Time Nick Message 00:05 MTDiscord Like helping new folks learn Lua? We should do what Love2D does, just link to better docs. Lua itself is not the focus of our site 09:09 MTDiscord we can link to thick lua documentation all we want but if won't help with the common misconceptions we see with people not understanding terminology and other aspects of the language 09:10 MTDiscord see https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/15112 which is what luatic is going to be expanding (assumedly?) and adding to here 13:05 MTDiscord I know Love2D links to thick docs. But we can link to thin docs. That said, I'm not against including a Lua primer in our docs, I just know that it's a very hard thing to write and there are probably a good number of other Lua primers out there, so I see it as low ROI. But I see we've already written something, so by all means include it ๐Ÿ™‚ 13:37 MTDiscord Well, two things can be true at the same time. It is true that this document is intended to explain some Lua conventions we use and should probably define ourselves, but I also got carried away writing my own Lua introduction because I am dissatisfied with the state of current tutorials (though PIL is okay). I will focus on the former and simply link to resources I consider good. 14:37 MTDiscord Lars is the right person to write a Lua primer. 14:38 MTDiscord We have that going for us. 14:42 MTDiscord Lars, do you really intend for this to be a primer, which I understand to be a quick guide that assumes zero initial knowledge (of Lua in this case), or a quick Lua for Luanti primer for people who already know a few basics? 14:46 MTDiscord I definitely want to review this. I have only a basic understanding of Lua, but experience teaching programming. 15:43 MTDiscord I think at first it is probably better to limit the scope to just a few conventions / definitions that might not be clear from understanding the reference material and reading PIL. Longer term I think I would like to write a primer, but writing is hard and this is out of scope for Luanti docs as Mark points out. If I get to it, I'll probably publish it on my blog after getting feedback from you and others :) 15:44 MTDiscord (by the way, funny side note, there are talks on the lua mailing list about getting lua-users.org a GH pages solution as well. the wiki is currently locked.) 15:45 MTDiscord poor lua-users wiki still using usemodwiki 15:45 MTDiscord yeah lol 15:46 MTDiscord but there is plenty of good content on there which would be a solid base for editing 15:48 MTDiscord I agree. It wasn't clear that I understood that from my message. 16:05 MTDiscord oh lol I was looking at the lua mailing list to see the discussion and I see a particular Lars Mรผller involved in it 16:06 MTDiscord usemodwiki's database is just a set of files, so I assume whoever hosts it could zip up the folder of latest pages and send it to whoever is willing to do the conversion. the formatting syntax is a limited subset of modern wikitext that mediawiki based theirs on when they were moving from usemodwiki for wikipedia, maybe converting it through pandoc like we do with the wiki pages here would work 16:08 MTDiscord (...or you could extract usemodwiki's parser into a perl script you can run on the contents and then deploy to github pages) 21:16 MTDiscord I think we're all on the same page ๐Ÿ™‚ definitely happy to review anything you've got, Luatic, even if it's a rough draft ๐Ÿ™‚ I've written a lot of docs myself, not for Lua yet though