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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2024-05-06

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06:33 nore concerning the static entities (I'm thinking about signs_lib for instance), it looks like we could avoid a lot of spatial queries if we somehow had a way to store entity ids inside node metadata and retrieve the entities by those ids, although without benchmarks, it's unclear what the proportion of those queries actually is
07:09 MTDiscord <luatic> related: sfence's PR for giving objects UUIDs (#14135). note that mods can (and IMO should, before there's engine support) already implement this themselves by generating UUIDs, storing them in staticdata, and keeping a table of UUID -> entity which is updated as entities are activated.
07:09 ShadowBot -- Add persistent unique identifiers for objects by sfence
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17:30 grorp 5.8.1 should be uploaded to the Play Store as soon as possible. The PR has been ready for 2 weeks now and it contains important fixes, e.g. for the black screen issue and regarding ANRs.
17:31 grorp Also: The longer we wait, the less of a point does the release have.
17:32 grorp I actually just found out that my permissions on the Play Console are enough for releasing, I think I just misunderstood a button being greyed out.
17:33 grorp But it rejects the AAB for being unsigned and I can't sign it.
17:33 grorp So rubenwardy, if you sign the AAB, I can do the rest ;)
17:36 rubenwardy doesn't it need to be merged and tagged first
17:37 grorp I can also do that first :shrug:
17:37 grorp may I?
17:40 grorp sfan already commented "LGTM" but a. there have been changes and b. is one approval enough for a release?
17:45 MTDiscord <mistere_123> Does running a server in debug mode affect performance?
17:45 Krock grorp: how well tested is it on Android? shall I give it a shot or did several people already daily drive it?
17:45 MTDiscord <luatic> wdym debug mode? debug build? (yes that significantly negatively affects performance)
17:46 Krock @mistere_123 The default debug configuration is not optimized well, thus performance penalty. You could try to build with RelWithDbg (or similar)
17:46 grorp Krock: I did "daily-drive" it for a while. dunno about anyone else, feel free to give it a shot.
17:46 MTDiscord <luatic> I know it as RelWithDebInfo
17:47 Krock
17:47 Krock grorp: sure. give me a moment.
17:50 sfan5 rubenwardy: we can do merge and tag afterwards
18:09 Krock grorp: I assume there's no Irrlicht changes that would need backporting to the old repo?
18:10 grorp nope
18:10 Krock okay good
18:21 MTDiscord <mistere_123> thanks
18:28 rubenwardy apksigner sign --ks ~/path/to/keystore-minetest.jks --min-sdk-version 21 ~/Downloads/app-release.aab
18:30 rubenwardy ah it's already documented on the releasing page, will adjust to aab and CI though
18:32 grorp yeah, but I think you need a password for the keystore
18:33 grorp Krock: thank you for testing.
18:35 rubenwardy ok, done
18:41 grorp thank you. adding release notes.
18:42 rubenwardy ah thanks that's good
18:53 grorp when do we merge and create the Github release? after the rollout or now?
18:53 rubenwardy now
18:53 grorp merging then
19:11 grorp release draft ready, any objections?
19:12 rubenwardy no go ahead
19:13 rubenwardy just make sure it'son the stable-5 branch
19:13 rubenwardy oh I can see drafts
19:13 rubenwardy yeah looks good
19:14 grorp 👍
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