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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2023-10-10

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01:49 MTDiscord <exe_virus> Sure!
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19:57 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> would it be possible to restore the numpad +/- behaviour? It was so handy to change the rendering distance, as those keys are close to the mouse. I know some PR removed them but I don't remember the author. Maybe srifqi?
19:58 jonadab Can't you just rebind the keys in the key binding settings?
20:05 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> yes, but why was it removed in the first place?
20:05 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> It's worse UX imho, a regression
20:06 jonadab From a UX perspective, there shouldn't be any key bindings that the user can't easily change.
20:06 MTDiscord <warr1024> Seems like it would make sense if each key could be bound to a function, rather than each function bound to a key.  We have more keys than functions so allowing more than one key to share a function would be nice.
20:06 jonadab What the defaults should be, is more arguable.
20:06 jonadab I can see that, @warr1024
20:07 jonadab Although the UI for specifying the bindings might be more complicated then.
20:07 jonadab Personally I could live with that, but I can imagine someone disagreeing.
20:07 MTDiscord <warr1024> MT doesn't seem to have a good way to specify defaults that are specific to a particular keyboard layout, so at the very least, it makes sense to pick default keys that are most likely to be found on the most keyboard layouts possible.  So while I didn't like the change of 3rd person view from F7 to C, I've seen enough of those keyboards where F7 is hidden behind some kind of Fn key that it made sense to me.
20:08 jonadab I decided a long time ago that I'm not going to get too fussed about defaults, as long as I can change them.
20:12 MTDiscord <warr1024> If you used to be able to just play without messing with key binds, but then due to a change you suddenly have to bind a key or two, that could probably be really annoying.  I always have had to rebind basically everything anyway, so the marginal annoyance of another bind or two is hardly even perceptible to me.
20:14 jonadab In general, I tend to go through all the settings and evaluate which ones I want to change, in pretty much every piece of software when I start using it.  Command-line utilities are a notable exception, and also Gnu screen, which just does exactly what I want right out of the box.
20:16 jonadab I'm aware that there are people who just use defaults for everything, but I can't imagine trying to live that way myself.
20:16 MTDiscord <warr1024> Heh, it's kind of the "power user's curse", and the fact that we're overrepresented in programming is one of the reasons why the UX feedback we get is so unintuitive to us.
20:26 jonadab Kind of like how new-ish web developers get their design all finished, and hand it over to qa, and the first report they get back is related to printing, and their first instinct is to ask "What century is this?"
20:27 jonadab Because they don't understand that the first thing most users want to do, is print.
20:33 MTDiscord <warr1024> Heh, I can kinda see that, yeah, though it depends a lot on the nature of the site.  I don't know if I necessarily want a paper copy, but if it's "receipty" then I'll at least want a PDF, as what browsers give you if you try to save the page itself is usually pretty trash.
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21:07 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Not all HTML code is pretty trash.
21:17 erle it's not only the printing thing
21:17 erle it's also that what makes for good design between a web site and a poster is basically the same ground rules
21:18 erle like one of the better company websites i have seen (for CSV copyshop berlin) basically has two important bits of info on their homepage highlighted: 1. where their 4 stores are. 2. if the store is still open and how long it will still be open.
21:18 erle this is most likely the information you want to have if going to the site
21:18 erle SO MANY web sites instead have a bullshit landing page that does not give you the info you need
21:19 MTDiscord <luatic> so true
21:21 erle erik spiekerman (famous font designer) once had a good rant about why shit websites are gray-on-grey
21:22 erle he said that designers learn what the ideal gray value (german: grauwert) is for a monochrome page
21:22 erle so if you are a really shitty designer you just lower your contrast until you reach that
21:22 erle insteead of altering your design
21:22 erle i mean it's also an easy tell
21:23 erle if a website is obviously professionally designed but has bad contrast, you know: a) the designer is incompetent b) the designer is likely under 30
21:23 erle (both)
21:25 erle oh wait this is #minetest-dev
21:25 erle sorry
21:25 erle i thought it was #minetest
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