Time  Nick        Message
01:39 benrob0329_ The Rhythm of Red Cat: https://youtu.be/hm5u1cT8kzg
02:59 benrob0329  Hi keaza
03:00 benrob0329  *kaeza
03:00 kaeza       hi benrob0329
03:01 benrob0329  Did you see the new video?
03:04 benrob0329  kaeza: https://youtu.be/hm5u1cT8kzg
03:06 VanessaE    no video for my server yet? :(
03:06 benrob0329  Not yea
03:06 benrob0329  *yet
03:07 benrob0329  Not bringing my computer to a hault helps too ;-)
03:08 kaeza       benrob0329, haven't yet
03:08 kaeza       still recovering :(
03:08 benrob0329  :-(
03:12 VanessaE    what happened?
03:27 kaeza       TL;DR, hard drive died
03:57 VanessaE    damn.
03:58 sofar       Fe2O3 sucks
03:58 VanessaE    SSD ftw :)
08:55 Shara       Morning all
08:56 Amaz        Morning Shara :)
08:56 Amaz        Nice video on RedCat that benrob did :D
08:56 Shara       Yea, he did an awesome job of that :)
08:56 Shara       We all had a lot of fun while he was filming it as well
08:57 Amaz        :)
08:57 Shara       Even got a couple of my own builds in :D
08:57 Shara       Which is impressive given how little I play the game anymore
08:58 Shara       But it made me realise just how big the server got. There was way too much stuff to show him.
08:58 Amaz        Awesome :)
09:01 Shara       Got to convince him to do more sometime :)
09:01 Amaz        :)
09:06 tenplus1    hi folks
09:06 Shara       Hi 11 :P
09:06 tenplus1    mornin shara :P
09:07 Shara       How goes? :)
09:07 red-002     https://github.com/MrCerealGuy/Stonecraft/tree/4df1b5e9414bde44e3f3f12eec6c268f0133a4cf/src/script/cpp_mods/ethereal
09:07 tenplus1    almost finished chores, having breakky :P
09:08 tenplus1    you made ethereal into c++ code ???
09:08 red-002     not me
09:08 red-002     I'm not crazy
09:08 tenplus1    lolol... whyyyyyyyy?
09:09 Shara       to be honest, the mods picked there so far would put me right off using that :P
09:09 Amaz        Morning twentyminus9
09:09 Amaz        :P
09:09 tenplus1    hi amaz
09:09 Shara       last I checked, nssm has such huge model and texture sizes that it just isn't practical
09:09 red-002     pushing stuff onto the lua stack form c so that a diffrent c interface can read it
09:10 tenplus1    nssm is great for singleplayer adventure type games, but not for servers... faaaar too huge
09:10 Shara       was going to add ridable phoenix to DL until I saw how huge the model was
09:10 tenplus1    lol
09:11 tenplus1    I dare say the models themselves arent so huge, but the animation itself... so smoooth
09:11 Shara       I'm pretty sure it was the model
09:11 Shara       was a while back though
09:11 tenplus1    the model file contains the model data AND animation data...  the animation is so smooth and has many attacks it may be that causing huge sizes
09:12 Shara       hmm
09:12 * Shara     shrugs
09:12 tenplus1    must be a way to shrink it down tho...
09:12 Shara       Annnd this is why I don't touch modeling :)
09:12 tenplus1    eheheh
09:12 Shara       If you ever work that out, let me know, because it had a couple of mobs I would really like
09:13 Shara       The phoenix,a nd I think it had some kind of ice snake thing
09:13 tenplus1    only model I touched was slopes and stairs in Stairs Redo.. managed to get them shrunk down
09:15 Shara       I had to change rotation of models for other_worlds, because Electra doesn't use Blender and the rotation of anything she makes is usually weird, but that's all I've done :P
09:16 tenplus1    erk
09:16 tenplus1    model work is so fiddly
09:16 Shara       She makes such pretty stuff for other games, that asking her to make something so small and simple for MT almost felt like a crime :D
09:17 tenplus1    :P
09:50 tenplus1    hi fixer
09:53 Fixer       hi
12:56 Wayward_One hi all
13:01 Fixer       hi
14:18 benrob0329  Hi tenplus1, Fixer, RobbieF, Shara, Amaz, Wayward_One, and red-002
14:18 red-002     hi
14:18 Fixer       hi, no need to highlight each person
14:18 benrob0329  True
14:18 Amaz        Hi :P
14:19 benrob0329  Shara: I think that I have to come back and do a part 2
14:19 benrob0329  Because right now we may have the rhythm of Red Cat
14:20 benrob0329  But we still need tge rhyme :PP
14:28 RobbieF     hi benrob0329  :p
14:29 RobbieF     Yes Fixer, otherwise I wouldn't have even known he said hi
14:33 Wayward_One hi benrob0329 :)
14:34 benrob0329  So what is everybody up to today?
14:35 Wayward_One watching Top Gear before my final :3
14:38 Shara       benrob0329: Hahaha! Feel free :D
14:38 Shara       You and your filming are welcome any time
14:39 benrob0329  My plan is to start spacing the server videos out a bit
14:39 benrob0329  Like, I'm going to do one more, then stop for a bit
14:40 benrob0329  But come back and do one every so often :-)
14:40 Shara       You'll do other kinds of videos as well?
15:01 red-001     hi?
15:02 benrob0329  Hello
15:02 red-001     looks like my bnc timed out or something
15:03 benrob0329  Your Bulk Nuclear Countdown?
15:03 red-001     well no
15:04 red-001     I guess it was getting DDos'ed or something
15:04 red-001     bnc = bouncer
16:22 Krock       o/
16:36 paramat     stonecraft moved ethereal into cpp when the biome API already runs as fast core code? O_o
16:56 Fixer       what is stonecraft?
16:57 red-001     minetest clone on itch.io
16:57 Fixer       sigh
16:57 red-001     paramat they got rid of it by now
16:57 red-001     thankfully
16:57 Fixer       that fonts....
17:03 nore        paramat: their "cpp api" was actually lua api, but the mod was translated into C with lua2c which made it even less efficient if it used luajit :)
17:03 paramat     =/
18:36 benrob0329  Hi octacian_
18:41 octacian    hey benrob0329
19:45 benrob0329  Hi halt_, nerzhul
19:45 benrob0329  garrywhite
19:46 nerzhul     hi benrob0329
19:48 paramat     question about LVM memory optimisation https://github.com/minetest-mods/technic/commit/eb344ad804aa83570ccda9a5886733d8b42aa598#commitcomment-21986162 any ideas?
20:04 nerzhul     get_data is very slow because you will copy the whole C++ memory to Lua memory stack
20:05 nerzhul     each object you pass to Lua is copied to Lua memory, it's why Lua will be slow and you should avoid having many atomic calls and have high level calls in core
20:07 paramat     looks like 'local data = vm:get_data(sulfur_buf)' would fail as an optimisation
20:08 paramat     so anyone know if these 2 variable names must be the same? i suspect so
20:08 nerzhul     what is sulfur_buf ? if it's a memory buffer it will be slow
20:09 paramat     the intention is to re-use the 'data' table instead of creating a new one
20:09 paramat     to save memory use
20:10 paramat     data is a flat array of content ids for the entire voxelmanip volume
20:10 paramat     often 112^3
20:11 nerzhul     okay, then you want a pointer to CPP data offered to Lua ?
20:12 paramat     no idea, do not understand stuff like that
20:12 paramat     it's ok, i'll email hmmmm
20:43 paramat     well, i will not actually, no need
20:54 nerzhul     paramat, no need yes, you can read lua documentation it's welldone
20:55 nerzhul     and we already have some CPP objects near Lua in core just look at the code
20:55 nerzhul     our Lua stack is a bit low level, when C++11 will code i think i will refactor using C++ interfaces to permit better coding performance without affecting code performance
22:19 Fixer       can i have one sign?
22:21 benrob0329  *a sign*
22:30 sofar       bwarden: welcome, didn't see you in here until now :)
22:31 bwarden     Heh, I've been lurking for days.
22:31 Fixer       rubywarden?
22:33 sofar       bwarden: lemme know if you want introductions or anything
22:40 * Shara     wondered the same thing Fixer did.
22:41 Fixer       we have cloned rubenwardy :O
22:41 Shara       Ekk.
22:41 Shara       bwarden: whoever you may be, hello and welcome.
22:41 bwarden     Thanks :) I don't know rubywarden; I'm a new face here.
22:41 Shara       New faces are good.
22:50 sofar       bwarden is a fellow colleague