Time  Nick       Message
00:02 srifqi     done
14:15 erle       what part of the engine governs at which distance sprites become inivisible?
14:25 celeron55  you're getting too far ahead
14:25 celeron55  what do you mean by sprite?
14:25 celeron55  or this is an even better question: what are you doing?
14:27 erle       i am moving a way from a sprite backwards and at some point the sprite becomes invisible
14:28 erle       an entity that is an upright sprite
14:28 erle       221                visual = "upright_sprite",
14:28 erle       222                visual_size = { x = 1, y = 1 },
14:28 erle       223                physical = false,
14:28 erle       it is a photo from the xcam mod that i nailed to the wall.
14:31 celeron55  so it is an entity
14:31 celeron55  i would assume the entity gets unloaded and this has nothing to do with the sprite
14:33 celeron55  to adjust the range from players where objects (including entities) are activated you need to adjust active_block_range and active_object_send_range_blocks
14:34 celeron55  outside of active_block_range they are packed away as static data in the mapblock and outside of active_object_send_range_blocks they aren't sent to the client
14:35 celeron55  (and then there's the forceload blocks mechanism that could help in some situations)
14:36 celeron55  i'm sure this is described somewhere better than i can do it
14:36 celeron55  i can't find such a place though...
14:37 celeron55  maybe there's a FAQ somewhere where this could be put in
14:40 celeron55  (all this is essentially an artefact of the pseudo-infinite world size which makes it essential to somehow curb the amount of stuff that has to be continuously updated and tracked)
14:42 celeron55  (but to answer the question you didn't yet ask, yes: intuitively it all probably could still be baked into the mapblock meshes based on the static data and rendered efficiently that way, when not being active)
14:43 celeron55  (that's not implemented and there probably is neither an issue nor a PR for such)
14:48 grorp      rubenwardy: since #13906, auto_install_spec is always a string. i just forgot to update that line.
14:48 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/13906 -- Offer ContentDB updates for leftover bundled Minetest Game by grorp
14:48 grorp      #13970
14:48 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/13970 -- Fix auto_install_spec being used as a table by grorp
14:57 erle       thanks celeron55
15:00 erle       celeron55 i had indeed set one of those properties to 1 for some reason
15:00 erle       (probably to test loading and unloading and then i forgot or so)
15:10 rubenwardy RE: celeron55's roadmap - the difference between a roadmap and a wishlist is whether you plan to work on these things :)
15:10 rubenwardy some of my MT goals are feeling more wishlisty at this point
15:12 MTDiscord  <warr1024> I just call everything a wishlist, and whatever actually turned out to be a roadmap can only be evaluated in retrospect.
15:13 celeron55  i don't even see what the difference between a roadmap and wishlist is as i have about 100x more things that i'd like to do in my life than what i have the time and resources to do
15:13 celeron55  s/time and resources to do/time and resources for doing/g
15:13 rubenwardy step 1: human cloning
15:14 celeron55  i'm even questioning that 100x. maybe it's more like 1000x?
15:14 celeron55  give me a couple of years and it'll be 10000x
15:15 rubenwardy I have a "things to do" list that contains all the hobby projects I want to do. There's over 40 projects on there, each are fairly big
15:15 celeron55  yeah my personal "global todo list" is a text file with 700 lines. but i pruned that recently, the unpruned version is multiple times that, plus then there are the project specific todo lists
15:16 celeron55  it generally takes multiple days to get a couple of lines off the list
15:16 celeron55  or, a list
15:17 celeron55  years ago i grew to live with the fact that i'll never be able to do more than a few percent of what i want to do
15:17 celeron55  i still write them down though
15:17 celeron55  it seems like good practice
15:17 rubenwardy opportunity cost hits hard
15:20 celeron55  and yes, i do name the lists to-do lists. not wishlists
15:20 celeron55  a to-do list is an impossible concept
15:20 celeron55  so might as well reuse that name for whatever these are
15:22 celeron55  "idea graveyard" would probably be a better name
15:30 MTDiscord  <warr1024> I've heard "icebox" as a supposedly industry standard term.
15:31 MTDiscord  <warr1024> And of course I assume that by "industry" they mean the wishing in one hand and shifting in the other industry, I guess.
16:08 celeron55  but at the moment you get the idea, you don't know yet how it'll end up being prioritized
16:09 celeron55  it has to fight with the other stuff on the list first
16:09 celeron55  to find its place
16:11 MTDiscord  <warr1024> I know that the probability that it ends up in the vanishingly small section at the top of the list that actually has a chance of ever getting attention is miniscule, and where it appears anywhere else on the list is of no practical relevance.  Most of those things are just there to be able to say they're already on some list so stop asking about them.
16:14 erle       next up: hack the forum to put ”bigger map size” on top of the list
16:15 MTDiscord  <warr1024> Just set visual_size on the map item to be larger.  Done.
16:16 erle       unfortunately, that is defeated by bilinear filtering
16:21 celeron55  warr1024: well it's also about adding notes about them in case they pop up in the future, or in case something nudges the priority way up again
16:22 celeron55  in the ideal situation you're all set for just doing it then
16:22 celeron55  if the priority changes
16:36 rubenwardy sfan5: please may you make a windows build for a release candidate?
17:18 json       Congratulations on minetest release candidate 1!  Thank you for the work done
17:33 jonadab    celeron55: Do you keep separate prioritized and untriaged lists?
17:36 rubenwardy release candidate (still needs Windows builds): https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=29937
17:40 json       Minetest Game has fallen
17:42 json       Yay!
17:49 sfan5      rubenwardy: done and added to forum post
17:50 rubenwardy thanks
18:08 celeron55  jonadab: no, it's a prioritized list where after a screenful or two it becomes essentially non-prioritized
20:41 MTDiscord  <mistere_123> @Josiah (Sie/Sie) you approved my docs PR but forgot to add the two approvals tag?
21:07 MTDiscord  <mnh48> is the font selection menu not exist in the RC1 of 5.8.0??
21:07 MTDiscord  <mnh48> I only see setting for font size
21:08 MTDiscord  <wsor4035> Josiah isnt a core dev
21:16 MTDiscord  <mistere_123> Oh.
21:17 MTDiscord  <mistere_123> Figures.
21:18 rubenwardy mnh48: it's in advanced dettings
21:27 MTDiscord  <mnh48> oh
21:27 MTDiscord  <mnh48> so I need to check the advanced setting first before the setting search look there
21:28 erle       yeah this advanced settings thing is very weird
21:28 erle       you have some tabs for the more obscure ones and then you also have the show advanced settings
21:29 erle       but surely someone is already planning to streamline all of that a bit
21:30 MTDiscord  <mnh48> the advanced setting is fine, I just thought that the search box will look in there as well by default which is apparently not the case
21:32 MTDiscord  <mnh48> searching font without checking advanced setting: https://file.mnh48.moe/public/2023/11/f97aaaWM8FTPji4mcA.png
21:32 MTDiscord  <mnh48> with checking: https://file.mnh48.moe/public/2023/11/2fc3323vaYFQFcSOPq.png
21:32 erle       i think Advanced → Advanced is not really fine
21:33 erle       this needs some thought (later ig)
21:37 [MTMatrix] <localhost> Advanced menu selector :D
21:52 Wuzzy      hey there. ive heard about the feature freeze. soo i wonder, has minetest.features been updated yet? because this table tends to be updated rather randomly imho
21:52 Wuzzy      i mean are the any important changes to the Lua API where it should be exposed to minetest.features?
22:03 MTDiscord  <warr1024> We have a standard required process to bump the protocol version, since a couple versions ago.  This is necessary because not every release involves something that somebody thought to make a feature flag for, but we often need to be able to tell releases apart of reasons such as bugs and other things that only get discovered later.
22:04 MTDiscord  <warr1024> We should probably ALSO bump features flags if there's something we realize ahead of time is likely to be relevant for that, but the protocol version thing is a fail-safe even if we miss something.
22:20 Wuzzy      oh its not about that. i thought of minetest.features to be useful for lua scripts to check if a feature is available for compability and such
22:21 Wuzzy      would be the player physics overrides be a possible candidate to minetest.features?
22:22 MTDiscord  <warr1024> If you're suggesting improving the usefulness and consistency of minetest.features then yeah, I'm in favor of that too (as long as we never try to solely rely on it again for the general case).
22:33 sfan5      minetest.features should usually be updated right in the PR that adds something notable
22:34 MTDiscord  <warr1024> Ideally, yes, unless it only becomes obvious long after the fact.