Time Nick Message 05:16 MTDiscord iirc we link to hugos install, but probably should have some note about this 05:17 MTDiscord || this is a just make a pr or push a change, not make an issue for it || 12:16 MTDiscord What's wrong with making issues for things? 12:55 MTDiscord Its just that somet hings dont really need an issue if you can identify the issue and make the PR in a short amount of time 12:55 MTDiscord Assuming the solution is straight forward and likely to be agreed upon 15:33 MTDiscord Yeah, I just work in tiny bursts, so for me "short" is often too long. I can write issues quickly but want to spend more time thinking about exact verbiage, styling, placement within the article, etc., when I actually open a pull request. I'll keep that in mind though 17:02 MTDiscord I sometimes do something similar just for the record, so that when people search the issue tracker they can find information. 17:03 MTDiscord I've also found it helpful, however, to just keep a TODO list of small things I intend to work on later when I have time. The major downside to that is that those small things are often great beginner tasks and then nobody else knows about them. 20:26 MTDiscord Exactly! GitHub is my personal to-do list, it's de-duplicated, easy for me to find, and easy for others to find πŸ™‚ 20:33 MTDiscord merging https://github.com/minetest/dev.luanti.org/pull/79 in 5m 20:33 MTDiscord opinions on whether this page can replace the Air, Ignore and Unknown Node pages from the regular wiki are welcome too 21:36 MTDiscord If you have some focused tasks that don't involve extensive Lua API knowledge, I might be interested in working on some over break. 21:36 MTDiscord Unlike my engine PRs I can see my work here actually being useful, so I dropped those to make more time to work on this. 21:40 MTDiscord ROllerozxa: this seems like a good idea 21:42 MTDiscord some info might be worth carrying over though, the wiki pages are much longer 21:50 MTDiscord > If unknown nodes occour without you using any mods, you can be certain it is a bug. 21:50 MTDiscord aaa my all my air nodes have turned into unknown nodes 😱 21:50 MTDiscord been there, done that 21:51 MTDiscord @rollerozxa redirect https://wiki.luanti.org/Nodes please 21:51 MTDiscord checking that one off 21:51 MTDiscord will do 21:52 MTDiscord yes* *bring over anything worthwhile from the individual pages/add aliases 21:53 MTDiscord these three pages are highly mtg specific again btw, your new page is much better in that regard 21:53 MTDiscord yeah, I thought that too. the regular wiki pages for the built-in nodes talk a lot about them in relation to MTG 21:54 MTDiscord but is there something useful non-MTG related in the regular wiki pages should be carried over? 21:55 MTDiscord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926231483155378176/1319785163185586268/image.png?ex=67673937&is=6765e7b7&hm=c5e5fd4c6a82adb51e329947f9b7d07610211da7c0c34e924c058b0242f598c6& 21:55 MTDiscord see highlighted 21:55 MTDiscord maybe? 21:55 MTDiscord the other two lines are game specific 21:55 MTDiscord indeed 21:55 MTDiscord the "mapgen will always produce air if there's no other node" is wrong I think? 21:56 MTDiscord I tried with v7 once and the terrain generated as ignore, not air 21:56 MTDiscord yeah, some of this is kinda "ehh" 21:56 MTDiscord there is also a dedicated page from the old dev wiki that goes into more detail about the spawn algorithm 21:57 MTDiscord my level of caring is -♾️, so feel free to just add aliases, redirect them, and mark em off the list 21:58 MTDiscord "when you dig nodes, they turn into air" is part of the engine/hardcoded iirc, so could add that maybe 21:59 MTDiscord although you can't even dig nodes in all games... 22:00 MTDiscord FWIW if there is something super super interesting and important that someone remembers existing on the wiki but that fell through the cracks, I have some mediawiki page exports of the wiki if people need to retrieve stuff later down the line 22:00 MTDiscord I made one just now with the wiki contents as they are right now: https://github.com/rollerozxa/mt-wiki-dumping-ground/blob/master/raw-exports/Luanti%2BWiki-20241220214815.xml 22:00 MTDiscord im thinking of closing https://github.com/minetest/dev.luanti.org/issues/69 with a this can be handled in the future if necessary, but i see no point to keep it open currently or something like that. thoughts? 22:01 MTDiscord . 22:01 MTDiscord (if anyone wants to pick up the MTG content from here and put it somewhere safe, say @luatic, they can do so) 22:03 MTDiscord gotta do cdb stuff first this weekend, but also hoping to hit more conversion this weekend 22:03 MTDiscord https://github.com/minetest/dev.luanti.org/issues/70 I think can be closed for similar reasons. I don't think we should switch from a SSG to some more traditional wiki software, whether we drop the wiki moniker or not 22:04 MTDiscord . 22:12 MTDiscord I can close it 8) 22:20 MTDiscord Feel free 22:57 MTDiscord since I've already talked two times about mtg content here, I've now made an issue instead: https://github.com/minetest/dev.luanti.org/issues/80 22:58 MTDiscord I agree that the "map-database" pages that lists world seeds should probably be axed from here