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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-10-12

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Time Nick Message
00:21 jas_ Natechip: *yawn* but of course! hehe
00:21 rubenwardy shivajiva, one
00:21 * jas_ breaks
00:21 rubenwardy *doen
00:21 rubenwardy **done
00:33 jas_ https://imgur.com/a/MHHsr
00:34 Natechip shivajiva: did that cause the grant on join?
00:34 Natechip jas_\
00:34 Natechip jas_*
00:34 jas_ o/
00:35 Natechip jas_ PM
00:35 jas_ what
00:35 jas_ do you
00:35 jas_ want
00:35 Natechip XD
00:35 jas_ lol
00:35 jas_ play on dcbl with me
00:36 Natechip whats that
00:36 jas_ otherwise i'm going to tend to my TODO, like add more stuff to it.  i don't play on a lot of other servers natechip but
00:36 jas_ if you got one you're into right now i'll play there for a bit
00:36 jas_ which one?
00:36 jas_ dcbl.duckdns.org is mine, but it requires 0.5.0-dev
00:36 Natechip Legends of Survival
00:36 jas_ ok
00:36 jas_ give me 1 sec
00:37 Natechip minetestservers.ddns.net:48637
00:37 jas_ i don't even have my keys set for 0.4.16, i hardly play it
00:37 jas_ i'm adding this to my TODO: make mese_crystals non-physical and damage_per_second
00:38 Natechip llol
00:38 jas_ and allow crystalline bell to take last plant stage (currently it doesn't dig all the way)
00:39 Natechip r u joining Legends Of S
00:39 jas_ there's a lot to do, but i really need to look at armor/tools
00:39 jas_ ok i'm ready
00:39 jas_ *sips coffee*
00:40 Natechip minetestservers.ddns.net:48637
00:40 jas_ i'm downloading the medias
00:40 jas_ all the medias
00:40 jas_ wow i forgot what 60fps felt like
00:41 jas_ haha collision entity highlight box is +1 Y
00:44 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
00:51 jas_ nice server
00:51 Natechip jas_ ill join urs. one sec im sorting something
00:52 jas_ ok
00:52 jas_ i have a lot of items
00:52 jas_ i gave away a lot, and i lost a lot.  some are in bones and random scattered and hidden chests.
00:53 jas_ i only had the server open for like a week, before the cutoff, and i'm still finding bones and stuff left behind
01:03 jas_ anyway, if you join i'll show you some basic jumps if you want.  you gotta do [use][sneak][jump] to get certain places, and quickly.  there's no fast/fly/noclip mode, and you need binoculars to zoom and mapping kit for map, and i kept subterranean eye.  dunno what they'll do for minetest_game but it looks to me it won't have radar in survival mode :O
01:04 unk joined #minetest-hub
01:05 Shara Okay, almost scared to say it, but I think DarkLands is fixed now.
01:24 Natechip Shara: Darklands is urs?
01:24 jas_ Natechip: you forgot about me :'(
01:24 Natechip jas_?
01:24 jas_ lol
01:24 Natechip wait
01:24 Natechip im joining now
01:24 jas_ how COULD you? oh ok
01:24 rubenwardy https://i.rubenwardy.com/8NlkdRtLwo.png
01:25 rubenwardy Calinou ^
01:25 rubenwardy good for stopping noobs taking weapons
01:25 Natechip lol
01:26 Shara Natechip: Red Cat and Dark Lands are both mine.
01:26 Natechip Shara: cool
01:26 Natechip jas_: what IP and port?
01:26 jas_ it's in the server list, it's "dcbl"
01:26 jas_ and it's dcbl.duckdns.org:30000
01:27 jas_ and 0.5.0 has search bar, so just type it or
01:27 Shara DL has been smacked hard with issues lately, but no weird lag spikes now, not getting anymore crashes and max_lag staying well under 1 again
01:27 jas_ i think 0.5.0 also puts only 0.5.0 at the top
01:27 jas_ so hehe i'm at the top somewhere i think
01:27 jas_ (somewhere in my mind hehe)
01:27 Natechip jas_ cool
01:28 Natechip OHH
01:28 Natechip i remember u now :)
01:28 Natechip whos lag?
01:28 shivajiva I tried sauth on skyblocks and it sat at 0.1 most of the time and I've never seen it do that
01:28 jas_ in other news i recently obtained a quintuply compressed cobblestone.  i need to make the digging times longer for them
01:28 jas_ ye i used to use the name everamzah
01:28 Natechip shivajiva is not lying! I was a witness :P I even spammed down some cars and it stayed at 0.1
01:29 * jas_ heads back outside for a respitory treatment
01:30 Natechip shivajiva: to add sauth do you just replace auth.txt with it?
01:31 shivajiva sauth reduces whatever auth file size you had to just the amount of payers in game at any one time, it's like having a fresh auth but keeping the records
01:31 shivajiva *players
01:31 shivajiva payers huh, I wish :)
01:31 Shara Don't we all :P
01:32 shivajiva just add the mod, it will take care of your auth,txt
01:32 Natechip okay
01:32 Natechip better not grant shivajiva all ;P
01:33 shivajiva if it's big, you get a dump file, if it's <360 records it imports it immediately
01:33 rubenwardy ircSparky: I'm starting to do lots of updates to ctf and ctf_pvp_engine, I'll also look at things you've done in your fork and try and back port them if that's ok with you
01:33 shivajiva nate that was gamehub
01:33 paramat thanks for translating 'urs' for me =)
01:33 Natechip shivajiva: oooohh. makes sense.
01:33 Natechip also did you get to fixing the player_clean with jails bug
01:34 Natechip shivajiva ^
01:34 shivajiva nope, pls make an issue
01:34 Natechip okay
01:36 jas_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OebqNsNRBtU
01:37 Natechip shivajiva: https://github.com/shivajiva101/player_clean/issues/1
01:38 Natechip jas_ thats better then Its Everyday Bro :P
01:38 jas_ it took me an hour to get where i was going \ and to top it all off, it was snowin'
01:38 shivajiva thanks, I'll get round to it soon
01:38 jas_ i'm alone again, naturally
01:39 Natechip shivajiva: cool, thanks :) let me know when u fix it
01:39 shivajiva you will get emails now you posted an issue
01:39 Natechip HURRAY
01:40 Natechip welp
01:40 Natechip time to mess with my website
01:40 Natechip i need to add stuff to my mods page there...
01:41 jas_ aw
01:41 * jas_ rewinds
01:43 Natechip ?
01:43 jas_ it's a good song, and i like biz markie
01:44 jas_ so i rewinded it to the start, and played it again
01:48 jas_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzzQisxu3Ho -- anyway natechip if you decide to check it out, let me know what you think
01:49 Natechip jas_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxGCs_jxKfc&amp;index=42&amp;
01:49 jas_ hold on let this one finish i love it.  there's a fume, in this truck
01:49 jas_ especially the second half.  but please, let's keep it on-topic HAHA
01:50 Natechip lol
01:51 jas_ you haven't tried 0.5.0-dev yet, natechip?
01:52 Natechip no
01:53 jas_ not my taste, that one.  try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUC2EQvdzmY
01:53 Natechip where to find
01:53 jas_ now, you should try to get current minetest and help me test dcbl
01:53 jas_ or not :D
01:53 jas_ i think there's windows builds.  are you on linux?
01:53 jas_ i _think_ there's windows builds, but maybe not
01:54 Natechip HEY someone made a batch file!
01:54 jas_ close enough?  a lot easier if you're on linux
01:54 jas_ i don't even think minetest2 works on windows/mac
01:54 Natechip im on windows, switched from linux. I need windows for a lot of my programs I have
01:54 jas_ whoops
01:54 Natechip im on windows, switched from linux. I need windows for a lot of my programs I have
01:54 Natechip is this the dev? https://github.com/minetest/minetest
01:54 jas_ i've bought windows for certain things before, i been there
01:54 jas_ yes Natechip that is dev
01:54 Natechip kk
01:55 Natechip jas_ give me like 10-20 mins
01:55 Natechip i gtg do a few things and download dependencies
01:56 jas_ before you said "one sec" and it's been this long; i can only imagine what 10-20 mins is
01:56 jas_ alright man if you need help, i can't because i'm on linux
01:57 Natechip LOL
01:57 Natechip i got stuck on the sqlite part
01:57 Natechip but im fine i think
01:57 jas_ ye you don't need that
01:57 jas_ too bad it's tricky to dual-boot
01:58 jas_ i gave up trying after a year or two and just did either/or.  too bad linux can't run windows.
01:58 jas_ or, too bad ms doesn't port it
01:58 jas_ i worry because, i think minetest right now is hard to compile on windows/mac (never tried) and i heard minetest can't be compiled on android right now.
02:03 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
02:04 Natechip ThomasMonroe: i shut down MM forever
02:04 Natechip also
02:04 Natechip ppl on ur server are using mine bots to get diamonds and gold
02:04 Natechip lol
02:04 ThomasMonroe what kind of bots?
02:04 Natechip jas_ use virtual box?
02:05 Natechip ThomasMonroe: a CSM i think?
02:05 ThomasMonroe or they are just using basic robots wisely XD
02:06 Natechip nope
02:06 Natechip its that XxGhost_jasonXx person
02:06 Natechip Block has most of the stuff
02:07 jas_ it's not the same
02:07 Natechip jas_ so just dont bother with the sqlite stuff or compiler?
02:07 Natechip jas_ so just dont bother with the sqlite stuff or compiler?
02:07 jas_ if i run a vm the performance isn't up to snuff
02:07 jas_ i don't know, i just type make
02:07 jas_ and poof, a binary appears
02:07 jas_ dunno how it is on windows, i've never compiled anything there.  i did qbasic is dos once
02:08 Natechip isnt sqlite used to generate the world?
02:08 jas_ but if you're just connecting you can use dummy
02:08 jas_ it's for saving map as sqlite database
02:08 jas_ it could be dummy, sqlite, postgresql(?), redis, leveldb...
02:09 Natechip so i rlly dont need it if im just joining a server
02:09 jas_ i think that's right
02:10 Natechip mmmmeeeh ok
02:11 jas_ dummy should be built right in, so it'll be ok with that
02:11 jas_ never tried is all
02:11 ThomasMonroe Nate what exactly were they doing?
02:14 Natechip ThomasMonroe: using a script to automatically find diamonds then go to them and mine them
02:15 Natechip ask XxGhost_jasonXx she was very responsive
02:15 ThomasMonroe she?
02:16 ThomasMonroe im talking with him now
02:16 Natechip oh its a him
02:16 Natechip my bad
02:16 ircSparky rubenwardy, that would be awesome! the more you take from my port the less I have to do to update :P
02:23 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
02:24 ThomasMonroe hey ircSparky
02:29 ircSparky hey
02:31 paramat joined #minetest-hub
02:33 Natechip paramat: getting this error when compiling minetest dev 0.5.0 with cmake: The system is: Windows - 10.0.15063 - AMD64
02:33 Natechip think its the wrong settings or something?
02:35 Natechip jas_ u know what... maybe ill just boot off of a usb onto my other pc
02:36 Natechip XD
02:37 jas_ that's true, i forgot about that
02:37 jas_ it's easy to just run linux off a usb stick occasionally
02:37 jas_ sometimes a bit tougher to get persistence, but it's worth it
02:38 Natechip jas_ ill just use linux mint cinnamon
02:38 Natechip 64 bit
02:39 Natechip i have a ISO image for like all linux OS's saved on a hard drive XD
02:39 Natechip-m joined #minetest-hub
02:40 jas_ https://www.debian.org/CD/live/ too
02:40 jas_ i've never even tried a redhat based gnu/linux distro
02:40 jas_ well, actually rh4.2 was my first linux, but i bricked it and gave up for a few years
02:42 NatechipDaBoss joined #minetest-hub
02:42 NatechipDaBoss ok
02:42 NatechipDaBoss has_
02:42 NatechipDaBoss jas_
02:42 jas_ yeeees?
02:42 NatechipDaBoss windows did not like my formatting there
02:42 NatechipDaBoss it just crashed my pc
02:42 NatechipDaBoss :O
02:43 jas_ there's a minetest daily ppa apparently
02:43 jas_ you can put that on your stick
02:43 NatechipDaBoss yea
02:43 NatechipDaBoss I mighr just put linux on my second pc
02:43 NatechipDaBoss annndd blue screen of death -_-
02:43 NatechipDaBoss RIP windows
02:45 jas_ i keep dying trying to make this mese crystal farm
02:45 jas_ in lava
02:45 NatechipDaBoss WINDOWS LIVES
02:46 NatechipDaBoss lol
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02:47 NatechipDaBoss noice
02:48 Natechip jas_ its fixed
02:48 Natechip hurray
02:48 jas_ good job
02:48 Natechip about to boot linux
02:49 jas_ ye it's easier to have a windows box and a linux box, then to dual-boot in my experience
02:49 Natechip man... I miss this
02:49 jas_ but the usb stick helps
02:49 Natechip yes
02:49 Natechip also I have an extra PC
02:49 Natechip so
02:49 Natechip :D
02:49 jas_ if you can get it to save your stuff, it's a lot better.  still slow, but not too bad
02:49 Natechip get what to save stuff
02:49 Natechip my USB?
02:49 jas_ otherwise you're gonna have to install minetest on it, or whatever, every time you boot from it
02:50 jas_ unless you got persistence on it already?
02:50 Natechip oh
02:50 jas_ (i have to do this part manually)
02:50 Natechip :/ I need to install linux to it anyways
02:50 jas_ well usb sticks generally are read-only, and don't save your stuff (like background image :D)... so you need to enable "persistence" somehow
02:50 jas_ and then it will
02:51 jas_ so if you have a 16gb stick, and linux takes 2gb, you should have 14gb to save stuff to
02:51 Natechip 14gb stick
02:51 jas_ for example
02:52 jas_ i got a huge micro sd card the other day.  blows my mind.
02:52 Natechip lol
02:52 jas_ i got one sd that's 1gb, super cool, it snaps in half and turns into USB
02:52 jas_ haven't seen another like it, i'm sure they're out there
02:52 Natechip O_o
02:52 * jas_ looks
02:53 Natechip uuughh
02:53 jas_ https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/516yQn1LKhL.jpg
02:53 Natechip windows needs to update before I can wipe it lol
02:53 jas_ that's the one
02:53 Natechip kool
02:53 jas_ good for when the machine doesn't boot from sd
02:54 * jas_ steps away for coffee and a stretch
02:54 jas_ waiting for these mese crystals to grow
02:56 Natechip why
02:56 Natechip isnt
02:56 Natechip my USB stick being recognized!
03:04 Natechip maybe it needs to be UEFI...
03:06 jas_ sounds like windows has taken hold
03:06 jas_ gnome does that to me sometimes
03:06 jas_ i don't even know why i'm running it right now, but it's sweet
03:06 Natechip jas_ i gtg
03:06 Natechip ill be back later
03:06 jas_ no complaints so i haven't removed it
03:06 Natechip will u be here
03:06 jas_ oh ok i'll ttyl
03:06 jas_ most probably
03:06 Natechip later? 1 hour
03:07 Natechip maybe hour and 30
03:07 jas_ yep, i'm up all night
03:07 * jas_ queues the beck song
03:07 Natechip k
03:08 jas_ then i'm gonna stream if you're not gonna connect
03:08 jas_ i typically can't do both
03:08 jas_ but first
03:09 Natechip stream?
03:12 jas_ yes to twitch
03:12 jas_ haven't started yet gotta rewind this song
03:12 jas_ can't stream utube songs, it'll mute the video
03:13 jas_ so i usually play dark ambience off freesound/archive.org
03:13 jas_ or slowed down aphex on youtube, it doesn't pick that up i don't think
03:14 paramat Natechip i have no idea about your error message
03:14 jas_ paramat do you have windows?
03:15 jas_ can you compile minetest HEAD there?  what about android?
03:15 jas_ i heard it wasn't possible to compile current git on android
03:15 jas_ is that true?
03:15 paramat i have no windows, my house is dark
03:15 jas_ and i wonder about mac
03:15 jas_ ye torches it is
03:15 jas_ you live in a cobble hut don't you? admit it hehehe
03:18 jas_ https://twitch.tv/jastvn
03:33 Natechip jas_ im ready
03:46 paramat yes i use linux. O/
04:12 Natechip jas_
04:20 jas_ HI
04:20 jas_ i don't see you
04:20 jas_ brb
04:24 jas_ connecting?
04:24 jas_ compiling?
04:25 Natechip jas_
04:25 Natechip idk how to compile it LOL
04:25 jas_ oh you're on that live stick?
04:25 Natechip yes
04:25 jas_ you're gonna have to install packages and get the source and compiling it each time
04:25 jas_ unless you get persistence.
04:25 Natechip yes ik ill do that
04:26 Natechip tmr ill install arch
04:26 jas_ you mean on your system, instead of a stick?
04:26 jas_ well, that's easier
04:26 Natechip yes
04:26 Natechip but tmr
04:26 jas_ did i mention i like debian?  never tried slackware
04:27 Natechip it actually looks pretty nice from ur streams :)
04:27 Natechip ok
04:27 Natechip so I downloaded dependencies
04:28 jas_ neat thx.  i can show whole desktop (1080) or just minetest window (720)
04:28 Natechip :D
04:29 jas_ this is the only jump i "made", it's based off a grief someone did to my hut
04:29 jas_ i'm going to make an easier jump course/track
04:29 Natechip what do i do
04:29 Natechip after dependecies
04:29 jas_ get git
04:30 jas_ git clone git://github.com/minetest/minetest.get
04:30 jas_ git clone git://github.com/minetest/minetest.git
04:30 Natechip k
04:30 Natechip so basically download source
04:30 jas_ read the README.md, and get the deps make sure.  and do cmake . -LH to see all options
04:30 jas_ yes
04:30 jas_ but get git, cmake at least
04:30 jas_ and after that, you can get what you lack easily
04:31 Natechip jas_ do I download minetest_game
04:32 jas_ if you like
04:32 jas_ makes the media fetch quicker
04:32 jas_ but do it inside minetest/games
04:32 jas_ so 1) git clone git://github.com/minetest/minetest.git
04:32 jas_ 2) cd minetest/games and then git clone git://github.com/minetest/minetest_game.git
04:33 Natechip k
04:33 Natechip done and done
04:33 jas_ ye definitely making an easier course
04:33 Natechip i can choose and cmake option?
04:34 jas_ if you just do cmake . that's fine
04:34 jas_ it will pick up what it needs
04:34 jas_ by default it is a system-wide install
04:34 jas_ if you want it to run from the download directory that git clone retrieved, you do cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1
04:35 Natechip ok
04:35 Natechip I did cmake .
04:35 Natechip now what
04:35 Natechip ._.
04:35 jas_ make
04:35 jas_ did it not complain?
04:35 jas_ so, you must have gotten all the deps
04:35 jas_ make will tell you for sure
04:35 Natechip its missing some stuff
04:36 jas_ ok install what it's missing
04:36 Natechip it says Could NOT find ...
04:36 jas_ at least get the stuff mentioned in README.md
04:36 jas_ (there's an apt get line mentioned in that file.)
04:36 Natechip WOOPS
04:36 Natechip XD
04:36 Natechip RIP
04:37 Natechip u know what
04:37 Natechip lets just install debian tmr and do it then
04:37 Natechip :D
04:37 Natechip jas_ cya later, ill just do it tmr
04:37 jas_ OKIE DOKIE
04:37 jas_ ttyl
04:37 Natechip laters
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09:36 tenplus1 hi folks
09:38 Amaz Hello ten :)
09:39 tenplus1 hi amaz
09:41 * tenplus1 thinks of a way to stop mobs jumping on carpets
09:42 Krock ti tenplus1
09:42 tenplus1 hi krock
09:42 Krock ^ hi
09:43 tenplus1 thought you were going for "ti amo" there :P))))
09:45 Krock huh
09:45 tenplus1 ehehehehe
09:45 tenplus1 s'ok
09:52 tenplus1 I could make it so that mobs can only jump when standing on "normal" nodetype... but taht limits jumping on stairs/slabs...
09:52 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
09:52 tenplus1 hi sniper
10:04 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
10:04 tenplus1 hi Megaf
10:04 Megaf hey tenplus1
10:04 Megaf hows things?
10:07 Megaf Trying to move my /usr to a different device
10:07 tenplus1 good ta... good luck with that :P I only have a separate /home
10:07 Megaf I have a separate /home too
10:08 Megaf now I want to have a separate /usr, because space
10:09 tenplus1 lol...  my '/' partition is 30gb and the rest of the ssd to /home... never really needed anymore than 30gb
10:10 Megaf /dev/sdb2               3.8G  1.3G  2.6G  34% /
10:10 Megaf /dev/sdb3               3.8G  3.1G  764M  81% /usr
10:10 Megaf hm, my /usr is already a different partition, I dont need to rsync, I can just dd. cool
10:11 Megaf and as you can see, I dont have much space
10:12 tenplus1 ahh
10:12 Megaf /dev/mapper/sda4_crypt  3.7G  1.3G  2.5G  35% /home
10:16 Megaf will rsync it, better
10:16 Megaf it will defrag on the process
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10:31 tenplus1 hi fixer
10:31 Raven262 Hi ten, Megaf
10:31 Raven262 Hi Krock
10:31 tenplus1 o/ raven :)
10:31 Krock hi Raven262. Your number must be really have a purpose. Now the screenshots topic page..
10:31 jas_ i love defrag
10:32 Raven262 The time has come, Krock.
10:32 tenplus1 hey jas
10:32 Raven262 Just for what, i ask myself.
10:32 jas_ mornin'
10:32 Krock Raven262, the time comes to pass. isn't the logic?
10:32 Krock *that logic
10:32 Raven262 Yeah.
10:33 Raven262 But every time comes to pass, why would this one be special then?
10:34 Krock because it's a special time?
10:35 Raven262 Yea, might be.
10:38 Fixer hello
10:48 Megaf Hi Raven262 Fixer Krock ShadowNinja shivajiva red-001 everyone
10:48 Megaf morning jas_
10:48 jas_ gewd morning ;^)
10:49 Megaf jas_, what part of Europe are you?
10:49 Megaf located, that is
10:49 Megaf maybe America continent
10:49 jas_ new england lol
10:49 jas_ maine
10:50 Megaf cool
10:50 jas_ used to be part of massachusetts but that was a long time ago
10:51 Megaf hows the weather there?
10:51 jas_ well it's starting to really cool down now
10:51 shivajiva Hiya Megaf :)
10:51 jas_ it had warmed back up for a bit, after cooling down in august
10:52 Megaf jas_, I though Portland was in Oregon
10:52 jas_ it was a cold summer, and it's been too dry.  growing up, for example, it was "nine months of really bad weather, and three  months of really poor sledding."
10:52 jas_ not so much anymore, i feel
10:52 jas_ portland is in maine first heh
10:52 jas_ but it's not The Portland
10:53 Megaf theres two Portlands...
10:53 jas_ we have a work, a bath, a brunswick, all that... lebanon, china, mexico... i live in augusta
10:53 Megaf oh boy
10:53 jas_ i dunno what i meant by work.  i do that too
10:53 jas_ not so much work around here, tho, i hear it's mostly healthcare and mills, but the mills got shut down
10:54 jas_ but there's minetest *whistles* back to xdecor
11:12 Calinou hi
11:12 tenplus1 hi Cal
11:13 Calinou rubenwardy: haha, the score restriction thing is nice
11:13 Calinou now Kevin420 won't take my steel swords!
11:14 rubenwardy :D
11:15 Raven262 Hi Calinou
11:15 Raven262 Hi rubenwardy
11:16 Megaf hi Calinou
11:20 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
11:21 IhrFussel CRITICAL BUG in itemframes mod by Zeg9: If you right click one that holds an item it will DROP the item infinitely
11:22 IhrFussel The cause are these 2 lines in the on_rightclick() callback
11:22 IhrFussel if clicker:get_player_name() == meta:get_string("owner") then
11:22 IhrFussel drop_item(pos,node)
11:22 tenplus1 hi fussel
11:23 tenplus1 I rewrote that ages ago to use protection :PP
11:23 IhrFussel I commented the drop_item() out to fix it ... now it will just replace the holding item with the item in hand
11:24 IhrFussel tenplus1, I will look at your version ... is the bug fixed in yours?
11:25 tenplus1 working fine here
11:25 tenplus1 even has technic support to stop movers from affecting frame/pedestal
11:32 Megaf well, I think I managed to migrate my usr with the system running
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11:33 tenplus1 o/ caleb
11:33 CalebDavis hi ten
11:33 ThomasMonroe o/ tenplus1
11:34 tenplus1 hi thomas
11:34 shivajiva Hi tenplus, CalebDavis, ThomasMonroe
11:35 ThomasMonroe hey shivajiva
11:35 CalebDavis hi shivajiva
11:35 Megaf tenplus1, yep, /usr moved, it was just a matter of mkfs /device, mount /device /temp_folder, rsync -azv /usr /temp_folder, sync, mount /device /usr, umount /olddevice, edit fstab
11:35 shivajiva ^ just lol
11:35 tenplus1 kewl, all is working :)
11:35 tenplus1 hi shiva
11:36 Fixer "Hi Raven262 Fixer Krock ShadowNinja shivajiva red-001 everyon" lol, no need for that much
11:36 tenplus1 o/
11:36 shivajiva Hiya Fixer o/
11:40 shivajiva pinned down a crash in sauth and added caching, it's pretty fast now, exceeds builtin on large auth.txt by a vast margin ;)
11:40 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
11:41 Megaf And also, system is much faster now
11:41 Megaf with /usr in different device, less IO wait
11:42 Raven262 Hi Fixer
11:42 Raven262 Hi shivajiva
11:44 shivajiva Hi Raven
11:56 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
12:04 IhrFussel tenplus1, I can't use your version so easily x/ I forgot that it would render all existing item frames in the world useless
12:05 tenplus1 unless they are in protected area... good point
2 more elements. Show/hide.
12:31 lisac hey tenplus1!
12:31 tenplus1 hi lisac o/
12:31 lisac I found an old copy of Marx's Capital Volume 1
12:31 lisac it's from 1948
12:32 tenplus1 lol
12:40 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
12:40 tenplus1 hi twoelk
12:40 twoelk o/
12:41 twoelk I inspected some of my caverns on Xanadu lately, with them torches burning only a limited time I sure have a lively community of monsters down there now :-D
12:42 tenplus1 ehehe, try crafting abritorches, those are crystal based and wont burn out
12:43 rubenwardy what mod do you use to make torches burn out:?
12:43 twoelk haven't inspected all the late additions to Xanadu yet.
12:43 rubenwardy https://github.com/tenplus1/real_torch
12:43 rubenwardy ah
12:43 tenplus1 :P
12:44 tenplus1 most of the new updates are 0.4.16 specific after mod updates... got a huge lucky block update waiting to go live
12:44 lisac tenplus1, don't tell me you added torch timers, then bypassed them by adding another torches? :)
12:44 lisac but to be honest, I haven't placed a torch on Xanadu since you added the mod
12:44 lisac I'm using glowglass
12:45 tenplus1 good good... torches are a temporary solution :P
12:45 lisac :D
12:45 rubenwardy If I were to make a survival subgame, I'd do that
12:45 tenplus1 but you can relight by punching with coal powder, gunpowder or even flint n steel
12:45 lisac I've got 998 hours on TF2
12:45 lisac wow
12:46 tenplus1 playerplus has been udpated also with changes ... has suffocation, walking in snow slowdown, sliding on ice and on_walk_over functionality
12:46 twoelk was playing with the redo versions of mobs and farming on a private server. everytime I have studied all the new additions to the code so I can adjust my stuff you push a new update :-P
12:47 tenplus1 :P so long as it works ok
12:47 twoelk on_walk_over?
12:47 twoelk sounds like my old green feet idea
12:47 tenplus1 yeah, if you define a node and it has an on_walk_over function set (to explode, drop, open door etc) playerplus will run it
12:47 tenplus1 yeah, even footstep blocks
12:47 twoelk ah
12:47 Wayward_One hi all :)
12:47 tenplus1 paramat does this aleady
12:47 tenplus1 o/ wayward
12:48 rubenwardy https://i.rubenwardy.com/1YzDq3bTFU.png
12:48 twoelk well I had a mod that would place flowers or turn stone to grass when walked over - made some nice crashes until I had it working
12:49 Krock rubenwardy, looks more like german to me
12:49 twoelk wonder where I left it
2 more elements. Show/hide.
13:20 lisac rubenwardy, нисам сигуран
13:20 lisac maybe
13:20 Fixer rubenwardy: "blue suckers" more or less
13:21 CWz joined #minetest-hub
13:21 tenplus1 hi CWz
13:22 lisac Fixer, I hope you haven't managed to translate my string to 'blue suckers'
13:28 Fixer "Can't build for Android under Linux on Windows (WSL)" #360
13:29 Megaf what?
13:34 Megaf gotta love this website https://www.materialpalette.com/
13:34 Megaf there's a colour called deep purple, rock'n'roll
13:51 tenplus1 lol, the anti-cheat system just kicked a player for bouncing on a trampoline
13:57 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:58 tenplus1 wb Jordach
13:58 CWz tenplus1, can too many protectors in an area cause lag?
13:58 tenplus1 nope
13:58 rubenwardy does colorise de-texture index textures?
13:58 tenplus1 depending on radius they should be spread out every 2xradius nodes apart
13:59 rubenwardy *does colorise de-color index textures?
13:59 tenplus1 but if they are closer then it's fine :D
13:59 rubenwardy I'm trying to turn the hotbar item selected indicator to blue, but it's red
13:59 tenplus1 CWz: use the protector tool to place them :)
13:59 twoelk lag with protectors might depend on what mischief the players are up to ;-P
14:00 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
14:00 tenplus1 if they are building houses totally out of protectors then that's another thing... ehehe
14:00 tenplus1 hi nrz
14:00 tenplus1 kinda like building a house out of furnaces
14:01 twoelk something like a protection check cascade?
14:01 tenplus1 Protector Redo for 0.5.0 will be a lot faster still once it's cimplete
14:01 Fixer reason?
14:02 tenplus1 I coudl limit protectors within radius to a certain number only...
14:02 Fixer do invisible protectors
14:02 tenplus1 was thiking that
14:03 Fixer sky with protectors just sucks
14:03 tenplus1 and a /protector_hide/show command so display your own
14:03 Fixer tenplus1: maybe some simple tool that shows/hides your/shared/all protectors on use
14:04 tenplus1 problem is making them invisible (airlike) lets falling nodes replace them... that's not good
14:04 Krock tenplus1, btw.. can an "areas" area overlap a protector-area or is that prevented?
14:04 tenplus1 protector redo only checks for overlaps with protector blocks, not areas
14:04 tenplus1 they shouldnt really be run together if possible
14:06 Krock still, some server owners do that :3
14:06 tenplus1 naughty naughty
14:07 twoelk wait, using lots of furnaces as deco causes lag? Oops, might need to redesign some of my builds :-D
14:08 Krock twoelk, //pos1 //pos2 //set air
14:08 twoelk noooo
14:08 tenplus1 furnaces use to use abm's but now they work with nodetimers, so long as they dont contain fuel/items the timer shouldnt be started to no lag
14:08 twoelk ah, my furnace floors and gates are save
14:09 tenplus1 lolol
14:09 tenplus1 whyyyyyyy ?
14:09 Krock saves space
14:09 twoelk you get a deco block with a function out of useless cobble underground
14:10 Krock you can use it as storage and even insert wood if you need to cook something
14:10 twoelk yep
14:10 tenplus1 lol
14:10 * tenplus1 searches floor for cooked meat
14:10 Krock but an entire floor would be too much for me to check
14:11 Krock 4 furnaces are enough for the most cases
14:12 twoelk got some cavern floors made of hundreds of ovens each filled with a stack of cobble - now calculate the cobble I stowed away without spending any wood that can get precious underground
14:13 rubenwardy man, custom hotbar images are verrryyyy broken
14:13 tenplus1 someone should make a sticker set for mt... eyes/mouths/cracks etc you can put on a node for decoration :D
14:13 tenplus1 brb
14:14 rubenwardy turns out I was just being an idiot
14:14 nerzhul rubenwardy, +1
14:14 nerzhul :D
14:14 nerzhul hi tenplus1 e
14:14 rubenwardy in my case I was being an idiot, but they do suck generally
14:17 twoelk sucking hotbar images does sound - sort of - nsfw
14:18 * Krock thinks twoelk should clean his brain somewhen soon
14:20 twoelk pfff - took so many years to train it to detect slippy ground - rather leave it as it is
14:43 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
14:44 tenplus1 hi thomas
14:44 ThomasMonroe hi
14:51 Fixer tenplus1: just change their texture to transperent or make it choose texture of neighb block
14:52 rubenwardy Calinou: https://github.com/rubenwardy/gauges
14:52 rubenwardy couldn't find a repo
14:52 rubenwardy also, your dropbox link is broken
14:53 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
14:53 tenplus1 wb Megaf
14:54 Megaf Cheers
15:03 tenplus1 http://lolsnaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/59de46670a5cb_a44f284b645f96d4377d551e67dc1a80.mp4
15:04 * Megaf mpv it
15:04 Megaf totally worth it
15:04 tenplus1 :PP
15:05 Krock tenplus1, good do- ehm cat!
15:05 tenplus1 I kinda miss the random video selection youtube use to have on front page...
2 more elements. Show/hide.
15:05 tenplus1 hi robbie
15:06 Krock tenplus1, update instagram now: https://i.redd.it/1zivd8rur7rz.png
15:06 tenplus1 ?
15:18 * twoelk looks around ... nobody else in the office? ... starting hidden mt from company server ... pssssssst
15:20 tenplus1 lolol
15:27 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
15:28 IhrFussel Hi again
15:28 Krock There's really a page about how to Open-Source: https://opensource.guide/
15:29 red-001 so many new TLDs
15:31 Krock inb4 mydomain.tld
15:42 red-001 I would expect that to happen soon
15:42 rubenwardy now, shall I install no_guests   *thinks*
15:48 Fixer i'm now actually thinking that my previous Pentium 4 PC can be quite good for retro gaming of DOS/W95/98/XP era, drivers should be available (kinda for most parts)
15:49 red-001 rubenwardy, is that mod still useful?
15:49 Fixer with Win98SE installed
15:49 rubenwardy well, it increases the effort to log in - so hopefully dissuade some of the complete idiots
15:49 rubenwardy like, a few it ok, but not if all slots are taken up by them
15:50 red-001 since guests are now just people with a random first name + four digit number¿
15:50 rubenwardy well, the regex needs to be updated
15:50 rubenwardy but I can easily do that
15:50 Fixer red-001: three digit number
15:51 IhrFussel Fixer, Nope it's 3-4 digits
15:51 Fixer 4 now? holy crap
15:51 Fixer wait till 5
15:51 red-001 did anyone figure out which app does this and dump a name list from it?
15:52 IhrFussel I actually have quite a few "guests" with such names who are active and build normally...which is the main reason why I opened the issue about the punishing of mobile clients
15:52 red-001 issue number?
15:53 IhrFussel red-001, I opened it in the master-server repo
15:53 sfan5 https://github.com/minetest/master-server/issues/17
15:53 red-001 IhrFussel, any idea what client does this?
15:53 IhrFussel Many
15:54 IhrFussel It's basically some fork of the source that includes that name list
15:54 Fixer IhrFussel: yeah
15:54 red-001 well could you name any?
15:55 Fixer https://www.multicraft.org/ kek
15:56 IhrFussel red-001, I can install a few from the play store and check if any of them does it
15:57 Fixer IhrFussel: yeah, try it please, i don't really like tempering in shit, be if you can stand it
15:58 IhrFussel Got one: WorldCraft: Exploration Lite
15:59 IhrFussel https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.funketapps.games.worldcraft2
16:00 IhrFussel It lets me change the name but default is "Kirtland752" password is hIBX4P so completely useless if people don't write it own
16:01 Krock how did you even get to the password?
16:02 IhrFussel Krock, the app just gives you a password...you can change it but the default is randomly generated
16:03 IhrFussel In fact each time I go back to the main menu and tap "Multiplayer" I get another name..now it's "Velastegui891"
16:05 Krock You can't filter such names, unless you block the use of three digits in the end of the name. Either weight the players by active time or generate an income for Minetest by selling the top tanks
16:05 Krock *top ranks
16:05 Krock I don't see any other reasonable solution
16:07 sfan5 you can filter them with reasonable accuracy
16:07 sfan5 the server list uses this
16:07 Fixer IhrFussel: ahhhh, so those morons are the reason why auth.txt are cluttered with this useless shit and servers are full of unfinished boxes built with MoronXXX that never goes back
16:07 Fixer is*
16:08 IhrFussel Here's the app repo https://github.com/FunKetApp/minetest
16:08 Krock sfan5, simply by checking against the numbers?
16:08 Fixer issues and PRs conviniently disabled
16:09 sfan5 Krock: ^[A-Z][a-z]{3,}[1-9][0-9]{2,3}$
16:10 Krock ah yes, I just found the line in server.py
16:10 Fixer IhrFussel: searching for Kirtland does not reveal anything
16:10 IhrFussel I don't consider them guests though, just people who are too stupid to change the name in the field
16:11 Fixer IhrFussel: so it gives you new name no matter what? thats stupid
16:12 IhrFussel Fixer, I didn't check if the app saves my name after connecting to a server..one sec
16:13 Fixer IhrFussel: but you said "In fact each time I go back to the main menu and tap "Multiplayer" I get another name..now it's "Velastegui891""
16:13 Fixer so thanks to this bullshit our servers auth.txt are exploding in size
16:13 IhrFussel Yes when I go server list -> main menu it changes
16:13 Fixer peace of shit
16:13 Fixer son of a bitch
16:14 Fixer piece*
16:14 IhrFussel But maybe the app saves the name I use to connect to a server
16:14 Fixer IhrFussel: can you check it?
16:14 Fixer it can't be that fucked up
16:14 sfan5 Fixer: the code in the repo is probably not the one actually live, you need to download the app and extract it to find out what it's doing
16:14 IhrFussel Spartz513 is my name now..let's see
16:14 Fixer lol
16:15 IhrFussel LOL it said invalid password on one server...cause someone else with that random name already exists
16:15 Fixer lolol
16:15 Krock hardcoded array of usernames?
16:16 Fixer yes
16:16 Fixer Krock: thats fucked up shit
16:16 red-001 Krock, yes
16:16 Krock like math.random is too difficult to use in mainmenu
16:16 Fixer anyone wants to write up to those "developers"
16:16 red-001 it's in the binary
16:16 Fixer ?
16:17 IhrFussel Fixer, the app remembers the username you chose after you connect to a server at least...but still shitty
16:17 Fixer IhrFussel: remembers for that server? even after reconnect? even after ap^shit^@program restart?
16:19 IhrFussel Names can have 2 digits too so your server list regex is wrong ATM
16:19 red-001 10,700 names
16:20 IhrFussel Antilla80 is my next name
16:20 Fixer IhrFussel: for that server?
16:20 red-001 https://pastebin.com/dJemab0n
16:22 IhrFussel Fixer, the app remembers the last name you entered to connect to a server, no matter which server you select in the list, if you go back to main menu or close the app
16:22 Fixer IhrFussel: but you said it changed somehow
16:22 IhrFussel Which means if people uninstall the app the account will be LOST since nobody can remember such a password "aBuQXI"
16:23 Fixer IhrFussel: nobody is smart enough to write down name and password? what a great time to be alive
16:24 IhrFussel Fixer, if people were smart enough to write their password down they would likely realize that they can TYPE an own name into the name field
16:24 red-001 or 10,709 usernames to be exact
16:24 IhrFussel But they obviously don't
16:25 Fixer IhrFussel: what is worrying me is some deepshits clutter auth.txt files to 40 fucking megabytes, XXX XXX accounts just on one server, this is silly
16:25 shivajiva well this accounts for 10,709 of my 211,000 accounts, what about the other 200K :)
16:25 red-001 shivajiva, it could be more
16:25 red-001 since it adds a random 3-4 digit number to it
16:26 Fixer shivajiva: now question, who the fuck generated 200K accounts?
16:26 IhrFussel red-001, 2-4*
16:26 tenplus1 you woudl be surprised...
16:26 tenplus1 it's good ip_per_names limits it to 3 accounts per uses
16:26 Fixer we need auth.txt cleaner
16:27 shivajiva that's +2 years
16:27 Fixer that checks if account was inactive for some time and purge everything
16:27 Fixer purge all items from the map
16:27 rubenwardy ^[A-Za-z]+[0-9][0-9][0-9]$
16:28 shivajiva heh that's easy in sauth.... SELECT * FROM auth WHERE last_login....
16:28 red-001 thats 106,972,201 possible names
16:28 shivajiva makes my 211K look like nothing
16:29 red-001 (assuming that all numbers are used)
16:29 IhrFussel red-001, Did you add all possibilities with 2 and 3 digits to that number?
16:30 red-001 (9999-10) x 10709
16:32 tenplus1 would be nice to have a script that servers could run once in a while to remove names/users that havent been on the server for a period of n months
16:32 rubenwardy does no_guests stop existing players?
16:32 IhrFussel red-001, isn't 10,000 only the possibilities with 4 digits? You need to add 2 and 3 extra I thin
16:33 IhrFussel 0001 is not 001 or 01
16:33 Fixer shivajiva: can you actually somehow analyze your auth.txt? classify filenames, if they have some patterns?
16:33 Fixer classify player names*
16:33 red-001 tbh I haven't given it much though
16:34 paramat joined #minetest-hub
16:34 tenplus1 hi paramat
16:34 Calinou evening :)
16:34 red-001 considering that you got an account that was already used I wouldn't trust it uses a good random number generator
16:35 Calinou rubenwardy: yeah, there's no repository of gauges, feel free to mirror it, everything inside is CC0
16:35 rubenwardy :D
16:35 Calinou Dropbox links broke a few months ago, they pulled public links entirely :P
16:35 rubenwardy would you like me to transfer the repo to you?
16:35 Calinou sure :)
16:35 * Calinou prays he'll get the transfer email this time
16:35 rubenwardy also, how do you remove "commited by rubenwardy"
16:35 Calinou you can't
16:36 Calinou it's not very important anyway
16:36 rubenwardy done
16:36 Fixer Calinou: downfall of dropbox
16:36 rubenwardy there are a few bugs with gauges
16:36 rubenwardy I have some fixes locally, wanted to test on CTF first
16:37 Fixer i remember hipsters flying over it, taking "more" space via special offers, etc, now it is just shit
16:37 tenplus1 ??
16:37 Fixer tenplus1: incorrect
16:37 tenplus1 !!
16:37 Fixer tenplus1: someone is impersonating you
16:38 tenplus1 on a server ?
16:38 Fixer here
16:38 tenplus1 they dont have my password, so wouldnt be able to talk in channel ?!?!?!
16:38 Fixer nevermind, ?!?!?! is back
16:39 Fixer you confirmed
16:39 * tenplus1 fwaps Fixer with a trout
16:39 paramat Fixer please could you restrain your cursing? =) (just read logs)
16:39 Fixer https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6525 this needs lieks
16:39 Fixer LIKES
16:39 Fixer paramat: sure
16:40 IhrFussel red-001, 11100 possible combinations ... now calculate it again with the amount of names
16:40 tenplus1 agree'd, rollback needs restrictions
16:40 tenplus1 personally I disable it completely
16:40 Fixer and i said nothing about rollback speed (not secret: it sucks from what I know)
16:41 Fixer still feeling need for some low level tool to clean up inactive player mess on servers
16:41 Fixer or maybe ingame tool
16:41 Fixer say i see flying doors instead of building
16:41 tenplus1 I'm sure that Robbie had a script to do just that, remove old players
16:41 Fixer owned by some dude who will never go play again
16:41 Fixer mark by tool
16:41 Fixer everything from that dude is removed from the map
16:42 Fixer chests, doors, blocks, protections, areas, etc
16:42 Fixer one click removal
16:42 Fixer puff
16:42 Fixer also, my hometown base turns into s--tshow :(
16:42 Calinou <Fixer> Calinou: downfall of dropbox
16:42 IhrFussel 118,869,900 possible name combinations
16:42 Calinou yeah, I use Nextcloud on a VPS now
16:42 Calinou I stopped using Dropbox around 2014
16:42 Calinou by the way, look at my cloak :^)
16:42 Calinou it changed today
16:43 Fixer Calinou: tons of links are broken now, with some rare stuff too, and don't forget those nazis from photobucket
16:43 Calinou I'm no longer unaffiliated, I had that cloak since mid-2011!
16:43 Calinou rubenwardy: I'm not getting the transfer request email, this is the 2nd time this happens :(
16:43 Fixer photobucket spam with that upgrade 400usd insanity
16:43 Fixer i have to ban this crap somehow from my eyes
16:43 Calinou what about imageshack.us? IMAGES HACK US!
16:44 Fixer Calinou: ha? i don't remember this since ever
16:44 shivajiva Fixer I could but I rapidly instigated refusal of players ending in 3 digits
16:44 Fixer Calinou: who even use that?
16:44 Calinou it was popular 7-10 years ago
16:45 Fixer shivajiva: translate failure
16:45 rubenwardy Calinou  :O
16:45 Fixer Calinou: yeah, nobody cares about, _and_ it does not spam with this useless "upgrade by paying us 400usd per year", are you silly? 400 USD PER YEAR??? WTAF???
16:45 neinwhal joined #minetest-hub
16:46 tenplus1 hi neinwhal
16:46 Calinou woo, new album from avkh! https://avkh.bandcamp.com/album/telephone-telegraph
16:46 Fixer literally 99.999999% will not pay even 4 usd per year for that
16:46 Calinou saw it today by checking my old email address webmail :P
16:46 Calinou (it's a guy making experimental/electronic CC BY music)
16:46 Fixer Calinou: some good vaporwave?
16:46 Calinou I bought his entire discography last year (half-price, since I bought all albums at once)
16:46 Calinou although I'll have to buy this one $1 :p
16:46 Fixer Calinou: feels hipsterish
16:46 Calinou it is hipsterish
16:47 shivajiva Fixer: I stopped players with numbers at the end from joining only a few days after it started
16:47 neinwhal hi tenplus1
16:47 Fixer shivajiva: imagine if you have not stopped that ;)
16:48 shivajiva Hi neinwhal o/
16:48 Fixer Calinou: https://www.ghacks.net/2017/06/30/photobucket-now-charges-399-for-third-party-hosted-images/
16:48 Calinou remember omploader/ompldr? :)
16:48 neinwhal hi shivajiva
16:49 Fixer Calinou: yeah, i've used it
16:49 shivajiva with the throughput skyblock had at the time the file would have hit the top limit and ground to a halt, except minetest has this habit of crashing and wiping files to fix that issue :D
16:50 Fixer shivajiva: use backups
16:50 shivajiva oh I did, it's essential
16:50 shivajiva but with 1000+ players a day it's easy to lose bits
16:51 Fixer lol https://github.com/kzahel/photobucket-embed-fix
16:51 shivajiva I instigated a vpn lookup and 3 days later I was banned for exceeding the limit
16:52 Fixer nice
16:52 Fixer """vpn""" """service"""
16:52 Calinou rubenwardy: oh, the transfer emails arrive on my old email
16:53 Calinou there, I accepted the transfer
16:54 rubenwardy :D
16:54 IhrFussel I hope my random generated name confirmation now puts the "bots on servers" rumor to rest
16:58 Calinou https://media.hugo.pro/firefox_2017-10-12_18-58-13.png
16:58 Calinou there, I bought that album :P
16:58 Calinou [229 MB FLAC .zip downloads]
17:03 tenplus1 per track or album
17:05 Calinou per album
17:05 tenplus1 that's not bad...
17:07 tenplus1 I tend to re-compress albums to Ogg Vorbis @ 96kbps (192kbps mp3 equiv)
17:07 Fixer use opus
17:07 sfan5 red-001: this is the code responsible for generating names btw https://i.imgur.com/Sn94Wtj.png
17:08 rubenwardy well, that's unreadable
17:08 Krock ^
17:08 sfan5 welcome to decompilers
17:08 rubenwardy ah
17:09 Calinou is the name dictionary available somewhere?
17:09 red-001 sfan5, ida?
17:09 Calinou this way, we can reliably block them
17:09 Calinou (without false positives)
17:09 sfan5 red-001: yes
17:09 red-001 Calinou, I pasted a dump
17:09 Calinou red-001: the thing nobody pays for
17:09 * Calinou hides
17:09 red-001 Calinou, pretty sure they know
17:10 red-001 I guess they are counting on companies that need it to pay
17:10 Fixer Calinou: https://pastebin.com/dJemab0n
17:11 Fixer Calinou: iirc that IDA tool was written by one gifted person, kinda
17:12 Krock "bedgood"
17:12 sfan5 unlike everything else, ida actually works reliably
17:12 sfan5 (hopper is probably fine too)
17:12 Calinou a drunk AAA game modder once said, "Where there is not light, there can IDA Pro!"
17:13 Krock common location for programmers
17:13 red-001 Fixer, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilfak_Guilfanov
17:15 Fixer oh, he is in Belgium now
17:17 Fixer NICE! https://github.com/pastudan/photobucket-imgur
17:17 Fixer Re-host your forum's PhotoBucket images on Imgur
17:17 Fixer this is damn useful
17:18 Fixer sapier detected
17:19 red-001 ???
17:19 Fixer red-001: time to write a mod for banning those guys, or somehow restricting them to one name
17:19 red-001 sapier detected?
17:19 Fixer in -dev
17:19 sfan5 this app actually includes lots of C++ changes that use existing minetest stuff
17:19 red-001 ah
17:20 red-001 sfan5, and let me guess most of them are not pushed to the repo which they claims contains the source code?
17:20 sfan5 (like downloading assets on the fly, parsing stuff using jsoncpp, saving "daily gold counts" in the minetest settings)
17:20 sfan5 none of those are in the repo
17:20 Fixer red-001: not pushed
17:20 red-001 take a look at all the new lua api functions
17:20 rubenwardy issue a GPL code request :D
17:21 red-001 sfan5, any idea how the assets are compressed?
17:21 red-001 I saw similar compression on an iOS minetest clone
17:21 sfan5 pretty sure they are downloaded from a remote server
17:21 red-001 ah so what is the resdata file?
17:22 sfan5 idk
17:23 Calinou how I feel when a game insists on downloading its core assets on the fly: https://twitter.com/doom_txt/status/916143659686363138
17:23 Fixer whats new? Fix bugs 2, Update map... // LMAO
17:23 Calinou this kind of this comes from the mobile hell :(
17:24 Fixer Calinou: mobile = dirty
17:24 Fixer windows = dirty too
17:24 Krock > using a githash-dirty client on linux
17:24 Fixer linux = more glorious, cleaniness (or how it is written), Monk
17:24 Fixer level: Monk
17:25 Fixer f---, this Worldcraft has better rating than Minetest
17:25 Fixer :D
17:25 red-001 extrect_worlds
17:25 IhrFussel Fixer, EVERY 3rd-party app that clones MT has a better rating for some reason
17:25 red-001 I like the alternate spelling they use
17:25 Fixer IhrFussel: probably those chinese click farms?
17:26 Fixer also, look here, they have two clones of minetest o.O https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=FunKetApp
17:26 Calinou red-001: extrekt_worlds
17:26 Fixer both have ads shit
17:26 red-001 Fixer, some iOS devs have 4 or 5 clones
17:27 red-001 well "devs"
17:27 Fixer """"devs""""
17:27 Calinou [insert Spock here]
17:27 Fixer and nobody from said morons donated a dime for original project
17:28 Shara Impressed they actually credit MT...
17:28 IhrFussel WAIT guys...so if the software downloads its assets on the fly it doesn't need to publish that on-the-fly code?
17:29 Calinou it still does
17:29 Calinou (I think)
17:29 red-001 it does
17:29 Calinou also, the core engine (LGPLv2.1+) is still pre-installed
17:29 Fixer i really waiting for new mod that just bans all those GuyXXXX altogether and gives me back my lawn
17:29 sfan5 the version in the play store is based on at least 0.4.13 since it includes srp stuff
17:30 Calinou Fixer: my server has no playerbase :(
17:30 Krock Fixer, why a new mod? no_guests and name_restrictions can be extended easily
17:30 Calinou I'm expecting players to know how to read a server description
17:30 red-001 the tl;dr for lpgl is you are suppose to have access to the source code for any binary you have access to
17:30 IhrFussel So they thought they could simply clone the minetest repo and make us think that would be the actual source code?
17:30 Calinou IhrFussel: probably
17:30 red-001 sfan5, and it's version string is literaly 0.4.13
17:30 Calinou note: the (L)GPL requires distributing the complete corresponding source code, *even if you have not modified anything*!
17:30 Krock Calinou, the server title is too long
17:30 sfan5 well i verified that the hard way
17:30 Fixer Calinou: i would prefer no userbase to this dirt halfbuild house shit with flying door build by random mobile player once and leaves this garbage on our servers
17:30 Krock doesn't fit into my textlist
17:31 Krock there's no description FYI
17:31 Fixer Calinou: i would prefer actual player who at least tries to build, i don't need yet another halfbuild dirt house + half build mimic of minecraft farm with _unlocked_ chest
17:32 Fixer this is worse than in 2011
17:32 Fixer i'm not here to multiply shitty builds
17:32 Fixer shitty builds should be REMOVED
17:32 Calinou Krock: there is one
17:33 Fixer also, this mod can filter all those untermobile guys to some smallish area on server somewhere on floatland above
17:33 red-001 Fixer, wait for 0.5?
17:33 Calinou the default password is in both the server name and description
17:33 Fixer red-001: and?
17:33 IhrFussel The at least modified the loading bars... I saw a "X% (XX KB / XX KB)"
17:33 red-001 most of these apps wouldn't update
17:33 Fixer red-001: reason?
17:34 Krock Calinou, oh right. 0.4.16-dev client using the 0.5.0 builtin code, that's why it doesn't show up here. But the server title is still way too long :3
17:34 rubenwardy Shara, they legally have to credit Minetest if they add ads or any proprietary code. Still suprising though
17:34 red-001 Fixer, the devs are lazy
17:34 Fixer red-001: why are you thinking that? the flow of money is big
17:35 red-001 for instance the multicraft dev said they don't want to update to c+11
17:35 Fixer red-001: reason?
17:35 Fixer red-001: his religion does not accept cpp11?
17:35 Calinou rubenwardy: they cannot legally add ads or proprietary code
17:35 Calinou by Android's nature (and ad SDK's)
17:35 red-001 something about it breaking something in thier setup or something
17:35 sfan5 Calinou: rest in piece
17:35 Calinou *no* popular ad SDK is open source
17:35 sfan5 (there's ads)
17:35 Fixer and ads are cancer, especially when you show it to kids
17:35 rubenwardy with LGPL, if they rewrite the java they can
17:36 Fixer i would rather show porn then ads
17:36 Fixer than*
17:36 IhrFussel The ads play after you disconnect from a server
17:36 Calinou Fixer: "The Best Dating Site For Singlenodes!"
17:36 rubenwardy but they also have to provide adequate documentation on how to swap out Minetest as a library
17:36 Shara rubenwardy: I know they have to, but yea, like you say.
17:36 IhrFussel And they are 15+ second videos
17:36 Calinou rubenwardy: yeah, but they don't
17:36 Calinou dynamically-linked is allowed, statically-linked isn't
17:36 Calinou (they don't have the source of the ad SDKs)
17:37 red-001 they could just write a wrapper around the SDK
17:38 Calinou that won't fix it, since it still depends on the SDK
17:38 red-001 and distribute that as a dll
17:38 Calinou the only kind of proprietary linking the GPL allows is to system libraries (vcredist, etc)
17:38 Calinou the LGPL works in a similar way, you cannot statically link to proprietary libraries
17:39 Calinou (can you even dynamically link to them?)
17:39 Calinou (barring any kind of exception, we don't have any exceptions added to Minetest's LGPL)
17:39 Calinou for example, GPL programs need an OpenSSL exception to link OpenSSL dynamically
17:39 Calinou since OpenSSL's license is not GPL-compatible
17:40 red-001 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#LGPLStaticVsDynamic
17:40 Calinou yep
17:40 Calinou nobody does 1)
17:41 Calinou (at least, I've never seen a proprietary developer do it)
17:42 red-001 I think some game did that
17:42 sfan5 here's a picture with a few findings https://i.imgur.com/UWATEBk.png
17:42 sfan5 (sorry for huge res)
17:42 red-001 so users could edit the source code
17:42 red-001 but not mess with auth or drm stuff
17:42 Fixer thats not huge by Calinou standards
17:42 Calinou to satisfy 1), you just need to distribute object code (these .o files) or source code under a proprietary license
17:42 Fixer sfan5: good font
17:43 Calinou but for proprietary developers, that's too much trouble 8)
17:43 sfan5 Fixer: you mean the code font? yea it looks good despite missing smoothing/antialias
17:43 red-001 sfan5, huh interesting
17:43 Fixer sfan5: yes
17:43 Fixer sfan5: windows system one?
17:43 Calinou that font and color scheme is ugly :(
17:43 red-001 I could check if it fetches the main menu from the server as well
17:43 Krock looks like notepad++
17:44 sfan5 Fixedsys Normal 11
17:44 Fixer yeah
17:44 red-001 also is that running under wine or something?
17:44 Fixer that one
17:44 Fixer Calinou: you are just too hip
17:44 sfan5 red-001: obviously
17:45 red-001 the first statement or the second?
17:45 sfan5 what? it's running under wine
17:46 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:47 Fixer i've saved that name dump just to be sure
17:48 Fixer if someone wants to write a mod to restrict/ban/movetotheirfloatland for those GuyXXXX players will be nice
17:49 IhrFussel "enable.vipads.vip" F**K off with this VIP crap
17:49 Fixer vipads? it is like VIP AIDS?
17:49 rubenwardy Fixer, no_guests
17:49 Fixer rubenwardy: what it does?
17:49 tenplus1 if there was a way to determine actual landmass at a specific location in floatlands then it would be handy :D
17:50 rubenwardy https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=8004
17:50 Fixer tenplus1: or generate it ;)
17:50 rubenwardy just don't be lazt
17:50 Fixer now, all those kids from the dump - get of our lawns
17:50 rubenwardy add   ["^[A-Za-z]+[0-9][0-9][0-9]$"] = "Please choice your own username. Usernames with letters then 3 digits are not allowed"
17:50 paramat it's possible to predict where floatland terrain will be, in a mod
17:51 tenplus1 how so paramat, I would like that for portals
17:51 Fixer rubenwardy: the problem is - they will still build itty half-finished houses and rarely join again, i need them to go away to some separate realm, floatland whatever, and leave the lawn to proper players
17:52 paramat tenplus1 it's not easy, you have to recreate core mapgen code in lua
17:52 Shara Fixer: play single player or get admin to allow you ridiculously huge protected area
17:52 tenplus1 hi shara
17:52 paramat 'floatlands are too good for them'
17:52 rubenwardy I have a rather large area on RC
17:52 red-001 I have to say that the devs have an interesting site
17:53 tenplus1 paramat: that's going a tad too far to detect land in floatlands
17:53 Shara rubenwardy: Your area is small compared to what some have :)
17:53 red-001 thier main page is just the name of some town in china
17:53 rubenwardy :O
17:53 Shara But feel free to enlarge.
17:53 Fixer Shara: i don't believe in experienced mobile players, there are not to much of them on PC even, yet alone on mobile, they can build in separate kid playground, notable builds can be imported and good builders allowed to build in main area
17:53 paramat tenplus1 it's the only way
17:53 rubenwardy I should probably start building
17:53 Shara Fixer: Sorry, but I can introduce you to a very impressive mobile player one day if you like
17:54 Shara They might be rare, but they exist
17:55 paramat when i say 'recreate', only the basic stone terrain creation
17:55 IhrFussel The actual problem of those players is that they likely have NO CLUE how the game or server works...they don't even know that they are reall playing "minetest" and that they are connecting to a "minetest" server ... they are probably expecting a Minecraft rather than a Minetest
17:56 tenplus1 some expect it to act like minecraft, but once they start exploring and learning they soon get the hang of it and enjoy themselves
17:57 IhrFussel 99% of people search "Minecraft" in google play and look for the next best "free" app that has some kind of "craft,build,mine" in its name and download it
17:58 IhrFussel The other 1% (or even less) actually knows about Minetest and searches the right name
17:58 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
17:58 tenplus1 wb thomas
17:59 IhrFussel And that explains the good ratings for those other apps...since they appear higher in search results for "Minecraft"
17:59 Krock does any of them provide the source code?
18:00 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
18:00 tenplus1 am looking forward to 0.5.0 release for that alone... so current players will need to use official game to get onto their worlds
18:00 IhrFussel tenplus1, yes but many will just leave and uninstall the game as soon as they realize "that's not mc!!!11"
18:00 tenplus1 wb caleb
18:00 CalebDavis thx ten
18:01 tenplus1 fussel: and that's why we need a script to run that scrolls through player files and removes the ones over 6 months old or older
18:01 tenplus1 whittle down the list
18:02 Krock tenplus1, you'd also have to check the player active time
18:02 Krock otherwise you could lose your own account :3
18:02 Shara I have it easy on RC... every so often I remove all players that have the nointeract priv
18:03 Shara (apart from admin account of course)
18:03 Shara If they never managed to get interact, it means they never built or did anything... so no reason to keep them.
18:03 IhrFussel This works good for a simple "last login" check: ts=$(date -d "6 months ago" +%s); awk -F: -v "my_timestamp=$ts" '$4 > my_timestamp' auth.txt > newauth.txt
18:03 Shara Last time I reduced from 34mb auth to under 3mb...
18:04 tenplus1 nice reduction...
18:05 Shara Yea...
18:05 Shara And I completely recommend sauth to anyone with a large auth file and no good way to reduce it
18:05 IhrFussel With the above command I reduced mine from 20 -> 12 MB
18:06 tenplus1 am scared to look at xanadu's  :P
18:06 Shara sauth took DL from sitting at 6 max_lag right back down to under 1.
18:06 Shara So kind of huge performance gain.
18:07 Shara And since I served as the lab rat, I probably ran into all the bugs and left none for the rest of you :P
18:08 rubenwardy I managed to avoid them in sauth
18:08 rubenwardy just in sban
18:08 Shara rubenwardy: out of curiousity, how big was your auth file when switching to sauth?
18:08 rubenwardy 0
18:08 Shara No wonder then :P
18:09 rubenwardy :C
18:09 Shara DL's was 40+mb
18:09 rubenwardy * :D
18:09 sfan5 .setMessage((CharSequence)"Please give a 5 stars rate to unlock VIP map. Thanks!")
18:09 sfan5 good one
18:09 rubenwardy not a very good tester
18:09 rubenwardy urgh
18:09 rubenwardy that broken English
18:10 sfan5 red-001: https://pastebin.com/aSLdfCrz
18:10 rubenwardy make sure to add any Android and iOS Minetest forks to https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&amp;t=16707
18:10 IhrFussel The lag problems I have are rather caused by globalsteps https://pastebin.com/xSFZGjp8
18:10 Fixer sfan5: what VIP map?
18:10 sfan5 i dunno either
18:11 sfan5 new AdColonyUserMetadata().setUserAge(26).setUserEducation("bachelors_degree").setUserGender("male");
18:11 Fixer IhrFussel: can you paste fuller table?
18:11 sfan5 🤔
18:11 Fixer sfan5: lel
18:11 Fixer lelelelelel
18:11 rubenwardy lol
18:12 rubenwardy that's not accurate
18:12 rubenwardy new AdColonyUserMetadata().setUserAge(13).setUserEducation("elementary").setUserGender("male");
18:12 Fixer so kids got porno ads and usual enlarging
18:12 Fixer it is all useless
18:12 Fixer ads are useless
18:12 Fixer most of the time
18:13 Fixer what is horrifying is other: drug ads on TV, now thats huge cancer
18:13 tenplus1 o.O for that alone I'd stop kids using ad based games
18:13 Fixer buy this and it will cure (etc) no wonder it not only does not cure but you spend money on shit or worse (homeopathy)
18:14 red-001 huh it has a custom server list sfan5
18:14 red-001 http://jsoneditoronline.org/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmisc.dreammakerwh.com%2Fgameassets%2FToClient.php%3Fiosver%3D1
18:14 Fixer Shara: considering posting your results here https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&amp;t=18604
18:15 IhrFussel Fixer, http://ihrfussels-server.tk/report.php
18:15 red-001 rubenwardy, I guess they are also trying to scam thier ad providors
18:15 Shara Fixer: I already did
18:16 sfan5 red-001: the ability to push certain new settings to clients is quite innovative
18:16 red-001 I do agree
18:16 IhrFussel Or wait
18:16 red-001 but I don't think thats what they are doing
18:17 IhrFussel Fixer, https://pastebin.com/Gtigeabj
18:20 sfan5 red-001: it's what they are doing https://pastebin.com/ZsLsfGp8
18:20 * Calinou downloads the latest NVIDIA driver
18:20 Calinou it has… OpenGL 4.6
18:20 tenplus1 windows or linux ?
18:20 Calinou I'll never need it, but it sounds so cool!
18:20 Calinou Windows of course :p
18:20 sfan5 that one ads setting is read here from g_settings, so it must be that the results from php are written into it
18:20 tenplus1 be careful if it's a win10 update, has been known to break
18:23 red-001 lol thier asset site is great
18:23 red-001 "If you want to buy hunganhotel.net, send me email please :) patrick.cahill09@gmail.com"
18:25 Calinou hotelsmadeofcobblestone.com
18:25 Calinou could be a best-seller…
18:25 rubenwardy cobblestonehouses.com
18:25 rubenwardy even better
18:25 rubenwardy cobblestonehouses.io
18:25 rubenwardy sell that to Fixer for $$$$
18:25 rubenwardy he's love it
18:26 tenplus1 stoneblobs.oeg
18:30 tenplus1 Q. should mobs only jump when standing atop a "normal" full node ?
18:30 Calinou they should be able to jump while standing on slabs too?
18:30 Calinou and stairs
18:30 Calinou just like players can
18:31 red-001 sfan5, I think I understand why they did this
18:32 red-001 it's so they can generate new apps faster if they need to
18:33 red-001 wait no that doesn't make that much sense since they hardcode a lot of stuff
18:35 sofar looks like I'll be switching to sauth, ... and sban too
18:36 tenplus1 o/ sofar
18:36 Shara Hi sofar
18:36 sofar been worried about auth.txt growth for a while now
18:36 Shara Definitely worth it if that auth file size is creeping up
18:36 sofar 800k already
18:36 tenplus1 oof
18:37 Shara Just look at the lag values DL reports now compared to your tests before
18:37 sofar filesize, not player count :)
18:37 tenplus1 ohh, lol... was wondering there
18:37 sofar 2200 lines in auth.txt
18:37 IhrFussel Still nobody was able to confirm the bug I reported? It's just a simple copy&paste into a init.lua and toggle between profiler on/off to reproduce x/
18:38 Shara sofar: That's still tiny :)
18:38 sofar yeah, but only 668 players actually made it past login
18:38 sofar so I'm gonna have to autoprune that once in a while
18:38 sofar 2/3rds of players connecting to my server never finish login
18:38 rubenwardy Runtime error from mod 'ctf_team_base' in callback LuaABM::trigger(): Node name is not set or is not a string!
18:39 sofar (all android)
18:39 rubenwardy what does this even mean :/
18:39 * rubenwardy searching Minetest
18:39 Shara Yup. As I said earlier, deleting all players with nointeract (means they never left the start area) on RC, reduced my auth file from 34mb+ to under 3mb
18:39 rubenwardy *searches
18:39 sofar btw, why only 360?
18:40 sofar shivajiva: ^
18:47 sofar shivajiva: set it to 3600, it had no problems, didn't notice any lag
18:47 sfan5 red-001: it has pre-made zip files with requires assets for each server http://misc.dreammakerwh.com/gameassets/us.espteam.org_30000.zip
18:48 * sofar is now running sauth as well
18:48 sfan5 i'm not sure exactly why tho
18:50 shivajiva I was being conservative sofar, server owners don't appreciate the server hanging on startup for 3 or 4 mins
18:51 shivajiva I know it's only the first time but I didn't want to worry people
18:51 shivajiva the dump is far quicker method for a 50 MB file
18:51 Krock joined #minetest-hub
18:52 sofar shivajiva: 3600 took a second, if at most
18:52 sofar well, 2200 took a second, if even that
18:53 sofar I'd maybe print some progress info, but the conversion only happens once
18:53 sofar so even if it takes a minute, I wouldn't worry
18:53 shivajiva yea I did an 80MB in about 5 mins, it really isn't that bad
18:53 Fixer Shara: nice, basicly 90% players just visiting?
18:54 Shara Fixer: 90% is people with stupid weak devices or people who can't read either english or german to get out
18:55 Shara (or who refuse to try to read)
18:56 shivajiva I'd really like dev to incorporate the features of sauth into builtin, playing on a server that only sees the players playing from a priv checking perspective is a big improvement
18:56 tenplus1 would be handy
18:56 Shara Would be good.
18:57 Shara Still can't get over the performance gain.
18:58 shivajiva it's only when you start counting the priv checks that it becomes apparent that it's a bottle neck
18:59 Krock cache it?
18:59 shivajiva yup, that's what sauth does
18:59 Krock fine :)
18:59 shivajiva it reduces the view to only the players playing
18:59 red-001 https://github.com/gameabc/worldcraft/blob/master/src/com/abc/GameActivity.java
18:59 paramat please do open issues for anything that will help servers or combat low quality players
19:00 Shara paramat: low quality players can only be dealt with by lots of moderators.
19:00 red-001 looks like they copied code from that
19:00 Shara If you penalise against all  app users, you'll tie up decent players as well
19:01 Krock default_password = this_is_complicated_to_enter_the_first_time  helps too
19:03 Fixer paramat: i would not call it "low quality players" but "low interested players" people who kinda place two blocks and move on to next game
19:03 Fixer paramat: and ofc ruining look of the server in the process
19:03 Fixer perfectionist likes a e s t e t i c s
19:03 Fixer one flying chest ruins it all
19:04 Fixer Raven262: how is that Craigs server clean up going?
19:04 Krock Fixer, here some more a e s t e t i c s: https://youtu.be/m5vAoOrZiSg?t=3m36s
19:06 Fixer paramat: i had some fun time with WE and "just test" world save, my conclusion - 80% of everything is garbage architecture that needs to be removed, you ended with pretty clean looking space server that feels very different, open space and such
19:06 Fixer Krock: not in VHS format
19:06 Fixer i have TV out on this card, maybe it is time to unbox The VHS
19:06 Raven262 Fixer, Well, day by day it is all more abandoned.
19:06 Raven262 We seriously need players there.
19:07 sofar shivajiva: can you please check this:
19:07 sofar https://gist.github.com/ahkok/b9effd2b48d40a190904fedf1b75ef97
19:07 Fixer Raven262: it is just server needs renovations
19:07 Raven262 I would be happy if someone except for only SG would play.
19:07 Fixer Raven262: 1) move spawn to new more fresh location with place to builds
19:07 tenplus1 good idea
19:07 Fixer Raven262: 2) Remove those half-build KEBABS
19:07 sofar I think that's a great way to prune the sauth db
19:07 Raven262 Fixer, I know.
19:07 Fixer Raven262: 3) remove all those flying doors/chests etc (relocate them to lost and found)
19:08 Fixer Raven262: 4) add some activity on forum
19:08 tenplus1 do any anarchy servers still exist ?
19:08 Raven262 Lisac and I had this idea: we organize an event in which builders build a new spawn. Next we vote for the best one, and then that one is the spawn for the next 6 months.
19:08 Fixer Raven262: the problem is when someone joins at spawn, you need to walk really long time to find a free spot to build
19:09 tenplus1 I like that raven :) has players be part of the main server...
19:09 Fixer Raven262: there must be relatively free and fresh new spawn that is not taxing on hardware on pffers free space
19:09 Raven262 Indeed, we do need an open area teleport and some cleanup.
19:09 tenplus1 iska and noob101 build xanadu's spawn
19:09 Raven262 tenplus1, Xanadu's spawn is awesome, i love the design.
19:10 Fixer Xanadu spawn is good example, maybe too big for my taste, but at least it offers not a big fps penalty
19:10 Fixer some server owners may dislike this
19:10 tenplus1 thanks :) we've hidden 5x stargates in spawn and the 4 main paths also
19:10 Raven262 Is there a big FPS penalty on Craig's spawn?
19:10 Raven262 I never noticed it.
19:10 Fixer Krock: this has the bestest comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU8HrO7XuiE
19:10 Fixer Raven262: yes
19:11 Raven262 Hmmm, will have to talk to lisac about this.
19:11 Fixer Raven262: spawn is in the middle of the city
19:11 Raven262 I have some ideas.
19:11 shivajiva I like that sofar, good first round cleaner
19:11 paramat do we have a configurable client-join timeout time limit? if not would that help anyone
19:12 Krock Fixer, yeah. the vacuum cleaner comment repeats quite frequently there
19:12 sofar i'll probably run that every server restart
19:12 Fixer "What if cinderella was a baking slave instesd of cleaning slave and her name was mozzarella"
19:12 Fixer this is ground breaking
19:13 Fixer ground breaking off topic
19:15 shivajiva yea, makes sense, keep the payload of the cleanup small
19:16 sofar I just put it in as an ExecStartPre= in the service unit
19:16 sofar right next to the mtmapprune
19:19 sofar now I just need sban to replace xban2 (I'm not too happy with the interface)
19:19 sofar and something to keep env_meta.txt from being written every 5 seconds
19:21 IhrFussel sofar, map_save_interval .. I set mine to 60
19:21 sofar oh, that affects env_meta.txt?
19:21 tenplus1 same
19:22 sofar huh, I could care less
19:22 sofar I have time_speed = 0
19:22 sofar I could set it to 3600
19:23 IhrFussel It affects auth writes too I think
19:23 sofar I just switched to sauth...
19:23 IhrFussel Actually nope...the last auth access was 13 minutes ago
19:24 Raven262 Fixer, I've been searching for a random place to make a new spawn, but then i found: https://i.imgur.com/ZUZe2t9.png
19:24 sofar https://i.imgflip.com/1xi5s2.jpg
19:24 Raven262 These dungeons are so nice.
19:24 tenplus1 lol
19:25 Fixer Raven262: spawn should not be that far from first one
19:25 Fixer Raven262: somewhere on the town outskirts IMO
19:25 Raven262 20000 and 20000 nodes from old spawn?
19:25 Krock shivajiva, I just noticed that using sauth doesn't/can't check for similar names once a new player joins. Side effect: EsmeraldaLetsPlay  and EsMerAldALetsPlaY are both possible
19:25 Raven262 We are making a whole new thing here.
19:25 paramat hm how about a setting for the initial spawn point in a world?
19:26 paramat not always as close as possible to 0,0?
19:26 sofar shivajiva: btw, if you want to move sban/sauth into minetest-mods, that'd be cool, of course
19:26 sofar I get it if you don't, ofc
19:26 tenplus1 Krock: wasnt that dealt with already by checking on join for lowercase nicks and stopping them in default already ?
19:26 Raven262 I thought that it can be set in .conf already, paramat.
19:26 Krock sofar, and somewhen there's the point where people notice that using postgresql would be faster
19:26 Krock tenplus1, sadly only available for the default auth method
19:26 Fixer what is sban?
19:27 Fixer google does not show
19:27 Shara Fixer: bans as bans should be done
19:27 sofar Krock: yes, but, for insidethebox where our map is <25mb, it really doesn't need that
19:27 paramat i don't mean 'fixed spawn point' though, that doesn't search for terrain level
19:27 Fixer krocksearch and google give no result
19:29 tenplus1 click 'dis fixer: https://forum.minetest.net/search.php?keywords=sauth&amp;sr=topics
19:30 paramat hm maybe not very useful actually. i'd rather have a scattered spawn option
19:30 Fixer tenplus1: hs, forum search actually finding anything? nioce
19:31 Fixer "This mod depends on the lua module lsqlite3" this part sucks
19:31 shivajiva Krock: only thing I can think of is to add a function that retrieves from the whole db for such cases
19:31 Krock Fixer, link not found? FTFY
19:31 tenplus1 wait, I gotta install that seperately ???
19:32 Fixer tenplus1: via luarocks or smth
19:32 Krock shivajiva, or a manual implementation for each backend, which seems easier right now
19:32 shivajiva luarocks install lsqlite3
19:32 tenplus1 o.O so I need to isntall luarocks to isntall sqlite3 to run sauth... eek
19:33 shivajiva lol it's trivial tenplus
19:33 Shara tenplus1: worth it
19:35 shivajiva on a server there's a reasonable chance you would install luasocket via that method for the irc mod
19:42 tenplus1 shiva, this line: https://github.com/shivajiva101/sauth/blob/master/init.lua#L42  is the numbers in brackets field sizes ?
19:42 Raven262 Fixer, is the Craig's spawn reducing the FPS really that much?
19:43 Raven262 Nobody else seems to notice a drop.
19:43 Fixer Raven262: if you have low level cpu - yes
19:43 Fixer Raven262: depends on cpu/gpu/vrange
19:43 Fixer Raven262: and your settings
19:43 Fixer Raven262: it is in the middle of the city, what fps are you expecting?
19:43 Fixer 300?
19:44 Fixer city centers are slow, on any servers
19:44 Raven262 60
19:44 Raven262 its not that bad really
19:45 Raven262 vrange is 100 and i'm playing without most of the shaders.
19:46 Fixer Raven262: hit my fps cap at 100 with vrange 100
19:47 Fixer same with vrange 160
19:47 Raven262 Wait
19:47 Raven262 30 fps when looking at this wall full of nodeboxes
19:47 Fixer it gets slower when you load more blocks
19:47 Fixer 80 fps
19:47 Raven262 I think its cause of the nodeboxes.
19:47 Fixer 60 fps now
19:50 Fixer Raven262: at spawn with vrange 160 when blocks loaded around - 36 fps
19:51 * tenplus1 is getting 240fps
19:51 tenplus1 vrange of 5
19:51 tenplus1 :PP
19:52 Fixer Raven262: just walking around that lake, with vrange 160, i should say about 3/4 of the views had acceptable fps (above 60), with my core i3 + ati X800 gto
19:53 Raven262 AMD A8 7600 here, around 50 at spawn, 60 stable in the lake area.
19:53 Fixer acceptable
19:54 Raven262 Nodeboxes drain lots of FPS though, check out RHR's area.
19:54 IhrFussel tenplus1, the time mob_step() takes to execute is based on how many mobs are loaded in the player area?
19:55 Fixer Raven262: moving spawn to different location should also motivate players to build new stuff
19:55 tenplus1 wut ?
19:55 IhrFussel I just saw 450ms in the profiler for zombies on_step()
19:55 tenplus1 the more mobs the more on_steps per mob, yes
19:55 Raven262 Yes indeed, Fixer.
19:56 tenplus1 but..  all depends if using default mob step function or custom per mob functions
19:56 tenplus1 mob registry settings can reduce it right down
19:56 IhrFussel zombies don't have any custom functions so it must be mob_step
19:56 Raven262 But making only a "spawn building" is not all. We now have the chance to create a new public mine, and some nice tree/cotton/wheat farms
19:57 Raven262 Also some easily accessible shops
19:59 IhrFussel tenplus1, is there a way to kinda limit the mob_steps()? I guess I'd have to give each mob an ID and identify them by that to determine whether they should run their mob step or ignore
20:00 tenplus1 depends on what you want mobs to actually do
20:00 tenplus1 you can limit by settings alone, making sure pathfinding isnt enabled for example
20:01 IhrFussel I don't want to have too many execute their step code at once (since some players own A LOT of animals)
20:01 tenplus1 reduce walk chance in animals then, that'll stop it executing a lot of steps
20:02 tenplus1 then they just stand around a lot :)
20:02 tenplus1 with the odd chance of movement unless interacted upon
20:02 IhrFussel Or perhaps I should add another "timer" to their definition and compare that on mob_step() ?
20:02 tenplus1 you can
20:03 tenplus1 remember certain functions are timed though,
20:03 IhrFussel True...like attacking players I guess
20:04 tenplus1 yup, that happens on a live step so it can follow/attack/pathfind etc
20:04 tenplus1 shoot timers spawn from that
20:04 tenplus1 also switching between melee and shoot attack
20:04 IhrFussel damage per second too I think
20:05 tenplus1 yeh
20:07 tenplus1 fussel, after line 2523 (latest api) add a timer:   self.newtimer = (self.newtimer or 0) + dtime, if self.newtimer < 0.25 then return else self.newtimer = 0 end
20:07 tenplus1 that'll still work but reduce steps quite a bit
20:11 tenplus1 nite all o/
20:11 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:14 rubenwardy > bans Abcdef123 nicks
20:15 rubenwardy > gets "ppp", "123", "1",  "3005"
20:16 rubenwardy ah, all but the first were before today
20:16 Fixer https://i.imgur.com/Vz5cBNm.png
20:17 Fixer rubenwardy: do not ban them, just send them to Hell (some smallish locked area just for them away from pcmasterrace)
20:17 rubenwardy not banned, just access denied
20:18 rubenwardy this is CTF, the base is that place mostly
20:18 Krock Fixer, are they using the nyan cat illegally there? I hope they don't
20:18 Fixer rubenwardy: or other way, detect those Abcdef123 and ban by IP ;)
20:19 Krock rubenwardy, oh, the profile isn't deleted after leaving? I thought it would
20:20 Fixer nyan can
20:20 rubenwardy no, players have a score, Krock
20:21 rubenwardy with kills, deaths, ko, captures, attempts, score
20:21 rubenwardy and the auth is saved
20:24 IhrFussel I tried to improve IO reads/writes by not checking the idle state and updating the timestamp at once but giving every online player a dedicated timer and only execute the idle check code when the timer is up...but it STILL reports 300ms in the profiler...HOW?
20:28 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
20:40 Calinou https://media.hugo.pro/Discord_2017-10-12_22-39-07.png
20:40 Calinou my Discord account is 1 year old today
20:40 Calinou ~~1 year of memes~~
20:41 Krock D A N K  M E M E S
20:49 * Fixer still have no discord or anything
20:53 garywhite how do you even see when your Discord was created?
20:53 Calinou some bots can tell you
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22:01 Megaf Shara, Tropical storm is coming http://www.thejournal.ie/hurricane-ophelia-3642276-Oct2017/
22:01 Megaf t  r  o  p  i  c  a  l
22:01 Megaf in Ireland
22:02 Megaf just lol
22:02 Shara I am more liking to die from the spacing thing than the storm, I think.
22:02 Shara likely*
22:02 Shara Or from the mods. Death by mods!
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22:32 Fixer locate and destroy s t r o g g leader
22:33 rubenwardy Calinou, may I pm?
22:36 Calinou rubenwardy: yes
22:37 Calinou <Shara> Or from the mods. Death by mods!
22:37 Calinou Death By Oerkki
22:37 Calinou trust me, they'll exist on Earth by 2025, Elon Musk said so
22:40 IhrFussel Anyone got a clue what could make file writes so slow on Ubuntu? 30ms to write "echo $(date +%s) > file"
22:42 IhrFussel First I thought it would be lua only so I shut down the MT server ... then I stopped my web server and all other scripts that write to files ocassionally ... but even with everything disabled it takes 10-30ms to write to files from the terminal
22:42 IhrFussel Is it the HDD?
22:43 Calinou an HDD's access time is 15-30 ms
22:43 Calinou that seems logical
22:43 Calinou a SSD's access time is < 1 ms, usually around 0.2 ms or so, if I'm not mistaken
22:43 IhrFussel Calinou, that can't be...my HDD on my local machine takes 2-3ms to write to a file and it's not a SSD AFAIK
22:47 Fixer quake 2 - refinished yet again
22:47 Fixer quake 1 is next
22:51 IhrFussel Calinou, I have a HDD -> Rotation Rate:    5400 rpm
22:52 IhrFussel So 10-30ms is not normal for a file write at all
22:58 Fixer IhrFussel: if you are on windows, check performance monitor for disk io
23:01 IhrFussel Fixer, It's my dedi and it runs Ubuntu 16.04 ... I typed iotop when everything was turned off and I only saw some small disk writes every few secs...those were a few KB and I don't believe that those could slow the I/O down
23:15 Megaf Shara, I'm not sure we can actually die
23:15 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
23:16 Megaf IhrFussel, dont use Ubuntu
23:16 Megaf use Debian
23:16 Megaf and use descent FS
23:16 Megaf like JFS, XFS or ZFS
23:17 Megaf JFS for reliability, XFS for speed, ZFS for its amazing features
23:17 IhrFussel Megaf, the thing is my local machine that also runs Ubuntu (well Xubuntu) can write a LOT faster to files with the exact same FS
23:18 IhrFussel So something must be wrong with the HDD on my dedi maybe...I can post the S.M.A.R.T report I just created
23:18 Megaf Well, then something is clearly wrong with the configuration
23:18 IhrFussel https://pastebin.com/v5rz1LT6
23:18 Megaf maybe you dont have cache in your server or something like that
23:20 IhrFussel Megaf, any way to check that?
23:20 Megaf Not sure
23:20 Megaf but anywhere around 20ms is expected, really
23:20 Megaf that's real HDD performance
23:20 Megaf if it's way lower than that, then it's cache, or SSD
23:20 Megaf cache/buffer
23:21 Megaf $ cat file
23:21 Megaf 1507850470
23:21 Megaf does this means anything?
23:21 Megaf IhrFussel, and how do you know it takes 30ms?
23:22 IhrFussel Do you mean this by cache? https://pastebin.com/jmwRCKLZ
23:23 Megaf negative
23:23 Megaf if you type free -m
23:23 IhrFussel Or free -m ? Cached 804 MB right now
23:23 Megaf that
23:24 IhrFussel I used the time command for it
23:24 Megaf not precise
23:24 IhrFussel time echo $(date +%s) > file
23:26 Megaf IhrFussel, apt install iozone3
23:30 IhrFussel Megaf, how to use it? xo
23:30 Megaf I'm trying to figure out myself
23:34 Megaf IhrFussel, better, apt install ioping
23:35 IhrFussel Megaf, I'm trying the auto mode right now iozone -a
23:36 Megaf IhrFussel, for latency is has to be ioping
23:36 Megaf iozone shows operations/second
23:36 Megaf ioping result here
23:36 Megaf 9 requests completed in 172.2 us, 36 KiB read, 52.3 k iops, 204.1 MiB/s
23:36 Megaf generated 10 requests in 9.00 s, 40 KiB, 1 iops, 4.44 KiB/s
23:36 Megaf min/avg/max/mdev = 18.7 us / 19.1 us / 19.5 us / 230 ns
23:37 Megaf Calinou, you can't beat me this time
23:37 Megaf even with your ultra fast SSD setupt
23:37 Megaf setup*
23:38 Megaf ioping -c 10 .
23:38 IhrFussel Which option do I use?
23:38 Fixer mmmm, NFS3...
23:38 Megaf or ioping -c 10 /directory/to/test
23:39 IhrFussel 10 requests completed in 9.33 s, 30 iops, 122.0 KiB/s
23:39 IhrFussel min/avg/max/mdev = 9.24 ms / 32.8 ms / 63.9 ms / 17.0 ms
23:39 Megaf IhrFussel, nothing bad there
23:39 Megaf [23:43:00] <Calinou> an HDD's access time is 15-30 ms
23:40 IhrFussel But I want to know why it sometimes takes 5 ms to write to file and the next moment 30 ... that's a huge gap and causes quite a few lags on my MT server
23:40 Megaf --- . (xfs /dev/sda2) ioping statistics ---
23:40 Megaf 9 requests completed in 22.9 ms, 36 KiB read, 392 iops, 1.53 MiB/s
23:40 Megaf generated 10 requests in 9.00 s, 40 KiB, 1 iops, 4.44 KiB/s
23:40 Megaf min/avg/max/mdev = 2.39 ms / 2.55 ms / 2.63 ms / 64.2 us
23:40 rubenwardy that's how file writing works
23:40 Megaf my SSD,
23:40 rubenwardy if it were possible, you should write asynchronously
23:41 Megaf IhrFussel, Minetest is not fast to begin with
23:41 Megaf it's light, but not fast
23:41 Megaf or is it fast but very heavy?
23:41 Megaf hm
23:43 IhrFussel But that doesn't explain why my local PC doesn't have these huge gaps...no matter how often I echo to a file I always see 2ms
23:44 Fixer it is amazing that 20 years old 3d racing game can run on win7* / with some patching
23:44 Megaf more/faster RAM?
23:45 IhrFussel Writing speed depends on RAM? my dedi has 4 GB, my PC 8
23:46 Megaf on cache
23:46 Megaf almost never a file is writen to the disk
23:46 Megaf at the same time you request that is
23:48 Megaf IhrFussel, but the guys at ##Linux might be able to help ya better
23:50 IhrFussel Megaf, well I'll go to bed now and check more options tomorrow..see ya =)
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