Time Nick Message 16:46 sfan5 it would be nice if the cloud or textured background was seamlessly kept between the main menu and the loading screen 16:54 [MTMatrix] And it'd be great if games/servers could use a custom loading screen. Is it already doable? 16:56 sfan5 games? no. servers? that's kind of impossible 16:56 sfan5 you can't ask the server how the loading screen should look before establishing a connecting 16:56 sfan5 connection* 16:59 [MTMatrix] From the 2nd login (?) 17:01 sfan5 I guess that could work but from a technical perspective that's a poor workaround IMO 17:11 rubenwardy the hello packet from the server could customise the loading screen, or it could be included in the serverlist payload (which is meh as it doesn't work with LAN/unlisted servers). 17:12 rubenwardy but holding the connection up to transfer images for the loading screen is a bit lame 17:12 sfan5 I was thinking it would be cool for games to choose the sky color, customize the cloud parameters and also opt to enable stars 17:29 sfan5 wow great I wrote template code that doesn't compile only on msvc 17:42 sfan5 now gcc fails with an assertion?! 18:24 grorp sfan5, rubenwardy: do you have any remaining concerns regarding #14075? otherwise I'd like to merge it soon-ish 18:24 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14075 -- Allow toggling touchscreen mode at runtime by okias 18:25 sfan5 sounds ok 18:44 sfan5 hey I managed to convince msvc to compile my template 19:49 [MTMatrix] RE sfan custom sky: I wouldn't spend time on something that will hopefully be replaced eventually 20:03 sfan5 I don't plan to work on it 20:10 Mantar I wish we could supply a starmap to the star system, or even a seed number, instead of just having them 100% random 20:18 Krock say hello zo pseudo-random noise 20:19 Krock s/zo/to/ 20:26 Mantar basically I'd like to have recognizable constellations in Exile