Time Nick Message 11:29 sfan5 merging #14404 in 10m 11:29 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14404 -- Fix compiler warnings by sfan5 11:31 * Krock deletes TODO.txt which contained some of those warnings 11:33 Krock (also: LGTM) 11:54 grorp merging #14389 in 15 min so that I can continue with #14301 11:54 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14389 -- Restore pre-5.9.0-dev behavior of touch_use_crosshair=false shootline by grorp 11:54 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14301 -- Touchscreen: Camera movement improvements by grorp 12:13 grorp done 14:56 TenPlus1 Hi folks 14:56 TenPlus1 is anyone here good with texture strings ? 14:58 MTDiscord hi, what's the matter? 14:58 TenPlus1 Note: I forked signs_lib in order to get rid of the out of bound errors, got it working with basic black text being inserted into sign using [combine and I'm trying to use [colorize on the texture I'm combining 15:00 TenPlus1 if I leave it black it all works fine, if I add [colorize to any text it shows only the first then the rest disappears from sign 15:01 MTDiscord how are you adding [colorize? 15:03 TenPlus1 e.g. "letter_texture.png^[colorize:#ffff00" 15:03 MTDiscord so you want [colorize inside combine? 15:03 MTDiscord then you will have to escape the ^ and : 15:03 TenPlus1 yeah, that's the problem I'm having 15:03 TenPlus1 explain please 15:04 MTDiscord due to being historically grown, our texture modifiers have 3 ways of escaping stuff 15:04 MTDiscord escaping/grouping* 15:05 MTDiscord there's inventorycube's escaping (not relevant here), parentheses for grouping (note that these do not work to put a texture modifier inside combine), and backslash escaping 15:06 MTDiscord what you need here is the latter, so something like [combine:x:,=letter_texture.png\^[colorize\:#ffff00 - note the backslashes 15:06 TenPlus1 the texture string I end up with for my test is "[combine:145x96:54,0=signs_lib_font_15px_54.png^[colorize:#ffff00ff:64,0=signs_lib_font_15px_65.png^[colorize:#ffff00ff:73,0=signs_lib_font_15px_73.png^[colorize:#ffff00ff:81,0=signs_lib_font_15px_74.png^[colorize:#ffff00ff" 15:07 MTDiscord does your message contain backslashes? 15:07 MTDiscord because i'm not seeing any, which might either be a bug in the bridge or an oversight on your part 15:07 MTDiscord let me connect on IRC 15:08 appguru oh wait, we should move to #minetest 15:08 TenPlus1 hi appguru 15:08 TenPlus1 this is the texture string that works (all black) "[combine:145x96:54,0=signs_lib_font_15px_54.png:64,0=signs_lib_font_15px_65.png:73,0=signs_lib_font_15px_73.png:81,0=signs_lib_font_15px_74.png:56,16=signs_lib_font_15px_74.png:62,16=signs_lib_font_15px_65.png:71,16=signs_lib_font_15px_73.png:79,16=signs_lib_font_15px_74.png" 15:08 TenPlus1 it contains 2 lines with the word test 15:09 appguru yes, this looks fine 15:09 appguru let's move to #minetest 15:09 appguru (this channel is more about core dev than about modding) 15:09 TenPlus1 no probs 15:17 MTDiscord #14343 is ready for reviewing now, there were some changes 15:17 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14343 -- Ambient light and server control for it by Andrey2470T 18:51 rubenwardy merging #12208 when CI passes 18:51 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12208 -- Add support for translating content titles and descriptions by rubenwardy