Time Nick Message 00:42 MTDiscord Roller, no need to apologize, you found the solution: ask on irc xD 11:19 ROllerozxa clang spits out obscene amounts of deprecation warnings when building irrlichtmt because of codecvt stuff in irrString.h (deprecated in C++17) 11:21 ROllerozxa doesn't look like there's any replacement for it? could the warnings be silenced for now to reduce the noise 11:42 grorp rollerozxa: the replacement are Minetest's conversion functions in string.cpp, which we'll hopefully be able to use in Irrlicht after The Merge(TM) 11:47 MTDiscord silencing the warnings makes sense. I thought I had silenced them, but it looks like I haven't. 14:08 celeron55_ ah string.h and string.cpp, what a beautiful mess 14:12 ROllerozxa grorp: I see, good it'll be gone when irrlichtmt gets merged (hopefully soon? :)). I can open a PR to wrap it around with a pragma later today unless someone else does it before me 14:14 ROllerozxa yes it's a beautiful mess indeed, I open util/string.cpp and I see a list of CSS colour names because that's apparently something that's supported, absolutely wonderful 14:15 MTDiscord who doesn't like CSS color names ;-) 14:21 MTDiscord If there's a giant list of css color names in the code, why not separate it into its own file? 14:21 ROllerozxa some of the CSS colour names don't even make sense honestly 14:21 ROllerozxa like 'aliceblue'. what? alice's blue, as compared to the blue for people not named alice? what about 'amandablue'? 14:21 ROllerozxa I assume nothing other than the basic colour names (like 'red', 'blue', 'white' or 'black') are used in the wild, though I'd rather not take down CDB by sending 149 zipgrep searches to prove my point 14:21 MTDiscord You are so right, file a pr to add amandablue 14:22 ROllerozxa I'd have to go via the W3C first I assume :P 14:22 MTDiscord Whateverit takes 14:35 MTDiscord MisterE: Yes, it should be in its own file. 17:26 cx384 Sorry, I my mimimap PR #1407, which got merged recently, causes a warning since it uses hud_elem_type, which is deprecated now. 17:26 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1407 -- Remove indev mapgen by proller 17:26 cx384 However, #14346 will fix this in case it gets merged. 17:26 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14346 -- Refactor builtin HUD by cx384 17:30 cx384 wrong PR meant#14071 18:49 v-rob Actually, I rather like how Minetest supports the CSS color names. Especially with the alpha extension, e.g. seagreen#8C 18:50 v-rob And yes, Alice blue does have a meaning: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_blue 18:50 Mantar "seagreen#8C", eh? neat! 19:00 v-rob Incidentally, on latest master, I get this warning, probably because of the minimap as builtin HUD PR: Deprecated "hud_elem_type" field, use "type" instead. (at builtin/game/statbars.lua:107) 19:05 cx384 Yes, I already mentioned this and a PR which would fix it. 22:48 MTDiscord merging #14198 in 10m 22:48 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14198 -- Enable IPO/LTO builds by okias 22:58 MTDiscord oh and also irr#285 22:58 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/irrlicht/issues/285 -- [SDL] Improve handling of IMEs by y5nw 23:19 MTDiscord Thanks.