Time Nick Message
00:42 kahrl_ I don't know why you say goodbye. I say hello.
02:32 hmmmm Hi, how do i insert a block of code in the wiki?
03:11 hmmmm thexyz
03:11 hmmmm marktraceur
03:13 marktraceur Hi!
03:13 marktraceur hmmmm: You can use spaces to pre-indent text
03:13 hmmmm thanks
03:14 hmmmm yup, that seems to do the trick
03:14 hmmmm and how do i insert tabs?
03:15 hmmmm actually that's not necessary
03:15 hmmmm nevermind
07:22 thexyz hmmmm: or use for c++, for lua
07:22 hmmmm thanks. did you see what i did so far?
07:23 thexyz yeah, great idea
07:24 hmmmm be sure to contribute too
18:58 OnlyHuman hi, came acroos website mentioned the game
23:27 marktraceur OnlyHuman: Hi! Sorry about the delay there
23:27 marktraceur OnlyHuman: How can we help?
23:28 OnlyHuman hi, oh I just suggested to mandriva if making a rpm package was possible
23:29 OnlyHuman I also mentioned minetest on a linux forum linking to a forum script, as ?I get impression minecaft is very popular so assume minetest may be too
23:31 marktraceur Indeed
23:31 marktraceur OnlyHuman: The main channel is #minetest, don't know if you've been there
23:32 OnlyHuman oops, :) no never realised, thanks
23:32 marktraceur No problem!