Time  Nick         Message
02:03 jas_         +Krock>	jas_, could it be that you used it on your server? <-- i've never tried toolranks mod, but i'm definitely interested in doing so.  i'll first see how it interacts with xdecor/enchanting, as that adds 7 additional tools for each material, with different properties and values.  i haven't done anything with player stats, yet, but toolranks is aligned with my goal there.
02:11 jas_         also lisac every time i see your name i think of a time during lumaria server i got mad at a player for killing me and taking my stuff, and eradicated all their stuff -- if that was you i am sorry.  *smile*  Dragonop was mad at me for that, i think, and i never forgot it.
09:21 shivajiva    online player caching added to sauth mod
09:46 Calinou      morning :)
09:47 Calinou      I'm considering switching to Firefox Nightly (from Chromium dev builds)
09:47 Calinou      it seems to be quite fast now, however, scrolling is much smoother once you've scrolled using the touchscreen at least once, for some reason
09:47 Calinou      it's still ok if you don't do that, but it's better if you do use it
09:47 Calinou      (then you can scroll using any other method on the page)
09:52 tenplus1     hi folks
09:52 Calinou      hi tenplus1, I'm switching to Firefox Nightly as main browser :P
09:52 Calinou      I imported stuff from Chromium, should make the transition easier
09:52 Calinou      (heh, I've never used the automatic import before)
09:52 tenplus1     hi Cal... nice, gto update for bunts int he last new days
09:53 tenplus1     am on ff 56 and chromium 61
09:53 Calinou      Nightly is 58 right now, I also have Chromium dev build which is 63 right now
09:54 tenplus1     ff 56 already uses a lot less memory when browsing, was impressed :) what new stuff they added since then ?
09:57 tenplus1     wb amaz
09:57 Amaz         Thanks :)
10:01 shivajiva    Hi tenplus, Amaz o/
10:02 tenplus1     hi shiva :P
10:02 Raven262     Hi tenplus1, shivajiva, Amaz, Calinou.
10:02 shivajiva    Calinou, Raven o/
10:02 tenplus1     hi raven
10:06 Amaz         Hi shiva, hi raven!
10:33 tenplus1     hi fixer
11:05 Fixer        hello
11:33 tenplus1     hi Megaf
11:36 tenplus1     hi thomas
11:36 ThomasMonroe hi tenplus1
11:37 tenplus1     o/
11:37 ThomasMonroe \o
11:37 tenplus1     o------------@   <-- holding apple
11:37 tenplus1     long arm :D
11:38 ThomasMonroe <O/       <-- Dab
11:39 tenplus1     w00t!
11:42 Fuchs        <''3  <-- chicken
11:43 tenplus1     hi Fuchs
11:43 Fuchs        hi :)
11:45 tenplus1     =^..^=   cat
11:45 shivajiva    Hi Fuchs o/
11:46 Fuchs        yes, hello :)
11:46 shivajiva    tenplus, copied your example and I get a button but no form when pressed, just normal inventory, is there something that needs to be included in the formspec?
11:47 tenplus1     remember the on_player_receive_fields bit
11:48 tenplus1     when you click the registered button it sends it to received fields, if fields.home_gui for example is pressed then you inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, home_gui.get_formspec(player))
11:49 Megaf        hey all
11:49 ThomasMonroe hey
11:50 shivajiva    thanks ten :)
11:51 tenplus1     that way you always have a live formspec that's updated easily :P
11:53 tenplus1     hi caleb
11:53 CalebDavis   hi ten
11:55 tenplus1     back laters, grocery shopping a-hoy!
12:04 IhrFussel    Hi guys
12:06 Raven262     Hi IhrFussel
12:06 Raven262     Hi Megaf
12:08 IhrFussel    Shara, you once suggested that I should display the quest info in an inventory page and I figured out how to do that now ... the HUD for it has been removed
12:18 Calinou      celeron55: wiki.minetest.net has a valid TLS certificate (Let's Encrypt), but dev.minetest.net has a self-signed one
12:18 Calinou      (it works if you add an exception, else, you get an error)
12:18 Calinou      can a LE certificate be added to dev.minetest.net?
12:19 nerzhul      rubenwardy, thanks for the label :)
12:20 lisac        <jas_> also lisac every time i see your name i think of a time during lumaria server i got mad at a player for killing me and taking my stuff, and eradicated all their stuff -- if that was you i am sorry.  *smile*  Dragonop was mad at me for that, i think, and i never forgot it.
12:21 lisac        I don't recall :)
12:21 lisac        but then, I was in MT for about 3 years
12:27 celeron55    Calinou: it's been the next item on my to-do list since i did wiki.minetest.net
12:30 Fixer        for years ofc
12:31 jas_         i wonder if dev wiki can be merged into regular wiki
12:35 Calinou      celeron55: ok, thanks
12:35 Calinou      you should use the same certificate for all subdomains, adding several subdomains to it at once :)
12:35 Calinou      (easier to maintain)
12:35 Calinou      LE will add wildcard certificates in January 2018, too
12:36 celeron55    well that's more maintenance than just adding a new certificate to every subdomain
12:36 celeron55    changing all the previous ones that is
12:37 Calinou      yeah, I switched from per-subdomain-certificate to one-certificate-for-all-subdomains recently
12:37 Calinou      it's much cleaner, and makes renewals minutely faster :P
12:37 Calinou      (and it's harder to hit rate limits)
12:37 celeron55    doing that is maintenance
12:37 celeron55    and i hate maintenance
12:38 Calinou      I also enabled HSTS and forward secrecy :P
12:38 Calinou      so I get A+ on SSL Labs now
12:38 Calinou      (this isn't compatible with IE8 + Windows XP, though)
12:41 celeron55    i'll do that once i begin to host the planning of an attack against the US government on minetest.net
12:46 Dumbeldor    stop flood nerzhul :D
12:46 nerzhul      ?
12:46 Dumbeldor    deco reco x)
12:52 IhrFussel    Can someone explain to me how this code can take up to 300ms to execute? https://pastebin.com/CXBPpVM0
12:53 Jordach      Calinou, internet upgrade to 300/30 incoming later
12:53 * Jordach    waits for gigabit next year
12:53 Jordach      >tfw 99% faster than the rest of GB
12:56 Calinou      Jordach: nice, I still have 11/1 here
12:56 Calinou      this is what we have in France for FTTH right now:
12:56 Calinou      https://media.hugo.pro/firefox_2017-10-11_14-56-34.png
12:56 Calinou      100/100, 200/100 or 500/200 depending on the price you pay
12:56 Calinou      (check the small price below the big orange one, for the real price :P)
12:57 Calinou      also, wow, they increased the price a lot :O
12:57 Jordach      Virgin Media offered us free weekend calls, TiVO and 300/30 for £53
12:57 Calinou      Orange Jet used to be €43/month, now it's €53/month
12:57 Calinou      (+€3/month for renting the router for both)
12:58 Calinou      >TiVO
12:58 Calinou      how's the GPLv3? :D
12:59 Jordach      Calinou, hue
13:01 Jordach      i've got no interest in TV anymore
13:02 Jordach      if i really wanted to, i'd browse TVtropes instead
13:24 lisac        I wonder if I could make my indicator LED make lightshows
13:24 lisac        on my phone
13:24 lisac        that would be fun
15:18 red-001      nerzhul, the protocol rewrite seems to work a lot better now
15:21 nerzhul      red-001, oh you tested it ? :)
15:21 nerzhul      you mean works better than first stage or better than legacy MT protocol v1 ? :p
15:21 nerzhul      there are two concurrency crash on shared_ptr, difficult to track but yes it works nice
15:22 red-001      better then the first stage, seems to work about as well as MT proto v1 right now
15:22 Fixer        Calinou: now, review MTG
15:22 red-001      kinda hard to tell tbh
15:22 red-001      It would be useful to stress test both protocols and see which one handles it better
15:24 red-001      nerzhul, how resource intensive would it be to keep enough of the old protocol to tell people using old clients that thier minetest version is outdated?
15:28 Fixer        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq3jvp1xgOU this applies not only to Thinkpads
15:33 nerzhul      red-001, not really possible without re-add the whole old stack just to send access de nid packet
15:33 nerzhul      denied*
15:39 Krock        (╯° °)╯︵ ┻━┻
15:45 Fixer        ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
15:46 Megaf        oh now, Jordach has fallen!
15:46 Megaf        Somebody help him!
15:46 Megaf        s/now/no
15:49 Krock        Fixer, don't put the table back! It's flipped for a reason
15:49 Megaf        Spiders?
15:53 Krock        huh? no
16:05 Megaf        Cya all
16:05 Krock        cya
16:26 sofar        IhrFussel: doing io.open/write/close every 5 ticks for 10 players seems overkill
16:27 IhrFussel    sofar, it's every 5 secs but maybe still a bit much
16:27 sofar        not sure why you can't keep that info in memory either
16:27 IhrFussel    But 10 times io.open() in a row shouldn't take 300 ms
16:28 IhrFussel    sofar, cause I need the value for the website...it displays the ingame online list and I want website users to see who's idle
16:35 Krock        you could write it to a ramdisk using symlinks if it has to be in a file
16:37 Krock        it's most likely the write speed - not the io.open/io.close stuff
16:39 Krock        dunno how much data it is, so I'm guessing ^
16:43 IhrFussel    Krock, it's a simple timestamp it stores per player
16:44 IhrFussel    10 chars per file that's why I find it to be extremely slow
16:49 Jordach      Calinou, http://beta.speedtest.net/result/6698220911.png
16:51 Jordach      http://www.speedtest.net/result/6698369411.png
16:54 Krock        Jordach, here's mine.. slightly different http://krock-works.16mb.com/u/speedof.me_history_17-10-11.pdf
18:23 Calinou      speedof.me isn't great, I heard
18:24 Calinou      (not reliable for fast connections)
18:24 Calinou      heh, speedof.me reports 1.35 Mb/s download here
18:24 Calinou      Krock: http://beta.speedtest.net/ doesn't require Flash
18:25 Jordach      http://speedof.me/show.php?img=171011182542-2618.png
18:26 Calinou      http://beta.speedtest.net/result/6698643047.png
18:26 Calinou      I'm still slightly above French average :P
18:26 Calinou      Jordach: hmm, that's strange
18:26 Jordach      Calinou, >tfw 76ms ping to us east
18:26 Calinou      I never get 36 ms ping in games, though
18:27 Calinou      the best I see in games is around 48-50
18:27 Calinou      it's ok, but not great by today's standards
18:27 Calinou      also, some games don't have any popular servers close to me
18:27 Calinou      (like Quake 2, I have 85 ms at best)
18:29 Dumbeldor    http://beta.speedtest.net/result/6698651431.png
18:29 Dumbeldor    :)
18:29 Calinou      heh, in June 2017 I've done 64/31 on 4G+ with Free
18:29 Calinou      at my former university
18:30 Calinou      17/38 at my university Wi-Fi, too
18:30 Calinou      (higher upload than download, as usual)
18:32 Calinou      https://pic.nperf.com/r/183773872-OjZ9c4aV.png
18:32 Calinou      (test from https://www.nperf.com/)
18:32 Calinou      >uses Firefox Nightly with new fancy logo
18:32 Calinou      >result image displays Firefox 3.x logo
18:51 nerzhul      Calinou, http://beta.speedtest.net/fr/result/6698711727
18:57 lisac        Calinou, what is the oldest book you ever saw?
18:57 lisac        as in, the oldest printed book
18:58 Dumbeldor    Nice nerzhul :D
19:01 Calinou      lisac: I don't know… my parents have many books from the 70s or so
19:42 sofar        lol
19:43 sofar        never been to a museum?
19:43 sofar        I think I've seen handcopied books from 7-8 centuries ago, and much older scrolls
19:46 Calinou      no, I haven't been into traditional museums much
19:46 Calinou      I've been to a D-Day museum last summer, though
19:46 Calinou      I've seen real MP40s and Thompsons!
19:50 Calinou      and the Sten! (http://users.kymp.net/feuer/etcomic/062.jpg)
20:08 Megaf        oldest book I saw is from 800
20:08 Megaf        1217 years old
20:09 Megaf        This is it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Kells
21:48 rubenwardy   !title https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/8eb7ddb0
21:48 ShadowBot    rubenwardy: Remove new_style_water · minetest/minetest@8eb7ddb · GitHub
21:48 rubenwardy   :'(
21:52 Calinou      it didn't work with smooth lighting, also, shaders can be used to replicate this
21:52 Calinou      (like waving water, but not waving and just offset downwards)
21:53 rubenwardy   just found waving water
21:53 rubenwardy   forgot about that
21:59 Calinou      :'( I double-posted a comment on Reddit, and one of them got a downvote
21:59 Calinou      never gonna vote you up, never gonna vote you down…
22:13 * Shara      still dreams of nice water shaders...
22:20 Natechip     my server MM-Survival is shutting down today. just if anyone is wondering
22:44 Megaf        you mean, like, forever?
22:44 red-001      Natechip, as in shutting down permanently?
22:45 Megaf        red-001, did you just read the message now or just took your time to come up with something to write?
22:45 red-001      just read it
22:45 Megaf        ok
22:45 Natechip     Megaf, red-001 forever
22:49 Megaf        Natechip, how old is it?
22:50 Natechip     Megaf: I say just over a year, maybe a year in a half
22:50 Shara        How come you're shutting it?
22:51 Natechip     Shara: I reset it before bc the map got corrupted. this time all auth files got corrupted and player files, it wiped all the passwords, causing ppl getting stolen from and accounts taken.
22:52 Natechip     not much I can do to come back from it
22:52 Natechip     ppl were not happy last time I reset
22:52 Megaf        backup?
22:52 Megaf        thats just your typical Minetest reliability
22:52 Natechip     Megaf: no backup, since it just got moved to a new host
22:52 Megaf        good admins expect Minetest to breake
22:53 Natechip     the thing is
22:53 Megaf        I recovered my server from backups several times
22:53 Natechip     I did have backups
22:53 Natechip     but
22:53 Natechip     the server got so filled up with files that the server wouldnt boot any servers. there were 3 on the same one
22:53 Megaf        and I do full backups, I backup the whole home folder where the server is and monthly a whole OS snapshot.
22:54 Natechip     so we switched to a new server
22:54 Natechip     and it got corrupted a few days later
22:54 Megaf        sad
22:54 Natechip     also the server isnt as playable and doesnt have many players anymore
22:55 Megaf        meh, my server has no players at all currently
22:55 Megaf        its nof even online xP
22:55 Natechip     lol
22:56 Megaf        I got so disapointed and frustrated with Minetest that I dont havve much will to keep investing my time and money on it
22:56 Megaf        Minetest realy sucks
22:57 Shara        Natechip: I lost my auth file to corruption just a few days back. It was annoying, but already recoered
22:57 Megaf        and so does other Free Software I love
22:57 Shara        recovered*
22:57 Natechip     Shara: too late for me now
22:57 Natechip     I got 1 minute left X
22:57 Natechip     XD
22:57 Shara        Ewww... that sucks.
22:58 * Natechip   shrugs
22:59 Natechip     I rlly am not enjoying the server anymore nor happy with it
22:59 Natechip     im making a new one anyways, something different
23:00 Megaf        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99o7YO7y6dE
23:00 Megaf        cute
23:01 Natechip     MM-Survival has quit (Quit: Game shutting down.)
23:01 Natechip     do dooo dooooo
23:03 jas_         just start a brand new stock mt-0.4.17 server with no mods and give it a new name.
23:03 jas_         WW-Surwiwal
23:03 jas_         no too obvious
23:04 jas_         also backup every 24hours, so that's the most anyone will ever lose.  yeah, it sucks, but it doesn't _always_ happen.
23:06 jas_         coulda just backported to 0.4.16 and pulled a debian with minetest-0.4.16-1, minetest-0.4.16-2, etc.  too late now i think haha
23:06 Natechip     jas_ no mods? are u crazy? XD
23:06 jas_         what no
23:06 jas_         i'm not joking around, here
23:06 Natechip     ooh
23:06 jas_         start bare
23:06 Natechip     i was ganna say
23:06 jas_         add as needed
23:06 jas_         obv protection is a 1st choice
23:06 jas_         just, go slow
23:07 jas_         (mapgen and some other stuff needs to be there in the beginning, but that's different.)
23:07 * jas_       loves a good stock minetest
23:09 Megaf        !up mt.megaf.info 30008
23:09 ShadowBot    Megaf: mt.megaf.info port 30008 is up (8933us)
23:09 Megaf        thats a server for you jas_
23:09 red-001      you might be one of the first jas_
23:09 jas_         i like to go for a bit without protection, especially because with no mods, there's not much to protect
23:09 jas_         that's how i generally started servers in the past, like amhi started as a stock minetest.
23:09 Megaf        (8933us)? What kind of number is that?
23:10 jas_         yes, that's me
23:10 jas_         haha
23:10 Megaf        jas_, really mt.megaf.info 30008 = stock minetest = mobs and farming replace with tenplus1 farming
23:10 Megaf        but its just a test server, and its unlisted
23:10 jas_         yeah but how many servers do you have up, megaf?
23:10 jas_         so there you go
23:11 jas_         i'm going to run a stock minetest server if you don't
23:11 jas_         you can help me if you want
23:11 jas_         (yes, i am bullshitting all night.)
23:11 Megaf        I have a new one coming
23:11 red-001      failed µs?
23:11 jas_         oh baby
23:11 Megaf        jas_, my new server will be stock Minetest but with some mods
23:11 Megaf        almost none
23:11 red-001      but that would be too short to make sense for ping time
23:12 Megaf        jas_, for me mesecons, areas, pipeworks and currency are a must
23:12 jas_         Megaf: stock minetest doesn't
23:12 jas_         no
23:12 jas_         i'm speechless
23:12 jas_         STOCK
23:12 Megaf        ok man, I can do a stock + areas server
23:12 jas_         as in, minetest+minetest_game as they are on github
23:12 jas_         nooooo
23:12 Megaf        jas_, I used to run a Minetest Minimal server
23:12 jas_         not areasssss
23:12 Megaf        with no areas
23:13 jas_         nothing, absolutely no mods whatsoever
23:13 jas_         default config
23:13 jas_         don't even change a setting!
23:13 jas_         just announce
23:13 jas_         and wait
23:14 Megaf        thats how I create my server... and add mods on the go...
23:14 jas_         ^5
23:14 Megaf        not a popular thing...
23:14 Megaf        since they are always empty
23:14 jas_         but don't add areas on a survival server, just protector redo
23:14 jas_         because it's an in-game item you craft and place
23:14 Megaf        protector really sucks
23:14 red-001      ^
23:14 jas_         if areas had nodes you crafted and had to place
23:14 jas_         yes, protector is the worst
23:14 Megaf        had several crashes caused by protector
23:14 jas_         but it's also the only one
23:15 jas_         i glued protector to areas separately, recently, it was easy
23:15 jas_         place two nodes, A and B and use formspec to "set area"
23:15 Megaf        the bad thing about protector is the nodes, people live nodes everywhere
23:15 Megaf        its a mess
23:15 jas_         but the protection itself should be in-game somehow
23:15 Megaf        I hate mess
23:15 jas_         yes, i know.  i got no answers there
23:15 jas_         it's a problem
23:15 Megaf        I protect the areas myself
23:15 jas_         or a challenge, needs solving
23:15 Megaf        on request
23:15 Megaf        all thoudands of them
23:16 jas_         areas is commands, not survivalesque, you don't earn the protection
23:16 jas_         you just issue it with a priv, or setting
23:16 jas_         and that's another level up from in-game stuff
23:16 Megaf        thats why I do on request
23:16 jas_         i am imagining a terminal, a player types into, like the computer node, and protect with this
23:16 jas_         true, but think of the player
23:16 Megaf        it has to be worth getting the protection
23:16 jas_         don't think of the admin
23:16 Megaf        I will not protect a coble box
23:17 jas_         why would you?
23:17 jas_         that's the player's job
23:17 jas_         and as they grow, so do your servers
23:17 jas_         welp, i'm done waxing, gonna play now
23:30 Natechip     jas_ minetest?
23:53 shivajiva    rubenwardy: update sauth to latest pls
23:54 shivajiva    found and fixed a crash in create_auth