Time Nick Message 13:04 MTDiscord I hope we end up being both a reference, and a how to, but that's just me 13:43 MTDiscord Adoc is good in theory, but the syntax is not that professional yet, basically it needs reworked and designed so that the syntax is cleaner and less verbose, but all the functionality desired is there at least, unlike markdown which has the opposite problem 13:46 MTDiscord To be honest, calling a long established syntax "Not professional yet" sounds like "I don't like it so I'll call it bad" 13:48 MTDiscord The project started in 2002. People have used it to write books. I'm also using it to write a book. It's plenty professional. 14:05 MTDiscord Just as a guess, I wonder if [source]#Myfoo()# would work 14:06 MTDiscord I went with `+stuff+` in the end 14:06 MTDiscord perhaps it's more suited for books than docs tho? 14:07 MTDiscord That..that doesn't make any sense. Books are neither docs nor non docs 14:09 MTDiscord We probably need a couple custom macros to make writing these easier, but we've known that for a while. I could probably use some in my personal writing projects as well but I'm lazy 14:10 MTDiscord granted, I phrased that poorly 14:10 MTDiscord books are independent of content which may be documentation 14:11 MTDiscord let's just say literature/prose 14:11 MTDiscord That may be true, but the entire Asciidoc reference is written in asciidoc 15:35 MTDiscord Something can be used forever and have a great feature set, but still have a bad interface 15:35 MTDiscord Examples include: the damn C preprocessor "language" 15:41 MTDiscord Nah, I'd say a good example might be something like directX 15:41 MTDiscord Or win32 api 16:30 MTDiscord Given that the C preprocessor is Turing complete, I don't think you need those quotes around the word language.