that's a bad argument
22:23 Megaf paramat, are you a server owner?
22:23 Calinou people almost always polarize around a few servers which actually decide everything
22:23 Calinou (unfortunately)
22:23 Shara Calinou: your arguments sound bad to me as well
22:23 Megaf Core devs, we, server admins are the ones who keep your project going.
22:23 Calinou it's important that the big servers (and the master server) are as "logical" as possible when it comes to rules/etc
22:23 Megaf we might as well leave and let MT die
22:23 Megaf But this is not what we want
22:24 Shara Uhm, wanting to run something a specific way and wanting the freedom to choose that does not make me anything other than logical
22:24 Megaf We want to contribute and make MT better
22:24 Megaf But you have to hear us
22:24 paramat quote from c55 "the design of MT is to give servers all possible control ... current CSM is bad"
22:24 Calinou meanwhile: client-side movement with barely any checks (which don't even work well)
22:24 Calinou client-side aiming, too
22:25 Shara One thing having issues is an excuse to add more issues then?
22:25 Calinou it's dangerous to give too much freedom to server owners, many are just not good at this job, frankly put
22:25 Calinou look at community TF2/CS servers
22:25 paramat we intend to work on serverside validation of client actions, someone already is
22:25 Calinou VIP systems, crappy custom content, etc
22:25 Shara Am I a bad server owner?
22:25 Calinou maybe
22:25 Calinou I can't say yes or no
22:26 paramat giving power to clients is far more dangerous
22:27 Megaf Why don't we just make a poll among server owners?
22:27 Calinou in my experience, it's (almost) only positive
22:27 Calinou Megaf: I'm afraid that's not gonna work out :)
22:27 Calinou you have to ask people who don't host a server
22:27 paramat cal your opinions are contrary to the philosophy of MT, it's pointless you arguing your case
22:27 Calinou sorry, but no
22:28 Megaf Calinou, what is that?
22:28 Calinou argumentum ad populum is a terrible way to do anything
22:28 Megaf Well. We are open to alternatives
22:28 paramat so all the hacked clients ruining servers and everyone's fun is positive?
22:29 Fixer hacked clients were since forever long before CSM
22:29 paramat your opinions are complete nonsense
22:29 Fixer i even observed them
22:29 Fixer csm is blown out of proportion
22:29 Shara Fixer: we're well aware
22:29 Calinou sorry, but most people do not use a cheating client
22:29 paramat yeah, i'm not talking about CSM
22:29 Shara And you think that's the only thing this is about, you are simply not reading
22:29 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
22:29 Calinou there are plenty of legitimate uses to CSM, that don't harm anyone
22:29 Fixer csm is good, just imrove general anticheat
22:29 Shara if you*
22:29 Megaf I have to agree with Fixer
22:29 Calinou and cheating clients aren't a new thing
22:29 Calinou they were here in 2011!
22:30 Calinou (I speak of experience)
22:30 Calinou (just saying, but most cheaters are obvious anyway, especially in the less competitive games)
22:30 Fixer just by banning CSM gold_digger will be still there, fly noclipping and automining that ore near spawn
22:30 paramat it doesn't take many cheating clients to ruin servers, doesn't matter if it's 0.5%
22:30 Megaf (I agree with Fixer that we already had hacking before, hacking that got way worse with CSM)
22:30 Calinou 0.5% is tiny, really
22:31 Fixer servers need active admins, thats all
22:31 Megaf Disagree on that
22:31 Shara It takes ONE person able to mess with locked chests to totally mess up my server
22:31 Megaf You can't blame admins for a bad decision on the game design
22:31 paramat there are non harmful aspects to CSM, no one denies it
22:31 Shara Fixer: Should I be giving my whole admin team server access so they can view logs then?
22:31 Shara Because you won't find this unless you can check logs
22:31 Megaf +1 ^
22:32 Fixer Shara: iirc taking out of chest was fixed some time ago
22:32 Fixer that inventory check
22:32 Fixer i forgot when exactly
22:32 Shara Not based on Ten's tests yesterday
22:32 Calinou viewing logs ought to be possible without server access
22:32 Calinou time to fix this? :)
22:32 Fixer ._.
22:32 Shara Calinou: time to fix many many things
22:32 shivajiva Cal you seriously believe that dev should control what a server owner can enable/disable because you have some altruistic belief in collectively smarter therefore better placed to control it, when other people pay to host and do the pr for the project?
22:32 Calinou shivajiva: altruism is good :)
22:32 Shara To the point where we get abused for it?
22:33 Calinou maybe, see Wikipedia
22:33 Calinou abuse will happen no matter what
22:33 Shara I suppose you think I should grant everyone whatever privs they ask for?
22:33 Calinou attempting to prevent it causes more tension than anything
22:33 Calinou no, that's an entirely different issue
22:33 Shara Resisting requests to help us limit the damage being done is what causes tension
22:33 Megaf Calinou, bad comparison that one to wikipedia
22:33 shivajiva what causes me tension is the stupidity displayed with regard to security
22:34 Megaf different solar systems...
22:34 Calinou eh, I like the Wikipedia philosophy, as weird as you can find it
22:34 Calinou Shara: sorry, but this is asking for a dictatorship
22:34 Shara Calinou: what right to you have to decide how my server is governed though?
22:35 Calinou the clients do?
22:35 Fixer do we have news entry for that vulnerability with take/put in chests? can't find it
22:35 Megaf Calinou, So. Again. I'm not so much so against CSM been written added to the code, I'm against it not been optional to servers admins.
22:35 Shara No, they don't
22:35 shivajiva he's the dictator ofc
22:35 Megaf There are good uses for it, for that it should be left as an option
22:35 Calinou Megaf: wasn't it already disableable by admins?
22:35 Shara If you force this onto us, you are the one being the dictator
22:35 Megaf in the very same fashion support for leveldb is
22:35 Calinou Shara: everyone forces something anyway
22:35 Megaf the server owner will enable it should them want
22:35 Calinou Megaf: is LevelDB useful today? we have SQLite (simple), Redis (very fast, RAM-intensive) and PostgreSQL (fast)
22:35 Megaf So, can we make CSM into a build option?
22:35 Calinou LevelDB sounds like a weird middle ground
22:36 Calinou much like bzip2 compression, for example
22:36 Calinou Megaf: uh?
22:36 Megaf that was just an example to illustrate my point
22:36 Calinou that won't solve your problem, if it's disabled in the official builds
22:37 Megaf battery about to die, will be back soon
22:37 shivajiva sqlite is file storage with relational capabilities not to be compared with real databases imo
22:37 Calinou indeed
22:37 Calinou that's why I said "simple"
22:38 shivajiva what was the reason for mod_storage if sqlite was available?
22:39 rubenwardy mod storage is an easy key-value meta storage
22:39 rubenwardy simple, unstructured
22:39 Fixer gave up, where is that damn commit :(
22:39 rubenwardy sqlite is better for bigger structured data
22:42 paramat "abuse will happen no matter what ... attempting to prevent it causes more tension than anything" can't believe what i'm reading
22:43 paramat servers are benign dictatorship, and should be, that's how MT is
22:44 paramat MT is not for you, go elsewhere
22:45 shivajiva but it has size restrictions that limit its usefulness, perhaps that is worth opening up as key-value meta storage is easy to implement in sqlite terms for mod creators that need simple storage. The auth handler needs to be done so why not open up sqlite storage for mods?
22:46 Calinou paramat: sorry, but other games work fine with less one-sided management
22:46 rubenwardy it's not productive to say "go elsewhere", paramat
22:47 Calinou also, I say this as someone who plays Red Eclipse (and is a global admin there)
22:47 Calinou yes, global admin because in Red Eclipse, servers on the master server can be controlled by players with global privileges at any time
22:47 Calinou (overriding local privileges)
22:47 paramat i don't care about other games
22:47 Calinou many people have complained about this system, but I find this less bad than arbitrarily disallowing things by default
22:47 Calinou (and I used to find it pretty bad)
22:48 paramat well i mean why endlessly complain about how MT is instead of playig a game you actually like?
22:48 Shara Calinou: add something like that in MT, and I will be closing my servers.
22:48 paramat *playing
22:49 sfan5 the situation is somewhat different with RE
22:49 Fixer chest vulnerability was fixed, but forgot when, we need antifly and antinoclip
22:49 Shara Fixer: are you sure? I have not tested myself, but based on Ten's tests it is not fixed
22:49 sfan5 there are a small set of rules that everyone can agree on: (e.g.) cheating is not desirable in a shooter
22:50 Shara anti-fly would be nice, but it seems quite clear it will not happen any time soon
22:50 sfan5 mt is a sandbox so there is no such thing everyone could agree on if you look at e.g. anarchy servers
22:50 Fixer Shara: it is, make sure you have up to date MTG and chests mods (or backport the fix)
22:50 sfan5 global moderators don't make sense in this case
22:50 Shara Fixer: Like I said, did not test, but a bigger concern would be whether it's fixed in backports branch or not
22:51 Fixer Shara: also this https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1839
22:52 Shara That's not the same issue
22:52 Calinou Shara: heh
22:52 shivajiva this isn't a discussion about what's enabled by default, it's about being able to disable the 'features' we don't want as individuals, it's a dictatorship the second you add something that cannot be disabled or did I miss something
22:52 Calinou sfan5: they could for spam, I guess
22:52 Calinou (and probably cheating)
22:53 sfan5 Shara: not sure whether i'm missing something https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/blame/backport-0.4/mods/default/nodes.lua#L1884
22:53 Fixer Shara: probably this too https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/4812
22:53 sfan5 but the code related to locked chest permission checks has not been touched in 2 years
22:54 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
22:54 shivajiva some meeting where you redefined freedom that I didn't attend perhaps or is this about the freedom not to bother if you don't like it
22:54 Shara Then seems to be an issue. Will test if I can find the test code anywhere (I was on a train when someone sent me it and could not save)
22:54 Fixer Shara: seems like it was fixed before 0.4.15 release iirc or 0.4.16
22:55 Fixer Shara: newest 0.4.16 should be fine 100%, unless smth new pop ups
22:55 Fixer csm helped find the bug
22:55 sfan5 Calinou: spam sure, but i wouldn't be so sure about cheating (different definitions); in any case this makes global mods /way/ less useful so you might as well not have them
22:55 sfan5 Fixer: the detached inv fix by me is not related to unauthorized item taking
22:55 Fixer spam can be controlled already, is not it?
22:56 Fixer sfan5: my memory is not entirely clear on that, can't google that
22:56 Fixer it was at the time of chest inspector
22:57 sfan5 that was later
22:57 Fixer and was fixed in mtg somewhere
22:58 sfan5 wasn't that the bug with the creative inv?
22:58 Shara Fixer: was something to do with that
22:58 Shara Just need to test and confirm either way, but I don't have the code Ten linked me to
22:59 Fixer sfan5: this one? https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1839
22:59 sfan5 yea
22:59 Shara creative issue is fixed as far as I know
23:00 Fixer hmmm
23:00 Fixer 22 Jul, but minetest was released in june
23:00 sfan5 by looking at the code i cannot find any issues with locked chests
23:00 Shara Well, I will test and let you know
23:01 sfan5 make sure to open an issue on mtg with the results
23:01 Shara If there is a bug there, will
23:02 * Shara just needs to remember how to even set up CSM now
23:02 shivajiva sfan5: okay I see travis builds okay, can you tell me what version of ubuntu it's using or can that info be found somewhere?
23:03 sfan5 shivajiva: the travis builds run on ubuntu precise, the scripts are here: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/tree/master/util/travis
23:03 sfan5 relevant are before_install.sh and script.sh
23:04 shivajiva ty
23:04 TommyTreasure left #minetest-hub
23:06 shivajiva mint 18 behaves like it can't do posix builds throwing mutex errors with the buildbot script
23:11 Megaf Ok, I just figured out a workaround for CSM
23:11 Megaf I will just fork the client and ship my fork to my players and forbid connection from any other client to my servers.
23:11 rubenwardy lol
23:12 Megaf That is a temporary workaround
23:12 Megaf rubenwardy, precisely
23:13 Megaf I wonder if it would be possible to make a mod that would detect CSM and ban the client who has it
23:14 Megaf celeron55, Good evening. What's your current opinion on CSM?
23:17 Calinou detecting CSM is likely not possible
23:19 Fixer Megaf: it is night over here
23:19 Megaf Calinou, Of course it is. It was added, so it is possible to remove it
23:19 Megaf If I could remove it
23:20 Megaf I could already remove bitmap font, translation, leveldb, redis and all mapgens but v6 from the code for one of my forks
23:20 Megaf If I can do that I'm sure a person more knowledgeable (almost anyone of you) than me can remove CSM
23:20 Calinou you said "detecting CSM from the server-side", no?
23:22 Megaf Calinou, sorry, I missread
23:22 Megaf I read deleting CSM
23:22 Fixer nobody will play on your servers if it requires custom client
23:22 Megaf Fixer, [ironic mode on] that would be more people that currently play there
23:22 Megaf (server is off for now)
23:23 Megaf Calinou, And I understand why is likely not possible.
23:24 Megaf who takes care of 3d armour now?
23:33 rubenwardy stu is still active
23:33 Megaf ok
23:38 paramat another CSM cheat mod trying to creep around rules https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=53&amp;t=18521
23:40 Calinou yes, probably should be removed
23:40 Megaf paramat, I'm not against cheat posts on the forum
23:41 Megaf especially if exposing CSM
23:41 Megaf I believe we have enough reasons to drop CSM already
23:41 Megaf unhappy server owners, lots of cheats, lack of control
23:52 paramat hm it seems to have disappeared, thanks
23:52 Megaf it's hidden or deleted
23:54 paramat the current CSMods i see are very dull, or an ok idea that could be done by a server mod instead
23:54 paramat we need server-provided CSMods to make it worth having
23:55 paramat maybe red-001 will work on it
23:57 Shara Have there been any really worthwhile CSM mods yet?
23:57 paramat no
23:57 paramat well, IMO
23:57 Shara On one level I really want to see some to justify it all
23:57 Shara But I'm just not seeing them
23:57 Megaf cars, a decent cars mod, or any transport vehicle
23:58 Shara That would need the server though
23:58 Megaf I think those mods could make good use of CSM
23:58 Shara Which at the moment doesn't work
23:58 Megaf client downloads world, client takes care of movement and all
23:58 Megaf so we could have cars with good pyshics and little to no lag

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