Time Nick Message 03:48 MTDiscord merging https://github.com/minetest/dev.luanti.org/pull/128 on the hour 03:48 MTDiscord does the basics, better writers than i can expand it 03:54 MTDiscord btw, i assume we prefer to link to api.luanti.org rather than the lua_api.md? 03:54 MTDiscord since its "nicer" 03:54 MTDiscord . 17:12 MTDiscord Yeah I would go to api.luanti.org first. Do we think we'll eventually turn that into dev.luanti.org/api ? 17:13 MTDiscord api.luanti.org also loads faster and we have control over styles, breaking it down into multiple pages if/when we break down lua_api.md into separate files, etc. 17:13 MTDiscord .....i dont see a point to that? 17:14 MTDiscord i mean, they load about the same for me. at least on luanti scale there both blazingly fast when you compare against c55 hosted things 😉 17:16 MTDiscord not to mention it would be kinda messy since that site is rebuilt on every engine push (that updates lua_api.md iirc? since its generated from that) 17:18 MTDiscord a quote from me elsewhere > [snip] did wonder if api.luanti.org should be spun into its own repo, allowing some sort of build where if you visit the main site its latest master, but you could go to api.luanti.org/VERSION/doc to see the applicable docs for your versions. [snip] 17:20 MTDiscord yeah I don't think we should move the autogenerated API reference into dev.luanti.org, it should stay separate 17:21 MTDiscord like we shouldn't dump the several hundred megabytes of doxygen generated content that is on https://doxy.minetest.net/, it can stay on a separate subdomain 17:22 MTDiscord idk, green might want to argue with you on that one. 17:22 MTDiscord maybe not the doxygen stuff specifically, but one of the long term goals is some sort of annotations in the engine or something like that 17:24 MTDiscord yeah, so like it would sync stuff across specific pages that we have here, kinda like how SDL does it with wikiheaders 17:25 MTDiscord no idea how sdl does wikiheader, but sure! 17:25 MTDiscord anyways, kinda topic change, we probably can archive minetest_docs repo? 17:25 MTDiscord sounds ok 17:27 MTDiscord idk, for consensus sake, cc'ing the other relevant people @luatic @greenxenith 17:27 MTDiscord well the summary is that they attach a function in the public API headers with a page in the sdlwiki, so when changes in the header annotation happens it syncs to the wiki and vice versa, while more elaborate details and examples get added to the wiki page and stay there 17:27 MTDiscord no opposition, further contributions of mine will go to dev.luanti.org either way 17:28 MTDiscord in general doing that is a bit different from dumping automatically generated doxygen documentation into a subfolder, and I hope nobody actually wants us to do exactly that 17:28 MTDiscord ok, once green responds, will ask c55 for this since i dont have access to do so on that repo 17:31 MTDiscord making doxygen stuff build in ci like api.luanti.org might not be a bad idea 17:31 MTDiscord yup 17:33 MTDiscord it would need to be in a separate repo since you can only deploy one site per repo, but for principia I just made a repo that pulls for changes in a CI cron, and generates the doxygen and deploys it if there are updates 17:33 MTDiscord https://github.com/principia-game/doxygen 17:33 MTDiscord for luanti you'd need to generate a build folder since it uses some preprocessing for the doxyfile, but that's about it that would need to be changed 17:35 MTDiscord (it also uses the very nice doxygen-awesome theme. with dark mode support) 17:36 MTDiscord anyways, someone would have to take the project on 17:36 MTDiscord and get shadowninja/c55 buy in 17:37 MTDiscord yeah, of course... 19:17 ShadowNinja Here are the scripts I use: https://gist.github.com/ShadowNinja/ae535e1589a1037d5a20125ff6c8eb32 19:19 ShadowNinja There's a minify step that's currently disabled because it was breaking things, but you could probably find a better minifier. It also optimizes svgs and generates a compressed .gz copy of each file since nginx can use that precompressed file instead of compressing on the fly. 19:20 ShadowNinja The final doc/html directory size is about 565M. 19:30 MTDiscord ah I see, that's fancier than I expected 19:30 MTDiscord I did a test run of generating the doxygen for master and it measured up to about 250MB. I assume the size difference is because of the precompressed gzip files 19:32 MTDiscord (github pages' size limit for deployments is 1GB, don't know if it's compressed or not. but that should be fine) 19:52 MTDiscord merging https://github.com/minetest/dev.luanti.org/pull/129 in 10, cc roller 19:59 MTDiscord ooh, time for more redirects 😄 20:02 MTDiscord (merged) 20:03 MTDiscord people other than me can import pages btw 20:14 MTDiscord 25 more pages to go 20:15 MTDiscord https://tenor.com/view/pain-suffering-death-star-wars-gif-25111888