Time Nick Message 14:10 MTDiscord <lizelive> im curious about this. i found https://github.com/minetest-toolkit/minetest-lsp-api, but im not sure how to use 14:32 MTDiscord <exe_virus> Get the lua language server plugin for vsCode/codium, then go into the contents and look for a spot to overwrite the files with the ones from that repo you just found. 14:32 MTDiscord <exe_virus> I haven't done so, because I haven't done MT in a bit 15:10 MTDiscord <lizelive> { "workspace.library": [ "/workspaces/block-game/definitions/minetest/api", "/workspaces/block-game/definitions/minetest_game/mods/" // "/home/vscode/.vscode-server/data/User/globalStorage/sumneko.lua/addonManager/addons/minetest/module/library" ], "workspace.checkThirdParty": false } .luarc.json 16:02 MTDiscord <exe_virus> Seems like the right spot, that third line about sumneko