Time Nick Message 00:11 MTDiscord glTF status update: There now is a PR to josiah's repo to replace tinygltf with a safer, tinier homegrown implementation (which also uses jsoncpp) dubbed tiniergltf. This PR is under review. 00:12 MTDiscord Then there's a further improvements PR for that. glTF should be ready for static model loading with these PRs (though there are still some rough edges, like failing mingw builds), and I'm planning to start tackling animations now with jordan4ibanez. 01:04 MTDiscord @grorp from zughy on matrix(since the bridge is down atm): can someone please tell grorp that https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/13282 is related to #14082 (which they have just merged) and I'd really like a review? It's a really silly PR and it's been almost a year 02:59 [MTMatrix] bridge is back, thanks for the reminder, wsor 07:58 [MTMatrix] Yey 17:43 Desour we should do more profiling. a fix for this here should be much easier and less risky than the batch particles PR: irr#274 17:43 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/irrlicht/issues/274 -- ISceneNode::removeChild() is slow 18:05 MTDiscord oof, that's a bad pessimization. using a doubly linked list but then doing a linear search for deletions.. 18:12 ROllerozxa that's wild o.o 18:12 rubenwardy bless, they tried 18:13 rubenwardy like getting 90% of the way there but then falling over 18:16 MTDiscord I think I have a straightforward fix 18:26 MTDiscord okay the address sanitizer thinks otherwise 19:39 rubenwardy merging #13282 in 10 19:39 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/13282 -- Remove controls listed in the pause menu (no touchscreen) by Zughy 21:06 [MTMatrix] do we want to have a meeting on Sunday or do you prefer to skip it and start next week?