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IRC log for #minetest-docs, 2025-01-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:44 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Looking at these four pages tonight: 1. 2. 3. 4.
01:45 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> I think I'm going to skip Main_Page for now, not sure how it would fit in to the new site, and it hasn't been renamed from Minetest.
02:06 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Is there any particular reason we're not using Git LFS for image storage within the repo?
02:07 MTDiscord <wsor4035> no? is there any particular reason to use it?
02:09 MTDiscord <warr1024> LFS is intended for very large files ... do you even have files that large?
02:10 MTDiscord <wsor4035> also github charges for that past a certain point iirc
02:11 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> LFS is intended for binaries, like PNGs and JPGs as well
02:11 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Would make it easier to track changes to images, if there ever are any. Nbd, just curious
02:14 MTDiscord <greenxenith> And yet most projects with binaries don't use it
02:16 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> It's OK, we don't have to use it!
02:17 MTDiscord <greenxenith> We're just trying to ascertain why we would want to
02:27 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> All I know is that it makes it easier to track changes to pngs, and obv we have a lot of those. If we had used it from the start, it would've made download times much faster because a simple pointer for each image would've been stored in the git history instead of the image itself, but again it's nbd
02:29 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> (let's please drop it)
02:29 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> (I have no horse in this race, was just curious)
02:31 MTDiscord <warr1024> I'm okay with dropping the proposal to use it, but that doesn't mean that the misinformation that git is somehow bad at tracking changes in png files and that adding an extra layer to it fixes this should be allowed to stand unrefuted.
02:32 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> OK, all I know is I've had trouble with Git vanilla and I haven't had trouble with Git LFS when it comes to looking at binary diffs. Maybe I was doing it wrong
02:32 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Anyway, ready for review, adding Light, Liquid, and Luanti articles
02:34 MTDiscord <warr1024> core git responsibility is storing snapshots and letting you access and navigate history ... stuff like diffs are a UI layer thing, and git itself only largely attempts textual stuff.  If you're looking for graphical comparisons, you'd need a graphical front-end.
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-docs
11:52 erle joined #minetest-docs
13:20 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> merging in 10m
15:49 Desour joined #minetest-docs
20:17 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Any thoughts on what we'll do with Main_Page? It's currently on the list to be migrated, but I'm thinking we should skip it, take this opportunity to rewrite the new homepage
20:25 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> just skip it. I struck it off the list
20:31 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> I replaced the old developer wiki homepage yesterday with something more relevant for the current state of this project, and ended up removing the old content index that was there. the regular wiki main page is more or less the same, not much of it that's useful enough to outlive the wiki itself
20:32 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> (and when someone does the effort of making a new content index, it would likely be more expansive than either ones that were on the dev wiki or the regular wiki's main pages)

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