Time Nick Message 08:56 [MTMatrix] after new commits I shoud rerun cmake command or just run make ? 08:56 [MTMatrix] after new commits I should rerun cmake command or just run make ? 09:07 ROllerozxa `make` should be able to invoke `cmake` if necessary, I believe 09:23 erle localhost usually make is enough, but IIRC there were a bunch of scenarios where you have to delete all files cmakes writes and all targets run cmake and make again 09:23 erle localhost it should be rare, but if you get a mis-compile that's what you do 09:24 [MTMatrix] works fine now, thanks 16:50 [MTMatrix] Why rollback not writes to db on the fly? Possible change buffer size before write it to db? 16:55 MTDiscord Making a separate transaction for each single rollbackable action (each node placement etc.) might be a performance concern on busy servers. 17:24 MTDiscord Zughy, I'll pick up that PR. 17:24 [MTMatrix] Sure, feel free to reopen it :) 17:24 [MTMatrix] (when you pick it up) 17:25 MTDiscord Ok, I'll take a look at it on the weekend and re-open it then when I start actually working on it. 22:11 [MTMatrix] test from matrix 22:12 wsor4035 test from irc 23:15 josiahwi rubenwardy, you had some issue trying to run my Catch2 tests on CLion, yes?