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IRC log for #minetest-docs, 2025-01-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:15 MTDiscord <wsor4035> github removed the count from checkbox lists? thats annoying
00:16 MTDiscord <wsor4035> anyways, last 25 on #15 all contain pictures, which is pain
00:24 MTDiscord <wsor4035> ||we can just blame mark, right?||
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-docs
15:25 Desour joined #minetest-docs
17:46 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Hahaha something like that. They rolled out "Issues 2.0" recently. It includes support for sub-issues which is probably why they removed checkbox count. Definitely awkward, sub-issues inherently have more overhead when creating them. I really like them though, but of course I'm biased and I like nearly everything about GitHub
18:06 MTDiscord <wsor4035> going to poke mark about, else dunno if anyone else has interest in keeping this open
18:12 MTDiscord <wsor4035> merging in 5
18:30 MTDiscord <wsor4035> @rollerozxa needs to be "redirected"
19:30 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Please keep 72 open. I came down with a cold this week but if it needs to be done soon I'll see if I can push a prototype branch within ~36 hours
19:50 MTDiscord <wsor4035> doesnt need to be done soon, just more so commenting since its a one person driven thing like a month or two old and hadnt seen anything since
19:51 MTDiscord <wsor4035> also get well soon and all that jazz
20:27 Desour joined #minetest-docs
21:02 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> done
21:04 MTDiscord <luatic> may the warm be with you
21:08 MTDiscord <wsor4035> thanks
23:37 MTDiscord <wsor4035> hmm, you cant edit the code section in a review on github can you?
23:37 MTDiscord <wsor4035> unless im missing something stupidly obvious
23:40 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Thanks 🙂 just a minor cold, DayQuil is keeping me in good spirits 🙂 setting up some last tools on my new OS install now and building the site locally to start some tests. Expect a PR sometime tomorrow!
23:40 MTDiscord <wsor4035> merging in 5
23:41 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> thx 🙂 IRC folks, it's my quick PR fixing up some link text in the "about this site" page
23:42 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> There should be a "suggestion" button in the toolbar when you're writing a comment, let me know if you can't see it. I used it myself just now to revert my changes 🙂
23:43 MTDiscord <wsor4035> no, i mean editing the lines highlighted in the review
23:43 MTDiscord <wsor4035>;is=678d8e05&amp;hm=0ec4c791eae025cab2f4f62ac726de636759a2b6a008ee8c3b4348c7966c385f&amp;
23:44 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> YOu can't edit them directly via the PR view, no, you can only make suggestions
23:45 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> But the "make suggestions" is a special feature that allows PR authors or permitted reviewers to click a button and apply the changes
23:45 MTDiscord <wsor4035> i dont want to edit the code, i just want to change my review section from a to b, to a to c lines
23:45 MTDiscord <wsor4035> nore do i care about suggestions, etc
23:45 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> Ah, no, I don't think you can edit the location of your comment once it's made
23:45 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> You'd have to make a new comment, sry for misunderstanding
23:45 MTDiscord <wsor4035> np

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