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IRC log for #minetest-docs, 2025-01-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
02:16 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Accepted, thanks folks! Gonna migrate some articles now to celebrate ๐Ÿ™‚
02:26 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Working on these 4 articles: ย
02:33 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Are we intentionally excluding the article for crafting?
02:34 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Crafting is not a universal game mechanic
02:45 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> makes sense, removed links, we can update the contents of the article in the medium term. Mostly looking at inventory right now
02:56 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Only 17 articles left to migrate ๐Ÿ™‚ my goal will be 4 a day so we can have PRs open for everything by the weekend!
02:58 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Thoughts on merging "inventory menu" into "inventory"?
02:58 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Please do
02:59 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Itemstack and items might be mergable too
03:01 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Gonna do it as Xenith proposed for now, happy to modify later if needed ๐Ÿ™‚
03:08 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> where, if anywhere, are docs on creative mode?
03:14 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Thoughts on opting out of the new issues UX? I'm really struggling to just load issues in the new experience, let alone create issues ย ย ๐Ÿ‘€ Not ready yet? ย Head over to your accountโ€™s feature preview page to switch between the new and old experiences. Due to the incremental roll out of the new experiences over the course of this week, you may find
03:14 MTDiscord you only have access to the feature preview toggle once the roll out has completed. ย
03:38 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> ๐Ÿ™‚
03:40 MTDiscord <wsor4035> your on the team, just announce your merging it in 5 minutes, check the pages of the list, and send roller the list of page to redirect
03:42 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> haha
03:42 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> also, RE GitHub lag, looks like the "new issues" opt-out is "client-side", meaning it doesn't affect repos, it just affects how the page renders. And the pages for my repos' bugs are still not rendering even after I opted out ๐Ÿ˜ฆ oh well
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-docs
11:59 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> Would like comments on
12:06 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> also pinging @celeron55 to just float the idea about if we can move the project to the subdomain in the future, which would be a more appropriate location to host it on with the new direction of it
12:08 BuckarooBanzai joined #minetest-docs
12:09 MTDiscord <celeron55> Yeah that makes sense ย What doesn't make sense is the detour we had to take in order to end up here ๐Ÿ˜€
12:22 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> yes that is fair ๐Ÿ˜„
12:23 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> merging in 10m
12:34 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> (I also remembered to check the pages off the list this time)
14:31 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> merging PR 156 in ~10m
14:46 Desour joined #minetest-docs
14:53 MTDiscord <wsor4035> and hopefully redirect?
14:55 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> yup

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