Time Nick Message 00:18 MTDiscord Its probably expired, but there was an offer on github for someone to buy a quest for a dev who would work on it several years ago. 00:19 MTDiscord Thank you for your answer, c55, I forwarded it to the team beef discord, and they will do further research/ask questions if they take it on. 19:04 Krock Warr1024: would you have a minimal test example for #14204 by any chance? 19:04 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14204 -- Alpha-blending entities disappear when enable_shaders=false 19:05 Krock or is citadel deterministic? 19:06 Krock ah. it's a static NPC-like object 19:07 MTDiscord It's deterministic, always works 100% of the time for me. 19:08 Krock ^[opacity:100 19:10 Krock hard cut at opacity 127 (not shown) vs 128 (shown) 19:10 MTDiscord Yeah, which is weird, because it's not supposed to be either of those things. 19:11 MTDiscord If you change the opacity does it change whether the thing is visible or not? 19:11 MTDiscord Why would use_texture_alpha=true mean "blend" when shaders are on and "clip" when it's off? 19:11 Krock oh don't get me wrong. the opacity does apply properly. just without shaders it suddenly becomes 0 19:12 Krock 128 is indeed 50% visible if you want to say so - with and without shaders 19:12 MTDiscord I could swear that true always meant "blend" in the past ... I wonder if this is a regression or something... 19:13 MTDiscord oh, you mean it actually blends correctly with alpha >= 128? 19:13 Krock yes 19:13 MTDiscord heh, that's extra weird. 19:14 MTDiscord I can recommend making opacity >= 128 in the game as a workaround for this (and for old version compat, once it's properly fixed) at least. 19:18 Krock but surely something strange is going on. without ^[opacity, the texture is hard clamped to 255 or 0 19:20 MTDiscord Is there an alpha channel in the original image? 19:21 MTDiscord Or are you saying you added one and tried to bake in the alpha, and it got clamped anyway? 19:22 Krock nvm sorry. GIMP did not show up properly that the PNG palette is indexed, thus the alpha channel only had two possible values. same issue when using a semi-transparent texture 19:22 Krock * two possible values after export 19:24 Krock content_cao.cpp: material.MaterialTypeParam = 0.5f; // change to 0.1f 19:24 Krock I currently have no idea what this value is supposed to do but we'll figure it out 19:25 MTDiscord Well, at least, you've confirmed that this is a legit bug and it's not something we're doing wrong on either the game/mod or the player config side, right? 😅 19:32 Krock yes. luckily it was easy to reproduce 19:34 MTDiscord Thanks! 19:34 MTDiscord I should probably update the repro instructions to pin it to a specific version of the game, so that the upstream dev can apply a workaround without invalidating the instructions. 19:37 Krock #14213 19:37 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14213 -- ContentCAO: Fix threshold of alpha channel textures by SmallJoker 19:37 Krock I kept the instructions generic so that you don't need to publish a special version 19:39 MTDiscord Choice of 0.01f instead of like 1.0f / 256 seems a bit weird, but I suppose people are unlikely to rely on alpha == 1 or possibly alpha == 2 being actually visible anyway...? 19:42 Krock right. let's make it easier for debugging. 1/256 should cover everything I guess 19:57 MTDiscord sounds good to me 22:37 lhofhansl sfan5: have a look at #14185 and #14212 when you get a chance. 14185 basically fixes a bug where active blocks are not generated. 14212 ensures that client side ray traced culling is deterministic (along with some small improvements) 22:37 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14185 -- Allow active blocks to be generated by lhofhansl 22:37 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14212 -- Ensure deterministic client occlusion culling and minor improvements by lhofhansl 23:15 grorp merging #14087, #14187, #14197, #14214 in 20 min 23:15 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14087 -- Touchscreen: Allow mods to swap the meaning of short and long taps by grorp 23:15 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14187 -- Touchscreen: Recognize double-taps as double-clicks by grorp 23:15 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14197 -- Fix GameUI text staying visible during shutdown. by FoxLoveFire 23:15 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14214 -- Don't run CDB update_detector more than once by sfan5 23:17 grorp oh, and #14082 too (it also has two approvals) 23:17 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14082 -- Remove server's address and port from pause menu by srifqi 23:37 grorp ah damn, I can't merge #14087. I just remembered that I was asked to do a separate fix for #14188 first :( 23:37 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14087 -- Touchscreen: Allow mods to swap the meaning of short and long taps by grorp 23:37 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14188 -- TouchScreenGUI: Shootline isn't updated when the finger doesn't move 23:42 grorp Krock: would you be okay with merging #14087 anyway, now that it's already finished? 23:42 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14087 -- Touchscreen: Allow mods to swap the meaning of short and long taps by grorp 23:42 grorp done with merging the other PRs.