Time Nick Message 11:46 MTDiscord We should document that the ... passed to minetest.after does not support nils 16:45 MTDiscord Has Benrob been around? 17:03 MTDiscord I've been busy over the weekend, I'll review and try to push some PRs along today. 18:44 MTDiscord Understandable. My PR to the README should be pretty quick to review as it's a small change and has one approval. 18:58 MTDiscord Should we close the issue about missing build instructions? We could leave it open for later when we have an actual build system, I suppose. ^^ 19:02 MTDiscord I mean we do need to have build instructions eventually, it's just that there are no building tools to write instructions for right now. 19:03 MTDiscord I think that it can probably be closed as N/A for now. 19:25 MTDiscord @GreenXenith mind if I continue your work on the template/guidelines PR? 19:33 MTDiscord I'm going to wait for the object properties PR to get it's technical accuracy figured out before reviewing it for grammar/language. Looks like Luatic has some requested changes as it is. 19:39 MTDiscord There are just a few things left that i want to fix but, i too had a busy weekend 20:10 MTDiscord The defaults are almost all right. The annoying part is I don't know whether any of them are wrong. 22:23 MTDiscord I think I need to push some stuff 22:52 MTDiscord changes pushed 23:31 benrob0329 thanks